
    Podcast Summary

    • Personal experiences and preferences in advertising and living abroadThe speakers discussed the use of beer brands in advertising, personal preferences for living in different countries, and the need for deregulation and safer alternatives to drug use.

      The discussion touched on various topics, including the assumption of assumptions, hypersexuality, marketing, and personal preferences for living in different countries. A notable part of the conversation revolved around the use of beer brands in advertising and the perception of certain behaviors as unsexy or distorted. The speakers also shared their personal experiences and preferences for living in different countries, with Australia being a popular choice. Additionally, the topic of drug regulation and safety came up, with a call for deregulation and safer alternatives to passing around drugs. Overall, the conversation showcased a range of topics and perspectives, with a common thread of personal experiences and preferences.

    • Potential Impact of Drug Legalization on UsageLegalization of drugs could normalize and reduce stigma, leading to fewer people using, but also more trying out of curiosity.

      The legalization of drugs could potentially lead to more people trying them out of curiosity, but overall, it might result in fewer people using them as it becomes normalized and less stigmatized. The speaker also discusses the theory that psychedelic substances like mushrooms may have played a role in human evolution by enhancing visual perception and cognitive abilities. However, the speaker acknowledges his own vision impairment and the limitations of current scientific understanding. The speaker also criticizes the inconsistency of drug prohibition, pointing out that substances like alcohol, which can be deadly, are legal while some psychedelics are not. The speaker's perspective is that society bears a responsibility to reconsider these policies in light of new information and understanding.

    • The Importance of Sleep and ProductivityPrioritize health, productivity, and personal freedom. Insufficient sleep can lead to health issues, but deliberate practice leads to skill mastery. Consider communication and the feelings of those around us.

      Both productivity and good health, specifically quality sleep, are crucial for success and well-being. The guest on a podcast, Dr. Matthew Walker, emphasized the importance of sleep and how insufficient sleep can lead to health issues like Alzheimer's. The speaker himself admitted that he values his freedom and autonomy, which sometimes means making unconventional choices, like disappearing for a few months without informing everyone. However, he also acknowledged the importance of communication and considering the feelings of those who care about us. The book "The Talent Code" highlights the significance of putting in long hours of deliberate practice to master a skill. Overall, the discussion underscores the importance of prioritizing health, productivity, and personal freedom.

    • Practice and Exposure are Key to Improving SkillsConsistent practice and exposure to diverse experiences help comedians hone their skills, achieve a 'Zen state' on stage, and avoid becoming stale. Training in different environments and taking risks are essential for growth.

      Consistent practice and exposure to various experiences are crucial for improving skills and expanding one's perspective in stand-up comedy and other fields. The comedian in the conversation shares his experience of performing multiple shows in a short period, which helped him hone his skills and achieve a "Zen state" on stage. He also mentions the importance of training in different environments and applying those skills to new situations. The discussion touches upon the idea of developing footwork and agility in soccer by practicing in confined spaces, which can be related to the art of comedy. The comedian also emphasizes the importance of taking risks, trying new things, and having a broader understanding of the world to avoid becoming stale or out of touch with one's audience. He encourages comedians to pay attention to their own performances, work on their material, and not get too comfortable with their success.

    • Staying true to oneself and seeking new experiencesAuthenticity and new challenges keep individuals engaged and inspired, while monotony and excess can lead to a decline in career or personal growth.

      The life and career of comedian Sam Kinison illustrate the importance of staying true to oneself and continually seeking new experiences. While Kinison was a brilliant comedian in the early days, his rapid rise to fame and subsequent descent into excess led to a loss of authenticity and ultimately, a decline in his career. Before he went off the rails, Kinison had a unique act where he would taunt bartenders by taking their glasses and throwing them away. This behavior became a solidified part of his persona as he became more successful, but it lost meaning and became senseless. The lesson here is that individuals need to remain authentic and seek out new challenges and experiences to stay engaged and inspired. Comparing this to the experiences of Brazilian soccer players in a tight training environment, one can see how life's challenges can help develop skills and prepare individuals for bigger opportunities. Without new experiences, one's life can become monotonous and unrelatable to audiences. Therefore, it's essential to keep pushing boundaries and staying excited about new thoughts and ideas.

    • The Challenges of Becoming a Successful Stand-Up ComedianBecoming a successful stand-up comedian requires constant awareness of audience, perseverance through rejection, and pushing through self-doubt. Early failure and rejection can be especially tough for women, but the reward of making people laugh and connecting with audiences makes it all worthwhile.

      Becoming a successful stand-up comedian is a challenging and grueling process, both mentally and emotionally. Comedians must constantly be aware of their audience and why they're performing, whether it's for the laughs or for their own personal fulfillment. The road to success is long and fraught with rejection, embarrassment, and self-doubt. In fact, the number of successful stand-up comedians is relatively small, making the competition intense. Early failure and rejection can be particularly difficult for women, who may have been socialized to be less accepting of rejection. Despite these challenges, comedians must push through and keep trying, as failure is a necessary stepping stone to success. The journey may be difficult, but the reward of making people laugh and connecting with audiences makes it all worthwhile.

    • Addressing Gender Inequality in the Comedy IndustryEfforts are needed to ensure equal opportunities and safe spaces for all comedians, including initiatives like all-female classes and developmental projects, to create a more inclusive and equitable landscape for all comedians.

      The comedy industry, like many others, faces unique challenges when it comes to gender equality. Young comedians, both male and female, encounter biases and discomfort that can hinder their progress. Women, in particular, may face additional challenges due to societal expectations and the prevalence of unwelcome behavior in open mic settings. Success can also impact motivation and work ethic, leading to a drop-off in performance quality. To address these issues, efforts should be made to ensure equal opportunities and safe spaces for all comedians, regardless of gender. This could include initiatives like all-female classes or developmental projects to help propel deserving comedians forward. Ultimately, the industry must strive for egalitarianism and focus on performance-based advancement to create a more inclusive and equitable landscape for all comedians.

    • Open mics and music festivals: unpredictable experiencesOpen mics and music festivals can present challenges like unsanitary conditions and unconventional performers, but artists like Sam Kennedy continue to create groundbreaking music and earn respect through their bravery and authenticity.

      Performing at open mics can be an unpredictable experience, with the potential for encountering unsanitary conditions and unconventional performers. The mic, a shared tool, can harbor unpleasant smells and germs. Some performers use spit shields or pop filters to mitigate the issue, but these can seem pretentious. The music festival experience, while enjoyable, can also be unconventional and even a bit disorienting. In the past, artists have faced censorship and controversy, with attempts to ban certain music or performers due to perceived offensive content. Despite these challenges, artists like Sam Kennedy have persevered and created groundbreaking music, earning respect and admiration for their bravery and authenticity.

    • Bert Kreischer's Unconventional Comedy StyleBert Kreischer challenged comedy norms by allowing audiences to shout punchlines, creating a unique interactive experience, despite criticism for brash and controversial material, paving the way for a new era in comedy, and his signature 'machine' bit became a fan favorite.

      Bert Kreischer revolutionized comedy by encouraging audiences to shout out punchlines during his performances, creating a unique and interactive experience. This approach was different from traditional comedy and challenged the norms of the time. Despite criticism for his brash and often controversial material, Kreischer's innovative style paved the way for a new era in comedy and continues to influence performers today. Additionally, his signature "machine" bit became a staple of his act, and his fans eagerly anticipated hearing it each time he took the stage. Overall, Bert Kreischer's unconventional approach to comedy broke new ground and left a lasting impact on the industry.

    • Internet age's impact on audience expectations and reactionsAudiences should strive for thoughtful and supportive reactions, allowing for silence and reflection, instead of instant and potentially harmful criticism.

      The expectation and entitlement from audiences, be it in comedy or sports, has drastically changed due to the internet age. People feel the need to react instantly and publicly, often booing or criticizing artists or teams, which can be demoralizing and counterproductive. This behavior, while common, reveals a level of douchebagishness and entitlement that can be harmful to the creative process and the artist or team's morale. Instead, audiences should strive for a more thoughtful and supportive approach, allowing for silence and reflection, and appreciating the effort and artistry put into the performance or game.

    • Discussing alternative names for pelicansGroup found 'bath mats' to be a more appealing name for pelicans, discussed various bird species and their unique characteristics, touched upon the topic of flight and sacrifices.

      The name "pelicans" was a topic of contention during the discussion due to their aggressive behavior and the negative connotations associated with it. The group found the name "bath mats" to be a more appealing and less intimidating alternative. The conversation then shifted to various bird species, including seagulls, pigeons, and the shoe bill, which was described as a creepy and prehistoric bird. The discussion also touched upon the topic of flight and what sacrifices one would make to achieve it. Overall, the conversation was a mix of humor, fascination, and intrigue about different bird species and their unique characteristics.

    • Meet the Terror Birds: Gigantic, Flightless Predators of the PastTerror birds were massive, flightless creatures that roamed North America millions of years ago, growing up to seven feet tall with beaks large enough to swallow a human's abdomen. Despite not being able to fly, they were still formidable predators.

      Terror birds, also known as prehistoric flightless birds, were enormous creatures that roamed North America millions of years ago. Some of these birds could grow up to seven feet tall and had beaks large enough to consume a significant portion of a human's abdomen. These birds, which some consider to be more akin to dinosaurs due to their size and lack of wings, are a fascinating reminder of the diverse and often intimidating wildlife that once inhabited our planet. While they may not have been able to fly, they were still formidable predators that likely struck fear into any early human encounters. Today, we can only imagine what it would have been like to come face to face with one of these colossal creatures.

    • Eminem's Normal Persona and Rap CipherEminem, known for his intense rapping, values normalcy in his personal life and continues to engage in rap battles, a unique aspect of the rap community.

      Eminem, despite his fame, maintains a normal persona and has no desire to quit rapping. His fans may have profound experiences while listening to his music, but when sober, they may question the significance of those moments. The rap community, including Eminem, engages in a "rap cipher" or freestyle battle where each artist takes turns showcasing their skills. This culture is unfamiliar to some, leading to misunderstandings and criticism. Ultimately, the fascination lies in the dynamic and often controversial nature of the music industry and the artists within it.

    • Understanding Complexity of People's ActionsAvoid assumptions based on race or superficial factors. Consider full context and communicate peacefully to resolve conflicts.

      People's actions and motivations are complex and multifaceted, and it's important to avoid making assumptions based on race or other superficial factors. The discussion touched on various topics, including rap music, freestyling, old cars, and an incident where a white woman called the police on an eight-year-old black girl selling water. While some saw it as an example of racism, others believed it could be due to the woman's general complaining nature or her adherence to rules. The conversation also highlighted the importance of communication and trying to resolve conflicts peacefully before escalating them. Ultimately, it's crucial to consider the full context and avoid jumping to conclusions based on limited information.

    • Observing women's struggles and the tragic use of excessive forceEmpathy towards individuals' struggles and opposition to unnecessary violence and excessive force.

      The discussion revolves around the observation of two women on the phone, who are overweight and exhibit sexually ambiguous features. The speaker expresses empathy towards their potential feelings of unhappiness and anger. The conversation then shifts to a historical event where a man, Eric Garner, was killed by police using a chokehold, despite not posing a threat. The speaker passionately argues that the use of excessive force was unnecessary and that the officers involved should have intervened to stop the chokehold. The speaker also shares personal experiences and knowledge of martial arts to explain the severity of the chokehold technique used. The overall message is that violence and unnecessary force should not be used, especially against individuals who are not posing a threat.

    • Trash Talking and Showmanship in MMAEffective trash talking and showmanship are important in MMA for building hype, entertaining fans, and contributing to memorable moments and rivalries.

      Trash talking and showmanship are essential parts of the MMA world, with fighters like Chael Sonnen using it to build hype and entertain fans. Sonnen's ability to effectively trash talk and sell fights has been a significant factor in his success and popularity. However, the line between real and fake anger or intent can be blurred, and it's important to remember that the ultimate goal is to put on a great show for the fans. Sonnen's skills in this area have led him to become one of the most entertaining and successful figures in the sport. While some may criticize or dismiss the importance of trash talk, it's an integral part of the MMA experience and helps create memorable moments and rivalries.

    • Chael Sonnen's wrestling skills and impressive winsChael Sonnen's trash talk overshadowed his wrestling dominance over top UFC fighters like Nate Marquardt, Rampage, and Anderson Silva.

      Chael Sonnen's reputation as a trash talker in the UFC masked his impressive fighting skills, particularly in wrestling. His dominance over top fighters like Nate Marquardt, who was considered one of the best MMA fighters in the country during his prime, showcased Sonnen's wrestling abilities and his ability to perform under pressure. The discussion highlighted Sonnen's wins against Rampage and Anderson Silva, but it was his fight against Nate Marquardt in 2010 that truly showcased his skills. The KO sequence against Tyrone Woodley in 2012, which was shown during the discussion, demonstrated Nate Marquardt's own fighting prowess and made their encounter even more impressive. Sonnen's fights against these top-tier opponents took place before and during their prime, making his accomplishments even more noteworthy. Overall, the conversation emphasized Sonnen's underappreciated fighting abilities and his significant impact on the UFC.

    • MMA and Intellectual DiscussionNate Marquardt's best performances were at welterweight, but losses and retirement hindered peak potential. Discussion touched on intelligence and race, with mentions of Nobel Prize winners, Asian success in education, and Harvard lawsuit alleging discrimination.

      Nate Marquardt's best performances in the UFC were at the welterweight class, where he was powerful yet not too bulky. However, his losses and retirement have taken away from his peak potential. Regarding the discussion about intelligence and race, it was mentioned that there is a high number of Nobel Prize winners among European Jews, and Asians are known for their hard work and dedication, leading to their success in education. The Harvard lawsuit alleging discrimination against Asian students was also brought up. The conversation touched on the idea that Asians don't protest as much as other marginalized groups, allowing institutions to potentially discriminate against them based on their perceived lack of complaint. Overall, the discussion covered various topics, including MMA, intelligence, and race, with differing perspectives and opinions.

    • Harvard's Controversial Admission Practices and Asian DiscriminationThe debate over Harvard's admission practices raises concerns of bias against Asian applicants due to their academic success, which is perceived as 'sanctioned racism'.

      The discussion revolves around the controversy surrounding Harvard's admission practices, specifically the allegations of discrimination against Asian American applicants. Critics argue that Harvard is limiting the number of Asian students, and the admissions process is biased towards non-Asian applicants based on personal ratings. This situation is perceived as "sanctioned racism" against Asians because of their academic success. The debate raises questions about the fairness of the admissions process and the societal pressure on students to excel academically, often sacrificing a normal life. The example of Junk Sick Chang, a Korean national Taekwondo team member and doctor-in-training, illustrates the dedication and hard work required to succeed in multiple areas. The conversation ultimately highlights the complexity of the issue and the need for a balanced approach to education and fairness in admissions.

    • Discrimination and bias in hiring processesOngoing education, self-reflection, and commitment to fairness and equality are essential to mitigate the negative consequences of discrimination and bias in hiring processes.

      Discrimination and bias, whether intentional or unintentional, can have far-reaching consequences. The discussion touched upon various forms of discrimination, including racial and gender bias in hiring processes. The anecdote about the Daily Show's failed attempt to hire based on merit alone, without considering applicants' names or demographics, highlights the complexities and unintended consequences of such efforts. The conversation also emphasized the importance of understanding the context and nuances of different industries and roles when discussing representation and diversity. Ultimately, the key takeaway is the need for ongoing education, self-reflection, and a commitment to fairness and equality in all aspects of life.

    • The wage gap goes beyond equal pay for the same jobThe wage gap is influenced by the types of jobs men and women choose and the value society places on those jobs, not just equal pay for the same work.

      The wage gap is not as simple as it seems. While there may be a difference in average earnings between men and women, it's important to consider the types of jobs men and women are doing. The wage gap is not about equal pay for the same job, but rather the different jobs men and women choose and the value society places on those jobs. It's also important to note that some people, regardless of gender, may choose not to pursue high-paying careers or work longer hours. Ultimately, it's essential to look beyond simplistic explanations and consider the complex factors at play in the wage gap.

    • Prioritize enjoyment and experiencesFocus on joy, learn from mistakes, prioritize health, and engage in meaningful activities.

      People should prioritize doing things they enjoy and value experiences over accumulating obligations and material possessions. The speaker emphasizes the importance of making decisions on purpose, even if they lead to mistakes or failures, as they provide valuable learning experiences. He also encourages individuals to prioritize their health and engage in physical activities to keep their bodies strong. The speaker's personal experience of moving to New York to pursue his dreams and the benefits of running instead of using cardio machines highlight the importance of living a fulfilling life and making the most of the time we have.

    • Kevin Smith's Weight Loss Journey and Impact on ComedyKevin Smith's weight loss journey included a heart-attack scare, shift to healthy juices and exercise, and influenced comedy with insults and constant hugs.

      Kevin Smith's weight loss journey involved several attempts, including a heart-attack scare that motivated him to make significant lifestyle changes. He went from consuming large amounts of sugar to focusing on healthy juices and exercise, such as walking on a treadmill while working. The use of insults in their conversations, inspired by New York comedy style, brought fun and excitement to their group. Smith's influence on the comedy scene is significant, with his unique style and energy inspiring a shift towards more insulting humor and constant hugs as a form of greeting. This conversation highlights the importance of making lifestyle changes for better health and the power of humor and camaraderie in personal growth.

    • Comedians Roast Each Other and Discuss Humor, Friendship, and ProductivityComedians share jokes at each other's expense, discuss the power of manifesting reality, and recommend using Scrivener for efficient writing.

      Comedy involves roasting each other and finding humor in everyday situations. Patrice O'Neal, a well-respected figure in the comedy world, was known for his sharp wit and ability to turn simple observations into hilarious jokes. He would often make fun of his friends' quirks and habits, such as Joe DeRosa's lack of shoulders or Anthony Cumia's gun collection. Another comedian, D.S., would mock Brian Regan for carrying a notebook. These exchanges were all in good fun and part of the comedic banter that took place among friends. Another topic that came up was the idea that people's actions can manifest their reality. Brian Regan was jokingly accused of manifesting potential gun violence by constantly having guns around him. There was also a discussion about how people often talk about starting new habits, but rarely follow through with them. A more practical takeaway from the conversation was the mention of a writing program called Scrivener. Several comedians shared their experiences with using it to organize their material and make their writing process more efficient. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of humor, friendship, and productivity in the world of comedy.

    • New discoveries challenge traditional interpretations of ancient Jewish textsAncient texts offer new insights when reexamined through modern lenses, challenging our perceptions with unexpected themes and meanings

      Ancient Jewish texts, like the story of Purim, contain complex and sometimes unexpected themes. For instance, the character Vashti, who refused to reveal her body to the king, is often seen as a feminist icon. However, new research suggests that she may have been banished due to a herpes outbreak. This discovery challenges our perception of the character and highlights the importance of ongoing research and interpretation. Similarly, a story about a rabbi and a dragon can be understood as a metaphor for masturbation, adding a layer of complexity to the text. These discoveries remind us that ancient texts, though rooted in history, continue to offer new insights and perspectives when reexamined through modern lenses.

    • Rules and Control: Rats and ReligionThe speaker explores the theme of rules and control in his experiences with rats and religious teachings, suggesting that both serve to unite and regulate communities.

      The speaker's experiences with rats and their encounters with religious teachings share a common theme of rules and control. The speaker's fear of rats and the lengths he goes to avoid them can be compared to the way religious groups establish laws and beliefs to regulate their communities. The speaker also questions the origins of religious writings and suggests that they may have started as a way to unite and govern groups of people. The discussion then shifts to the Baha'i faith and their belief in the similarities between various religious teachings, which they view as truths from God. The speaker also shares his theories on the origins of certain religious dietary laws, such as the prohibition against eating shellfish, which he believes may have been based on health concerns. Overall, the conversation explores the idea of rules and their role in shaping communities, whether it be through the fear of rats or the establishment of religious beliefs.

    • Ancient beliefs and their seemingly absurd natureThough some ancient beliefs may seem absurd, they often contain valuable lessons about morality and respect for others.

      Throughout history, there have been various rules and beliefs instilled in societies, some with logical explanations and others seemingly absurd. For instance, the symptoms of Neurotoxic Shellfish Poisoning (NSP) can be compared to the biblical story of God sending bears to protect a bald man from taunting children. Both involve consequences for disrespecting others. However, not all ancient beliefs can be easily understood or justified. For example, the belief that a man named Joel lived inside a whale is hard to accept based on our current scientific knowledge. Similarly, some ancient stories depict impossible scenarios, like firing weapons into space or living inside a whale. These stories may reflect a lack of understanding of the natural world at the time they were created. Despite their seemingly absurd nature, these stories often contain valuable lessons about morality and respect for others. Today, we can learn from these ancient beliefs and use them to foster harmonious relationships with our neighbors and the world around us.

    • Mental health journeys require individualized solutionsSeek help, try different approaches, remember everyone's journey is unique, and support each other's differences

      Mental health struggles are complex and require individualized solutions. The conversation highlights the importance of seeking help, even if it means trying different approaches until the right one is found. Medications, like a cast for a sprained brain muscle, can provide crucial support during the healing process. However, the decision to wean off them can be a challenging time, potentially coinciding with significant life changes. Ultimately, it's essential to remember that everyone's journey to success, both in their personal lives and careers, is unique and marked by various challenges. The comedy world, like any other, is filled with individuals dealing with their own struggles, and it's crucial to support and understand each other's differences rather than creating divisions.

    • Navigating Medications for Mental HealthEffective communication with therapists and persistence in finding the right medication can lead to significant improvements in mental health, despite potential side effects and complexities in the process.

      Finding the right medication and mental support is crucial for managing mental health challenges. The speaker shared their personal experience with various medications, each having distinct side effects. Some made it difficult to come, others caused hyperphagia, and yet others led to low blood pressure. The speaker emphasized the importance of communication with therapists and not settling for a medication that doesn't work. They also highlighted the importance of recognizing when your perception of reality might be distorted and not letting negative thoughts consume you. It's a journey of finding what works best for each individual, and it's essential to remember that it's worth the effort to keep trying. The speaker also shared an analogy, comparing the process of finding the right medication to editing computer code or opera. It's a complex process, but the end result can lead to significant improvements in mental health.

    • Carrying a heavy rock of mental health strugglesMental health struggles can be long-lasting and impact identity, requiring healthy coping mechanisms and support rather than glorification.

      Mental health struggles, such as depression, can be compared to carrying a heavy rock that drains your energy and makes you want to give up. These struggles can be influenced by various factors, including loss of a job or a loved one, but sometimes the cause is no longer present, leaving individuals feeling trapped and unable to move on. Medications may not work for everyone, and the experience of depression can become a part of one's identity. It's important to remember that even when things improve, the negative feelings may not disappear right away, and some people may even miss the familiarity of their suffering. It's crucial to find healthy ways to cope and seek support, rather than glorifying the negative experiences and using them to define oneself.

    • Environmental factors can worsen depressionUnderstanding depression's complexity, seeking professional help, and creating a supportive environment are crucial for managing it. Environmental factors like prolonged exposure to bad weather or isolation can worsen symptoms, but everyone's experience is unique.

      Depression is a complex condition that can range from feeling "blue" due to normal life circumstances to a deeper, more persistent state. The environment, such as prolonged exposure to bad weather or isolation, can exacerbate feelings of depression. The fear of a return of depression can be overwhelming, leading individuals to avoid help from others due to feelings of not being unique in their suffering. In some cases, the use of certain medications or substances can increase the risk of depression or suicidal thoughts. It's essential to understand that everyone's experience with depression is different, and what may help one person may not help another. The importance of seeking professional help and creating a supportive environment cannot be overstated.

    • Personal struggles with depression and observing Anthony Bourdain's battleDepression is complex and deeply personal, often masked by temporary relief from substances like alcohol, and can lead to feelings of guilt, frustration, and even suicide despite love and success.

      Feelings, especially those related to depression, are deeply personal and often difficult to describe. The speaker shares his experience with moderate depression and how he observed Anthony Bourdain's struggle with depression and alcoholism. Alcohol, as a depressant, can provide temporary relief but can also mask underlying depression, making it harder to deal with once sober. The speaker expresses guilt and tortured feelings over not being able to prevent Bourdain's suicide, emphasizing the bravery of ending one's own life despite the love and success one might have. He also shares the frustration of being a successful comedian but still struggling financially and feeling undervalued, which might have been a factor in Bourdain's decision. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexities of depression and the challenges of dealing with it, both personally and professionally.

    • Supporting and promoting others onlineThe internet allows us to actively promote and vouch for others, building trust, credibility, and strengthening relationships. Positive reinforcement and perspective shift can inspire and motivate, creating a more connected world.

      The internet has made it easier than ever to support and promote others, creating a positive ripple effect for both parties. Instead of just watching a comedian's show or reading their book, we can now actively promote their work and vouch for their talent, leading to increased trust and credibility. This not only benefits the person being promoted but also strengthens relationships and fosters a sense of community. Moreover, the power of positive reinforcement and perspective shift can inspire and motivate people to improve and overcome challenges, rather than resorting to harsh criticism or tough love. Ultimately, the internet has provided us with a platform to be there for each other, share experiences, and uplift one another, making the world a little less lonely and more connected.

    • Focusing on the positive can improve mood and outlook on lifeIdentifying good things from difficult situations, practicing gratitude, and adopting a Zen-like attitude towards challenges can help reduce negative thoughts and improve overall well-being.

      Shifting our focus towards the positive can significantly improve our mood and outlook on life. This was a common theme that emerged during the discussion. The speaker shared how they learned to identify good things that came out of difficult situations, such as using depression to create darker and more relatable stand-up material. Another technique mentioned was practicing gratitude by listing five things one is thankful for each day. By focusing on the positive, we can reduce the impact of negative thoughts and improve our overall well-being. The speaker also emphasized the importance of adopting a Zen-like attitude towards challenges and obstacles, and not letting them consume our energy and mood. Overall, the discussion highlighted the power of perspective and mindset in shaping our experiences and emotions.

    • The Power of ForgivenessForgiveness is crucial for healing and growth, allowing people to learn and make amends for their mistakes.

      While it's understandable to feel anger and frustration towards those who have wronged us, it's important to practice forgiveness and let people learn and grow from their mistakes. The conversation touched upon various topics, including the infamous case of a woman who ratted out a little kid, and the importance of accepting apologies and moving forward. The discussion also brought up the competitive nature of some high-profile cases, such as Michael Jordan's basketball rivalries and the murder of his father. However, the consensus was that forgiveness is a powerful tool for healing and growth, and it's essential to remember that everyone makes mistakes and deserves a chance to make things right.

    • Cults and Their Charismatic Leaders: Fascination and SusceptibilityThe documentary series reveals the extent of cults' power and influence, showcasing the captivating allure of charismatic leaders and the susceptibility of people to join such groups, despite potential harm.

      The discussion revolves around the fascination with a particular documentary series that explores the phenomenon of cults and their charismatic leaders. The speakers are captivated by a show featuring a man named "Show," who led a sex cult outside of Antelope, Oregon, in the late 20th century. The cult is described as having control over the town, even having their own police force. The speakers express awe at the extent of the cult's power and influence, as well as the susceptibility of people to such groups. They also touch upon the parallels between cults and religions, and the protective measures society takes against the former but not the latter. The conversation also mentions another cult involving an actress and her alleged involvement. The speakers express a desire for others to watch the series and discuss it.

    • Living in a Communal Society: Challenges and SolutionsCreating a communal living situation requires adhering to local laws, preventing power imbalances, and maintaining equality among members to avoid manipulation and ensure happiness.

      Creating a communal living situation like a kibbutz or a self-sufficient village with unconventional rules can be challenging in today's society. While it may seem appealing to live in a community where everyone works together and shares resources, there are potential issues such as the need for law enforcement and the risk of power imbalances leading to manipulation. An example given was the idea of setting up a commune in Oregon, but it would be important to maintain legitimacy and adhere to local laws to avoid unwanted attention. Additionally, the concept of a leaderless community, like Burning Man, could be a potential solution to avoid power imbalances, but charismatic individuals could still co-opt the situation. The key is to find a way to prevent manipulation and maintain equality among community members. The discussion also touched on the idea of communal living leading to happiness, as seen in movies like "Happiness" or "Life in the Tundra," where people live in extreme conditions but are content with their simple lives.

    • Supporting a friend through mental health strugglesFriendship and financial support can help someone get through a mental health crisis, but finding the right medication can be a challenging process

      Friendship and support can make a significant impact on someone's mental health journey. The speaker shared an experience of helping a friend through a difficult time, where they were experiencing suicidal thoughts and struggled with finding the right medication for their mental health. The speaker's actions, from offering financial help to urging them to seek medical attention, played a crucial role in helping their friend get through a rough patch. However, the process of finding the right medication was described as a guessing game, with doctors trying out different combinations to find what worked best for the individual. Despite the uncertainty and challenges, the speaker emphasized the importance of being there for their friend and supporting them throughout the process.

    • Public figures face intense scrutiny and backlashPublic figures deserve compassion and understanding, recognizing everyone makes mistakes and deserves to learn and grow

      Public figures, especially those with a large following and cultural influence, can face intense scrutiny and backlash for their actions, even if they apologize and try to explain themselves. This can be dehumanizing and make it difficult for them to bounce back. The line between joke and offense can be blurry, and what one person finds funny, another may find hurtful or offensive. It's important to consider the context and intent behind the words or actions, rather than reducing someone to one action or label. Jealousy and a desire to make others feel as bad as we do can also fuel attacks on public figures. Ultimately, it's crucial to approach these situations with compassion and understanding, recognizing that everyone makes mistakes and deserves the opportunity to learn and grow.

    • Promote compassion and understanding onlineOnline attacks can harm individuals and communities, leading to a cycle of anger and retaliation. Instead, promote empathy and positive change through education and dialogue.

      During times of outrage and online attacks, it's essential to promote compassion and understanding rather than seeking to punish or lash out. The lack of an overwhelming voice for compassion can lead to a cycle of anger and retaliation that harms individuals and communities. This behavior, reminiscent of physical fights where people take free shots at someone who's already down, can have severe psychological effects. It's crucial to recognize the impact of online attacks and strive for education and dialogue instead of adding to the collective anger. Apologies and forgiveness are essential for healing and moving forward. Instead of joining the outrage mob, let's focus on fostering empathy and promoting positive change.

    • Handling Criticism when Empowering ChildrenEmpowering children comes with potential criticism, but focusing on compassion and understanding can mitigate e-rage and negative reactions.

      Trusting and empowering children to take on responsibilities, such as walking home from the park, can be a contentious issue. While the majority may support a parent's decision, a vocal minority can unleash a wave of negativity and criticism. This can be damaging and unexpected, and it's crucial for individuals and agencies to be prepared to handle such situations. The ease of expressing opinions online can lead to a culture of e-rage, where people feel emboldened to attack others without considering the consequences. Instead, we should strive for more compassion and friendliness towards each other, recognizing that we're all temporary beings in a constantly evolving world. It's essential to remember that our actions, no matter how small, can positively impact those around us.

    • The Dangerous Shift Away from Free SpeechRecognize and reject the trend of violence towards opposing views, respect everyone's right to express opinions, and promote open and respectful dialogue.

      The current political climate has led to an increase in anger, aggression, and even violence towards opposing views. People are becoming more dogmatic and less open to debate, leading to a dangerous shift away from free speech. This is not only happening on the left but also on the right, and it's important for all of us to recognize and reject this trend. It's crucial to remember that everyone deserves respect and the right to express their opinions without fear of violence or harm. The ACLU's stance on free speech is being reevaluated, and it's essential to understand that free speech does not mean the right to infringe on someone else's rights or cause harm. We must strive for open and respectful dialogue and reject the use of violence or hate speech towards any group. Additionally, it's important to recognize the historical context of oppression and economic disparity, but it's also crucial to avoid generalizing and demonizing entire groups of people. Let's work towards understanding and respecting each other's differences and promoting peaceful dialogue and solutions.

    • Discussing the importance of free speechThe ACLU defends free speech for all, despite potential dangers or unpopular opinions, emphasizing the importance of understanding complexities and potential consequences.

      The protection of free speech is a fundamental right that should not be compromised, even for heinous actions or beliefs. The discussion touched upon various instances of misrepresentation and misinformation, as well as the potential dangers of infiltration and violence. It was emphasized that the ACLU's commitment to defending free speech remains unwavering, and that attempts to silence individuals or organizations based on the actions of a few can lead to a slippery slope of repression. The conversation also highlighted the importance of understanding the complexities of issues and the potential consequences of idealistic actions. Ultimately, it's crucial to remember that everyone has the right to express their opinions, no matter how unpopular or distasteful they may be.

    • Natural disasters expose Puerto Rico's resource disparitiesDespite being part of the US, Puerto Rico's lack of statehood and resources became evident during Hurricane Maria, hindering their recovery. Low taxes for corporations and wealthy individuals might also contribute to the issue.

      The aftermath of natural disasters, such as hurricanes in Puerto Rico, reveals the stark disparities in resources and government support for different communities. The low tax rates that attract corporations and wealthy individuals to Puerto Rico might also hinder their ability to recover from such devastating events. Despite being a part of the United States, Puerto Rico faces unique challenges, and its lack of statehood and resources have been highlighted during times of crisis. The conversation also touched upon the importance of acknowledging the complexities of issues and the need for a comprehensive approach to addressing infrastructure and government support. The ongoing power outages in Puerto Rico, even nine months after Hurricane Maria, serve as a reminder of the urgent need for action.

    • Volcanic eruptions cause health risks and disruptionsVolcanic eruptions can lead to serious health issues from toxic gases and disrupt daily life, even impacting careers

      Natural disasters, such as volcanic eruptions, can cause massive destruction and displacement of people, and the consequences can extend beyond the immediate damage caused by the volcano itself. The toxic gases emitted during an eruption can pose significant health risks to the population, and prolonged exposure can lead to serious health issues. Furthermore, these disasters can disrupt daily life and even impact careers, as seen in the case of journalist Michael Hastings who was stranded overseas during the Iceland volcano eruption and later wrote a controversial story about a US General, leading to speculation about his death which was later ruled as an accident.

    • Comedian shares Edinburgh Fringe Festival plans and podcast guestsComedian plans comedy show at Edinburgh Fringe Festival, shares upcoming podcast guests including Hamilton Morris from Vice, and expresses excitement for both events

      The speaker, who is a comedian, has been performing in Edinburgh and has noticed a trend in their comedy style that sacrifices jokes for themes or messages. He is careful not to do the same and plans to perform at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival from August 2nd to 26th. The speaker also mentions his disbelief that Ari, a friend, refused his offer of a free fanny pack. The speaker also announces upcoming guests on his podcast, including Hamilton Morris from Vice, and teases a past experience with him that resulted in a deeply introspective conversation. Overall, the speaker expresses his excitement for his Edinburgh performances and his commitment to delivering a solid comedy show.

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    KEY LIME PIE S*X GONE WRONG - Confession Corner

    KEY LIME PIE S*X GONE WRONG - Confession Corner

    Hey Besties! Ready for another wild ride in the Confession Corner? Violetta's got the juiciest stories for you. Ever been on a date where you had to do some quick thinking, maybe tell a little white lie? Trust me, you're not alone! We're diving into those hilarious and awkward moments as they take unexpected turns. 

    And, oh boy, get ready for some spice! We're talking about turning up the heat in the bedroom, and yes, it involves food. From a delightful encounter with key lime pie that leaves you questioning cleanliness to accidentally turning a passionate moment into a bit of a bloodbath – these stories are wild, unpredictable, and oh-so-relatable. You won't believe where these confessions lead, but one thing's for sure –  it's a rollercoaster of laughs and surprises. 

    If you want to be featured on the next episode, send an email to press@daddyissuesla.com or call Violetta at 424-278-4268 and leave an anonymous voicemail!

    Today’s Sponsors:

    • Lume - Control Body Odor ANYWHERE with @lumedeodorant and get $5 off off your Starter Pack (that’s over 40% off) with promo code ADULTING at https://lumedeodorant.com/ 
    • Nutrafol - Find out why over 4,000 healthcare professionals recommend Nutrafol for healthier hair. Visit https://nutrafol.com/ and use promo code ADULTING
    • Urban Outfitters - Shop https://www.urbanoutfitters.com/ and receive an additional 10% off when you use the code VIOLET10 at checkout

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    • 01:59 Story #1: He cut himself while opening my window on our first date
    • 05:20 Story #2: Eating key lime pie from her p*ssy
    • 10:14 Story #3: I scrapped his d*ck with my nails while I was about to clim*x
    • 17:57 Story #4: I was broken up by him through his mother

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    How I Stayed At A 50M Dollar House

    How I Stayed At A 50M Dollar House

    Staying at a billionaire's house? That's a dream come true! But girl, don't forget to show your finesse and charm while you're there. 

    Today, Violetta shares a few updates about her life. She starts off with the post-surgery experience after she had her eggs extracted successfully, how it affected her mentally, and what no one tells you about post egg freezing. Then, she talks about her recent trip to Mexico where she stayed at James Packer’s $50M house for a weekend - the place, the view, the food, the fun - bombastic side-eye!

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    What to Listen For:

    • 00:00 Intro
    • 02:19 I recently finished freezing my eggs
    • 08:52 My friend called and said, “Do you wanna go to Mexico with me?”
    • 18:24 I don’t normally go on vacation
    • 20:37 I got to meet the billionaire
    • 23:32 Would you rent it for $35,000 - $40, 000 a night?
    • 28:53 How do you finesse staying at a billionaire’s house?
    • 31:57 Other features of the house

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    DON’T Send That Text w/ Robert Greene

    DON’T Send That Text w/ Robert Greene

    Hey Besties! To conclude Mentor month, we have a continuation of last week's interview with the illustrious Robert Greene! Again, Robert is the author of 6 New York Times bestsellers including the infamous The 48 Laws of Power and The Art of Seduction. So get your pen and paper out, we’re taking notes

    This week on Almost Adulting Robert takes a deep dive explaining the difference between deception and lying by telling us stories from his past and how through trial and error he learned some of his greatest powers. Violet and Robert also teach tactics to help us not overreact, and some extremely valid reasons as to why you should NOT send that text…at least in the moment. Finally, Robert tells us the honest truth about why when people show us their true colors the first time, we need to believe them. This applies to that guy you don’t wanna get rid of too! These lessons are the perfect way to end the year and get us ready to take on the next - and this is gonna be the best year yet. Happy Holidays Besties and stay safe! See you in 2023!

    Advertise with Almost Adulting at Gumball.fm 

    What to Listen For:

    • 00:00 Introduction
    • 00:23 The power of deception
    • 05:27 Envy and people wanting someone from you
    • 07:46 Why is the book “48 Laws of Power” popular in prison?
    • 09:39 The worst advice became the best advice
    • 13:58 Deception vs. lying
    • 18:40 When someone’s mask falls off
    • 22:03 Advice for people in the workspace
    • 28:33 It’s difficult for women in the workplace
    • 30:39 Study of human behavior
    • 34:44 Be patient 
    • 36:45 Train yourself to not react right away
    • 39:51 For people in power and leadership
    • 43:16 Be okay to admit you’re wrong
    • 46:20 The one book Robert would want you to read
    • 48:32 Your real power & using your weakness as your strength
    • 50:49 Gaining power from respect vs. fear

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    Define “Relationship” w/ See The Thing Is Podcast

    Define “Relationship” w/ See The Thing Is Podcast

    Hey, Besties! It’s the first Thursday of July and this month, we are celebrating relationships! My favorite topic because I am OBVIOUSLY so good at them! So get comfortable because we’re about to get uncomfortable! This entire month we’re discussing love, partnerships, the different types of partnerships, and unpacking all the good, bad, and the ugly that comes with them! But before we get into that, Violet gives a quick life update and tells us about her recent rendezvous to Greece, where she planned on sight seeing and ATVing, but…all she got was c*caine and ket. Better luck next time!

    See the thing is, we’re ALMOST Adulting. Never said we were all the way there yet! Today, we have Bridget Kelly & Mandii B, hosts of the See, The Thing Is podcast - and with Violet joining the mix, we’ve found the trio you never knew you needed! In this episode we’re covering it ALL. From being the other woman, being the cheater, why or why not we plan on getting married, and even childhood trauma that shaped how we approach relationships in our adult lives. Violet, Bridget, and Mandii start the conversation off hot by diving into the various types of relationships, from the most traditional types, to the polar opposite. With varying opinions on basically everything, this episode is sure to open your mind to some things you definitely have never considered before. The trio also discusses living as modern day women (who’s independent and doesn’t need ANY man - but may want one!) and where men stand when in a relationship with self-sustaining, self-providing, successful career women. We’re starting this month off hot besties, so get ready!


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    Dave: If you’re in a pinch and need some extra help, don’t freak out! Download Dave and think of it as a helping hand from Future You! Download the Dave app from the App store right now.

    Don't forget to tune into Violet on Spotify Live every Thursday at 7PM PST!


    What to Listen For:

    • 00:00 Introduction
    • 03:21 My “amazing” vacation in Greece 
    • 12:43 Compartmentalizing relationships
    • 13:53 Do you believe in marriage?
    • 17:53 Is a healthy polyamorous relationship sustainable?
    • 22:39 When you cheated on your partner…
    • 27:00 How does it feel like to cheat on someone?
    • 28:41 The perfect partner?
    • 37:24 As a modern day woman
    • 42:19 Is it so strange to have so many friends?
    • 46:23 Don’t discount your education completely
    • 51:30 Successful women set the bar high
    • 52:37 What are the 3 things you look for in someone?
    • 56:17 Should you forgive your parents for not being perfect?
    • 58:50 Dating a man with children
    • 01:05:58 You don’t need to agree but stay respectful
    • 01:11:05 You can tell when someone goes to therapy
    • 01:13:16 Living with the truth of who you really are

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