
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Extreme Side of Human HistoryThrough engaging storytelling, history podcasts shed light on the complexities and extremes of human behavior, from the depths of human nature to the connection with pop culture.

      History, though filled with boring details and extensive research, is an fascinating subject due to the crazy and extreme actions humans have taken throughout time. The podcast discussed highlights these extreme aspects of history through engaging storytelling and connecting them to pop culture. The research process involves taking extensive notes without turning it into a dry reading experience. Despite the challenges and horrors of history, it's important to remember that the human psyche is complex and capable of both amazing and disturbing actions. The most disturbing moments often occur when mob mentality takes over and ordinary people commit horrible acts. A recent podcast series on the Sand Creek Massacre in Colorado and My Lai in Vietnam was particularly heavy, but necessary to understand the depths of human nature.

    • Soldiers who refused to participate in massacres of civilians during conflicts with Native AmericansBrave individuals made moral stands, saving countless lives, despite being a minority during conflicts with Native Americans. Understanding and respecting cultural differences and immune systems is crucial.

      Even in the darkest of circumstances, there are individuals who refuse to follow the crowd and make brave, moral stands. This was evident in the stories of soldiers who refused to participate in massacres of civilians during conflicts with Native Americans. These soldiers, like Silasoul, were a minority, but their actions were significant and often heroic. The consequences of their decisions could mean the difference between life and death for countless others. However, it's important to remember that the majority of these conflicts were not intentional acts of genocide but rather unintentional consequences of disease and cultural differences. The introduction of European diseases led to the devastating demographic disaster that wiped out nearly 90% of the Native American population. This tragic event highlights the importance of understanding and respecting the immune systems and cultures of other peoples.

    • Urban coyotes thrive without predatorsCoyotes have adapted to urban life due to the absence of larger predators, allowing them to grow in numbers and display bold behavior, posing threats to smaller animals and humans.

      The absence of predators, such as Native Americans, has led to the proliferation of large herds of animals like buffalo. This, in turn, has allowed smaller predators like coyotes to thrive and adapt to living in urban areas. These coyotes are resilient and can live in close proximity to humans, displaying bold and assertive behavior. They have even been known to take down larger prey, such as moose, and can pose a threat to smaller animals and humans. The coexistence of predators in urban areas presents unique challenges and raises questions about the role of humans in managing wildlife populations. The discussion also highlighted the work of biologists who track and study these animals, providing valuable insights into their behavior and the challenges they face in urban environments.

    • Understanding the Complexity of Human and Animal BehaviorEuropean settlers and Native Americans had distinct cultures, with coexistence and adoption possible, but predators and harsh realities existed in both societies. People captured by Native Americans sometimes chose to join them.

      The natural world, like human societies, is complex and nuanced. Predators, such as hawks and owls, exist and can be dangerous, but coexistence and adoption were also possible in some Native American cultures. The individuals within these cultures could be kind or cruel, and the distinction between "us" and "them" could be based on tribal affiliation rather than race. The European settlers, on the other hand, had a distinct culture with its own dynamics, including the contrast between the harsh realities of frontier life and the refined manners back in civilization. The discussion also touched upon the intriguing phenomenon of people captured by Native Americans choosing to join their tribes, despite the risks involved. Overall, the conversation emphasized the complexity and diversity of human and animal behavior and the importance of understanding the context and motivations behind actions.

    • Unexpected harmony between humans and nature or different tribesPeaceful coexistence between humans and nature or different tribes depends on mutual respect and understanding, but self-defense is necessary for survival.

      The natural world and human societies can find unexpected harmony in the most unlikely places. This was evident in the way Native American tribes, through a process of understanding and mutual respect, managed to coexist peacefully around areas where they hunted, while avoiding conflict zones where other tribes resided. Similarly, in the natural world, animals like elk seem to understand that certain areas are safer for them due to human behavior. However, the success of peaceful human communities often hinges on their ability to defend themselves and maintain a minimum level of self-defense. Unfortunately, history shows that even peaceful communities, like the hippie-like settlers of Merrimount, can be squashed by more dominant groups. The struggle for power and dominance often leads to the downfall of peaceful communities.

    • The power of authority figuresHuman tendency to follow authority figures can lead to positive or negative outcomes. Leaders should aim for positive influence by fostering growth and taking care of others.

      The human tendency towards following authoritative figures, even when they may not have the best intentions, is a pattern that can be traced back to childhood experiences and the need for guidance. However, this can lead to abuse of power and harmful dynamics, particularly in isolated groups. It's important for leaders to consider their approach and strive for positive influence, rather than relying on a dogmatic or overly certain demeanor to gather followers. The desire for clear-cut answers and a sense of security can be strong, but it's crucial to remember that true leadership involves taking care of others and fostering growth in a subtle, supportive way.

    • Exploring complex historical analysis through podcastsPodcasts like Dan Carlin's Hardcore History offer valuable insights into history, making it more accessible and engaging, and providing complex analysis that was not easily obtainable before.

      While some people may be drawn to black-and-white thinking and clear resolutions, the need for intellectually honest and complex historical analysis is significant. Dan Carlin's Hardcore History podcast, along with others, has made history more accessible and engaging for a large audience, providing valuable insights that were not easily obtainable before. The Mongols, for example, are a topic that has gained renewed interest due to these podcasts. The Mongols' military prowess, including their use of advanced weapons and tactics, is a testament to their seriousness and impact on history. Carlin's podcast is worth the investment, with each episode costing only a dollar and offering hundreds of dollars' worth of knowledge. Despite the challenges of intellectual honesty in a world that often rewards simplistic thinking, it is essential to continue providing nuanced and complex historical analysis.

    • The aftermath of the Spartacus rebellion left a haunting trail of crucifixions between Naples and Rome.Caravaggio's controversial life and exceptional painting skills contributed to Rome's intriguing history, with his works showcasing moral ambiguity and artistic genius.

      The end of the Spartacus rebellion resulted in an estimated 120 miles of crucifixions between Naples and Rome, creating a haunting and intense visual. During a recent visit to Rome, the speaker was struck by the historical significance of the city and its art, particularly the works of artist Caravaggio. Caravaggio, known for his exceptional painting skills, lived during the late 1500s and early 1600s and was a controversial figure due to his rough lifestyle and scandals involving the church. Despite his questionable behavior, the church commissioned many of his works, including some depicting the Virgin Mary, for which he used models who were not traditionally pious figures. This juxtaposition of artistic genius and moral ambiguity adds to the intrigue and complexity of Rome's rich history.

    • Historical attempts to control artistic expressionThroughout history, societal norms and values have influenced how artistic expression is perceived and regulated, leading to debates and attempts to suppress certain elements.

      Throughout history, there have been attempts to control artistic expression and suppress certain elements, such as nudity or explicit content. For instance, in ancient Rome, there was a preference for small penises, associating large ones with barbarians and uncivilized behavior. Similarly, during the Victorian era, there were reports of tables having skirts added to their legs to prevent arousal, although this may have been a satirical exaggeration. These attempts to suppress artistic expression provide insight into the societal norms and values of their respective times. Additionally, there have been debates about the Virgin Mary's appearance, with some interpreting her as a "freak," while others saw her as a symbol of purity and divinity. Overall, understanding the historical context of artistic representation can help us appreciate the complexities and nuances of various cultures and eras.

    • Attempts to control or restrict can fuel obsessionHistorically, efforts to suppress desires or behaviors can lead to increased fascination and obsession, often with unintended consequences.

      Throughout history, attempts at repression or control over certain behaviors or desires have often led to increased obsession and fascination with those very things. From ancient civilizations requiring modest attire to modern-day internet pornography, the ease of access and the taboo surrounding these topics can make them all the more enticing. The Zen story about not thinking about monkeys illustrates this concept perfectly – trying to suppress thoughts only makes us think about them more. It's essential to consider the potential consequences of our efforts to control or restrict, as they may inadvertently fuel the very behaviors we aim to prevent.

    • Focusing on communication and finding solutions is more effective than forbidding thingsInstead of forbidding things, prioritize open communication and finding mutually beneficial solutions to ensure safety and happiness while allowing young people freedom to make choices

      Forbidding certain things, like alcohol or rules in education, can often lead to the opposite effect. Instead, a more effective approach is to focus on open communication and finding mutually beneficial solutions. For example, in the context of alcohol, historical practices like drinking wine to prevent illness show that it's not inherently bad. However, it's essential to be aware of the potential risks and negative consequences when consuming alcohol. The same principle applies to education and parenting. By adopting a more collaborative and understanding approach, parents and educators can help ensure that young people are safe and happy while still allowing them the freedom to make their own choices. Additionally, it's important to remember that alcohol can act as a social lubricant and help people communicate more freely, but it can also remove doubt and inhibitions, which can lead to negative outcomes. Ultimately, it's crucial to strike a balance and approach these situations with an open mind and a focus on open communication and mutual understanding.

    • Finding balance in open-mindedness and confidenceStay open-minded and willing to change, but have confidence in current knowledge. Consider all possibilities and stay calm under pressure to succeed in competition and relationships.

      Intellectual honesty lies in finding the balance between being open-minded and willing to change your beliefs with new evidence, and having the confidence to take a stand based on current knowledge. This balance is important to avoid being too dogmatic or too indecisive. Additionally, being aware of all possibilities and staying calm under pressure can help in various aspects of life, including competition and interpersonal relationships. The universe may present us with unexpected opportunities or challenges, and it's essential to remain open to them and trust in the wisdom of taking calculated risks.

    • Unexpected connections and coincidences challenge our understanding of the universeTrusting our instincts and perceptions can lead to valuable insights and deeper connections. The world is full of mysteries, and embracing the unexpected can lead to new discoveries and a deeper appreciation for existence.

      Life can be full of unexpected connections and coincidences that challenge our understanding of the universe and our place in it. Sometimes, we may feel intuitively connected to people or situations, even without a rational explanation. These moments can be humbling and make us question what we know and understand. Trusting our instincts and perceptions, rather than dismissing them as irrational, can lead us to valuable insights and deeper connections. The world is full of mysteries, and the more we open ourselves up to them, the more we may discover about ourselves and the interconnectedness of all things. Additionally, the human experience is full of fascinating stories, from the recent history of self-government in the United States to the potential for civilization resets and the discovery of new worlds. Embracing the unexpected and trusting our instincts can lead us to new discoveries and a deeper appreciation for the complexity and wonder of existence.

    • Extreme population reductions in human historyThroughout history, human population has faced extreme reductions, but the vast majority of people fall somewhere in the middle, highlighting the range of choices and individuality in human behavior.

      The human population has faced extreme reductions in numbers throughout history, such as the aftermath of the super volcano eruption at Mount Toba in Indonesia 70,000 years ago, which left only 10,000 people alive. This perspective puts into perspective the seemingly divisive issues of today, such as racism and political correctness, and highlights the vast range of choices and individuality that make up the human psyche. Despite the seemingly polarized society, the majority of people fall somewhere in the middle, and the media's focus on extreme cases can create a skewed perception. The study of human behavior continues to be fascinating due to our capacity for choice and the resulting diverse expressions and thoughts.

    • Perspective is key when dealing with campus incidentsWhile extreme behavior exists on college campuses, it's not the norm. Focus on open dialogue and understanding, rather than sensationalizing incidents and making it a partisan issue.

      While there are instances of extreme behavior and intolerance towards opposing views on college campuses, it's essential to keep things in perspective. The media may sensationalize these incidents, making it seem like they're more frequent and widespread than they actually are. The Evergreen State College incident is an example of this, where the reaction to a day of absence turned violent and disruptive. However, it's crucial to remember that universities have hundreds, even thousands, of students, and such incidents are not the norm. The responsibility lies in considering the impact of broadcasting ideas and recognizing the potential influence they have on people. It's essential to avoid making it a partisan issue and instead focus on promoting open dialogue and understanding.

    • Totalitarianism's Harmful Desire to Control Thoughts and ChoicesTotalitarianism, driven by the human need to belong, suppresses individuality and diversity, leading to conflict and division. Focusing on shared humanity and common values is key to finding a better path.

      Totalitarianism, regardless of its source – be it political ideology, religion, or any other belief system – is a harmful and destructive mindset that seeks to control people's thoughts and choices. This desire to suppress individuality and diversity is equally prevalent on both sides of the political spectrum and is driven by the human need to belong to a group. This tribal mentality can lead to dangerous situations where people sacrifice their individuality and objectivity to fit in, ultimately causing conflict and division. The solution lies in recognizing the shared humanity and common values among us, and focusing on the issues that truly matter, rather than engaging in ideological battles and scoring points. It's essential to remember that the price of belonging to a tribe is the sacrifice of our individuality and complexity. The challenge is to find a way for people to come together and seek a better path, leaving behind the destructive patterns of tribal behavior.

    • Technology's Impact on Opinions and BehaviorsTechnology's rapid pace creates echo chambers, shaping opinions, and raises concerns for cultural ideals in AI. Historical insights offer guidance, but predicting application in this context is a challenge.

      Technology and social media are shaping our opinions and behaviors in unprecedented ways, creating echo chambers that limit exposure to diverse perspectives. The pace of technological development is unlike anything in human history, and while we can learn from history about human nature, predicting how it will be applied in this unique context is a challenge. The concern is that the human mind, without proper guidance, may create an artificial intelligence that disregards cultural ideals. The rapid pace of innovation raises concerns that we may not even recognize the potential dangers until it's too late. History offers valuable insights into human nature, but predicting how it will be applied in this unprecedented context is a significant challenge. The potential for technology to create echo chambers and shape opinions is a major concern, as is the possibility of creating an artificial intelligence that disregards cultural ideals. The rapid pace of innovation adds to the uncertainty, as we may not even recognize the potential dangers until it's too late. The historical context offers valuable insights, but the application of human nature to this unique context is a complex question. The potential consequences of these technological developments are significant and far-reaching, making it essential that we remain vigilant and informed.

    • Technology's consequences if not used responsiblyTechnology's complexity can lead to severe consequences if not used responsibly. Acquire deep knowledge to avoid accidents and maintain a balance between progress and responsibility.

      The advanced technologies we have access to today can have severe consequences if not used responsibly. The story about a Russian dude nearly causing World War 3 due to a radar bug serves as a reminder of this. Technologies are either too complex for our decision-making or not complex enough for adequate detection. This is akin to giving a baby a gun, where they don't understand the implications of their actions. We need to acquire deep knowledge about the things we use, just as we would learn the intricacies of driving a car. The responsibility that comes with using these technologies should not be taken lightly. The constant development of new technologies can be both exciting and terrifying, and it's essential to be aware of the potential risks. Ultimately, we must strive for a balance between progress and responsibility.

    • The future of mind preservation: scientific advancements and ethical dilemmasThe future of mind preservation involves ethical dilemmas and scientific advancements, including the possibility of uploading brains into computer simulations, which raises questions about the use of fresh brains and the ethical implications of asking terminal patients to donate their brains.

      The future of preserving the human mind involves scientific advancements and ethical dilemmas. The idea of uploading a brain into a computer simulation is a possibility, but it raises questions about the freshness and value of the brain being used. The process, known as "neuro-transmission," requires a fresh brain, leading some companies to consider using brains from terminal patients. This raises ethical concerns, as people are being asked to voluntarily end their lives for the sake of future generations. The idea of preserving the human mind is not new, as humans have found creative ways to pass down information through songs and stories, even in non-literate societies. However, the rapid advancement of technology brings new challenges and ethical dilemmas that must be addressed. The future of mind preservation is uncertain, but it is clear that it will require careful consideration and ethical decision-making.

    • Music and rhyme enhance memory and learningUsing music and rhyme can help make complex ideas more memorable and accessible, especially during formative stages of life.

      The use of music and rhyme in conveying complex ideas, especially during formative stages of life, significantly enhances memory and learning. This concept was exemplified in Arya, a character from history who made theology more accessible to the masses by turning it into songs. This method of learning has been proven effective since ancient times, as evidenced by babies' natural response to music and their ability to remember tunes. The power of music in memory retention continues throughout life, as seen in the speaker's experience with his daughter and her love for various forms of media. However, it's essential to strike a balance between exposing children to enriching content and allowing them to enjoy age-appropriate material. Ultimately, the key is to recognize the value of music and rhyme in learning and apply it in a way that caters to different developmental stages.

    • The Power of Adaptations in StorytellingWhile Amazon's adaptations can be entertaining, they don't always accurately represent the original source material. The speaker is excited about his historical fiction project but questions the viewership numbers for Amazon's original content.

      While some adaptations of classic stories and characters, such as Conan the Barbarian, can be entertaining, they don't always accurately represent the original source material. The speaker expresses a strong interest in storytelling, particularly in historical contexts, and has recently started writing historical fiction. He shares his excitement about a promising project but is unable to reveal details. The speaker also mentions the potential for Amazon to produce high-quality, compelling shows, such as a Lord of the Rings prequel and a Billy Bob Thornton series called "Goliath," but questions how many Amazon households actually watch these shows. Despite Amazon's widespread reach, the speaker wonders about the viewership numbers for their original content.

    • Streaming platforms keep viewership data a secretNetflix and Amazon compete for subscribers by investing in original content and offering unique experiences, but specific viewership numbers remain undisclosed

      While streaming platforms like Netflix and Amazon provide some viewership data, they keep the specific numbers of individuals who watch their content a secret. This is likely due to their competitive nature and the immense subscriber base they have. For instance, Netflix has a massive number of subscribers but does not reveal the exact number of viewers for each show. On the other hand, Amazon shares some data like the most-binged first seasons of their original series. The debate between Netflix and Amazon as the go-to streaming services continues, with both offering unique content and experiences. For example, some shows and movies are only available on DVD for Netflix, while Amazon Prime offers streaming and physical media. Ultimately, the future of streaming seems to be locked in, with both platforms investing heavily in original content to compete. Additionally, comedians like Bob Saget and Joey Diaz have comedy specials on both Netflix and Amazon, expanding possibilities for content creators.

    • Managing Time Effectively in the Age of Endless ContentBalance work, family, and personal pursuits by effectively managing time. Control your schedule to achieve a better work-life balance. Online education offers flexibility and convenience, but the need for diplomas from official universities limits its widespread adoption.

      We're living in a golden age of content consumption, with streaming platforms like Amazon offering a vast library of specials from comedians like Tom Papa, Jim Norton, and more. Apple is also reportedly investing in original video content to join the mix. With so much content available, managing time effectively to balance work, family, and personal pursuits is crucial. Gary Vaynerchuk's busy schedule serves as an inspiration, but it's an illusion that he's as busy as people think. The ability to work for oneself and control one's schedule is key to achieving a better work-life balance. Online education is also emerging as a viable alternative to traditional universities, offering flexibility and convenience. However, the need for diplomas from official universities still limits its widespread adoption.

    • The Power of Passion and Knowledge in Martial ArtsPassion and knowledge can lead to opportunities for teaching and contributing to a field, regardless of ethnicity or background. Martial arts history shows how individuals' dedication transformed and adapted styles, leading to global fusion.

      Passion and knowledge for a subject, regardless of ethnicity or background, can lead to opportunities for teaching and contributing to a field. The history of martial arts demonstrates this, as it has evolved and been influenced by various cultures around the world. Originating in Asia, martial arts have been transformed and adapted, leading to styles such as Judo, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and others. These transformations occurred through the passion and dedication of individuals, like Jigoro Kano, who saw martial arts as a means of education rather than just a means of violence. Despite initial skepticism or resistance due to ethnicity or lack of formal qualifications, these individuals were able to make significant contributions to the field. The globalization of martial arts is a testament to the power of passion, knowledge, and adaptability, resulting in the fusion of different styles and influences.

    • From Violent Art to Education: The Evolution of Jujitsu and JudoKano's transformation of Jujitsu into Judo, emphasizing education and self-improvement, led to its widespread adoption and international influence.

      The evolution of martial arts, specifically Jujitsu and Judo, is a testament to how cultural practices adapt and transform to fit the changing times. Kano, a sickly child who found strength and passion in Jujitsu, helped transform it from a violent art to a form of education and self-improvement. The Japanese society recognized the new function of these martial arts and embraced the change. Old techniques were documented in manuals and films, revealing the roots of modern martial arts. Despite refinements and shifts in focus, many original techniques can still be traced back to their origins. Japan's role in martial arts development is significant, as they systematized and popularized techniques from China and Greece, creating a rich and diverse martial arts culture. Kano's vision of universal brotherhood led to the spread of Judo around the world, including to influential figures like Theodore Roosevelt.

    • An extraordinary figure known for resilience and commitmentRoosevelt's resilience shown through his decision to deliver a speech after being shot, championing self-reliance and physical activity.

      Theodore Roosevelt was an extraordinary figure in American history, known for his adventurous spirit, toughness, and determination. Despite his controversial views on race and war, he is remembered for his adaptability and his advocacy for a strenuous life. One of his most iconic moments came in 1912 when he was shot during a campaign rally but chose to deliver a speech instead of going to the hospital. This demonstrates his resilience and his commitment to his beliefs, even in the face of danger. Roosevelt's impact on American culture is still felt today, as he championed the importance of physical activity and self-reliance in a time when many saw the younger generation as weak and pampered.

    • Jack Johnson's Defiance of Racial PrejudiceJack Johnson, a black boxer, defied societal norms and lived on his own terms during a time of high racial tension, inspiring resilience and courage against racial barriers

      Jack Johnson, a pioneering black boxer from the early 1900s, defied societal norms and became a symbol of resistance against racial prejudice. Despite making a living by defeating white opponents in the ring and reportedly dating white women, Johnson managed to avoid lynching during a time when racial tensions were high and slavery had only recently been abolished. His victory over the undefeated white champion Jim Jeffries in 1910 sparked widespread riots, resulting in numerous deaths. Despite the danger, Johnson continued to live his life on his own terms, making him an inspiring figure in American history. The story of Jack Johnson is a reminder of the resilience and courage of individuals who challenged racial barriers in the face of immense adversity.

    • Boxing in the late 1800s and early 1900s: Unique styles, challenges, and racial tensionsDuring the late 1800s and early 1900s, boxing was marked by unique fighting styles, challenges like small gloves, and racial tensions, as seen in Jack Johnson's career and the depiction of Native American leader Crazy Horse.

      The boxing world of the late 1800s and early 1900s was vastly different from what we know today. Fighters like Jack Johnson had unique styles, such as clinching and using uppercuts, and they faced challenges like breaking their hands due to small gloves. Racial tensions also played a significant role in the sport, with Johnson being a black man in a predominantly white audience. Johnson's fights were often long and grueling, with one being scheduled for an astonishing 45 rounds. Another fascinating figure was Crazy Horse, a Native American leader whose likeness is still being sculpted today despite the lack of accurate depictions due to the absence of photographs. Overall, these historical figures showcased incredible strength, resilience, and determination in their respective fields.

    • The importance of having accurate predictions and enduring rituals for leadership and warrior statusAccurate predictions and enduring rituals, such as visions and physical challenges, can strengthen one's resolve and prove worth in certain cultures, leading to respected leadership or warrior status.

      In certain cultures, having a vision or experiencing a ritual is seen as a way to prove one's worth and strengthen one's resolve. The discussion touched upon the idea of a vision that warned of an impending attack, and the importance of having a track record of accurate predictions to be believed. The conversation also explored the concept of physical and emotional endurance through the example of the Sundance ritual, where participants are suspended by their chest muscles as a rite of passage. The idea of sacrifice and its connection to strength and prayer was also mentioned. Despite the intensity and potential danger of these practices, they are seen as essential for becoming a better warrior or leader. However, it's important to note that not everyone may view these practices in the same light, and some may find them disturbing or even cruel.

    • The hypocrisy of human behavior throughout historyPeople can justify their actions and beliefs, even if they seem irrational or insane in other contexts. Recognize societal norms change over time and be open to new perspectives.

      Human beliefs and societal norms are not static but constantly evolving, and what was once considered normal can become unacceptable over time. People have a profound ability to justify their actions and beliefs, even if they seem irrational or insane in other contexts. This was highlighted in the discussion about the hypocrisy of human behavior throughout history, from the acceptance of slavery in the past to its rejection today. It's important to recognize this hypocrisy and be aware of how societal norms change over time. Additionally, some individuals will always resist new ideas and trends, while others will follow the crowd. It's essential to question our beliefs and be open to new perspectives. The podcast "History on Fire" by Daniele Bolele is an excellent resource for exploring these topics further.

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    Steve Blank (Stanford Engineering) - Entrepreneurship Strengthens a Nation
    Retired serial entrepreneur Steve Blank, creator of the “Lean LaunchPad” methodology for startups, discusses Silicon Valley’s roots as the epicenter of electronic warfare in the mid-20th century and how the region’s innovation ecosystem formed. An adjunct professor in Stanford’s Department of Management Science & Engineering, Blank also walks through the lean-startup movement and how its principles are now helping the U.S. government innovate faster in the areas of basic science, health, national defense and international diplomacy.



    In celebration of SADA’s 20 year anniversary, CEO Tony Safoian reflects on SADA’s history and shares his vision for the future.

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    Nicholas Thomas: The Return Of Curiosity

    Nicholas Thomas: The Return Of Curiosity

    In this episode I am joined by Professor Nicholas Thomas, an anthropologist and historian who has been a Director of The Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology in Cambridge since 2006. He is the author of several books including his latest book called The Return of Curiosity: What Museums are Good For in the Twenty-first Century. Nick Thomas gives us fresh perspectives on museums and their potential role in fostering curiosity and open dialogue as key leadership skills in the contemporary VUCA world.

    What Was Covered:

    • The resurgence of museums and why their importance is growing in contemporary society where everyone is supposedly online
    • Why a visit to a museum is unique and different from other cultural activities and what it can offer to a business leader
    • The importance of encounters with the unknown in a safe setting that a museum can provide a visitor

    Key Learnings And Takeaways:

    • A museum visit is an unscripted experience and a space for reflection that may be critical for looking at problems from different perspectives and inspiring innovation
    • Asking simple questions of curiosity is a critical skill in today’s heterogenous world
    • Anthropological thinking and taking cultural differences into account has become of fundamental importance in business

    Links and Resources Mentioned in This Episode: