
    11/23/21: Waukesha Attack, Economy News, Obama & Bezos, Andrew Cuomo, Fox News, Thanksgiving Topics, Maxwell Trial, Debating Race, and More!

    enNovember 23, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Shopping deals at Ross and switching to Straight Talk WirelessListeners can save money by shopping deals at Ross and switching to Straight Talk Wireless for affordable family plans with reliable 5G network and unlimited data.

      This podcast episode covers various topics, including shopping deals at dd's discounts, switching to Straight Talk Wireless for affordable family plans, and the latest news. At Ross, shoppers can find great deals on brands at 20-60% off department store prices. Straight Talk Wireless offers reliable 5G network and unlimited data starting from $25 a line for families or groups. The episode also discusses significant moves by the Biden administration, such as releasing oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and renominating Jerome Powell. New York Assembly revealed more details about Governor Cuomo's abuse of power. Two contributors left Fox News, and there was a tragic incident in Waukesha, Wisconsin, where an SUV drove into a holiday parade crowd, killing 5 and injuring 48. The episode features an interview with Brianna Joy Gray about white supremacy and critical race theory.

    • A man with a violent past ignored despite multiple interactions with the criminal justice systemDespite a long history of violent offenses, an individual was released on a low cash bond, leading to tragic consequences at a Christmas parade

      The individual accused of plowing through a Christmas parade crowd in Wisconsin, Daryl Brooks, has a long history of violent offenses and multiple interactions with the criminal justice system. Despite this, he was released on a low cash bond for a recent domestic disturbance incident. The focus on the dollar amount of the bond is misplaced, as the risk assessment process is intended to determine whether an individual should be released at all based on their prior history and the nature of the offense. The tragic incident at the parade resulted in multiple casualties, including the death of three "dancing grannies" and injuries to at least 18 children. The incident has sparked scrutiny on the Milwaukee County District Attorney's office and the bail recommendation process. Ultimately, the victims of these violent crimes should not be forgotten in the discussion.

    • The Importance of Effective Criminal Justice Policies and Global CollaborationThe tragic parade incident underscores the need for effective criminal justice policies and international cooperation to address the oil crisis.

      The tragic event at the children's parade in the town highlighted the importance of effective criminal justice policies and the potential consequences of releasing violent offenders. The discussion also emphasized the need for collaboration among countries to address the global oil crisis. The children's hospital reported that 18 individuals, including 10 in the ICU and 6 in critical condition, were brought in after the parade. The victims were mostly seniors, but tragically, children were also injured. The perpetrator, who should not have been released despite his criminal history, plowed into the crowd. There is ongoing scrutiny regarding the financing of district attorneys like the one in this case, and the conversation should focus on the need for fair and effective criminal justice policies. In a positive development, the Biden administration announced the release of oil from the strategic petroleum reserve and coordinated with other countries to do the same. This global effort is crucial to mitigate the impact of the oil crisis on individual nations. The families of the victims are in the forefront of everyone's thoughts during this difficult time.

    • Countries Release Oil from Reserves to Ease PricesThe US, along with several other nations, has coordinated a release of oil from their strategic reserves to decrease rising energy prices, potentially leading to a significant drop in oil prices as supply chain issues in production begin to ease.

      The United States and several other nations have released oil from their strategic petroleum reserves to decrease rising energy prices, following OPEC's refusal to release more barrels due to diplomatic tensions with the Biden administration. This coordinated release, which includes China, India, Japan, the United Kingdom, and other Asian powers, could lead to a significant drop in oil prices, as the supply chain crisis in production begins to ease. The Biden administration's decision to keep Jerome Powell as the Federal Reserve chairman aims for stability and independence during economic uncertainty.

    • A shift in Fed policy: Employment focus under PowellUnder Powell, the Fed prioritized employment over interest rates, leading to a strong economy and innovative pandemic response, but also widening wealth gap

      Jerome Powell, the current Federal Reserve Chairman, has prioritized both interest rates and employment, marking a significant shift in Fed policy since the Volcker era. This focus on full employment led to a strong labor market and economy under the Trump administration. During the pandemic, Powell innovated with new tools to inject massive amounts of money into the economy, saving both the stock and bond markets from collapse. However, this has led to a widening wealth gap as the wealthy disproportionately benefited from government programs and the Fed's actions. As the Fed now holds a large amount of assets on its balance sheet, the identity of future Fed chairs will be crucial in determining how these assets will be unwound. Critics, including Elizabeth Warren and AOC, have objected to Powell's renomination due to his actions rolling back Dodd-Frank banking regulations under the Trump administration.

    • The Fed's Role in Economic Crises and InequalityThe Fed's leadership and the absence of adequate safety nets can greatly impact people's lives during economic crises, with the 2008 financial crisis highlighting the need for equal protection.

      The role of the Federal Reserve and its leadership, as well as the lack of adequate safety nets for ordinary people during economic crises, are significant issues worth considering. The Fed, being one of the most influential institutions of the government, has the power to induce recessions or prevent them, and the direction it takes under different leadership can have a significant impact on people's lives. Additionally, the lack of equal protection during economic downturns, as seen during the 2008 financial crisis, remains a pressing issue. Furthermore, the large philanthropic donation of $100,000,000 from Jeff Bezos to the Obama Foundation, brokered by a former Obama press secretary, raises questions about the intersection of politics, wealth, and influence.

    • Obama Foundation's 'fake library' controversy and use of public parklandThe Obama Foundation's 'fake library' in Chicago, a private foundation using public parkland, highlights the perception of Democratic elitism and reinforces criticism of money in politics, with real-world consequences for the Biden agenda and public trust.

      The controversy surrounding the Obama Foundation's "fake presidential library" in Chicago highlights the issue of private foundations using public parkland and the perception of elite elitism within the Democratic Party. The library, which is not a real research institution but rather a monument to Obama, has sparked an ongoing lawsuit against the city due to concerns about the use of public parkland for private foundations. This situation, along with the involvement of wealthy figures like Bezos, Gates, and others, reinforces the perception that the Democratic Party is out of touch with working people. Additionally, the Democrats' criticism of money in politics rings hollow when they engage in similar practices, as seen in the spending habits of Democratic dark money groups. These issues have real-world consequences, including the collapse of the Biden agenda and the erosion of public trust in government's ability to accomplish meaningful change.

    • Cuomo's Misuse of State Resources for Book and Hidden Nursing Home DeathsFormer NY Governor Cuomo engaged in sexual harassment, created a hostile work environment, misused state resources for his book, and hid nursing home deaths during COVID crisis.

      Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo engaged in sexual harassment and created a hostile work environment, but that's not all. He also used state resources to write and publish his book during the height of the COVID-19 crisis, when thousands of people were dying. The report details that junior staff members were required to work on the book as part of their regular duties, taking time away from their efforts to save lives. Additionally, Cuomo was not transparent about the number of nursing home residents who died as a result of COVID, and he personally intervened to change the reporting around those deaths. These actions are criminal and call into question Cuomo's priorities during a time of crisis. Despite denials from Cuomo and his lawyers, the evidence obtained in the investigation is clear. The use of state resources to write and promote the book, while not the only issue, is particularly egregious and highlights the callous disregard for the lives of New Yorkers during a time of crisis.

    • Corruption and manipulation of power during COVID-19 and Capitol riotsPublic figures abused power for personal gain, manipulated documents, and skewed COVID numbers. Fox News contributors resigned over a biased January 6th special. Disappearance of facts and individuals from public discourse highlights the importance of accountability and truth.

      The discussion highlighted several instances of corruption and manipulation of power, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic and in relation to the January 6th Capitol riots. The worst example involved a public figure using their office to prioritize themselves financially and to skew COVID numbers, manipulate documents, and sexually harass state troopers. Two Fox News contributors, Jonah Goldberg and Stephen Hayes, resigned in protest over Tucker Carlson's January 6th special, which they believed falsely accused the US security state of turning on normal American citizens. The discussion also touched upon the disappearance of certain facts and individuals from the public discourse when they are inconvenient for certain narratives. Overall, the conversation revealed the importance of holding public figures accountable for their actions and the potential consequences of selectively presenting information.

    • Jonah Goldberg and Stephen Hayes resign from Fox News over concerns about Tucker Carlson's showTwo conservative commentators resigned from Fox News, raising questions about their past advocacy for policies leading to state power overreach and hypocrisy in expressing concern over potential domestic abuse of power.

      The resignation of conservative commentators Jonah Goldberg and Stephen Hayes from Fox News over concerns about Tucker Carlson's show "Patriot Purge" raises questions about their past roles in advocating for policies and wars, such as the Iraq War, that have resulted in significant overreach of state power. Critics argue that these commentators, who have defended the use of tactics like waterboarding in the past, are now hypocritically expressing concern over potential domestic abuse of power. The irony is not lost on some, given their past advocacy for the very policies that have set dangerous precedents for overreach. The real question, then, is whether these resignations are enough to absolve these commentators of their past actions and the harm they may have caused.

    • Criticizing Fox News and conservative pundits for promoting divisive and inaccurate informationMedia figures should prioritize accuracy and honesty over catering to audiences' biases or desires, promoting harmful policies and societal unrest.

      Fox News and certain conservative pundits have been criticized for their role in promoting divisive and inaccurate information, particularly during the Trump era. The speakers argue that these figures lack self-awareness and accountability for their past actions, which contributed to harmful policies and societal unrest. They also criticize the notion that these media figures represent the true conservatism or the will of the Republican voter base. Instead, they call for honesty and a commitment to informing the public with accurate information, rather than catering to audiences' biases or desires. The speakers also express disappointment in the idea that media institutions have no influence over their audiences and should simply cater to their demands. Instead, they advocate for a more responsible approach to journalism and commentary.

    • Avoiding contentious topics during ThanksgivingSteer clear of Kyle Rittenhouse, Anthony Fauci, vaccines, Critical Race Theory, and election conspiracies to prevent unnecessary conflict and maintain a positive holiday atmosphere.

      It's best to avoid politically charged topics during Thanksgiving to prevent frustration, hurt feelings, and hardened views. Five topics to steer clear of include Kyle Rittenhouse, Anthony Fauci, vaccines, Critical Race Theory, and election conspiracies. Engaging in these topics is unlikely to change anyone's mind and may lead to unnecessary conflict. Instead, focus on unifying topics and enjoy the holiday. The backfire effect, a phenomenon where people become more convinced of their beliefs when presented with contradictory information, explains why some political discussions can be futile. It's essential to remember that both sides of a political issue can have villainous behaviors and that open dialogue requires a willingness to listen and learn from one another.

    • Media focus on sensational trials and overlook significant ones like Ghislaine Maxwell'sThe media's attention is often divided between sensational trials and overlooked cases, like Ghislaine Maxwell's trial for her alleged involvement in Jeffrey Epstein's criminal activities involving minors. The potential implications of this trial for powerful individuals and the importance of accurate reporting are significant.

      The media's coverage of certain trials, like the Kyle Rittenhouse case, can be misleading and focused on narratives rather than facts. Meanwhile, other significant trials, like Ghislaine Maxwell's, receive little attention. Maxwell, a key figure in the Jeffrey Epstein case, is on trial for sexual assault allegations involving minors. Her defense team has made efforts to dismiss the case and delay the trial. If Maxwell takes the stand, she could potentially implicate powerful individuals. The trial highlights the involvement of multiple individuals in Epstein's criminal activities, which went beyond just the two sexual assault cases against Maxwell. The case underscores the importance of accurate reporting and the potential consequences of overlooking critical information.

    • Understanding White Supremacy in the Context of Critical Race TheoryWhite supremacy refers to the structural nature of racism and oppression in society, requiring clear understanding for productive conversations.

      The concept of white supremacy and its application in contemporary discussions, particularly in the context of Critical Race Theory (CRT), can be confusing and divisive. The term is often misunderstood or misapplied, leading to unproductive conversations. In the podcast series, Brianna Joy Gray aimed to unpack the meaning of white supremacy and its relevance to the Kyle Rittenhouse trial and broader societal issues. She highlighted the importance of recognizing the structural nature of racism and oppression, which can be more challenging for some to accept than overt acts of discrimination. The term white supremacy can be useful in shedding light on these systems, but it's crucial to ensure clarity and understanding to foster productive conversations. The media and public discourse should focus on the underlying issues and the role of institutions and societal structures in shaping individuals' actions and beliefs. Additionally, it's essential to engage in open and respectful dialogue, even with those holding different perspectives.

    • Discussing the Complexity of Cultural IssuesRME and Zed had contrasting views on discussing 'white culture' and its link to hate crimes, emphasizing the need for nuance and accuracy in such conversations, while Brianna suggested focusing on regional and cultural backgrounds and shared her personal experiences.

      During a podcast discussion, RME argued that there is a problem with "white culture" linked to hate crimes and violence, while Zed objected to the broad brush approach, emphasizing the diversity and complexity of different cultural groups. Brianna, who was moderating the conversation, raised concerns about the potential negative consequences of discussing whiteness in this way and suggested focusing on regional and cultural backgrounds instead. The exchange highlights the complexity of discussing cultural issues and the importance of nuance and accuracy in such conversations. Additionally, Brianna shared her personal experience with the reception of her politics, acknowledging the different responses from various audiences and her ongoing exploration of these issues.

    • Addressing deeper issues of white supremacyFocusing solely on material conditions isn't enough, a more radical approach of challenging white culture and promoting self-determination is necessary to combat systemic oppression.

      While addressing material conditions like healthcare and economic security is important, it's not enough to address the deeper issue of white supremacy. Some argue that focusing solely on material conditions may allow for the acceptance of racial hierarchies as long as they deliver "goodies." Instead, a more radical approach of challenging white culture and promoting self-determination for all is necessary. The history of racial division in America shows that offering populist programs can be more attractive than offering racism. However, there is a lack of test cases for politicians following through with their populist campaign promises. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of recognizing the interconnectedness of material conditions and cultural issues in the fight against systemic oppression.

    • Appreciating the Holiday and DisconnectingDisconnect from politics and the digital world during Thanksgiving, enjoy travel plans with Cheapo Air, trust news sources like The Economist, and consider educational travel adventures with Rhodes Scholar.

      The Thanksgiving holiday is a time for appreciation, relaxation, and connection with family and friends. The hosts of the show emphasized the importance of disconnecting from politics and the digital world during this time. They also expressed their gratitude to their audience for supporting their news segment, even when it goes against YouTube's policies. The hosts encouraged listeners to enjoy the holiday and make the most of their travel plans using services like Cheapo Air. Additionally, they recommended turning to trusted news sources like The Economist to navigate the information age. Lastly, they invited listeners to consider educational travel adventures with Rhodes Scholar for those 50 and above to broaden their horizons. Overall, the message was to take a break from the stresses of daily life, appreciate what we have, and continue learning and exploring.

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    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Biden panics as Dems boycott Bibi speech, Biden greenlights Lebanon invasion, new tapes expose Saudi 9/11 involvement. 


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    Preparing for Economic Turbulence: The Fed's Q2 Danger Zone and Russian Oil Cuts

    Preparing for Economic Turbulence: The Fed's Q2 Danger Zone and Russian Oil Cuts

    Invest and trade better with CI Futures. Check your options: http://completeintel.com/pricing 

    In this episode of “The Week Ahead,” host Tony Nash is joined by Brent Johnson, CEO of Santiago Capital, and Tracy Shuchart, a commodities trader at Hilltower Resource Advisors, to discuss the most pressing economic themes for the upcoming week.

    One of the key topics of discussion is the Federal Reserve’s “Q2 Danger Zone,” which Brent believes could be a potentially scary time for the economy. He notes that we are still less than a year away from the first rate hike, and it often takes 12-18 months for rate hikes to show up in the economy. By the summer of 2022, we will be right in the heart of that time period, coinciding with YoY inflation numbers that should come down due to the crazy comparisons from the previous year. Brent warns that even if inflation remains somewhat sticky, we could see a bunch of disinflationary prints at the same time, which will make it challenging for the Fed. Moreover, by that time, Owner Equivalent Rents are expected to fall, adding to the Fed’s challenges.

    Tracy then delves into the topic of oil production and cuts, specifically Russia’s decision to cut 500k barrels. She explains what this means for the market, how it could impact crude prices, and who will be hurt the most – Asia or the West. Tracy also raises an interesting point about Russia’s decision to smuggle oil through Albania despite the cuts, leaving us with questions about their motivations.

    Finally, the discussion turns to commercial and industrial loan growth, which saw a sharp rise after rate hikes started. Tracy explores why this is happening, and what it means for the economy. She believes that companies are taking out loans to fund capital expenditures, which is good news for the economy as it indicates that businesses are investing in themselves and their future growth.

    Key themes:
    1. The Fed’s Q2 Danger Zone
    2. Capex & C&I Loan Growth
    3. 500k fewer Russian barrels

    This is the 55th episode of The Week Ahead, where experts talk about the week that just happened and what will most likely happen in the coming week.

    Follow The Week Ahead panel on Twitter:
    Tony: https://twitter.com/TonyNashNerd
    Brent: https://twitter.com/SantiagoAuFund
    Tracy: https://twitter.com/chigrl

    Watch this episode on Youtube: https://youtu.be/6I8vJ0ghm4g

    Radical Common Ground: Nisha Anand

    Radical Common Ground: Nisha Anand
    Thursday, May 5th, 2022


    Nisha Anand is an Indian-American activist, leader for racial justice, and the CEO of DreamCorps. Her expansive organizing experience solidified her belief in the power of working with unlikely partners to find real solutions. Nisha leads a diverse group of people who are learning, like her, the value of unconventional relationships. We discuss Dream Corps' work in criminal justice reform, building a green economy, and creating equity in tech.


    We all have our humanity in common, which forms a strong and consistent philosophical foundation for building allyship across differences. When we have that human connection, we can do heroic things. We can heal divides. 


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    Distress Concentrated In Place: NYC Empowers Neighborhoods to Define Safety

    Distress Concentrated In Place: NYC Empowers Neighborhoods to Define Safety

    When Renita Francois, Executive Director of the NYC Mayor’s Action Plan for Neighborhood Safety (MAP), asks the residents of the city’s public housing developments how they define neighborhood safety, crime is not at the top of their lists. From going directly to the residents – the people best informed to define safety – Francois’ office can build better responses to community needs within neighborhoods, and also use the resident input to guide city-wide policy improvements.

    In this episode of Shades of Freedom, Francois walks us through some innovative approaches to neighborhood safety and justice reform underway in New York City, and the impacts they are seeing in the housing communities where they’ve implemented resident-sourced solutions. Please join us for this exciting look at how engaging communities in defining and solving their own challenges can lead to real change.


    Renita Francois is a neighborhood safety and engagement strategist combining lived, front line, and executive experience to support communities and government in building partnership, establishing common goals, and increasing opportunity, well-being, and equity in New York City's most underserved communities. Mrs. Francois is the Executive Director of the Mayor's Action Plan for Neighborhood Safety, a citywide, multi agency, multi-disciplinary community safety intervention that centers public housing resident voices and priorities in the civic process. In this role she serves as a key advisor to the Director of the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice on public safety matters and oversees NeighborhoodStat, a signature initiative of the Office of Neighborhood Safety and an innovative model through which residents define what they need to feel safe and work with their neighbors, community partners and government agencies to achieve it.

    Her experience serving as a resource coordinator working directly for the juvenile justice bench at Brooklyn Family Court, and as a frontline staff member for public housing programs in both Los Angeles and Compton, California, give Ms. Francois unique insight into the multilayered challenges facing vulnerable communities. Renita Francois holds a Bachelor of Arts in American Studies from the University of California, Berkeley and an MBA from Cornell University.