
    About this Episode

    I had promised you an episode on food for creativity... So, here it is!

    Let's talk ayurveda, sweetness of life, creative sparks and anchoring! Nutrition is as much about fuelling as it is about supporting and healing the body, mind and spirit from within.

    Remember, you're the only one who can assess if something is good for you or not. And if you have any underlying conditions, talk to a specialist to see how best you could support yourself.

    Listen to Episode 8: https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/08-grounding


    Want to work with me?
    Confidence, Empowerment, Jaw work, Release and Energy Clearing - take your pick! Get in touch to book your slot! 

    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk 

    Website: https://theartfulathlete.co.uk/ 

    DM on Instagram: @artfulsego OR @theartfulathlete

    Share, Rate & Review this Podcast if you enjoy it :-)

    BOOK YOUR FREE 30MIN CALL HERE: https://calendly.com/theartfulathlete/bookyoursession

    SUPPORT ME ON KO-FI: https://ko-fi.com/theartfulathlete

    JAW MASSAGE: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMFJFTwH_Nd/

    Recent Episodes from The Artful Athlete

    #125 - 2022: Challenging Foundations

    #125 - 2022: Challenging Foundations

    Only a couple of days left of 2022, and I'm letting my mind wander to review what this year was about. Sharing quite personal thoughts in this episode, and hoping you'll also take time to review your year and thank the people, places and things that showed up to carry you through.

    Much love to you all, 

    Ségo xx


    Periodontal Illness Episode Toolbox:

    #62 - Introduction to Voice Health: https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/62-introduction-to-voice-health

    #64 - Mouth and Shame: https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/64-voice-health-mouth-and-shame

    #70 - Preparing for Periodontal Surgery: https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/70-preparing-for-periodontal-surgery

    #71 - Pronunciation adjustments s, f th, z: https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/71-pronunciation-adjustments-s-f-th-z

    #78 - 5 Therapies to help with jaw pain: https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/78-voice-health-5-therapies-to-help-with-jaw-pain

    #118 - 3 periodontal illness facts I was not prepared for

    JAW MASSAGE: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMFJFTwH_Nd/


    Want to work with me?
    Confidence, Empowerment, Jaw work, Release and Energy Clearing - take your pick! Get in touch to book your slot! 

    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk 

    Website: https://theartfulathlete.co.uk/ 

    DM on Instagram: @artfulsego OR @theartfulathlete

    Share, Rate & Review this Podcast if you enjoy it :-)

    BOOK YOUR FREE 30MIN CALL HERE: https://calendly.com/theartfulathlete/bookyoursession

    SUPPORT ME ON KO-FI: https://ko-fi.com/theartfulathlete

    JAW MASSAGE: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMFJFTwH_Nd/

    #124 - FLOW: Find the Pause (Meditation)

    #124 - FLOW: Find the Pause (Meditation)

    Following up from last week's reflection on pausing, here's a little 13min pause meditation to help you slow down in the run up to the end of year festivities.

    Merry Christmas to you all, and I'll catch you next week for a review of 2022.

    And remember:



    Periodontal Illness Episode Toolbox:

    #62 - Introduction to Voice Health: https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/62-introduction-to-voice-health

    #64 - Mouth and Shame: https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/64-voice-health-mouth-and-shame

    #70 - Preparing for Periodontal Surgery: https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/70-preparing-for-periodontal-surgery

    #71 - Pronunciation adjustments s, f th, z: https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/71-pronunciation-adjustments-s-f-th-z

    #78 - 5 Therapies to help with jaw pain: https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/78-voice-health-5-therapies-to-help-with-jaw-pain

    #118 - 3 periodontal illness facts I was not prepared for

    JAW MASSAGE: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMFJFTwH_Nd/


    Want to work with me?
    Confidence, Empowerment, Jaw work, Release and Energy Clearing - take your pick! Get in touch to book your slot! 

    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk 

    Website: https://theartfulathlete.co.uk/ 

    DM on Instagram: @artfulsego OR @theartfulathlete

    Share, Rate & Review this Podcast if you enjoy it :-)

    BOOK YOUR FREE 30MIN CALL HERE: https://calendly.com/theartfulathlete/bookyoursession

    SUPPORT ME ON KO-FI: https://ko-fi.com/theartfulathlete

    JAW MASSAGE: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMFJFTwH_Nd/

    #123 - Get Comfortable with the Pause

    #123 - Get Comfortable with the Pause


    Whether it's about catching a break in the middle of a busy day, or creating space in your speech, we should all embrace pausing and slowing down by assessing the benefits we could gain from it.

    Let's talk pause!


    Periodontal Illness Episode Toolbox:

    #62 - Introduction to Voice Health: https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/62-introduction-to-voice-health

    #64 - Mouth and Shame: https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/64-voice-health-mouth-and-shame

    #70 - Preparing for Periodontal Surgery: https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/70-preparing-for-periodontal-surgery

    #71 - Pronunciation adjustments s, f th, z: https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/71-pronunciation-adjustments-s-f-th-z

    #78 - 5 Therapies to help with jaw pain: https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/78-voice-health-5-therapies-to-help-with-jaw-pain

    #118 - 3 periodontal illness facts I was not prepared for

    JAW MASSAGE: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMFJFTwH_Nd/


    Want to work with me?
    Confidence, Empowerment, Jaw work, Release and Energy Clearing - take your pick! Get in touch to book your slot! 

    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk 

    Website: https://theartfulathlete.co.uk/ 

    DM on Instagram: @artfulsego OR @theartfulathlete

    Share, Rate & Review this Podcast if you enjoy it :-)

    BOOK YOUR FREE 30MIN CALL HERE: https://calendly.com/theartfulathlete/bookyoursession

    SUPPORT ME ON KO-FI: https://ko-fi.com/theartfulathlete

    JAW MASSAGE: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMFJFTwH_Nd/

    #122 - Exhale and Voice Flow

    #122 - Exhale and Voice Flow

    Today, in this rush towards Christmas and end of year celebrations, let's slow down and focus on the exhale for 10min.

    Why is exhaling so important for your voice? Tune in to find out, and get ready to follow along on a little breathing and voicing practice.


    Periodontal Illness Episode Toolbox:

    #62 - Introduction to Voice Health: https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/62-introduction-to-voice-health

    #64 - Mouth and Shame: https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/64-voice-health-mouth-and-shame

    #70 - Preparing for Periodontal Surgery: https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/70-preparing-for-periodontal-surgery

    #71 - Pronunciation adjustments s, f th, z: https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/71-pronunciation-adjustments-s-f-th-z

    #78 - 5 Therapies to help with jaw pain: https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/78-voice-health-5-therapies-to-help-with-jaw-pain

    #118 - 3 periodontal illness facts I was not prepared for

    JAW MASSAGE: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMFJFTwH_Nd/


    Want to work with me?
    Confidence, Empowerment, Jaw work, Release and Energy Clearing - take your pick! Get in touch to book your slot! 

    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk 

    Website: https://theartfulathlete.co.uk/ 

    DM on Instagram: @artfulsego OR @theartfulathlete

    Share, Rate & Review this Podcast if you enjoy it :-)

    BOOK YOUR FREE 30MIN CALL HERE: https://calendly.com/theartfulathlete/bookyoursession

    SUPPORT ME ON KO-FI: https://ko-fi.com/theartfulathlete

    JAW MASSAGE: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMFJFTwH_Nd/

    #121 - Directional movement to support your creativity

    #121 - Directional movement to support your creativity

    This week, Im reflecting on the creative conference led by science journalist Caroline Williams, author of "Move! The New Science of Body Over Mind", on the Creative Brain. 

    This episode includes 4 tips to help get your mind outside of the box and kickstart the creative flow. 

    What if we took "direction" into account a bit more? 


    Periodontal Illness Episode Toolbox:

    #62 - Introduction to Voice Health: https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/62-introduction-to-voice-health

    #64 - Mouth and Shame: https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/64-voice-health-mouth-and-shame

    #70 - Preparing for Periodontal Surgery: https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/70-preparing-for-periodontal-surgery

    #71 - Pronunciation adjustments s, f th, z: https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/71-pronunciation-adjustments-s-f-th-z

    #78 - 5 Therapies to help with jaw pain: https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/78-voice-health-5-therapies-to-help-with-jaw-pain

    #118 - 3 periodontal illness facts I was not prepared for

    JAW MASSAGE: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMFJFTwH_Nd/


    Want to work with me?
    Confidence, Empowerment, Jaw work, Release and Energy Clearing - take your pick! Get in touch to book your slot! 

    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk 

    Website: https://theartfulathlete.co.uk/ 

    DM on Instagram: @artfulsego OR @theartfulathlete

    Share, Rate & Review this Podcast if you enjoy it :-)

    BOOK YOUR FREE 30MIN CALL HERE: https://calendly.com/theartfulathlete/bookyoursession

    SUPPORT ME ON KO-FI: https://ko-fi.com/theartfulathlete

    JAW MASSAGE: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMFJFTwH_Nd/

    #120 - Exhibition: Rebel, Rebel at the Barbican

    #120 - Exhibition: Rebel, Rebel at the Barbican

    This week I'm taking you with me to Soheila Sokhanvari's exhibition "Rebel Rebel" at the Barbican. A moment of sotrytelling honoring the lives of 28 women form Iran who pursued careers in the arts before the revolution and before it was made illegal for women to sing in public.

    Rebel, Rebel is on at the Barbican in London until 26th February 2023.


    Periodontal Illness Episode Toolbox:

    #62 - Introduction to Voice Health: https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/62-introduction-to-voice-health

    #64 - Mouth and Shame: https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/64-voice-health-mouth-and-shame

    #70 - Preparing for Periodontal Surgery: https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/70-preparing-for-periodontal-surgery

    #71 - Pronunciation adjustments s, f th, z: https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/71-pronunciation-adjustments-s-f-th-z

    #78 - 5 Therapies to help with jaw pain: https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/78-voice-health-5-therapies-to-help-with-jaw-pain

    #118 - 3 periodontal illness facts I was not prepared for

    JAW MASSAGE: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMFJFTwH_Nd/


    Want to work with me?
    Confidence, Empowerment, Jaw work, Release and Energy Clearing - take your pick! Get in touch to book your slot! 

    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk 

    Website: https://theartfulathlete.co.uk/ 

    DM on Instagram: @artfulsego OR @theartfulathlete

    Share, Rate & Review this Podcast if you enjoy it :-)

    BOOK YOUR FREE 30MIN CALL HERE: https://calendly.com/theartfulathlete/bookyoursession

    SUPPORT ME ON KO-FI: https://ko-fi.com/theartfulathlete

    JAW MASSAGE: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMFJFTwH_Nd/

    #119 - 3 Supplements for Periodontal Illness

    #119 - 3 Supplements for Periodontal Illness

    Today I'm sharing with you three supplements I've experimented with over the course of my periodontal illness and guided bone regeneration surgery. 

    There is a lot to talk about when it comes to supplements, but I'd rather revisit the topic further down the line then overwhelm you with too much info.

    This is based on my experience and personal research only. 

    Check out #livingwithperio on my instagram - @artfulsego OR @theartfulathlete


    Periodontal Illness Episode Toolbox:

    #62 - Introduction to Voice Health: https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/62-introduction-to-voice-health

    #64 - Mouth and Shame: https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/64-voice-health-mouth-and-shame

    #70 - Preparing for Periodontal Surgery: https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/70-preparing-for-periodontal-surgery

    #71 - Pronunciation adjustments s, f th, z: https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/71-pronunciation-adjustments-s-f-th-z

    #78 - 5 Therapies to help with jaw pain: https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/78-voice-health-5-therapies-to-help-with-jaw-pain

    #118 - 3 periodontal illness facts I was not prepared for

    JAW MASSAGE: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMFJFTwH_Nd/


    Want to work with me?
    Confidence, Empowerment, Jaw work, Release and Energy Clearing - take your pick! Get in touch to book your slot! 

    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk 

    Website: https://theartfulathlete.co.uk/ 

    DM on Instagram: @artfulsego OR @theartfulathlete

    Share, Rate & Review this Podcast if you enjoy it :-)

    BOOK YOUR FREE 30MIN CALL HERE: https://calendly.com/theartfulathlete/bookyoursession

    SUPPORT ME ON KO-FI: https://ko-fi.com/theartfulathlete

    JAW MASSAGE: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMFJFTwH_Nd/

    #118 - Living with Periodontal Illness: Jaw Surgery Anniversary

    #118 - Living with Periodontal Illness: Jaw Surgery Anniversary

    3 symptoms of periodontal illness I wasn't prepared for

    In this week's episode I'm sharing with you 3 consequences and symptoms that you may not realise are connected to your periodontal illness. 

    It's been a year and a day since my guided bone regenaration surgery, and while my new bone is feeling cozy after a year, it's not been the smoothest of journey. I'm still riding the waves, making adjustments. And I hope by sharing this you get a little more open with your own experience of periodontal illness. 

    Not every consequence you'll experience is a physical one. And each body, each human is different. This episode is me sharing what's been heavy and what I did not prepare for.

    Check out #livingwithperio on my instagram - @artfulsego OR @theartfulathlete


    Periodontal Illness Episode Toolbox:

    #62 - Introduction to Voice Health: https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/62-introduction-to-voice-health

    #64 - Mouth and Shame: https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/64-voice-health-mouth-and-shame

    #70 - Preparing for Periodontal Surgery: https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/70-preparing-for-periodontal-surgery

    #71 - Pronunciation adjustments s, f th, z: https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/71-pronunciation-adjustments-s-f-th-z

    #78 - 5 Therapies to help with jaw pain: https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/78-voice-health-5-therapies-to-help-with-jaw-pain

    JAW MASSAGE: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMFJFTwH_Nd/


    Want to work with me?
    Confidence, Empowerment, Jaw work, Release and Energy Clearing - take your pick! Get in touch to book your slot! 

    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk 

    Website: https://theartfulathlete.co.uk/ 

    DM on Instagram: @artfulsego OR @theartfulathlete

    Share, Rate & Review this Podcast if you enjoy it :-)

    BOOK YOUR FREE 30MIN CALL HERE: https://calendly.com/theartfulathlete/bookyoursession

    SUPPORT ME ON KO-FI: https://ko-fi.com/theartfulathlete

    JAW MASSAGE: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMFJFTwH_Nd/

    #117 - Artful Fuel: Food and Creativity

    #117 - Artful Fuel: Food and Creativity

    I had promised you an episode on food for creativity... So, here it is!

    Let's talk ayurveda, sweetness of life, creative sparks and anchoring! Nutrition is as much about fuelling as it is about supporting and healing the body, mind and spirit from within.

    Remember, you're the only one who can assess if something is good for you or not. And if you have any underlying conditions, talk to a specialist to see how best you could support yourself.

    Listen to Episode 8: https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/08-grounding


    Want to work with me?
    Confidence, Empowerment, Jaw work, Release and Energy Clearing - take your pick! Get in touch to book your slot! 

    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk 

    Website: https://theartfulathlete.co.uk/ 

    DM on Instagram: @artfulsego OR @theartfulathlete

    Share, Rate & Review this Podcast if you enjoy it :-)

    BOOK YOUR FREE 30MIN CALL HERE: https://calendly.com/theartfulathlete/bookyoursession

    SUPPORT ME ON KO-FI: https://ko-fi.com/theartfulathlete

    JAW MASSAGE: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMFJFTwH_Nd/

    #116 - FLOW: Z Vibrations

    #116 - FLOW: Z Vibrations

    A little follow along voice practice for when your throat is getting itchy and you want to give your voice some TLC. 

    Make sure you drink plenty of water and gentle warming teas to support your voice through seasonal changes AND WEAR A SCARF!

    Grab your headphones and let's go!

    Music: The Inner Calling by Music of Wisdom


    Want to work with me?
    Confidence, Empowerment, Jaw work, Release and Emotional Clearing - take your pick! Get in touch to book your slot! 

    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk 


    Website: https://theartfulathlete.co.uk/ 

    DM on Instagram: @artfulsego OR @theartfulathlete

    Share, Rate & Review this Podcast if you enjoy it :-)

    BOOK YOUR FREE 30MIN CALL HERE: https://calendly.com/theartfulathlete/bookyoursession

    SUPPORT ME ON KO-FI: https://ko-fi.com/theartfulathlete

    JAW MASSAGE: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMFJFTwH_Nd/