
    Podcast Summary

    • Unexpected sources of personal growthReflecting on a podcast appearance led Everlast to commit to change, seek help for mental health, and find support in therapy. Unexpected experiences and conversations can inspire self-improvement.

      Personal growth and self-improvement can come from unexpected places, such as a public interview or a conversation with a friend. Everlast shared how a podcast appearance led him to reflect on his life, make a commitment to change, and seek help for his mental health. He also discussed how dealing with his daughter's health issues and finding a therapist helped him cope with his anger and stress. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of self-care, accountability, and seeking support when needed. Additionally, Everlast's focus on eating cleaner and trying to source his food more sustainably highlights the connection between physical and mental wellbeing.

    • Personal health and wellness through Jiu JitsuInvesting in personal health through Jiu Jitsu training leads to significant improvements in physical and mental well-being. Persist through challenges, find support, rely on technique, and understand personal limitations for optimal growth.

      Investing in personal health and wellness, such as practicing Jiu Jitsu and maintaining a healthy body, can lead to significant improvements in physical and mental well-being. The speaker shares his personal journey of overcoming challenges and setbacks to get back into Jiu Jitsu training, emphasizing the importance of persistence and finding the right support system. He also highlights the benefits of training while tired, as it helps one learn to rely on technique rather than just strength. Additionally, the speaker discusses the importance of understanding one's own limitations and adjusting one's lifestyle accordingly, such as taking necessary supplements and avoiding certain foods due to health conditions. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of prioritizing self-care and making consistent efforts towards personal growth.

    • Impact of Technology on Healthcare and Daily LifeAdvancements in medical tech create artificial body parts, improving life, but come with risks. Traditional valves have limited lifespan. Future: replace bodies or download consciousness. Tech innovations, like Elon Musk's projects, shape healthcare and daily life.

      Advancements in medical technology have led to the creation of artificial body parts, such as heart valves, which can improve quality of life and extend it significantly. However, these technologies come with risks, such as the formation of blood clots around the valves, which could potentially lead to serious complications. On the other hand, traditional valves, like pig valves, have a limited lifespan. The discussion also touched upon the future possibilities of replacing entire bodies or downloading consciousness. Elon Musk's ambitious projects, like flamethrowers and rocket ships, were also mentioned as examples of technological innovation. Overall, the conversation highlighted the impact of technology on healthcare and daily life, as well as the risks and rewards that come with it.

    • Fist-bumping Bruce Buffer in a UFC fight: A potential curse or just a coincidence?The idea that fist-bumping Buffer during a UFC fight affects the outcome is unproven, but some gamblers use it as a betting strategy.

      There's a belief among some people that fist-bumping Bruce Buffer during a UFC fight could impact the outcome of the match. This idea stems from an observed trend where some fighters who fist-bumped Buffer lost, leading to speculation that the gesture was a curse. However, the evidence for this is anecdotal and not statistically significant. Regardless, the idea has gained traction among some gamblers, leading to potential betting opportunities. The broader discussion touches on the freedom of gambling and the debate over whether it's a harmful addiction or a form of entertainment. The population of Las Vegas, built around gambling, was also discussed, with estimates suggesting that around half a million people live there permanently, despite the city's reputation for encouraging gambling.

    • Irish Community's Unforgettable Fight Weekend Experience in Las VegasLas Vegas' annual fight weekend attracts a large Irish and part-Irish crowd, bringing excitement, contagious energy, whiskey celebrations, and unique cultural debates.

      The annual fight weekend in Las Vegas attracts a massive crowd of Irish and part-Irish people, making it an exciting and unforgettable experience. The energy and enthusiasm of this community are contagious, and the events surrounding the fight are sure to be bananas. Additionally, whiskey, specifically Irish whiskey, plays a significant role in the celebration. The closeness of competitors in fitness challenges and the debates over authenticity of certain aspects of American culture add to the excitement of the weekend. Ultimately, it's a unique and powerful gathering that brings people together in a shared experience.

    • Preferences for Fashion Trends and Reasons Behind ThemPeople value fashion differently, from distressed looks to tech advancements, influenced by tastes, comfort, culture, and even technology-induced illusions. Fashion is a personal expression of identity.

      People's preferences for fashion trends and the reasons behind them can vary greatly. Some find appeal in the worn-out look of distressed clothing, while others prefer the latest technology and design advancements. The value and appeal of clothing can also depend on individual tastes, comfort levels, and cultural influences. Additionally, there is a growing trend of creating the illusion of worn or distressed clothing through technology, leading to debates about authenticity and value. Ultimately, fashion is a personal expression and a reflection of individual identity.

    • Discussing Kanye West's Behavior and Mental HealthKanye West's erratic behavior could be linked to personal losses and potential brain trauma, highlighting the complexities of mental health and the importance of seeking professional help.

      Kanye West's erratic behavior and controversial actions have raised concerns about his mental health. The death of his mother and a serious car accident are believed to have contributed to his downward spiral. His extravagant purchases, such as a $1300 t-shirt, have also been criticized. Some believe that he may have suffered brain trauma from the accident, which could explain his unpredictable behavior. The discussion also touched upon the complexities of relationships and the impact they can have on individuals. Additionally, the use of humor and innuendo in the conversation highlighted the importance of finding creative ways to address sensitive topics without causing offense. However, it's important to note that the conversation was based on speculation and anecdotal evidence. Mental health is a complex issue, and it's essential to approach it with sensitivity and respect. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues, it's crucial to seek professional help.

    • Perception of Reality and the Power of LanguageWealth and spectacle can distort reality, and language, such as the term 'fuckery', can add layers of meaning and reflect human fascination with the absurd and macabre.

      Wealth and spectacle can lead to a distorted perception of reality, where those with immense fortunes are viewed as larger-than-life figures, and their actions, good or bad, are subject to public scrutiny and mockery. The word "fuckery," which started as a descriptor for fake martial arts, has evolved to encompass nonsense and absurdity, and its versatility and vulgar charm have made it a popular term. Interestingly, the term "fuckery" also has a historical connection to brothels, adding another layer to its meaning. The discussion also touched upon the idea that certain places, like the Paris Catacombs and Prague's Bone Church, have a unique allure due to their macabre and intriguing histories. Overall, the conversation explored the human fascination with wealth, spectacle, and the absurd, and the power of language to shape our understanding of the world around us.

    • Exploring History and Natural Wonders: Awe and ChallengesDiscovering ancient sites like Ravelo's churches and Pompeii's ruins highlights history's passage and natural disasters' impact. Remote places like Perth offer isolation and expense, but also unique experiences and natural beauty.

      History and natural wonders can leave us in awe and humbled by their mystery and power. The speaker shared stories of ancient churches in Ravelo, Italy, and the volcanic ruins of Pompeii, highlighting the passage of time and the impact of natural disasters. They also mentioned the intrigue of ancient depictions of whales and the danger of volcanic lava. Additionally, the speaker touched upon the isolation and expense of living in remote places like Perth, Australia. Overall, these experiences served as reminders of the rich history and natural beauty that exists in the world, as well as the challenges and wonders that come with exploring new places.

    • Exploring the Controversial Past of Institutions: The Catholic ChurchThe protection of child molesters and other criminal acts in the Catholic Church's history has left deep scars, but the speaker advocates for a fact-based religion upholding the golden rule. Old structures, like churches, hold historical significance despite their pasts.

      History and the origins of various institutions, such as the Catholic Church, can be complex and disturbing when examined closely. The discussion revealed accounts of dark practices, including the protection of child molesters and other criminal acts, which have left deep scars on the institution's reputation. The speaker expressed a desire for a more universally accepted, fact-based religion that upholds the golden rule, emphasizing the importance of treating others as we would like to be treated. The historical significance and beauty of old structures, like churches, was also acknowledged, despite their dark pasts. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities and challenges of understanding the origins and legacies of significant institutions.

    • The importance of following the golden rule in commerce and interactionsFollowing the golden rule simplifies commerce and capitalism, making it a mutually beneficial exchange. Neglecting it can lead to complexities and controversies, as seen in political situations like the Kavanaugh hearings.

      Treating others with kindness and respect, following the universal golden rule, should be the foundation of all forms of commerce and interactions. However, as seen in political situations like the Kavanaugh hearings, not everyone adheres to this rule, leading to controversy and division. The golden rule, if followed, could simplify commerce and capitalism, making it a mutually beneficial exchange. The Clarence Thomas and Kavanaugh hearings serve as examples of the complexities and controversies that arise when this rule is not followed. These events highlight the importance of considering the bigger picture and the long-term implications of our actions, rather than just focusing on the immediate issue at hand.

    • Discovering the Hidden Talents of Sam RockwellSam Rockwell delivers standout performances in films like 'Moon' and 'Three Billows Outside Ebbing, Missouri'. His ability to fully embody characters deserves more recognition and leading roles, despite the dark and impactful nature of some films like 'Moon' and 'Titus Andronicus'.

      Sam Rockwell is an incredibly talented actor who often blends seamlessly into his roles, sometimes overshadowed by more recognized names in the industry. He has given standout performances in films like "Moon" and "Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri," and is deserving of more recognition and leading roles. The discussion also touched upon the dark and impactful nature of certain films, such as "Moon" and "Titus Andronicus," which can leave a lasting impression on viewers. The speakers expressed admiration for Rockwell's ability to fully embody his characters and deliver powerful performances, despite not always receiving the accolades he deserves.

    • People's words and actions can leave lasting impactsExperiences, whether from movies, music, or everyday interactions, can shape us deeply. Create art for genuine passion, not just for attention.

      People have the power to influence each other through their words and actions, even if they don't intend to. The speaker shared his experience of being affected by a movie and a DJ's sayings, highlighting how these experiences left lasting impacts on him. Additionally, the speaker discussed Kanye West, reflecting on his evolution from a musically innovative artist to a professional troll, and how he continues to captivate audiences through spectacle and controversy. Ultimately, the speaker emphasized the importance of creating art for the love of it, rather than for publicity or fame.

    • The Power of Digital InfluenceIn today's digital age, having a large social media following can lead to significant influence and financial gains, but authenticity and trustworthiness are essential to maintain audiences' trust and loyalty.

      The concept of fame has evolved significantly, and in today's digital age, maintaining a large social media following can equate to immense influence and financial gain. However, authenticity and trustworthiness are crucial, as audiences are quick to uncover dishonesty and exploitation. The speaker emphasizes the power of monetizing large followings, but also acknowledges the skepticism and accountability that comes with it. The comparison is drawn between the Roman times, where power and dominance were achieved through physical force, and the modern world, where digital influence and transparency are key. Ultimately, the speaker reflects on the paradox of power, control, and vulnerability in the digital age.

    • From ancient Rome to modern innovations, people have sought to improve bathroom experiencesThroughout history, advancements in technology and sanitation have shaped bathroom practices, from ancient Rome's lack of proper facilities to modern innovations like bidets and toilet paper.

      Despite advancements in technology and sanitation, people have always found ways to improve their daily living experiences, even if it comes to something as personal as using the bathroom. However, the discussion also highlights the importance of proper sanitation and hygiene in preventing the spread of diseases. For instance, in ancient Rome, the lack of proper sanitation led to widespread illnesses. On the other hand, modern innovations like bidets and toilet paper that shoot water have revolutionized the way we use the bathroom, making it more comfortable and convenient. Yet, there are still cultural differences when it comes to bathroom practices, and some countries offer washcloths while others do not. Overall, this discussion underscores the importance of adapting to new technologies and practices while also appreciating the historical context and cultural differences behind them.

    • Exploring Thai culture and healthThe Thai culture values resourcefulness and efficiency, evident in their use of the 'bum gun'. Fresh ingredients and active lifestyles contribute to better health in places like Italy and Holland. Personal experiences discussed the importance of healthy eating and avoiding sugar and processed foods.

      The Thai culture offers unique experiences, from their friendly customs to their delicious and spicy food. The use of the "bum gun" or toilet hose is an example of their resourcefulness and efficiency. Additionally, the impact of food on health was discussed, with the observation that in places like Italy and Holland, where diets consist of fresh ingredients and active lifestyles are the norm, people are generally healthier. The conversation also touched on personal experiences with weight loss, and the potential negative effects of consuming sugar and processed foods. Lastly, the topic of cannabis in Holland and the potential impact of corporate takeover was brought up. Overall, the discussion highlighted various cultural, personal health, and societal topics.

    • Holland's unique blend of kickboxing, criminal underworld, and rich historyHolland's history in kickboxing is marked by world-class fighters and coaches, but its criminal underworld, particularly marijuana smuggling, poses challenges. The country's unusual size and mix of Western and Eastern influences contribute to its kickboxing success.

      Holland has a rich history in kickboxing, with many world-class fighters and coaches emerging from the small European country. However, the illegal drug scene, specifically the smuggling of large quantities of marijuana, also plays a significant role in its culture. The speaker shares personal experiences of knowing individuals involved in this criminal activity, which has made it challenging for him to access certain natural substances like mushrooms. The unique combination of Western and Eastern influences, as well as the unusual size of the population, have contributed to the success of kickboxing in Holland. Despite the darker aspects of the country's history, the speaker expresses a fascination with it and wonders about the origins of various folklore stories, such as those involving dragons. Overall, Holland's unique blend of kickboxing, criminal underworld, and rich history make it a captivating subject.

    • Exploring Food as Art with Action BronsonAction Bronson's culinary background and friendship with Alchemist shaped his perspective on food as an art form. Shows like Bourdain's 'Parts Unknown' broaden understanding and appreciation for diverse foods.

      The unique combination of Action Bronson's background as a chef and his passion for food makes for an intriguing and educational show. The discussion highlights how his friendship with Alchemist and his experiences interacting with various types of food, from high-end to street food, have influenced his perspective on food as an art form. Additionally, the impact of shows like Bourdain's "Parts Unknown" on broadening people's understanding and appreciation for food is emphasized. The conversation also touches upon the challenges of creating a quality, authentic show and the importance of giving artists the freedom to express themselves.

    • Revisiting old songs for new successArtists can breathe new life into old work, adapt to streaming trends, and retain creative control for greater financial benefit.

      The artist discussed in this conversation created his best record ever by revisiting and re-recording old songs, incorporating new elements, and owning his masters for maximum financial benefit from streaming. He emphasized the importance of creative control and financial independence, and criticized unfair record deals that leave artists with only a small percentage of revenue from streaming. The artist's journey illustrates the value of staying true to one's artistry and adapting to new technologies and trends in the music industry. Stream his record and support independent artists!

    • Music Industry's Digital Shift: From Record Sales to 360 DealsThe music industry's transition to digital streaming platforms led to labels seeking ownership of various revenue streams, artists losing control over finances, and the importance of maintaining a strong online presence.

      The music industry's shift to digital streaming platforms like YouTube transformed the business model, with labels now seeking ownership of various revenue streams beyond record sales. This transition came about due to the decline of physical record sales and the rise of digital piracy. Originally, artists had more control over their finances, receiving large advances from record labels and keeping the profits from record sales and touring. However, with the changing landscape, labels now demand a larger share of artists' revenue through 360 deals, including merchandise, live performances, and streaming royalties. This transformation reflects the industry's adaptation to the digital age and the growing importance of maintaining a strong online presence.

    • Industries Failed to Adapt to Technological AdvancementsThe music and movie industries lost significant revenue due to their failure to adapt to digital consumption trends, allowing intermediaries like Apple and streaming platforms to take a larger share of revenue

      Both the music and movie industries failed to adapt to technological advancements and digital consumption trends, leading to significant revenue loss for artists. The music industry could have led the way with digital distribution through a service like iTunes, but instead, they let Apple take the lead. Similarly, the movie industry continues to rely on physical sales and theater attendance, while consumers increasingly turn to free or low-cost streaming and downloading. As a result, artists in both industries are seeing a smaller share of revenue, with much of it going to intermediaries like record labels and streaming platforms. The trend towards DIY creation and distribution, as seen with artists like Chance the Rapper, further underscores the need for industries to adapt or risk being left behind.

    • Changes in the music and comedy industriesArtists must adapt to complex business landscapes and be both creative talents and savvy businesspeople

      The music and entertainment industries have undergone significant changes, particularly in the way artists are signed, managed, and compensated. In the past, record labels would invest in artists for the long term, nurturing their careers and providing support. However, with the rise of independent artists and changing consumer preferences, this model has shifted. Artists may find themselves tied to labels for multiple albums, losing some level of independence. Similarly, in the comedy world, the popularity of comedy albums has waned, leading to fewer record deals and more self-production. The art form itself plays a role, with some styles, like non-sequiturs, being particularly challenging to translate to audio-only formats. Ultimately, the landscape is more complex than ever, requiring artists to be savvy businesspeople as well as creative talents.

    • Reviving the Mind: Driving Old Manual CarsDriving old manual cars without modern amenities stimulates the mind and provides a relaxing experience, while modern cars require extra caution due to their immense power and advanced technology.

      Driving an old, manual transmission car with no modern amenities can provide a mentally stimulating and relaxing experience for some individuals. The need to focus on the driving process, combined with the physical effort required, can result in a charged-up and alert mind. Modern cars, with their immense power and advanced technology, can be dangerous if not handled properly. The speaker fondly reminisces about past experiences with high-performance cars and looks forward to future ones. The ongoing advancements in automobile technology continue to push the boundaries of speed and power. However, it's crucial to understand the responsibility that comes with operating such powerful machines.

    • Audi R8 vs Nissan GT-R: Different Driving StylesThe Audi R8 and Nissan GT-R cater to different driving styles with the R8 offering raw power and precision while the GT-R provides balanced handling and advanced electronics for a wider range of drivers.

      While both the Audi R8 and the Nissan GT-R are impressive high-performance cars, they cater to different driving styles and preferences. The Audi R8, with its powerful V10 engine and four-wheel drive system, offers raw power and precision, but can be challenging for less experienced drivers due to its rear-wheel drive and lack of nanny controls. On the other hand, the Nissan GT-R, with its balanced handling and advanced electronics, is more accessible to a wider range of drivers, making it a "beastiest" car in its own right. The new NSX, with its electric engines and sleek design, is another standout option for those looking for a high-performance, easy-to-drive Japanese car. Ultimately, the choice between these cars comes down to personal preference and driving style.

    • The Shift Towards Electric Cars: Tesla's LeadershipTesla's electric cars offer impressive acceleration and long driving ranges, challenging traditional combustion engine mechanics. Elon Musk's Tesla innovations include the Model S, traveling up to 620 miles on a single charge, and his multifaceted endeavors like SpaceX.

      The automotive industry is undergoing a significant shift towards electric cars, with Tesla leading the charge. These vehicles offer impressive acceleration and long driving ranges, defying traditional combustion engine mechanics. The Tesla Model S, for instance, can go from zero to 60 miles per hour in just 1.9 seconds and travel up to 620 miles before needing a charge. Although obtaining one might take some time and a substantial investment, the future of electric cars promises monumental advancements in automotive technology. The conversation also touched upon Elon Musk's multifaceted endeavors, including SpaceX, and his controversial tweet about taking Tesla private at $420 per share. Despite the controversy, the impact of electric cars and the innovation they bring to the table is undeniable.

    • Revolutionizing Media Consumption with Streaming ServicesStreaming services like Netflix offer instant access, convenience, and flexibility, allowing viewers to discover new shows, binge-watch, and explore diverse international content.

      Streaming platforms like Netflix have revolutionized the way we consume media. Content creators and streaming services understand the value of bringing large audiences, and viewers can access content instantly and on their own schedule. Shows like "Stranger Things" and "Ozark" have become shared experiences for families and couples. The convenience and accessibility of streaming services have made traditional live TV and commercials obsolete. Viewers are no longer bound to specific air times and can discover new shows through recommendations and word of mouth. The ability to binge-watch shows has also led to a deeper connection with the content and a sense of immersion. Additionally, the vast selection of international shows with subtitles has expanded viewers' horizons and provided a more diverse range of stories. Overall, streaming services have transformed the entertainment industry and given viewers more control and flexibility over their viewing experience.

    • Exploring thought-provoking shows and documentariesDiscover intriguing shows like 'Crocodile,' 'Black Mirror: Nosedive,' 'Wild Wild Country,' and 'Wyrmwood.' Revisit old media for new insights in 'Three Identical Strangers' and 'Making a Murderer.'

      The recommendation of various thought-provoking and intriguing shows and documentaries. These include "Crocodile," a series where people can record and replay each other's memories, "Black Mirror: Nosedive," about social status, and "Wild Wild Country," which explores a sex cult. Another recommendation is the documentary "Wyrmwood," which delves into the MKUltra program. The discussion also highlights the impact of revisiting old memories or media, such as the documentary "Three Identical Strangers" about separated-at-birth triplets. The conversation also touched upon the Netflix series "Making a Murderer." The speakers found these shows fascinating, some for their philosophical ideas, and others for their dark and complex narratives. Some shows were not available on Netflix at the time of the conversation but could be found on other streaming platforms or purchased digitally.

    • Attempts at Utopian Communities End in Scandal and FailureDesire for power and control can corrupt alternative ways of living, leading to scandal and failure. Societal fear and government response can also contribute to their demise.

      The attempt to create utopian societies outside of the norm has consistently resulted in scandal and failure. The discussion centered around a man named Dr. Malekai York who established such a community in Georgia, but was ultimately accused of criminal activities, including the formation of a sex cult. The historical pattern suggests that whenever someone attempts to establish an alternative way of living, it often becomes corrupted by the desire for power and control, leading to the downfall of the community. The speaker also noted the societal fear of deviation from the modern industrial western civilization, and the government's response with force to protect the status quo. Ultimately, the discussion highlighted the human tendency to seek a charismatic leader who promises answers and solutions, but the potential for abuse of power within these communities often leads to their demise.

    • People crave genuine leadership and connectionPeople value authenticity and genuine leadership, despite appearances of success on social media

      People have a natural desire for leadership and guidance, even if they appear to have their lives together on social media. This desire stems from the human need for structure and direction. However, behind the scenes, many people are struggling and trying to project the best version of themselves. The speaker shared personal experiences of friends who seemed to have ideal relationships but later revealed they were not authentic. Elon Musk was also mentioned as an example of someone who appears successful but may be struggling privately. The speaker emphasized the importance of authenticity and being real, as it is a valuable trait that resonates with people. In essence, people crave genuine leadership and connection, and the need for it is universal.

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    #156 – Tim Dillon: Comedy, Power, Conspiracy Theories, and Freedom

    #156 – Tim Dillon: Comedy, Power, Conspiracy Theories, and Freedom
    Tim Dillon is a comedian and podcaster. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: - NetSuite: http://netsuite.com/lex to get free product tour - Athletic Greens: https://athleticgreens.com/lex and use code LEX to get 1 month of fish oil - Magic Spoon: https://magicspoon.com/lex and use code LEX to get $5 off - BetterHelp: https://betterhelp.com/lex to get 10% off - Rev: https://rev.ai/lex to get 7-day free trial EPISODE LINKS: Tim's Twitter: https://twitter.com/TimJDillon Tim's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/timjdillon Tim's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4woSp8ITBoYDmjkukhEhxg Tim's Website: https://www.timdilloncomedy.com Tim's Merch: https://www.bonfire.com/store/the-tim-dillon-show/ PODCAST INFO: Podcast website: https://lexfridman.com/podcast Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2lwqZIr Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2nEwCF8 RSS: https://lexfridman.com/feed/podcast/ YouTube Full Episodes: https://youtube.com/lexfridman YouTube Clips: https://youtube.com/lexclips SUPPORT & CONNECT: - Check out the sponsors above, it's the best way to support this podcast - Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lexfridman - Twitter: https://twitter.com/lexfridman - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lexfridman - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lexfridman - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LexFridmanPage - Medium: https://medium.com/@lexfridman OUTLINE: Here's the timestamps for the episode. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time. (00:00) - Introduction (08:00) - Tim Dillon's tombstone (09:55) - The horrible people are the most fun (14:06) - Charles Bukowski (19:46) - Robots (22:56) - YouTube algorithm (29:04) - Parler and Amazon (33:32) - Social media (36:09) - Alex Jones (54:42) - OJ Simpson (59:22) - Politics (1:05:52) - Donald Trump (1:13:09) - Humor (1:20:44) - QAnon (1:27:13) - Conspiracy theories (1:32:50) - Bill Gates (1:35:20) - Elon Musk (1:37:35) - Jeffrey Epstein (1:40:14) - Ghislaine Maxwell (1:47:55) - Greatest comedians of all time (1:57:53) - Love (2:01:24) - Fear (2:04:38) - Mom (2:08:10) - Mortality (2:10:13) - Advice for young people (2:16:47) - Moving to Austin (2:24:40) - Meaning of life

    Hairspray | School Photo Horror, Big Hair Throughout the Decades, and the Real Story that Inspired the Musical (TSB125)

    Hairspray | School Photo Horror, Big Hair Throughout the Decades, and the Real Story that Inspired the Musical (TSB125)

    School picture time is here and every time I get my daughter ready for her picture, I try not to follow current trends too much. I have this fear she’ll have the same experience I had in 1990 when my mom decided to go all out with my school picture and not only give me a big enough pinafore on my dress that it could double as a wind sail on a small boat, but she also teased my bangs and hair so much that I remember the photographer moving his camera back to get the full look.

    And, yes, if you follow The Story Behind on Twitter, Instagram and in the Facebook group, I’ll post the picture for you all to see. I also encourage you to post some of your school photos so I don’t feel as bad.

    But I bring up this picture for a reason. There wouldn’t have been that awful picture in the world without the topic of today’s episode.

    I’m your host, Emily Prokop, and this is The Story Behind Hairspray.

    • This episode was brought to you by The Story Behind Executive Producers who support the show through the Patreon Page at patreon.com/thestorybehind: Jonathan Bloom, Ryan P. Jackson, Barry G, Bandrew Scott, Jarrod Dunham, Linguist Sam, Ryle Davis Jr., Dave Jackson, Sunshine & PowerCuts, Everyone Has a Podcast, Adam Higgins, The Beardcaster, Elikqitie, Jim Collison, North Omaha History Podcast, Dan Brenic, Two Peas on a Podcast, Jason Bryant, History Goes Bump, The One Word Go Show, and Stargate Pioneer.

