
    103. Noah Beck Talks Dixie D'Amelio RELATIONSHIP, SIDEMEN Charity Match BEEF & His Future On TikTok!

    enNovember 01, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Chunkz's football skills and positive energy in charity eventChunkz, a YouTube All Stars team member, is known for his football skills and positive energy during charity events. Excitement builds for the upcoming Sidemen vs YouTube All Stars charity soccer match, with Chunkz expected to play midfield and team up with Theo Baker.

      The upcoming charity soccer match between the Sidemen and YouTube All Stars teams is highly anticipated, and Chunkz, a member of the YouTube All Stars team, was praised for his football skills and positive energy during a previous charity event. Chunkz and the Fellas reminisced about their bonding experience during that event and expressed excitement about facing each other in the upcoming match. The team formations and positions were discussed, with Chunkz expected to play midfield and link up with Theo Baker, a well-known YouTube footballer. The Fellas also mentioned their excitement for the Sidemen charity match and their jet lag after returning from their travels. Additionally, they promoted their orange and black 165th floor tees for sale on their website.

    • Excited Speaker Looks Forward to Playing in Charity Soccer Game with UK YouTube FootballersSpeaker is thrilled to participate in a charity soccer game with popular UK YouTubers, including Theo and Chris MD, and looks forward to meeting and playing against Theo, who he considers the best. He's also aware of the friendly rivalry between Theo and Chris MD and the presence of renowned referee Mike Dean.

      The speaker, who is relatively new to social media and interacting with popular creators, is excited to participate in a charity soccer game with well-known UK YouTuber footballers. He looks forward to meeting and playing with Theo, who he believes is the best UK YouTube footballer, and is aware of the friendly rivalry between Theo and Chris MD. The speaker also mentions that they have a renowned referee, Mike Dean, who has a reputation for favoring certain teams in the Premier League. The speaker expresses his excitement about meeting and playing with various footballers, having had experiences of interacting with some of them before. He also shares his background of being an Arsenal fan and his past experiences of watching Premier League games and being aware of the referees who have favored specific teams.

    • Unexpected opportunities through networkingNetworking can lead to surprising experiences and encounters, potentially opening doors to new opportunities and connections.

      Networking can lead to unexpected and surreal opportunities. The speaker shares a story about meeting someone who introduced him to PSG, a professional soccer team, and even arranged for him to have an experience with the team. The encounter began casually during a workout, but it led to a full-fledged visit to France, where the speaker got to meet players like Messi and attend a game. The conversation also touched upon the perception of different soccer leagues and the speaker's preference for the Premier League and La Liga. The experience highlights the power of networking and the potential for unexpected opportunities that can come from meeting new people.

    • London's Oktoberfest: A Dream Come TrueDespite initial apprehension, the speaker had a fantastic time at London's Oktoberfest and learned that online comments should be taken with a grain of salt.

      The speaker had an exciting first experience in London, attending the Oktoberfest in Munich-themed tent at a festival, trying local food, and riding rides despite some concerns about safety. London was a dream come true for him, but he was initially apprehensive due to online comments about potential dangers. He later learned that these comments were just banter and enjoyed engaging with locals. The speaker also travels extensively, both for work and personal enjoyment, and has transitioned his social media presence to focus more on fashion and high-end travel.

    • Considering Unexpected OpportunitiesUnexpected opportunities can lead to growth and success, but it's crucial to weigh potential outcomes before making decisions, influenced by unique circumstances and personal values.

      Opportunities can arise unexpectedly, and it's essential to consider the potential outcomes before making decisions. The speaker, a former college soccer player, discusses how he went from playing soccer in college to considering a professional career, ultimately deciding to move to Los Angeles to pursue collaborations and content creation. He reflects on how his decision was influenced by the unique paths to professional sports in the US and the UK, as well as the importance of education instilled in him by his parents. Although he acknowledges the potential success he could have had in Europe, he values the experience and growth he gained in the US. This story underscores the significance of considering various factors when faced with choices and the impact they can have on one's future.

    • Exploring unexpected opportunitiesUnexpected experiences can lead to personal growth and success, even if they deviate from initial plans. Stay adaptable and open to new opportunities.

      Unexpected opportunities can lead to personal growth and success, even if they deviate from initial plans. This was evident in the speaker's story, who initially aimed to be a one-and-done college soccer player but ended up exploring TikTok due to the pandemic. At first, he saw it as a way to pass the time and potentially gain some followers. However, the trending content at the time involved lip syncing to songs, which the speaker admits was not timeless but effective. Eventually, his TikTok presence grew, and he found himself developing a unique persona and audience. Looking back, the speaker acknowledges that there was a part of him that wishes he had stuck with soccer, but he also realizes that the TikTok experience helped him stay sharp during a time when his soccer career was on hold. Ultimately, the speaker's story demonstrates the value of being adaptable and open to new experiences, even if they don't align with initial goals.

    • The power of shared experiences in viral contentNostalgia and relatability can lead to viral content, as seen in videos featuring common experiences like school uniform and sports team popularity.

      The power of nostalgia and relatability can lead to viral content, as seen in the speaker's experience with school uniform and football videos. These videos, which featured challenges with different school shoes, became timeless classics with millions of views. The speaker's most viewed video was of him lining up various school shoes and doing challenges with them. The concept of the fastest kid in school being popular was a common experience, and the speaker shared stories of this phenomenon in the UK and the US, where it was the soccer team or the American football team quarterback, respectively. The speaker also discussed how having pace gave confidence and was a form of currency, especially in the classroom before physical fights became common. Overall, the speaker's content showcases the enduring power of shared experiences and the impact they can have on entertainment and popular culture.

    • Cultural differences in getting a driver's licenseIn the US, having a car and being popular is linked to getting a license first, while in the UK, everyone learns manual and automatic licenses are less desirable.

      The discussion touched upon various cultural differences between the US and the UK, particularly in relation to driving and the societal perception of popularity. The speaker shared anecdotes about the experience of getting a driver's license in each country and how it impacts one's social status. In the US, having a flashy car and being the popular kid, often the quarterback of the football team, is linked to getting a license first and having a desirable vehicle. In contrast, in the UK, everyone learns to drive manual, and automatic licenses are less desirable. These cultural differences create unique experiences and shape the way people view each other in their respective societies. The conversation also touched upon the stress and challenges of learning to drive, with the speaker sharing humorous stories of their own experiences. Overall, the discussion highlighted the intricacies of societal norms and how they manifest in seemingly mundane aspects of life, such as getting a driver's license.

    • Determined to pursue passions despite setbacksPersistence and a positive attitude can help overcome obstacles and achieve goals, even after multiple setbacks

      Despite past setbacks and challenges, this individual is determined to pursue their passions and seize opportunities. Whether it was passing his driving test multiple times, trying his hand at TikTok, or aiming for acting roles, he remains persistent and open to new experiences. Despite the occasional misstep or delay, he continues to push forward, striving for personal growth and new adventures. His resilience and determination serve as a reminder that setbacks are a natural part of the journey, and with perseverance and a positive attitude, one can overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

    • Finding joy in life's ups and downsDespite uncertainties and disappointments, staying true to oneself and finding positivity can bring joy and meaning to life.

      Life can be unpredictable and sometimes disappointing, but it's up to us to find joy and meaning in it. The speaker expressed a desire for a movie to end with a simple betrayal, as that's a reality many people face. However, they also pitched a darker idea where the protagonist dies in a car crash due to his refusal to upgrade his car. The conversation then shifted to potential movie roles and experiences with different cultures. The speaker shared that while they've encountered insufferable people in the US, they believe it's a matter of finding the right circle to avoid the negativity. Ultimately, they emphasized the importance of staying true to oneself and finding positivity in life's ups and downs.

    • The Importance of Maintaining Old and New ConnectionsStay open to new experiences and cherish existing relationships, as friendships and connections evolve over time.

      Friendships and connections evolve over time. The speaker in this conversation shares how his friend circle has changed as he's grown up and pursued different career paths. He values meeting new people and maintaining old friendships, whether they're from different parts of the world or from his childhood. The speaker also mentions the unexpected nature of gaining a fan base, which adds to the diverse group of people he's connected with. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of staying open to new experiences and cherishing existing relationships.

    • Managing unwanted fan attentionMaintaining a large fanbase can lead to unwanted attention, sometimes turning hostile, but staying grounded and focused is key.

      Having a large fanbase, especially as a content creator or athlete, can be both flattering and overwhelming. While it's exciting to have people show interest and support, it can also lead to unwanted attention and even stalking. The speaker shares his experience of dealing with this phenomenon, noting that it's more common among male fans and can sometimes turn hostile. He also discusses the importance of staying grounded and not letting the attention get to his head. Overall, the speaker finds the attention surreal but ultimately enjoyable, even if it comes with its challenges.

    • Determined to Prove Himself in Soccer MatchSpeaker is determined to succeed in upcoming soccer match despite past anxieties and high expectations, confident in abilities and team, and has a strategic plan to outshine opponents.

      The speaker, despite having a critical father and past performance anxieties, is determined to prove himself in an upcoming soccer match. He acknowledges the high expectations and the importance of performing well, contrasting his previous experiences with soccer and the current situation. The speaker also expresses confidence in his abilities, mentioning his past successes and the quality of his teammates. Additionally, the speaker reveals his strategic plan for the game and his motivation to outshine his opponents. Despite the pressure, the speaker remains focused and excited for the challenge ahead.

    • Friendly rivalry and banter in charity eventsFriendly competition and banter among friends and online communities can create engaging and entertaining experiences during charity events, fueled by a shared passion and desire to be the best.

      Banter and friendly competition among friends and online communities can lead to entertaining and engaging interactions, even during charity events like Soccer Aid. Theo Baker and Chris MD's rivalry, fueled by their passion for football and their desire to be the best, created a lot of buzz and excitement among their fans. Theo's hat trick idea, although not executed, was a fun and memorable concept that showcased their playful banter. Philly Chunks, another team member, also added to the excitement with his showmanship and competitive spirit. The ongoing conversation in the group chat and on social media further amplified the engagement and kept fans invested in the event. Despite the friendly rivalry, everyone involved was ultimately participating for a good cause, making the entire experience even more enjoyable and meaningful.

    • The group's camaraderie and banter add excitement to their charity soccer matchesThe group's unique dynamic and entertaining attitude towards soccer creates memorable experiences for themselves and their large crowds, despite the pressure and potential jealousy.

      The group's banter and camaraderie, as showcased through Philly's voiceovers, adds a unique and entertaining element to their soccer experience. Despite the pressure and potential jealousy, they maintain a lighthearted attitude towards the game, even during serious moments. This not only makes their charity matches more enjoyable for themselves but also for the large crowds they draw. The group's history includes playing in front of impressive stadium crowds, and they continue to aim for bigger venues. However, the memories and moments of excitement from these matches, like the infamous cursed image, live on and continue to entertain and amuse the group and their fans.

    • Anticipation for Competitive Soccer MatchDespite doubts and lack of recent practice, speakers look forward to the competitive soccer match for bragging rights and to showcase skills

      The upcoming soccer match is anticipated to be competitive in the first half but may lack goals due to fatigue in the second half. The speakers are looking forward to the game and making predictions, not just for the sake of charity, but also for bragging rights. Some speakers have doubts about their team's abilities, while others are confident. The game is expected to be fast-paced and require quick thinking, making 7-aside or cage football a preferred format for some. Despite the anticipation, some speakers admit they haven't had much practice recently, which could impact their performance. Overall, the game is seen as an opportunity to showcase skills and compete against friends.

    • Navigating the fashion industry with authenticity and intentionalityAuthenticity and intentionality are key to building a strong personal brand in the fashion industry. Balance transparency and exclusivity, showcase your authentic self, and maintain a strong team to navigate competition and jealousy.

      The fashion industry can be competitive and catty, but building a strong personal brand and having a great team can help navigate its complexities. The speaker, who is both a TikTok influencer and a model, shares how they've had to balance transparency and exclusivity in their personal and professional life. While the fashion industry is known for its mystery and elite image, the rise of social media has shifted the dynamic, making it essential for individuals to showcase their authentic selves while also maintaining an air of exclusivity. The speaker emphasizes the importance of intentionality in building a personal brand and creating a balance between transparency and exclusivity. They also discuss the challenges of dealing with jealousy and competition in the industry and how they've worked to overcome these obstacles. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of authenticity, intentionality, and a strong team in navigating the fashion industry.

    • Considering the Pros and Cons of Sharing Personal Life OnlineSharing personal life online can lead to success but may impact privacy and mental health. Balance is key, and keeping some aspects offline can help maintain a separate brand.

      While sharing one's life online can lead to a large following and financial success, it's important for individuals to consider the potential drawbacks, such as loss of privacy and the impact of negative comments. The speaker in this conversation emphasized the importance of maintaining a balance and making personal decisions based on what feels best for their mental health and career goals. They also highlighted the benefits of keeping certain aspects of their personal life offline to avoid being defined by public opinion and to maintain a separate brand. Ultimately, the decision to share or keep private is a personal one that requires careful consideration.

    • Friends calling out each other for self-improvementHonest feedback from friends can motivate personal growth. Having a close-knit group of friends who provide constructive criticism and keep each other accountable is essential for achieving goals.

      Accountability and honest feedback from friends can be a powerful motivator for personal growth. The speaker shared an experience where his friends called him out for not taking care of himself, which led him to feel motivated to make a change. This practice, known as "No comments" in their group chat, helps keep everyone accountable and provides a supportive environment for improvement. The speaker emphasized that having a group of friends who provide constructive criticism is essential and can prevent individuals from going "west" or straying from their goals. The speaker also highlighted the importance of having a close-knit circle of friends and the role of banter in keeping things fun and engaging. Overall, the discussion underscores the power of supportive and honest friendships in fostering personal growth and motivation.

    • Samara talks about encountering Curtis Jones at Old Trafford and his versatilitySamara shares her surprise at seeing Curtis Jones in the same box as her and praises his versatility. She also mentions other soccer stars who have played in the Ticky Taca League, emphasizing its global appeal.

      The world of soccer is interconnected, with players moving around from team to team and league to league. During a conversation, Samara mentioned her encounter with Curtis Jones at Old Trafford, who she had previously seen playing in the Ticky Taca League. She was surprised to find him in the same box as her, and was impressed by his versatility as a player. She also mentioned that other soccer stars like Lukaku have played in this league, which adds to its appeal. Despite their busy schedules, Samara expressed her gratitude for the opportunity to connect with her audience and promised to see them at the after-match event. She encouraged her viewers to engage with her content by hitting the follow button or giving it five stars. Overall, the conversation highlights the global nature of soccer and the excitement of seeing familiar faces in unexpected places.

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    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

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    The Fellas
    enJuly 02, 2024

    186. Theo Baker On Cursing Usain Bolt & Miniminter's Awkward Encounter...

    186. Theo Baker On Cursing Usain Bolt & Miniminter's Awkward Encounter...

    SOAPBOX RACE PART 1: https://fellasloaded.com/video/b88f1b22-88eb-4b6b-a571-78026a1d566b

    He's back again fgs. We've given you some time off but the main man Theodore is back again to discuss all his latest injuries and whatever else is going on in his life. Decent podcast tbf to the bloke.If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

    WATCH BACK SIDE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVIx71-0Gm4

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    The Fellas
    enJune 25, 2024

    185. We Scammed KSI Live & Calling Out NIKO Omilana!

    185. We Scammed KSI Live & Calling Out NIKO Omilana!

    BECOME A FELLAS LOADED MEMBER TO WIN £5,000: https://fellasloaded.com/explore/

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    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

    Join Fellas Loaded: https://fellasloaded.com/explore/

    Watch The Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@thefellaspodclips

    Listen on Spotify: https://shorturl.at/xBCPU

    Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://shorturl.at/opIU0

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    The Fellas
    enJune 18, 2024

    184. Behzinga Talks Sidemen INSIDE Success & We Decide Season 2 Cast!

    184. Behzinga Talks Sidemen INSIDE Success & We Decide Season 2 Cast!

    CHIP GOES HOME: https://fellasloaded.com/video/818b412e-9526-4dad-a145-647835ada376

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    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

    Join Fellas Loaded: https://fellasloaded.com/explore/

    Watch The Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@thefellaspodclips

    Listen on Spotify: https://shorturl.at/xBCPU

    Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://shorturl.at/opIU0

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    The Fellas
    enJune 11, 2024

    183. We Finally Got Fellas TATTOOS & Calfreezy’s Mum Reacts LIVE on FaceTime…

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    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

    Join Fellas Loaded: https://fellasloaded.com/explore/

    Watch The Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@thefellaspodclips

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    The Fellas
    enJune 04, 2024

    182. Logan Paul vs George Janko BEEF Explained, PRIME Try Sponsoring Us & Four Season Baby Is A FRAUD!

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    NEW MURDER MYSTERY VIDEO: https://fellasloaded.com/video/4f6e2cde-9795-4184-ad66-6e0f7bee1e2f

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    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

    Join Fellas Loaded: https://fellasloaded.com/explore/

    Watch The Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@thefellaspodclips

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    The Fellas
    enMay 28, 2024

    181. Joe Sugg On Why UK Vloggers QUIT YouTube, LA Trip With Joe Weller & Zoella & Alfie’s Relationship!

    181. Joe Sugg On Why UK Vloggers QUIT YouTube, LA Trip With Joe Weller & Zoella & Alfie’s Relationship!

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    Joe Sugg: https://www.instagram.com/joe_sugg/?hl=en-gb

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

    Join Fellas Loaded: https://fellasloaded.com/explore/

    Watch The Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@thefellaspodclips

    Listen on Spotify: https://shorturl.at/xBCPU

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    The Fellas
    enMay 21, 2024

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    180. Deji On His Gambling Addiction, £1M Bet With KSI & What Really Happened In Vegas…

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    DEJI: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrqsNpKuDQZreGaxBL_a5Jg

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

    Join Fellas Loaded: https://fellasloaded.com/explore/

    Watch The Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@thefellaspodclips

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    The Fellas
    enMay 14, 2024

    179. Hardest Geezer on Being Robbed In Africa & Finish Line Disaster...

    179. Hardest Geezer on Being Robbed In Africa & Finish Line Disaster...

    BETTERHELP | Go to https://betterhelp.com/fellas for 10% off your first month #ad

    Russ Cook AKA Hardest Geezer joins us in The Fellas studio for the FINAL podcast since he run the length of Africa. From being kidnapped in Congo to taking shifts in the van to have a tug… This podcast really had absolutely everything. Big thank you to Russ for stopping by, a true legend.

    Hardest Geezer: https://www.youtube.com/@UCKyGSGxBLHvOZt002P9ZK4w

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

    Join Fellas Loaded: https://fellasloaded.com/explore/

    Watch The Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@thefellaspodclips

    Listen on Spotify: https://shorturl.at/xBCPU

    Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://shorturl.at/opIU0

    Join the Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/FellasPodcast

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    178. KSI Reveals His AWFUL Forfeit & Real Baby Reindeer Stalker FOUND…

    178. KSI Reveals His AWFUL Forfeit & Real Baby Reindeer Stalker FOUND…

    BULLYBILLOWS | https://bit.ly/BBXFELLAS Use the code ‘FELLAS’ to get 10% off collars, harness and leads #ad

    HELLO FRESH | Get 60% your first box + 25% off the next 8 boxes + free dessert for life at http://www.hellofresh.co.uk/HELLOFELLAS

    Finally… Our dogs join us on set for a podcast and it’s quite possibly the most chaotic thing you’ll watch all year. Alphonso, Finn & Lola join The Fellas for a solo ep this week. Let’s just say, we know where Alphonso gets it from.

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

    Join Fellas Loaded: https://fellasloaded.com/explore/

    Watch The Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@thefellaspodclips

    Listen on Spotify: https://shorturl.at/xBCPU

    Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://shorturl.at/opIU0

    Join the Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/FellasPodcast

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    Ep 774 | Allie's Dad on Trump's Possible Arrest, Life Lessons & His New Book

    Ep 774 | Allie's Dad on Trump's Possible Arrest, Life Lessons & His New Book
    Today we have a very special guest – Allie's dad, Ron Simmons! He's here to talk about his new book, "Life Lessons from the Little Red Wagon: 15 Ways to Take Charge and Create a Path to Success," in which he shares his story and advice on how to live the richly meaningful life you were meant to live. We discuss his upbringing and how this shaped his work ethic, meeting Allie's mom, and what the "little red wagon" in his book stands for. We talk about finding financial freedom, building up a business, and prioritizing being a present father. Then, we take a look at Trump's announcement on Truth Social that he will be arrested today. What's really going on, and what will the response be? --- Timecodes: (01:00) Giveaway (01:40) Interview begins (04:20) Growing up (13:40) Meeting Allie's mom & finances (21:45) Red wagon & making hard decisions (30:35) Building a business (36:29) Fatherhood (46:16) Life lessons (48:30) Cancer diagnoses (55:49) Trump arrest prediction --- Giveaway: We’re giving away three prize packages, all featuring some of our advertisers' products, new Relatable merch, and a copy of Allie's signed book.  Each package includes: A copy of Allie’s book, signed (one will receive THE copy of Allie’s book that’s been in the background of each show!) One crewneck from our new collection One tote from our new collection One hat from our new collection Three stickers Carly Jean Los Angeles: $250 gift card A’Del Cosmetics: skincare essentials kit Good Ranchers: $100 gift card + t-shirt Naturally It’s Clean: swag + cleaning products Range Leather: hat, earrings, leather bag Cozy Earth: pillowcase set How to enter: Follow @alliesshorts and @alliebstuckey on Instagram Tag three friends on the giveaway post on @allieshorts Follow our sponsors on Instagram: @carlyjeanlosangeles @adelnaturalcosmetics @goodranchers @naturallyitsclean @rangeleather @cozyearth You have until midnight Thursday, March 23 to enter. We will select three winners at random on Friday, March 24. NOTE: Make sure your Instagram can receive messages so we can tell you that you’ve won! --- Today's Sponsors: Cozy Earth — go to CozyEarth.com/ALLIE and use promo code 'ALLIE' at checkout to save 35% off your order! Carly Jean Los Angeles — use promo code 'ALLIEB' to save 20% off your first order at CarlyJeanLosAngeles.com! PublicSq. — download the PublicSq app from the App Store or Google Play, create a free account, and begin your search for freedom-loving businesses! BlazeTV — join BlazeTV today and get $30 off an Annual Pass with our Student, Military, or First Responder Discount! Just go to Subscribe.BlazeTV.com, click the verification button, and enter your ID to get started. --- Relevant Episodes: Ep 773 | SPECIAL EPISODE: New Set, Announcement, Giveaway & Other Fun! https://apple.co/40hqmQQ Ep 454 | Allie’s Dad on Texas Dems, Voting Bills & Raising Strong Kids | Guest: Ron Simmons https://apple.co/3LBomPb Ep 631 | Allie's Dad On the Economy, Fatherhood & Raising Christian Kids | Guest: Ron Simmons https://apple.co/3LEK7gQ Ep 693 | The Disturbing Truth About Breast Cancer Awareness Month | Guest: Chris Wark (Chris Beat Cancer) https://apple.co/3yVqKsp --- Buy Allie's book, You're Not Enough (& That's Okay): Escaping the Toxic Culture of Self-Love: https://alliebethstuckey.com/book Relatable merchandise – use promo code 'ALLIE10' for a discount: https://shop.blazemedia.com/collections/allie-stuckey Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Drew Got Bullied

    Drew Got Bullied
    Drew opens up about getting bullied and Enya talks about pissing herself again. BETTER HELP: Our listeners get 10% off their first month at BetterHelp.com/intercom Follow Enya on Insta: @EnyaUmanzor Follow Drew on Insta: @DrewPhillips09 To listen to the podcast on YouTube: bit.ly/EmergencyIntercomPodYT Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast for free wherever you're listening or by using this link: bit.ly/EmergencyIntercom If you like the show, telling a friend about it would be amazing! You can text, email, Tweet, or send this link to a friend: bit.ly/EmergencyIntercom Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    349 | More "Not Deer" Encounters and Backwoods Horror Stories

    349 | More "Not Deer" Encounters and Backwoods Horror Stories
    We're back with more of our new favorite monster - The "Not Deer"! Plus, we've also got some very creepy and allegedly true backwoods horror stories. Send us your story, get some merch, or listen to all of our shows at https://eeriecast.com/ Subscribe to the Darkness Prevails Podcast and Leave us a Review on iTunes!  Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3mNZyXkaJPLwUwcjkz6Pv2 iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/darkness-prevails-podcast-true-horror-stories/id1152248491 Subscribe to Freaky Folklore and Leave us a Review on iTunes!  Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0uiX155WEJnN7QVRfo3aQY iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/podcast/idhttps-podcasts-apple-com-us-podcast-freaky-folklore/id1550361184 Submit Your Story Here: https://www.darkstories.org/ Get Darkness Prevails Podcast Merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/darknessprevails Subscribe on YouTube for More Stories! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA?sub_confirmation=1 Other Music used in the Darkness Prevails Podcast has or may have been provided/created by:  CO.AG: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcavSftXHgxLBWwLDm_bNvA Myuu: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiSKnkKCKAQVxMUWpZQobuQ Jinglepunks: https://jinglepunks.com/ Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/ Kevin MacLeod: http://incompetech.com/ Dark Music: https://soundcloud.com/darknessprevailspodcast MrBlackPasta: https://twitter.com/MrBlackPasta Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Approval and Attention Seeking: Looking Outside of You To Feel Good Enough

    Approval and Attention Seeking: Looking Outside of You To Feel Good Enough

    As children, our sense of worthiness hinges on the approval, attention, validation, and protection of others. When we do not receive the consistent, maternal warmth every child needs to develop the psychological sense that we are enough, we matter, and that we are good, and acceptable even when we make a mistake or do not always behave as our parents prefer, this mystical connection to the self is fractured. 

    In this space, our survival brain and even the root chakra, operate from a place of survival. Rather than live from our hearts, embracing ourselves as works in progress, without self loathing and internal self-abuse, we develop hypervigilance codependency traits and are soaked in insecure attachment issues. All these effects are normal, considering being raised to feel alone, invisible, abandoned, and detached from the authentic self. 

    On the road to personal development, spiritual healing, and living an authentic life, all serious truth seekers find themselves questioning the thoughts, emotions, patterns, and behaviors that inhibit their spiritual growth. If you are here, and you are learning to become more objective about how you show up in the world, that's incredible. It may also be painful. However, to grow we must all confront what we feel, why we feel what we feel, and how the past organically recreates itself in our future, all outside conscious awareness. In this episode, Lisa A. Romano will help you explore how you show up in the world and reveal signs that indicate you might be stuck, living out unhealed childhood patterns by seeking approval and attention outside of yourself. Awareness is necessary for spiritual healing, personal growth, and living a conscious, authentic life, so buckle in Dear Ones. 

    Lisa has created a private Membership for those who are ready to ascend the patterns of the past and who understand that real healing can only happen at the subconscious level. Join Lisa and her healing private community here.
