
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Alternative Treatments for Elderly PatientsWhen traditional treatments aren't an option for elderly patients due to age or health complications, considering alternative treatments like stem cell therapy can lead to positive outcomes.

      When traditional medical treatments fail or are not an option for elderly patients due to age or health complications, exploring alternative treatments like stem cell therapy can be a viable solution. The speaker's father, who was 92 and suffering from multiple health issues, was initially rejected by the Mayo Clinic for hip replacement surgery due to his age. However, after researching adult stem cell therapy, the speaker and his brother decided to pursue it. They consulted with experts and read relevant literature, leading to an informed decision. Ultimately, the father underwent the procedure, which was not legal in America, and recovered well. This story highlights the importance of exploring all options for elderly patients and the potential benefits of alternative treatments like stem cell therapy.

    • Panama's Leading Role in Advanced Stem Cell TherapiesPanama is a leading destination for stem cell therapies using high-quality MSC from umbilical cords. Intravenous administration allows cells to home to damaged areas and secrete restorative factors, improving conditions like autoimmune diseases and multi-organ failure.

      Panama is a leading destination for the use of adult stem cells, particularly mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) from umbilical cords, for medical treatments. These cells are grown in high-quality laboratories and are used intravenously to modulate the immune system, decrease inflammation, and stimulate regeneration. The benefit of intravenous stem cells is that they can home to areas of inflammation in the body and secrete cytokines and growth factors that help restore damaged tissues. The use of these cells has shown significant improvement in autoimmune diseases and even in cases of multi-organ failure, as seen in a 92-year-old man who received IV treatments and experienced improved kidney function, heart health, and cognitive abilities. Despite the lack of widespread availability in the US, Panama offers a viable option for those seeking advanced stem cell therapies.

    • Intravenous use of umbilical cord stem cells not yet approved in USDespite promising results from intravenous stem cell therapy using umbilical cord cells, it's not yet legal in the US. Some countries approve it for certain conditions, but the source of cells matters in the US.

      Intravenous stem cell therapy, specifically using umbilical cord stem cells, has been reported by some individuals to provide significant regeneration, energy, and improvement in various health conditions. However, it is currently considered a new drug by the FDA in the US and is not yet legal. There are hundreds of peer-reviewed studies supporting the efficacy of stem cell therapy, but the specific intravenous use is not yet approved in the US. Some countries, such as Canada, New Zealand, South Korea, and Japan, have approved the use of stem cells for certain conditions. The speaker personally had a positive experience with stem cell therapy for shoulder pain, but the cells used were from amnion, which is currently the only legal source in the US under a federal exemption. However, the FDA commissioner has expressed dislike for this use, and it may not last much longer.

    • Regulatory scrutiny against Amniotic Membrane and fat-derived stem cell treatmentsDespite ongoing regulatory challenges, research and clinical trials continue to explore the potential benefits of Amniotic Membrane and fat-derived stem cell treatments. It's crucial for practitioners and patients to stay informed and adhere to ethical and evidence-based practices.

      There is ongoing regulatory scrutiny against certain regenerative medical treatments, specifically Amniotic Membrane (Amnion) and fat-derived stem cell injections. The regulatory bodies' concerns lie mainly in unproven claims and lack of clinical studies. For instance, Amnion, which has been used safely for over a century, is now under investigation due to unsubstantiated claims. Similarly, fat-derived stem cell treatments have been prohibited from being injected into joints or bloodstreams. A notable case is the use of Amnion for treating conditions like Multiple Sclerosis and Muscular Dystrophy, which has shown promising results but lacks definitive clinical trials. Despite these challenges, ongoing research and clinical trials continue to explore the potential benefits of these treatments. For example, Amnion is currently in clinical trials for treating spinal cord injuries, and researchers are identifying which cells are most effective for therapeutic use. Ultimately, the regulatory landscape for regenerative medicine is evolving, and it's crucial for practitioners and patients to stay informed and adhere to ethical and evidence-based practices.

    • Amniotic Stem Cell Treatments: A Game-Changer for Patients, But Challenges Persist in the USAmniotic stem cells offer significant benefits for patients with injuries, but US regulations limit access. A Panamanian company has been successfully treating patients for over a decade, using advanced cell selection techniques.

      The use of amniotic stem cells for medical treatments has been a game-changer for many patients, particularly those suffering from injuries. However, the availability and regulation of this treatment in the United States have been a challenge. The company discussed in the interview discovered this issue in 2006 and moved their operations to Panama, where they've been successfully treating patients for over a decade. The advantage they have is their ability to analyze which cells work best based on previous cases and select those for use. Meanwhile, some forms of this treatment are no longer available in the US due to regulations. The company's founder expressed concern for those suffering from injuries who could benefit from this treatment but are unable to access it easily. The company's clinic in Panama is popular among patients from the US and other countries, offering high-quality care and facilities. Despite some challenges, such as traffic and regulations, Panama has become a hub for medical tourism and offers a friendly and relatively safe environment for patients.

    • Regulatory hurdles for cell therapy in the USJapan's laws allow for marketing of safe cell products before demonstrating efficacy, leading to faster approval processes and more approved cell products than the US. The US is currently behind with only one approved cell product for bone marrow transplants, but there's optimism that the Keir's Act will help address regulatory challenges.

      The regulatory hurdles for cell therapy in the United States are significant, with the cost of bringing a new drug to market being a major barrier. However, other countries, such as Japan, have implemented laws that allow for marketing of safe cell products before demonstrating efficacy, leading to faster approval processes and more approved cell products. The United States is currently behind in this area, with only one approved cell product, umbilical cord blood for bone marrow transplants. The speaker mentioned his work in Panama using cells isolated and expanded there to treat muscular dystrophy and plans to expand into spinal cord injury treatments. He also mentioned the potential of injecting cells directly into discs for degenerative disc disease, which is being explored in the United States but not yet in Panama. The speaker expressed optimism that the Keir's Act, which went into effect last year, will help address the regulatory challenges for cell products.

    • Addressing back injuries with stem cells and muscle strengtheningStem cell therapy and muscle strengthening exercises can help heal back injuries and disc issues by strengthening the surrounding muscles and protecting the spine. These treatments can lead to long-term improvement in symptoms, although they may cause temporary side effects.

      When it comes to back injuries and disc issues, it's not just the disc itself that needs attention, but also the surrounding muscles. These muscles, which protect the spine, can appear withered or marbled with fat in individuals with injuries. To address this, treatments like injecting the disc and the surrounding muscles with concentrated stem cells from one's own bone marrow are used. This helps strengthen the muscles and protect the spine. Additionally, weak back muscles are a common cause of disc injuries and back pain. The use of equipment like reverse hyper machines and DEX back stretchers can help build and maintain a strong back. These treatments involve activating the immune system, which can cause temporary side effects like fatigue. Despite their effectiveness, these regenerative therapies are not as widely used in the US as traditional rheumatoid arthritis drugs, which work by binding to specific molecules in the body to inhibit inflammation. However, studies have shown that administering large numbers of stem cells can lead to long-term improvement in symptoms without the need for continuous treatment.

    • Discovering new ways to reduce inflammation and stimulate cell regenerationResearch shows that increasing T-regulatory cells can significantly decrease inflammation in autoimmune patients, while umbilical cord cells can stimulate cell regeneration in older cells, potentially leading to overall healing and repair.

      Researchers have discovered a way to significantly reduce inflammatory markers in patients with autoimmune diseases by increasing the number of T-regulatory cells. These cells suppress the production of inflammatory molecules like TNF alpha and IL-6. After two treatments, patients experienced a 75% decrease in inflammation levels. This could potentially lead to overall repair and healing in the body. The concept of cell regeneration was also discussed, explaining that cells divide less frequently as we age, making it difficult to repair damage beyond a certain point. However, umbilical cord cells, when co-cultured with older cells, can stimulate regeneration and make the older cells behave younger. This could potentially be beneficial for various autoimmune diseases. The study "Parabiosis" at Harvard, where young and old mice were sewn together, showed that the older mice got younger, and one of the key molecules involved was GDF-11, which is overproduced by the golden cells and stimulates regeneration in the body.

    • Cellular treatments show promise for MS, RA, Autism, and heart diseaseCellular treatments have shown significant improvement for MS patients, a RA patient was pain-free for three years, evidence of effectiveness for Lupus, potential for Autism treatment due to anti-inflammatory properties, and explorations for heart disease

      Innovative cellular treatments have shown promising results in managing conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), and even Autism. A recent clinical trial for MS resulted in significant improvement for patients with minimal side effects. A case of RA patient being pain-free for three years after treatment is another inspiring example. Although there isn't a protocol for Lupus yet, there's evidence of its effectiveness in trials. In the case of Autism, inflammation plays a significant role, and these treatments have anti-inflammatory properties. A recent study revealed correlations between two inflammatory molecules and autism severity, making it a potential area for further investigation. While diet and gut biome changes can also help, addressing the inflammatory status before treatment seems crucial for optimal results. The potential for these treatments in heart disease is also being explored.

    • MSCs improve heart repair through their secretionsMSC therapy may enhance heart repair by injecting cells or their secretions, potentially benefiting heart failure patients, even those on transplant lists.

      The secretions of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) play a crucial role in the natural repair process of the heart in heart failure patients. A study at the University of Buffalo demonstrated that injecting MSCs into a hamster model of heart failure showed improvement, even when few cells were present in the heart. The researchers also found that the liquid secreted by the cells, or the "juice," could stimulate heart repair when injected directly into the heart. This discovery suggests that MSC therapy could potentially help heart failure patients, even those on transplant lists, by augmenting the body's natural repair process and improving heart function. Clinical trials using similar cell types have shown promising results, including reduced levels of a molecule called BMP and increased ejection fractions in patients. While not a cure-all, MSC therapy may eventually become a standard treatment for chronic degenerative diseases where the root cause is a lack or dysfunction of these cells.

    • Success stories of adult stem cell treatmentsAdult stem cells from mature tissues offer regenerative capabilities without tumor risks, shown in success stories and animal studies, and are more cost-effective than embryonic stem cells.

      Adult mesenchymal stem cells offer promising regenerative capabilities without the risks associated with embryonic stem cells. These cells, derived from mature and fully developed tissues, do not carry the risk of forming tumors like embryonic stem cells. The discussion highlighted several success stories of individuals who have benefited from these treatments, including a friend of the speaker who was able to reverse an autoimmune disorder and conceive children after shoulder injuries. Additionally, animal studies show that these cells can reverse ovarian failure and improve muscle function in cases of genetic defects. The ease and natural growth of these cells make them a more viable and cost-effective option compared to the heavily monitored and manipulated embryonic stem cells.

    • Misinformation on Stem Cell Research Led to Significant Investment in AlternativesThe Bush administration's restriction on embryonic stem cell research caused confusion and unnecessary spending, but now resources are being directed towards more effective treatments for various conditions. For individuals considering stem cell therapy, they can explore options in the US or travel to Panama for treatment.

      The Bush administration's restriction on using federal taxpayer money for embryonic stem cell research led to significant investment in the study of adult and umbilical cord stem cells. This misinformation caused confusion and unnecessary spending, but now, resources are being directed towards more effective treatments for various conditions. For individuals considering stem cell therapy, they can visit Cellmedicine.com for information on treatments available in the US for orthopedic issues, or go to the website for systemic treatments for autoimmune diseases, spinal cord injuries, and autism. Consultations with doctors and necessary diagnostic tests are required before treatment. Travel to Panama for treatment is relatively easy, with no visa required and flights taking around 5 hours from New York. The benefits of stem cell therapy can include metabolic improvements and increased energy, but structural damage may not be fully reversible.

    • The longer the delay in treating spinal cord injuries, the less likely it is for nerves to regenerate.Early treatment of spinal cord injuries increases the chances of nerve regeneration and functional recovery, thanks to the presence of mesenchymal stem cells and growth factors.

      The longer the delay in treating spinal cord injuries, the less likely it is for nerves to regenerate and for the patient to regain lost function. This is due to the fact that the spinal cord has very few blood vessels and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), which are necessary for repair and regeneration. However, there have been cases of successful regeneration, such as that of Juan Carlos Marillo, a commercial pilot from Costa Rica who regained most of his function after receiving MSC treatments within a year of his injury. These treatments involve both intravenous and intrathecal injections to deliver the cells directly to the damaged area and secrete growth factors. While not a guaranteed cure, these treatments offer hope for those with spinal cord injuries, particularly if they are treated promptly.

    • Remarkable recovery through stem cell therapy for injuries and conditionsStem cell therapy, specifically mesenchymal stem cells, has shown impressive results in aiding recovery from injuries and conditions like spinal cord injuries. Effective for individuals 6 months to 2 years post-injury, it holds promise for those with limited US treatment options.

      Stem cell therapy, specifically mesenchymal stem cells, has shown remarkable results in helping individuals recover from various injuries and conditions, including spinal cord injuries. A notable case is that of a man who, after making significant progress with conventional treatment, went on to break his legs again but still managed to regain most of his mobility through stem cell therapy. This therapy has been particularly effective for individuals who are six months to two years post-injury, as stated in a study being conducted at Miami. The results of this therapy have been so impressive that some individuals, like an MMA fighter named TJ Dilisau, have traveled to Panama to receive treatment. The potential benefits of stem cell therapy are vast, and it holds promise for those dealing with injuries or conditions that have limited treatment options in the United States. For more information, check out cellmedicine.com or read the books "Mesenchymal Stem Cells" and "Stem Cell Therapy, A Rising Tide."

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    Dr. Ross Carter is the founder of Doc Stem Cell LLC and has been in private practice since 1996 in Atlanta, Georgia & currently West Palm Beach, Florida.

    He is a specialist in Helping Physicians, Medical Professionals & Health Coaches Add Longevity, Epigenetics, & Biohacking Services To Their Business.

    He is an epigenetic coach with extensive training in Age Reduction, Cellular Reprogramming, & Regenerative Nanoparticles.

    He received his Fellowship in Stem Cell Therapy in 2017 from the American Academy of Anti-aging Medicine.

    He is a 3x Best-Selling Author including Doc Stem Cell, The Million Dollar Business Card, and his current best seller book, Reprogramming Youth- The Revolutionary Method to Reawaken Your Health, Youthfulness, and Vitality.

    He works as a health consultant at the World Famous Hippocrates Health Institute, which is the largest natural food health institute in the country.

    He has one of the largest regenerative medicine podcasts in the world, the Regenerative Warrior Podcast & Show, which can be found on Youtube & Apple Podcasts.

    He is an international keynote speaker on health, longevity, and other wellness topics with presentations in London England, Paris France, Rome Italy, and all over USA.



    DISCLAIMER: Information in this podcast and interview is not to be taken as medical advice, and always consult with your Physician before making any lifestyle changes. The material shared by guests in this podcast is not the opinion of Rachel Varga or Katie Moore, and disclaims any responsibility of inaccurate credentials of guests or information used that may cause harm. Always consult with your licensed Physician before any lifestyle modifications.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Stem cell therapy discoveries

    Stem cell therapy discoveries

    Studies have shown that stem cells can protect and regenerate the injured spinal cord through neuroprotection, immunomodulation, axon sprouting and/or regeneration, neuronal relay formation, and myelin regeneration, among other mechanisms. 

    The motto "Live your best life " has been the mantra that Dr. Adeel Khan has followed. Dr. Khan is an expert in musculoskeletal medicine, pain medicine and regenerative medicine. He specializes in Interventional Orthopedics, using orthobiologics with x-ray and/or ultrasound guidance to treat patients. He was the first Canadian doctor to perform and publish intraosseous infiltration of PRP. He is internationally-renowned treating patients around the world. He is currently doing a Health Canada approved clinical trial using stem cells for treating osteoarthritis. He is the CEO of REGENERATUS, a company dedicated to accelerating HealthCare’s transition to regenerative medicine. Dr. Khan also teaches medical students and residents, and is an Assistant (Adjunct) Clinical Professor at McMaster University and University of Toronto Follow Dr. Adeel Khan social media channel: Instagram.com/dr.akhan Theregendoc on Tiktok . The next event where you can meet Dr Khan is in Dubai during a seminar with Ben Greenfield and other health/business influencers Mid feb.

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