
    #1042 - Krystyna Hutchinson & Corinne Fisher

    en-usNovember 21, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing the advantages of bidets vs. toilet paperBidets offer a more thorough cleaning experience but come with challenges like cost and installation, while personal preference ultimately decides between the two.

      The speakers in the conversation were discussing the advantages of using a bidet or a bidet-like toilet seat over traditional toilet paper. They shared their personal experiences and preferences, highlighting the cleanliness and convenience of such devices. However, they also acknowledged the potential challenges, such as the cost and the need for proper installation and maintenance. The conversation also touched upon the cultural differences in using bidets and toilet paper, with the speakers expressing their opinions on the matter. Ultimately, they agreed that while bidets offer a more thorough cleaning experience, they are not a necessity and that personal preference plays a significant role in the choice between the two.

    • Setting the Record Straight on Female AnatomyThe vagina is an internal organ, not the entire female reproductive area. Be informed about anatomy, and consider potential risks of cosmetic surgeries and societal pressures.

      There is a common misconception about the female reproductive system, specifically the use of the term "vagina" to describe the entire area. The speaker clarified that the vagina is only the internal sex organ, while the external parts are referred to as labia. The speaker also expressed aversion towards certain cosmetic surgeries, such as labiaplasty, and shared personal experiences of numbness after surgeries. The discussion touched upon the health implications of Caesarean sections for newborns and the impact of social media and celebrity culture on body image and self-perception. Ultimately, the conversation emphasized the importance of accurate knowledge and understanding of anatomy, as well as the potential risks and consequences of invasive procedures and societal pressures.

    • Celebrities and Unrealistic StandardsWhile celebrities can influence unrealistic beauty standards, it's up to parents and guardians to guide children and help them develop a healthy self-image. Social media and 'Instagram culture' can also contribute to these issues, but confidence and self-love are essential.

      While celebrities like Kim Kardashian may project an image of perfection, it's important to remember that they are not always what they seem. The pressure on young people to conform to these unrealistic standards can be harmful. However, it's also crucial to recognize that celebrities have a job to do and that it's not their responsibility to be role models. Ultimately, it's up to parents and guardians to guide children and help them develop a healthy self-image. It's also essential to be aware of the impact of social media and the prevalence of "Instagram culture," where people are famous for being hot rather than having talent. Confidence and self-love are essential, but it's also important to remember that everyone has insecurities and that's a natural part of being human.

    • Prioritizing Perfection Over FunIndividual constantly strives for perfection, struggles with frivolous fun, finds joy in challenging activities, and uses friendship as a productive partnership.

      The individual in this conversation constantly strives for perfection and excellence in all areas of life, to the point where they prioritize work over fun. They feel a constant need to improve and be the best, which makes it hard for them to relax and enjoy recreational activities without a clear purpose or productivity involved. They find joy in activities that challenge them, such as learning new skills or getting exercise, but struggle with frivolous fun or social situations where they're not contributing in some way. They see their friendship with Christina as a productive partnership, as they often work together during their downtime. The individual's dislike for fun has served them well in their professional pursuits, but it's unclear if it has brought them happiness or fulfillment outside of work. They use the podcast "Two Broke Girls" as an example of individuals who achieved success without a large social media profile or media presence, inspiring them to focus on their own goals and passions. The individual and their friend have a unique connection, finishing each other's sentences and working together seamlessly, which has been the foundation of their successful podcast. Before starting the podcast, they worked together on various comedy projects, including stand-up shows, sketches, and video content. The podcast was born out of a breakup and serves as a creative outlet for them to express their thoughts and connect with their audience.

    • Challenging societal repression and shameOpen communication and normalizing sexual experiences can help prevent harmful consequences, including sexual assault and self-shaming.

      Societal repression and shame surrounding sexuality can lead to harmful consequences, such as sexual assault and self-shaming. The podcast "Guys We Fucked" aims to challenge this by promoting open communication and normalizing sexual experiences. The discussion also shed light on the prevalence of sexual assault and molestation, which may be more common than we realize. It's important to address and confront these issues, as well as the institutions and individuals who enable them, in order to create a more healthy and consensual sexual culture.

    • Effects of Trust and Repression on Behaviors and DesiresUntrustworthy individuals and societal expectations can lead to harmful behaviors and desires, such as turning to sex dolls or sex workers. It's important to address the root causes of these issues with empathy and understanding.

      Trust and repression can lead to unhealthy behaviors and desires. The speaker shares her experience of encountering untrustworthy individuals and how it can make one wary of people. She also discusses how societal expectations and suppression of desires can lead to unusual and potentially harmful behaviors. The speaker uses examples of people turning to sex dolls or sex workers due to feelings of insecurity or societal pressure to perform masculinity. These issues are complex and multifaceted, with roots in societal norms and individual experiences. The speaker encourages empathy and understanding for those struggling with these issues, while also acknowledging the importance of addressing the underlying causes.

    • Life experiences and complexities of human behaviorEncountering mentally unstable individuals and inappropriate behavior in public spaces can be challenging, but these experiences can help us gain self-awareness and understand human complexities. Be cautious when intervening and recognize the potential for traumatic experiences.

      Life experiences, including encounters with mentally unstable individuals and witnessing their inappropriate behavior, can help us gain self-awareness and understand the complexities of human behavior. These experiences can range from racially charged incidents on public transportation to uncomfortable encounters with individuals exhibiting disturbing behavior. While it can be difficult to know when and how to intervene, it's important to recognize that some individuals may be mentally unstable and not respond well to confrontation. Additionally, public spaces like the subway can be a breeding ground for inappropriate behavior, including sexual assault and public urination or defecation. These experiences can be challenging and even traumatic, but they can also serve as valuable learning experiences that help us navigate the complexities of human behavior and interaction.

    • First impressions can be misleadingPeople and situations aren't always as they seem, taking time to connect and understand can lead to meaningful experiences

      First impressions are not always accurate. During an audition, a man inadvertently gave a false impression by appearing to have an unusually large penis in his pants. It turned out to be a prank or misunderstanding, but it left a lasting impact on the person who witnessed it. Similarly, in San Francisco, the issue of homelessness and public urination can create misconceptions and misunderstandings. The city's progressive approach to tolerating certain behaviors may lead to unexpected encounters and experiences. Ultimately, it's important to remember that people and situations are not always as they seem, and taking the time to connect with others and understand their stories can lead to meaningful and memorable experiences.

    • Discussing Consent and Respect in Sexual EncountersRespect personal boundaries, communicate openly, and ensure consent in all interactions, whether romantic or casual.

      Consent in sexual encounters is essential and should never be overlooked or ignored. The discussion highlights the gray areas of inappropriate behavior and the importance of respecting personal boundaries. It also emphasizes the importance of open communication and setting clear expectations in relationships. The speaker's experience with Andy Dick, a comedian known for his unpredictable behavior, illustrates the complexity of such situations and the need to navigate them with care and respect. The conversation also touches upon the importance of consent in everyday interactions, such as hugs, and the importance of being mindful of others' comfort levels.

    • Exploring Motivations: Making Amends and Seeking RedemptionPeople have intricate reasons for their actions, often driven by a desire to make amends or seek redemption. Power dynamics can complicate situations, as seen in workplace harassment and gendered threats.

      People have complex motivations for doing things, even if those actions may not directly affect us. In the podcast discussion, a guest shared that he agreed to be on the show as a way to make amends for past wrongs and put good into the universe. This perspective, though unrelated to the podcast hosts, highlights the importance of taking responsibility for one's actions and seeking redemption. Additionally, the conversation touched on the power dynamics in various situations, such as workplace harassment and the difference between gendered physical threats. Overall, the conversation showcased the complexities of human motivations and experiences.

    • Experiences of Misogyny and Rape CultureAddressing and challenging harmful attitudes towards women is crucial to prevent rape and promote healthy relationships. Men who express hatred towards women due to feelings of entitlement and rejection should be called out and encouraged to change their behavior.

      Entitlement and resentment towards women can contribute to rape culture. The speaker shares her experiences of receiving distressing emails about rape and encounters with men who express hatred towards women. She notes that men may develop an antagonistic relationship with women due to rejection and feelings of entitlement, leading to insults and anger. The speaker suggests that men who harbor such feelings should be called out and encouraged to change their behavior, as a lack of awareness and unwillingness to listen can perpetuate these harmful attitudes. Additionally, the speaker shares her strategy of responding to negative comments with kindness as a way to defuse potential conflicts and avoid taking the attacks personally. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of addressing and challenging harmful attitudes towards women to prevent rape and promote healthy relationships.

    • Recognizing the Value of Introverts and the Socially AwkwardHistorically, stronger individuals have dominated, but in modern times, embracing diversity and valuing unique perspectives of introverts and socially awkward brings valuable contributions, especially in tech and arts.

      The instinct to bully or be cruel to those perceived as weaker is a historically ingrained behavior, but in today's society, it's essential to recognize and value the unique perspectives and creativity of introverted or socially awkward individuals. This discussion touched upon the concept of the pecking order in chickens and how it relates to human behavior, with the stronger individuals dominating and weaker ones being shunned. However, in modern times, people with alternative ways of thinking, such as those with Aspergers or artistic abilities, have valuable contributions to make, particularly in areas like computer coding. It's crucial to move beyond traditional paradigms and embrace the diversity that comes with different types of intelligence and approaches to life.

    • Tech Jobs and Autism: Complex OutcomesIndividuals on the autism spectrum excel in tech jobs but may struggle with emotional intelligence and form unhealthy relationships. Society should strive for a more inclusive and empathetic environment where everyone can thrive.

      There is a significant number of individuals in tech jobs, particularly those involving coding and programming, who are on the autism spectrum. This isolation from social interaction can lead to various outcomes, some positive and some negative. For instance, these individuals might excel in their work and contribute significantly to technology advancements, but they may also struggle with emotional intelligence and form unhealthy relationships. Furthermore, the dynamics of certain industries, such as comedy, can perpetuate negative behaviors and power imbalances, particularly in male-dominated environments. Ultimately, it's essential to recognize the complexities of these situations and strive for a more inclusive and empathetic society, where individuals can thrive in their unique ways without being cruel or exploitative towards others.

    • Building Meaningful Connections in ComedyTreat all comedians as equals, recognize the value of supportive relationships, and foster a inclusive community for growth and success.

      Creating meaningful connections in the comedy community is essential for personal growth and success. The speaker shared her experience of feeling more comfortable approaching male comedians for flirtatious reasons, but she emphasized the importance of treating all comedians as equals and recognizing the value of building supportive relationships with both men and women in the industry. She also highlighted the transformative power of community and collaboration, citing examples like Bonnie McFarland's advocacy for women in comedy and the creation of Broad City. The speaker's reflections on the past challenges of competing for limited opportunities and the current advantages of creating one's own opportunities underscored the importance of staying resilient and resourceful in pursuing a career in comedy. Overall, the speaker's insights emphasized the importance of fostering a supportive and inclusive community where all comedians can thrive and learn from each other.

    • Supportive Podcasting Community: Collaboration and GrowthThe podcasting community fosters collaboration, support, and growth through mutual promotion and understanding. Embrace open communication and respect for others in all communities.

      The podcasting community is more egalitarian and supportive compared to traditional media industries. Podcasters often promote and support each other, creating a win-win situation for everyone involved. This supportive environment can lead to opportunities and growth for individuals. However, it's important to be respectful and supportive of others in all communities, not just in podcasting. Additionally, the speaker shared some insights into the importance of communication and understanding in sexual relationships, emphasizing the importance of open dialogue and sharing information to enhance experiences. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of community, support, and communication in various aspects of life.

    • Experiences of sexual assault compared to unwanted intrusionSocietal norms around comedy have changed, leading to a major social transformation. We may develop a universal language for human interaction through technology, promoting honesty and transparency.

      The experiences of sexual assault, as described, can be deeply traumatic and uncomfortable. The speaker uses the metaphor of unwanted intrusion to describe the feeling of being violated. They also note that societal norms and expectations around comedy have changed significantly over time, with certain jokes and behaviors that were once acceptable now considered offensive. The speaker believes we are in the midst of a major social change, and this change can be compared to a hurricane, with many aspects of society being uprooted and transformed. They also discuss the idea that the ability to lie may not be forever, and that we may eventually develop a universal language for human interaction transmitted through computers or neural interfaces. This could potentially lead to a more honest and transparent society. The speaker acknowledges that this is a tumultuous time of change, but ultimately believes it will be for the better.

    • From Morse code to real-time videos: Technology's life-changing impactsNew technologies can significantly improve lives, but their effects are unpredictable; approach them with caution and preparation.

      Technology has advanced dramatically in a short amount of time, transforming the way we communicate and access information. For instance, going from Morse code to sending videos in real time. Another example is the discovery of devices like the fish or Wallace stimulator, which can have significant positive impacts on people's lives without side effects. The speaker's mother experienced a significant improvement in her depression through the use of this device. However, it's important to remember that the potential effects of new technologies can be unpredictable and sometimes intense, as illustrated by the speaker's experience with edibles. It's crucial to approach these substances with caution and preparation, as they can have profound effects on one's mind and emotions. Overall, the rapid advancement of technology has brought about both incredible benefits and challenges, requiring us to stay informed and adapt accordingly.

    • Exploring the Impact of Psychedelic ExperiencesPsychedelic experiences can lead to profound revelations and feelings of otherworldliness, but their validity and authenticity are subjective and open to interpretation. Belief and the mind-body connection significantly influence the outcomes.

      Psychedelic experiences, whether through substances like DMT or practices like psychic surgery, can significantly impact an individual's curiosity, consciousness, and perception of reality. These experiences can lead to profound revelations and feelings of otherworldliness, often leaving a lasting impression. However, it's important to note that the validity and authenticity of such experiences can be subjective and open to interpretation. Some may view these encounters as genuine spiritual awakenings, while others may see them as the result of suggestion and placebo effects. Ultimately, the power of belief and the mind-body connection play a crucial role in the outcomes of these experiences.

    • Caring for Mind and Body: The Power of Acupuncture and Self-CareAcupuncture can improve health, belief and positivity matter, self-care is crucial, avoid negative influences, practice meditation.

      The mind and body are interconnected, and taking care of both is essential for optimal health and well-being. The speaker shares her personal experience of how acupuncture helped her, acknowledging that some practices may not be scientifically proven but emphasizing the importance of belief and the power of the mind in triggering positive physical responses. She also encourages finding time for practices like meditation and avoiding negative influences like reading harmful comments online. The speaker emphasizes the importance of self-care, positivity, and taking control of situations rather than letting negative comments or situations bring us down.

    • Exploring Intimate Relationships with Unfiltered PerspectivesThe 'Guys We Fuck' podcast encourages open communication and understanding between genders by sharing unfiltered perspectives on intimate relationships, promoting growth and self-awareness.

      The "Guys We Fuck" podcast encourages open communication and understanding between genders by sharing unfiltered perspectives. The hosts, who have had intimate relationships with men, use the platform to discuss their experiences and learn from each other, providing listeners with a unique perspective that may challenge their own beliefs. The podcast's name and content may surprise some listeners, but the goal is to promote growth and self-awareness. The hosts also discovered unexpected aspects of themselves through the conversations, such as previously unknown fetishes. Overall, the podcast offers a fresh and powerful perspective on feminism and human relationships.

    • Exploring Sexual Fantasies and Coping Mechanisms: A Complex LandscapeSexual fantasies and self-pleasuring can help manage stress, but beware of obsession. Societal norms impact how we discuss these topics differently for men and women. Gender stereotypes affect perceptions of attractiveness, and respect privacy and boundaries when discussing fantasies.

      Porn and masturbation can be used as coping mechanisms for stress and can lead to obsession if not managed properly. Some people prefer using their imagination instead of actual pornography, and there's a difference in how society perceives women and men discussing their sexual fantasies. Additionally, gender stereotypes persist in portrayals of attractiveness, and personal preferences in physical attributes do not necessarily align with societal expectations. It's essential to respect privacy and boundaries in discussing sexual fantasies and not to impose one's own preferences on others. Lastly, success and physical attributes are not the only factors that determine attractiveness and desirability.

    • Preferences and Attractions VaryEmbrace unique preferences, remember it's okay to not conform, respect everyone's differences, and remember that disagreement and diversity can lead to valuable connections.

      People are attracted to different things and what is considered attractive can vary greatly from person to person. Some people may be drawn to physical attributes like humor, body type, or age, while others may be more attracted to personality traits like confidence and carefree attitude. Ultimately, what is most important is that individuals embrace their unique preferences and values, and remember that it's okay to not conform to societal norms or expectations. Additionally, it's important to remember that everyone has the right to their own preferences and not everyone will share the same attractions. The discussion also touched upon the idea that sometimes people are attracted to those who challenge their beliefs or perspectives, and that disagreement and diversity can lead to valuable connections. However, it's also important to remember that everyone deserves respect and kindness, regardless of their differences.

    • Power dynamics and consent in the entertainment industryAcknowledge power imbalances and ensure clear and informed consent in all situations to prevent abuse of power.

      Power dynamics and consent are complex issues, especially when it comes to the entertainment industry. The discussion revolves around the behavior of a comedian, Louie, and his inappropriate actions towards women. While some argue that his actions could be seen as impulsive or even consensual in certain situations, others see it as a clear abuse of power. The context of the power dynamic between the comedian and the women involved, as well as the potential impact on their careers, adds to the complexity of the issue. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of acknowledging and addressing power imbalances in all areas of life and the need for clear and informed consent.

    • Exploring Circumcision and Ethical Dilemmas of Male AnatomyDiscussed personal experiences with circumcision, consequences of botched procedures, complexities of penis transplants, and importance of respecting individual choices and bodily autonomy.

      The discussion touched on the topic of circumcision and its implications, particularly in relation to genital mutilation and the loss of body parts. The speaker shared their personal experiences and encounters with circumcision, as well as stories of botched procedures leading to significant consequences. The conversation also explored the complexities of penis transplants and the ethical considerations surrounding organ donation. The speaker expressed surprise and fascination with the intricacies of the male anatomy and the movement of the testicles. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of being informed and respectful of individual choices and bodily autonomy.

    • Discovering proper technique and exploring new methods for pleasureEffective communication and learning new techniques can enhance sexual experiences and lead to greater intimacy and pleasure.

      Communication and learning new techniques can greatly enhance sexual experiences. During a conversation, the speaker shared an experience where they discovered their partner's ex had been giving blowjobs incorrectly. This led to a discussion about the importance of proper technique and the effort required in giving oral sex. They also reminisced about using unconventional sex toys like flashlights and discussed the importance of being comfortable discussing sex. While some may find the use of unconventional objects amusing, the underlying message is that open communication and learning can lead to improved intimacy and pleasure.

    • Exploring the Boundaries of Technology: Sex Dolls and CRISPRTechnology is transforming intimacy with sex dolls and redefining humanity through gene-editing with CRISPR, raising ethical questions and shaping our future in unimaginable ways.

      Technology is pushing boundaries in various fields, from sex dolls to genetic engineering. Regarding sex dolls, some find them uncomfortable and bizarre, while others see them as a new form of intimacy. As for CRISPR, this gene-editing technology is revolutionizing the way we understand and manipulate DNA. It has the potential to alter not only our appearance but also our very essence, raising ethical questions about identity and the nature of humanity. The future implications of this technology are vast and uncertain, and it will undoubtedly reshape our society in ways we can hardly imagine. Ultimately, these developments challenge us to reflect on what it means to be human and to consider the moral and societal implications of technological advancements.

    • Exploring the Possibilities and Limitations of Altering Our Physical Appearances with Advanced TechnologyAdvanced technology may offer the ability to transform our appearances, but it comes with risks, limitations, and ethical concerns. Acceptance of fake body parts varies, and permanent DNA editing through CRISPR raises ethical dilemmas.

      The future may hold the ability to alter our physical appearances through advanced technology, but it comes with risks and limitations. The discussion touched upon the idea of being able to transform into different forms, like becoming Thor or Cindy Crawford, through medical procedures. This could be compared to plastic surgery, where improvements have been made over time, but there are still limitations and potential complications. The conversation also brought up the acceptance of fake body parts, such as boob jobs and peck implants, but noted the stigma surrounding fake male body parts. The recent advancement of CRISPR technology was mentioned as an example of permanent DNA editing to cure diseases, but it also raises ethical concerns and potential risks. Ultimately, it's important to consider the implications and limitations of such technologies, and to be content with who we are.

    • CRISPR's Rapid Advancements in Gene Editing and Early AdoptersCRISPR's quick discovery and use on humans offers new hope for treating diseases like Hunter syndrome and Lyme disease with potential neurological symptoms.

      The pace of scientific discovery, particularly in gene editing technology like CRISPR, is moving incredibly fast and offering new possibilities for treating previously incurable diseases. Medu, a person with Hunter syndrome, is willing to be the first test subject for CRISPR therapy, demonstrating the importance of early adopters in advancing medical research. CRISPR was discovered only a few years ago, and yet it's already being used on living humans. Lyme disease, a common health issue on the East Coast, can lead to neurological conditions and even neurotoxic elements causing mental disorders, which could potentially be treated with CRISPR. A person with Lyme disease and neurological symptoms, who also has an arachnoid cyst, could be a good candidate for this groundbreaking therapy. The potential impact of CRISPR on health and medicine is enormous, and the story of Medu and his mother, who has a multitude of health issues, illustrates the urgent need for new treatments.

    • Unexplained symptoms could be linked to hidden infectionsPeople with unexplained hallucinations, anger attacks, and mood swings may have underlying Lyme disease or similar infections. Medical professionals should consider this possibility and patients can benefit from stress management techniques.

      Unexplained physical and emotional symptoms, such as hallucinations, anger attacks, and mood swings, can be linked to Lyme disease and other hidden infections. These conditions are often dismissed as psychosomatic, but many people with these symptoms actually have Lyme disease or similar infections. The neurotoxic elements of these diseases can affect the brain and cause hallucinations, anger, and other unusual behaviors. It's important for medical professionals to consider the possibility of underlying infections when diagnosing these types of symptoms. Additionally, finding healthy ways to manage stress and anger, such as physical activity and therapy, can help individuals cope with these symptoms and improve their overall well-being.

    • Exploring healthy ways to manage emotionsFinding individual ways to manage emotions through activities like boxing, meditation, or weightlifting can promote overall well-being. Consider preferences and needs when choosing methods for emotional expression and release, and be aware of potential consequences of unchecked rage.

      Finding healthy ways to manage and express emotions, such as through boxing, meditation, or weightlifting, can be beneficial for overall well-being. However, some people may prefer more solitary activities or safe spaces, like rage rooms, to feel comfortable expressing their emotions. It's important to consider individual preferences and needs when exploring methods for emotional expression and release. Additionally, it's worth noting that there can be consequences to unchecked rage, and finding balanced ways to manage emotions can lead to improved mental and physical health.

    • Discovering the Freedom and Reach of PodcastingStarting a podcast offers unique creative freedom, global audience, and can bridge gaps between communities through intimate discussions on various topics.

      Starting a podcast without any pressure or expectations can lead to its evolution and growth. The podcast's reach can extend beyond the scope of traditional media, allowing for more freedom of expression and reaching a global audience. The lack of interruptions and control over content also makes podcasting an appealing medium. However, it's important to remember that there will always be pockets of ignorance and different perspectives, but the internet and podcasts are bridging the gap between various communities. Additionally, the intimate nature of podcasts can lead to unique and unexpected experiences, like discussing taboo topics or exploring new sexual experiences, providing an engaging and entertaining listening experience for audiences.

    • Exploring new experiences with a prostate simulatorUsing a prostate simulator during sex can lead to intense orgasms for the male partner, enhancing intimacy and exploring new sexual experiences.

      The use of a prostate simulator, or "neros," during sex can lead to intense orgasms for the male partner. This device, which is shaped like a mini dildo, is not intimidatingly big and is used by gently gliding it in and out. The woman described the experience as watching the most intense and hottest thing she's ever seen, and her partner enjoys it as well. The conversation also touched on the importance of being oneself and the evolution of society and culture. The use of technologies like CRISPR may lead to unexpected changes in the future. Overall, the discussion highlighted the potential benefits of exploring new experiences in sexual relationships.

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    Secrets To A Better Sex Life With Cyndi Darnell

    Secrets To A Better Sex Life With Cyndi Darnell
    On today’s show, Emily is joined by sex & relationship therapist Cyndi Darnell and they’re talking about all the ways to tap back into desire & arousal for a better sex life. Emily also discusses the importance of keeping your sex life top of mind and keeping your horny light turned on, gaining your sexual power, and tips on starting your own plan for the bedroom. Thank you for supporting our sponsors who help keep the show FREE: Hot Octopuss, PlusOne, Woo More Play, Gainswave, and SiriusXM. Follow Emily on all social: @sexwithemily. For even more sex advice, tips & tricks, visit: sexwithemily.com Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    3:4 Talking to Kids about Sex: Part 2 (ages 9-12) // with Dr. Padilla-Walker

    3:4 Talking to Kids about Sex: Part 2 (ages 9-12) // with Dr. Padilla-Walker

    Did you think you were dying when your period started? Or wondered what was in your underwear when you woke up? It’s time to do better for our kids! But when should I start talking about puberty with my kids? In this episode, Dr. Padilla-Walker breaks down when most children experience puberty and how to start the conversation. From puberty to sex, you’ll find helpful ideas for encouraging your kids to find peace with their changing bodies.


    Find Dr. Padilla-Walker’s book “A Better to Teach Kids About Sex” here.


    Dr. Chelom Leavitt's episode Season 2 Episode 13: Talking with Kids About Arousal


    Follow us @ladies.talkinglove on Instagram or visit ladiestalkinglove.com


    This podcast does not replace professional or medical advice. We will be talking about sex, so some content may not be suitable for children and could be triggering to some individuals. Everything discussed is for general information only and is not to be used to diagnose or treat any medical or psychological conditions.

    Music: MastaBlack_fK and https://envato.com/


    1:4 Overcoming Sexual Frustration, Anger, and Hurt

    1:4 Overcoming Sexual Frustration, Anger, and Hurt

    Before diving into future episodes with experts and women from the community, I wanted to acknowledge that the journey to more fulfillment and joy in sex can sometimes be full of feelings that are confusing and hurtful. In this episode, Ariel shares several ideas and tips that have helped her in overcoming these painful feelings.


    Dr. Emily Nagoski’s book: Come As You Are (pp. 6, 31-32, 37-38, 155)

    Dr. Sarah Murray’s book: Not Always in the Mood (p. 50)

    Story about Mangaia was reported in Dr.’s Meston and Buss’ book: Why Women Have Sex (pp. 45-46)

    Slow Sex by: Nicole Daedone

    Article from Time Magazine: Yes, Couples Who Share Chores Have More Sex

    Peggy Orenstein: What Young Women Believe About Their Own Sexual Pleasure

    Join the conversation @ladies.talkinglove on Instagram or visit ladiestalkinglove.com

    This podcast does not replace professional or medical advice. We will be talking about sex, so some content may not be suitable for children and could be triggering to some individuals. Everything discussed is for general information only and is not to be used to diagnose or treat any medical or psychological conditions.

    Music: MastaBlack_fK and https://envato.com/