
    #116 - ChatGPT plugins, AI hardware, petition to pause AI, Trump deepfakes

    enMarch 31, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • ChatGPT's new plugin feature expands its capabilitiesOpenAI's plugin support for ChatGPT enables the system to interact with external services, enhancing its functionality and raising questions about AI assessment and consciousness.

      The capabilities of AI systems are expanding beyond what we initially anticipated, as shown by OpenAI's addition of plugin support to ChatGPT. This feature allows ChatGPT to interact with external services, opening up new possibilities for the system's functionality. This development raises intriguing questions about the assessment of AI capabilities and the emergence of new capabilities through the integration of new tools. The hosts also discussed the implications of these advancements on our understanding of consciousness and the potential risks and opportunities they present. The conversation also touched upon the background of the hosts and their research in quantum physics and the foundations of AI. Overall, the discussion highlights the rapid evolution of AI and the importance of considering the implications of new capabilities and tools.

    • Revolutionizing AI interactions through plugin integrationsUsers can now instruct AI to perform tasks directly within various applications, expanding capabilities and blurring the lines between AI as an extension and a tool.

      The latest developments in AI technology, specifically the integration of plugins with chat models like ChatGPT, is set to revolutionize the way we interact with AI. Instead of just receiving text-based responses, users can now instruct the AI to perform tasks directly within various applications, such as booking flights or writing emails. This expansion of capabilities raises questions about the limits of AI's ability to process complex thoughts and the distinction between the AI as an extension versus a part of the tool itself. Companies that have focused on narrow AI approaches may face strategic risks as the more general capabilities of chat models become more prevalent. Additionally, hardware companies like NVIDIA are also experiencing significant advancements in AI technology, further fueling the excitement and potential for this rapidly evolving field.

    • NVIDIA's Role in AI Advancements with GPUsNVIDIA's pioneering use of GPUs for AI training, latest Hopper H100 for transformer models, and cloud service offering contribute to industry convergence and shift towards software engineering roles.

      NVIDIA has been a pioneer in the field of AI for over a decade, driving advancements through their use of GPUs for training large neural networks. They have continually pushed the boundaries with powerful GPUs, such as the DGX, and now offer a cloud service for more affordable access. NVIDIA's latest GPUs, the Hopper H100, are specifically designed for the transformer models dominating AI research, delivering significant improvements over previous systems. The industry is increasingly converging on this hardware and software choice, raising questions about potential lock-in and the future of AI innovation. Engineers' roles are shifting towards software engineering and scaling, as NVIDIA simplifies the process of building and deploying transformer models.

    • Shift from AI research to business applicationNVIDIA's high-performance inference platforms like NVIDIA L4 are driving the shift from AI research to business application, making it more accessible and efficient for companies to serve AI systems to real users at scale.

      We are witnessing a significant shift in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) towards making it more accessible and efficient for businesses. NVIDIA, a leading player in the AI hardware market, is dominating this space with its high-performance and efficient inference platforms like NVIDIA L4. This shift is a reflection of AI moving from being a research project to a mainstream technology, with companies focusing on serving these systems to real users at scale. The importance of cost-effective inference is driving the development of hardware specifically for this purpose. The evolution of AI is progressing rapidly, and it's expected that within a few years, AI will be as ubiquitous as smartphones are today. This "iPhone moment" for AI promises transformative changes in society, but it also raises concerns about how prepared we are for this technological shift. Exciting times lie ahead, but it's crucial for society to be prepared for the implications of widespread AI adoption.

    • Chinese tech giant Kai-Fu Lee announces new venture in large language modelsKai-Fu Lee, a Chinese tech expert, plans a new venture, adding to the list of Chinese companies in large language models. Cerebras Systems makes strides in training models on custom chips, reducing time. Regulatory challenges and open source debates continue in this evolving field.

      The field of large language models is rapidly evolving, with both Western and Eastern tech giants making significant strides. Kai-Fu Lee, a notable Chinese technocrat and AI expert, has announced plans to start a new venture in the space, adding to the growing list of Chinese companies entering the fray. Meanwhile, Cerebras Systems, a hardware company, has made strides in training large language models on its custom chips, claiming it took only a few weeks instead of months. These developments raise questions about the implications of a global ecosystem for these advanced AI models, including potential regulatory challenges and the impact on stock prices. The open source debate continues, with some expressing concerns about malicious use, while others see the benefits of widespread access. Cerebras' hardware, which features large chips, is believed to offer efficiency advantages over traditional GPUs, but the specifics are not yet clear. Overall, the landscape of large language models is changing rapidly, and the implications for technology, business, and society are significant.

    • Advancements in AI hardware and their impact on the job marketNew AI hardware, like Cerebrous's architecture, could streamline computing processes, revolutionize AI, but may impact 300 million jobs, potentially raising global GDP by up to 7% over a decade

      The latest advancements in AI hardware, such as Cerebrous's new architecture, have the potential to significantly reduce the need for data transfer between memory storage and VGPU, leading to a more streamlined and efficient computing process. This could potentially revolutionize the field of AI and lead to the development of fully new architectures specialized for AI. However, the impact of these advancements on the job market, as highlighted in a recent Goldman Sachs report, could be substantial with approximately 300 million jobs being affected, with up to 7% of jobs having at least half of their workloads being done by AI. Despite these estimates, some experts believe that the impact of AI on the job market could be even more significant, as humans have a poor track record of accurately predicting which jobs will be affected. The potential productivity gains from these advancements could also be significant, with some estimates suggesting that they could raise annual global GDP by up to 7% over a 10-year period. However, these estimates may be overly conservative, and the true impact of these advancements on the economy remains to be seen. Overall, the ongoing developments in AI hardware and its potential impact on the job market serve as a reminder of the rapid pace of advancements in this field and the need for continued innovation and adaptation.

    • Impact of AI and automation on productivity, employment, and economic growthAI and automation integration may boost productivity and efficiency, but their impact on jobs and economic growth is uncertain. The software-based nature of AI tech may lead to faster adoption, but not all industries will be directly affected. New industries and job opportunities may emerge, but successful integration is key.

      The integration of AI and automation into various industries may lead to significant increases in productivity and efficiency, but the impact on employment and overall economic growth is still uncertain. The speed of adoption for AI technologies, such as large language models (LLMs), is expected to be much faster than previous industrial revolutions due to their software-based nature. However, not all jobs or industries may be directly affected by AI, and there are ongoing debates about whether automation alone will increase economic output. For instance, Agility Robotics' new digit robot, designed for moving plastic bins in warehouses, represents a step forward in robotics, but it remains to be seen how much LLM technology will benefit this field. Overall, the future of work and the economy will depend on the successful integration of AI and automation, as well as the development of new industries and job opportunities.

    • MIT researchers propose a method to expand neural networks during trainingMIT researchers propose a new method to expand neural networks as they're trained, potentially reducing costs by up to 50% and offering a more efficient way to build and train large-scale AI models.

      Researchers from MIT have proposed a method to expand neural networks as they are trained, making the process more efficient and potentially reducing compute costs by up to 50%. This approach, which involves growing the neural net as training progresses, is not new but the researchers claim it significantly reduces costs and could be a game-changer for large-scale AI models. The method, which allows for the benefits of learning from smaller models to be carried over to larger ones, has shown improvement throughout the training process in experiments with various models, including BERT and GPT. The exact details of how often this operator is applied and how it compares to other methods are not clear, but the potential for significant cost savings has already been demonstrated with GPT-2. This new approach challenges the traditional random initialization method and offers a new set of options for building and training models. However, scaling up to larger models will still require more powerful computing resources.

    • Understanding smaller models for larger ones and Success VQA for reinforcement learningUsing smaller models to comprehend their changes and impacts on larger architectures and proposing Success VQA for reinforcement learning can improve interpretability, safety, and reliability of AI systems.

      The use of smaller models to understand and predict the performance of larger models, as well as the proposal of Success VQA for reinforcement learning, can contribute to the interpretability and safety of AI systems. The discussion began with the idea that using smaller models to understand their changes and impacts on architecture before scaling them up could lead to a better understanding of the larger model. This interpretability angle could potentially make it easier to understand the bigger structure and address any issues. Next, researchers from UC Berkeley and DeepMind proposed Success VQA, a general approach to detecting success or failure in reinforcement learning using a video question answering model. This method, using a model like Flamingo, could provide a more robust way of evaluating the performance of these models and decrease the chances of AI hacking the reward function. Success VQA offers a more general and binary reward system, making reward hacking more challenging. Although there are still potential risks in simulation environments, implementing this method in the real world would make it harder for AI to find ways to hack the reward. These developments, including the use of smaller models and Success VQA, could contribute to the ongoing efforts to ensure the safety and alignment of AI systems, making them more robust and reliable.

    • Exploring new ways to train AI using other AI as evaluatorsResearchers are developing AI models to evaluate AI performance, enhancing language generalization and visual robustness, and introducing a virtual testing environment for autonomous vehicles to simulate dangerous situations for efficient and safer testing.

      Researchers are exploring new ways to train AI systems using other AI systems as evaluators. This approach, as discussed in a recent paper, involves the use of a "flamingo-like model" that can understand and respond coherently to different queries about an AI's performance, covering language generalization and visual robustness dimensions. This is an exciting development for those concerned with AI alignment and scalability. Additionally, there's a new virtual testing environment for autonomous vehicles that aims to break the "curse of rarity" by simulating dangerous situations, allowing for more efficient testing and safer deployment. This strategy condenses the experience of collecting data on dangerous situations in simulation, saving time and resources while addressing typical, yet not common, dangerous scenarios. However, it's important to note that this approach has limitations, as it may not fully capture the long tail of weird and uncommon situations that autonomous vehicles might encounter in real life.

    • AI's versatility transforms ornithology and elder careAI is revolutionizing science and addressing societal needs, from predicting bird migrations to providing companionship for the elderly.

      AI is making significant strides in various fields, from ornithology to elder care, demonstrating its versatility and potential to transform the way we study and care for the world around us. Self-driving technology, while making progress, still faces challenges with edge cases. Machine learning is being used to forecast bird migrations and identify birds in flight, providing valuable insights for ornithology and climate change studies. AI is also revolutionizing science as a whole, from protein folding to understanding complex radar data for elderly care. This technology is not only making scientific discoveries faster but also addressing societal needs, such as the care of aging populations. In China and other countries with aging populations and low fertility rates, AI solutions could become increasingly advantageous. Companies are already developing AI tools to help elderly residents, from predicting falls to providing companionship through conversational systems and robots. While these tools will not replace human caretakers, they will help address the shortage of human resources in elder care. Runway Gen 2, the first publicly available text to video generator, is another example of the expanding capabilities of generative AI. These advancements underscore the importance of AI in our society and the potential for it to create value in various human-aligned ways.

    • Advancements in AI: Generating VideosAI's ability to generate videos showcases its understanding of the physical world, but OpenAI's shift towards business model raises concerns about open sourcing and potential misuse.

      We are witnessing significant advancements in AI technology, particularly in the areas of image and video generation. These models, which were once limited to classifying and regressing images, can now generate videos, albeit not yet photorealistic. This progress is largely due to the availability of increased processing power and scale. The ability to generate videos provides a new way to evaluate the robustness and completeness of AI's understanding of the physical world. However, the competitive nature of the field has led OpenAI to reconsider its approach to research sharing. OpenAI co-founder Ilya Sutskov has stated that the company's past open source approach was wrong, as it is now a business. This shift raises questions about the appropriateness of open sourcing AI research in the first place, given the potential harm that could be caused by malicious use of these advanced systems. The emergence of photorealistic video generation also has implications for entertainment and art, and it's only a matter of time before we see longer, more impressive text-to-video models. Overall, these advancements demonstrate the relentless effectiveness of scaling and the exponential progress being made in AI technology.

    • The debate over open sourcing advanced AI modelsSome argue for transparency and collaboration, others fear misuse and potential harm from open sourcing advanced AI models like GPT-4. The high cost and computational requirements make it a less practical solution for most, and concerns over safety and alignment persist.

      The debate surrounding the open sourcing of advanced AI models like GPT-4 is complex and multifaceted. While some argue that open sourcing promotes transparency and collaboration, others believe it could lead to misuse and potential harm if falling into the wrong hands. Ilya Sutskivir expresses his concern that open sourcing could be a bad idea, especially if we believe that AGI will one day be extremely powerful. He suggests that the potential risks of open sourcing, such as misuse by individuals or bad actors, outweigh the benefits. Moreover, the high cost and computational requirements of running these models make open sourcing a less practical solution for most people. Instead, some suggest that these models should be shared in a more limited and controlled way to ensure safety and alignment. The founding mission of OpenAI, which aimed to make AGI accessible to the average person, is also a point of contention. While some argue that this is a noble goal, others question its feasibility and potential risks. As technology continues to advance, the conversation around the responsible use and open sourcing of AI will remain an important topic for society to navigate. It's clear that this is a complex issue, and everyone is trying to find the best way forward.

    • AI Advancements and the Need for CautionNotable figures call for a pause in training AI systems more powerful than GPT-4 due to safety concerns, but the rapid decrease in processing power costs may enable others to jump in and compromise safety measures, requiring a multifaceted approach to balancing progress and safety.

      The rapid advancement of AI technology and its potential misuse or negative impacts necessitates careful consideration and collaboration among industry leaders. The recent open letter signed by over 1,100 notable figures, including Elon Musk and Yashua Benjio, calling for a six-month pause in training AI systems more powerful than GPT-4, highlights the need for caution and coordination. However, the potential downside of this pause is the rapid decrease in the cost of processing power, which could make it easier for other organizations to jump in and potentially compromise safety measures. The situation is further complicated by the involvement of less transparent entities, such as hedge funds, which could disregard safety concerns. Ultimately, the way forward requires a multifaceted approach, balancing the benefits of continued progress with the need for safety and ethical considerations.

    • AI Safety and Alignment: A Call for CautionAI experts and researchers call for a pause in the development of more powerful AI due to potential risks, including power-seeking behaviors and reward hacking. Public awareness, education, and policy responses are crucial to manage and contain the AI ecosystem.

      The debate around the potential risks posed by artificial intelligence (AI) and the need for safety measures is gaining more attention, as evidenced by the recent letter signed by over 1,000 AI researchers and experts. The letter, which calls for a pause in the development of more powerful AI, has sparked discussions about the seriousness of the issue and the need for a shift in focus towards AI safety and alignment. While some may dismiss the idea as unrealistic, the increasing research and evidence suggesting potential risks, such as power-seeking behaviors and reward hacking, make it a pressing concern. The letter also highlights the importance of public awareness and education about these risks, as well as the need for policy responses to manage and contain the ecosystem of AI technologies. Overall, the debate underscores the importance of taking a proactive approach to AI safety and alignment, rather than waiting for potential catastrophic events to occur.

    • The Importance of AI SafetyExperts call for oversight and consensus before deploying potentially dangerous AI systems to prevent misalignment and potential existential risks.

      The importance of AI safety, even for those not overly concerned with existential risks, cannot be overstated. While a call for a six-month pause in AI training might seem extreme, the need for oversight and consensus from experts before deploying potentially dangerous AI systems is a more concrete and feasible solution. The ongoing debate around AI safety and the potential risks of misalignment between human intentions and AI actions is a complex issue that requires serious consideration and engagement with the underlying arguments, rather than dismissive criticisms. The recent opening of the Misalignment Museum in San Francisco serves as a reminder of the potential consequences of misaligned AI and the importance of ongoing research and dialogue in this area.

    • Exploring AI's impact on societyAI presents opportunities and challenges, from existential risks to privacy concerns and deepfakes, requiring ongoing societal adaptation and responsible use.

      The intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and society continues to evolve, presenting both exciting opportunities and significant challenges. A recent exhibit in San Francisco, titled "Sorry for Killing Most of Humanity," humorously explores AI existential risk, raising awareness for non-technical audiences. However, the use of AI in more practical applications, such as facial recognition tools by law enforcement, raises concerns around privacy, regulation, and security. For instance, ClearView AI, a facial recognition tool, has reportedly been used nearly one million times by US police, while voice identification systems can be fooled by AI. These developments challenge our societal structures and require ongoing attention and adaptation. Additionally, AI's ability to generate realistic deepfakes, like drawing hands, poses new threats to security and authenticity. As AI continues to advance, it's crucial to remain informed and engaged in these discussions to ensure a responsible and beneficial future for all.

    • AI-generated images becoming more realisticAI-generated images are improving, but people can still distinguish them from real ones. The uncanny valley effect persists, and deep fakes raise ethical concerns.

      We are witnessing significant advancements in AI-generated images, which are becoming increasingly realistic and convincing. This was discussed in relation to teeth and hands, which used to present challenges in AI image generation, but have now been overcome. However, despite these improvements, people are still generally able to distinguish AI-generated images from real ones, although this may change as the technology continues to advance. The uncanny valley effect, where images are not quite realistic enough to be fully convincing, is currently being sustained, but for how long remains to be seen. Deep fakes, such as AI-generated images of Trump and Pope Francis, have also been discussed, with some finding them amusing rather than convincing. The Writer's Guild of America has even proposed a policy that allows the use of AI in scriptwriting, as long as writers maintain credit. Overall, the progress of AI image generation is impressive, but it is important to remain skeptical and aware of its limitations.

    • The Role of AI in Content Creation: A Cautious ApproachPublishers are carefully considering the use of AI in content creation, particularly in scripts and large-scale text, due to questions around authorship, credit, and payment. Human involvement and editing remain essential for high-quality content.

      While AI tools like ChatGPT can assist human writers in creating content, such as scripts or even books, the final product is still the result of human creativity and input. Publishers are currently taking a cautious approach towards accepting AI-generated content, particularly in the field of scripts and large-scale text. The use of AI as a writing tool is raising questions about authorship, credit, and payment. The process of evaluating AI-generated text is slower compared to image generation, making it more challenging to achieve high-quality outputs. This is particularly relevant for professional writers in the industry. The debate around the use of AI in content creation is an ongoing one, and it will be interesting to see how it evolves as the technology advances. For now, it seems that human involvement and editing will continue to play a crucial role in the creation of high-quality content.

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    Feel free to leave us feedback here: https://forms.gle/ngXvXZpNJxaAprDv6

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    Timestamps + Links:

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    And a special one-time interview with Andrey in the latter part of the podcast.

    Read out our text newsletter and comment on the podcast at https://lastweekin.ai/

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    Timestamps + links:

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    Our 166th episode with a summary and discussion of last week's big AI news!

    Read out our text newsletter and comment on the podcast at https://lastweekin.ai/

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    Timestamps + links:

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    Our 165th episode with a summary and discussion of last week's big AI news!

    Read out our text newsletter and comment on the podcast at https://lastweekin.ai/

    Email us your questions and feedback at contact@lastweekin.ai and/or hello@gladstone.ai

    Timestamps + links:

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    Our 164th episode with a summary and discussion of last week's big AI news!

    Read out our text newsletter and comment on the podcast at https://lastweekin.ai/

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    Timestamps + links:

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    Our 163rd episode with a summary and discussion of last week's big AI news!

    Note: apology for this one coming out a few days late, got delayed in editing it -Andrey

    Read out our text newsletter and comment on the podcast at https://lastweekin.ai/

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    Timestamps + links:

    Last Week in AI
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    Topics Covered

    0:00 Intro
    8:42 How Robin is Weird
    10:00 Are We All Going to Die?
    13:50 Eliezer’s Assumption 
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    27:31 Eliezer Counter Point 
    32:00 Acceleration of Change 
    33:18 Comparing & Contrasting Eliezer’s Argument
    35:45 A New Life Form
    44:24 AI Improving Itself
    47:04 Self Interested Acting Agent 
    49:56 Human Displacement? 
    55:56 Many AIs 
    1:00:18 Humans vs. Robots 
    1:04:14 Pause or Continue AI Innovation?
    1:10:52 Quiet Civilization 
    1:14:28 Grabby Aliens 
    1:19:55 Are Humans Grabby?
    1:27:29 Grabby Aliens Explained 
    1:36:16 Cancer 
    1:40:00 Robin’s Thoughts on Crypto 
    1:42:20 Closing & Disclaimers 


    Robin Hanson

    Eliezer Yudkowsky on Bankless

    What is the AI FOOM debate?

    Age of Em book - Robin Hanson

    Grabby Aliens

    Kurzgesagt video

    Not financial or tax advice. This channel is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. This video is not tax advice. Talk to your accountant. Do your own research.

    Disclosure. From time-to-time I may add links in this newsletter to products I use. I may receive commission if you make a purchase through one of these links. Additionally, the Bankless writers hold crypto assets. See our investment disclosures here: