
    11. Putin’s blanket, election fallout, and China in Africa

    enMay 11, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Local Elections: Disastrous for ConservativesDespite media spin, Conservatives suffered significant losses in local elections, with Labour and Liberal Democrats making gains. Boris Johnson's promises of no border in the Irish Sea or checks on goods proved empty, leading to a focus on changing the protocol rather than addressing underlying issues.

      The recent local elections in Britain saw significant gains for Labour and the Liberal Democrats, with the Conservatives suffering large losses. However, despite the media spin suggesting "better than expected results" for Boris Johnson's party, many commentators argue that the elections were actually quite disastrous for the Conservatives. Boris Johnson had previously promised there would be no border in the Irish Sea or checks on goods between Northern Ireland and Great Britain. However, with the pro-protocol parties performing well in Northern Ireland and the anti-protocol parties, particularly the DUP, suffering losses, the government's response has been to focus on changing the protocol rather than addressing the underlying issues. Meanwhile, globally, Putin's military show in Red Square and the ongoing Partygate scandal in the UK have dominated headlines. It's clear that the political landscape is shifting, and the ability to control the narrative and manage expectations is becoming increasingly important.

    • DUP's Dilemma: Brexit, Boris, and Borders in Northern IrelandThe DUP's support for Brexit and trust in Boris Johnson led them into a dilemma, as the UK's need for borders for trade deals clashes with Northern Ireland's peace agreement and identity as part of the EU.

      The current political turmoil in Northern Ireland, as experienced by the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), stems from their support for Brexit and their trust in Boris Johnson. The Good Friday Agreement, which brought peace to Northern Ireland, relied on its status as part of the European Union, allowing its diverse communities to identify with different nationalities without physical borders. However, to secure independent trade deals, the UK must put up borders, creating a dilemma. Boris Johnson denied this reality throughout his leadership campaign, promising to have his cake and eat it too. The DUP, who backed Brexit despite Northern Ireland not doing so, exploited Theresa May's political weakness and gained significant benefits. Now, they blame the European Union's protocol for their election loss and call for changes, while Sinn Fein's Michelle O'Neil acknowledges the possibility of resolving the issue through negotiations between the UK government and the European Commission.

    • DUP's Actions and Betrayal in Northern Ireland ElectionsThe DUP's efforts to prevent a border in Northern Ireland led to their belief in Boris Johnson's promises, but the new protocol left many feeling betrayed and frustrated. Johnson must now address pressing concerns and rebuild trust.

      The DUP's actions during the recent elections, which led to Boris Johnson's victory and the subsequent protocol put in place to maintain the Irish border and enable independent trade deals, have left many feeling betrayed and angry. The protocol, which established a border down the Irish Sea, effectively keeping Northern Ireland in the single market and customs union, was a contentious issue for unionists who saw it as a reversal of power-sharing institutions established under the Good Friday Agreement. The DUP, in their desperation to prevent a border in Northern Ireland, had previously opposed Theresa May's deal and contributed to its failure. However, their belief in Boris Johnson's promises of no border seemed misplaced as the new protocol was put in place. The rise of non-sectarian parties like the Alliance Party in the recent elections reflects the growing frustration among Northern Irish citizens with the focus on unionist versus nationalist issues and the need for addressing pressing concerns such as healthcare, education, and cost of living. Johnson must now take a serious approach to addressing these issues and rebuilding trust in the UK government.

    • UK's complex relationship with EU trade and open bordersThe UK's efforts to import tariff-free goods from non-EU countries while maintaining open borders with the EU create a complex relationship that may require significant adjustments, but fundamental changes could have major consequences.

      The UK's relationship with the European Union regarding trade and open borders is complex and cannot be easily resolved, especially when it comes to importing goods tariff-free from countries like Australia while maintaining open borders with the EU. The European Commission is trying to make adjustments, but fundamental changes might not be possible without significant consequences. Additionally, the political landscape in Northern Ireland differs greatly from the rest of the UK, and a new Scottish Liberal Unionist Party could potentially attract votes from those disillusioned with the conservative and nationalist parties in Scotland. However, creating a successful moderate center party in the UK, such as the Liberal Democrats, remains a challenge due to constitutional issues and the difficulty of reforming the party.

    • Political manipulation and corruption in Tower HamletsFormer Labor Party member Lutfur Rahman returned as independent mayor despite a history of electoral corruption, raising concerns about political regulations and accountability mechanisms

      The political landscape in some parts of Britain is troubling, as seen in the case of Lutfur Rahman in Tower Hamlets. Rahman, a former Labor Party member, was expelled and banned from running for office for five years due to electoral corruption. However, he's now back as an independent mayor, raising concerns about the extent of political manipulation and corruption. Rahman's tactics included using imams for spiritual campaigns, offering funding to local organizations, and making offensive claims against opponents. His return to office despite a clear history of corruption raises questions about the effectiveness of political regulations and the potential for rehabilitation. It's a reminder that the political sphere needs robust regulations and accountability mechanisms to prevent such abuses of power.

    • The Watergate Scandal's Impact on Journalism's Role in SocietyThe Watergate scandal's sensationalist coverage has led to a distorted view of journalism's role, with a focus on bringing powerful figures down instead of informing debates and exposing wrongdoing. Sensationalist reporting can overshadow more pressing issues and have detrimental effects on public debate.

      That the Watergate scandal, while a significant investigative journalism achievement, has led to a distorted view of journalism's role in society. Journalists often focus solely on bringing powerful figures down instead of informing debates and exposing wrongdoing. The "gate" suffix has become a cliché for sensationalist reporting. The speaker also mentioned several political scandals, such as Drapergate, Hinduja Gate, and Mittalgate. These scandals involved various politicians and businesspeople, and the media's coverage of them often overshadowed more pressing issues. The speaker criticized the media for its sensationalist reporting, which can have detrimental effects on public debate. The Daily Mail's focus on Keir Starmer and the beergate scandal during times of crisis was an example of this. The speaker also expressed concern about the hypocrisy of certain media outlets, which campaign against issues like tax dodging while engaging in similar practices themselves.

    • Media's Role in Politics: Spreading Misinformation and Character AttacksMedia, particularly tabloids, can negatively impact politics by spreading misinformation and engaging in character attacks instead of reporting facts, and this behavior is not limited to right-wing newspapers.

      The media, particularly tabloid newspapers, can have a profoundly damaging impact on politics and public discourse. The speaker argues that these newspapers often act as party political tools, spreading misinformation and engaging in character attacks rather than reporting facts. The example given is the Australian election, where conservative newspapers are attempting to paint the opposition leader in a negative light. However, the speaker also acknowledges that this is not a problem unique to right-wing newspapers, as they too have been known to spread false information and engage in character attacks. The speaker, who has experience working for a left-wing newspaper, admits to having experienced similar attacks and accusations. The media's role in shaping public opinion and influencing elections is a significant one, and it is crucial that journalists and editors strive for accuracy and fairness in their reporting.

    • Starmer's moral stance against Johnson puts him in a precarious positionStarmer's focus on Johnson's rule-breaking may not put significant pressure on him, as Johnson has a history of avoiding accountability. Instead, Starmer could have focused on Johnson's misleading parliament to maintain a stronger political position. Anti-labor sentiment and concerns about Starmer's growing sense of decency also surround him.

      Keir Starmer's strong moral stance against Boris Johnson's rule-breaking has put him in a precarious position. Starmer's emphasis on Johnson's infractions led the public to view his actions as less serious than lying to parliament. If the Durham police find evidence against Starmer, his resignation may not put significant pressure on Johnson, who has a history of avoiding accountability. Instead, Starmer could have focused on Johnson's misleading parliament to maintain a stronger political position. The conversation also touched on the anti-labor sentiment surrounding Starmer and the concern among his opponents about his growing sense of decency and public service.

    • China's Rising Power and Its Impact on the International CommunityChina's growing economic and military power poses significant challenges for the international community, particularly regarding Taiwan and its intentions towards it.

      China, with its growing economic and military power, is a rising global force whose intentions and actions pose significant challenges for the international community. Anthony Scaramucci shared a personal story of donating to President Obama's campaign and gaining access to White House events as a result. Katty Kay and Alastair Campbell discussed the significance of the US political landscape, particularly in the context of the Biden and Trump administrations. They also touched on the geopolitical implications of China's increasing influence, noting its historical status as a dominant world power and its current efforts to expand its reach through various means, including naval presence and debt diplomacy. The experts expressed uncertainty about China's ultimate goals but agreed that its actions towards Taiwan could pose a major national security concern.

    • China's Attempts to Incorporate Taiwan and Global AmbitionsChina aims to bring Taiwan under its control as part of Xi Jinping's legacy, but military conflict could lead to casualties and US backlash. China focuses on economic and strategic influence in Asia and Africa through initiatives like the Belt and Road Initiative, but investments may not be permanent due to nationalistic sentiments.

      China, under Xi Jinping's leadership, is expected to make attempts to incorporate Taiwan back into China as part of his legacy. However, a military conflict over this issue could lead to significant casualties and potential backlash from the US population. China's global ambitions primarily revolve around economic and strategic influence, particularly in Asia and Africa, where it has invested heavily through initiatives like the Belt and Road Initiative. However, countries in these regions can be nationalistic, and China may not always be able to hold onto investments indefinitely. For instance, countries have already expropriated investments from the Gulf. In other news, Putin's military display during the Victory Day Parade appeared weak, with him looking elderly and coughing, which contradicted his efforts to project a super macho image.

    • Putin's hesitation may indicate restraint, not weaknessDespite Putin's hesitation in Ukraine, the situation is complex and not a clear-cut victory for Ukraine or the West. Comparing Putin to Hitler should be cautious, as the situation is unique and the challenges of removing Russia from Donbas are significant.

      While Putin's hesitation to march on Kyiv or Warsaw may be seen as a sign of weakness by some, it could also indicate restraint. The lack of major cyber attacks or tactical nuclear weapons usage suggests that the situation in Ukraine is more complex than a simple retake of Eastern Ukraine. The comparison of Putin to Hitler should be approached with caution, as there is limited access to Putin's immediate thinking and the situation may not end in a clear-cut victory for Ukraine or the West. The Western intelligence's apparent advantage in predicting Putin's moves does not guarantee an exact picture of the situation. It's important to remember that the Ukrainian conflict is not a repeat of the 2nd World War or the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, and the challenges of removing Russia from Donbas are significant.

    • Political reshuffles: Unpredictable and impactfulDavid Cameron's reshuffles promoted obscure figures into major roles, impacting their future in the party, while neglecting others. The process can be unpredictable but crucial for leadership contention.

      The political process, particularly reshuffles, can be unpredictable and have far-reaching consequences. During reshuffles, political power plays and personal ambitions can make the process difficult and uncertain. However, a prime minister's decisions during reshuffles can also propel obscure figures into major roles and leadership contention. For instance, David Cameron's early promotions of Liz Truss, Priti Patel, Sajid Javid, and Esther McVeigh significantly impacted their future in the party. On the other hand, if he had promoted other talented individuals, they might not have gained the same level of recognition. Furthermore, the porridge method, as discussed earlier, offers flexibility with toppings, including stewed fruits or healthy seeds and nuts. The key is to follow the method carefully for the best results.

    • Perception vs. Reality in PoliticsPublic perception can influence political standing, even if there's little objective difference. Boris Johnson's position may not be as strong as portrayed, and becoming an MP involves significant personal costs.

      Public perception and focus can significantly impact an individual's or a party's standing, even if there's little objective difference. Boris Johnson's political position may not be as strong as portrayed by right-wing media. MPs, despite earning substantial salaries, face significant personal expenses and may come from wealthy backgrounds. The cost of becoming an MP can be high due to mortgages, commuting, and the desire to avoid second jobs. Jack Bailey's question raises the issue of whether admitting working-class students degrades Oxford or threatens the privileged. I believe it's a necessary step towards merit-based education. Boris Johnson might be content with Starmer's spotlight during the leadership contest and the lackluster Queen's Speech, as it distracts from his own lack of a coherent plan for government.

    • The Role of Education and Politics in Shaping SuccessPrivate schools offer more resources, but universities consider intellectual abilities beyond exams. Debates continue on ideal political systems, but podcast maintains a light-hearted tone.

      The education system plays a significant role in shaping students' performance in exams, and private schools often offer more resources and opportunities that give their students an edge. However, universities recognize this and make an effort to assess the genuine intellectual abilities of applicants beyond exam results. The ideal political system is a matter of debate, with some advocating for a more collaborative, proportional representation system, while others prefer the adversarial British system. A memorable moment from parliament involved a witty sledge or put down of an opponent. Despite the criticisms and debates, the podcast maintains a light-hearted and engaging atmosphere, making for an enjoyable listening experience.

    • Exemplifying calmness during political debatesStaying calm and composed during heated political debates can diffuse situations and leave a lasting impression. Former Australian PM Paul Keating did this effectively, leaving an opponent's rage with a witty remark.

      Importance of staying calm and composed during heated political debates. Former Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating exemplified this when he responded to an opposition leader's rage with a calm and witty remark. Keating's response, "I think the right honorable gentleman should learn to calm down, he's no spring chicken," not only diffused the situation but also left a lasting impression. This incident highlights the power of calmness and composure in political discourse, especially during tense moments. Additionally, Keating's impressive record of defeating multiple opposition leaders adds to his legendary status in Australian politics.

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