
    Podcast Summary

    • Joey Diaz's strict rules and Hollywood remakesJoey Diaz, a comedian and podcast host, has strict rules against remaking certain movies and being hired after 2 pm. His advice to not watch a new version of 'The Mechanic' was ignored, leading to disappointment.

      Joey Diaz, a well-known comedian and podcast host, has strong opinions when it comes to Hollywood remakes and following rules in life. He famously advised against watching the new version of "The Mechanic," which Sam Tripoli disregarded despite Diaz's warnings. The movie did not meet Tripoli's expectations, and he even fell asleep during both attempts to watch it. Diaz is known for his strict rules, including not remaking certain movies and being hired by two in the afternoon. His charisma and humor make him an enjoyable person to be around, and he has a strong presence in the comedy world. During a flight back from Toronto, where they attended the biggest UFC event in North American history, Tripoli and Diaz discussed Diaz's rules and the incredible size and amenities of the Rogers Center, where the event took place. The Rogers Center, with its 55,000 seats and a hotel attached, is an impressive venue that hosted the UFC event, with tickets selling out in record time. The event drew a large crowd, and some fans even managed to watch the fights from their hotel rooms.

    • A unique comedy gig experience at a Canadian head shopCanadians' niceness shone through during a challenging comedy gig, with an audience deeply engrossed in their high and a helpful Air Canada employee going the extra mile.

      During a comedy gig at a head shop in Canada called Clan Destiny, the performers were surrounded by a thick smoke of marijuana, making the experience surreal and extremely challenging. The audience was so engrossed in their high that they barely left the venue, creating a unique and intense atmosphere. Despite the initial discomfort, the comedians were impressed by the audience's friendliness and the lengths some Canadians went to help them, showcasing the country's renowned niceness. A standout moment was when an Air Canada employee, Matt, went above and beyond to retrieve a performer's lost bag, proving that Canadians truly are "so nice as fuck."

    • Canada's Unique Sense of Unity and InclusivityCanada's history and cultural identity are shaped by a unique sense of unity and inclusivity, leading to a more peaceful and cooperative society.

      Canada's history and cultural identity differ significantly from that of the United States. While the U.S. was built on the desire to escape the control of England and the pursuit of individual success, Canada's people, who arrived later and under more challenging conditions, seem to have developed a unique sense of unity and inclusivity. Despite their competitive spirit, Canadians appear less driven by the need to dominate and control, as seen in their relationship with England and their behavior at events like the UFC. This sense of oneness, regardless of ethnic background, might be a reason for Canada's more peaceful and cooperative society.

    • Canadian cannabis club defies legal limboCanada's more relaxed stance on marijuana is evident through the operation of a private cannabis club, despite legal ambiguity, and unique tipping practices.

      Despite the ongoing legal limbo of marijuana laws in Ontario, Canada, a private cannabis club operates openly, reflecting the country's more tolerant attitude towards the substance compared to the United States. The speakers shared stories of encounters with law enforcement and the normalization of marijuana use, even during significant cultural events like the royal wedding. The conversation also touched upon the topic of tipping and Canadians' unique approach to it. While marijuana is not universally legal in Canada, the speakers' experiences highlighted the country's more relaxed stance on the issue.

    • Awe-inspiring show at Massey HallRespect others' boundaries and not impose experiences; Awe-inspiring moments can leave lasting impressions

      The speaker had an amazing experience at Clan Destiny, but the highlight of the trip was a massive show at Massey Hall in Canada. Despite feeling out of place and nervous, the show was a huge success, and the crowd gave him a standing ovation. However, the last person in line, who claimed to have communicated with God through mushrooms, approached him with a manifesto. Despite the man's claims to have been Carl Jung in a past life, the speaker was dismissive and wanted to move on. The encounter was bizarre and highlighted the importance of respecting others' boundaries and not imposing one's experiences on others. The speaker also mentioned feeling a sense of awe and wonder at the historic venue and the incredible turnout for the show.

    • The Discrediting of Influential Figures and IdeasPeople's past experiences don't necessarily grant them unique insights, and it's important to approach idols with caution and respect, while acknowledging that some theories may be discredited over time.

      The discrediting of influential figures like Freud and Carl Jung, who have explored various philosophical and psychological concepts, doesn't negate their ideas entirely. People's past experiences, including drug use, can shape their perspectives, but it doesn't necessarily grant them unique insights that others haven't discovered. Additionally, there's a value in approaching idols or celebrities with caution and respect, rather than overwhelming them with personal experiences or theories. In the realm of movies, the use of CGI can create impressive fantasy creatures, but struggles to replicate the authenticity of real animals or objects. And finally, there are ongoing debates about the validity of certain theories, such as the one suggesting that Native Americans couldn't initially recognize European ships due to their lack of prior exposure. However, this theory has been largely discredited.

    • The power of curiosity and open-mindednessRecognizing and understanding new things comes from curiosity and a willingness to explore the unknown. Be open-minded and respectful when encountering new experiences or communities.

      The idea that people couldn't see things they had never seen before, like boats or midgets, is a ridiculous theory. Our ability to recognize and understand new things comes from our curiosity and willingness to explore the unknown. The speaker shared personal experiences of encountering new things for the first time and feeling intrigued rather than confused. The discussion also touched on the sensitivity and representation of marginalized communities, including midgets in Hollywood and the importance of respecting people's boundaries in sharing intimate experiences. Ultimately, the conversation emphasized the importance of open-mindedness, curiosity, and empathy in navigating the world around us.

    • Revenge and self-expression in HollywoodHollywood offers a platform for individuals to seek revenge and express themselves, but can also lead to exploitation and public humiliation.

      Hollywood is full of people seeking revenge against their past, and the entertainment industry can be a platform for them to do so. For instance, there have been instances where sex tapes were released against individuals' will, like the one involving Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton. These tapes often feature individuals who felt marginalized in high school and are now trying to make a name for themselves in the industry. In some cases, these individuals were not the ones who initiated the release of the tapes. For example, Mini-Me fought against the release of his sex tape with a Playboy model. Despite the controversy, some individuals, like Jimmy Norton, embrace their kinks and perversions, using their experiences to entertain audiences. Overall, the entertainment industry can be a double-edged sword, providing opportunities for revenge and self-expression, but also leading to exploitation and public humiliation.

    • Unexpected encounters at live performancesLive performances can bring unexpected experiences and the importance of consent is crucial in BDSM encounters.

      The speaker shared an experience of attending a live show featuring a fetish S&M performer. The performer surprised Brian Jarvis, a friend, by whipping him on stage without warning, using a whip with multiple frilly ends. The audience was entertained, and Brian didn't hold a grudge. The performer and the speaker, Norton, engaged in a conversation using the language of the BDSM community. Norton was able to obtain the performer's contact information, but never pursued a session. The speaker also shared a separate story about a body double for Miley Cyrus, whom he had a sexual encounter with after she peed on him during a bet. The experiences showcased the unexpected nature of live performances and the importance of consent in BDSM encounters.

    • Hollywood's Transient Nature: Stories of Heather Graham and Bruce BufferStaying human and prioritizing personal life are crucial in Hollywood's transient industry, where new talent constantly emerges and fame can be fleeting. Bruce Buffer's enthusiasm as a UFC ring announcer showcases the importance of passion and authenticity.

      Hollywood is a transient industry where new talent constantly emerges, making it challenging for even successful individuals to maintain their place in the spotlight. During a conversation, the speaker shared anecdotes about Heather Graham and Bruce Buffer, highlighting their unique talents and the fleeting nature of fame. The speaker was particularly impressed by Bruce Buffer's enthusiasm as a UFC ring announcer, which added to the excitement of the event. The conversation also touched on the pressure and challenges women face in the industry, with examples given of promising actors and actresses who disappeared from the scene. Ultimately, the speaker emphasized the importance of staying human amidst the career demands and the potential consequences of prioritizing career over personal life.

    • The Dangers of Fame and the Importance of HumilityFame is not the only measure of success or worth. Hard work, dedication, and humility are valuable traits. Focus on personal growth and development rather than comparing oneself to others. Luck and external factors play a role in success, so stay grounded and maintain perspective.

      The desire for fame and attention can be intoxicating and can sometimes lead individuals to believe they are more important or superior than they actually are. This can be amplified by external factors such as media exposure and the admiration of others. However, it's important to remember that fame is not the only measure of success or worth, and that hard work, dedication, and humility are valuable traits. Additionally, the jealousy and insecurity of others can sometimes lead to negative perceptions of those who are successful. It's essential to focus on one's own growth and development rather than comparing oneself to others. The speaker emphasizes the importance of staying grounded and recognizing that luck and external factors play a role in success. Ultimately, it's crucial to maintain perspective and not let the attention and admiration of others inflate one's ego.

    • Supporting each other in the entertainment industryInstead of focusing on jealousy and negativity, it's important to be supportive when someone in the entertainment industry succeeds. Everyone's journey is unique and success is not a zero-sum game. Stay true to oneself and lift each other up in a collaborative and supportive community.

      The entertainment industry can be a tough and competitive landscape, but instead of focusing on jealousy and negativity, it's important to be supportive of others when they succeed. When someone in your group makes it, it can bring hope and inspire new opportunities for others. It's crucial to remember that everyone's journey is unique and that success is not a zero-sum game. Additionally, people may mistake enthusiasm and positivity for cockiness or arrogance, but it's essential to stay true to oneself and not let others' perceptions hold us back. Ultimately, it's important to remember that the entertainment industry can be a collaborative and supportive community, and we can all benefit from lifting each other up.

    • Joke Theft in Comedy: A Contentious IssueJoke theft can lead to financial losses and a sense of violation for comedians. Some defend the thieves, but it's important to recognize and address the negative impact on the community.

      Joke theft is a contentious issue in the comedy community, with some comedians using underhanded tactics to steal material from others. Two comedians, who had previously opened for Mencia and Dane Cook, were identified as being particularly notorious for this behavior. Despite evidence and confrontations, some audience members and even fellow comedians defend the joke thieves, arguing that they "did it better." This attitude is frustrating for those who have had their material stolen, as it can lead to financial losses and a sense of violation. The use of closed-door conversations to teach these unscrupulous practices only adds to the problem. While some may view it as harmless banter or part of the business, it is important to recognize and address the negative impact that joke theft can have on the comedy community.

    • Comedian Brad Williams disrespected Marc Maron during a comedy showComedians should respect each other's time and space on stage to maintain a positive industry atmosphere

      Comedian Brad Williams intentionally disrespected another comedian, Marc Maron, during a comedy show by going over time and leaving the stage empty, making the following comedian feel lonely and uncomfortable. This incident left a lasting impact on Maron and led him to establish a rule for himself regarding headlining shows. Despite the incident, Maron tries to maintain a civil relationship with Williams and even jokes about it during his performances. However, the experience served as a reminder of the importance of respect and consideration among comedians in the industry.

    • Navigating Feedback and Criticism in Content CreationConstructive criticism is valuable, but be prepared for anonymous and potentially harsh feedback in podcasting. Stay open to feedback and continue creating content for those who appreciate it.

      Creating content, whether it's a podcast or a live performance, can be a challenging experience filled with unexpected feedback and criticism. The speaker shares his experience of performing in various settings, from a pot club to a UFC event, and the different reactions he received. He acknowledges the existence of critics and haters, but also emphasizes the importance of constructive criticism and the value it can bring. The speaker also reflects on the unique dynamics of podcasting, where listeners can remain anonymous and express their opinions freely. Despite the challenges, he remains open to feedback and continues to create content, encouraging his audience to enjoy it as they please.

    • MMA Fights: High Skill and Protection Lead to Fewer Spectacular KnockoutsMMA training is intense, with fighters dedicating 12 weeks to strength and conditioning followed by skill-focused training. Speed and agility are crucial in lighter weight classes, and aging fighters may struggle to keep up.

      The high level of skill and protection in MMA fights can sometimes lead to less engaging matches, as fighters are so evenly matched and cautious. This was a criticism of Strike Force, which featured a less deep talent pool and resulted in more spectacular knockouts but fewer competitive matches. The commitment required for MMA training is intense, with fighters like Dominick Cruz training for 12 weeks with grueling strength and conditioning, followed by skill-focused training. The lighter weight classes, like 135, require a high level of speed and precision, and losing even a small amount of speed can be deadly. Fighters who rely on natural athleticism, like Roy Jones in boxing, may face a diminished skill set as they age if they haven't worked on their technique consistently. Unlike boxing, older fighters are less common in the lighter MMA weight classes due to the importance of speed and agility.

    • Natural ability and genetics matter in successHard work and skills are essential, but genetics and athletic ability contribute significantly to achieving success in various fields.

      While hard work and intelligence are important, athletic ability and genetics play a significant role in achieving success, whether it's in sports or comedy. The speaker's experiences growing up, including dealing with hecklers and verbal attacks, helped shape his quick wit and thick skin. However, even with these skills, there is a natural ability that some people possess that cannot be taught. The speaker's awe for athletes like Bernard Hopkins highlights the combination of genetics and years of training that sets successful individuals apart.

    • Personal Growth: Small Changes, Big DifferencesSmall changes in upbringing and experiences can lead to major differences in who we become. Stay objective, assess situations, and take responsibility for actions to manage challenges and promote personal growth.

      Our upbringing and experiences significantly shape who we become, but it's never too late to make changes and improve ourselves. The speaker shares how growing up in different places and personal choices like smoking weed and delving into Eastern philosophy have influenced his personal growth. He uses the analogy of two boats taking slight turns to illustrate how small changes can lead to major differences over time. However, it's important to recognize that these changes aren't always easy and can be influenced by factors like sleep, stress, and external pressures. The speaker emphasizes the importance of staying objective, assessing situations, and taking responsibility for our actions to manage these challenges. He also shares how recognizing our place in the universe and owning our mistakes can lead to personal growth and empowerment.

    • Navigating Challenges through Self-reflection and ImprovementContinuously reflect on past actions, learn from mistakes, and strive for self-improvement to navigate challenging situations and relationships. In the entertainment industry, resilience and hard work are essential for success.

      Self-reflection and improvement are key to navigating challenging situations and relationships. The speaker shares his experiences of pushing boundaries as a comedian, but acknowledges the negative consequences of his actions and takes responsibility for them. He encourages continuous self-improvement and learning from past mistakes. The speaker also touches upon the challenges of promoting oneself in the entertainment industry and the importance of resilience and hard work. Despite setbacks, he remains dedicated to his craft and strives for excellence.

    • Nurturing comedy talent and considering impactSupporting new talent in comedy can lead to great performances and careers, but comedians must be mindful of the impact of their words and jokes on audiences, especially when they involve sensitive topics or personal traits.

      Discovering and supporting new talent in the comedy industry can lead to remarkable performances and successful careers. The speaker shared his experience of recognizing Tom Segura's potential during an improv class and encouraging him to try stand-up comedy. Segura went on to become a popular and successful comedian. However, the conversation also touched on the sensitive topic of comedy and boundaries. The speaker acknowledged that some jokes can be offensive and hurtful to certain audiences, especially when they involve personal traits that people cannot change. He emphasized the importance of considering the intent and context of the joke and the potential impact on the audience. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of recognizing and nurturing talent while being mindful of the power and potential consequences of words and humor.

    • Political correctness and labelingMisuse of labels like 'racist' or 'misogynist' can hinder understanding and dialogue, emphasizing the importance of recognizing individuals as complex beings and fostering nuanced conversations.

      The use of labels like "racist" or "misogynist" as weapons to shut down conversations rather than fostering understanding and dialogue is a problematic aspect of political correctness. The comedian in this discussion emphasized that these labels can be misused and do not accurately reflect the complexities of individual experiences and perspectives. He also highlighted the importance of recognizing human beings as individuals with unique flaws and quirks, rather than lumping them into broad cultural categories. The comedian shared personal experiences of how such labels have been used against him, and expressed the need for more nuanced and open-minded conversations. Ultimately, the discussion underscored the importance of recognizing the value of diverse perspectives and the need to engage in respectful and thoughtful dialogue.

    • Political correctness can hinder understanding and equalityPC culture can limit open dialogue, ignoring important observations, and create a false sense of understanding. Instead, focus on equal opportunities and respectful conversations.

      Political correctness can lead to discrimination by focusing on the messenger rather than the message, creating a false sense of understanding and ignoring important observations. The speaker believes that efforts to encourage diversity and equality should not involve limiting open dialogue or censoring certain topics, even if they are sensitive or controversial. Instead, we should aim for equal access to opportunities and encourage open, respectful conversations. The speaker also expresses frustration with the polarization surrounding issues like abortion, where both sides refuse to engage in rational discourse and instead resort to extremes. Ultimately, the goal should be to foster understanding and common sense, rather than enforcing political correctness or censorship.

    • Embracing diversity and personal growthOpen-mindedness and acceptance are crucial for personal growth and understanding the world. Listen to diverse perspectives, provide a nurturing environment, and commit to spreading positivity and acceptance.

      Open-mindedness and acceptance are essential for personal growth and understanding the world. The speakers in this discussion emphasized the importance of love, diversity, and providing children with the best possible environment for growth, regardless of the unconventional circumstances. They also acknowledged the influence of their podcast on their audience and the power of open dialogue to shape perspectives. Despite the varying topics and humor in their podcast, they remain committed to spreading positivity and acceptance. The speakers also highlighted the impact of their podcast on their own careers, with their audience growing significantly and shifting demographics. Ultimately, their message encourages listeners to embrace diversity, accept different viewpoints, and seek out opportunities for personal growth and connection.

    • Sam Tripoli's Solo Podcast on Podcast on a PlaneSam Tripoli shared about his past rap band with his brother and announced an upcoming studio podcast with Duncan Trussell.

      Sam Tripoli and his brother had a rap band past, and Max is a talented individual. This insight was shared during the fourth edition of the Podcast on a Plane, hosted by Sam Tripoli and Joe Rogan. The show, which usually has guests, featured only Sam this time. He mentioned that Duncan Trussell would be joining them for a regular studio podcast on April 2nd. By the time this episode was released, it would likely be over. Listeners should tune in on May 2nd to catch the new episode with Duncan. Sam ended the podcast with his signature sign-off, expressing his love for his audience. Overall, the podcast provided a casual, entertaining, and insightful conversation between two friends.

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