
    #1161 - Jerrod Carmichael & Jamar Neighbors

    en-usAugust 23, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • A historic comedy venue where the unexpected happensThe Comedy Store in LA is known for its rich history, unexpected guests, and dynamic environment where comedians experiment and innovate.

      The Comedy Store in Los Angeles has a rich history filled with unexpected encounters and unique performances. From welcoming unexpected guests like Jamal to hosting legendary figures like Spike Lee, the Comedy Store is a place where the unexpected happens. The comedians, each with their distinct styles and backgrounds, have created a dynamic environment where experimentation and innovation thrive. The room itself, from the main room to the OR, offers a different experience depending on the audience and the performers. The darker moments, like Holtzman's infamous heckling incident with Martin Lawrence, add to the lore of the iconic comedy venue. Despite the challenges and the changes, the Comedy Store remains a place where comedians can push boundaries and audiences can be entertained.

    • The late-night comedy scene's unique energy and sadnessLate-night comedy offers a raw, personal connection between performer and audience, with comedians like Richard Pryor using honesty and exploration to create groundbreaking performances.

      The late-night comedy scene, especially during those experimental hours, carries a unique energy and sadness that comes from the question of why one is still up and away from home. This feeling of worthlessness and being choked by a strange, ghostly presence is a common experience for comedians and audience members alike. However, it's also a place where comedians like Richard Pryor thrived, using honesty and exploration to create groundbreaking comedy. Pryor's unstructured, ad-libbed performances captured the raw essence of comedy and paved the way for future generations. The footage of these late-night shows, whether recorded at gas stations or in documentaries, offers a glimpse into the rich history of stand-up comedy and the personal, honest connection it creates between performer and audience.

    • Pressure Cooker Comedy Environment at the Comedy StoreThe Comedy Store's competitive scene in the late 90s and early 2000s honed comedians' skills by forcing them to be distinctive and memorable in a short time, absorbing various styles, and embodying themselves completely.

      Performing stand-up comedy at the Comedy Store in the late 90s and early 2000s was a unique experience. Comedians like Richard Pryor would take a long time to get on stage due to health issues, making it essential for newcomers to make a strong impression in a short amount of time. The environment was competitive, with hundreds of other comedians performing each week, making it crucial to be memorable and distinctive. The Comedy Store served as a pressure cooker for creativity, where comedians could absorb different styles and universes by watching their peers perform in various rooms. Today, with the mass consumption of stand-up comedy, being yourself completely or fully embodying a character is more important than ever to stand out in the crowd. The strength of the stand-up scene lies in its comparison culture, where consumers evaluate comedians in relation to one another. Overall, the Comedy Store's pressure cooker environment tightened up comedians and made them better by forcing them to be specifically themselves in the context of a diverse and competitive scene.

    • Discovering the Unique Style of Sam KinisonSam Kinison's raw, energetic comedy style, influenced by his experiences as a preacher and personal struggles, set him apart from other comedians and left a lasting impression on audiences, inspiring a new generation.

      Sam Kinison was a unique comedian who emerged from the late-night comedy scene with a raw, energetic style shaped by his experiences as a preacher and his personal struggles. His unfiltered performances, marked by intense rants and screams, set him apart from other comedians of the time. Discovering Kinison through various TV shows, including "Merit with Children" and "Charlie Hoover," left a lasting impression on audiences and inspired a new generation of comedians. Despite the challenges of performing in a crowded late-night lineup, Kinison's influence continues to shape comedy today.

    • The frustration of conforming to comedy show formatsComedians should prioritize authenticity over conforming to specific comedy show formats for a more fulfilling and genuine performance experience.

      Appearing on certain comedy shows that require comedians to conform to a specific format and may not allow them to showcase their authentic selves may not be worth the time and effort. The speaker expresses frustration with the contrived nature of these shows, where comedians are expected to perform in front of the same curtain, wear the same outfits, and pretend to be something they're not. The speaker argues that if stand-up comedy is an art form, then the medium should come to the artist, not the other way around. They also mention that these shows are often used by comedians trying to get discovered, but the experience can be disappointing and devaluing. The speaker recalls their own experiences with these shows and their reluctance to compromise their art for exposure. Ultimately, they believe that comedians should strive to maintain their authenticity and perform in a way that makes sense for them, rather than conforming to the expectations of these shows.

    • Late night TV vs. Podcasts and StreamingSpeaker prefers podcasts and streaming for authentic, unfiltered experiences and deeper connections with audiences, finding late night TV outdated and disconnected due to commercial breaks and scripted performances.

      Late night television, with its reliance on commercial breaks and scripted performances, feels outdated compared to the authentic and unfiltered experiences offered by platforms like podcasts and streaming services. The speaker values the ability to delve deep into subjects and connect with audiences on a personal level, which is more challenging within the constraints of a late night TV show. Additionally, the speaker appreciates the cultural insights that can be gleaned from commercials and recognizes their role in reflecting societal values. However, the frequent interruptions and artificial nature of late night TV leave the speaker feeling disconnected and unfulfilled. Instead, they prefer the satisfaction of watching comedians in their raw, unedited form on podcasts or other digital platforms.

    • Understanding Depression: A Complex ConditionDepression is a complex condition that can impact various aspects of a person's life, requiring empathy and professional help.

      Despite the advancements in media, advertising remains a significant part of our lives, even on the internet where commercials can be longer than traditional TV spots. While some may find longer ads intrusive, they also offer insights into current cultural trends. Depression, a common reason for seeking help, is a complex condition that can be difficult to quantify and can manifest in various ways. It's important to recognize that everyone experiences highs and lows, but for some, these feelings may indicate a more serious condition that requires professional help. Mental health issues, such as depression, can be debilitating and impact various aspects of a person's life. It's crucial to understand that these conditions are not a choice and require empathy and support rather than dismissal.

    • Mindfulness Techniques like Meditation Help Manage Depression and AnxietyPracticing mindfulness techniques such as meditation daily can release tension, provide reflection, halt negative thoughts, and improve focus and intention setting. Debunking the myth that it's a form of laziness, give it a try for better mental health.

      Practicing mindfulness techniques like meditation can significantly help manage feelings of depression and anxiety by releasing tension in the body, providing reflection, and halting the momentum of negative thoughts. The speaker shares his personal experience of having a spiritual awakening through Transcendental Meditation (TM) and how it has positively impacted his life. He emphasizes the importance of making time for meditation daily and using it as a tool for focus and intention setting. The speaker also highlights the misconception that meditation is a form of laziness and encourages those struggling with focus to give it a try.

    • Finding Peace and Reducing StressThrough meditation, exercise, focusing on the present, and engaging in difficult activities, we can find inner peace and reduce stress. It's important to distinguish between real problems and trivial issues and focus on finding solutions rather than dwelling on them.

      Finding inner peace and reducing stress can be achieved through various means such as meditation, exercise, especially yoga, and focusing on the present moment. The anticipation of problems and the search for solutions can often cause more distress than the problems themselves. Engaging in difficult activities and gaining perspective can help put things into context and make everyday challenges seem less daunting. Additionally, it's important to distinguish between real problems and trivial issues that can be easily resolved or ignored. The culture of publicly airing complaints and seeking attention for them can contribute to unnecessary stress and outrage, so it's essential to be mindful of one's reactions and focus on finding solutions rather than dwelling on the problems.

    • Outrage as a creative expressionOutrage can be seen as a creative expression, but it's essential to approach issues with a critical and informed perspective.

      While people's outrage on various issues is a common occurrence in today's society, it's essential to distinguish between genuine concerns and recreational outrage. The latter can be compared to comedians trying out jokes, where some may not land and can be seen as ridiculous. An example of this is the controversy surrounding yoga being considered as supporting white supremacy. It's crucial to remember that corporations are more afraid of negative trends than genuine outrage when they've done something wrong. These outrage moments can be seen as creative expressions, and while some may not stick, others can ignite significant conversations. It's important to approach these issues with a critical and informed perspective.

    • The Complexity of Language and Cultural ContextLanguage and its meaning can vary greatly depending on cultural context and personal experiences. Taboo words can limit adult conversations and lead to censorship, but understanding different perspectives can lead to more open and inclusive communication.

      The use and perception of certain words can vary greatly depending on cultural context and personal experiences. The word "cunt," for example, has a different meaning and connotation in New Zealand compared to other English-speaking countries. The speaker's friend from New Zealand wears a shirt that reads "good cunt," which is seen as a positive term there. However, in other places, the same word is considered offensive. The taboo around certain words can limit adult conversations and lead to censorship. The speaker's upbringing influenced their use of curse words and their attitude towards censorship. They grew up in a household where there were no language restrictions, but faced restrictions at school. The speaker's friend Alex, who grew up with a mother who argued back when spoken to disrespectfully, is one of their favorite memories. The speaker still feels a sense of fear when cussing in front of their mom, but they speak freely around their own children. Overall, the discussion highlights the complexity of language and the importance of understanding different cultural contexts and personal experiences.

    • Blurred Lines: Personal vs Professional ConductBe mindful of your words and actions, as they can have serious consequences in both personal and professional settings. Avoid using inappropriate language and respect workplace rules.

      The lines between personal and professional conduct can be blurred, and the consequences of crossing those lines can be severe. The discussion touched on various topics, including family dynamics, workplace rules, and conspiracy theories. One anecdote involved a NASA intern who was fired for using inappropriate language towards a colleague who had oversight at NASA. The conversation also delved into skepticism about historical events, specifically the moon landing. While some saw it as a significant achievement, others believed there were inconsistencies and lies surrounding the event. The overall tone was casual and conversational, but the implications of the discussion underscored the importance of considering the potential repercussions of one's words and actions, both in personal and professional contexts.

    • Skepticism Surrounds Authenticity of Moon Landing FootageSpeakers question the authenticity of a YouTube video showing astronauts bouncing on the moon, suggesting it may be a fake or optical illusion due to different gravitational forces. They also discuss potential discomfort or nerves of astronauts during press conferences and share examples of supposed evidence that the moon landings were faked.

      The discussion revolves around the authenticity of footage showing astronauts on the moon, specifically in relation to a YouTube video that appears to show them bouncing around in an unusual way. The speakers express skepticism about the footage, suggesting it may be faked or an optical illusion due to the different gravitational forces on the moon. They also discuss the body language and reactions of the astronauts during press conferences, questioning their authenticity and potential nerves or discomfort. The conversation also touches on the idea that some people believe the moon landings were faked, and they share examples of supposed evidence, such as the petrified wood moon rock given to a foreign leader. Overall, the speakers express a sense of intrigue and excitement about the possibility of revisiting the moon and potentially uncovering new information or insights.

    • The Complexities and Controversies of the Moon LandingDespite potential evidence manipulation and lost data, the passage of time, deaths of key figures, and lack of current NASA involvement suggest the moon landing was authentic. Meeting and speaking with individuals provides valuable insights.

      The discussion revolves around the authenticity of the moon landing and the potential manipulation of evidence. The speaker shares their personal journey from disbelief to acceptance, acknowledging the loss of original data and possible footage manipulation. However, they also emphasize the passage of time, the death of key figures, and the lack of involvement of current NASA employees in any supposed conspiracy. The speaker also highlights the importance of meeting and speaking with individuals to gain a better understanding of their perspectives. Overall, the conversation underscores the complexities and controversies surrounding one of history's most significant events.

    • Moon Landing Conspiracy Theories and Astronaut BehaviorConspiracy theories surrounding moon landings persist despite lack of evidence, fueled by cryptic astronaut speeches and behavior.

      The topic of moon landings and conspiracy theories surrounding them is a complex and intriguing one. While there have been numerous moon landings by NASA between 1969 and 1972, no human space mission has gone further than 400 miles from Earth since then. Bart Sibrel, a conspiracy theorist, famously confronted astronaut Buzz Aldrin and accused him of lying about the moon landing. Aldrin responded by punching Sibrel. Despite numerous claims and theories, there is no concrete evidence to suggest that the moon landings were faked. However, the cryptic speeches and behavior of some astronauts, such as Neil Armstrong's at the White House, have fueled conspiracy theories. Ultimately, whether or not one believes in moon landings is a matter of personal belief and interpretation of the available evidence.

    • Apollo 11 moon landing risks and conspiracy theoriesSkepticism about Apollo 11 moon landing due to potential radiation risks and unexplained photographs, with historical context of government conspiracies.

      The discussion revolved around the potential risks and challenges faced by astronauts during the Apollo 11 moon landing, specifically regarding the lack of shielding from the Van Allen radiation belts. The speakers shared their skepticism about the mission and the possibility of it being a hoax due to the thin aluminum walls of the lunar module and the presence of unexplained photographs. They also mentioned historical conspiracies, such as the Tuskegee experiment and the Gulf of Tonkin incident, which raised questions about the credibility of government information. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of critical thinking and questioning established narratives.

    • Theories suggest Kennedy's assassination was manipulated or fabricatedAllegations include JFK opposing a false flag attack on Cuba, strange arrest and murder of Lee Harvey Oswald, and possible involvement of multiple shooters

      There are compelling theories suggesting that the official narrative of President John F. Kennedy's assassination in 1963 may have been manipulated or even fabricated. The discussion highlights the controversial role of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in planning a false flag attack on the US naval base in Cuba, which could have been used as a pretext for war. This alleged plot was vetoed by President Kennedy, leading some to believe that his opposition to it may have been a motive for his assassination. The strange circumstances surrounding Lee Harvey Oswald's arrest and subsequent murder by Jack Ruby, a mob-connected nightclub owner, have also fueled conspiracy theories. A controversial film showing Kennedy's head snapping back, indicating a possible frontal gunshot, was aired on television decades later, adding evidence to the belief that there may have been multiple shooters involved. Despite some files being released recently, many believe that the full truth about the assassination remains hidden.

    • The Controversial Handling of President Kennedy's AutopsyThe assassination of President Kennedy led to inconsistencies between the Dallas and Bethesda autopsies and the presence of generals during the Bethesda examination, fueling suspicions of a cover-up.

      The assassination of President Kennedy was a pivotal moment in history, and the events surrounding his death, including the handling of the autopsy and the release of information, were shrouded in controversy. Dick Gregory's acquisition and sharing of footage from the scene helped bring attention to the event, but the inconsistencies between the Dallas and Bethesda autopsies and the presence of generals in the room during the Bethesda examination raised questions about what was being concealed. For those in the entertainment industry, the impact of Kennedy's death was profound, with many performers struggling to process the event and find the right tone for their acts in the aftermath.

    • Staying Positive in Adversity: Lessons from Firefighters and ComediansFocus on helping others and staying positive during tough times, learn from setbacks, and stay true to yourself are crucial for resilience and adaptability.

      Resilience and adaptability are crucial in the face of adversity, whether it's in personal life or on stage. The firefighter's story showcases the importance of focusing on helping others and staying positive during difficult times. In comedy, bombing on stage can be devastating, but it's essential to learn from the experience and not let it define your career. The comedian's story highlights the importance of maintaining a positive mindset, staying true to yourself, and not letting external factors influence your performance. Additionally, the discussion touches upon the importance of authenticity and spontaneity in comedy and how they can be underappreciated. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of staying true to oneself and adapting to challenges in both personal and professional contexts.

    • Finding Your Unique Voice in Stand-Up ComedyTo stand out in stand-up comedy, find your unique voice and articulate it in an interesting way. Learn from professionals at open mics and embrace the raw energy of the comedy scene.

      Anyone can try their hand at stand-up comedy, as it's one of the few art forms where you can perform live with minimal barriers to entry. However, the perception of stand-up comedy not receiving the same respect as other art forms stems from the belief that anyone can do it, leading to a saturated market and a lack of differentiation. To stand out, it's essential to find your unique voice and articulate it in an interesting way. The open mic scene, while raw and unpolished, offers a rare opportunity to share the stage with professionals and learn from them. Embrace the grime and energy of the comedy scene, as it's part of what makes it special. The evolution of comedy clubs, such as the Laugh Factory, reflects the changing landscape of the industry, but the essence of the art form remains the same - a platform for individuals to express themselves and make people laugh.

    • Exploring the unique world of improv comedyImprov comedy thrives on the individuality of performers, despite industry pressures and the need to stand out.

      Improv comedy is a unique and intriguing art form, but it can also be a strange and unpredictable experience. Performers are exposed and vulnerable in the moments leading up to their sets, and the current state of the industry is seeing a flood of voices, some of which can feel repetitive and preachy. The pressure to stand out and be edgy can sometimes lead to performers adopting moral and righteous personas, but the true essence of improv lies in the unique perspectives and articulations of each performer. Despite the challenges and changes, there is still a wealth of great and innovative comedy being created. The performer in the conversation has taken a break from stand-up for some time, focusing on other creative pursuits, but remains open to returning to the stage if the inspiration strikes. The conversation also touched on the performer's increased time in music studios, but no specific details were shared about that aspect of their work.

    • Trusting instincts in the artsStay true to your vision and instincts in the arts, even amidst challenges and competition, for authentic and successful creation.

      Following your passion and creating in an immediate and authentic way is crucial for success in the arts, including comedy. The speaker expresses a preference for the immediacy of creation and finding one's natural path, despite the challenges and competition in the industry. They emphasize the importance of staying true to one's vision and instincts, even when faced with the pressures and distractions of the art world. The speaker also acknowledges the brutal nature of the comedy industry, with its high failure rates and intense competition, but encourages persistence and a focus on doing what one truly wants to do. Ultimately, they suggest that the instinctual and reactive nature of comedy makes it all the more important for artists to trust their instincts and create authentic work.

    • Embrace the unknown and push boundariesTrusting in your ideas and trying new things can lead to unique and beloved creations, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone.

      Creativity and following your instincts is a scary but rewarding journey. Once you find success or comfort in your craft, it can be tempting to hold on tightly, but pushing boundaries and trying new things can lead to even greater rewards. The removal of an audience during filming, for example, can be initially met with skepticism, but can ultimately result in unique and beloved shows. It's important to trust in the power of your ideas and to share them with the world, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone. Whether it's in comedy or any other creative field, the excitement of putting your thoughts into the world and seeing how it resonates with others is a beautiful and fulfilling experience.

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