
    It Could Happen Here Weekly 135

    enJune 15, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Historical events podcastsPodcasts provide insight into historical events, shedding light on forgotten stories and their impact on society, such as the 1968 urban uprisings following MLK Jr.'s assassination and their connection to decolonization struggle

      Podcasts offer a wide range of topics and perspectives, from mental health and self-improvement to crime investigations and historical events. For instance, The Bright Side from Hello Sunshine brings positivity and inspiration, while Betrayal delves into shocking stories of deception. Sniffy's Cruising Confessions explores queer sexuality and relationships, and Bridgerton The Official Podcast deepens the fan experience of the popular Netflix series. Additionally, there are podcasts that shed light on forgotten historical events, such as the Holy Week uprising following Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination, which saw over 750 urban revolts and affected nearly every city with a black population over 50,000. These uprisings resulted in significant loss of life, injuries, arrests, and property damage. This period can be seen as a continuation of the decolonization struggle, with the aesthetic and inspiration of previous battles influencing these urban uprisings.

    • 1968 riotsThe 1968 riots, driven by housing discrimination, high rent, and lack of opportunities for homeownership, were a turning point in the struggle for civil rights and racial equality, despite being often overlooked.

      The 1968 riots, specifically the Holy Week riots, are often overlooked but crucial to understanding the political climate and events that followed in the late 1960s. These riots, which occurred in cities like Cambridge and Omaha, were driven by the frustration and anger of the black working class over housing discrimination, high rent, and lack of opportunities for homeownership. The civil rights movement had not addressed these issues, and labor discrimination further compounded the problem. The riots were also fueled by price gouging and the lack of basic necessities in black communities. These events set the stage for future uprisings and were a turning point in the struggle for civil rights and racial equality.

    • Civil Rights RiotsViolent clashes between protesters and law enforcement during the civil rights movement led to riots, which were sometimes instigated by white mobs. These riots were an extension of the civil rights movement and were not disconnected from it.

      During the civil rights movement in the 1960s, protests for job programs and civil rights often led to violent clashes between protesters and law enforcement. These protests, which were sometimes instigated by white mobs, resulted in riots. In Omaha, for instance, peaceful protests for jobs turned violent when police attacked demonstrators, leading to retaliation from African American youth. The state's monopoly on violence was not as strong as it is today, making it easier for protesters to acquire and use weapons. Notable figures like Rob Williams, the leader of the NRA chapter in Monroe, advocated for armed self-defense. These riots were not disconnected from the civil rights movement but were, in many ways, an extension of it. The assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. on April 4, 1968, sparked massive waves of riots across the US. Despite the violence, the government paid minimal compensation to King's family in a lawsuit regarding his assassination.

    • George Floyd Uprising, MLK's DeathThe assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. served as the final straw for widespread civil unrest and riots in 2020, not just about his death but also racial inequality and the Vietnam War. The response from law enforcement was brutal, leading to widespread destruction and urban conflict.

      The George Floyd uprising in 2020 was a turning point of frustration and anger for many people, particularly in the Black community. The assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. served as the final straw, leading to widespread civil unrest and riots. Despite decades of peaceful protests and civil disobedience, people felt their voices were not being heard. The riots were not just about the death of MLK but also about racial inequality and the Vietnam War. The riots were marked by widespread destruction, gunfights, and urban conflict. The response from law enforcement was brutal, with military occupations and shoot-to-kill orders. People were living in misery, and the riots were not just limited to large cities but also smaller ones. The riots were a reflection of the deep-seated anger and frustration that had been building for decades.

    • 1968 civil unrest and Fair Housing ActThe 1968 civil unrest in the US led to the passage of the Civil Rights Act, which included the Fair Housing Act to address housing discrimination. The National Guard's decision not to use weapons prevented a potential bloodbath and paved the way for the legislation.

      During the 1968 civil unrest in the United States, the National Guard made a strategic decision not to use their rifles as weapons, which prevented a potential bloodbath and paved the way for the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1968. This legislation, which included the Fair Housing Act, addressed housing discrimination and was a direct response to protesters' demands. However, it also contained a controversial riot act, which was a response to the conspiracy theory that outside agitators were causing the riots. This act banned travel and interstate commerce with the intent to incite riots, and it has been used in questionable ways since then. Despite the end of the major uprisings in 1968, smaller race wars continued to erupt in places like York, Pennsylvania, in 1969. These events showed that the conditions that caused the urban uprisings had not changed, and they challenged the accepted narratives about their causes.

    • Armed Response to Civil UnrestDuring civil unrest, some regular people armed themselves to protect against perceived government tyranny, believing a revolution was imminent

      During the civil unrest in York, Pennsylvania in 1969, it wasn't just black power leaders and radical students who were responding to the violence and injustice. Regular people, some of whom were veterans, also took up arms to protect themselves against the government. This sense of needing guns to protect against tyranny was widespread, and the riots and uprisings in cities across America gave many the belief that a revolution was imminent. These people were not naive or foolish for thinking so, as they were witnessing widespread armed rebellion. The next episode will delve deeper into the student occupations, but it's important to remember that the actions of these "regular people" were a significant part of the story.

    • Neglect at Terrapal Asylum CenterDespite being a registration center, Terrapal Asylum Center in the Netherlands housed asylum seekers in inhumane conditions, with a lack of shelter, food, water, and medical care, resulting in dire consequences including increased infant mortality

      The Terrapal Asylum Center in the Netherlands, despite being a registration center for asylum seekers, has been a site of neglect and inhumane conditions. The center, which used to be an army base, can hold 2,000 people but was left with a lack of shelter, leading to an informal camp where people slept outside for weeks or months. The situation was characterized by a lack of basic necessities such as proper shelter, food, water, and medical care. People were left in the sun during the summer, and those with serious medical conditions were left unattended. The authorities' response was chaotic and disrespectful, with people being left without information or proper registration. The situation was so dire that babies born in the center were seven times more likely to die. The situation was unnecessarily cruel and chaotic, and it is worryingly similar to what we see in open-air detention sites today. The lack of proper care and respect for the basic human rights of asylum seekers is a major concern.

    • Refugee crisis responseGrassroots organizing and community action can effectively address the needs of refugees when government response is insufficient, highlighting the importance of language access, support, advocacy, and media attention.

      During the refugee crisis about a year ago, the living conditions for refugees on the field were horrendous, with no coherent medical care and chaotic movement between emergency camps. Food and basic necessities were lacking, and communication barriers made it difficult to provide proper assistance. However, when a group of activists, including the speaker, arrived on the scene, they discovered that there were already people trying to help and were able to mobilize resources and volunteers to provide food, shelter, and essentials to those in need. The situation highlighted the importance of grassroots organizing and the power of community action in addressing the needs of refugees when government response is insufficient. Additionally, the experience underscores the need for better language access and support for refugees, as well as the importance of advocacy and media attention to bring attention to their plight.

    • Small initiatives, big impactStarting small and planning effectively can lead to significant impact when trying to help those in need. Proper planning and communication are crucial to ensure fair distribution and build trust.

      When trying to help those in need, starting small and planning effectively can lead to significant impact. The speaker's experience at Fair Apple demonstrated this, as a small initiative to provide food and shelter grew into a larger movement with thousands of volunteers. However, it's essential to remember that proper planning and communication are crucial to ensure fair distribution and build trust with those being helped. The speaker also emphasized the importance of creating a positive atmosphere during distributions, making it as fun and relaxed as possible. Overall, the experience taught the speaker that with dedication, empathy, and effective planning, people can make a difference and create a sense of empowerment for those in need.

    • Effective communication and respectClear communication and treating people with dignity and respect can lead to a more peaceful and orderly distribution of resources, improving the living conditions and morale of those in difficult situations.

      Effective communication and treating people with dignity and respect can help reduce tensions and create a more peaceful environment, even in challenging situations. This was discussed in relation to the distribution of resources at migrant camps, where clear communication and allowing certain groups, such as women, children, and elderly people, to go first, led to a more orderly and less confrontational process. Additionally, small acts of kindness and solidarity among individuals can make a significant difference in improving the living conditions and morale of those in difficult situations. It's important to remember that people in these camps are not just numbers or statistics, but rather human beings deserving of compassion and support. If you'd like to help, consider reaching out to local activist groups, volunteering, or making donations to organizations working to support migrants and refugees.

    • Small contributions, Big impactEveryone's unique skills and small contributions can make a significant impact during times of need or crisis, ultimately leading to collective power and resistance.

      Everyone has unique skills and abilities to contribute, no matter how small they may seem. During times of need or crisis, these small contributions can make a significant impact on those around us. Whether it's providing medical aid, collecting toys or books, or even sharing a joke, everyone has the power to make a difference. Additionally, it's important to remember that there are always larger issues at play, and focusing on the tiny things we can do can ultimately lead to collective power and resistance. As the speakers emphasized, even seemingly insignificant actions can have a profound impact on others. So, let's all strive to do our part, no matter how small it may seem. For more information on how to get involved and make a difference, visit the MIGRATE website at M-I-G-R-E-A-T dot org.

    • Call of Duty update misconceptionsMisunderstandings and false claims led to accusations of promoting transgender mass shootings in a Call of Duty game update, but it was a bug affecting one specific weapon blueprint, not a new feature.

      Recent discussions surrounding a Call of Duty game update have been misconstrued due to misunderstandings and false claims. The update included weapon skins themed after various pride flags, including the trans flag. Some individuals claimed that the game now allows players to use "transgender bullets," leading to accusations of promoting mass shootings by trans people. However, it was discovered that this was likely a bug affecting one specific weapon blueprint, and the so-called "trans bullets" were simply the pink colors of the trans flag. Despite this clarification, some far-right influencers continue to spread misinformation, using it as part of a larger rhetorical strategy to create a false perception of an increasing trend of transgender mass shooters. This tactic is not new, but it has gained traction in recent years, with some politicians and media figures amplifying these false claims. It's essential to critically evaluate information and fact-check before sharing or believing potentially harmful misinformation.

    • Mass shootings and transgender misinformationFalse claims about mass shooters being transgender can lead to harmful consequences, including harassment and stigmatization of the transgender community. It's important to wait for accurate and verified information before drawing conclusions or spreading misinformation.

      There have been numerous instances where false claims have been made about mass shooters being transgender, leading to harassment and misinformation. The Nashville Covenant school shooting is one such example, where the shooter was identified as transgender by some, but no clear evidence has been presented to support this claim. Furthermore, the reliability of information from the police about mass shootings can be uncertain, as they often release initial statements and then provide little further information. Additionally, the definition of a mass shooting is sometimes debated and stretched, leading to confusion. The meme discussed in the text is an example of this, as it includes several individuals who are not transgender but have been falsely labeled as such. This misinformation can have harmful consequences, including harassment and stigmatization of the transgender community. It's important to wait for accurate and verified information before drawing conclusions or spreading misinformation.

    • Transgender mass shootingsDespite the narrative, data shows that trans people commit mass shootings at a lower rate than their population representation and are disproportionately affected as victims

      The claims of a trend of mass shootings being committed by transgender individuals are not supported by the available data. According to various databases and experts, the number of mass shootings committed by trans people is significantly lower than their representation in the population. It's important to note that trans people are also disproportionately affected by gun violence, making up a larger percentage of victims compared to their cisgender counterparts. These statistics challenge the narrative that transgender individuals are more prone to committing violent acts. Instead, they highlight the need for greater protection and support for this vulnerable community.

    • Trans violence and underreportingTrans people face significant violence and underreporting, with conspiracy theories justifying this violence and encouraging further harm, leading to a climate where trans people are more likely to be victims of gun violence and mass shootings

      Trans people face significant violence and underreporting, with at least 33 trans people murdered in the US last year, according to underreported data. This violence is often justified through conspiracy theories, which falsely link trans people to mass shootings and encourage further violence against them. These theories are intentionally crafted to create a reality where trans people are seen as a threat, leading some to commit acts of violence against them under the guise of self-defense. The goal is to create a climate where trans people are more likely to be victims of gun violence and mass shootings, while trans people themselves are less likely to be perpetrators. It's important to be aware of this rhetoric and the dangerous consequences it can have.

    • Causes and podcastsPodcasts can spread joy and awareness for various causes, while delivering important stories and information to large audiences, emphasizing the need for empathy and understanding towards all communities.

      The world is facing various issues that require attention and action. From the importance of spreading joy through podcasts like The Bright Side, to addressing the loss of life and human rights violations in Palestine, there are numerous causes that need our support and awareness. Another takeaway is the power of podcasts in delivering important stories and information to large audiences, as seen with the Daily Dad Jokes Podcast, Becoming an Icon, and The Betrayal Podcast. Lastly, the discussion highlighted the need for empathy and understanding towards all communities, especially those facing discrimination and violence. It's crucial to come together as a community to tackle issues like the attacks against Asian Americans and the ongoing genocide in Palestine.

    • Israeli detention site conditionsEvidence of deplorable conditions and alleged abuse towards over 1200 Palestinian detainees, including beatings, denied access to lawyers and judges, and sexual violence, at an Israeli detention site. The UNRWA corroborated many of these testimonies. Israel has not agreed to prisoner releases for Palestinian hostages despite Hamas's offers.

      The investigation uncovered evidence of deplorable conditions and alleged abuse towards over 1200 Palestinian detainees at an Israeli detention site. Detainees reported being beaten, denied access to lawyers and judges, and subjected to sexual violence, including electric shocks and forced rectal examinations. The UNRWA corroborated many of these testimonies. Despite Hamas's repeated offers to release all Israeli hostages in exchange for Palestinian prisoners, Israel has not agreed to such deals, leading to the deaths of several hostages. The most successful hostage releases have come through ceasefires and prisoner exchanges. The situation in Gaza, marked by widespread destruction and loss of life, makes it impossible to accurately determine the number of fatalities. The US peace plan proposed by the current administration is similar to previous plans, but its implementation remains uncertain.

    • Israel-Hamas conflictThe US proposed a three-stage plan for peace, but Hamas's demands for a permanent ceasefire, withdrawal, and prisoner exchange have not been met, causing uncertainty in the outcome.

      The US has proposed a three-stage plan to end the conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza. The first stage includes a six-week ceasefire, hostage exchange, and humanitarian aid. The second stage involves negotiations for a permanent peace deal. In the third stage, reconstruction of damaged buildings would occur. However, Hamas has previously agreed to a similar deal, which Israel rejected. Hamas has stated that any agreement must include a permanent ceasefire, complete withdrawal from Gaza, reconstruction, ending the siege, and a serious prisoner exchange. The US and Israel are pushing for Hamas to accept the truce deal, but Hamas has not yet agreed due to the lack of clarity regarding the Israeli position. Some Israeli politicians and the international community support the plan, but opposition has come from within the Israeli cabinet. The outcome may depend on "parliamentary arithmetic," with the far-right holding more influence. The families of Israeli hostages and some parts of Israel's political class are putting pressure on the government to accept the deal, but pressures to reject it are also strong. Netanyahu's actions suggest that he may prioritize his own survival over the return of the hostages.

    • Podcast labelsLabels like 'Pro-Hamas' can be misleading and don't provide substantial evidence, it's important to understand complex history and context behind groups and conflicts.

      The podcast world offers a diverse range of content, from daily doses of humor like the Daily Dad Jokes Podcast to in-depth discussions about cultural icons like Becoming an Icon. Meanwhile, real-life issues, such as the safety of the Asian community, are being addressed through initiatives like Maddie Park's cab ride donations. The Bright Side podcast brings conversations with inspiring figures, while shows like Betrayal explore shocking true stories. However, it's important to note that labels like "Pro-Hamas" are often used to scare people into supporting certain viewpoints without providing substantial evidence. Instead, understanding the complex history and context behind groups and conflicts is crucial for making informed decisions.

    • Israel and HamasIsrael supported Hamas rise as counterbalance but later tried to destroy it, leading to decades of conflict and resistance. Palestinians have right to resist under international law, but Israel continues military occupation in West Bank and Gaza.

      Israel's involvement in the creation and subsequent conflict with Hamas in Gaza is complex and multifaceted. Israel supported the rise of Hamas as a counterbalance to other Palestinian groups, but later tried to destroy it, leading to decades of violence and resistance. Hamas's leaders emerged from the harsh realities of Israeli occupation, and the group's offers for peace have been repeatedly dismissed. Palestinians, facing a brutal and long-lasting occupation, have the right to resist under international law, including through armed means. The UN has recognized the right to self-determination and resistance against foreign occupation. Despite this, Israel has continued its military occupation in the West Bank and Gaza, leading to ongoing conflict and resistance from groups like Hamas.

    • Israeli-Palestinian conflict peace dealsDespite numerous peace deals proposed, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict remains unresolved due to mistrust between Hamas and Israel, and the failure of previous agreements like the Oslo Accords to create a Palestinian state.

      The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is complex and long-standing, with various peace deals proposed and rejected over the years. Hamas, as the main armed resistance group in Gaza, has a right to resist under international law and has proposed numerous long-term truces to Israel in exchange for a sovereign, independent Palestinian state. However, Israel has rejected these offers, arguing that Hamas cannot be trusted to adhere to a long-term ceasefire. Hamas's charter, which has been amended to remove antisemitic language, states that its fight is against the Israeli occupation, not the Jewish people. The failure of the Oslo Accords, signed in 1993 and 1995, to create a Palestinian state has led to frustration and despair among Palestinians, who continue to face daily killings, assaults, and displacement in the occupied West Bank and Gaza. Despite numerous peace proposals, a permanent ceasefire and the end of the occupation remain elusive.

    • US deceit during ceasefire negotiationsThe US hid in humanitarian aid trucks during ceasefire talks while aiding Israel in massacring Palestinians, emphasizing the need for more than just a ceasefire for peace and justice.

      The US's actions during the proposed ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas were deceitful and resulted in the murder of hundreds of Palestinians. The US hid in humanitarian aid trucks while seemingly negotiating a ceasefire, but in reality, they were helping Israel plan and carry out massacres. This highlights the need for more than just a ceasefire to bring peace and justice to Palestine. The demand is for an end to Israeli apartheid and the full dignity, freedom, and security of all people living under military occupation. The US's involvement in Israeli actions since 1948, including genocide and ethnic cleansing, must be addressed and rectified.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024