
    Podcast Summary

    • The Value of Personal Possessions and Short Usernames on Social MediaProtecting personal possessions is essential as everyone has a breaking point. Early adoption of social media platforms can lead to rare and valuable usernames, including short two-letter handles.

      The story of the encounter with a bully during skateboarding taught Jack that he is not a fighting type, but he does not give up his possessions to a bully easily. This shows that everyone has a breaking point when it comes to protecting personal possessions. Also, the early adopters of social media platforms like Twitter got the advantage of grabbing the shortest possible usernames, and having a short two-letter handle became a status symbol. Therefore, JW, a software designer, was able to grab the username JW on both Twitter and Instagram. Today, having a short two-letter handle on social media platforms is highly valuable and rare as the number of users increased over time.

    • The Unwanted Attention of Short UsernamesShort usernames may attract unwanted attention, including requests to buy and attempts to steal. Stay vigilant and be cautious of potential social engineering tactics.

      Short and desirable usernames can attract unwanted attention in the form of numerous requests, offers to buy and even attempts to steal. Ignoring these messages may not be enough as some people will go to extreme lengths to obtain them. JW experienced unsettling situations like people trying to purchase his Instagram name, offers of $5k for it, and even direct messages from brands trying to buy it. He even noticed other people with short usernames getting the same treatment. The situation escalated when his friend was a victim of SIM-swapping, a phone hacking technique to gain access to his friend's Instagram account. He himself received a strange Pizza delivery request, which he suspected as a possible social engineering tactic.

    • The Dangerous Side of Online Pranks: Swatting and Safety AwarenessStay alert and cautious of unexpected online deliveries and calls, report any suspicious activity to authorities, and take measures to ensure personal safety both online and offline.

      Online pranks can turn into dangerous situations like swatting, where police are called to someone's house as a result of a prank. It's important to be cautious of unexpected deliveries and calls, especially during times of heightened anxiety like the COVID-19 pandemic. Swatting is a serious crime that can put people's lives in danger, and it's crucial to report any suspicious activity to authorities immediately. In conclusion, it's important to be vigilant and aware of potential dangers both online and offline, and to take appropriate precautions to keep ourselves and our families safe.

    • Preventing Swatting Incidents: Be Vigilant and SafeBe cautious of strange messages from unknown numbers and protect personal information on social media platforms to prevent Swatting incidents, ensuring the safety of oneself and their family.

      Swatting is a dangerous false emergency situation created by someone who spoofs the phone number of the victim and impersonates them to the police with a fictitious emergency. It is important to be aware of any strange messages from unknown numbers and report them to the police. Social media platforms are also a potential source of personal information exploitation, so it is essential to safeguard and keep profiles private. Taking these precautions can prevent any Swatting incidents from happening, keeping one's family and themselves safe from harm.

    • The dangers of the gray market for social media usernamesBe aware of criminal activities related to social media usernames, report suspicious behavior, and support efforts to protect users and prevent high-priced trades on the gray market.

      Short and special usernames for social media sites are sold on the gray market for high prices. This has led to a new type of criminal behavior including hacking, password theft, and bullying. The harassment can even escalate to dangerous and life-threatening situations like swatting. Victims need to come together, share information, and contact law enforcement to stop this criminal behavior. The FBI is interested in these cases and reviewing 911 calls for patterns to track these criminals. We need to be aware of these criminal activities and report any suspicious behavior to prevent further harm. Social media platforms should take measures to protect their users' accounts and prevent this type of gray market trade from happening.

    • The repercussions of easy online accessibility to personal information.Protect your online privacy and be vigilant about the information you share online. Advocate for stronger data privacy laws and demand accountable behavior from online platforms.

      Easy availability of personal information online can be exploited and lead to catastrophic consequences. Our personal information is spilling all over the internet, polluting it, making it incredibly hard to fix when the next generation wakes up and demands this stop. In this case, the incident was caused by an imposter who easily obtained personal information of the victim to carry out the heinous crime. This is a reminder to be aware of our digital footprint and take measures to secure our personal data. It is high time that we take responsibility for our digital lives by being mindful of the information we share online and demanding stricter regulations on data privacy laws.

    • The dangerous consequences of swatting and the passion of a technological innovator.Swatting is a dangerous prank with severe consequences, and those who engage in it must be held accountable. Mark Herring's lifelong passion for technology and his innovation in the QWK protocol is an inspiration to all.

      This incident exemplifies the negative consequences of swatting, a dangerous prank that involves making a fake emergency call to law enforcement. In this case, an innocent man named Mark Herring was targeted in an attempt to steal his Twitter handle. The swatting call resulted in over a dozen police cruisers rushing to Marks' house, putting his life at risk. This incident highlights the need to take swatting seriously and to hold those who engage in this activity accountable for their actions. Additionally, it showcases Marks' lifelong passion for computers and technology, including his development of the QWK protocol, which revolutionized the way people checked their e-mails on BBSs in the 90s.

    • The Deadly Consequences of Swatting: An Overview of the Crime and its PerpetratorsSwatting is a serious crime that can result in injury or death. It can be racially motivated and needs to be reported to authorities immediately to prevent harm and hold perpetrators accountable. Be aware of suspicious behavior.

      Swatting can have deadly consequences and is a serious crime. It involves making a false report to emergency services to get a SWAT team to respond to someone's address. People can be injured or killed, as happened in the case of Mark Herring, who died of a heart attack after being bullied to give up his Twitter account. The FBI was able to catch the perpetrator(s) by collecting evidence from phone numbers, chat logs, and 911 audio. Swatting incidents can be racially motivated, as seen with the killing of Breonna Taylor. It's important to remember the serious implications of swatting and to report any suspicious behavior to the authorities to prevent it from happening.

    • The Dangers and Consequences of SwattingSwatting is a serious criminal offense that can result in harm or even death to innocent individuals. Perpetrators may face severe punishments and long prison sentences. Stay vigilant and report any suspicious activity to the authorities.

      Swatting is a growing problem across the US, involving harassing innocent individuals by making false emergency calls to the police. Perpetrators work together to get people's accounts to sell them. Swatting can result in people getting killed or seriously harmed. The consequences are severe for those who participate in swatting. In one infamous case, involving Tyler Barriss, he got 20 years in prison for making a prank 911 call that led to the death of an innocent man. Shane Sonderman was a swatter who worked with a UK juvenile to harass people online, including giving out their addresses to strangers. They targeted individuals with rare account names to steal and sell them. Sonderman was arrested, released on bond and continued his harassment leading to his re-arrest.

    • How to Secure Your Digital Life and Combat Online HarassmentProtect yourself from online harassment by securing your passwords, keeping software and antivirus up-to-date, using two-factor authentication, and encrypted messaging. But it's not just up to individuals - software, websites, and police must also prevent and investigate harassment.

      Online harassment, especially towards women and minorities, is out of hand and often leads to horrific consequences. It is important to make sure your digital life is secure by using a password manager, keeping your software updated, running antivirus scans regularly, using two-factor authentication wherever possible, and using encrypted messaging apps like Signal. It's also important to maintain a degree of separation between your online and private life. However, the responsibility for online security shouldn't solely rest on individuals, and more needs to be done by software, websites, and police to prevent and investigate online harassment effectively.

    Recent Episodes from Darknet Diaries

    146: ANOM

    146: ANOM

    In this episode, Joseph Cox (https://x.com/josephfcox) tells us the story of anom. A secure phone made by criminals, for criminals.

    This story comes from part of Joseph’s book “Dark Wire” which you should definitely read. Get yours here https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/joseph-cox/dark-wire/9781541702691.

    Darknet Diaries
    en-usJune 04, 2024

    145: Shannen

    145: Shannen
    Shannen Rossmiller wanted to fight terrorism. So she went online and did. Read more about her from her book “The Unexpected Patriot: How an Ordinary American Mother Is Bringing Terrorists to Justice”. An affiliate link to the book on Amazon is here: https://amzn.to/3yaf5sI. Thanks to Spycast for allowing usage of the audio interview with Shannen. Sponsors Support for this show comes from Varonis. Do you wonder what your company’s ransomware blast radius is? Varonis does a free cyber resilience assessment that tells you how many important files a compromised user could steal, whether anything would beep if they did, and a whole lot more. They actually do all the work – show you where your data is too open, if anyone is using it, and what you can lock down before attackers get inside. They also can detect behavior that looks like ransomware and stop it automatically. To learn more visit www.varonis.com/darknet. Support for this show comes from Axonius. The Axonius solution correlates asset data from your existing IT and security solutions to provide an always up-to-date inventory of all devices, users, cloud instances, and SaaS apps, so you can easily identify coverage gaps and automate response actions. Axonius gives IT and security teams the confidence to control complexity by mitigating threats, navigating risk, decreasing incidents, and informing business-level strategy — all while eliminating manual, repetitive tasks. Visit axonius.com/darknet to learn more and try it free. Support for this show comes from ThreatLocker®. ThreatLocker® is a Zero Trust Endpoint Protection Platform that strengthens your infrastructure from the ground up. With ThreatLocker® Allowlisting and Ringfencing™, you gain a more secure approach to blocking exploits of known and unknown vulnerabilities. ThreatLocker® provides Zero Trust control at the kernel level that enables you to allow everything you need and block everything else, including ransomware! Learn more at www.threatlocker.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    144: Rachel

    144: Rachel
    Rachel Tobac is a social engineer. In this episode we hear how she got started doing this and a few stories of how she hacked people and places using her voice and charm. Learn more about Rachel by following her on Twitter https://twitter.com/RachelTobac or by visiting https://www.socialproofsecurity.com/ Daniel Miessler also chimes in to talk about AI. Find out more about him at https://danielmiessler.com/. Sponsors Support for this show comes from Varonis. Do you wonder what your company’s ransomware blast radius is? Varonis does a free cyber resilience assessment that tells you how many important files a compromised user could steal, whether anything would beep if they did, and a whole lot more. They actually do all the work – show you where your data is too open, if anyone is using it, and what you can lock down before attackers get inside. They also can detect behavior that looks like ransomware and stop it automatically. To learn more visit www.varonis.com/darknet. Support for this show comes from Axonius. The Axonius solution correlates asset data from your existing IT and security solutions to provide an always up-to-date inventory of all devices, users, cloud instances, and SaaS apps, so you can easily identify coverage gaps and automate response actions. Axonius gives IT and security teams the confidence to control complexity by mitigating threats, navigating risk, decreasing incidents, and informing business-level strategy — all while eliminating manual, repetitive tasks. Visit axonius.com/darknet to learn more and try it free. Support for this show comes from ThreatLocker®. ThreatLocker® is a Zero Trust Endpoint Protection Platform that strengthens your infrastructure from the ground up. With ThreatLocker® Allowlisting and Ringfencing™, you gain a more secure approach to blocking exploits of known and unknown vulnerabilities. ThreatLocker® provides Zero Trust control at the kernel level that enables you to allow everything you need and block everything else, including ransomware! Learn more at www.threatlocker.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    143: Jim Hates Scams

    143: Jim Hates Scams
    Jim Browning has dedicated himself to combatting scammers, taking a proactive stance by infiltrating their computer systems. Through his efforts, he not only disrupts these fraudulent operations but also shares his findings publicly on YouTube, shedding light on the intricacies of scam networks. His work uncovers a myriad of intriguing insights into the digital underworld, which he articulately discusses, offering viewers a behind-the-scenes look at his methods for fighting back against scammers. Jim’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/JimBrowning Sponsors Support for this episode comes from NetSuite. NetSuite gives you visibility and control of your financials, planning, budgeting, and of course - inventory - so you can manage risk, get reliable forecasts, and improve margins. NetSuite helps you identify rising costs, automate your manual business processes, and see where to save money. KNOW your numbers. KNOW your business. And get to KNOW how NetSuite can be the source of truth for your entire company. Visit www.netsuite.com/darknet to learn more. This episode is sponsored by Intruder. Growing attack surfaces, dynamic cloud environments, and the constant stream of new vulnerabilities stressing you out? Intruder is here to help you cut through the chaos of vulnerability management with ease. Join the thousands of companies who are using Intruder to find and fix what matters most. Sign up to Intruder today and get 20% off your first 3 months. Visit intruder.io/darknet. This show is sponsored by Shopify. Shopify is the best place to go to start or grow your online retail business. And running a growing business means getting the insights you need wherever you are. With Shopify’s single dashboard, you can manage orders, shipping, and payments from anywhere. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at https://shopify.com/darknet. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    142: Axact

    142: Axact
    Axact sells fake diplomas and degrees. What could go wrong with this business plan? Sponsors Support for this episode comes from NetSuite. NetSuite gives you visibility and control of your financials, planning, budgeting, and of course - inventory - so you can manage risk, get reliable forecasts, and improve margins. NetSuite helps you identify rising costs, automate your manual business processes, and see where to save money. KNOW your numbers. KNOW your business. And get to KNOW how NetSuite can be the source of truth for your entire company. Visit www.netsuite.com/darknet to learn more. Support for this show comes from ThreatLocker®. ThreatLocker® is a Zero Trust Endpoint Protection Platform that strengthens your infrastructure from the ground up. With ThreatLocker® Allowlisting and Ringfencing™, you gain a more secure approach to blocking exploits of known and unknown vulnerabilities. ThreatLocker® provides Zero Trust control at the kernel level that enables you to allow everything you need and block everything else, including ransomware! Learn more at www.threatlocker.com. This show is sponsored by Shopify. Shopify is the best place to go to start or grow your online retail business. And running a growing business means getting the insights you need wherever you are. With Shopify’s single dashboard, you can manage orders, shipping, and payments from anywhere. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at https://shopify.com/darknet. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    141: The Pig Butcher

    141: The Pig Butcher
    The #1 crime which results in the biggest financial loss is BEC fraud. The #2 crime is pig butchering. Ronnie Tokazowski https://twitter.com/iHeartMalware walks us through this wild world. Sponsors Support for this episode comes from NetSuite. NetSuite gives you visibility and control of your financials, planning, budgeting, and of course - inventory - so you can manage risk, get reliable forecasts, and improve margins. NetSuite helps you identify rising costs, automate your manual business processes, and see where to save money. KNOW your numbers. KNOW your business. And get to KNOW how NetSuite can be the source of truth for your entire company. Visit www.netsuite.com/darknet to learn more. Support for this show comes from Drata. Drata streamlines your SOC 2, ISO 27001, PCI DSS, HIPAA, GDPR & many other compliance frameworks, and provides 24-hour continuous control monitoring so you focus on scaling securely. Listeners of Darknet Diaries can get 10% off Drata and waived implementation fees at drata.com/darknetdiaries. This show is sponsored by Shopify. Shopify is the best place to go to start or grow your online retail business. And running a growing business means getting the insights you need wherever you are. With Shopify’s single dashboard, you can manage orders, shipping, and payments from anywhere. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at https://shopify.com/darknet. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    139: D3f4ult

    139: D3f4ult
    This is the story of D3f4ult (twitter.com/_d3f4ult) from CWA. He was a hacktivist, upset with the state of the way things were, and wanted to make some changes. Changes were made. Sponsors Support for this show comes from Axonius. The Axonius solution correlates asset data from your existing IT and security solutions to provide an always up-to-date inventory of all devices, users, cloud instances, and SaaS apps, so you can easily identify coverage gaps and automate response actions. Axonius gives IT and security teams the confidence to control complexity by mitigating threats, navigating risk, decreasing incidents, and informing business-level strategy — all while eliminating manual, repetitive tasks. Visit axonius.com/darknet to learn more and try it free. Support for this show comes from Thinkst Canary. Their canaries attract malicious actors in your network and then send you an alert if someone tries to access them. Great early warning system for knowing when someone is snooping around where they shouldn’t be. Check them out at https://canary.tools. Support for this show comes from Quorum Cyber. Their mantra is: “We help good people win.” If you’re looking for a partner to help you reduce risk and defend against the threats that are targeting your business — and especially if you are interested in Microsoft Security — reach out to Quorum Cyber at www.quorumcyber.com/darknet-diaries. Sources https://www.vice.com/en/article/z3ekk5/kane-gamble-cracka-back-online-after-a-two-year-internet-ban https://www.wired.com/2015/10/hacker-who-broke-into-cia-director-john-brennan-email-tells-how-he-did-it/ https://www.hackread.com/fbi-server-hacked-miami-police-data-leaked/ https://archive.ph/Si79V#selection-66795.5-66795.6 https://wikileaks.org/cia-emails/John-Brennan-Draft-SF86/page-7.html Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    138: The Mimics of Punjab

    138: The Mimics of Punjab
    This episode is about scammers in the Punjab region. Tarun (twitter.com/taruns21) comes on the show to tell us a story of what happened to him. Naomi Brockwell (twitter.com/naomibrockwell) makes an appearance to speak about digital privacy. To learn more about protecting your digital privacy, watch Naomi’s YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@NaomiBrockwellTV. And check out the books Extreme Privacy (https://amzn.to/3L3ffp9) and Beginner’s Introduction to Privacy (https://amzn.to/3EjuSoY). Sponsors Support for this show comes from Axonius. The Axonius solution correlates asset data from your existing IT and security solutions to provide an always up-to-date inventory of all devices, users, cloud instances, and SaaS apps, so you can easily identify coverage gaps and automate response actions. Axonius gives IT and security teams the confidence to control complexity by mitigating threats, navigating risk, decreasing incidents, and informing business-level strategy — all while eliminating manual, repetitive tasks. Visit axonius.com/darknet to learn more and try it free. Support for this show comes from SpyCloud. It’s good practice to see what data is getting passed around out there regarding you, your employees, your customers, and your business. The dark web is a place where this data is traded and shared. SpyCloud will help you find what out there about you and give you a report so you can be aware. Then they’ll continuously monitor the dark web for any new exposures you should be aware of. To learn more visit spycloud.com/darknetdiaries. Support for this show comes from ThreatLocker. ThreatLocker has built-in endpoint security solutions that strengthen your infrastructure from the ground up with a zero trust posture. ThreatLocker’s Allowlisting gives you a more secure approach to blocking exploits of known and unknown vulnerabilities. ThreatLocker provides zero trust control at the kernel level. Learn more at www.threatlocker.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    137: Predator

    137: Predator
    A new type of mercenary spyware came on the radar called Predator. It’ll infect a mobile phone, and then suck up all the data from it. Contacts, text messages, location, and more. This malware is being sold to intelligence agencies around the world. In this episode we hear from Crofton Black at Lighthouse Reports who spent 6 months with a team of journalists researching this story which was published here: https://www.lighthousereports.com/investigation/flight-of-the-predator/. We also hear from Bill Marczak and John Scott-Railton from Citizen Lab. If you want to hear about other mercenary spyware, check out episodes 99 and 100, about NSO group and Pegasus. To hear another episode about Greece check out episode 64 called Athens Shadow Games. Sponsors Support for this show comes from Axonius. The Axonius solution correlates asset data from your existing IT and security solutions to provide an always up-to-date inventory of all devices, users, cloud instances, and SaaS apps, so you can easily identify coverage gaps and automate response actions. Axonius gives IT and security teams the confidence to control complexity by mitigating threats, navigating risk, decreasing incidents, and informing business-level strategy — all while eliminating manual, repetitive tasks. Visit axonius.com/darknet to learn more and try it free. Support for this show comes from Varonis. Do you wonder what your company’s ransomware blast radius is? Varonis does a free cyber resilience assessment that tells you how many important files a compromised user could steal, whether anything would beep if they did, and a whole lot more. They actually do all the work – show you where your data is too open, if anyone is using it, and what you can lock down before attackers get inside. They also can detect behavior that looks like ransomware and stop it automatically. To learn more visit www.varonis.com/darknet. Support for this show comes from Akamai Connected Cloud (formerly Linode). Akamai Connected Cloud supplies you with virtual servers. Visit linode.com/darknet and get a special offer. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Daniël Verlaan weet jouw wachtwoord

    Wat is de donkere kant van het internet? Welke vormen van cybercrime zijn er? Moet je banger zijn dat je word gehackt door een criminele groepering of door je slimme neef? Vindt de meeste criminaliteit plaats op het gewone internet of op het dark web? Wat zijn de minst bekende, maar meest impactvolle, cybercrime technieken? Hoe voorkom je dat je gehackt wordt of slachtoffer van cybercriminaliteit? Is hetgeen politie en justitie doen rondom cybercriminaliteit, bestrijding online kindermisbruik en oplichting niet een druppel op een gloeiende plaat? Komt er een moment dat we als consument geen keuze meer hebben tussen een dom of slim apparaat en dat onze privacy en online veiligheid permanent onder druk komen te staan?

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