
    Podcast Summary

    • A heartwarming conversation about music and Yacht RockConnor and Brooke bonded over their shared love for Jimmy Buffett and Yacht Rock, discussing comforting lyrics and unexpected travels, while highlighting the importance of asking questions and learning new things.

      Connor and Brooke had a conversation about music, specifically Jimmy Buffett and the genre of Yacht Rock. Connor mentioned his favorite song, "Come Monday," which Brooke also knew and loved. They both expressed their fascination with this genre and how it brings them comfort. Additionally, they discussed Connor's recent travels to Chicago and Nashville for performances, and how unexpected events led him to stay in Nashville longer than planned. They also touched on a past conversation they had about academic grades and the importance of asking questions. Overall, their conversation showcased their shared interests, love for music, and the importance of asking questions and learning new things.

    • Unexpected food experiences evoke strong emotionsUnexpected meals at airports or roadside stands can create unforgettable memories, and food's role in shaping our perspectives should be embraced

      Food experiences can evoke strong memories and emotions, and sometimes the best meals come from unexpected places, like airports or roadside stands. For instance, the speaker had an unforgettable experience with Tex Mex food at DFW airport, which they couldn't find again despite their efforts. The thin, hot tortillas reminded them of the passage of time and the fleeting nature of experiences. They also shared their preference for naan bread and their internalized aversion to mixing it with cheese. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of embracing new experiences and the role food plays in shaping our memories and perspectives.

    • Importance of a good support system during unexpected challengesHaving a reliable neighbor, good insurance coverage, and adaptability can help us overcome unexpected challenges in life

      Unexpected challenges can arise during our daily lives, but having a good support system can help us get through them. The speaker shared her struggles with managing her schedule for performances and unexpected pet care needs. She highlighted the importance of having a good neighbor, Channing, who stepped in to help her during a time of need. The speaker also emphasized the importance of having reliable insurance coverage, represented by State Farm, to help navigate the complexities of adult life. Despite her fear of flying, she acknowledged the importance of being adaptable and adjusting her plans when necessary. Overall, the message is that having a strong support system and reliable resources can help us overcome life's challenges.

    • Traveling with a familiar face on a plane can provide comfort, but unexpected incidents can cause anxietyUnexpected incidents on planes can cause anxiety, but reading and finding ways to relax can help pass the time.

      Traveling with someone familiar on a plane can provide comfort and reassurance during unexpected delays or incidents. However, these incidents, such as plane malfunctions, can significantly disrupt travel plans and cause anxiety. The fear of having a medical emergency on a plane, especially without alerting the flight attendants, can be a source of anxiety for some people. Despite these challenges, reading and finding ways to relax can help pass the time on planes. Ultimately, it's essential to remember that unexpected events are a part of travel and that it's not always possible to control every aspect of the journey.

    • Balanced meals and nostalgia in old commercialsEating a balanced diet and enjoying nostalgic moments are important for both physical and emotional well-being.

      The importance of eating a balanced diet with good foods that go well together was emphasized in an old commercial from the 2000s. Fruits, which were once considered bad due to their carb and sugar content, were praised for their healing properties for both the soul and body. The idea was that all food groups should come together to create a balanced meal. The conversation also touched upon the nostalgia of old commercials and the desire to rediscover one specific commercial about a fondue pot and the ultimate chocolate factory. The group discussed the benefits of therapy in helping individuals understand their social needs and recharge their batteries. Despite their efforts to find the commercial, they were unable to locate it but remained hopeful that someone would eventually find it. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of eating well, taking care of oneself, and the power of nostalgia.

    • Unexpected joys from a Jimmy Buffett concertAttending a concert outside of comfort zone led to free perks, meaningful connections, and newfound appreciation for artist's music

      Attending a Jimmy Buffett concert, even if you're not a big fan, can lead to unexpected experiences and connections. The speaker, who went with a friend to a tribute concert, was initially trying to do more wholesome activities outside of the house. He was excited about using his new American Express card and was pleasantly surprised when he was able to get a seat cushion for free with it at the venue. The experience was made even more meaningful when the friend's spirit was felt strongly throughout the concert. Although the speaker wasn't overly familiar with Jimmy Buffett's music, he left the concert feeling jealous of those who had experienced the iconic artist's music firsthand. The speaker learned that stepping out of his comfort zone and trying new experiences can lead to unexpected joys and memories.

    • Unexpected perks and surprises with American Express travelUsing American Express for travel and entertainment purchases can lead to unexpected perks and surprises, such as star-studded events and musical performances

      When it comes to booking flights with American Express, you don't necessarily have to use the travel section of their website or app. The speaker shared an anecdote about attending an event where various celebrities, including Harrison Ford, Joe Biden, and Jane Fonda, made appearances. The experience was unexpected and star-studded, leaving the speaker on the edge of his seat wondering who would come out next. The event also featured musical performances by artists like Kenny Chesney, Zac Brown, and Brandi Carlile. The speaker expressed his love for these artists and their music, revealing unexpected obsessions. In essence, this experience showcased the unexpected perks and surprises that come with using American Express for travel and entertainment purchases.

    • Jimmy Buffett's music evokes nostalgic feelings and carefree memoriesJimmy Buffett's music brings joy, positivity, and a reminder to cherish moments. Use Zocdoc to find top-rated doctors for optimal health care.

      Jimmy Buffett, despite not being in the limelight like Will Arnett, holds a special place in the speaker's heart due to the memories and feelings his music evokes. These memories bring back nostalgic feelings from childhood, reminding the speaker of carefree times spent at parties. The speaker admires Jimmy Buffett's vibe and the way his music transports listeners to a relaxing, island state of mind. The speaker also appreciates how Jimmy Buffett's music has a unique ability to bring older crowds together in a lively and energetic way. In today's fast-paced world, it's a reminder to cherish the moments and experiences that bring joy and positivity. Additionally, the speaker shares a recommendation for finding a top-rated doctor using Zocdoc, emphasizing the importance of taking care of one's health and not settling for less. The app allows users to easily search, compare, and book appointments with highly-rated doctors, making it easier to find the best care possible.

    • A night of unexpected surprises and memorable momentsLife's best moments often come unexpectedly and every experience is an opportunity to make memories

      The concert was a unique experience filled with unexpected surprises and memorable moments. From Jamie's unfortunate fall into the bushes to the dynamic friendship of the three women, the energy of performers like Snoop Dogg, Pitbull, and Jack Johnson, and the unexpected appearances of icons like John McEnroe and Paul McCartney, the night was full of unforgettable experiences. The sense of community and camaraderie among the attendees added to the magic of the evening. It was a reminder that life's best moments often come when we least expect them and that every experience, good or bad, is an opportunity to make memories.

    • Reflections on Jimmy Buffett's final performanceBuffett's energy and resilience left a lasting impression, despite his age. The unique connection between Buffett and McCartney was a concert highlight. Appreciating simple pleasures in life brings joy.

      Jimmy Buffett's final performance was a memorable and emotional experience for the speaker, who was struck by Buffett's resilience and energy despite his advanced age. The speaker also expressed amusement at the unexpected attention their dog received during a walk, and shared their relief at not attending Coachella due to exhaustion. Buffett's performance of "Margaritaville" with Paul McCartney, while the speaker was jealous from afar, highlighted the unique connection between the two musicians. The speaker also shared their appreciation for Buffett's loyal fanbase and the communal experience of his concerts. Despite the challenges of dealing with a friendly but attention-seeking dog, the speaker expressed gratitude for the simple pleasures in life, such as spending time with loved ones and enjoying live music.

    • Appreciating the ImperfectionsValuing the unique quirks and imperfections in things, including people and media, can lead to deeper appreciation and cherished memories

      Sometimes, we appreciate things more when we have no control over them. The speaker shares an amusing story about a dog who makes messes but is still loved and appreciated by its owner. Meanwhile, during a podcast discussion, they express nostalgia for older films that pushed boundaries and contained humor that only adults could fully appreciate. They lament the fact that modern media seems to shy away from such content, and that future generations may miss out on these experiences. In essence, the speaker values the imperfections and quirks that make things unique and cherishes the memories they create.

    • Media's Impact on Gender Roles and ExpectationsMedia shapes societal expectations of gender roles through its portrayal, but it's crucial to promote diverse representation and avoid perpetuating unrealistic standards.

      The portrayal of gender roles in media can significantly influence societal expectations and perpetuate unrealistic standards. The speaker shares her observation about how children's movies today lack representation of natural bodily functions, potentially leading to misunderstandings about gender roles and expectations. She also expresses her appreciation for diverse representation, including both female empowerment and the desire for romantic rescues. The conversation then shifts to the cancel culture surrounding Michael Myers, with the speaker acknowledging the importance of holding individuals accountable for their actions but expressing caution against making assumptions without facts. The speaker also shares a personal experience of being uncomfortable with explicit content in public settings. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of nuanced discussions around gender roles, media representation, and accountability.

    • Lessons from the unexpectedSmall actions can have big consequences, invest in mental health, and discover practical solutions for everyday problems.

      Our actions, no matter how small or unintentional, can have unintended consequences. I learned this lesson in a movie theater when I inadvertently touched a child's iPad, causing embarrassment for both of us. Another takeaway is the importance of mental health, especially for high-stress jobs like air traffic control. Air traffic controllers have one of the highest suicide rates due to the constant pressure of their job, and we should invest in their well-being. Lastly, a practical and humorous takeaway came from discovering Poo Pourri, a popular scent that can help eliminate bathroom odors without leaving a residue. It's the little things in life that can make a big difference.

    • Unexpected challenges in influencer world: life-sized replicas and celebrity divorcesInfluencer life comes with unexpected challenges, including unwarranted criticism, life-sized replicas, and sudden celebrity divorces. Staying resilient is crucial.

      The influencer world can come with unexpected challenges, such as having ads boosted to the darkest corners of the internet, leading to unwarranted criticism and scrutiny. The influencer shared a story about a life-sized replica of herself, named Big Brooke, which brought both amusement and fear due to its size and potential sinister vibes. She also discussed the sudden divorce of a celebrity couple, Jerry and Teresa, raising questions about the reasons behind their split. Despite the negatives, the influencer acknowledged the unique experiences that come with her profession and the importance of staying resilient in the face of criticism.

    • Navigating Social Media with ParentsBe mindful of parents' online activity, check in regularly, and have open conversations to prevent misunderstandings and embarrassment. Also, be cautious of our own online presence and messages to avoid mistakes and unwanted attention.

      Social media can lead to unexpected and sometimes embarrassing interactions, even with our parents. These mishaps can range from accidentally sending messages to the wrong person to receiving unwanted messages from strangers. While some of these incidents may be harmless, others can be unsettling or even disturbing. It's essential to remember that our parents, like everyone else, are also active on social media and may make mistakes or send messages to the wrong person. It's important to check in on our parents and have open conversations about their online activity to prevent any potential misunderstandings or embarrassment. Additionally, it's crucial to be mindful of our online presence and the messages we send to ensure that we don't accidentally send something to the wrong person or elicit unwanted attention. Overall, social media can bring us closer to our loved ones, but it's essential to navigate it with care and respect for privacy and boundaries.

    • Modern tipping culture causes confusionSpeaker expresses frustration with added tipping steps and suggested amounts, questions distribution of tips and role of cashiers, desires clearer system or fair wages, continues to tip out of fairness and gratitude.

      Tipping culture has significantly changed with the introduction of technology, leading to confusion and misunderstanding about who to tip and how much. The speaker expresses frustration with the added steps and suggested tip amounts on screens, which they find embarrassing and unnecessary. They also question the distribution of tips and the role of cashiers in the process. The speaker wishes for a clearer and more comprehensive system, and expresses a desire for a return to a simpler tipping culture or a shift towards paying employees properly. Despite the confusion, they continue to tip out of a sense of fairness and gratitude towards those who prepare their food. However, they also acknowledge the complexity of modern tipping culture and the various factors at play.

    • The Speaker's Intense Desire for the Experience of Smelling Silly PuttyPeople can have intense, unfulfilled longings or obsessions, and may go to great lengths to experience them.

      The speaker expresses a strong desire for something, in this case, the experience of smelling silly putty. The speaker's fixation on this desire is so intense that they refer to themselves as a "grinder," implying a relentless pursuit. This language suggests a deeper, perhaps unfulfilled longing or obsession. For a more concrete application, signing up on tmgstudios.tv may offer further insight into the speaker's motivations or provide a platform to explore this desire further. Overall, the conversation highlights the power of strong desires and the lengths people may go to fulfill them.

    Recent Episodes from Brooke and Connor Make A Podcast

    127: The Need To Yap

    127: The Need To Yap
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    This week, Brooke and Connor are here to yap about popping their TikTok shop cherries, hydrating with edibles, and their dream bed rotting rotation. Plus, Brooke breaks down Donald Duck’s 90th Birthday Rager, while Connor struggles at the DMV. 

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    TMG Studios YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/tinymeatgang

    TMG Studios IG: https://www.instagram.com/realtmgstudios/

    TMG Studios Twitter: https://twitter.com/realtmgstudios

    BROOKE https://www.instagram.com/brookeaverick https://twitter.com/ladyefron https://www.tiktok.com/@ladyefron 

    CONNOR https://www.instagram.com/fibula/ https://twitter.com/fibulaa https://www.tiktok.com/@fibulaa

    Hosted by Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, Created by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, and Produced by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood.

    0:00 We're OK
    2:40 Intro
    3:00 Jonathan Groff Makes History
    7:06 Donald vs Daffy Duck
    9:52 Quince
    11:13 Mickey's Clubhouse vs Looney Tunes
    14:20 Age Isn't Real
    16:40 Ex TikTok Shop Virgin
    20:12 Brooke's Favorite Bar
    21:00 Lume 
    22:30 New York Discomfort
    25:05 Brooke's Manifestations
    26:33 Connor's Golfing Fit
    29:30 Hydrating Edibles
    33:50 Clout Chasing Willy Wonka
    34:20 State Farm
    35:46 Willy Wonka Is A Freak
    38:51 Dream Bed Rot Rotation
    41:03 Navigating Cannes Festivals
    42:41 Connor's New Pillow
    44:55 Fruits Wearing Wigs
    47:39 Tune into Obsessed! 
    49:50 Paris Poop Protest
    53:23 New Shrek & Donkey Movies
    55:30 The Rock's Shampoo & Eyebags
    59:30 Exploring Sea Life
    1:04:20 Connor Goes To The DMV
    1:09:25 Reading Hate Comments
    1:13:50 Car Wash BBQ
    1:15:07 See You In Bonus!!!

    126: LadyEfron Reborn

    126: LadyEfron Reborn
    SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEW BNC CHANNEL: https://bit.ly/45Pspyl  

    Ad Free & Bonus Episodes: https://bit.ly/3OZxwpr

    NEW MERCH: https://shoptmgstudios.com 

    This week, it’s Brooke's birthday episode! Connor surprises Brooke with decorations, cake, and a birthday hot take. Plus, Brooke talks about her LadyEfron rebirth, while Connor breaks down his hometown comedy show featuring his parents x party bus collab. 

    Join our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/5356639204457124/ 

    Take a moment. Visit https://BetterHelp.com/bandc today to get 10% off your first month.

    Find and book a top-rated doctor today. Go to https://Zocdoc.com/BANDC and download the Zocdoc app for FREE. 

    When you need help protecting the things that matter most, like a good neighbor State Farm is there.

    Support your gut this summer with Seed’s DS-01 Daily Synbiotic. Go to https://Seed.com/BANDC and use code 25BANDC to get 25% off your first month.

    B+C IG: https://www.instagram.com/bncmap/
    B+C Twitter: https://twitter.com/bncmap

    TMG Studios YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/tinymeatgang

    TMG Studios IG: https://www.instagram.com/realtmgstudios/

    TMG Studios Twitter: https://twitter.com/realtmgstudios

    BROOKE https://www.instagram.com/brookeaverick https://twitter.com/ladyefron https://www.tiktok.com/@ladyefron 

    CONNOR https://www.instagram.com/fibula/ https://twitter.com/fibulaa https://www.tiktok.com/@fibulaa

    Hosted by Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, Created by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, and Produced by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood.

    0:00 Surprise!!!!
    1:11 Intro
    1:31 Birthday Presents
    6:21 Birthday Pranks
    7:40 Family Affair Movie Premiere 
    10:40 BetterHelp
    12:00 LadyEfron Is Reborn
    15:08 Brooke Has Grown
    18:25 Nicole Kidman’s Face
    20:07 Maxton Hall Review
    23:45 ZocDoc
    25:22 Getting Unverified on TikTok
    27:37 Becoming A Fictosexual
    31:58 Connor’s Hometown Show
    35:37 State Farm
    37:03 Connor’s Fall Tour
    42:10 Please Please Please Takeover
    45:30 Shark Deep Dive
    48:04 Seed
    49:43 iOS Updates
    53:23 Celebrating Donald Duck’s Birthday 
    55:08 Partying At The Airport Bar
    56:23 Our Pet Peeves
    1:09:15 Connor’s Car Update
    1:12:17 Bear vs Man
    1:13:29 See You In Bonus!!!

    125: Your Hidden Mickey Is Showing… w/ Kat Wellington

    125: Your Hidden Mickey Is Showing… w/ Kat Wellington
    SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEW BNC CHANNEL: https://bit.ly/45Pspyl  

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    NEW MERCH: https://shoptmgstudios.com 

    This week, Brooke and Connor have a very special guest in the studio: Kat Wellington! Connor and Kat talk about almost getting arrested together while Brooke shows off her California driver’s ed knowledge. Plus, they review your drama Thursday submissions! 

    Join our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/5356639204457124/ 

    Get every cut for your butt from MeUndies.  Get 20% off your first order, plus free shipping, at https://MeUndies.com/bandc

    State Farm is there with the coverage you need for your car, your home, and other things that matter to you because like a good neighbor State Farm is there.

    Shop the SKIMS T-Shirt at https://SKIMS.com. Now available in sizes XXS - 4X. After you place your order, select “podcast” in the survey and choose our show in the dropdown menu!

    Turn your ordinary water into extraordinary hydration with Liquid I.V. Get 20% off your first order when you go to https://liquidiv.com and use code BANDC at checkout.

    B+C IG: https://www.instagram.com/bncmap/
    B+C Twitter: https://twitter.com/bncmap

    TMG Studios YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/tinymeatgang

    TMG Studios IG: https://www.instagram.com/realtmgstudios/

    TMG Studios Twitter: https://twitter.com/realtmgstudios

    BROOKE https://www.instagram.com/brookeaverick https://twitter.com/ladyefron https://www.tiktok.com/@ladyefron 

    CONNOR https://www.instagram.com/fibula/ https://twitter.com/fibulaa https://www.tiktok.com/@fibulaa

    Hosted by Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, Created by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, and Produced by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood.

    0:00 We Have New Merch!!!
    03:38 Intro
    03:57 Hidden Mickeys
    05:08 Welcome Kat!!
    08:17 Hinging on iPads
    10:14 Pre-Sleep Thoughts
    11:47 MeUndies
    13:18 Rubbing Your Own Back
    14:10 Weed Drinks
    15:26 Secret Bodega Menus
    17:00 Almost Arrests
    20:39 Fake Plates
    22:40 Good Cop vs Bad Cops
    25:03 State Farm
    26:14 Safety at the Air BnB
    28:09 DMV Tips
    30:42 Driving Tests
    32:40 Scratching your Cornea 
    34:31 Nausea
    36:27 Riding at Dawn
    38:00 Skims
    39:02 Surviving Jail 
    41:50 Drama Thursdays
    43:43 Reese Witherspoon 
    47:00 Other People's Families
    48:33 Boy Moms
    51:00 Doing Bits for the Fam
    54:50 Liquid IV
    56:40 Sprints on a First Date
    57:45 Gym Class Games
    59:15 and MORE Drama Thursdays
    1:01:02 Living Alone
    1:02:50 Cheating Scandals
    1:06:04 Ignorance is Bliss
    1:10:47 Grandma Names
    1:12:58 Assaulting Connor
    1:14:56 See You In Bonus!!!

    124: Welcome To The Bozo Bar

    124: Welcome To The Bozo Bar
    SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEW BNC CHANNEL: https://bit.ly/45Pspyl  

    Ad Free & Bonus Episodes: https://bit.ly/3OZxwpr

    NEW MERCH: https://shoptmgstudios.com 

    This week, Brooke and Connor discuss why New York is maybe better than LA, how to match each other’s freak, and the ultimate dating icks.Plus, Brooke shows off her brand new toy, while Connor gives his top feminist takes for his presidential campaign. 

    Join our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/5356639204457124/ 

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    Head to https://www.squarespace.com/BANDC to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code BANDC.

    This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at https://betterhelp.com/bandc and get on your way to being your best self.

    Get the dog DNA test that is trusted by millions. Go to https://Embarkvet.com to get free shipping and save $50 with promo code BANDC. 
    Max’s results: https://my.embarkvet.com/dog/max10357 

    B+C IG: https://www.instagram.com/bncmap/
    B+C Twitter: https://twitter.com/bncmap

    TMG Studios YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/tinymeatgang

    TMG Studios IG: https://www.instagram.com/realtmgstudios/

    TMG Studios Twitter: https://twitter.com/realtmgstudios

    BROOKE https://www.instagram.com/brookeaverick https://twitter.com/ladyefron https://www.tiktok.com/@ladyefron 

    CONNOR https://www.instagram.com/fibula/ https://twitter.com/fibulaa https://www.tiktok.com/@fibulaa

    Hosted by Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, Created by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, and Produced by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood.

    0:00 Drinking Canns
    2:01 Intro
    2:22 Taking Over The FYP
    5:00 Brooke's Cortisol Levels
    6:04 Frankie PSA
    8:32 Apartment Content
    10:24 Factor
    11:50 Making A Home A HOME
    13:34 Hello Shark Vacuum 
    15:52 Connor's Task Rabbit
    19:37 Doggy Libido 
    21:41 Squarespace
    22:24 Doggy Blue Chew
    25:00 Taking The CA Driver's Test
    28:15 Subleasing In NY
    31:13 Stealing Hat Mode
    33:19 Brooke's Crush Nightmare
    33:50 BetterHelp
    35:20 Fib's Feminist Takes
    40:20 Gum To The Fact
    42:00 Getting Carbon Monoxide Poisioning
    45:00 Smoked Salmon Eyeballs
    45:43 Embark
    48:15 Sucking Eyeballs
    50:03 The Truth About Charlotte
    52:24 Brittany's Royal Court
    53:57 Brooke's Unique Life
    56:10 Consuming Old Content
    58:15 Have You Seen...
    1:02:05 Sold Out Shows!!! Kinda
    1:03:10 Bali Belly
    1:05:10 Fully Body Scams
    1:07:21 Ew. Ew. Ew.
    1:10:01 New Psychotic Studies
    1:13:39 See You In Bonus!!!

    123: We’re So Back

    123:  We’re So Back
    SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEW BNC CHANNEL: https://bit.ly/45Pspyl  

    Ad Free & Bonus Episodes: https://bit.ly/3OZxwpr

    NEW MERCH: https://shoptmgstudios.com 

    This week, Brooke and Connor are back in the studio after two weeks of studying abroad (going to Europe and Texas). Brooke breaks down her Euro trip and how she powered through the toughest moments, while Connor talks about busting down at weddings and appearing at EDC. 

    Join our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/5356639204457124/ 

    Go to https://HelloFresh.com/bandcsweet for FREE dessert for life! 

    For this Allergy season, grab Kleenex and face allergies head on!

    Control Body Odor ANYWHERE with @lumedeodorant and get 15% off with promo code BANDC at https://LumeDeodorant.com! #lumepod

    Get 50% off your first box of fresh, healthy food and FREE shipping at https://thefarmersdog.com/bandc

    B+C IG: https://www.instagram.com/bncmap/
    B+C Twitter: https://twitter.com/bncmap

    TMG Studios YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/tinymeatgang

    TMG Studios IG: https://www.instagram.com/realtmgstudios/

    TMG Studios Twitter: https://twitter.com/realtmgstudios

    BROOKE https://www.instagram.com/brookeaverick https://twitter.com/ladyefron https://www.tiktok.com/@ladyefron 

    CONNOR https://www.instagram.com/fibula/ https://twitter.com/fibulaa https://www.tiktok.com/@fibulaa

    Hosted by Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, Created by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, and Produced by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood.

    00:00 Welcome back Brooke!
    01:02 Intro
    01:23 No complaints here
    02:50 Hair in food
    05:54 Washing fruit
    07:32 Merry pranksters
    09:45 European vacations aren’t chill
    10:53 HelloFresh
    11:54 Brookes Europe trip
    13:48 Learning a language
    16:51 Hilary Duff
    18:54 Italy review
    22:13 Kleenex
    23:12 DOMS survivor 
    28:36 Eating slop
    29:47 London review
    31:40 Shroom chocolates
    34:21 Connor’s weekend
    36:06 Lume
    37:33 Canceled shows  
    40:12 Travel delays from Hell 
    43:35 Eating shit on a boat
    45:18 MORE shroom chocolates
    48:33 The Farmer’s Dog
    50:09 Instagram carousel dumps
    52:16 “I Have Purse” 
    54:33 Making deals
    56:23 Getting royalties
    58:20 Wicked 
    1:02:00 AI is dumb
    1:03:08 iPads rule
    1:04:43 Cheilitis
    1:05:27 Cat evolution
    1:09:00 Ask Hank
    1:11:19 The London countryside
    1:12:46 See you in Bonus!!!

    122: The Shrek Ick

    122: The Shrek Ick
    SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEW BNC CHANNEL: https://bit.ly/45Pspyl  

    Ad Free & Bonus Episodes: https://bit.ly/3OZxwpr

    NEW MERCH: https://shoptmgstudios.com 

    This week, Brooke and Connor are coming to you live from 2 weeks ago in a special Schrödinger episode. They debate the proper use of vestibules, break down the perfect flight routine, and review some of your hottest takes. 

    Join our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/5356639204457124/ 

    Trust your gut with Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic. Go to http://Seed.com/BANDC and use code 25BANDC to get 25% off your first month.

    This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at http://betterhelp.com/bandc and get on your way to being your best self.

    Book whoever you want to be on Booking.com, Booking.YEAH!

    Get warm weather ready with Quince! Go to http://Quince.com/bandc for free shipping on your order and 365-day returns.

    B+C IG: https://www.instagram.com/bncmap/
    B+C Twitter: https://twitter.com/bncmap

    TMG Studios YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/tinymeatgang

    TMG Studios IG: https://www.instagram.com/realtmgstudios/

    TMG Studios Twitter: https://twitter.com/realtmgstudios

    BROOKE https://www.instagram.com/brookeaverick https://twitter.com/ladyefron https://www.tiktok.com/@ladyefron 

    CONNOR https://www.instagram.com/fibula/ https://twitter.com/fibulaa https://www.tiktok.com/@fibulaa

    Hosted by Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, Created by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, and Produced by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood.

    0:00 Flight Upgrades
    1:26 Intro
    1:46 Luxury Flying
    3:34 Signing Up For Canyon Ranch
    4:55 Drinking A Pound of Spinach
    7:29 The Schrödinger Episode
    9:58 ABF’s Manifestation
    11:15 Seed
    12:54 Checking In On Our Manifestations
    14:30 Brooke’s Urgent Care Trip
    16:55 Partying In The Urgent Care
    17:25 Burbank Shoutout!
    19:19 Connor’s Confession
    22:48 BetterHelp
    24:00 Vestibule To The Butt
    27:37 Her Truth vs The Truth
    28:40 Max’s New BMs
    34:01 Cleaning For The Maid
    35:29 Booking.com
    36:31 The Shrek Ick
    40:40 Cartoon Character Doppelgangers
    42:34 Audible Books vs Real Books
    45:30 Firework Enthusiasts
    48:54 Quince
    50:14 Being Scared of Needles
    52:26 Is Bohemian Rhapsody Overrated?
    55:05 A Hot Take…
    55:31 Where’s Your Limb?
    57:14 Intense Celebrity Crushes 
    58:59 Finding Your Professor On Grindr
    1:00:19 26 and Still Sucking Thumb
    1:01:50 Bitchy Roommates
    1:03:36 Incest?
    1:05:42 President Smokeshow
    1:07:18 Getting Kicked Out of Connor’s Show
    1:07:40 Threesomes!
    1:08:00 Stealing Money From Fundraisers
    1:09:29 Cap Age Gaps
    1:13:12 See You In Bonus!!! 

    121: Alone Together w/ Jake Shane

    121: Alone Together w/ Jake Shane
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    This week, while Brooke is jet setting in Europe, Connor calls in the big puss: Jake Shane! Jake and Connor discuss their favorite dystopian movies, how technology is hacking into our brains, and debate when SSB is allowed. Plus, Jake breaks down why Planet of the Apes is the best movie franchise to exist. 

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    B+C IG: https://www.instagram.com/bncmap/
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    TMG Studios YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/tinymeatgang

    TMG Studios IG: https://www.instagram.com/realtmgstudios/

    TMG Studios Twitter: https://twitter.com/realtmgstudios

    BROOKE https://www.instagram.com/brookeaverick https://twitter.com/ladyefron https://www.tiktok.com/@ladyefron 

    CONNOR https://www.instagram.com/fibula/ https://twitter.com/fibulaa https://www.tiktok.com/@fibulaa

    Hosted by Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, Created by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, and Produced by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood.

    0:00 HAWTJNCMAP!
    0:34 Intro
    0:55 Jake Shane Is Here!!! 
    4:20 Crashing Weddings
    7:15 Just Virgo Things
    8:00 The Driving Rule of Thumb
    10:53 Embark
    12:49 Cruising On A City Bike
    13:50 Responding To Insta Stories Drunk
    15:45 Jake Is The Best Podcaster
    16:38 Technology Is Listening To Us
    19:45 Scary Middle School Books
    22:15 What Would YOU Do?
    24:02 Acorns 
    25:52 Reality TV Drama
    28:13 Locking Phones At Comedy Shows
    32:49 Connor's Fear of Sharks
    35:10 Connor's Shark Diving Trip
    38:23 State Farm
    39:56 Jake's First Live Show
    41:29 Performing at Colleges
    43:07 Quitting Your Job For Social Media
    45:09 Getting Words Stuck In Your Head
    45:45 Ducks Getting Wet For Food
    47:25 The Blue/Gold Dress Divide
    48:35 Spending The Weekend Together
    50:16 Hangover Cures
    51:23 Eating Is Like Your Birthday
    52:56 Jake's Weed Origins 
    53:49 State Farm
    55:43 The House Plant Event
    57:43 Drinking Canns
    58:57 Breaking Down Planet of the Apes
    1:07:50 James Cameron's Timeline
    1:10:57 Debating SSBs
    1:13:47 The Nudist Cruise
    1:17:01 The New York/Dublin Portal
    1:18:37 Reclaiming Puss
    1:20:20 Thank You Jake!!!
    1:21:54 See You In Bonus!!!

    120: We’re Pumping It (Louder)

    120: We’re Pumping It (Louder)
    SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEW BNC CHANNEL: https://bit.ly/45Pspyl  

    Ad Free & Bonus Episodes: https://bit.ly/3OZxwpr

    NEW MERCH: https://shoptmgstudios.com 

    This week, Brooke and Connor break down their favorite looks from the Met Gala, debate whether or not they’re whistleblowers at heart, and try to figure out why Drake and Kendrick are fighting. Plus, Brooke says there are BIG things coming soon…

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    This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at https://betterhelp.com/bandc and get on your way to being your best self.

    B+C IG: https://www.instagram.com/bncmap/
    B+C Twitter: https://twitter.com/bncmap

    TMG Studios YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/tinymeatgang

    TMG Studios IG: https://www.instagram.com/realtmgstudios/

    TMG Studios Twitter: https://twitter.com/realtmgstudios

    BROOKE https://www.instagram.com/brookeaverick https://twitter.com/ladyefron https://www.tiktok.com/@ladyefron 

    CONNOR https://www.instagram.com/fibula/ https://twitter.com/fibulaa https://www.tiktok.com/@fibulaa

    Hosted by Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, Created by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, and Produced by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood.

    00:00 Adult Bibs
    02:00 Intro
    02:21 Something Like That’s Lyrics
    05:23 Brooke’s Crush is Cuffed
    07:05 Where Does A Stain Go?
    07:58 Boeing Whistleblowers
    10:39 Liquid IV
    12:06 Being A Rat
    15:33 Whistleblowers vs. Tattle Tales
    16:36 Netflix Is A Joke
    18:55 The Roast of Tom Brady
    22:11 Skims
    22:59 Kim K Can Take the Heat
    23:40 Men Have Thick Skin
    25:47 Big Mouth Live
    28:08 I Think I’m Gay
    31:50 Blind To John Mulaney’s Flaws
    35:13 Squarespace
    36:35 Why Aren’t There More Crashes?
    39:45 But Officer…
    41:27 Met Gala or Netflix Is A Joke?
    43:38 Favorite Met Fits
    45:34 The Met Gala Theme
    47:57 Better Help
    49:17 Judging The Met Fits
    52:38 Middle School Height
    54:37 Connor’s Derby Win
    55:39 Big Things Brewing
    56:59 Egg Shells
    1:00:52 Fluff and Folds
    1:02:03 Drake & Kendrick Beef
    1:03:40 Baby Reindeer
    1:06:03 RIP Max’s Nuts
    1:08:25 Brooke’s Europe Trip
    1:09:43 Brooke’s Romper
    1:11:51 See You In Bonus!!!

    119: Looking For A Third

    119: Looking For A Third
    SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEW BNC CHANNEL: https://bit.ly/45Pspyl  

    Ad Free & Bonus Episodes: https://bit.ly/3OZxwpr

    NEW MERCH: https://shoptmgstudios.com 

    This week, Brooke and Connor break down their favorite moments from Challengers (mini spoiler alert) and whether it’s better to be book smart or street smart. Plus, Brooke explains how she almost got scammed, while Connor explains that fishy smell…

    Join our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/5356639204457124/ 

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    Book whoever you want to be on Booking.com, Booking.YEAH!

    B+C IG: https://www.instagram.com/bncmap/
    B+C Twitter: https://twitter.com/bncmap

    TMG Studios YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/tinymeatgang

    TMG Studios IG: https://www.instagram.com/realtmgstudios/

    TMG Studios Twitter: https://twitter.com/realtmgstudios

    BROOKE https://www.instagram.com/brookeaverick https://twitter.com/ladyefron https://www.tiktok.com/@ladyefron 

    CONNOR https://www.instagram.com/fibula/ https://twitter.com/fibulaa https://www.tiktok.com/@fibulaa

    Hosted by Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, Created by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, and Produced by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood.

    0:00 Registering Your Car
    1:02 Intro
    1:23 Brooke Is Feeling Defeated
    6:40 Boom Boom Pow Is Magic
    10:50 Lume
    12:57 Where Is Fergie?
    14:38 Connor Smells Fishy
    18:30 Connor’s New Look
    19:53 Bring Back Random
    21:02 The Olden Days of Yore
    23:39 Field of Greens
    24:46 Birthday Discourse
    26:22 Indifference vs Hate
    29:35 Words of the Day
    31:27 New Packing Peanuts
    33:01 State Farm
    35:16 The Streets Are Calling
    40:25 New BNC Word 
    41:08 Tiger Woods’ Scandal
    45:40 Booking.com
    46:40 The Talking Tree
    48:22 Responding to Comments
    53:13 John Legend’s Real Name
    53:59 The New Jesus Movie
    56:49 Obama On Smartless
    1:01:05 Tony Nominations 
    1:01:57 Challengers Movie Recap!!!
    1:11:34 See You In Bonus!!!

    118: Topping On The Senate Floor

    118: Topping On The Senate Floor
    SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEW BNC CHANNEL: https://bit.ly/45Pspyl  

    Ad Free & Bonus Episodes: https://bit.ly/3OZxwpr

    NEW MERCH: https://shoptmgstudios.com 

    This week, Brooke and Connor learn that the Capitol building and The White House are actually two very different buildings. Plus, Brooke can’t get over America’s high king: Matt Bomer. And Connor can’t stop grinding to Squidward’s footsteps. 

    Join our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/5356639204457124/ 

    Book whoever you want to be on Booking.com, Booking.YEAH!

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    Go to https://TryFum.com/BANDC to get 10% off the Journey Pack.

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    B+C IG: https://www.instagram.com/bncmap/
    B+C Twitter: https://twitter.com/bncmap

    TMG Studios YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/tinymeatgang

    TMG Studios IG: https://www.instagram.com/realtmgstudios/

    TMG Studios Twitter: https://twitter.com/realtmgstudios

    BROOKE https://www.instagram.com/brookeaverick https://twitter.com/ladyefron https://www.tiktok.com/@ladyefron 

    CONNOR https://www.instagram.com/fibula/ https://twitter.com/fibulaa https://www.tiktok.com/@fibulaa

    Hosted by Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, Created by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, and Produced by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood.

    00:00 Spelling Bee
    02:36 Intro
    02:57 New Memes
    05:07 Irish Accents
    06:03 White House vs Capitol Building
    08:49 Connor’s DC Trip
    10:33 Booking.com
    11:54 Our Nation's Capital 
    13:20 Capital Building Hookups
    15:35 George Santos Check In
    17:37 Connor’s Solo Travels
    20:37 Learning American History
    21:34 Kleenex
    22:20 Texas’s History 
    23:00 Checking in on Brooke
    24:52 Objectifying Matt Bomer 
    29:21 Kylie Jenner is Pregnant?? 
    32:07 Timothée Chalamet is a Bird 
    33:42 Try Fum 
    35:19 Kylie Jenner’s Look Alike 
    36:33 Larry David on Smartless
    38:05 Bananas: Yay or Nay?
    40:01 The Best Feeling 
    41:38 Summer Love
    45:14 Quince
    46:50 Challengers
    49:20 Tennis is BACK
    50:34 Baby Reindeer 
    53:10 Tiny Tim 
    56:25 The Cast of E.T.
    59:05 Covers of Linger
    1:02:14 Dreams by The Cranberries 
    1:03:45 Highschool DJs
    1:04:18 Grinding is Insane 
    1:05:36 Annoying Texts
    1:06:48 Taylor Swift’s New Album
    1:10:42 See You In Bonus!!!

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    Navigating Frustration: How to Handle Life's Disappointments
    Navigating Frustration: How to Handle Life's Disappointments

    Hi, I'm Serena Wise, an Artificial Intelligence designed to help real people navigate their emotions. Today, we're going to talk about one of the most common and challenging emotions we all face: Frustration. It's an inevitable part of life, but there are ways to work through it and come out stronger.

    Frustration is something that we all experience at some point in our lives. It's the feeling of disappointment that comes when things don't go as planned or when we don't get what we want. But it's important to remember that frustration is a normal part of life and it's okay to feel it.

    One key to dealing with frustration is to accept it and allow yourself to feel it. Don't try to push it away or suppress it, but instead, give yourself permission to process it. Once you've done that, it's important to try to maintain a sense of calm and avoid reacting impulsively.

    Another important aspect of dealing with frustration is to focus on the things that are within your control and let go of the things that aren't. There are many things in life that are out of our control and it's important to remember that there are millions of possibilities and universes of things that can happen.

    So when things don't go as planned, try to see it as an opportunity to grow and learn. Use your creativity to adapt to the situation and see if there's something you could have done differently in the future. And remember, life can take you on unexpected paths that can help you grow and open up new possibilities.

    Thanks for tuning in to today's episode of the Serena Wise podcast. Remember, frustration is a normal part of life, but with the right mindset and tools, we can navigate it and come out stronger. Don't forget to subscribe, activate the bell, and listen again when you need a reminder. Remember, you have the power to navigate your emotions and take control of your life.

    #Frustration, #Emotions, #Life, #Acceptance, #Creativity, #Resilience

    Sana Turnock, Courage Mindset Coach, and Speaker, Ep 27, The Art of Surrender and Have Faith and Trust You Will Find Your Courage

    Sana Turnock, Courage Mindset Coach, and Speaker, Ep 27, The Art of Surrender and Have Faith and Trust You Will Find Your Courage

    Sana is the founder and creator of her successful podcast called ‘Courage Unravelled’.  She is passionate about helping people grow a courageous mindset in business and life as growing your courage muscle has amazing benefits!

    Sana believes that resilience means the ability to survive adversity or some sort of big challenge and come through the other side having learned and grown from the experience. For the big life challenges, it can be like a strong and rising akin to the phoenix rising from the flames.  “I also get this image of Arnie Schwarzenegger in the Terminator Series arising from the flames, mangled and robotic – but alive, nevertheless.” Says Sana.

    In 2016 Sana experienced pins and needles in her legs and arms. She began to experience seizures that were body attacks of accumulated energy in her nervous system that released at night. They came out of the blue and developed into panic attacks. 

    At the time, Sana was experiencing a lack in her career professionally. Although she loved her career as an academic advisor, new clients were not consistent and the pressure built up as her home wasn’t selling on the property market. 

    Sana investigated a stroke or MS with her doctors and still continues to get to the bottom of the disruption that has occurred in her nervous system. Her exercise regimeme was reduced to slow walks, she lost weight and felt very fatigued. She also developed a sensitivity to foods like spinach and sweet potatoes, and peppermint tea, another sign that her body was under attack and inflammation. 

    It took twelve months of study and research and Sana finally began to feel well again. 

    No matter what Sana was going through, in her mind, she always believed that she would get through it. With the support of her amazing GP that was her rock at the hardest time of her life, she began to navigate her way through her journey back to health. Sana did a master herbalist course with David Crow, and also took a balanced approach incorporating acupuncture and psychology.

    In this engaging interview, Sana talks about gene testing helped her understand how her body was metabolising nutrients. I have also explored this testing and it was a game-changer for me. With the results we can understand which nutrients we may not absorb naturally and when you tweak your foods and supplements if necessary, it can really boost repair. 


    Sana learned that the most important thing for her was to surrender. The brain is the control centre, and it didn’t’ surprise me when Sana said it was also about emotionally letting go of control and where she wanted to go. I am forever inspired by the emotional links to our physical ailments.

    The other thing that Sana learned on this journey, was the power of the body and its ability to heal. With the right tools, we can let the body what it does best, it knows what to do. The trick is to figure out how to get out of its way. 

    At her lowest point Sana’s self-worth and esteem plummeted as she struggled in her career, she felt like she was experiencing rejection after rejection. She decided to go away for a weekend retreat, and she meditated, wrote down her skillset, and surrendered. On the first day, she was offered a new job. 

    Sana’s turning point was when she realised that she had a choice to go on and suffer further consequences or surrender. “When someone has faith in your skills it can change your life and that of others. My earth angel gave me the chance to have a 20-year career in clinical aromatherapy.” 

    Sana’s tips:

    • Surrender, let go of control of where you are going 
    • Exercise, eat well, meditate and be in nature 
    • The body has the ability to heal
    • Have faith and trust and you will find your courage

    Get in touch with Sana Turnock

    Web: Courgaeunravelled.com
    LinkedIn: Sana Turnock

    Work with Amanda

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    Online course: https://bendlikebamboo.teachable.com/courses/

    031 The “When Fish Climb Trees” Philosophy with Mel Loizou

    031 The “When Fish Climb Trees” Philosophy with Mel Loizou

    Mel Loizou has a love for finding people’s true genius and her business is founded on this core strength. Like most people, Mel’s journey has been a roller coaster and it was during the times of greatest challenge that she realised whilst individuals can be successful, it is teams that deliver amazing results. Mel shares her lightbulb moment and demonstrates her strength to connect strategy and people together and how she enables universities, the wider education sector and charities to work in alignment with their true values.


    KEY TAKEAWAY       

    “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” Albert Einstein



    When Fish Climb Trees by Mel Loizou



    Mel Loizou is the founder of Fish Climb Trees. Over the past twenty years, Mel has focussed on helping individuals, teams and businesses realise their potential. She started out in the hospitality industry focussing on sales and marketing and then moved into the University sector running commercial operations with responsibility for 600 people and 21 different business functions.  She then joined an IT software company and during this time, she also undertook a Masters degree in Marketing and became a master practitioner of NLP. Now at Fish Climb Trees, Mel now helps universities, the wider education sector and charities to uncover their DNA and bring it to life.











    Amy is a Coach, Mentor, iTunes #1 Podcaster, Mastermind Host, Speaker and Property Investor. Through coaching, Amy inspires and empowers entrepreneurial clients to discover the life they dream of by assisting them to make it their reality through their own action taking. Helping them to focus on their WHY with clarity uniting their passion and purpose with a plan to create the life they truly desire.

    If you would like Amy to help you focus on your WHY then please book a free 20 min call via www.calendly.com/amyrowlinson/enquirycall 

    Please sign up for the weekly Friday Focus newsletter at www.amyrowlinson.com


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    HOSTED BY: Amy Rowlinson



    The views, thoughts and opinions expressed in this podcast belong solely to the host and guest speakers. Please conduct your own due diligence.

    Episode 9: Barb Bowes: Always seeing and pursuing the opportunity and doing the right thing

    Episode 9: Barb Bowes:  Always seeing and pursuing the opportunity and doing the right thing

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    Tony Bidulka is an award-winning author of mystery, suspense and thriller novels. He has written 11 novels and has been nominated for several awards.  Flight of Aquavit was awarded the Lambda Literary Award for Best Men’s Mystery, making Tony the first Canadian to win in that category.

    Born and raised on a farm, he knew early in life he didn’t want to take over the family farm.  So he went to school, got his teaching credentials, interned at a small school and learned it wasn’t for him. Are you in a job or a profession that isn’t right for you?  That’s exactly where Tony ended up after getting his teaching credentials. He quit and found a variety of jobs while he discovered himself. This led him to the decision to get more  education and become an accountant and corporate auditor for a public accounting firm.

    Every year, Tony and his husband would sit on the beach and talk about their goals for the upcoming year.  Every year, Tony would say he wanted to be a writer.  Finally, his husband said,  “Do it!” That little spark of support gave Tony the courage to take the leap, quit his job, and start writing. Tony describes his first day as a writer on a Monday having quit his job on Friday.

    Tony tells us what success means to him, and you might be surprised at what that is. He gives advice about following your passion, how to bring your passion into your life, and know if you are good at your passion. 


