
    Podcast Summary

    • The enduring appeal of being heard and connecting with an audienceThe joy of broadcasting and connecting with an audience, whether through radio or podcasting, remains a constant. Technology like Ustream and iTunes make content more accessible and convenient, but patent disputes and resistance to change present challenges.

      The joy of broadcasting and being heard by an audience, whether through radio or podcasting, has remained a constant for the speakers throughout their experiences. They reminisced about the excitement of hearing themselves on the radio and the feedback from listeners, which is now replicated through podcasting and live streaming. The speakers also discussed the convenience and accessibility of technology, such as Ustream and iTunes, that allows for wider reach and easier consumption of their content. Additionally, they touched upon the ongoing patent disputes between tech companies, specifically Apple and Android, and the impact it has on the industry. Despite these advancements, there are still those who prefer older technology and refuse to join the digital age. Overall, the conversation highlighted the evolution of media consumption and the enduring appeal of being heard and connecting with an audience.

    • Living Off the Grid: Challenges and JoysLiving off the grid requires constant vigilance, adaptability, and cherishing moments for connection.

      Living in extreme conditions requires constant vigilance and adaptability. The man in the discussion lives in isolation, protecting his tiny cabin from wildlife and dealing with limited resources. He's not entirely cut off from civilization but has chosen a simple life, unaware of significant events like 9/11. His wife is quiet, and he passes the time with music and memories. Despite his confusion about certain details, he cherishes the moments that bring back memories and the connections they create. The discussion highlights the unique challenges and joys of living off the grid.

    • Following passions and respecting rulesBishop Desmond Tutu's rap career showcases the importance of staying true to passions while respecting rules, as seen in his regret of breaking production rules and the necessity of airplane etiquette.

      Despite the criticisms and challenges faced by Bishop Desmond Tutu in his rap career, his raw talent and passion for music were undeniable. The regret of his transition into production and the appreciation for his music still resonates strongly. Additionally, the importance of following rules, even if it goes against personal desires, was emphasized during a discussion about airplane etiquette. These seemingly unrelated topics intertwined to highlight the significance of staying true to one's passions and respecting established guidelines for the greater good.

    • Finding joy in unconventional passionsEmbrace unique passions, find excitement in pursuits, and approach life with a positive mindset for happiness and fulfillment.

      Finding joy and fulfillment in life comes from pursuing what we love, even if it seems unconventional or difficult. The comedian in this conversation emphasizes that people have unique passions, and it's essential to find and embrace them, no matter the obstacles. He shares his experiences of performing comedy, which gives him a sense of excitement and energy that he wishes others could experience in their regular jobs. The conversation also touches on the topic of psychedelic experiences and their potential to alter one's perception, emphasizing the importance of approaching such experiences with a positive mindset. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of passion, creativity, and a positive attitude in finding happiness and fulfillment in life.

    • Effects of edibles vs smoking: Liver converts THC into a more potent formEdibles lead to stronger, longer-lasting effects due to liver conversion of THC into a more potent form, resulting in intense psychedelic experiences for some

      The effects of consuming edibles versus smoking marijuana are significantly different due to how the body processes THC, the psychoactive compound. When eaten, the liver converts THC into a more potent form called 11-hydroxymetabolite, leading to stronger and longer-lasting effects. This can result in intense psychedelic experiences, similar to taking psychedelic substances like mushrooms. It's important to note that individual experiences and tolerances can vary greatly. Some people may only require a small dose to have a strong reaction, while others may need larger quantities. Additionally, the strength of the marijuana itself can also play a role in the intensity of the experience.

    • Dangers and Schemes in the Illegal Drug TradeThe illegal drug trade involves risks, elaborate schemes, and dangerous individuals, with some facing violent consequences and societal corruption.

      The illegal drug trade, particularly the trafficking of marijuana and cocaine, involves significant risks and often attracts dangerous individuals. The speakers in the conversation shared stories of elaborate schemes to avoid detection by law enforcement, including using fake identification and vehicles. They also discussed the wild and reckless behavior of some individuals involved in the trade, some of whom became wealthy but also faced violent consequences. The conversation also touched on the corrupting influence of drugs on society, with stories of law enforcement officers being implicated in the trade. Overall, the conversation underscores the dangerous and unpredictable nature of the illegal drug trade and the risks it poses to individuals and communities.

    • Miami's Unique Comedy Scene Challenges PerformersMiami's comedy scene presents challenges due to audience demographics and scheduling, including unresponsive, heavily intoxicated crowds and poorly matched acts, making it a demanding environment for comedians.

      Miami's comedy scene can be challenging due to its unique audience demographics and scheduling. The speaker shares his experience of performing in Miami and encountering an unresponsive and heavily intoxicated audience, primarily made up of Cubans who consume large amounts of cocaine. He also mentions instances of comedians being sabotaged with poorly matched acts, such as Joey Diaz being followed by Kevin Meany's outdated material. The speaker emphasizes that these issues are not a reflection of the comedians' abilities but rather the circumstances they face in Miami's comedy scene. The audience's preferences and intoxication levels can make it difficult for comedians to connect and perform effectively, making it a demanding environment for comedians.

    • The impact of timing and crowd work on comedians' confidenceEffective timing and crowd work can intimidate comedians, but they also provide opportunities for authentic connections and joke refinement.

      The timing and delivery of a comedian's performance can greatly impact their confidence and ability to connect with the audience. The speaker expresses admiration for comedians like A.J. Jamal, who had perfect timing and left him feeling insecure. He also mentions that strong crowd work can be intimidating because it feels like a "cheap move" has been taken away. However, he appreciates the authenticity of performing in front of small audiences and sees it as an opportunity to refine his jokes and connect more deeply with the audience. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of staying true to the organic moment in comedy, whether it's through crowd work or delivering a well-rehearsed joke. Overall, the discussion highlights the nuanced relationship between a comedian's performance style, audience response, and their own confidence.

    • Valuable experiences from comedy scenes big and smallComedy scenes, regardless of size or reputation, offer performers opportunities for growth and connection.

      Comedy scenes and communities, no matter the size or reputation, can provide valuable experiences for performers. Ari, from the conversation, shared stories about performing at various comedy shows, from local venues like Comedy Juice in Tempe to larger venues with famous guests. He emphasized the importance of both big and small comedy scenes, as each offers unique opportunities for growth and connection. The conversation also touched on the playful nature of comedy and the occasional online spats that can arise, reminding us that even in the heat of the moment, it's essential to remember that these interactions are often just part of the comedic experience.

    • Engaging with online trolls is a waste of energyInstead of getting upset with online trolls, show them compassion and understanding to potentially change their perspective

      Engaging with online trolls and hecklers is a waste of energy. Comedians, including the speaker, have used insults as a form of entertainment and practice dealing with adversity. However, getting upset and entering into a competition with an anonymous person online is futile. Trolls often lash out due to feelings of inadequacy and lack of love in their lives. Instead, showing them understanding and compassion, though challenging, can be more effective in changing their perspective. The public eye and entertainment industry bring criticism and hate, but it's essential to remember that the occasional reflective moment and calm response can lead to a positive outcome. Additionally, people care deeply about their favorite movies and shows, and their disappointment when they don't win awards can be hurtful, but it's important to remember that everyone has unique experiences and opinions.

    • Appreciating Unique Cinematic ExperiencesEveryone has different perspectives and intelligence levels when it comes to cinema, and some people value unique and raw experiences over neatly wrapped up stories.

      While some people may appreciate a neatly wrapped up story, others value the unique and raw experience of a movie, even if it's slow or unconventional. The speaker in this conversation expresses disappointment when others don't share the same level of appreciation for a film like "The Hurt Locker," but ultimately acknowledges that everyone has different perspectives and intelligence levels when it comes to cinema. The conversation also touches on the topic of downloading movies and the potential impact it may have on the movie industry. Despite the advancements in technology, some people still value the experience of going to the movie theater.

    • Skepticism towards widespread adoption of 3D technologyDespite potential benefits, high cost and inconsistent viewing experience hinder widespread adoption of 3D technology in entertainment.

      While some people are excited about the potential of 3D technology in TV and movies, others are skeptical and see it as an unnecessary expense. The speaker expresses his doubts about the widespread adoption of 3D technology due to the high cost of new equipment and the questionable improvement in viewing experience. He also mentions the clunky acting and plot inconsistencies in some 3D movies, and the fact that not all films are made with 3D in mind. However, the speaker also acknowledges that technology advances and improvements in 3D technology may eventually make it more appealing to a wider audience. Ultimately, the debate about the value of 3D technology in entertainment is ongoing and may depend on individual preferences and experiences.

    • Exploring the Future of Entertainment: 3D Movies vs Voice Recognition3D movies offer immersive experiences for select genres, while 2D movies remain cost-effective and accessible. Voice recognition technology improves convenience, but may not replace keyboards in all situations.

      Technology continues to evolve, with 3D movies being a current trend that enhances the viewing experience for certain genres. However, 2D movies still hold significant value due to their production cost-effectiveness and the fact that they can be viewed without the need for specialized glasses. Voice recognition technology is also improving, making it a more convenient interface for controlling devices, although there may still be situations where a keyboard or other interface is preferred. The future of technology could bring even more advanced forms of entertainment, such as holographic projections or jetpacks, but these are likely still a ways off. Overall, technology is constantly advancing and finding new ways to make our lives more convenient and exciting.

    • Technology in Vehicles: Unexpected Consequences and Nostalgia for Simpler MachinesThe increasing use of technology in vehicles can lead to unexpected situations, emphasizing the importance of backup systems and emergency preparedness. Some people also yearn for the simplicity and direct control of older machines.

      The increasing reliance on technology in vehicles can lead to unexpected and potentially dangerous situations. For instance, a jetpack user might get stuck in mid-air without a way to descend, or a car driver could be unable to stop due to a software glitch. These examples highlight the importance of having backup systems and being prepared for emergencies. Furthermore, there's a nostalgic appreciation for simpler machines, where the driver has more control over the vehicle and the consequences of their actions are more tangible. The discussion also touched upon the concerns surrounding the use of drones and their potential for causing harm.

    • Drone strikes: Ethical concerns and unintended consequencesThe use of drone strikes in war zones raises ethical concerns due to civilian casualties and potential unintended consequences. The CIA's involvement in international drug trade adds complexity, and transparency and accountability are essential for moral justification.

      The use of drone strikes in war zones, while effective, raises ethical concerns and potential unintended consequences. The discussion touched upon the use of Xbox controllers to operate drones, civilian casualties, and the controversial nature of Hellfire missiles. Additionally, it was mentioned that the CIA's involvement in international drug trade, as evidenced by cases like the one involving Barry Seals, adds another layer of complexity to the situation. The CIA's relationship with figures in power, such as the brother of the Afghan president being in the poppy business while on the CIA payroll, further highlights the intricacy of these issues. It's important to remember that these actions have real-world consequences and that transparency and accountability are crucial for ensuring the moral justification of military and intelligence operations.

    • The Complex Web of the Illegal Drug TradeThe illegal drug trade involves various entities, including private prison companies, intelligence agencies, and organized crime groups, creating a cycle of arrests, incarceration, and profit. The CIA and BEA's involvement adds complexity, while cartels hire few people to minimize risks and lives can be chaotic and violent.

      The illegal drug trade is a complex web of profit and power, involving various entities such as private prison companies, intelligence agencies, and organized crime groups. The illegal status of drugs creates a cycle of arrests, incarceration, and profit for these entities. The CIA and BEA's involvement adds another layer of complexity to this issue. The drug trade is a dangerous business, with high stakes and risks involved. The cartels hire as few people as possible to minimize the risks of getting caught. The lives of those involved in the drug trade, especially in countries like Mexico, can be chaotic and violent. The entertainment industry, such as UFC commentators, can provide insight into this world, shedding light on the dark realities of the drug trade.

    • The Dangers of Traveling and the Story of Pirates on the AntoinetteTraveling involves risks and uncertainties, including piracy. Being prepared and understanding the circumstances of foreign lands can help mitigate these risks.

      Traveling can be an exciting and adventurous experience, but it also comes with its own set of risks and uncertainties. The discussion highlights the story of travelers on the Antoinette who faced the danger of piracy while sailing around the world. The fear of the unknown and the lack of familiar laws in foreign lands can be nerve-wracking. The conversation also touches upon the importance of being prepared and understanding the circumstances that shape human civilization. The story of the travelers' encounter with pirates in Somalia serves as a reminder of the potential dangers that come with exploration and adventure. The speaker shares his own experiences of facing fear in unfamiliar situations, such as a fire in a building, and how it changed his perspective on safety and security. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of being aware of the risks and being prepared for the unexpected while traveling.

    • Unexpected emergencies can cause panic and chaosStay calm during emergencies, prioritize safety and efficiency, and appreciate the importance of preparedness

      Unexpected situations, such as a false fire alarm, can cause panic and chaos, particularly in old, poorly designed buildings with limited escape routes. People's reactions can range from fear and confusion to aggressive behavior, and survival instincts may take over, leading to irrational thoughts and actions. It's essential to remain calm and help those in need, but prioritizing safety and efficiency is crucial during emergencies. The experience can leave a lasting impact, making one appreciate the importance of preparedness and quick thinking.

    • Scientific curiosity vs Ethical concernsExperiments pushing boundaries of science can raise ethical dilemmas, as shown in the case of a dog's head being kept alive and a serial killer's past.

      The line between science and cruelty can be blurred, as shown in the discussion about a scientist keeping a dog's head alive and a serial killer's disturbing past. The scientist's experiment, while driven by scientific curiosity, raises ethical concerns about animal suffering and the lengths humans will go to in the name of discovery. The serial killer's story illustrates the chilling reality of individuals who derive pleasure from causing harm to others, blurring the line between human and animal cruelty. Ultimately, both examples highlight the importance of considering the moral implications of our actions and the potential consequences they may have on others.

    • Power and charm can lead to uncomfortable situationsUsing power and charm to gain access can result in discomfort and judgment for some, while others may embrace the awkwardness for the experience.

      Power and charm can open doors and attract people, but it can also lead to uncomfortable situations and unwanted attention. The speaker shares an anecdote about a small, powerful figure who had a large following of women and used it as a way to gain access to Hollywood's elite. However, when the speaker found himself in a similar situation, he was met with judgment and discomfort. The speaker also reflects on the discomfort and awkwardness of performing comedy in a notoriously dark and seedy venue, the Comedy Store in LA, which has a history of violence and criminal activity. Despite the challenges, the speaker continues to perform there, embracing the awkwardness and darkness as part of the experience.

    • Embracing the silliness of lifeFind joy in the moment, even if it means breaking rules or acting silly, and don't take life too seriously.

      The best place for writing material and having fun is in an unpretentious environment where anything goes. The speaker shares stories of their experiences in a club with a large audience, where they and their friends would pull pranks on each other and engage in juvenile behavior. They emphasize that taking oneself too seriously is unnecessary, and even seemingly disgusting or absurd actions can be hilarious. The speaker also shares a story of shoplifting food as a teenager, highlighting the importance of living in the moment and having fun, even if it means breaking rules. Overall, the takeaway is to embrace the silly and fun moments in life and not take oneself too seriously.

    • Teenage shoplifting experiences shape individualsExperiences of shoplifting during teenage years impacted individuals, driven by curiosity, peer pressure, and difficult circumstances, leaving a lasting impression

      The experiences of shoplifting during their teenage years had a significant impact on the individuals involved, shaping their perspectives and actions in various ways. These incidents, although embarrassing and potentially harmful, seemed to be driven by a combination of curiosity, peer pressure, and difficult circumstances, such as growing up without a father figure. The individuals involved acknowledged the potential consequences and expressed remorse, but also saw a certain element of thrill or excitement in getting away with it. These experiences, while not defining their lives, seemed to leave a lasting impression and served as a reminder of the risks and responsibilities that come with growing up.

    • Living in Isolation: Traditional Survival in Remote AreasPeople seek isolation and self-sufficiency in remote areas, despite lacking modern amenities, highlighting the diversity of human experiences

      There are people living in remote areas, using traditional methods for survival, despite the risks and lack of modern amenities. These individuals, like those seen in videos fishing from trees in the Congo, lead simple lives without electricity or luxuries. Some may even romanticize the idea of living in such a way, desiring a simpler existence away from civilization. This desire for isolation and self-sufficiency is not a new concept, as some people have always sought to escape the hustle and bustle of urban life. The speaker, for instance, has a strong desire to live in a secluded location, away from the noise and distractions of city life. Ultimately, the takeaway is a reminder of the vast diversity of human experiences and the different ways people choose to live their lives.

    • Exploring the Ethics of Driving Through Trees and AnthropomorphismConsider the ethical implications of our actions towards trees and non-human entities, as the impact on their well-being and feelings may be more complex than we think.

      The world around us may hold mysteries that challenge our understanding and ethical boundaries. For instance, the discussion touched upon the topic of driving cars through trees, which raises questions about the impact on trees and their potential feelings. While it's unclear if trees can feel pain or have emotions, some argue that it's more humane to kill them than to use them as a novelty. The conversation also delved into the concept of anthropomorphism, where we attribute human characteristics to non-human entities, such as trees or video game characters. Ultimately, it's essential to consider the ethical implications of our actions and the potential consequences for all beings involved.

    • Comparing ejaculation and defecationEjaculation and defecation are two natural bodily functions, but their experiences and societal perceptions differ. Accepting the normalcy of both processes is essential for overall well-being.

      During a conversation with Ari, the topic of ejaculation and its comparison to defecation came up. Ari mentioned that he has a powerful ejaculation, which the speaker finds intriguing. They also discussed the differences between the two experiences, with ejaculation sometimes leading to unwanted complications, while defecation is a simpler experience. The speaker also shared an experience of accidentally injuring himself during a Jiu Jitsu session and the subsequent discovery of blood in his underwear, leading him to question the necessity of seeking medical attention for a similar injury to his genitals as opposed to other parts of his body. Overall, the conversation touched on the physical experiences of ejaculation and defecation, and the speaker's perspective on the importance of accepting the natural processes of the body.

    • Speaker shares personal experience of finding blood in semen and researching causesSpeaker suggests wearing a protective cup during physical activities to prevent injury and potential bleeding, and mentions the possibility of tattooed genitals for some as a painful yet pleasurable experience.

      The speaker had an experience where he ejaculated and noticed some blood in his semen. He was concerned about his health and researched various possibilities, including the idea that the blood could be healing the injury. He also shared anecdotes about other unusual experiences, such as accidentally getting hot sauce on his genitals and the pain of eating spicy sunflower seeds. Despite these incidents, he concluded that wearing a cup to prevent injury and bleeding during physical activities is a good precaution. The speaker also mentioned that some people get their dicks tattooed, which can be painful but also potentially pleasurable. Overall, the conversation touched on various topics related to health, injury, and unusual experiences.

    • Tattoos, Comedians, and Unusual EncountersEddie Bravo shared stories of his grandmother's tattoo and a woman with a Ray Romano tattoo, reminisced about working with comedians, and discussed the challenges of holding onto work before the internet era. The conversation emphasized the importance of hard work and determination in the entertainment industry.

      The discussion revolved around various experiences and encounters with tattoos, comedians, and unusual situations. Eddie Bravo's grandmother tattoo and the story of a woman with a Ray Romano tattoo were shared, along with memories of working with comedians like Kermit D. Frog. The conversation also touched upon the topic of comedians controlling their own shows and the challenges of holding onto their work before the internet era. While the conversation was light-hearted and included some humor, it also highlighted the importance of hard work and determination in the entertainment industry.

    • Copyright infringement and its consequencesIgnoring intellectual property laws can lead to the loss of content and perpetuation of incorrect beliefs, while critical thinking is crucial for navigating media and culture.

      Copyright infringement can lead to the removal of one's own content from platforms like YouTube, even if the infringing material is not explicitly labeled with the original source. The speaker also discussed the entertainment industry's handling of comedy and the prevalence of low standards in media and culture, allowing for the survival of those who may not be qualified or knowledgeable. Additionally, the speaker touched on the ease with which people can hold incorrect beliefs or opinions, regardless of political affiliation, and the potential influence that figures like Sarah Palin or Barack Obama can have on voters, despite their lack of expertise or understanding of the issues. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of critical thinking and the potential consequences of not adhering to intellectual property laws.

    • Effective leadership in complex systemsBuilding alliances, navigating checks and balances, and showing generosity are essential for effective leadership in complex systems. Investing in goodwill and long-term consequences is more sustainable than relying on force alone.

      Effective leadership and getting things done in complex systems, such as international politics, requires more than just personal will. It involves making alliances, navigating checks and balances, and showing generosity and goodwill to build trust and influence. However, the use of force and coercion can create a power vacuum and negative perceptions, potentially leading to backlash. It's essential to lead by example and consider the long-term consequences of actions. For instance, investing in helping impoverished countries can increase global goodwill towards the United States and reduce resentment. Ultimately, the ability to inspire and bring people together is a more sustainable and effective approach to achieving goals than relying on force alone.

    • Navigating Life's ChallengesStay focused on goals and find creative ways to overcome challenges, as everyone faces unique obstacles in life.

      Life can be unpredictable and challenging, but it's important to keep pushing forward and find ways to navigate through the difficulties. The speaker in this conversation expresses his own struggles with finding a new Macy's and encountering a heavily tattooed man, but also acknowledges that everyone has their own unique circumstances and challenges. He also touches on the topic of undercover work and the legal complexities it can present. Despite the obstacles, the speaker remains determined and finds solutions, demonstrating the importance of perseverance and adaptability. Additionally, the conversation sheds light on the trend of getting tattoos, with varying opinions on their quality and meaning. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of staying focused on goals and finding creative ways to overcome challenges.

    • Societal taboos and the unintended consequences of prohibitionProhibition of drugs and certain behaviors can perpetuate harm, increase criminal activity, and distract from addressing more serious issues.

      The war on drugs and certain societal taboos, such as those surrounding religion and sexuality, can create unintended consequences and even perpetuate harm. The speaker argues that prohibition of drugs and certain behaviors can lead to an increase in criminal activity and a disproportionate focus on minor offenses, while more serious issues go unaddressed. The speaker also criticizes the hypocrisy and harm caused by certain religious institutions, particularly in regards to sexual abuse scandals and archaic laws. The speaker's perspective highlights the importance of reevaluating these societal norms and considering alternative approaches that prioritize harm reduction and individual autonomy.

    • The suppression of natural desires and instinctsSuppressing natural desires can lead to heightened connection and satisfaction when fulfilled, emphasizing the importance of human connection and self-sustaining communities.

      The suppression of natural human desires and instincts, such as going around naked or expressing sexuality, may lead to increased urgency and a heightened sense of connection when these desires are eventually fulfilled. This was illustrated through various examples, including the feeling of receiving a hug after a prolonged period of isolation, and the experience of a man living alone in the Arctic. The importance of human connection and the satisfaction of producing food were also emphasized. Overall, the discussion suggested that our modern, clothed and civilized lifestyle may result in different behaviors and a greater need for human interaction and self-sustaining communities.

    • Finding happiness in a simple, self-sufficient lifeLiving a simple life connected to nature can bring great satisfaction and happiness, but staying present and utilizing technology and creativity are also important.

      Living a simple, self-sufficient life, as exemplified by a man named Kaimo in the Arctic, can bring great satisfaction and happiness. This way of living involves daily physical activity, such as hunting and gathering, and a strong connection to nature. The speaker admires Kaimo's lifestyle and suggests that everyone may find their own unique happiness in different situations. The conversation also touched upon the importance of staying calm and present in the moment, as well as the importance of technology and creativity in modern life. The discussion concluded with a reminder to check out the Joe Rogan podcast on iTunes and upcoming shows at the Tempe improv.

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    About Our Guest:

    Terry Marks-Tarlow, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist, and Core Faculty of the Insight Center in Los Angeles. Dr. Marks-Tarlow is a Research Associate at the Institute of Fractal Research in Kassel, Germany, and sits on the Advisory Board of the California Dance Institute.  Terry works with adults, adolescents and couples. Dr. Marks-Tarlow have been practicing and teaching yoga for over 30 years. During psychotherapy, Dr. Marks-Tarlow taps into the embodied wisdom from yoga and dance movement practice.


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    Joe DeSimone (Carbon) - The Case for Convergence

    Joe DeSimone (Carbon) - The Case for Convergence

    Joe DeSimone is the founder and executive chairman of Carbon, a global company that is driving the evolution of 3D printing from a prototyping tool into a scalable manufacturing technology. As a professor at the University of North Carolina, DeSimone made scientific breakthroughs in areas including green chemistry, medical devices, and nanotechnology, also co-founding several companies based on his research. In 2016 President Obama awarded him the National Medal of Technology and Innovation, the highest honor in the U.S. for achievement and leadership in advancing technological progress. In this talk, he explores how diverse teams, perspectives and specialties can drive innovations in both technologies and business models.