
    12/11/23: US Terrified Of Israel Lebanon War, Israel Apologizes For 'Abu Ghraib' Photos, UPenn President Forced Out, Ben Shapiro Cheers Jewish Quotas, Hillary Takes Charge Of Biden 2024, Texas Abortion Horror Story, Israel Assassinates Gaza Poet, And Why Israelis Want Bibi Gone

    enDecember 11, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Affordable wireless plans, free news trial, sales, and election coverageConsumer Cellular offers wireless plans with leading carrier coverage, The Economist provides a free news trial, Ross has spring sales, and Breaking Points seeks support for expanded election coverage

      Consumer Cellular offers affordable wireless plans with the same reliable coverage as leading carriers, and The Economist provides trusted news sources with a free trial for unlimited digital access. Additionally, Ross offers savings on brands during spring sales, and Breaking Points is seeking support from premium subs to expand coverage and upgrade their studio for the upcoming 2024 election. The podcast discussed potential escalations of war in Israel and the Middle East, a free speech controversy at Penn University, and a major abortion case in Texas. Lastly, they mentioned the availability of their special ugly Christmas sweater and discounted yearly memberships.

    • Middle East Tensions: Israel, Hezbollah, Houthis, and US InvolvementThe Middle East's volatile situation, with Israel's potential military actions against Hezbollah and Houthis, could disrupt global shipping, escalate tensions, and involve US forces in wider conflicts.

      The situation in the Middle East, particularly between Israel and its neighbors, is growing increasingly volatile and could lead to wider conflicts with significant global implications. The Biden administration is expressing concern over Israel's requests for weapons and their potential use against Hezbollah in Lebanon. Simultaneously, the Houthis in Yemen are threatening to target ships heading to Israel in the Red Sea, which could disrupt global shipping and escalate tensions. Israel has indicated it may take military action against the Houthis if the US does not. The potential for missile exchanges between Israel and its adversaries, as well as the economic impact of disrupted shipping, pose serious risks. Additionally, the Syrian militias could be drawn into the conflict, increasing the likelihood of direct confrontation with US forces in the region. Overall, the complex web of conflicts and potential flashpoints in the Middle East could lead to a wider, more unpredictable war.

    • Israeli Threats of War against HezbollahIsrael may attack Hezbollah if they remain near the border, seen as a distraction for Netanyahu to stay in power, reminiscent of US invasion of Iraq under UN non-compliance guise.

      Israel is threatening to wage war against Hezbollah once the conflict in Gaza is resolved. The Israeli national security adviser has indicated that they cannot accept Hezbollah's presence near the border and the implementation of UN Security Council resolution 1701, which barred Hezbollah from the area. Israel has been making clear to the US that they are not interested in a war in the north but will have no alternative if Hezbollah remains a threat. This is seen as a distraction strategy by some, allowing Netanyahu to remain in power and keep the focus on external threats to Israel. Despite widespread calls for his resignation, Netanyahu is expected to stay in power until the war in Gaza is over. This strategy is reminiscent of the US invasion of Iraq under the guise of non-compliance with UN resolutions.

    • Netanyahu's Hopes for Public Forgetfulness and Escalating ConflictsDespite international resolutions, Netanyahu seeks to continue military operations against Palestinians, with potential escalation in Lebanon or Syria, while Hezbollah's greater military capability poses a significant threat and past deceit about casualty figures fuels mistrust.

      Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is hoping for public forgetfulness regarding the failed promises and atrocities during the recent conflict in Gaza. Simultaneously, there's a growing concern about potential escalation and the next front in the war, which could be Lebanon or Syria. The UN resolution is seen as a justification for continuing military operations. Hezbollah, with its greater military capability, could cause significant casualties and potential rebellion in Israel. The IDF's deceit about casualty figures also adds to the unrest. The information age's overwhelming nature and lack of trustworthiness make it crucial for reliable news sources like The Economist. Recently, the IDF was forced to apologize for humiliating photos of detained Palestinians, reminiscent of Abu Ghraib, which further strains the situation.

    • Israeli military overstated number of Hamas militant surrendersIsraeli military misrepresented detained men as militants, causing global outrage and Geneva Convention breach. Journalistic integrity and fact-checking crucial in conflict reporting.

      The Israeli military's initial claims about hundreds of Hamas militants surrendering during recent conflict were significantly exaggerated. After global outcry over images of men being stripped and humiliated, it was revealed that many were civilians, including journalists and relatives of UN agency fundraisers. The military has since walked back their statements, acknowledging that only a small percentage of the detained men were actually militants. The release of these images, which spread rapidly and potentially radicalized viewers, was found to be a breach of the Geneva Convention, as these individuals were not officially charged or tried. The importance of fact-checking and journalistic integrity in reporting on conflicts cannot be overstated.

    • Israeli forces' treatment of Palestinian detainees at Al-Aqsa Mosque sparks international outrageIsraeli treatment of Palestinian detainees at Al-Aqsa Mosque could damage Israel's reputation and recruit for militant groups due to potential human rights violations and humiliation tactics.

      The images of Palestinian detainees being searched at the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound by Israeli forces have sparked international outrage and accusations of human rights violations. Retired Major General Charlie Herbert, who served in the US military during Iraq, has criticized the treatment of the detainees, stating that it goes against standard operating procedures and appears to be an intentional effort to humiliate and degrade. The use of such images could have serious consequences for Israel, including damage to its reputation and potential recruitment for militant groups. The treatment of detainees during the US-led coalition against ISIS in Iraq served as a powerful recruiting tool for extremist groups. Israel's handling of the situation at Al-Aqsa Mosque may have similar consequences, especially in the digital age where information spreads rapidly. It is essential for Israel to ensure that its actions align with its values and international law to prevent further damage to its reputation.

    • U.S. support for Israel fueling more militantsU.S. backing for Israel's actions creating more radicals, isolating U.S. on global stage, potentially harming U.S.-international relations

      The U.S. stance on the Israel-Palestine conflict, specifically its unwavering support for Israel, is creating more militants and radicalizing people around the world, rather than reducing violence or deradicalizing anyone. This is evident in the international community's response to recent events, with many countries condemning Israeli actions and the U.S. being isolated for its continued support. This not only puts Israel at risk but also the U.S., as the world sees the U.S. as being complicit in the conflict. The situation in Gaza has been a major topic of conversation for months, and the level of international obsession and U.S. involvement raises questions about the true value of this focus, especially when considering the potential consequences for U.S. relations with other countries.

    • Balancing Free Speech and Safety on CampusDiscussion highlights the complexities of balancing free speech and safety on campus, and potential misuse and censorship concerns with new anti-Semitism policy.

      Cindy's Meaningful Beauty regimen, including her youth activating melon serum, offers significant anti-aging benefits with thousands of positive reviews and a risk-free trial. However, the discussion took an unexpected turn to the controversial resignation of University of Pennsylvania President Liz McGill due to pressure from donors and politicians over campus speech policies. The new proposed policy, which punishes hate speech and genocide calls, raises concerns about potential misuse and censorship. The conversation highlights the complexities of balancing free speech and safety on campus, and the potential for these issues to impact various groups differently. The new anti-Semitism policy, similar to previous social justice movements, could potentially be used to silence opposing views. The discussion underscores the importance of clarifying and evaluating campus speech policies to prevent potential misuse and maintain an inclusive and open academic environment.

    • Manipulation and Misunderstanding of Hate Speech on College CampusesMany accusations of hate speech on college campuses are manufactured, blurring the line between free speech and hate speech, and focusing on addressing the real issues of conflict and violence instead of inventing non-existent incidents is crucial.

      The current debate surrounding hate speech on college campuses, specifically in relation to Israel and Zionism, is often manipulated and misunderstood. Many accusations of hate speech are manufactured and taken out of context, and the line between free speech and hate speech is being blurred by some university administrators and public figures. The hypocrisy of those who previously advocated for free speech and now call for censorship is concerning, and the portrayal of events on college campuses as being more hostile and violent towards Jewish students than they actually are is not only dishonest but also potentially harmful to the Jewish community. The real issue is the ongoing conflict in Gaza, which is causing significant harm and destruction, and the focus should be on addressing that rather than inventing non-existent hate speech incidents. The call for universities to restrict speech in the name of combating antisemitism is a dangerous precedent that undermines the very principles of academic freedom and free expression.

    • Balancing Free Speech and University ValuesUniversities should promote civil dialogue, critical listening, and community building while upholding academic freedom and the First Amendment, avoiding a hostile environment and the creation of a police state attitude.

      While academic freedom and expression are essential values in higher education, universities must also promote other values such as civil dialogue, critical listening, and community building. The speaker argues against the creation of a hostile environment on campuses, even suggesting that universities should not be bound by the First Amendment. However, they also believe in the importance of the First Amendment and the right to free speech, even if the speech is controversial or offensive. The speaker criticizes the DEI regime for its potential to silence pro-Palestinian speech and for prioritizing other values over free speech, which they believe is detrimental to democracy. They also express concern over the sudden shift from criticizing affirmative action to instituting Jewish quotas. The speaker emphasizes the importance of maintaining a vibrant, functioning democracy by upholding the First Amendment and avoiding the creation of a police state attitude.

    • Palantir's Controversial Hiring Initiative for Jewish StudentsCritics debate the fairness of Palantir's initiative to hire Jewish students due to safety concerns, with some labeling it a quota system. The inconsistency in reactions to such quotas and their implications for hiring practices was discussed.

      During a recent event, Palantir, a technology company, announced an initiative to hire 180 students who fear for their safety on campus due to antisemitism. Some critics argue this is a quota system, specifically for Jewish students, which they believe goes against the principles of fair hiring practices. Ben Shapiro, a well-known conservative commentator, initially supported the initiative but later criticized it for being a quota and called for the talent pool to be opened up to all students. The inconsistency in Shapiro's stance and the potential implications of quotas in hiring were discussed. Critics argue that quotas are rarely called for in American life when it comes to groups that have experienced vast discrimination, and the inconsistency in people's stances on the issue based on their affinity or allegiance to a group was highlighted.

    • Politics and Economy: Biden's Low Approval, Trump's Lead, and Economic ConcernsDespite challenges in politics and the economy, President Biden's approval ratings are low, while Trump leads in polling. Many Americans feel their standard of living is declining and only a quarter keep up with inflation. Meaningful Beauty provides a simple yet effective skincare solution for all ages, skin tones, and types.

      Consistency in principles is crucial in political discourse and public figures, regardless of their affiliations. The information age can be overwhelming, but staying informed with reliable sources like The Economist can help make sense of complex issues. In the realm of domestic politics, President Joe Biden's approval ratings are at an all-time low, with even high-profile Democrats like Hillary Clinton stepping in to support his reelection. The economy is also a significant concern for many Americans, with a majority feeling that their standard of living is worse than their parents', and only a quarter reporting that their income keeps up with inflation. Amidst these challenges, Trump currently holds a commanding lead in polling for the upcoming election. In skincare, Meaningful Beauty, created by Cindy Crawford, offers a simple yet effective solution for achieving gorgeous skin, with its powerful and effective formulas designed for all ages, skin tones, and types.

    • Economic concerns and third party candidates pose challenges for Biden in 2024Economic issues, including personal financial struggles, high interest rates, and inflation, could make it difficult for Biden to secure re-election in 2024. Third party candidates may also siphon off votes, particularly in key states where Biden's margins were razor-thin.

      The addition of third party candidates in the 2024 presidential race could cause more trouble for Joe Biden. Only 43% of people say they would vote for him again, while 95% of Trump voters plan to do so. The economic situation is also a concern, with many people reporting personal financial struggles despite normal consumer spending. High interest rates and inflation are making it difficult for young people to afford housing and other necessities. The age divide is also significant, with older voters potentially benefiting from high interest rates and younger voters feeling the economic precarity most acutely. These factors, along with Biden's razor-thin margins of victory in key states, make his current approval ratings a cause for concern. With Trump's ability to project a positive economic image, the economic issues could be a significant challenge for Biden in the upcoming election.

    • Abortion as a game-changer in the 2020 electionAbortion could sway undecided voters in key battleground states like Michigan and Georgia, with both candidates facing scrutiny over their stances and records on the issue.

      The 2020 presidential election is shaping up to be a close contest between President Trump and Joe Biden. Trump currently holds leads in key battleground states like Georgia and Michigan, but Biden still has a chance, particularly if the election becomes a referendum on values rather than issues. Abortion could be a potential game-changer for Biden, as it is a highly relevant and emotive issue, particularly in states like Michigan and Georgia where it is on the ballot. However, Trump's handling of the issue could be a double-edged sword, as he faces increasing scrutiny over his role in appointing conservative justices to the Supreme Court. The ongoing legal battles over abortion rights, such as the case in Texas, are likely to keep the issue in the spotlight and could potentially sway undecided voters. Ultimately, the outcome of the election will depend on how each candidate navigates the complex political landscape and responds to the changing dynamics of the race.

    • Texas Case Highlights Critical Abortion DebateThe Texas case of Kate Cox highlights the critical debate over abortion rights, with potential electoral implications in the 2024 elections, and the importance of upholding basic human rights.

      The debate over abortion rights in the United States has reached a critical point, as seen in the case of Kate Cox in Texas. The Texas Attorney General argued that the state would suffer irreparable loss if Cox was allowed to terminate her pregnancy, and the court sided with him, forcing her to carry a baby with no chance of survival. Cox expressed her grief over the situation, and the state's threat to prosecute doctors who perform abortions adds to the trauma. This situation flies in the face of the democratic values and previous American consensus on abortion rights. The electoral impact of such stories cannot be ignored, as seen in the past elections in Kentucky. The issue of abortion has the potential to significantly impact the 2024 elections, and it may be Biden's only chance to make a difference. The divide on this issue is massive, and it's important to remember that it's not just about late-term abortions but also about the basic human right to make personal decisions regarding one's own body.

    • The Overturning of Roe v. Wade and its Impact on the 2024 ElectionThe emotional impact of the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade is expected to be a major issue in the 2024 election, with women's experiences and rights at the forefront, alongside other key issues like Trump's criminal charges and third-party candidates.

      The overturning of Roe v. Wade by the Supreme Court has become a powerful issue in American politics, particularly in the upcoming 2024 election. This was evident during the 2022 Kentucky gubernatorial race, where an emotional ad featuring a woman's experience with abortion helped secure a Democratic victory. The issue is particularly significant because it was a key promise that helped elect former President Trump in 2016, and he is now facing questions about his stance on the issue. The trauma and challenges faced by women as a result of the decision are expected to be a central component of the election, alongside the potential impact of Trump's criminal charges and the rise of third-party candidates. Additionally, the death of Palestinian activist Rafat Al Arier, who provided a window into the Palestinian struggle and advocated for peace, was met with a harsh response, highlighting the complexities and tensions of global politics.

    • Israeli authorities target and kill Palestinian intellectuals and journalistsIsraeli authorities intentionally eliminate peaceful Palestinian leaders to suppress dissent and control the narrative, resulting in over 76 journalist deaths in the conflict since 1990.

      The assassination of Palestinian intellectual Rafat Al Amir by Israeli authorities was not an isolated incident. Al Amir, who had spoken out against false claims made about Hamas atrocities, was already known to Israeli authorities and had survived a previous attempt on his life in 2014, during which his house was bombed and over 30 members of his family were killed. The targeted killing of intellectuals, journalists, and peaceful activists is a pattern in Israel's actions, as evidenced by the intentional killings of over 76 journalists in the conflict, which is more than any other conflict in the last 30 years. These targeted killings are part of a larger programming to eliminate peaceful thought leaders, as their existence and ability to humanize Palestinians and draw attention to the Palestinian cause pose a threat to Israel's criminal apartheid regime. The Israeli government's understanding of the power of propaganda and the importance of controlling the narrative makes these targeted killings a strategic move.

    • Israeli PM's unpopularity hits new heights amidst judiciary concerns and Palestinian humanizationIsraeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu's unpopularity escalated in October due to concerns over his leadership and government's judiciary plans, while Palestinians like Rafat humanize their experience, posing a greater threat to Israeli regime than extremist groups.

      Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's unpopularity reached new heights following the October 7th events, with many Israelis expressing frustration over his leadership and government's plans to undermine the judiciary. Netanyahu had already faced significant backlash throughout the year due to these issues, but the October events served as a final straw for many. The Palestinian heroes, like Rafat, who humanize the Palestinian experience, pose a greater threat to the Israeli regime than extremist groups like Hamas, as they challenge the dehumanization of Palestinians and bring the world closer to recognizing their full humanity. The Israeli political landscape remains complex, with Netanyahu's government facing ongoing criticism and protests. For a deeper understanding, it's worth checking out Dalia Scheinblin's new book, "The Crooked Timber of Democracy in Israel, Promise Unfulfilled."

    • Israelis question Netanyahu's leadership during conflict with HamasDespite Netanyahu's unpopularity, Israelis want him to stay in power during ongoing war, but question if they should continue his approach to Palestinians.

      The Israeli election results were significantly influenced by the perceived failure of the government, led by Prime Minister Netanyahu, to protect its citizens during the recent conflict with Hamas. Over 40% of long-time Likud voters felt this was a breach of trust that they couldn't overlook. However, despite Netanyahu's unpopularity and the desire for him to step down, most people want him to stay in power during the ongoing war. The shock and instability of the situation have led people to hesitate about major government changes. The failure of Netanyahu's doctrine of maintaining the brutal status quo with Palestinians has left Israelis questioning whether they should continue this approach or seek a lasting and just peace after the war. Some, however, believe the solution is to double down on security measures and have a more right-wing and militaristic leader.

    • Israelis focusing on immediate crisis, expected shift to moderate right-wing partiesIsraelis will likely shift towards moderate right-wing parties due to perceived failures in leadership and security, but current government's alliance with extremist groups is alienating citizens

      Israelis are currently focused on the immediate crisis at hand and are not yet analyzing Prime Minister Netanyahu's policies towards the Palestinians as a long-term doctrine. However, it is expected that Israelis will become more hard-line in their political stance over the next few months to a year, leaning towards moderate right-wing parties rather than the far-right, ultranationalist parties. This shift may be due to Netanyahu's compromised position and perceived failures in running the state and ensuring Israeli security. Benny Gantz, a centrist pragmatic right-wing leader with military credentials, is seen as a more competent alternative. However, the current government's alliance with extremist and ultraorthodox parties is alienating the majority of Israeli citizens.

    • Israeli public's despair and division over Israeli-Palestinian conflictDespite growing despair and division, there's a need for moral, legal, and politically correct approaches to resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but it looks increasingly hopeless after decades of efforts.

      The Israeli population is deeply divided and despairing when it comes to finding a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. While a minority still supports a negotiated two-state solution, a large portion of Israelis are focused on the day-to-day and are not getting leadership on the issue from their government. The Netanyahu government has rejected the Biden administration's ideas for Gaza's future and has floated plans to push Palestinians out of the Gaza Strip. This sentiment, although not held by all Israelis, is growing as the situation in Gaza worsens and the Israeli public becomes increasingly emotional and traumatized. Despite this, there is a need for moral, legal, and politically correct approaches to achieving a negotiated political resolution. However, after decades of efforts, it looks more hopeless than ever. The Israeli public's perception of the conflict is influenced by their emotions and the lack of leadership on the issue. A poll showing that 58% of Israeli Jews felt the IDF wasn't doing enough in the bombing campaign and only 1.8% felt it had gone too far, suggests that Israelis are aware of the situation but are not fully grasping the human cost of the conflict.

    • Israelis have different emotional connections to the Gaza conflict due to media focusIsraelis experience a mix of emotions towards the Gaza conflict, with a belief that a more aggressive response may lead to a quicker resolution, despite potential negative consequences.

      While Israelis may not be as visually confronted with the devastation in Gaza as people who consume international news, they are still aware of the broader context of the conflict. However, their emotional connection to the situation may be different due to the focus on Israeli experiences in their media. Additionally, there is a sense among Israelis that a more aggressive military response may lead to a quicker resolution, despite the potential negative consequences. The information age can be overwhelming, and it's important for individuals to seek out trusted sources of information to make sense of complex situations. From the Israeli perspective, there is a mix of emotions, including aggression, frustration, and sadness, as the conflict takes a toll on the country and its people.

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    7/2/24: SCOTUS Gives Trump Immunity, Gov Agencies Cut By SCOTUS, Biden Polling Collapse, Dem Knives Out For Biden After Debate

    7/2/24: SCOTUS Gives Trump Immunity, Gov Agencies Cut By SCOTUS, Biden Polling Collapse, Dem Knives Out For Biden After Debate

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    7/1/24: NYT Says Biden Drop Out, Kamala Implodes Defending Debate, Biden Donor Revolt, 72% Say Biden Mentally Unfit, Far Right Stuns Macron In French Elections, Glenn Greenwald Sounds Off On Biden Age

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    6/29/24: Dave Smith VS Vaush: Did NATO Expansion Push Ukraine Invasion?

    6/29/24: Dave Smith VS Vaush: Did NATO Expansion Push Ukraine Invasion?

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    To become a Breaking Points Premium Member and watch/listen to the show uncut and 1 hour early visit: https://breakingpoints.com/ 

    Dave Smith: https://x.com/ComicDaveSmith

    Vaush: https://www.youtube.com/@Vaush  

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    6/26/24: Hillary Says 'Impossible' To Debate Trump, Bowman Trounced By AIPAC, Kenya On Fire As Troops Occupy Haiti, Ryan Exposes Pro-Israel Group Lies, MIT Nuke Expert Dire Warning On Ukraine

    6/26/24: Hillary Says 'Impossible' To Debate Trump, Bowman Trounced By AIPAC, Kenya On Fire As Troops Occupy Haiti, Ryan Exposes Pro-Israel Group Lies, MIT Nuke Expert Dire Warning On Ukraine

    Ryan and Emily discuss Hillary warning Biden that debating Trump is impossible, Bowman crushed by AIPAC in New York election, Kenya parliament on fire as troops occupy Haiti, Ryan exposes pro-Israel group lying about campaign funding, MIT nuclear expert dire warning on Russia Ukraine war. 


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    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    Krystal and Saagar discuss AIPAC spends $15 million to defeat Bowman, media lies about synagogue protest, war scholar says Hamas has won.


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    6/25/24: Assange Freed, CNN Cuts Trump Spox Live, Debate Predictions, Ukraine Bombs Civilians In Crimea, Macron Brutal Defeat, CNN Blocks BP From Streaming Debate

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    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

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    Krystal and Saagar discuss Biden panics as Dems boycott Bibi speech, Biden greenlights Lebanon invasion, new tapes expose Saudi 9/11 involvement. 


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    Sumaya is the Director of Strategy and Communications for the Adalah Justice Project. brian is a founding editor of Rampant Magazine and is a socialist activist and writer.

    Our US Correspondent Michael Arria spoke to Sumaya and brian back in December when the book was released.

    Support Mondoweiss with a tax-deductible donation.

    Subscribe to THE SHIFT newsletter from Michael Arria.


    12. Nightmare scenarios: Israeli and Palestinian elections

    12. Nightmare scenarios: Israeli and Palestinian elections

    This episode is all about elections. On March 23rd Israel held its fourth national election in two years. And starting in May Palestinians in the occupied territory will be holding their first elections in 15 years. Both elections will serve as a referendum on the current leaders, and both will give us insight into what the future may hold, both for Palestinians living under Israeli occupation and, perhaps, Palestinians world-wide.

    First, Mondoweiss founder and senior editor Phil Weiss talks with the Israeli human rights activist and writer Yossi Gurvitz to unpack the results of the Israeli election and talk about what comes next. Later, Al-Shabaka Senior Analyst Dr. Yara Hawari and Mondoweiss contributing writer Dr. Haidar Eid speak to our Palestine correspondent, Yumna Patel, about Palestinian politics and whether democratic elections are even possible under Israeli occupation.

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    Virtual Museum Tours and Online Archaeology Courses

    Virtual Museum Tours and Online Archaeology Courses

    Nachliel Selavan is a professional museum tour guide, entrepreneur, educator, and expert in Biblical archaeology and the history of the ancient Near East.

    Prior to the COVID19 pandemic, Nachliel was giving tours in the MET, also known as the Metropolitan Museum of Art based in New York City, as well as providing walking tours in Jerusalem, Israel. After most museums closed, he quickly pivoted to delivering virtual tours, creatively using Google Street View and Zoom to expand his tours beyond the borders of his zip code. Going virtual allows Nachliel to now lead tours in museums throughout the world (virtually) from London to Toronto to Chicago to Tel Aviv. He also launched a new website, a YouTube channel, and a Happs account where his prolific output of content digital platforms, attracts him a diverse and international clientele. Paid courses, a podcast, and other programs are also in the works. 

    I wanted to have Nachliel on the show not only because I’m a history buff and think he is in a particularly interesting niche, but because I think his story serves as a good example of how people who used to do business solely in physical locations can successfully pivot during a tough time when in-person activities are extremely limited or non-existent. His story also exemplifies how people can leverage their knowledge and skills to digital mediums, which should provide inspiration to many of my listeners who are going through a similarly difficult period of transition or who wish to utilize the Internet and social platforms to start or save their businesses. This podcast also has an eLearning focus and I think it’s pretty amazing how Nachliel was able to transition from an on-location museum tour guide to an eLearning content creator and entrepreneur. 

    Learn more about Nachliel Selavan by checking out the links below: 


    Upcoming tours and events www.museumtours.co.il/upcoming

    List of available virtual tours www.museumtours.co.il/virtual-tours

    Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter: @MuseumtoursIL 

    YouTube: Nachliel Selavan Museum Tours

    LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/nachliel-selavan

    Podcast: www.artifacepodcast.com Also available on most listening platforms.

    Blog www.museumtours.co.il/blog  

    Happs App: Israel Snapshot


    Nachliel’s video series and podcast on Tanach Study.com







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    The podcast is NOT over just because you hear music.
    There are several music beds in this podcast.
    It is NOT over until Mrs. Ahmadinejad sings!



    At the first college I attended (out of eleven) I received my B.S.I.E. At the same time, I also received the annual “Most Worthless Senior” award. I won the award unanimously with the vote of ALL fraternities PLUS the independents; first time for a unanimous vote … evidently due to lack of competition commensurate with my experience!

    But the Great Good News is that four years later, the Mashiach of Israel made me worthy when I was reading in my room at night the following from the prophet Isaiah:

    Come now, and let us reason together, says the LORD, though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” (Tanakh: Isaiah 1:18)

    I shared this experience with you because when you are finished reading this BLOG you will probably wonder IF there is any hope left for Planet Earth. My friend, there is always hope left IF you know the Truth.

    Here are some areas we will traverse in this and future BLOGS:

    Largest Wealth Redistribution in History

    Obama's Muslim Brotherhood and Syrian Sisterhood

    Purim 2012 – Bibi's Major Decision: Defend or Deny

    OWS – Occupy World Streets

    Networking with the Opposite Sex in the End Times

    Nephilim, UFO Abductions, and Neo-Eschatology (covered in future BLOG)

    Energy: Bonding Element for the Kings of the East (covered in future BLOG)

    Let me refer you to my Boolean Blog for 2011 and 2012: Trends, Times & Tribulation. In Summer, 2011, I predicted the following:

    For the rest of this decade, technology will be the predominant driver, both as the underpinning and centroid of influence of: 1. The economy; 2. The eco-protective planet model with green friendly innovation and regulation; and, 3. Terrorism.

    Concerning employment, the three (3) major “safe zones” in the Western world will be:
    1. Healthcare; 2. Government (including the military and police forces); and, 3. Education.

    The Boolean-centric model pictured in the blog was purposefully NOT shown as a peripheral symmetry circumscribing “Technology” because … as represented visually … the three driven modules are paradoxically both: 1. Supported AND dependent upon the driving force of technology; and, 2. Organically developed as an outgrowth “child” of Technology.


    In the USA, the winner of the November 6, 2012, Presidential election will be the one who most effectively convinces the populace that he or she can tackle the three (3) sub-domains above (Economy, Green and Terrorism), while effectively guaranteeing the protection, intellectual privacy, and practice of the Technology sectors of public, political, and professional modules of society.

    The Achilles Heel – unknown by frontrunners at this time – will prove to be “Cyberspace” and the “promise” by the winning contender to PROTECT and maintain the FREEDOM of use of the Cyberspace – viz-a-viz the Internet - for the following elements of USA society: citizenry, industry, education, healthcare and government; and, to protect these elements from outside, international world powers and institutions: viz., the UN, rogue nations, and intellectual pirates.


    The contender for the USA Presidency who wins the election will also be the one who most convincingly promises to unwaveringly help and defend Israel. However, there is a CAVEAT: If that person later turns their back on Israel and does NOT keep their promise, the USA will suffer dire judgment. Also, that President will suffer manifest judgment from God.

    Only recently, has their been another person who agrees with my “Achilles Heel” prediction concerning internet – cyberspace security freedom alert and its affect upon the 2012 Presidential Election, and that is Gerald Celente of The Trends Research Institute.

    This Spring 2012 BLOG is actually an “insert” for my 2011-2012 Boolean Blog mentioned above. I say “insert” because the basic tenets of the 2011-2012 blog are as current as ever. This “insert” is additional information.


    Largest Wealth Redistribution in History

    The greatest tax increase ever – probably over 300 billion (that's a “B”) – is about to be foisted on the American people by Barack Hussein Obama through cap and trade energy regulations. It will be the largest socialist redistribution of wealth in the history of the world brought about by emissions regulations. When Obama's green jobs' czar, Van Jones, was removed after the public found out he was an avowed Communist, Obama shifted gears in the background to bring the same objectives to pass.

    For further study, I recommend you study New Global Currency at the University of Excellence website to learn more about Van Jones' hidden agenda. Also, study USA: Past and Future. And, for specific information on HOW Obama wants to use global warming and energy regulations to take your money and redistribute it to other individuals … as well as other countries ... read the book: The Greatest Hoax: How The Global Warming Conspiracy Threatens Your Future.

    Obama's Muslim Brotherhood & Syrian Sisterhood

    The Syrian dilemma is NOT really a dilemma. Syria is Iran's KEY play against Israel, providing not only arms for Hizballah, but a strategic weapon depot for attack against Israel. Russia helps Syria to earn favor with Iran and oil largesse, plus Iran's promise to hold back Islamic - Muslim terrorism inside Russian territory (which the Russians will find out is only temporary at some time in the future).

    Thousands of people have been injured or killed by Syria's leader Assad … way worse than the atrocities in Libya. However, instead of going into help the 1,000's of injured people in Syria by direct attack on Damascus, the US President proffers humanitarian routes of escape IF Assad agrees. This “safe haven” plan of “humanitarian routes of aide and rescue” – while proposing to help the wounded – at the same time gives the murderer ruler, Assad, international immunity for his crimes. And it gives Obama some measure of accolades for a re-election campaign.

    President Obama has back-pedaled out of helping Israel several times, while at the same time helping Iran gain time in the enrichment of uranium and building a potential nuclear arsenal. If you consistently study my BLOG - podcasts on Podcast Satellite: The Voice of Israel, you will see that since 2006 I have been warning Israel and its leaders NOT to depend on Obama, the UN, the EU, or NATO for help against Iran. Also, see what I said in August, 2008, about Obama, Syria, and Israel.

    Binyamin Netanyahu is is in agreement with Saudi rulers in his disagreement to big power policies of the US for handling the Assad regime in Syria. Obama acts as though he is shocked by the Syrian ruler's violence against his own people, but the US President will NOT initiate steps for his removal, while Moscow showers arms and intelligence on the Syrian despot to preserve him from his enemies. Obama is afraid to take steps against Syria slaughtering people (because of US election) while Russia showers them with arms and intel to gain favor with Iran and secure a footprint in the Middle East.


    Purim 2012 – Bibi's Major Decision: Defend or Deny

    Israel and Bibi's government, in particular, have been visited by US diplomats to the point of embarassment in recent days. One of Solomon's proverbs says, “Withdraw your foot from your neighbor's house; lest he grow weary of you, and so hate you.” (Proverb 25:17) The USA leaders – Obama in the forefront … NOT the American populace – are afraid of Israel attacking Iran. Excuses range from: 1. Iran will react with attacks on US overseas bases and personnel; 2. Obama may have to respond with war; and 3. This would mean another “back pedal” from Obama's campaign promises in 2008. However, the REAL reason is threefold:

    1. Obama is NOT the friend of Israel;
    2. Obama is (from his background) pro-Islamic; and,
    3. Obama does NOT want to jeopardize his chances of winning a re-election.

    See my prophecy of June 18, 2009, concerning Obama and Israel: “Bibi, Baylon and 'Bama: Land for Peace, Petra and Prophecy.” Netanyahu holds White House talks with Obama on March 5th 2012. Also, they will both speak, at separate times, to AIPAC, The American Israel Public Affairs Committee on March 4th. Unless Netanyahu holds his cards tightly to his chest before laying down his royal flush, he is going to be tricked by the USA leader. A lot depends upon who speaks FIRST at AIPAC. However, even if Netanyahu speaks first – which gives Obama a chance to counter – he must defend Israel's right to not only exist, but to defend herself.






    Purim begins in the evening of Wednesday, March 7, 2012, and ends in the evening of Thursday, March 8, 2012. That is the 14th of the Hebrew month Adar. Purim in 2012 occurs in between the March 5th meeeting of Netanyahu and Obama … AND … the March 8th date selected by the FBI to shutdown Internet servers (still) infected with the notorious DNSChanger Trojan virus. As of the first of February the DNSChanger Trojan was still active on computers at half of Fortune 500 companies, as well as on PCs at 50 percent of federal government agencies. Although NOT probable, this shutdown could be critical – and dangerous – for BOTH the USA and Israel as it could affect … or be used concurrently with cyber hacking to deter or cause confusion among … military, first responder, and emergency communications.

    Also, PRAY for protection for Israel during Purim. (For a full account of Purim, read the Book of Esther. You may also read Prince Handley's study on Esther and Purim at: “Israel: Replacement Time in Leadership – Preparing for War with Iran.”

    OWS – Occupy World Streets

    No, we did not make a mistake. Occupy Wall Street has mutated. OWS has duplicated into larger, more frequent and geographically diverse demonstrations … and it is NOT going to slow down. It may even turn out – in the USA – to be a “feeder” for the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 signed by President Obama. This Act went into effect on March 1st. It is the first time since the Civil War that the military can be used for law enforcement.

    The Act includes provisions that would allow for the indefinite detention of American citizens without any recourse to legal interventions or civil rights if accused of a “belligerent act” or any terror-related offense. The term “belligerent act” could be a broad term, the interpretation of which would be highly subjective; also, the Act seems to be in direct opposition to the Bill of Rights. Several legislators are attempting to “clean up” the terminology and provisions of this Act. If not accomplished, it could be a milestone against free speech and right to assembly.

    As for the worldwide implications of the mutating OWS movement, you may begin to see more chaos and rioting with severe injuries on both sides … especially when fueled by economic conditions. See the Specific Regional Prophecy (scroll down) by Prince Handley in 2009.


    Networking with the Opposite Sex in the End Times

    Open marriage and deviant sexual behavior are just one of the End Times signs that will increase. Check out Trumpet #6 at Revelation and End Times. Here are practices that will increase as time progresses:

    Drugs (which can be an association with witchcraft)
    Fornication and sexual immorality
    Demon worship (some may be unknowingly committed)
    Idol worship

    However, we are NOT talking about networking for deviant sex in this section of the BLOG. We are talking about, Business, Networking and Sex. (You can read a sample chapter here.)

    If you want to be more productive, make more money, and negotiate more successfully in the coming years, then you are going to have to learn HOW the other sex – other meaning “the opposite gender” – thinks. Over a four year period, 25,000 people participated in this study. Some of the key issues discovered are as follows:

    1. Are transactional not relational
    2. Network more often, but seem to be less satisfied with their results
    3. Believe self-improvement comes from doing it on their own, not learning from others
    4. Build credibility by stating their credentials, contacts and successes

    1. Are all about the relationship not the transaction
    2. Network less often, but network longer and are more satisfied with their results
    3. Believe self-improvement comes from a variety of sources and doing it themselves is not one of them
    4. Build credibility by getting to know another's character, family and personal issues

    Men and women see things differently when it comes to relationship building and communication in both the work – and non-work – environment. Learn to improve in every area of your life as things will become more competitive in the future.

    And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge.” (Brit Chadashah: 2 Peter 1:5)

    I trust that this BLOG has given you something to think – and pray – about. What you may NOT have realized already is that the topics covered – plus those listed below which will be covered in future BLOGS – are KEY sectors for Boolean logic commonalities in relation to trends and issues. This is the purpose of the University of Excellence which you may read on the U of E Home Page. NOTE: We purposely omitted Entertainment and Style as not critical to the objectives of this presentation. Also, Economics, Green, and Technology are included in the 2011-2012 BLOG of which this blog is an “insert.” To be covered in the future are:

    Nephilim, UFO Abductions, and Neo-Eschatology (covered in future BLOG)

    Energy: Bonding Element for the Kings of the East (covered in future BLOG)

    Remember … there is always hope IF you know the Truth.

    Baruch haba b'Shem Adonai.

    Your friend,

    Prince Handley
    President / Regent
    University of Excellence


    Podcast time: 22 minutes, 1 second.

    P.S. - Don't forget to tell your friends about the Prince Handley podcast.


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