
    Part Three: A Complete History of the Illuminati

    enFebruary 28, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Building meaningful connections within your communityEngage with neighbors, create social bonds, offer assistance, and prepare for uncertain times.

      Building meaningful connections within your community can bring hope and preparedness in uncertain times. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, encourages people to engage with their neighbors and create social bonds, offering assistance in daily life and during natural disasters. Meanwhile, finding simple pleasures in everyday life, like playing free games on Chumba Casino, can brighten your day. The story of Amy Winehouse in "Back to Black" serves as a reminder to embrace individuality and be true to oneself. The historical account of the Bavarian Illuminati, though debated for its accuracy, highlights the importance of knowledge and the potential influence of secret societies.

    • The Illuminati conspiracy and its connection to Masonic ritualsThe Illuminati conspiracy theory emerged during the French Revolution and merged with fears about Masonry, with many founding fathers believing in it. This conspiracy theory, rooted in ancient Greek beliefs, has influenced American conspiracy culture and has been used by politicians to gain votes.

      The beehive symbol in Masonic rituals teaches the importance of industry, compassion, and community, drawing connections to ancient Greek beliefs and the Eleusinian Mysteries. The Illuminati conspiracy theory emerged during the French Revolution and merged with existing fears about Masonry in the United States, leading to an anti-Masonic movement. Many founding fathers, including George Washington and Abigail Adams, believed in this conspiracy. Over time, American obsession with conspiracy theories shifted, with the Illuminati theory eventually fading but conspiracy culture persisting. Politicians learned to use conspiracy theories to gain votes, leading to a syncretic blend of conspiracy beliefs. This syncretism, as noted by Umberto Eco, is a key attribute of fascism and has been evident in American conspiracy culture, from the Jesuits and communists to QAnon and Donald Trump's supporters. The Illuminati conspiracy lies at the base of American conspiracy culture.

    • The Illuminati and the Golden Dawn: Allies and Rivals in the World of OccultismThe late 1800s and early 1900s saw the formation of occult groups like the Illuminati and the Golden Dawn, with the Illuminati influencing and later overthrowing the Golden Dawn, which was later revealed to be based on a fabricated story.

      The late 1800s and early 1900s saw a resurgence of interest in the occult, leading to the formation of groups like the Illuminati and the Golden Dawn. The Illuminati, which was influenced by the OTO and Aleister Crowley, allied with the Golden Dawn despite its questionable origins. The Golden Dawn, founded by a man claiming to have received instructions from a woman named Anna Sprengel, was later revealed to be based on a fabricated story. Aleister Crowley, a charismatic and controversial figure, infiltrated and overthrew various magical communities, including the Golden Dawn. While some of these figures and groups have been associated with unsavory activities, others, like those involved in the new Illuminati, seemed to be more interested in magic and mysticism than harm. Engel, one of their leaders, even funded the group through writing dime novels under various pseudonyms. Crowley, often considered the first "punk" figure in this context, was known for his confidence and ability to infiltrate and take over magical communities.

    • Controversy Surrounding Illuminati's Sex Magic TeachingsDespite lack of evidence, Illuminati faced accusations of child molestation during post-war Germany. Society's leader Marinus van der Lubbe was targeted, but there was no truth to claims. Society eventually faded away. In US, Carrie Wendell Thornley contributed to Illuminati's fame.

      The Illuminati, a secret society with a controversial history, faced criticism and scrutiny during the post-war era in Germany for their teachings of sex magic, which led to moral panic and accusations of child molestation. However, there is no concrete evidence to support these claims against the Illuminati. The society's leader, Marinus van der Lubbe, was targeted alongside other cults that were actually harming children. The Illuminati, which had been struggling, eventually petered out. Meanwhile, in the United States, Carrie Wendell Thornley, who grew up in a Mormon family and experienced a strained relationship with his brother, would later contribute to the Illuminati's fame. Despite the controversy surrounding some aspects of the Illuminati, it's important to note that creating a sex cult for consenting adults is not inherently wrong. However, the history of the Illuminati is complex and often pieced together from scattered sources, making it a fascinating yet challenging topic to explore.

    • Jim Carrey's complex childhood and obsession with Omar Khayyam shaped by father's absence and shared interestsJim Carrey's unconventional friendship with Omar Khayyam during his childhood, influenced by his father's absence and shared love for the unusual, shaped his life and the counterculture movement.

      Jim Carrey's complex childhood, marked by his father's absence and violent behavior, significantly influenced his life. He filled the gap left by his father's absence by becoming a father figure and protector to his younger brothers. Their shared love for science fiction, fantasy, and the occult during their youth further shaped their friendship and interests. Omar Khayyam, a historical polymath, became an obsession for Kerry Thornley due to the tradition of attributing poems to him, which added to the intrigue and mystique surrounding his figure. This fascinating friendship between Carrey and Thornley, rooted in their shared love for the unusual and intellectual pursuits, played a significant role in Carrey's life and the development of the broader counterculture movement.

    • Using pseudonyms in occult texts and creative worksThroughout history, individuals have used pseudonyms or shared names when producing occult texts or creative works, reflecting the communities and traditions from which they originate.

      Throughout history, there have been groups of individuals who have used pseudonyms or shared names when writing occult texts or producing creative works. Carrie Thornley and Greg Hill are two examples of this trend, with Thornley using the names of famous occult authors and Hill being part of the Italian collective Luther Blissett. This practice continues due to the nature of the communities that produced these works. Thornley's interest in using these names might be due to their association with the occult. The Italian collective, Luther Blissett, used the name of a famous soccer player and wrote a bestselling conspiracy novel under that name. The ads supporting this podcast are also written and produced by Omar Khayyam, further showcasing the use of pseudonyms. The trend of using shared names or pseudonyms in creative works continues to this day and is a reflection of the communities and traditions from which they originate.

    • The Illuminati's next stage driven by Thornley and HillThornley and Hill, known for their recklessness and empathy, began their prankster ways at 24-hour bowling alleys, foreshadowing larger-scale disruptions in the future

      The core of the Illuminati's next stage seemed to be driven by the magnetic duo of Thornley and Hill. Their prankster spirit, which began with innocent mischief in their youth, escalated to national levels. Thornley, in particular, was known for his recklessness but also his empathy and acceptance of others. He graduated from high school in 1957 and attended the University of Southern California, where he and Hill spent much of their free time at 24-hour bowling alleys. One night, they discussed the nature of chaos and order, with Hill arguing that only chaos was real. Their youthful pranks foreshadowed the larger-scale disruptions they would cause in the future.

    • Creating a Religion of Chaos with ErisTwo unconventional thinkers, Hill and Thornley, discussed creating a religion based on Eris, the goddess of chaos, rejecting societal norms and established beliefs.

      Hill and Thornley, two unconventional thinkers in the late 1950s and early 1960s, discussed the idea of creating a religion based on the goddess of chaos, Eris, as they were dissatisfied with organized religions claiming to have an organizing principle behind the universe. Hill, an atheist, felt closest to this idea, while Thornley, more mystical, saw some merit in it. Hill's experiences with discrimination during his attempt to join a fraternity further solidified his belief in radical acceptance. Their conversations were filled with both humor and serious beliefs. Thornley, who later served in the Marine Corps, befriended Lee Harvey Oswald, a known prankster, during his service. Despite their contradictory and sometimes confusing writings, their ideas influenced French philosophy and showed a rejection of societal norms and established beliefs.

    • Military personnel with left-leaning views expressed dissent and criticisms, including Lee Oswald who was approached by the CIADuring military service, some left-leaning soldiers were approached by the CIA for foreign work, and there were reports of mind control experiments

      Military personnel, including those with left-leaning views, have expressed dissent and criticisms about wars they were fighting in. The case of Lee Oswald, who served in the Marines during the Korean War and was later linked to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, is an example of this. Contrary to conspiracy theories suggesting he was assassinated by his own unit due to his anti-war sentiments, Oswald was a decent soldier and was never drummed out of the Marines for expressing communist views. However, there are credible reports that during his military service, Oswald and possibly others were approached by the CIA and offered to work in foreign countries, a practice that was not uncommon. Later in his life, Oswald claimed to have been targeted by the CIA's MK Ultra program while stationed in Japan, and there are anecdotal reports of other servicemen being dosed with drugs against their will during this period. These allegations are not intended to suggest a conspiracy regarding the Kennedy assassination, but rather to highlight the fact that hundreds of US servicemen were subjected to such experiments.

    • Two former marines' intertwined lives and LSD theoriesThe lives of Lee Harvey Oswald and Carrie Thornley, despite their different ideological paths, were influenced by their military service and the books they read, with theories suggesting they may have been exposed to LSD by the CIA.

      The lives of Lee Harvey Oswald and Carrie Thornley, two former marines, were intertwined in unexpected ways. While they were stationed together, there are theories suggesting they may have been unknowingly dosed with LSD by the CIA. After their military service, Oswald defected to the Soviet Union, while Thornley became a Marxist Leninist and created a fake soldier in the military records. Later, Thornley was influenced by Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" and converted to laissez faire capitalism. Throughout their lives, both men were deeply influenced by the books they read and the ideologies they encountered. Despite their different paths, their friendship endured, and they even attempted to create a humor magazine together. The possibility of their exposure to LSD during their military service adds an intriguing layer to their stories, leaving us to wonder what other secrets may have been hidden in their pasts.

    • The Power of New BeginningsEmbracing new ideas and experiences, even during challenges, can lead to unexpected discoveries and opportunities. Decluttering and making small changes can also have a big impact.

      The spirit of creating and exploring new ideas, even if they don't always work out, can lead to unexpected discoveries and new opportunities. This is exemplified by the story of two men credited with inventing zine culture, who faced legal issues in their previous location and moved to New Orleans in search of freedom. Meanwhile, in a different context, the mobile game Monopoly Go offers a fun and constantly evolving experience, providing new challenges and rewards every time you play. Additionally, the importance of building connections within your community was highlighted in the mention of Neighbor to Neighbor. Lastly, the simple joy and clarity that comes from decluttering and making small changes, like switching to a more affordable wireless plan, can have a significant impact on our lives.

    • Kerry Thornley's association with questionable characters linked to JFK assassination theoriesDespite his open-mindedness, Kerry Thornley's association with extremist characters and his own controversial views led him to make decisions that fueled JFK assassination conspiracy theories

      Kerry Thornley, a friend of Lee Harvey Oswald, was an open-minded individual who associated with questionable characters, some of whom were later linked to the JFK assassination conspiracy theories. One such character was Slim Brooks, who may have had ties to intelligence agencies and introduced Kerry to Gary Kirschstein, a man who claimed to have intelligence connections and expressed Neo-Nazi views. Kerry's willingness to overlook Gary's extremist views and his own dislike for JFK's policies and actions in the Congo and Cuba led him to make poor decisions, including joking about assassinating the President and publicly calling for his arrest. Kerry's complex and contradictory stance on various political issues further complicates the understanding of his involvement in the JFK assassination narrative.

    • Kerry Thomas's Involvement with Radical GroupsHistorically, diverse radical groups have converged, including anarchists, Marxists, and Nazis, but engaging with them on a moral level is not justification.

      During a time in his life, Kerry Thomas, a man with questionable judgment, became involved with a group of individuals who entertained discussions about assassinating prominent political figures, including President John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. Among these individuals were Slim and Gary the Nazi. Gary even paid Kerry to help research a book with the outrageous premise that Hitler was a good guy because other Nazis were worse. Despite the insanity of this project, Kerry's financial struggles led him to accept the offer. This period in history saw a convergence of various radical groups, including anarchists, Marxists, and even Nazis, who found common ground in their fringe beliefs. This pattern of diverse radicals coming together has repeated throughout history, from the fascist takeover of Fiume to the punk scene. While it's essential to be diligent and proactive about excluding hateful ideologies from radical spaces, it's crucial to remember that this pattern is not justification for engaging with such groups on a moral level.

    • Kerry Thornley's Suspicious Association with Lee Harvey OswaldDuring the 1960s, Kerry Thornley, a counterculture figure, opposed President JFK due to economic beliefs. After JFK's assassination, his resemblance to Lee Harvey Oswald led to suspicion. Believing he was being followed by the FBI, Kerry considered creating a doppelganger to clear his name, but was dismissed as a kook.

      Kerry Thornley, a counterculture figure in New Orleans during the 1960s, was a vocal opponent of President John F. Kennedy due to his economic beliefs. After Kennedy's assassination, Kerry's association with Lee Harvey Oswald, who resembled him, led to suspicion from authorities. Despite Kerry's belief in Oswald's innocence, he became a person of interest in the investigation. Believing he was being followed by the FBI, Kerry even considered creating a doppelganger or tulpa of Oswald to clear his name. However, it's important to note that this period was vastly different from today, with rumors of FBI infiltration of radical communities but limited evidence. Despite his questionable actions, Kerry approached the FBI for a lie detector test, which they dismissed as the actions of a kook. This strange series of events marked the beginning of Kerry's involvement in the Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories.

    • Kerry Thornley, a suspect in the Kennedy assassinationThornley, who had an alibi and was questioned by the FBI, became a prime suspect in the Kennedy assassination, leading to conspiracy theories and cultural impact.

      The Kennedy assassination led to widespread conspiracy theories, and Kerry Thornley, who had an alibi and was questioned by the FBI about Lee Harvey Oswald's sexuality, became a prime suspect. The conversation also touched upon Thornley's involvement in the counterculture scene in the 1990s and his writings about Rhode Island. Despite the negative consequences for Kerry and others, the Kennedy assassination's impact on conspiracy theories and American culture continues to this day. If you're interested in learning more about this topic, check out Kerry Thornley's book "Escape from Insel Island" or listen to the live play based on it on the podcast "Strangers in the Tangled Wilderness." Additionally, consider supporting the Atlanta Solidarity Fund to contribute to important work in Atlanta, where this story concludes.

    • Building stronger community connections and prioritizing mental healthConnecting with neighbors, seeking online therapy, and finding excitement can improve personal growth and resilience

      Building strong connections within your community can bring about meaningful social bonds and help prepare you for various challenges, including natural disasters. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer's network, encourages individuals to engage with their neighbors and foster a more connected community. Mental health is another essential aspect of our well-being, and BetterHelp offers online therapy as a flexible and affordable solution for those seeking support. Lastly, everyone expresses excitement differently, and Chumba Casino offers a platform for entertainment and the chance to win cash prizes. Whether you're a fist pumper, a woo hooer, or a high-five enthusiast, there's a place for you at Chumba Casino. Remember, building a more connected community and prioritizing mental health can lead to significant personal growth and resilience.

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    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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