
    12/6/22 - Georgia Senate Runoff, Ukraine Strikes Within Russia, Putin Goes To Crimea, Landmark Scotus Case, Fauci Deposition, Yemen War & MORE!

    enDecember 06, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Georgia Runoff Elections: Early Voting Trends Favor DemocratsDemocrats have a substantial lead in early votes in the Georgia runoff elections, with Raphael Warnock currently holding over a million votes. Polls suggest a lean towards a Democratic win, but election day turnout and other factors could impact the final outcome.

      The midterm elections in Georgia are seeing a significant number of early votes, with Democrats currently holding a substantial lead. Raphael Warnock is heading into the runoff with over a million votes already banked, and polls consistently showing him in the lead. The absence of Herschel Walker at rallies during the campaign has raised concerns among conservatives, and the record-breaking early voting numbers suggest that efforts to suppress voting have not been effective. The race is expected to be close on election day, but the current trends indicate a lean towards a Democratic win. It's important to note that polls can be wrong, and other factors such as rally sizes and turnout on election day will also play a role in the final outcome.

    • Georgia election trends suggest shift in political landscapeThe 2022 Georgia runoff saw a clear majority for Democrats, contrasting the 2018 midterm results. Trump's influence on the GOP and potential impact on future elections is unclear.

      The voting patterns in the 2018 midterm, 2022 midterm runoff, and the 2020 elections in Georgia suggest a shift in the political landscape. Approximately 4.5 million votes were cast in the runoff, with a clear majority favoring Democrats. Herschel Walker, a Republican candidate endorsed by former President Trump, is expected to lose, raising questions about Trump's influence on the party. Comparatively, in the 2018 midterm, Republican Brian Kemp had a healthier margin of victory over Democrat Stacey Abrams. This discrepancy could be attributed to both candidate quality and Trump's impact on the party. The data from the Democratic firm TargetSmart shows that about 200,000 Republicans voted for Kemp but either didn't vote for Walker or voted for a different candidate. This trend could indicate Trump's drag on the party nationally or could be unique to Georgia due to Trump's history with Georgia officials like Kemp and Secretary of State Raffensperger. Trump's actions during the 2020 elections, such as questioning the results and advocating for larger stimulus checks, may have contributed to this trend. However, it's important to note that Trump still maintains a strong following, polling ahead of other Republicans like Ron DeSantis in some instances. The extent of Trump's drag on the party remains to be seen.

    • Republicans navigate Trump supporters' election skepticismHardened Trump supporters could impact turnout for GOP candidates, while significant ad spending shapes elections

      The dynamic between Donald Trump and the Republican Party is shifting, with a hardened faction of Trump supporters who may not trust the election results and could impact turnout for candidates like Herschel Walker. This trend, which was evident in the Georgia runoff, is a concern for Republicans around the country as they seek to find a "sweet spot" to appeal to various voter groups without alienating Trump supporters. Another key point is the significant financial investment in the Georgia runoff, with over $80 million spent on advertising alone. The impact of these ads, as seen in the examples from both Warnock and Walker campaigns, is a significant factor in the political landscape moving forward.

    • Georgia Senate race: A battle of characterBoth Herschel Walker and Raphael Warnock face allegations of domestic disputes and threats, potentially affecting independent voter turnout, while character becomes a key issue in the race.

      The Georgia Senate race between Herschel Walker and Raphael Warnock has become a battle of character, with both candidates facing allegations of domestic disputes and threats. Walker's ex-wife obtained a protective order against him, and multiple women have accused him of making threats and engaging in violent behavior. Warnock, too, has faced allegations of domestic abuse from his ex-wife. Walker has admitted to past misdeeds, but the severity and frequency of the allegations against him could potentially depress independent voter turnout. Despite this, Walker maintains that he hasn't seen a lack of enthusiasm from voters, likely due to his iconic status in Georgia as a former football star. The negative ads against both candidates have underscored the importance of character in the race, but Republicans may be hoping to shift the focus back to political values and Senate voting record.

    • Herschel Walker's Confusing Statements About Which Office He's Running ForWalker's statements during the debate indicated a potential misunderstanding of the difference between the House and Senate. His campaign focuses on his personal background rather than political issues, and early voting numbers suggest Warnock has a significant lead, but young voter turnout could impact the outcome.

      During the Georgia Senate debate, Herschel Walker's statements raised confusion about which office he believes he's running for. Walker mentioned wanting to understand the House situation and checking on Joe Biden, which could indicate a misunderstanding of the distinction between the House and Senate. Additionally, Walker's campaign seems to be based on his personal background rather than a deep understanding of political issues. The early voting numbers suggest Warnock has a significant lead, but young voter turnout could potentially shift the outcome. If young people revert to their lower turnout levels from previous elections, Walker could close the gap. However, it's more likely that young people are simply procrastinating and will turn out in larger numbers on Election Day.

    • Georgia Senate runoff election: Youth turnout could have changed the gameThe outcome of the Georgia Senate runoff election could have been drastically different if youth turnout had been higher, potentially shifting the balance of power in the Senate. Tensions between Ukraine and Russia escalated with Ukraine launching attacks into Russian territory, leading to a significant escalation in the ongoing war.

      The outcome of the Georgia Senate runoff election could have significantly shifted the balance of power in the Senate if youth turnout had been high enough to give Raphael Warnock a large victory. Hypothetically, Warnock could have gone from winning by 30,000 votes in the general election to winning by over 100,000. However, Walker may have found a way to close the gap. The importance of the Georgia election was evident as $80 million was poured into it, regardless of its impact on Senate control. In other news, tensions between Ukraine and Russia escalated with Ukraine executing its most brazen attack into Russian territory, targeting military bases just 100 miles from Moscow using unmanned drones. This marked a significant escalation in the ongoing war, with potential consequences far beyond the Ukrainian border. Putin's surprise visit to the Crimea Bridge, which had been damaged by a truck bomb, served as a show of force to reassure the Russian public. These events, happening on the same day, highlighted the complex geopolitical dynamics at play.

    • Preventing Escalation in Conflicts with Nuclear PowersDiplomacy and negotiation are crucial in preventing potential escalation when dealing with nuclear powers. A peaceful resolution requires cooperation and compromise from all parties involved.

      The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine highlights the importance of diplomacy and negotiation in preventing potential escalation, especially when dealing with nuclear powers. Reports suggest that Russia is strengthening its hold on key parts of Ukraine, even as it loses ground elsewhere. Ukraine's decision not to use American weapons in the conflict has prevented further escalation, but the potential for humanitarian crisis and nuclear war remains. A potential peace proposal, such as a 7-year waiting period for Ukraine to enter NATO and territorial concessions, could be a starting point for negotiations. However, the history of US foreign policy suggests that relying on the word of larger powers for self-determination can be a risky proposition. Ultimately, a peace deal will require cooperation and compromise from all parties involved.

    • Peace Proposals for Ukraine's Conflict: Skepticism Over Russian ConcessionsThe proposed peace deal for Ukraine's conflict faces skepticism due to disagreements over Crimea's status and Russian troop withdrawal. Public support for the war in the US is waning, but opposition may take time to materialize through democratic processes. Putin's actions indicate a prolonged conflict, and Fauci's deposition did not help his reputation.

      There have been peace proposal discussions between Ukraine and some western countries, including the United States. The proposed deal includes a ceasefire, Russian troop withdrawal from Ukraine, and eventual Ukrainian NATO membership after a 7-year period. However, the idea of Crimea becoming a neutral area and Russia withdrawing its navy from the Black Sea is met with skepticism, as it goes against current political realities. The public support for the war in Ukraine in the United States is waning, and there's a significant gap between elite and public opinion. The war's continuation depends on the weight of opposition against it, which can take time to materialize through the democratic process. Meanwhile, Putin's actions, such as bombing Ukrainian infrastructure, suggest that a meaningful end to the conflict is not imminent. Additionally, the release of Fauci's deposition transcript in a lawsuit against the federal government did not paint him in a favorable light.

    • Fauci's Deposition Raises Questions About His Role in COVID OriginsFauci's inconsistent statements and uncertainty about his acquaintances in the deposition call for transparency and thorough investigations into the origins of COVID-19.

      During the COVID-19 pandemic, there were concerns about federal bureaucrats, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, colluding with social media companies to control what the public could say and access, beyond what had ever been seen before. In a lengthy deposition, Fauci claimed he was only vaguely familiar with the Wuhan animal experiments his organization funded, despite publicly stating it was impossible for those experiments to have caused the pandemic. Justin Goodman of the White Coat Waste Project pointed out Fauci's inconsistency and called for a COVID origins investigation to refresh his memory. The deposition also revealed Fauci's uncertainty about his acquaintance with key players, including Peter Daszak, and debated the definition of "gain of function" research, which could implicate Fauci's involvement in funding potentially pandemic-causing research. The inconsistencies and uncertainties raised in the deposition highlight the need for transparency and thorough investigations into the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    • Gain-of-Function Research: Controversial and ConfusingThe controversy over gain-of-function research continues, with the Obama and Trump administrations having differing views on its safety and necessity. The term's confusing nature has led to self-regulation, but the potential impact on COVID-19's origins remains a concern. The Supreme Court may set a new precedent for commercial speech in an upcoming case.

      The debate surrounding gain-of-function research, which involves manipulating viruses to better understand their potential threats and transmissions, has been a contentious issue for years. The term "gain of function" is misleading and confusing, leading to self-regulation by research organizations to avoid government oversight. The Obama administration paused such research due to safety concerns, but it was resumed under the Trump administration. The timeline of these events is concerning if gain-of-function research played a role in the COVID-19 pandemic. The House GOP, under the new majority, plans to investigate the origins of COVID-19, which could involve questioning Dr. Fauci. However, Fauci has a history of lengthy and evasive responses during testimonies, making productive inquiries challenging. A significant Supreme Court case, Three Seas Ideas v. Freight Handlers, is expected to potentially set a new precedent for the First Amendment, particularly in the context of commercial speech.

    • Supreme Court Cases Test Businesses' Rights to Refuse Same-Sex Wedding Services Based on Religious BeliefsThe Supreme Court is examining cases of business owners refusing services for same-sex weddings due to religious beliefs, with potential implications for other businesses' rights to discriminate.

      The Supreme Court is currently considering cases involving business owners who refuse to provide services for same-sex weddings based on their religious beliefs. Jack Phillips, a baker, and Lori Smith, a website designer, are both facing legal action for refusing to create art that goes against their values. The outcome of Phillips' case resulted in a carve-out for cake makers, but the issue remains unclear for other services. During oral arguments, justices questioned the comparison of opposition to same-sex marriage and interracial marriage. While it seems the decision may favor Smith, she has not been asked to create a website for a same-sex wedding yet. She wants to deny service to same-sex couples on her website, raising questions about the limits of private companies' rights to discriminate. The eventual decision could have significant implications for other businesses and their ability to deny services based on moral or religious objections.

    • Business Owners' Right to Refuse Service Based on Religion vs. Civil Rights LawsBusiness owners can refuse service based on their religious beliefs for certain events or products, but denying service to an entire class of people based on their identity goes against established civil rights laws.

      Business owners, like Laurie Smith and Jack Phillips, have the right to refuse service based on their religious beliefs for certain types of events or products, but not for individual customers based on their race, sex, or sexual orientation. This is a complex issue rooted in the First Amendment and the distinction between speech and public accommodations. While business owners should have the freedom to choose which products or services they offer, denying service to an entire class of people based on their identity is different and goes against established civil rights laws. The ongoing debate highlights the tension between religious freedom and anti-discrimination laws in a rapidly changing societal landscape.

    • Balancing artistic expression and essential servicesArtists should balance their creative freedoms with providing essential services, respecting diverse perspectives, and ensuring equal access.

      The debate surrounding artistic expression and its limits in the context of providing services for events like weddings raises complex questions about free speech, art, and personal beliefs. While some argue that artists should be allowed to choose which projects align with their values, others believe that refusing services based on certain characteristics is discrimination. The discussion also touches upon the role of the government in defining what constitutes art and speech. Ultimately, it's essential to strike a balance between respecting individual freedoms and ensuring equal access to essential services. This conversation highlights the importance of understanding and respecting diverse perspectives and the need for ongoing dialogue to navigate these complex issues.

    • Senate to Vote on Yemen War Powers ResolutionSenator Bernie Sanders plans to force a vote on a war powers resolution aimed at blocking US support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen. The resolution may send a signal to Saudi Arabia as the Biden administration pursues lower oil prices.

      Despite ongoing legal battles and differing perspectives, customers can currently access products related to the LGBTQ community in the US. Meanwhile, Senator Bernie Sanders is planning to force a vote on a war powers resolution aimed at blocking US support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen as soon as next week. This comes after the expiration of a ceasefire between the Saudi-led alliance and the Houthis, with both sides maintaining tenuous peace. Anti-war advocates believe a strong vote in the Senate will send a signal to Saudi Arabia, as the Biden administration pursues lower oil prices. The war powers resolution is privileged in the Senate and can come to the floor without leadership approval once it has "ripened." A coalition of groups pushing to end the war in Yemen plans to release a letter to Congress calling for a vote during the lame duck session, and the House Foreign Affairs Committee holds a hearing on the issue today. The resolution's definition of hostilities may complicate the politics of the resolution due to US support for Ukraine without a declaration of war.

    • Happiness Declines Despite Economic ProgressDespite improvements in material comforts and income stability, happiness levels have been declining in the US due to factors like income inequality, stagnant wages, and cultural changes. Activities like sex, exercise, and gardening bring the most happiness, while being with romantic partners or friends also contributes significantly.

      Despite advancements in material comforts and economic stability, happiness levels have been declining in the US. This paradox can be attributed to various factors including the rise in income inequality, stagnant wages, and cultural changes. One study found that time spent with friends had been decreasing since around 2014, coinciding with the stabilization of adult social media use and an increase in alone time and TV watching. Meanwhile, the US has seen an increase in domestic government services and a decrease in income inequality in consumption of goods and services, but happiness has still fallen. Research suggests that activities such as sex, exercise, and gardening bring the most happiness, while being with romantic partners or friends also contributes significantly. However, other relationships, such as those with colleagues or acquiring more material possessions, do not have the same effect. Ultimately, understanding the complex relationship between culture, economics, and happiness requires further exploration and research.

    • The changing nature of work impacts relationships and family lifeThe gig economy and other factors contribute to a culture of isolation and instability, but individuals can make intentional choices to build meaningful relationships and engage in community activities.

      The changing nature of work in America, driven by the gig economy and other factors, has contributed to a culture of isolation and instability, leading to decreased marriage rates, fewer children, and less sex. This trend can be seen as a challenge, but also an opportunity for individuals to make intentional choices with their spare time, such as dating, forming meaningful relationships, and engaging in community activities. The economic and political forces at play are significant, but personal actions can also make a difference in creating a more connected and fulfilling life.

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    003: The Reckoning: SCOTUS Breakpoint

    003: The Reckoning: SCOTUS Breakpoint

    Conservatives' 30-year mission to restructure the courts in their own image is culminating with a series of cases that is reshaping the country. Case by case, the Supreme Court is rewriting the rules that have long structured the way we live, how we are governed, how we worship, even who we are.

    Immigration. Health Care. Political representation. Reproductive and religious rights. . . It's hard to find any aspect of daily life beyond the reach of the court's long tentacles.

    The July 21 Conversations On The Green will explore the courts' new direction and what it means for the way we live and for the country with three of the most celebrated court watchers. 


    Jeffrey Toobin, Staff writer at The New Yorker and senior analyst for CNN

    Linda Greenhouse, Pulitzer Prize winning columnist, author and SCOTUS authority

    Joan Biskupic, Journalist, author and Supreme Court legal analyst at CNN

    Produced by Susan McCone

    Moderated by Jane Whitney, former NBC News correspondent & talk show host. Audience members are encouraged to participate in the interactive town-hall style format.

    All proceeds benefit:

    Greenwoods Counseling Referrals, Inc. - Helping members of the Litchfield County Community and beyond find access to compassionate and high-quality mental health and related care.

    New Milford Hospital - helping to secure the latest technology, attract the best medical staff and provide the compassionate, patient-centered care for which they are nationally recognized.

    Susan B. Anthony Project - promoting safety, healing, and growth for all survivors of domestic and sexual abuse and advocates for the autonomy of women and the end of interpersonal violence.