
    11: Girl with No Job, Claudia Oshry is FAR FROM Jobless

    enJuly 26, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Choosing an unconventional path at NYUFollowing your own path without a clear career goal can lead to unexpected success and the creation of a media empire

      Breaking the status quo and following your own path can lead to unexpected success. Claudia Ashray, also known as the "Girl with No Job," went against the typical blueprint of following a traditional career path during her time at NYU. Despite the steep costs, she chose to attend the university without a clear career goal in mind. During her college years, she built an online presence and eventually turned it into a media empire. Her determination and creativity led her to amass a large following on social media, write a New York Times bestselling book, and host a successful podcast. Her story serves as a reminder that taking risks and being open to new opportunities can lead to great rewards.

    • Starting a blog during internship and unexpected successFollowing passions and taking risks can lead to unexpected success, even without traditional college experiences. Learn about finances and taxes early on for monetizing social media.

      Sometimes taking an unconventional path can lead to unexpected success. The speaker shared her experience of starting a blog during her internship and getting let go, which led her to rename it and eventually gain a large following on social media. She acknowledged the value of her education at NYU, but also the sacrifices made and the lack of traditional college experiences. She emphasized the importance of learning about finances and taxes early on in monetizing social media, and shared her first sponsorship deal worth $1,000. Overall, her story highlights the potential rewards of following one's passions and taking risks, even if the path isn't traditional.

    • Learning Financial Management and Building a Brand in Non-Traditional FieldsSurround yourself with experts, learn necessary skills early, prioritize authenticity and consistency, and seek out knowledge in non-traditional areas.

      Building a successful brand and managing finances, especially in non-traditional fields, can be challenging. The speaker shares her personal experience of not being adequately prepared for taxes when she started making significant income. She emphasizes the importance of surrounding oneself with experts and learning the necessary skills early on. Additionally, the speaker discusses the importance of authenticity and consistency in building a loyal community. She shares that her intention was always to make people happy, rather than specifically aiming for a large following. The lessons of life, such as managing finances and building a community, are not always taught in traditional curriculums, making it essential to seek out knowledge and expertise.

    • Creating joy and positivity through contentLeverage humor and personal experiences to build a following. Use Patreon for paid content and great customer service. Prioritize audience needs and deliver quality content to succeed.

      Creating and sharing content with the intention of bringing joy and positivity to others, even in challenging times, can be a successful business model. Claudia, who lost her father at a young age and uses her sense of humor and family to stay positive, has built a following through her daily podcast and organically responded to listener demand by creating a membership model on Patreon. With great customer service and no tech issues, Patreon has been the best platform for hosting paid content and providing additional content to subscribers. The goal is to be a "bright light" in people's lives, offering a respite from the harsh realities of the world. By prioritizing what the audience wants and consistently delivering quality content, success can be achieved while making a positive impact.

    • A safe and loyal community for monetizing content on PatreonPatreon's tiered subscription model allows creators to offer exclusive content and incentives, fostering deeper connections with their audience and generating additional revenue streams.

      Patreon has been a game-changer for content creators like Claudia and Ben, providing a safe and loyal community for monetizing personal and themed content. The platform's tiered subscription model allows creators to offer exclusive content and incentives, fostering a deeper connection with their audience and generating additional revenue streams. While other platforms like OnlyFans have gained popularity, they come with a stigma that deters some creators from joining. Claudia's experience shows that building a business from scratch can be time-consuming and expensive, making it worthwhile to consider established platforms like Patreon for their ease of use and benefits. The integration of Claudia and Ben's personal brands, including their dog and Instagram accounts, into their content strategy further enhances their connection with their audience and broadens their reach.

    • Neglecting personal relationships while building a personal brandFocusing too much on growing a personal brand can lead to neglecting personal relationships. However, finding opportunities to engage with new audiences can lead to successful business ventures.

      Building a personal brand can be all-consuming, and it's essential to maintain a healthy balance in personal relationships. The speaker started her blog and Instagram around the same time she began dating her partner. Her obsession with growing her following led her to spend countless hours scrolling through her followers, neglecting her relationship. This behavior led to frustration from her partner, who felt ignored. However, she saw an opportunity to engage with a male audience and started a new account, "boy with no job," which eventually became a successful business venture for them as a family. The speaker's content creation is mostly a solo effort, with some help from a few team members. Her most lucrative revenue source is corporate sponsorships, but she finds the most rewarding aspect of her business to be engaging with her audience and creating content that resonates with them.

    • Importance of diversifying revenue streams for influencersInfluencers should focus on building a dedicated fan base and generating revenue through various sources like subscription programs, ticket sales, and book sales to ensure financial stability and longevity in the industry.

      While corporate sponsorships can provide substantial income for influencers, particularly on platforms like Instagram, it's important to diversify revenue streams due to the unpredictability and potential loss of these deals. The influencer market is becoming increasingly saturated, and brands are now prioritizing engagement and authenticity over sheer follower count. As a result, building a dedicated fan base and generating revenue through sources like subscription programs, ticket sales, and book sales can be more rewarding in the long run. The interviewee shared their personal experience of relying solely on corporate sponsorships leading to financial instability during a scandal, emphasizing the importance of having multiple revenue streams. The influencer market is a "wild wild west" with many influencers and brands vying for attention, and the longevity of deals is becoming shorter as brands become more savvy in their partnerships. Additionally, the success of a book, such as the interviewee's "Girl With No Job," can provide a stable and personally fulfilling source of income.

    • Making the New York Times Bestseller List: More Than Just Strong SalesFocus on presales and extensive promotion for months leading up to release to increase chances of making the New York Times Bestseller List. Sales are significant but editorial considerations also play a role.

      Becoming a New York Times bestseller involves more than just strong sales during the first week. While sales are a significant factor, the list is technically an editorial article, meaning it's based on the New York Times' opinion. To increase chances of making the list, authors should focus on presales and extensive promotion for several months leading up to the release. The number of copies sold required to make the list is around 68,000, but for digital influencers, the number might be higher due to the New York Times' preference for established authors. The promotion strategy can include various methods, such as signings, Zoom events, contests, and giveaways. Despite the focus on sales, it's essential to remember that the New York Times is a prestigious publication, and they may not always be eager to include influencers on the list.

    • Personal stories and scandals in an evergreen bookSpeaker's book stands out with personal experiences, addresses past mistakes, and maintains success despite controversies. Love for TikTok and recognition of new influencers.

      The speaker's book differentiates itself from the daily content by being an evergreen, personal story filled with unbelievable experiences. The speaker used the book as an opportunity to share their perspective on controversies and address their past mistakes. The book's success is evident in its high number of reviews on Amazon, despite some negative feedback related to past scandals. From a personal perspective, the speaker finds it challenging to deal with constant reminders of their past mistakes, but professionally, scandals are a rite of passage for influencers. The speaker expresses their love for TikTok and acknowledges the rise of a new generation of influencers on the platform.

    • Social media and podcasts: Time-consuming yet valuableSocial media can be time-consuming but offers value through culture and trends. Podcasts provide a business opportunity for creators through niche networks and established followings.

      Social media platforms like TikTok can consume significant amounts of time, with some users spending up to 2 hours a day, equating to nearly 20% of their waking hours. However, the addictive nature of these platforms can also provide value, such as staying informed about popular culture and trends, and even serving as a business opportunity for content creators. Another takeaway is the potential of starting a small, niche podcast network, leveraging an existing audience and personal connections to promote shows and build a legitimate back-end infrastructure. The Toast Podcast Network, for example, has a strong following and promotes its shows through various platforms, making it an attractive option for creators compared to larger networks.

    • Starting a podcast with minimal resourcesYou can start a podcast with just a cell phone and free platforms, emphasizing the low-cost nature of content creation and opening opportunities for individuals to optimize their time and resources

      Starting a podcast or any content creation business comes with low barriers to entry due to the accessibility of free or low-cost tools. As shared in the discussion, successful podcasts like Lauren Elizabeth can be started with just a cell phone and free platforms like Zoom and SoundCloud. The speaker's personal experience of starting "The Morning Toast" without initial network support and using a USB microphone from Amazon also emphasizes the low-cost nature of podcasting. This opens up opportunities for individuals to start their own businesses and optimize their time and resources, even without significant capital. The inspiring story of Joan Rivers, who rose to success despite numerous setbacks, further highlights the importance of resilience and work ethic in achieving professional and financial growth.

    • Embracing adversity and expressing individualityStay true to oneself and overcome obstacles through determination and resilience, while also prioritizing family and self-care.

      Comedian Claudia O'Doherty's inspiring story showcases the power of embracing adversity and expressing individuality. Despite the challenges and nerve-wracking experiences in her career, she never apologized for her controversial actions but thrived on them. Her unwavering determination and resilience, even in the face of criticism and rejection, serve as a reminder that one can overcome obstacles and succeed by staying true to oneself. Additionally, Claudia emphasized the importance of family and self-care in maintaining mental strength and balance, even amidst a demanding career. While comedy may not be for everyone, her work ethic and dedication to her craft are commendable.

    • Respecting Personal Boundaries and Prioritizing Personal HappinessRespect individual boundaries in relationships and prioritize personal happiness within reason, while being mindful of financial responsibilities.

      Everyone has different boundaries when it comes to sharing personal information, and respecting those boundaries is important in maintaining relationships. This was discussed in the context of families and close friends. Additionally, people have unique experiences and passions that they are willing to invest significant resources into, even if others may not understand or approve. The speaker shared her love for clubbing and the memories and experiences she's gained from it, despite the financial cost. It's important to prioritize personal happiness and experiences within reason, while also being mindful of financial responsibilities.

    • Setting aside funds for taxesSuccessful freelancers and business owners should allocate half of their income for taxes and hire a good accountant for tax strategy and navigation.

      Effective financial planning and management, especially for freelancers or business owners, requires setting aside a significant portion of income for taxes. Claudia, a successful businesswoman and podcast host, shared her personal strategy of putting half of every dollar earned into a separate account for taxes. She emphasized the importance of having a good accountant to navigate the complexities of tax law and strategy. Another key takeaway was Claudia's love for the smaller, less crowded day club, Wet Republic, in Las Vegas, providing a unique contrast to the typical big and bustling day clubs in the city. Additionally, Claudia's book, "Girl With No Job," is available for purchase in various formats and offers further financial insights.

    • Girl with no job monetizes podcast through PatreonThe girl with no job uses Patreon as a membership platform to monetize her podcast, charging a monthly subscription for exclusive content.

      The girl with no job, whose high-energy podcast has a 98% female following, uses Patreon as a membership platform to monetize her content. Patreon functions similarly to OnlyFans but is more commonly associated with artists, entertainers, podcasters, and bloggers. Creators charge a monthly subscription for exclusive content, and Patreon handles the operations. The girl with no job might charge her "toasters" $10-$12 a month for additional episodes and potential one-on-one contact. The podcasting world can be self-made, with daily shows requiring significant effort, as demonstrated by successful shows like Trading Secrets aspiring to emulate.

    • Monetizing Content through Patreon and OnlyFans: Tax Implications and Financial ManagementConsider tax obligations when monetizing content through Patreon and OnlyFans. Educate yourself on financial management to avoid pitfalls. Offer incentives to boost sales and potentially reach bestseller status.

      Creating and monetizing content through platforms like Patreon and OnlyFans can be lucrative marketing strategies for various audiences. However, it's essential to consider the potential tax implications and educate oneself on financial management. The example of Mike Sorrentino from Jersey Shore highlights the importance of being aware of tax obligations and the potential pitfalls of not doing so. Another strategy to increase sales and potentially reach New York Times bestseller status is offering incentives, such as discounts or exclusive content, for purchasing the product. The upcoming book releases in April, focusing on career restarting and finances, will provide valuable insights for those looking to succeed in their careers and manage their money effectively.

    • Sharing influencer life with significant otherSharing influencer life with a partner brings benefits like understanding and engagement, but requires managing privacy concerns and potential scandals.

      Having a significant other involved in one's influencer career can bring benefits such as ease of understanding and the ability to create engagement through overlapping followers. However, the constant worry about potential scandals and privacy invasions can consume a significant amount of mental energy and be exhausting. The speaker, who has experienced this firsthand, emphasizes the importance of authentic interactions and the frustration of dealing with sneaky photos or videos. Overall, the influencer life comes with both positive opportunities and challenging negatives.

    • The Guest's Surprising WTF MomentsFrom questioning the accuracy of Jersey Shore's $1,000,000 per episode budget to learning life hacks on TikTok and debunking the meaning of a 40% chance of rain, the guest shared some intriguing and unexpected stories.

      The podcast guest shared some surprising and intriguing moments during the episode, which she referred to as her "WTF moments." One of these moments was the alleged $1,000,000 per episode budget for Jersey Shore, which she questioned for its accuracy. Another was her extensive use of TikTok, spending 24 hours on the app each week, and learning various life hacks from it. A third WTF moment was the misconception about the meaning of a 40% chance of rain in weather forecasts. Additionally, the guest's energy and love for nightclubs were described as electric and magnetic, and she invited the podcast hosts to join her for a big night out. The episode also highlighted the guest's journey from NYU to building a community and eventually making significant money, which took her four years. Overall, the episode provided insights into the guest's experiences and offered valuable information, making it an episode worth listening to.

    • The importance of continuous learning and community support in tradingJoin a supportive community of traders for exclusive content and personalized guidance, investing less than 30 cents a day in your trading education and growth.

      Learning from this episode of Trading Secrets is the value of continuous learning and community support in the world of trading. The hosts emphasized the importance of staying informed and engaged in the trading industry, and offered a networking group as a resource for exclusive content and personalized guidance. The group, which costs less than 30 cents a day, is an investment in your trading education and growth. By joining, you'll gain access to a supportive community of traders, as well as one-on-one time with the hosts, David and [Name]. Remember, trading is a lifelong journey, and having the right resources and connections can make all the difference. So, if you're serious about trading, don't miss out on this opportunity. Tune in next week for another informative episode of Trading Secrets.

    Recent Episodes from Trading Secrets

    179. Howie Mandel bought his first house thanks to a glove?! The BTS of his illustrious career from standup comedy to advocating for mental health & the $$$ behind it

    179. Howie Mandel bought his first house thanks to a glove?! The BTS of his illustrious career from standup comedy to advocating for mental health & the $$$ behind it
    This week, Jason is joined by standup comedian, actor, TV Host, and executive producer Howie Mandel! 

    Having remained a constant force in showbiz for decades,  he has diversified his skillset by wearing as many different hats as possible in TV, film, and even the podcast space hosting his own show with his daughter, Jacqueline, Howie Mandel does stuff. Throughout his illustrious career, Howie has notably been very open about his mental health, including his diagnosis with ADHD, OCD, and misophonia. Although there have been many difficulties that come along with those diagnoses, Howie has continued to remain an advocate for mental health awareness and strives to be an example for those struggling with their mental health in any capacity. 

    Howie reveals why he believes that thinking can be the downfall, why he never says “no,” how he ended up starting stand up comedy thanks to a dare, the importance of finding at least one thing in life to be excited about, why he is always investing with his money philosophy, his interest in real estate and learning from Monopoly, how he was making hundreds of thousands of dollars in the 80s, and working as his own agent to bring in extra income. Howie also gives insight to why he would negotiate IP over more money which evolved into creating his own company, the need to adopt and adapt, how he wishes he said yes to more movies, developing coping skills, and podcasting with his daughter.

    Howie reveals all that and so much more in another episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guests: Howie Mandel

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
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    Trading Secrets
    enJuly 01, 2024

    178. More Than Money: Retire like a badass! Robert Pagliarini breaks down financial terms, his secrets to retirement, and how to be successful with your money

    178. More Than Money: Retire like a badass! Robert Pagliarini breaks down financial terms, his secrets to retirement, and how to be successful with your money
    This week, Jason is joined by retirement specialist, Robert Pagliarini!

    Robert is the president of Pacifica Wealth Advisors and has some serious credentials. He’s earned a PhD in financial and retirement planning, a certified financial planner and an enrolled agent with the IRS. He specializes in serving sudden money recipients to help clients overcome sudden wealth syndromes. Robert reveals his simple, yet effective equation for saving for retirement, what an IRA is versus a 401k, when it is time to retire, how to utilize PERK, not to get emotional when it comes to finances, and even answers some questions from the Money Mafia! What kind of questions should you be asking to an advisor? What is part time retirement? 

    It’s an episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guest: Robert Pagliarini

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
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    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets Steals & Deals!

    Cort Furniture:
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    Trading Secrets
    enJune 27, 2024

    177. Jesse Solomon is unapologetically himself! Summer House fan favorite reveals the key to his success in reality TV, finance, working as a music agent, and future business plans

    177. Jesse Solomon is unapologetically himself! Summer House fan favorite reveals the key to his success in reality TV, finance, working as a music agent, and future business plans
    This week, Jason is joined by the newest cast member on Bravo’s Summer House, Jesse Solomon! 

    Jesse joined season eight of the hit reality show after working a career in corporate finance and the music industry. Throughout this season, Jesse has become a fan favorite of the show and even opened up about being a cancer survivor after being diagnosed with testicular cancer back in 2017. Jesse gives insight to leaving his corporate job to pursue social media and reality TV, how Summer House found him, breaking down his career path from college for music business to networking his way up, behind the scenes of working for WME, being unapologetically himself, and his current dating status. Jesse also reveals his business plan while navigating the digital world, still working in finance, the decision to share his cancer journey, the importance of going to the doctor as an adult, what market he wants to get into, and what he considers his own personal red flags. How did he and his former business partner raise over $11M for their startup? Has he run into any issues when working with an investor group? 

    Jesse reveals all that and so much more in another episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guests: Jesse Solomon

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
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    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets Steals & Deals!

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    Hiring top talent for your teams has never been easier. Linchpin is a recruitment firm that creates custom hiring and consulting services. If you are looking for a results driven and human-centered approach - this is your solution. Head over to thelinchpinco.com/contact and select Trading Secrets in the 'Where did you learn about us” section for 10% off your first placement!

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    Trading Secrets is sponsored by BetterHelp

    Trading Secrets
    enJune 24, 2024

    176. More Than Money: Breaking down how to succeed in branding, finding your niche, and navigating the world of PR with business coach Julie Solomon

    176. More Than Money: Breaking down how to succeed in branding, finding your niche, and navigating the world of PR with business coach Julie Solomon
    This week, Jason is joined by entrepreneur, business coach, public speaker, bestselling author, podcast host and working mom of two, Julie Solomon!

    For more than 15 years, Julie has been empowering lives, including her own, and has launched several successful online programs and masterminds including, Pitch It Perfect, The Influencer Academy and Shine Mastermind. She was recently named one of the top 100 leaders in influencer marketing. Julie breaks down the importance of PR and branding, the steps to building your brand, when to bring in a publicist, how media and PR work in regards to ROI, how niching down is key, what the diamond method is, why she finds selling a $3,000 course is easier than selling a $30 book, how a huge following is not critical to monetizing, secret to negotiation, and finding your anchor price.

    It’s an episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    To get access to Julie’s FREE class: juliesolomon.net/trading

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guest: Julie Solomon

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
    Facebook: Join the Group
    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets Steals & Deals!

    Cort Furniture:
    Get furniture on your terms with CORT. Rent or Buy furniture that flexes to fit any situation, style and budget and to get 50% off your first month’s furniture rental head over to cort.com/podcast

    Farmer’s Dog:
    Brighten up your dog’s bowl with fresh, healthy food. Get 50% off your first box, delivered to your door here

    Trading Secrets
    enJune 20, 2024

    176. More Than Money: Breaking down how to succeed in branding, finding your niche, and navigating the world of PR with business coach Julie Solomon

    176. More Than Money: Breaking down how to succeed in branding, finding your niche, and navigating the world of PR with business coach Julie Solomon
    This week, Jason is joined by entrepreneur, business coach, public speaker, bestselling author, podcast host and working mom of two, Julie Solomon!

    For more than 15 years, Julie has been empowering lives, including her own, and has launched several successful online programs and masterminds including, Pitch It Perfect, The Influencer Academy and Shine Mastermind. She was recently named one of the top 100 leaders in influencer marketing. Julie breaks down the importance of PR and branding, the steps to building your brand, when to bring in a publicist, how media and PR work in regards to ROI, how niching down is key, what the diamond method is, why she finds selling a $3,000 course is easier than selling a $30 book, how a huge following is not critical to monetizing, secret to negotiation, and finding your anchor price.

    It’s an episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    To get access to Julie’s FREE class: juliesolomon.net/trading

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guest: Julie Solomon

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
    Facebook: Join the Group
    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets Steals & Deals!

    Cort Furniture:
    Get furniture on your terms with CORT. Rent or Buy furniture that flexes to fit any situation, style and budget and to get 50% off your first month’s furniture rental head over to cort.com/podcast

    Farmer’s Dog:
    Brighten up your dog’s bowl with fresh, healthy food. Get 50% off your first box, delivered to your door here

    Trading Secrets
    enJune 20, 2024

    175. Micah Lussier: From making $130k in tech to reality TV star. BTS of Love is Blind & Perfect Match, landing brand deals, and finding her core audience revealed!

    175.  Micah Lussier: From making $130k in tech to reality TV star. BTS of Love is Blind & Perfect Match, landing brand deals, and finding her core audience revealed!
    This week, Jason is joined by Love is Blind Season 4 and Perfect Match’s Micah Lussier! 

    Although Micah’s time on the show did not end in marriage, she most certainly got the full experience of the experiment, having split from her partner Paul on their wedding day. After her time on the show, Micah has leveraged her newly generated platform into various brand partnership opportunities.

    Micah gives insight to the two sides of her life in reality TV and previously working in tech, how the Love is Blind reunion was, what she thinks makes a season thrive or flop, a teaser about her time on Perfect Match, how she would describe her brand, how success can be defined in the tech space, and how she ended up on Love is Blind. Micah also reveals the behind the scenes of the timeline for Love is Blind, the departure process for her job in tech, how they talk about money on the show, and what she enjoys about going on reality shows. What other reality shows would she consider? When did she tell her job that she was on a hit reality TV show? 

    Micah reveals all that and so much more in another episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guests: Micah Lussier

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
    Facebook: Join the Group
    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets Steals & Deals!

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    Bilt Rewards:
    With the Bilt Card, earn extra points on rent days and get exclusive travel and fitness rewards and the best part is that even if your landlord requires a check or a specific payment portal, Bilt can handle it all. The card is a no-brainer in my opinion. Earn points by paying rent right now when you go to joinbilt.com/TRADINGSECRETS *Terms apply.

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    Trading Secrets is sponsored by BetterHelp

    Trading Secrets
    enJune 17, 2024

    174. More Than Money: Unlocking the inner workings of the recruitment industry with The Linchpin Co. founder and CEO, Colleen Pelly

    174. More Than Money: Unlocking the inner workings of the recruitment industry with The Linchpin Co. founder and CEO, Colleen Pelly
    This week, Jason is joined by entrepreneur in talent acquisition professional, Colleen Pelly!

    Colleen is the founder and CEO of the Linchpin Company, a full service people operations group offering custom recruitment and consulting services. Having worked for major brands such as Tesla and Lululemon, she gained experience in full cycle recruitment from entry level to executive level roles in developing and executing training programs. Colleen gives insight to what people don’t know about the recruitment industry, how she came up with the idea for Linchpin Co, and the difference between in house and external recruiting. Colleen also reveals the grant application process,  how connections are a key element to successful recruiting, how she keeps track of her mistakes in business, what can give you an edge over other applicants, what a recruitment scorecard is, and so much more. 

    If you're looking to make passive income, this is a way to do it. You will get 10 percent off your first invoice with the first role that The Linchpin Co places when you go to https://www.thelinchpinco.com/contact and tell them Trading Secrets sent you! 

    It’s an episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guest: The Linchpin Co CEO and Founder Colleen Pelly 

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
    Facebook: Join the Group
    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets Steals & Deals!
    Cort Furniture:
    Get furniture on your terms with CORT. Rent or Buy furniture that flexes to fit any situation, style and budget and to get 50% off your first month’s furniture rental head over to cort.com/podcast

    Trading Secrets
    enJune 13, 2024

    173.  Joey Graziadei & Kelsey Anderson, Bachelor Nation’s newly engaged couple reveal the $$$ behind their careers pre show, navigating the spotlight, and making major moves professionally and personally

    173.  Joey Graziadei & Kelsey Anderson, Bachelor Nation’s newly engaged couple reveal the $$$ behind their careers pre show, navigating the spotlight, and making major moves professionally and personally
    Episode Description:
    This week, Jason is joined by Bachelor Nation’s newly engaged couple and fan favorites Joey Graziadei and Kelsey Anderson! 

    Joey walked away from his lead role on The Bachelor this past season after asking Kelsey to marry him. Since their season wrapped, Joey and Kelsey have spent their time traveling and spending as much time together as an engaged couple. Having come from two different career paths and geographical locations (Joey a tennis pro in Hawaii and Kelsey a project manager in New Orleans), they are now faced with the deciding factor of what is next for them personally and professionally. 

    Joey and Kelsey reflect on meeting fans at CMAfest and their impact on their audience, what goes into teaching tennis, where they saw their careers going prior to the show, how Kelsey and Joey ended up on the show, what role Jason played in Joey’s journey, and having important conversations in the fantasy suite. Kelsey and Joey also dive into the decision for Joey to move in with Kelsey in New Orleans, where they see their careers moving post show, discussing the influencer space and navigating other people being worried about their finances, and a few rapid fire questions. How many times has Kelsey been nominated for The Bachelor? Where do they plan on moving after the lease ends? What other reality show would they love to do? 

    Kelsey & Joey reveal all that and so much more in another episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guests: Joey Graziadei and Kelsey Anderson

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
    Facebook: Join the Group
    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets Steals & Deals!
    The Washington Post:
    The Washington Post helps you go deeper on the news that matters most to you. Their journalists bring you the facts and provide clarity about what’s happening in the industry, revealing the role tech giants and regulators play in our lives, the dangers and wonders of breakthrough technological developments and the national conversation around artificial intelligence. Go to WashingtonPost.com/SECRETS to subscribe for just 50 cents per week for your first year. That’s 80% off their typical offer, so this is truly a steal. 

    Zocdoc is a FREE app and website where you can search and compare highly-rated, in-network doctors near you and instantly book appointments with them online. Once you find the doc you want, you can book them immediately —no more waiting awkwardly on hold with a receptionist and these docs all have verified reviews from actual, real patients.  Go to Zocdoc.com/TRADINGSECRETS and download the Zocdoc app for FREE. 

    Shopify powers 10% of ALL eCommerce in the US. And Shopify’s the global force behind Allbirds, Rothy’s, and Brooklinen, and millions of other entrepreneurs of every size across 175 countries. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at SHOPIFY.COM/secrets

    Trading Secrets
    enJune 10, 2024

    172. More Than Money: Jason and David break down the Kyle Cooke Episode!

    172. More Than Money:  Jason and David break down the Kyle Cooke Episode!
    This week, Jason is joined by the Curious Canadian David Arduin to break down the Kyle Cooke episode!

    Jason and David dive in to why they think that Kyle felt comfortable coming on to Trading Secrets to talk about the drama and using business facts over gossip, how Kyle showed a different side of himself on the episode, what a vesting period is and what it means for a company, what current ratio is, the different kinds of SBA loans, how they think the drama will impact the businesses, navigating business with friends and family, and playing devil's advocate.

    It’s an episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
    Facebook: Join the Group
    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets Steals & Deals!

    The Farmer's Dog:
    This spring, brighten up your dog’s bowl with fresh, healthy food. Get 50% off your first box, delivered to your door here

    Cort Furniture:
    Get furniture on your terms with CORT. Rent or Buy furniture that flexes to fit any situation, style and budget and to get 50% off your first month’s furniture rental head over to cort.com/podcast

    Trading Secrets
    enJune 06, 2024

    171. Bravo’s Kyle Cooke on navigating hard lessons when friendship and love meets business, importance of transparency, landing a $4.2M SBA loan, and the truths behind entrepreneurship

    171. Bravo’s Kyle Cooke on navigating hard lessons when friendship and love meets business, importance of transparency, landing a $4.2M SBA loan, and the truths behind entrepreneurship
    This week, Jason is joined by reality TV personality and entrepreneur Kyle Cooke for the second time! 

    Kyle was last on the show two years ago to talk about his sparkling hard teas and canned cocktail company Loverboy in addition to his experience being on Bravo’s hit show, Summer House. In more recent news, Kyle has been in the hot seat for some recent drama regarding his friend and Summer House co-star Craig Conover partnering with a competing brand of Loverboy. Kyle gives insight to the conflict between Loverboy and competitor Spritz Society on Watch What Happens Live, what he would do differently looking back in hindsight, the behind-the-scenes of the business of Loverboy, how he found out about the collaboration from Craig and the conversation they had, the importance of honesty and transparency, and how the situation is more gossip than an actual business case. Kyle also reveals what really goes into entrepreneurship, qualifying for an SBA loan worth millions, clearing up the truth and falses between business and pop culture, and how he balances his relationship and his business. Who has equity in the business? How much did he raise initially? 

    Kyle reveals all that and so much more in another episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guests: Kyle Cooke

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
    Facebook: Join the Group
    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets Steals & Deals!
    Monarch Money:
    Unlike other personal finance apps, Monarch's simple, intuitive design makes it so easy to set up, customize, and use. Monarch has built-in features to collaborate with your partner, family, or financial advisor. Go to monarchmoney.com/SECRETS for an extended 30 day free trial.

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    DeleteMe is a subscription service that removes your personal info from the largest people search databases on the web – and in the process, helps prevent potential ID theft, doxxing and phishing scams. Take control of your data and keep your private life private by signing up for DeleteMe. Get 20% off your DeleteMe plan by texting SECRETS to 64000. 

    *Message and data rates may apply. See terms for details.

    Trading Secrets
    enJune 03, 2024

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    635 The Power of Positive PR:  Entrepreneur Victoria Kennedy on How to Build Visibility, Trust and Revenue with Earned Media

    Victoria Kennedy is a former opera singer who now helps companies and individuals leverage digital PR to increase their visibility and grow their revenue as the CEO and founder of Victorious PR. She’s been featured in over 200 publications including Forbes, Entrepreneur, Yahoo Finance, TV & radio stations, and the TEDx stage, and shares today how to land lucrative “earned media” for your brand or business.

    Podcasting: Strategie di marketing per chi inizia

    Podcasting: Strategie di marketing per chi inizia
    Marketing Tips per chi Inizia con il Podcasting

    1) Intervista gli Esperti
    Contatta e invita tutti i punti di riferimento nella tua nicchia di mercato
    Tecnica per arrivare ai più grandi e meno approcciabili

    2) Analizza Periodicamente i Tuoi Concorrenti
    Vai a vedere cosa fanno quelli che sono più esperti di te (e che fanno podcast) per allargare i tuoi orizzonti

    3) Titola le Puntate del Podcast per Google
    Utilizza i principi della SEO per far si che Google e altri motori di ricerca, possano indicizzare in maniera corretta i tuoi contenuti in modo che siano facilmente trovabili da chi è interessato a quel argomento specifico.

    4) Le Note del Podcast Sono Vitali
    Dedica tempo e attenzione al fornire tutte le informazioni utili agli ascoltatori del tuo podcast. Da una possibile trascrizione completa (usando la soluzione gratuita che ti ho suggerito nel precedente episodio), ai link alle persone, eventi e app che hai menzionato.

    5) Produci Altri Format
    Utilizza il tuo podcast per generare altri contenuti in format diversi. Blog post, contenuti per i social, brevi video, riassunti e sintesi.

    Info Utili

    • Musica di questa puntata:
    "Misty" by Birocratic - disponibile su Bandcamp:

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    critiche, commenti, suggerimenti, idee e domande unendoti al gruppo Telegram https://t.me/@RobinGoodPodcastFeedback

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    Twitch: istruzioni per l'uso

    Twitch: istruzioni per l'uso
    Come funziona Twitch?
    Per chi è consigliato?
    E' impegnativo mantenere vivo il canale?


    Ciao sono Fabio Mattis e rendo le persone indipendenti nell'uso di strumenti informatici tramite formazione e consulenza

    Le mie skill sono:
    🔵 Digital Marketing
    🟣 Intranet
    🟢 Excel
    🟡 Podcasting


    Instagram: sciamano_digitale

    Facebook: Fabio Mattis - Materie Digitali

    Telegram: Fabio Mattis - Materie Digitali

    Linkedin: Fabio Mattis

    Twitch: Fabio Mattis


    Podcast e Rubriche Video
    Canale YouTube Personale: https://www.youtube.com/c/FabioMattis...
    West digital: il salotto digitale del nordovest: https://bit.ly/WestDigital


    Spreaker: https://bit.ly/CronacheCibernetiche
    Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3wOzyz1
    Google Podcast: https://bit.ly/Cc_GooglePodcast
    Amazon Music: https://amzn.to/3lgeyLU
    Apple Podcast: https://apple.co/3lgm61m

    Joe Escobedo - The Digital Brand Builder

    Joe Escobedo - The Digital Brand Builder
    Known as the “Brand Builder” and recognized as one of the “Top 20 Content Marketers" globally, Joe Escobedo has helped countless organizations and executives transform from relative unknowns to superheroes online. He has also created and led successful digital marketing, branding and PR campaigns for everyone from startups to Fortune 500 firms. He is a contributor for both Forbes and the HuffPost, as well as an award-winning speaker. In his interview with Doyle Buehler, they talk about some of the specifics of building a strong brand in the tumultuous world of online. Digital Leadership Podcast interviews by Doyle Buehler - The Digital Entrepreneur http://www.twitter.com/doylebuehler https://au.linkedin.com/in/doylebuehler   For speaking engagements and interview requests for digital strategy, social media and online marketing, please email: doyle@thedigitaldelusion.com                       More details on each digital strategy podcast episode available here: http://www.thedigitaldelusion.com/podcast   Join the discussion of digital strategy, leadership and marketing online on our Facebook Exclusive Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/onlineinnercircle/   Get a copy of the international bestseller - The Digital Delusion -www.thedigitaldelusion.com/3 or on Amazon: http://amzn.to/1V819mQ   Take the Digital Leadership Quiz: http://www.leadership.digital   www.thedigitaldelusion.com   (C) 2018 Doyle Buehler

    10 Podcasting Ideas for Beginners | Ep. 150

    10 Podcasting Ideas for Beginners | Ep. 150

    Have you ever thought about starting a podcast, but had trouble coming up with podcast ideas? Maybe you have a lot of ideas but haven't been able to choose which one to go with.

    Well, today we are talking about how to come up with podcasting ideas, as well as how to narrow down your ideas to create sustainable content for your business, especially if you are just getting started.


    • Get 10 podcasting ideas you can start today
    • Learn how you can use your experiences to create content
    • Find out who to interview
    • Understand the important questions to ask before you begin


    "Remember, building your brand is a journey. Take your time with it, tackle the little items each day, and move forward. Keep moving forward."

    "Tap into those topics that you literally could talk about, based on your personal experience, on and on and on, because what's going to take your podcast to the next level is a level of experience."

    "Podcasting is one of the easiest ways, bar none, to build your personal brand."


    Blog: www.brandsonbrands.com/150

    Repurposing Content: www.brandsonbrands.com/resources

    Coaching Call: www.brandsonbrands.com/coach

    Instagram: @brandonbirkmeyer


    If you’d like my full plan for how to build your content marketing strategy, check out my free Content Marketing Starter Guide.

    And here are some more of my most popular thought leader interviews!

     Don’t want to miss the next thought leader interview? Subscribe to the free B-team Insider Newsletter! And don’t forget to leave a rating and review on iTunes.

    Talk soon!