
    Podcast Summary

    • Animator-Comedian Tommy's Funny Animation and Entertaining PodcastDespite challenges in the comedy scene and unique distractions in Miami, Tommy and his partner thrive through creativity, resilience, and audience connection.

      Tommy, a talented animator and comedian, has created funny content that resonates with a dedicated fanbase. His Instagram is where you can find his animation, which is a must-see. The couple behind the content have a unique dynamic that makes their podcast entertaining. They've been in the comedy scene for several years, and despite the challenges that come with being a comedian, they've managed to thrive. Miami, a city known for its party culture, presented unique challenges for comedians, including distracted and restless crowds. Despite these challenges, some comedians, like the speaker, found success by adapting and using crowd interaction to their advantage. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of creativity, resilience, and the ability to connect with audiences in the entertainment industry.

    • Navigating the Chaos of Live Comedy ShowsAdapting to the unexpected and finding humor in chaos can make for a memorable and entertaining comedy performance. Managing a younger, rowdier audience in live comedy can be challenging, but flexibility and adaptability are key.

      The unpredictability and chaos of a live comedy show can lead to unexpected and memorable experiences. In the discussed anecdote, the comedian encounters unexpected interruptions from the audience, including two men showing their genitals on stage. The crowd's reaction was extreme, leading to chaos and even free tickets being given out. The comedian, who was used to such chaos, managed to roll with the punches and make the most of the situation. The key takeaway is that in comedy, being able to adapt to the unexpected and find humor in the chaos can make for a memorable and entertaining performance. The chaos and unpredictability of the live comedy show can also attract a younger, rowdier audience, as seen in the discussed club. However, managing this audience and keeping the show under control can be a challenge. Overall, the experience highlights the importance of being flexible and able to handle the unexpected in the world of live comedy.

    • Pressure and Exceptional Performance in ComedyPressure can lead to subpar performances, but it also pushes us to give our best and learn from failures for future growth.

      Performing under pressure can lead to exceptional results. The speaker shared an experience of watching a comedy performance by Bill Hicks, which he was a huge fan of, but his date found it not funny. The speaker was disappointed but recognized her perspective. He also shared an experience of performing comedy live, where technical difficulties and audience distractions led to subpar performances. However, the pressure of having only one shot to get it right pushed him to give his best in the next performance, resulting in his best show ever. The speaker believes that experiencing failure and recovering from it is essential for growth and improvement in comedy, just like in sports.

    • Performing for fans vs. diverse audiencesTo improve comedy material, perform for diverse audiences and remember not every comic or style appeals to all. Prepare before sets and respect audience's time.

      Performing stand-up comedy for an established fanbase can be deceiving, as their love and support may not accurately reflect the reaction of strangers. To develop and hone new material, it's essential to perform in front of diverse audiences, as they provide a more accurate gauge of how well the material resonates. Additionally, comedy is a broad genre with various styles and approaches, and it's crucial to remember that not every performance or comic will appeal to everyone. The importance of addressing what happens before your set and knowing when to speak out lies in maintaining the flow of the show and respecting the audience's time and attention. Ultimately, the goal of stand-up comedy is to make people laugh, and finding the right audience to connect with is crucial to achieving that goal.

    • Appreciating the Diversity and Complexity of Comedy and ArtEmbrace the complexity and ambiguity of comedy and art, rather than limiting or defining it, and be considerate and respectful towards others' expressions and experiences

      Comedy, like music or any art form, can be expressed in various ways and should not be limited by labels or artificial adversaries. The discussion highlights the example of comedians Cat Power and the speaker, who both have unique styles, and how some people may try to deconstruct or label comedy, leading to unnecessary controversy. The speaker also touches upon the evolving concept of gender and its potential impact on public spaces like bathrooms, emphasizing the importance of being considerate and respectful towards others. Ultimately, the key takeaway is to appreciate and embrace the diversity and ambiguity of comedy and art, rather than trying to rigidly define or limit it.

    • Impact of Context on Comfort and PerceptionsThe setting shapes our comfort levels and perceptions, while authenticity and production value matter in content creation.

      The context and setting significantly impact our comfort levels and perceptions of situations, even if the actions involved are essentially the same. For instance, standing next to someone in an elevator is generally fine, but in a bathroom, the proximity of private areas creates discomfort and unease. The power of content creation and the importance of being ahead of the curve in the entertainment industry was also highlighted, as was the impact of good editing and production value on the success of videos. The conversation also touched upon the balance between living an authentic life and sharing it online, and the potential risks and rewards of vlogging.

    • The Downsides of Social Media Overuse: Eyesight and Well-beingLimit social media use, consider delegating content creation, and be mindful of online distractions to protect eyesight and overall well-being.

      Constantly engaging with social media, particularly through creating and posting content, can have negative effects on one's eyesight and overall well-being. Instead, it may be more beneficial to delegate content creation to someone else and focus on creating content in person, such as through podcasting or other in-person activities. Additionally, the internet can be a source of endless distraction and obsession, leading one to spend hours consuming content on various topics, even if they have no personal experience or expertise in the area. It's important to find a balance and be mindful of how much time is being spent online.

    • Differences in Spearfishing Techniques Based on Location and DepthSpearfishing practices change based on location and depth, with shallow waters using Hawaiian slings and reef shoots, while deeper waters involve strings and freediving without tanks. Controversial 'HECS' suits are also used to mask electrical signals.

      Spearfishing practices and techniques vary greatly depending on the location and depth of the hunt. On the West Coast of Florida, shallow waters and reef shoots are common, and Hawaiian slings are used. In contrast, in deeper waters like Hawaii, spearfishers may use strings and freedive without tanks. Additionally, the use of controversial "HECS" or hex suits, which shield the fisher's electrical signals, is prevalent in some spearfishing communities, although their effectiveness is debated. Spearfishing requires a deep understanding of the environment and equipment, as well as the ability to hold one's breath for extended periods.

    • Embracing Challenges for Personal Growth and AppreciationPursuing adventures and challenging comfort zones can lead to newfound respect, appreciation, and growth for oneself and others. Balance is key to avoid hindering personal growth.

      Living life to the fullest and pursuing personal adventures, even if they challenge our comfort zones, can bring newfound respect and appreciation for others and ourselves. The speaker shares his experiences running a marathon and the profound impact it had on his respect for endurance athletes and his own capabilities. However, he also acknowledges the importance of balance and recognizes that certain lifestyle choices may hinder personal growth or goals. The speaker's journey highlights the importance of finding a balance between adventure, personal growth, and enjoying life's simple pleasures.

    • The Impact of Stress on Sleep and Mental HealthHigh stress and lack of sleep can cause anxiety and unhealthy coping mechanisms. Find relief through practices like meditation and creating a sober month. Impact of marijuana on dreams and try supplements like Alpha-Brain for lucid and vivid dreaming. Emphasis on self-care, mindfulness, and healthy stress management.

      Lack of sleep and high stress levels can lead to anxiety and restless nights, causing individuals to engage in unhealthy coping mechanisms such as alcohol consumption or substance use. The speaker shares his personal experience of panic attacks and how he found relief in practices like meditation and creating a sober month. Additionally, he discusses the impact of marijuana on dreams and suggests taking supplements like Alpha-Brain for lucid and vivid dreaming. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of self-care, mindfulness, and finding healthy ways to manage stress and anxiety.

    • The Connection Between Hydration and Mental PerformanceStaying hydrated improves mental performance, boosts brain health, and can lead to vivid dreams. Supplements like creatine aid hydration and enhance mental and physical performance.

      Staying hydrated and maintaining good health can have positive effects on mental performance and overall well-being. The speaker shares his personal experience with lucid dreaming and how he believes his vivid dreams are connected to his hydration levels. He also mentions the benefits of supplements like creatine, which help the body retain water and boost mental and physical performance. The speaker emphasizes the importance of water for brain health and shares how his participation in a "Sober October" challenge inspired him and others to lead healthier lifestyles. The conversation highlights the positive impact of setting goals and making healthy habits a consistent part of one's routine.

    • Stepping Out of Comfort Zones: The Power of Taking RisksTaking risks, even with fear or discomfort, can lead to personal growth, increased confidence, and unexpected benefits. Authenticity and courage can also pave the way for success in various fields, including the entertainment industry.

      Taking risks, no matter how intimidating or uncomfortable, can lead to significant personal growth and improved experiences. This was exemplified through the discussion of attending fitness classes and swimming in different environments. The courage it takes to step out of one's comfort zone and face potential embarrassment or discomfort can lead to unexpected benefits, such as increased confidence, ease, and enjoyment. Additionally, the entertainment industry was discussed as an example of a field where taking risks and being authentic can lead to success, despite the challenges and potential pitfalls.

    • Overcoming Challenges and Embracing Diversity Leads to SuccessPersevering through obstacles, respecting differences, and staying true to creative vision can result in unexpected success and ethical accomplishments.

      Pushing through challenges and staying true to one's creative vision can lead to unexpected success. The speaker's experience of making a comedy sketch, despite facing numerous obstacles and resistance, ultimately resulted in a beloved and successful product. Additionally, the importance of respecting and embracing differences was emphasized, as the involvement of diverse perspectives led to new ideas and discoveries. The speaker also highlighted the importance of humane treatment of animals, acknowledging the ethical considerations involved in their use in entertainment. Despite the confusion and debate surrounding the concept of humane killing, the speaker's commitment to this principle ultimately paid off. Overall, the speaker's story underscores the importance of perseverance, creativity, and compassion in the face of adversity.

    • Enhancing Flavor and Tenderness through Dry AgingDry aging meat improves taste and tenderness by allowing bacteria to break down proteins and fats, resulting in unique flavor and texture, but also leading to waste and expense.

      Aging meat, whether it's wet or dry, can significantly enhance its taste and tenderness. Dry aging meat, in particular, involves letting it sit in a controlled environment for an extended period, during which bacteria break down the meat's proteins and fats. This process gives the meat a unique flavor and texture, but also results in waste as the outer edges become inedible. Dry aging is more common with high-value cuts like steaks and can be done at home or by specialized butchers. Dry aging elk or other wild game is also possible but requires more attention due to its leaner and denser texture. The fat, which is also aged, is typically discarded. Some enthusiasts even go to extremes, aging beef for hundreds of days, resulting in a rich and intense flavor profile. However, this process can be expensive and wasteful, making it a niche pursuit for those passionate about gourmet meats.

    • Exploring the Art of Cooking: Techniques, Temperatures, and PassionFood preparation involves diverse methods, temperatures, and tools to create unique textures and flavors. Cooks experiment with techniques like fermentation, aging, and searing, while foodies explore new dishes, and some have food aversions.

      The preparation and cooking of food involve various methods, temperatures, and techniques to achieve desired textures and flavors. For instance, some dishes require specific temperatures, like keeping bacteria at a certain level for fermentation, while others involve aging or vacuum sealing. Cooks also use different tools like blowtorches or Suvi torches to sear or cook food. Foodies can be passionate about their culinary experiences, trying new and sometimes unusual dishes, while some people have strong aversions or immunity to certain foods. The speaker shared an experience of cleaning up vomit and mentioned how he has become desensitized to it over time. Overall, the discussion highlights the diversity and complexity of the world of food and cooking.

    • Marshall's Instinct to Protect: A Breed-Defined RoleMarshall, a protective retriever, guards his family's property against squirrels, illustrating his breed's instincts. His owner values his loyalty despite the inconvenience, highlighting the bond between humans and their pets.

      Marshall, a sweet and determined dog, has a strong instinct to protect his family's property, particularly from squirrels. His owner, who enjoys squirrels, sees it as a nuisance but understands the importance of Marshall's role as a protector. Marshall's loyalty and instincts are deeply ingrained in his DNA as a retriever breed. The discussion also touched upon Marshall's love for swimming and the owner's past experiences with other dog breeds. Sadly, the conversation also included the topic of losing beloved dogs, emphasizing the bond between humans and their pets and the hardships that come with their eventual passing.

    • Owning a Large Breed: Responsibilities, Costs, and RewardsOwning a large breed pet brings responsibilities, potential health issues, and significant costs. Prepare for financial and emotional commitments, and enjoy their unique characteristics and bond.

      Owning a pet, especially a large breed like a Mastiff, comes with significant responsibilities and potential health issues that can be costly and emotionally challenging. The speaker shared his experiences of having to make difficult decisions regarding the health and wellbeing of his aging dogs, Marshall and Brutus, and the financial burden of their medical treatments. He also highlighted the unique characteristics and bond with Mastiffs, describing them as loyal, relaxed, and protective companions. The speaker also contrasted the intense and demanding nature of owning a German Shepherd, emphasizing the need for constant attention and training. Overall, the discussion underscores the importance of being prepared for the financial and emotional commitments of pet ownership and the unique qualities that make different breeds appealing and rewarding.

    • Learning from Past Experiences: Shaping Personal GrowthEmbrace challenges, learn from past experiences, and cherish new adventures to foster personal growth. Stay true to oneself through resilience and determination.

      Experiences, both good and bad, shape our personal growth and development. The story shared highlights the importance of learning from past experiences, whether they involve romantic encounters or starting a career in stand-up comedy. The speaker emphasizes the importance of resilience and determination in the face of challenges, such as being banned from a comedy club or encountering setbacks. He also highlights the value of embracing new experiences and taking risks, even if they lead to unexpected outcomes. Ultimately, the speaker reflects on the importance of staying true to oneself and cherishing the wild and carefree moments of youth, even as one grows older and wiser.

    • Reflecting on the unique joys of youthEmbrace the moment, cherish youth's freedom and connections, and recognize the value of simple experiences before technology takes over.

      The speaker reflects on his past experiences and realizes that the sense of freedom and uncertainty in youth is vastly different from the fear and uncertainty of adulthood. He recalls fond memories of his early comedy career, traveling and performing with friends, and the simple joys of road trips without the distraction of phones. He emphasizes the importance of embracing the unique moments of youth, as the future is unpredictable and can bring both challenges and opportunities. The speaker expresses a sense of nostalgia for the simplicity and connection of those days, recognizing that while technology has brought advancements, it has also taken away some of the real experiences and human interaction. If he could go back to any point in his comedy career, he would choose the early days of headlining, filled with passion, excitement, and a sense of discovery.

    • Michael Malone's Meticulous Comedy CraftComedian Malone writes new material tirelessly, tests it live, refines through repetition, and finds rhythm for engaging performances.

      Comedian Michael Malone is a meticulous writer and performer, who takes his craft very seriously. He pushes himself to write new material and test it out in front of live audiences, often performing a new hour-long special over 100 times before recording it for a wider audience. Malone's writing process involves jotting down ideas in his phone or notebook, recording and reviewing his performances, and refining his material through repetition and experimentation. He's known for telling long, intricately detailed stories, and he finds the rhythm and pacing of his delivery to be essential to engaging an audience. Ultimately, Malone's dedication to his craft and willingness to put in the hard work pays off in his performances.

    • Finding Inspiration in the Unexpected: Doug Stanhope's Creative ProcessStanhope emphasizes observing the world, drawing parallels, seizing creative moments, protecting ideas, and balancing creativity with everyday life while taking risks in pursuit of expression.

      Comedian Doug Stanhope's creative process involves finding inspiration from unexpected sources, such as observing the world around him and drawing parallels between seemingly disparate things. He is known for his unique rhythm and delivery, which helps him connect with audiences. Stanhope also emphasizes the importance of seizing creative moments and protecting one's ideas, even if it means leaving social situations abruptly. Additionally, he highlights the challenges of balancing creativity with everyday life and the need to explain and apologize for one's absences or unusual behaviors. Overall, Stanhope's approach to comedy demonstrates the importance of staying attuned to the world around us and being willing to take risks in the pursuit of creative expression.

    • Adapting Mishaps into ComedyConstant creativity, capturing ideas, trying new things, and having a solid set of material are essential for successful comedians.

      Being a successful comedian requires constant creativity and the ability to adapt. The speaker shares an anecdote about accidentally walking in on his wife eating cake with the dog, and how he tried to turn the situation into a bit for his comedy routine. He also discusses the importance of having a way to capture ideas at all times, such as using a phone with a voice-to-text feature. The speaker acknowledges that not all ideas will be good, but emphasizes the importance of trying new things and taking chances. He also mentions the importance of having a solid set of material and being able to work through the duds. Overall, the speaker's experiences highlight the importance of staying creative, being adaptable, and having a good work ethic in the comedy industry.

    • The Fear of Censorship and the Power of Creative Autonomy for ComediansSuccessful comedians face censorship pressure, but creative autonomy and independent work allow artists to take risks and stay true to their vision, showcasing the power of self-expression and authenticity.

      Even successful and established comedians like Howie Mandel face the fear of censorship and the pressure to conform to certain standards. Mandel's experience of worrying about losing a gig for saying something inappropriate on stage highlights the importance of creative autonomy and the value of independent work. The speaker's own experiences of producing content on their own terms, whether it be podcasts or travel documentaries, underscores the power of taking risks and staying true to one's artistic vision. The current era is a fascinating time for creators as everyone seems to be thriving in their unique ways, showcasing the power of self-expression and the beauty of authenticity.

    • Navigating Intimacy and Challenges in Home Content CreationExpanding content creation at home brings intimacy and potential risks, requiring trust and reliability in collaborators.

      Creating content at home can lead to intimacy and unexpected challenges. The speaker shared his experience of having guests over for his podcast, which sometimes felt too personal. He also mentioned his desire to expand and rent out a shared studio space for content creation. The speaker also highlighted the importance of ensuring that those working with him are trustworthy and reliable. An amusing anecdote about David Spade and an assistant turning violent was shared, emphasizing the potential risks of bringing new people into one's personal and professional life. The conversation ended with the speaker promoting his upcoming Netflix show, "Secret Time," and encouraging listeners to tune in.

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    Edutainers Amy and Jamie Honey use improv and game-play to empower companies and sales teams to build healthier cultures and greater sales and profitability.

    Originally from Australia, Jamie Honey has taught and facilitated Improv for many large organizations such as Warner Brother Movie World, Gold Coast Screen Academy, Phoenix Rising School, and Universal Studios Japan. A graduate of Queensland University of Technology, Jamie stumbled upon acting and drama while in high school. He was one of 30 people, from 5000, selected to attend the prestigious drama and acting program offered at QUT, and it was here he discovered his talent and interest in comedy and improv.

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    Amy is also passionate about helping girls and women find their courage, just as she had to learn do starting at the age of 16, when she found herself alone and independent. Through her own resourcefulness she still managed to graduate from high school. At age 20, she became a single mom, and chose to put her family’s welfare first, while overcoming numerous obstacles in an unreceptive market place. It was during these life challenges and entrepreneurial journey she crossed paths with personal development and discovered her love for speaking and training. Her passion for personal growth, travel and transforming lives has taken Amy all over the world, helping people transform their lives through behavior observation and habit change.

    In today’s conversation, Amy and Jamie explain the benefits of improv and how you can incorporate it into a powerful personal development program for yourself and your teams; one that fosters creativity, innovation and higher performance. We also explore the essence of sales and how to transform your beliefs and habits in order to connect better with your clients, communicate your value proposition and enroll others in doing business with you.

    The possibilities are endless! As Jamie points out, “When you improve the quality of your thinking, you improve the quality of your life.”

    Key Takeaways

    1. Nervousness is just energy that hasn’t been attached to a goal or an outcome. When it is attached to a goal or an outcome it becomes excitement.
    2. Personal development is being aware of what your thoughts are and improv is having fun with what your thoughts are through game-playing.
    3. When you improve the quality of your thinking, you improve the quality of your life.
    4. Laughter boosts your immune system. It also creates rapport with others.
    5. Two minutes of laughter will last for 4-5 hours chemically in the body.
    6. Selling is a multi-step process of connecting, communicating, qualifying, and enrolling.
    7. Most sales people approach the conversation with their own belief structure, wallet and budget – as opposed to listening to the client’s belief structure, wallet and budget.
    8. Are you actively listening or are you listening with an agenda? If you’re actively listening, you’re hearing everything they are saying. If you’re listening with an agenda, you’re hearing only what supports your belief structure.
    9. Improv is a powerful way to train you in the habit of actively listening, which is more than just hearing the words they say.
    10. Improv training teaches people that they can offer any suggestion and ultimately innovate, because there is no wrong in improv.

    Episode Show Notes: https://leadersoftransformation.com/podcast/business/250-honeys-sales-success 

    Check out our complete library of episodes and other leadership resources here: https://leadersoftransformation.com


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