
    12/7/21: NYC Mandate, Chris Cuomo vs CNN, Conservative Media, Ukraine, Latinx, Huma Abedin, Tesla & China, Teamsters Election, and More!

    enDecember 07, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Spring savings and announcementsSave on spring items at dd's discounts, get professional-grade supplies from Granger, enjoy family plans under $50 from Straight Talk Wireless, and prepare for NYC's private sector vaccine mandate.

      There are various deals to be found for a spring refresh at dd's discounts, and people can save on everything from clothing and footwear to home decor and candles. Additionally, Straight Talk Wireless offers family plans starting at $25 per line per month with unlimited data on a reliable 5G network. Granger provides professional-grade supplies for those who need to get things done, backed by product experts and a committed team. Lastly, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced a vaccine mandate for private sector employers, effective December 27, 2021, with no testing option as an alternative. This mandate applies to approximately 184,000 businesses in the 5 boroughs, and it comes as cases of the Omicron variant have seen a slight increase.

    • New York City's Controversial Vaccine Mandate for Indoor ActivitiesNew York City's vaccine mandate for indoor activities requires at least two doses for individuals aged 12 and above, sparking controversy due to high vaccination rates and low COVID cases. Critics argue against the necessity and impact on children and unbalanced approach compared to Biden administration's vaccine or test option.

      New York City's strict vaccine mandate for restaurants and other indoor activities, which requires proof of at least two doses for individuals aged 12 and above, is a controversial measure with significant implications. With over 90% of New Yorkers already vaccinated, some argue that the mandate is an unnecessary and draconian step, especially given the relatively low number of COVID cases, hospitalizations, and deaths in the city. Critics also point out that children, who are at low risk from COVID, are now required to have at least one dose to dine out, and that the number of required doses for adults has increased from one to two. Despite an increase in COVID cases in New York City, the early indications suggest that the Omicron variant results in relatively mild disease for the vaccinated population. The Biden administration's vaccine or test option is seen as a more balanced approach. However, the high obesity and unhealthy population in the US could lead to different outcomes compared to South Africa, where the Omicron variant was first identified. Ultimately, the vaccine remains the most effective tool in reducing the overall transmissibility of COVID-19 and protecting vulnerable populations.

    • New York City's Vaccine Mandate: A Possible Precedent for Other Liberal CitiesNew York City's vaccine mandate for indoor activities could influence other major cities in the US, potentially impacting millions, but the future of the mandate is uncertain due to incoming mayor Eric Adams' unclear stance.

      New York City's implementation of a vaccine mandate for indoor activities could be a leading indicator for other liberal cities in the US. However, the future of this mandate is uncertain as the current mayor, Bill de Blasio, is about to leave office and his successor, Eric Adams, has not yet made his position clear on the issue. While it's possible that Adams may roll back the mandate or let it expire, it could also be implemented softly. Regardless, this mandate could set a precedent for other major cities in the US, potentially impacting millions of Americans. The business community in New York, which was caught off guard by the mandate, and Adams' political instincts to represent himself as a populist figure could influence his decision-making on the issue. However, the final outcome remains uncertain.

    • CNN and Chris Cuomo's Relationship Sours: He's Suing for $18 MillionCNN terminated Chris Cuomo over violation of company policies during his involvement in supporting his brother. He's planning to sue for over $18 million, potentially revealing damaging info for both parties.

      The relationship between CNN and their former anchor Chris Cuomo has taken a turn for the worse, leading to his termination from the network. The decision came after New York Attorney General Letitia James released text messages that raised concerns, and an investigation by a law firm found that Cuomo had violated CNN's policies. Cuomo's team maintains that he kept Zucker informed about his involvement in supporting his brother, but CNN disputes this and accuses Cuomo of making false accusations. Now, Cuomo is reportedly planning to sue CNN for over $18 million, citing his remaining contract. The outcome of this legal battle could potentially reveal damaging information for both parties, as discovery could involve depositions and the release of emails. The stakes are high due to the significant influence news networks have on American politics, and this situation serves as a reminder of the potential consequences when high-profile figures are involved.

    • Cable News Networks Shape Political DiscourseMSNBC and CNN set agendas for Democratic and Republican bases, influencing party politics. Fox News maintains conservative agenda over GOP base. Ethical concerns arise from their financial success and ongoing investigations.

      Cable news networks, particularly MSNBC and Fox News, hold significant influence in shaping the tone and direction of Democratic and Republican Party politics. Despite declining ratings, their impact on the hardcore bases of each party is substantial. MSNBC and CNN function as elite taste-makers, setting the agenda for their respective bases and attracting high advertising revenue due to their exclusive audiences. Fox News, on the other hand, continues to influence the Republican base with its conservative agenda. The financial success and influence of these networks make it essential for media coverage, even as their methods and practices raise ethical concerns. The ongoing investigations into the financing of Trump's new media company add another layer of complexity to the role of media in shaping political discourse.

    • Conservatives Building Alternative Tech EcosystemsConservatives are creating their own tech ecosystems, but critics argue it limits interaction with diverse viewpoints. Devin Nunes' move to lead Trump Media Group highlights the influence of media and tech. The success of these alternatives depends on reaching a larger audience and building network effects.

      There's a growing movement among conservatives to establish their own ecosystem of social media companies, cloud services, cryptocurrencies, and publishing houses to circumvent the mainstream tech and media ecosystems. However, this movement raises questions about whether they are truly doing themselves any favors by siloing themselves and limiting their reach. The criticism is that these niche platforms limit the potential for interaction with diverse viewpoints, but some argue that if one doesn't like it, they should build their own thing. Devin Nunes, a powerful congressman, leaving his position to become the CEO of the Trump Media Group, highlights the growing influence of media and social media technology. The impact of Trump's social media service remains to be seen, with some viewing it as just a glorified Twitter or a way for Trump to monetize his followers. The challenge for these alternative platforms is to build network effects and reach a larger audience to compete with mainstream tech giants.

    • The danger of becoming too disconnected from mainstream politicsEngaging with mainstream political conversation is crucial to avoid siloing and reach a broader audience.

      While there is a growing trend towards the creation of alternative platforms and infrastructure by marginalized groups in American politics, there is a danger in becoming too disconnected from mainstream political conversation. This was evident during the 2020 presidential campaign where some right-wing figures and organizations became too entrenched in their own bubble and used specialized language that didn't connect with a broader audience. This siloing can be detrimental as it can lead to a lack of understanding and engagement from the wider public and even elites. Biden's success in the election was partly due to his ability to connect with a broader audience and stay out of the online political bubble. While the desire to build out infrastructure and cultural institutions is understandable, it's important to remember the importance of engaging with the mainstream political conversation and avoiding the pitfalls of becoming too siloed.

    • Rumble signs deal with Trump's social media company, raising free speech concernsRumble's deal with Trump's company fuels concerns about its commitment to free speech and perceived bias towards pro-Trump media, while tensions between Russia and Ukraine escalate, with potential economic consequences if Putin invades Ukraine and Biden's pledge to prevent NATO expansion.

      Rumble, a self-proclaimed free speech platform, has signed a deal with Trump's social media company, led by Devin Nunes, raising concerns about its commitment to free speech and its perception as pro-Trump media. Meanwhile, tensions between Russia and Ukraine are escalating, with President Biden expected to warn Putin against invading Ukraine and potential economic consequences if he does. Putin is reportedly demanding a pledge from Biden that NATO will not expand, a concern rooted in historical fears of encirclement. The potential consequences of these developments could be significant for both Rumble and international relations.

    • Historical ties between Russia and Ukraine add emotional and cultural complexity to the situationThe US must consider the historical ties, emotional and cultural significance, and potential consequences of its actions in the ongoing tension between Russia and Ukraine.

      The current tension between Russia and former Soviet states, particularly Ukraine, is not just a strategic defense question for Russian President Putin, but also a deeply emotional and cultural one. This historical connection makes the situation more complex and fraught, leading to bipartisan calls for increased aid to Ukraine and heightened tensions between the US and Russia. The decision to extend military protection or economic sanctions to Ukraine raises the question of whether the US is willing to commit resources and potentially lives for a country with which it has historical ties, but not the resources or nuclear capabilities of a major power like Russia. The potential consequences of this decision, including the impact on diplomatic relations, economic ties, and ongoing international issues like the Iran nuclear deal and climate change, add to the complexity of the situation. Ultimately, the US must carefully consider the implications of its actions in this geopolitical chess game.

    • Russia-Ukraine Conflict: Escalating Tensions and Shifting Public OpinionRussia's aggressive stance towards Ukraine has shifted Ukrainian public sentiment towards joining NATO, while tensions escalate with reported troop buildups at the border. Democrats' outreach to Latinx voters using the term 'Latinx' may be counterproductive, as only 2% prefer this label, highlighting a cultural disconnect.

      The geopolitical situation between Russia and Ukraine is a high-stakes conflict with potential far-reaching consequences, including military action, financial instability, and geopolitical fallout. Putin's aggressive stance towards Ukraine has backfired, with Ukrainian public sentiment shifting towards joining NATO. Meanwhile, tensions are escalating, with Russia reportedly amassing troops at the border. The situation is complicated by diplomatic pressures and the potential for a major military conflict. In a separate development, Democrats' efforts to reach out to Latinx voters using the term Latinx may be counterproductive, as only 2% of those polled identify with the term, while 68% prefer "Hispanic." This misalignment between the language used by Democrats and the preferences of Latinx voters highlights a larger issue of cultural disconnect and elitism that could contribute to Democratic losses among working-class Latinos.

    • Respecting the Complexities Within Racial and Ethnic CommunitiesRecognize and respect unique identities, avoid broad categories, speak to shared concerns, and acknowledge specific concerns for effective communication with racial and ethnic groups.

      It's essential to recognize and respect the unique identities and complexities within racial and ethnic communities, rather than lumping them into broad categories. The use of terms like BIPOC or Latinx can be offensive and dismissive of the diverse experiences, histories, and backgrounds within these groups. Instead, it's crucial to speak to the shared concerns and aspirations that cross all racial and ethnic lines, such as job opportunities, economic security, and the ability to provide a better life for one's children. The Democratic Party, in particular, has faced criticism for relying too heavily on consultants from privileged backgrounds, leading to a lack of understanding and connection with working-class communities of color. Ultimately, effective communication with any racial or ethnic group requires acknowledging and addressing their specific concerns and experiences.

    • The importance of language in politics and avoiding echo chambersAuthenticity and honesty are essential in political narratives, but fetishizing radical language and isolating oneself in echo chambers can hinder progress. Both conservative and progressive politics discussed.

      Language and the way we use it to communicate ideas and build coalitions is crucial in politics. However, fetishizing radical language and isolating oneself in echo chambers can be counterproductive and hinder progress. This was discussed in relation to both conservative and progressive politics. Additionally, authenticity and honesty, even in the face of failure, can be valuable in political narratives, as seen in the critique of Huma Abedin's memoir about her time serving the Clinton family. The memoir was criticized for its whitewashing of Hillary Clinton's actions and failings, offering a Disney-like version of events instead of providing a genuine insight into the Clintons' lifelong quest for power and elite status.

    • Hillary Clinton's Loss: Reasons Beyond Campaign DistractionsClinton's loss in 2016 wasn't due to campaign distractions or young voters' preference, but her disastrous Iraq war vote, campaign arrogance, and the desire for new leadership.

      Hillary Clinton's struggles with online fundraising during her presidential campaign were not due to her supporters being more tactile than Obama's, but rather because they were established donors with transactional expectations. Young voters, on the other hand, were turned off by the Clinton operation and opted for Obama. Huma Abedin's memoir places blame on distractions from rivals, easily distracted voters, and campaign staffers for Clinton's loss in Iowa. However, in reality, Clinton's loss was due to her disastrous Iraq war vote, campaign arrogance, and the desperate desire for new leadership after the Bush years. The memoir also reveals the existence of a generation of young people who were persuaded that propping up the status quo through power centers was the best way to do good, but have grown up to run the country and it's not working out well. The book also sheds light on Elon Musk's business relationship with China and the potential leverage the CCP has over him. Despite the spin and obfuscation, both Clinton's memoir and Musk's business dealings are revealing in their own ways.

    • Tesla's deal with China came with expectationsTesla's heavy reliance on China for production and local suppliers raises geopolitical concerns, as it may require compromises on data security and regulatory control.

      China's lenient business regulations towards Tesla came with a price. Tesla, in exchange for favorable conditions, was expected to help develop local electric vehicle suppliers and bolster Chinese competitors. However, this arrangement comes with significant data security and regulatory control by the Chinese government. Tesla now produces half of its vehicles in China and relies heavily on local suppliers. While this arrangement benefits China in the long term by creating domestic capacity and potentially destroying foreign competition, it puts Tesla in a precarious position where it must comply with Chinese regulations and political goals, potentially at the expense of its operations in the US. This raises concerns about the implications of such reliance on China for strategic industries and the potential risks to American interests. It's a complex issue, but the takeaway is that businesses must consider the long-term geopolitical implications of their decisions and not just focus on short-term gains.

    • Teamsters Union Shifts Towards More Militant LeadershipThe Teamsters Union's recent election brought in new leadership, including Fred Zuckerman as secretary-treasurer, promising to stand up for workers against concessions and 2-tier wages. This shift is part of a larger trend of essential workers asserting power in strikes and union votes.

      The recent election in the Teamsters union marks a significant shift in power towards a more militant and member-driven leadership. With over 1.3 million members, the Teamsters is one of North America's most powerful unions. The new leadership, including Fred Zuckerman as the new secretary-treasurer, promises to stand up for workers against 2-tier wages, excessive overtime, and other concessions. This victory comes as part of a growing trend of essential workers asserting their power, as seen in strikes and votes against company-friendly contracts at places like John Deere, Vovo Trucks, Nabisco, and Kellogg's. The Teamsters' revolt against the International Union's past leadership, particularly regarding the UPS contract, has been a long-standing issue. The future looks promising for labor movements as this new leadership aims to fight for workers' rights and solidarity. Expect to see more union drives and militant actions across the nation as the labor movement gains momentum.

    • Teamsters Union's militant approach to inspiring workers and organizing at AmazonThe Teamsters Union's militant tactics, including potential strikes, could significantly impact the national economy and highlight the power of essential workers.

      The Teamsters Union's strategy to inspire workers to join their union and kickstart organizing at Amazon involves being a militant and public labor movement that fights back against employers. The Teamsters Union's leadership has stated they will strike UPS if necessary to reverse givebacks in their contract, which is up in two years. This strike could significantly impact the national economy as Teamsters jobs, such as package delivery and freight, cannot be outsourced. The pandemic has highlighted the power essential workers have and their frustration with being considered essential but treated as disposable. The Teamsters Union's potential to move or hamper the US economy makes it an essential opportunity for all of labor. Additionally, the interviewers expressed their frustration with media censorship and encouraged viewers to support their channel for unbiased news coverage.

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    Ep. 1716 - Visual PROOF Press Is In Biden's Pocket

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    Hostages in Gaza, riots in Ireland and (election) shockwaves in the Netherlands

    Hostages in Gaza, riots in Ireland and (election) shockwaves in the Netherlands

    As Israel and Hamas exchange hostages for prisoners, the worst riots in decades break out on the streets of Dublin (at the egging on of one Conor McGregor) and a far-right, anti-Islam populist wins in the socially liberal, deeply pro-EU Netherlands - what's happened in the world after a fortnight of all-consuming British political psychodrama.

    Lewis talks to Secunder Kermani, Channel 4's Foreign Correspondent who's spent most of the last 2 months on the ground Israel, POLITICO EU's Dutch reporter Pieter Haeck and Virgin Media News Correspondent Richard Chambers.

    Senior Producer: Gabriel Radus

    Producer: Laura FitzPatrick

    Social Media Editor: Georgia Foxwell

    Video Production: Rory Symon & Arvind Badewal

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