
    Podcast Summary

    • Perfecting Skills with Technology and CommunityTechnology like bow hunting simulators and real-life experiences build confidence and proficiency. Surfing is an example of a skill requiring constant practice, creating lifelong communities of support and connection through shared experiences.

      Technology, such as a high-tech bow hunting simulator, can help individuals perfect their skills and prepare for real-life experiences. For instance, the bow hunting simulator discussed in the conversation allows individuals to practice shooting at life-like images of animals, which can help them become more confident and proficient. Similarly, surfing, as shared in the conversation, is another example of a skill that requires constant practice and dedication. Surfers, like the individuals featured in the documentary "Momentum Generation," traveled the world from a young age to compete and improve their skills. These experiences not only helped them become experts in their field but also created a unique bond between them, forming a lifelong community. The value of these communities lies in the shared experiences and understanding of each other's way of life, making them invaluable sources of support and connection.

    • Surfing's Unique Challenges: Beyond CompetitionSurfing is more than just competition. Free surfers make a living through sponsorships and brand partnerships. The documentary 'Momentum Generation' highlights the journey of surfers who became friends despite intense pressure to succeed. As people age, the competitive nature can fade, leading to greater empathy and connection.

      Surfing as a profession can be difficult to understand for those outside of the community, as it doesn't fit neatly into traditional categories like basketball or football. Free surfers, who don't compete, make a living through sponsorships and brand partnerships. The documentary "Momentum Generation" showcases the journey of surfers who grew up loving the sport and became close friends. The pressure to succeed and compete was intense, but now they have reunited and enjoy surfing without the stressors of competition or sponsorships. Competitiveness is a natural part of human nature, especially among men, and surfing brought out the hyper-competitive nature in some individuals. However, as people age and priorities change, the competitive nature can fade away. The speaker shared a story of his past competitive nature and how it has since dissipated. He was once a shit talker and resented more established surfers, but now sees them as friends. Competition and pressure are part of many professions and experiences, and understanding the unique challenges and motivations of each can lead to greater empathy and connection.

    • Emotional control in fightingStaying calm and focused during high-pressure situations enhances performance in fighting and other competitive activities

      Emotional control plays a crucial role in performance, particularly in high-pressure situations like fighting. Emotional responses, such as anger and tension, can severely impair a fighter's ability to perform at their best. Conversely, staying calm and focused, like Stylebender, can give an advantage in the heat of the moment. The mindset is essential, and the ability to alleviate tension and pressure can lead to better performance. This concept applies to various competitive activities, including golf, pool, and even bow hunting. The unpredictability of fighting makes every moment count, and maintaining the right mindset can mean the difference between winning and losing.

    • Surfing's unpredictability challenges traditional competitionSurfing's unique demands on balance, adaptability, and body awareness make it a cherished lifestyle choice, despite the unpredictability that can make competition challenging.

      Surfing, as an artistic expression, is inherently unfair due to its dependence on the unpredictable forces of nature. This unpredictability makes traditional competition in surfing challenging, as the outcome can be influenced more by the waves than the surfers' skills. However, the love for surfing often persists beyond competition, making it a cherished lifestyle choice for many. Surfing's unique ability to captivate individuals regardless of age or skill level stems from its demands on balance, adaptability, and body awareness. Despite its challenges, surfing's allure remains strong, offering joy and personal growth to those who embrace it.

    • Adapting to Change: Surfing and Jiu JitsuBoth surfing and Jiu Jitsu involve anticipating changes and adapting to new situations, focusing on enjoyment and friendship rather than constant improvement.

      Both surfing and Jiu Jitsu require the ability to adapt to constant change and anticipate the next move. A surfer doesn't react to the current wave, but rather to the wave's future shape. Similarly, a Jiu Jitsu practitioner anticipates their opponent's next move. Surfing is not about constant improvement like golf, but rather enjoying the experience and adapting to the ever-changing conditions of the ocean. The lifestyle keeps people sane and is not about becoming the best, but rather about having fun with friends and enjoying the journey. Surfing and Jiu Jitsu share the commonality of requiring body awareness and the ability to adjust to new situations, making them unique and fascinating practices.

    • Experiencing Moments of Excitement and AchievementRare moments of heightened excitement and achievement bring immense satisfaction and remind us of our capabilities. Embrace the anticipation and manage anxiety to enhance the experience.

      Engaging in activities where we have the potential to experience moments of heightened excitement and achievement, whether it's surfing big waves or hunting elk, can bring immense satisfaction and meaning to our lives. These moments, though rare, serve as reminders of our capabilities and remind us of the importance of preparation and being present in the moment. However, the anxiety and pressure surrounding these moments can also be overwhelming for some, preventing them from reaching their full potential. Embracing the anticipation and learning to manage the anxiety can lead to richer and more satisfying experiences overall. Human beings are meant to seek out and cherish these above-average moments, as they add depth and excitement to our lives.

    • Hunting: More Than Just Obtaining MeatHunting offers self-sufficiency, adventure, connection with nature, and a delicious, rewarding experience through patience, attention to detail, and use of specialized equipment.

      For some people, hunting is not just about obtaining meat, but also about the experience and connection with nature. They believe that the experience of hunting and preparing wild game, such as elk, is significantly different from buying meat at the store. Hunting provides a sense of self-sufficiency, adventure, and respect for the animal. The process of cooking wild game requires patience and attention to detail, which can result in a delicious and satisfying meal. The use of specific equipment, like pellet grills, can enhance the taste and texture of the meat, making the overall experience even more rewarding. The passion for hunting and cooking wild game has become a cherished hobby for many, and the joy it brings is not just about the end product, but also the journey and the relationships built along the way.

    • Letting a steak rest in a cooler wrapped in foil continues cooking slowlyWrapping a cooked steak in foil and placing it in a cooler helps it continue cooking and stay warm

      Cooking a steak involves letting it rest after cooking, but wrapping it in aluminum foil and placing it in a cooler can help it continue cooking slowly. Dudley, a skilled cook and hunter, is known for his love of cooking wild game and entertaining large groups. Lanai Island, where Dudley often hunts, is unique for its small population and abundant deer, making it a popular destination for ethical hunting and delicious meals. The Kahiki Nui Project on Maui is another initiative that harvests deer for meat distribution to those in need, making it an important example of wildlife management and sustainable food sources.

    • Hunter Turns Deer Management into Business and Community ServiceHunting can contribute to conservation efforts and community needs, with unique wildlife behaviors providing prized meat and interesting hunting experiences.

      Hunting and meat production can go hand in hand with conservation efforts. In Hawaii, a hunter named Benny O'Brien saw an opportunity to manage the deer population while also creating a successful meat company. The unique flavor and quality of the access deer meat make it a prized delicacy. Meanwhile, in a different project, Benny harvests animals for families in need. The deer in Hawaii are different from those in other places, reacting differently due to constant hunting and living in a paradise-yet-hellish environment. During the rut, they become less spooky and more focused on mating, making it an interesting time for hunters. Overall, Benny's experiences show the interconnectedness of hunting, conservation, and community, as well as the unique aspects of wildlife behavior. [Note: The last sentence, "That's ridiculous. Just wandering around," was not included in the summary as it did not seem to relate to the main takeaway.]

    • Elk Mating Season vs Human Innovation: Intensity and ComplexityNature's spectacles, like the elk mating season, and human innovations, such as Elon Musk's projects, showcase the intensity and complexity of their respective domains. The elk mating season highlights the power and intensity of nature, while Musk's projects demonstrate the capacity of human innovation and problem-solving.

      Nature's spectacles, such as the mating season of elk, showcase the intensity and complexity of animal behavior, while human innovators, like Elon Musk, push boundaries and tackle major challenges on a grand scale. During the elk mating season, bulls compete fiercely for cows, leading to dramatic displays of dominance and aggression. These animals only mate once a year, making the process all the more climactic and exhausting for the bulls. One dominant bull can end up with a harem of up to 45 cows, a significant responsibility. Meanwhile, human innovators, like Elon Musk, tackle large-scale problems, such as renewable energy and space exploration. Musk's projects, like The Boring Company and SpaceX, demonstrate the power of human ingenuity and the capacity to change the world. Despite the challenges and complexities, these individuals continue to push boundaries and make a difference. The comparison between the elk mating season and Musk's projects highlights the intensity and complexity of both natural and human phenomena. The elk's mating season is a testament to the power and intensity of nature, while Musk's projects showcase the capacity of human innovation and problem-solving.

    • Challenges of solar power and natural disastersSolar power reduces reliance on traditional grids, offsetting up to 80% of needs, but setting it up can be challenging due to regulations and permits. Natural disasters pose risks and can impact air quality. Be prepared and informed.

      Solar power can significantly reduce one's reliance on traditional power grids, but the process of setting it up can be challenging due to regulatory barriers and permitting issues. Moreover, natural disasters like volcanic eruptions can have a significant impact on air quality and pose risks to those living in affected areas. Despite these challenges, the benefits of solar power and the potential for offsetting power needs by up to 80% make it a worthwhile investment. However, it's crucial to consider the potential risks and prepare accordingly, especially when living in areas prone to natural disasters. The recent volcanic eruption in Hawaii serves as a reminder of the power and unpredictability of nature and the importance of being prepared and informed.

    • Growing up near an active volcano on the Big Island of Hawaii and being inspired by Terrence McKennaThe Big Island of Hawaii, with its unique energy and influential figures like Terrence McKenna, inspires strong connections and a preference for its laid-back lifestyle over densely populated cities

      The speaker grew up on the Big Island of Hawaii, which is home to an active volcano. Despite the frequent eruptions, the speaker finds it to be an incredible place to live due to its unique energy and the fact that influential figures like Terrence McKenna have been drawn to it. Terrence McKenna, a famous psychedelic speaker and scholar, had a place on the Big Island where he grew various psychedelic plants and gave lectures. The speaker expresses admiration for McKenna and the community of people who feel drawn to the island. The speaker also mentions that the island has a distinct liveliness and attracts people who feel a strong connection to it. Additionally, the speaker shares their experiences of visiting densely populated cities like Manhattan and Tokyo, expressing a preference for the more laid-back lifestyle of the Big Island.

    • Juxtaposing Tradition and Modernity in Asia, with a Focus on JapanJapan showcases advanced technology and reliable manufacturing, while maintaining traditional rural communities. Commonalities like food culture and martial arts unite these contrasting aspects.

      Asia, specifically Japan, represents a fascinating contrast between traditional and modern cultures. The region is known for its advanced technology and reliable manufacturing, exemplified by companies like Samsung and Toyota. However, just outside the cities, there are rice fields and rural communities where people live in a more traditional way. This juxtaposition of old and new is intriguing and reflects the complex history and evolution of these societies. The reliability and affordability of vehicles like Toyotas make them a popular choice for people in Hawaii and other areas where off-road conditions are common. Despite the contrasts, there are commonalities, such as the rich food culture and the presence of martial arts, that unite these diverse regions.

    • Facing Challenges Leads to Appreciation for DurabilityOvercoming hardships can lead to new discoveries and a deeper appreciation for the durability of American-made vehicles, especially those with Line X coatings and bulletproof features.

      Adversity and challenges can lead to unique experiences and discoveries. For instance, a man in Kentucky faces dangerous situations while hunting and lives on a muddy, virtually impassable road. Yet, these hardships have led him to appreciate the durability of American-made vehicles, particularly those with Line X coatings and bulletproof features. This anecdote highlights the importance of resilience and the potential benefits that can come from facing and overcoming difficulties. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the manufacturing industry in the Midwest and the cultural significance of certain vehicle brands in specific regions.

    • Respecting Hawaii's Cultural Differences and Shared Public SpacesBeaches in Hawaii are public spaces, respect the culture and shared use, avoid trying to privatize or control large portions to preserve the unique atmosphere.

      Hawaii and mainland cultures have distinct differences, particularly when it comes to attitudes towards personal space and public areas. In Hawaii, there's a strong emphasis on respecting the culture and way of life, including the shared use of public spaces like beaches. However, some people who move to Hawaii may try to change the culture to suit their own preferences, leading to conflicts. It's important to remember that beaches are public spaces, and everyone has the right to access and enjoy them. Attempting to privatize or control large portions of the beach can lead to misunderstandings and negative experiences for all involved. Ultimately, the unique vibe and relaxed atmosphere of Hawaii are part of what make it so special, and it's essential to respect and preserve that.

    • Wealthy Californians Accused of Privatizing Public BeachesWealthy homeowners in California have faced backlash for restricting public access to beaches by hiring security and charging fees, causing anxiety and resentment among locals and visitors.

      Wealthier homeowners in California have been accused of attempting to privatize public beaches by hiring security guards and charging fees for access. These actions have sparked controversy and lawsuits, with some homeowners even banning activities like surfing. This mentality, which prioritizes private property over public access, has caused anxiety and resentment among locals and visitors alike. Notable figures like David Geffen and Mark Zuckerberg have faced backlash for similar actions in the past. The territorial nature of Hawaii and its residents, coupled with the influx of wealthy outsiders, has led to heightened sensitivity and protective measures. However, such actions can lead to negative consequences and public backlash, especially when it comes to restricting access to public spaces.

    • The Control of Narratives and ReputationBiographical films can shape public opinion, but their accuracy is debatable. Mark Zuckerberg's portrayal in 'The Social Network' raised ethical concerns due to lack of consent and potential inaccuracies.

      The control of one's narrative and reputation is crucial in today's world. The discussion revolves around Mark Zuckerberg and the movie "The Social Network," which portrayed him in a less-than-favorable light. Zuckerberg reportedly settled a lawsuit with the Winklevoss twins over allegations of stolen ideas, and the movie brought these claims to a wider audience. However, the accuracy of the portrayal is debatable, and the lack of Zuckerberg's consent to the film's production raises concerns about the ethics of biographical films. The discussion also touches upon the power of perception and the impact of media on shaping public opinion. It's essential to remember that there are always two sides to every story, and it's crucial to consider the sources and context of information before forming an opinion.

    • Absurd Movies: Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter and its RidiculousnessDiscussed the absurdity of 'Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter', compared it to other Lincoln films, and explored the success of blending history with fantasy. Debated on the value of unconventional movies and the actors behind them, highlighting Daniel Day-Lewis as a genuine talent.

      Our discussion revolved around the topic of absurd movies, specifically mentioning "Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter." We expressed our opinions on its ridiculousness, comparing it to other Abraham Lincoln-themed films. The conversation also touched upon the success of mashing up historical narratives with fantastical elements, and the demand for such entertainment. We also shared thoughts on the acting industry, distinguishing between genuine talent and those who use their peculiarities to gain fame. Daniel Day-Lewis was highlighted as a genuine talent, while some actors were criticized for their insincere and calculated performances. In the end, the conversation showcased a range of opinions on the value and appeal of unconventional movies and the actors who make them.

    • Daniel Day-Lewis's shift from acting to shoemakingArtists are driven by their passion and the desire to explore new creative avenues, regardless of public perception or recognition

      Daniel Day-Lewis, an acclaimed actor known for his intense performances, took a radical turn in his career to learn the art of shoemaking. He immersed himself in the process without any public adulation or attention, finding joy in the craft itself. This shift from high-intensity acting to a more private creative pursuit highlights the depth of his artistic dedication. His motivation for learning shoemaking was not for fame or fortune, but for the pure joy of the process. This anecdote serves as a reminder that artists, like Daniel Day-Lewis, are driven by their passion and the desire to explore new creative avenues, regardless of public perception or recognition.

    • Exploring Passion and Skill through Acting and HuntingA deeply committed individual shares their dedication to mastering acting and hunting, highlighting the beauty and charm of Oklahoma and Columbus, Ohio.

      The person being discussed is deeply committed to their craft, whether it be acting or hunting. They have gone to great lengths to master their skills, such as training with professional boxers for acting or hunting in extreme conditions. Oklahoma, specifically Dudley's place, is highlighted as a beautiful and underrated destination for both hunting and experiencing Midwestern culture. The conversation also touches upon the unique charm of Columbus, Ohio, which is described as an underrated city with a smart and down-to-earth population. Overall, the conversation showcases the passion and dedication of the person being discussed, as well as their appreciation for unique experiences and new adventures.

    • Staying Warm in Cold Weather HuntingLearn to layer, choose right materials, and adapt to maintain body heat while hunting in cold weather.

      Hunting in cold weather requires careful consideration of temperature and movement to maintain body heat. Sitting still in a tree stand can lead to extreme cold, even in mild temperatures, due to lack of body movement and heat generation. Layering and choosing the right materials, such as wool, are essential to retain body heat and avoid sweating, which can lead to further cooling. Hunting in warmer climates, like Hawaii, presents different challenges, such as managing pig populations and navigating thick vegetation to estimate animal numbers. Overall, successful hunting in various weather conditions requires adaptability, awareness, and knowledge of local wildlife and conditions.

    • The Complexities of Wildlife Management and ConservationGoats can be invasive species, requiring conservation efforts like culling. Public outrage over hunting can lead to misinformation, highlighting the need for understanding the full context of wildlife management.

      The distinction between what is considered "wild" and "domesticated" can be blurry, and the complexities of conservation efforts often go unnoticed by the public. Goats, for instance, can be invasive species that decimate local ecosystems when introduced to new habitats. In some cases, culling their populations through hunting or other means is necessary for conservation. However, the public's emotional response to images of dead animals can lead to outrage and misinformation, particularly when celebrities or influential figures amplify those reactions. It's essential to consider the full context of these situations and recognize the complexities of wildlife management and conservation efforts. Ultimately, we all consume meat, and the connection to the source of that meat can be lost in our modern food system. Understanding the ethical and practical implications of our food choices is crucial for making informed decisions and engaging in meaningful dialogue.

    • Balancing predator populations and prey populationsMaintaining a balance between predator populations and prey populations is essential for a healthy ecosystem, but finding the right balance is complex and ongoing.

      While there are many misconceptions about endangered species and hunting, the reality is more complex. For instance, deer populations in certain areas are vast, and hunting helps maintain balance in wildlife populations. However, the reintroduction of predators like wolves can lead to overpopulation and decimation of other species if not managed properly. The debate around predator populations and hunting is ongoing, with arguments for and against maintaining a natural balance and ensuring sustainable populations. For instance, in Montana and Idaho, wolves have been reintroduced and their populations have grown significantly, leading to concerns about the impact on other species and human safety. Ultimately, finding the right balance between predator populations and prey populations is crucial for maintaining a healthy ecosystem.

    • Managing Wildlife Populations: Challenges and Ethical ConsiderationsUnderstanding ecosystems and the role of different species is essential for making informed decisions about wildlife management. Hunting can provide food and contribute to local economies, but it's crucial to respect the animal and use all parts. Buying meat from a supermarket can feel detached, but it still involves taking a life.

      Managing wildlife populations, especially those of predators like wolves and invasive species like goats, can be challenging and complex. Wolves are difficult to hunt and keep numbers in check, while goats can cause significant damage to ecosystems if left unchecked. The debate around hunting and wildlife management often involves emotions and ethical considerations, and it's essential to educate oneself on the specific circumstances and consequences of different actions. For instance, hunting can provide food and contribute to local economies, but it's crucial to respect the animal and use all parts of the kill. Conversely, buying meat from a supermarket can feel detached from the animal's source, but it still involves taking a life. Ultimately, understanding the interconnectedness of ecosystems and the role of different species within them is crucial for making informed decisions about wildlife management.

    • The importance of understanding the origins of our food and materialsUnderstanding the natural cycle of life and death can lead to greater respect and sustainable use of resources, but it's unrealistic to force people to take part in the process personally. Instead, services can help manage waste and process materials in a humane and efficient way.

      Our modern society has created a disconnect between people and the realities of where their food and materials come from. Many people have never seen an animal die or been involved in the process of obtaining meat or leather. This disconnect can lead to a lack of appreciation for the natural cycle of life and death. The speaker believes that it's important for people to be more connected to the source of their food and materials, and that this connection can be beneficial for both individuals and society as a whole. For example, if people had to personally take the life of an animal in order to eat meat, it might lead to a greater respect for the animal and a more sustainable use of resources. However, the speaker also acknowledges that forcing people to do this would be unrealistic and that there are services that can help manage waste and process meat in a humane and efficient way. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of understanding the origins of the things we consume and the potential benefits of reconnecting with natural processes.

    • Appreciating the source of our foodConnecting to the origin of our food can lead to greater appreciation, respect, and mindfulness of its impact on the environment and ethical concerns. Industrial agriculture and deforestation contribute to environmental damage, and potential solutions include vertical farming.

      Having a connection to the source of our food, whether it's hunting wild game or growing vegetables, can lead to a greater appreciation and respect for the resources we consume. This disconnect between the food we eat and its origin can contribute to ethical and environmental concerns. The speaker also highlights the impact of industrial agriculture and deforestation on the environment and suggests potential solutions like vertical farming. Additionally, the speaker acknowledges the limitations of social media and the importance of understanding different perspectives. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of being mindful of our food choices and their impact on the world around us.

    • Understanding Different Approaches to Healthy Eating and LifestyleIndividuals have unique eating habits and lifestyles. Vegetable consumption can be influenced by availability and accessibility. Mental health backgrounds should be considered before making judgments. Criticizing individuals through cancel culture is harmful and unproductive. Empathy and understanding context are crucial for nuanced conversations.

      Individuals have different approaches to healthy eating and lifestyle. While some prefer smaller portions of wild game meat, others may struggle with processing large portions of processed food. Regarding vegetables, availability and accessibility can impact consumption. The discussion also touched on the topic of mental health and the importance of understanding individuals' backgrounds before making judgments. Additionally, there were mentions of various documentaries showcasing unusual situations and behaviors. The conversation also included a strong critique of cancel culture and the media's treatment of individuals with mental health issues. The speakers emphasized the importance of empathy and understanding the context behind people's actions. Overall, the discussion covered various topics, including food, mental health, and societal issues, demonstrating the importance of nuanced conversations and understanding different perspectives.

    • The Harm of Outdated and Offensive LanguageBeing mindful of language and avoiding outdated or offensive terms can prevent harm and promote respect for all individuals and communities.

      The use of outdated or offensive terms, even unintentionally, can cause harm and perpetuate discrimination. The example given was the use of the term "colored people" in the title of the NAACP, which is considered a slur towards African Americans. The discussion also touched upon the controversy surrounding Elizabeth Warren's claim of Native American heritage and the backlash she faced when it was revealed she had only a small percentage of Native American DNA. The speaker also shared their own experiences as someone with Italian and Irish heritage, acknowledging the discrimination their ancestors faced but also recognizing that the use of derogatory terms towards those groups is no longer common or acceptable. The conversation underscores the importance of being mindful of language and the impact it can have on individuals and communities.

    • Identity and heritage: complex and contentious issuesThe conversation emphasized the importance of honesty, self-reflection, and a nuanced understanding of identity and heritage, acknowledging the limitations and complexities of ancestry claims and DNA tests.

      Identity and heritage continue to be complex and contentious issues, as demonstrated in recent discussions surrounding the use of ancestry claims for personal gain. This was highlighted in the conversation about a woman who identified as Native American and allegedly used her heritage to secure jobs at Harvard and Pennsylvania. The conversation also touched on the significance and limitations of DNA tests in determining one's ancestry, with the speakers acknowledging that we are all connected through our shared human origins. The speakers also discussed the importance of being authentic and not misrepresenting oneself, as well as the ongoing debate surrounding the validity of evolution as a scientific theory. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of honesty, self-reflection, and a nuanced understanding of identity and heritage.

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    Dr Elbroch’s Bio

    Mark Elbroch serves as the Director for Panthera's Puma Program, for which he designs conservation research for mountain lions in North and South America. In 2005, Mark was awarded a Senior Tracker Certificate by CyberTracker Conservation in Kruger National Park, South Africa, after successfully following lions across varied terrain. He was the 17th person to receive one and the first non-African. He is the Initial Evaluator for CyberTracker Tracker Evaluations in North America (http://trackercertification.com/), where they have been used to test observer reliability in wildlife research and as an educational tool by nonprofit organizations. Mark received an honorary Master Tracker Certificate in 2015 for significant contributions to the conservation of tracking knowledge and the trackers themselves. He has authored/coauthored 10 books on natural history, including two award-winning books on wildlife tracking, Animal Skulls: A Guide to North American Species, and the Peterson Reference Guide to the Behavior of North American Mammals. The second edition of Mammal Tracks and Sign, which he promises will be a much better resource than its predecessor, will be published in July of this year. More can be found at https://markelbroch.com/.

    Mark earned his doctoral degree at the University of California - Davis, where his dissertation research focused on mountain lion ecology in Chilean Patagonia. He has contributed to mountain lion research and conservation in Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, California, Mexico, Chile, and now in Washington. His research is contributing radical changes to what we thought we knew about mountain lions, especially with regards to their social lives and their keystone roles in ecosystems. His work has been covered by the BBCNatGeo WildNew York TimesNational Public Radio, the Washington Post, among others. He received a 2011 Robert and Patricia Switzer Fellowship for his past and potential environmental leadership, and was the recipient of the prestigious Craighead Conservation Award in 2017, an award honoring individuals whose work has achieved “lasting conservation outcomes.


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