
    Podcast Summary

    • Building relationships and standing together in uncertain timesCommunity connection and support are vital for fostering resilience and creating meaningful change, whether it's through building relationships with neighbors or standing up for important causes.

      Community connection and support are essential, especially during uncertain times. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of building relationships with those around us, whether it's lending a helping hand or standing together during natural disasters. Meanwhile, the NBA playoffs demonstrate the excitement and intensity of community spirit, with fans and players alike embracing the energy of the postseason. In Atlanta, the Defend the Atlanta Forest project highlights the power of community resistance and the importance of protecting natural resources that serve as the "lungs" of the city. Despite setbacks, the community remains optimistic and committed to preserving the forested land. In summary, whether it's through building relationships with neighbors or standing up for important causes, community connection and support are crucial for creating meaningful change and fostering resilience.

    • Off-duty police protect bulldozers in public park during Cop City protestsCommunity members rallied to defend Atlanta Forest during Cop City week of action, confronting off-duty police and protesting at subcontractor's homes. Escalation led to damaged vehicles, but peaceful resistance continued.

      During the Defend the Atlanta Forest week of action, it was revealed that off-duty police working as private security for the construction management of the Cop City project were protecting bulldozers in a public park. This led to confrontations and retreats, as community members rallied to defend the forest. The group also protested at the home of Shepherd Long, an engineering firm subcontracted to the project, demanding that they sever ties. The week of action included various events, such as workshops, benefits, and protests. However, tensions escalated when police and off-duty officers were ambushed with rocks and bottles, resulting in damaged vehicles. Despite these incidents, the community continued to peacefully resist the construction of Cop City.

    • Protests against Cop City project in Atlanta escalate with clashes and arrestsActivists criticized the role of Brasfield and Gorrie's eastern regional president, Keith Lanier Johnson Junior, and Dodd Drilling LLC in the Cop City project, leading to protests, arrests, and property damage.

      During a week of action against the Cop City project in Atlanta, protests escalated with clashes between activists and police, resulting in multiple arrests and damage to property. The protests targeted the home of Keith Lanier Johnson Junior, the eastern regional president of Brasfield and Gorrie, the current general contractor on the Cop City project. Activists criticized Johnson for his role in the project, which involves the destruction of a forest, leveling of gravesites, and wage theft violations. Protesters also targeted Dodd Drilling LLC, which allowed police to use its equipment during the demolition of the forest. The activists' message was clear: they will not stop defending the forest and will target those involved in the Cop City project. The protests continued with marches, graffiti, and arrests, highlighting the intensity of the opposition to the Cop City project.

    • Atlanta Police Raids South Atlanta Forest to Clear Way for Cop City ProjectOn May 17th, 2023, Atlanta police raided the South Atlanta Forest, arresting protesters and destroying protest infrastructure, but local opposition to the $90-million Cop City project was rooted in community concerns, including gentrification and climate change, and the movement was met with resistance.

      On May 17th, 2023, Atlanta police, backed by various law enforcement agencies, raided the South Atlanta Forest, where local residents and activists had been protesting the planned $90,million Cop City project. The raid came after a week of action, during which over 100 people participated in workshops, gardening, film screenings, and protests. Despite claims of construction opening up the site, the real goal seemed to be to remove protesters and clear the way for development. Police arrested several individuals, mostly for trespassing and obstruction, and destroyed tree houses and other protest infrastructure. The police narrative painted them as the heroes protecting the community from outside agitators, but the movement to oppose Cop City was rooted in local opposition, including groups fighting against gentrification and climate change, Atlanta-based organizations, and even indigenous communities with ancestral connections to the land. The raid was met with community resistance, and a press conference was held to counter the police narrative. Despite attempts to depict the movement as small and violent, it was clear that a diverse and vibrant local community was united in their opposition to Cop City.

    • Protests Against Cop City Face Intense Police OppositionDespite challenges including arrests, property destruction, and mischaracterization by authorities, protesters remain determined to defend Atlanta and the planet from threats of climate change and over-militarization.

      The ongoing protests against the construction of Cop City in Atlanta have faced intense police opposition, with arrests, destruction of property, and discussions of using deadly force against protesters. Authorities have targeted out-of-state protesters, using high bails to keep them in detention. Meanwhile, police seem to misunderstand the decentralized nature of the resistance movement and are fearful of perceived threats, leading to paranoid and ignorant responses. The use of open source information, such as police scanner audio, has been crucial for the movement to stay informed and prepared. Despite these challenges, the protesters remain determined to defend their city and planet from the threats of climate change and over-militarization.

    • Actions in solidarity with Atlanta forest defenseDecentralized movements can effectively challenge power dynamics and inspire resistance, despite potential violent consequences from law enforcement.

      There are ongoing actions, both in Atlanta and nationwide, in solidarity with the movement to defend the Atlanta forest from the construction of Cop City. These actions range from vandalism and graffiti to more substantial attacks on the offices and infrastructure of companies involved in the project. The groups behind these actions remain anonymous, and while some believe they are part of a shadowy organization like Black Flag Atlanta, others see them as decentralized, autonomous actions fueled by open source intelligence and horizontal organizing. Regardless of their origin, these actions serve as a reminder of the power of decentralized movements and the potential consequences of police actions that spark community outrage. It's important to note that while some solidarity actions may be violent, the primary goal is to defend the forest and challenge the power dynamics at play. The use of fear and intimidation by law enforcement only serves to escalate tensions and fuel further resistance.

    • Community activism delays harmful projectsThrough confronting subcontractors and creating work stoppages, community activism can significantly impact and potentially halt projects contributing to police militarization and environmental destruction.

      Community activism and direct action can significantly impact projects that contribute to police militarization and environmental destruction, such as the Cop City project in Atlanta. Activists and community members have been successful in delaying the construction plans by confronting subcontractors and creating work stoppages. The Cop City project, which involves deforestation and the creation of a police training facility, is set to begin cutting down trees in about two weeks and seems to be gaining momentum. However, the actions of a few individuals have already resulted in delays and could potentially stop the project altogether. If you care about police brutality and climate change, there are ways to get involved and make a difference, such as contacting subcontractors and organizing protests or rallies. Together, we can create change and prevent harmful projects from moving forward.

    • Protecting women's access to healthcareClinic escorts provide a protective barrier, emotional support, and uphold women's autonomy, allowing them to access essential healthcare services safely and make informed decisions.

      Clinic escorting is a vital role that ensures women have access to essential healthcare services, such as abortion, without interference from protesters. Clinic escorts stand outside clinics, providing a protective barrier between patients and protesters, allowing them to enter the clinic safely and make their own choices. The job can be challenging, as protesters range from peaceful to aggressive, and some may use emotional manipulation and misinformation. However, escorts do not take sides, but rather believe in the importance of women's autonomy and their right to make informed decisions about their bodies and futures. The role goes beyond physical protection, as escorts also offer emotional support to patients, especially those who may feel overwhelmed or distressed by the protests. Overall, clinic escorting is a crucial service that upholds the fundamental right to reproductive healthcare and ensures that patients can access the care they need.

    • Supporting women at reproductive healthcare clinicsProviding compassionate support and advocacy for individuals making personal healthcare decisions is essential.

      Providing support and understanding to women seeking reproductive healthcare services is crucial. The speaker shares her personal experience of shielding a woman from aggressive protesters at a clinic, only to discover that she was there for an ultrasound, not a termination. The woman felt judged by society and was grateful for the presence of the speaker and her team, who believed in her right to make her own choices. The speaker also shares a story of a man who expressed gratitude for their presence during a difficult decision he and his wife had made years ago. Over the past decade and a half, the situation has changed, with a larger and more diverse group of volunteers joining the cause, especially during times of heightened tension and uncertainty, such as the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade. Overall, the importance of compassionate support and advocacy for individuals making personal healthcare decisions cannot be overstated.

    • Clinic Escorts Needed Amidst Heightened Tensions Over Reproductive RightsThe resurgence of protests against reproductive rights has led to a need for more clinic escorts due to increased length and vitriol of protests, making it challenging for volunteers to cover shifts. Escorts face threats and fear due to history of violence against reproductive healthcare providers.

      The reproductive rights movement has seen a resurgence of protests and heightened tensions, particularly following the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the potential demise of Roe v. Wade. This has led to an increase in the number of clinic escorts needed to ensure safe access to healthcare facilities. Escorts face growing vitriol and inflammatory comments from protestors, and the length of protests has doubled, making it challenging for volunteers to cover shifts due to their personal lives. Although physical violence against escorts is relatively rare, there is a constant undercurrent of fear due to the history of violence against reproductive healthcare providers and escorts. The display of signs with the names and faces of doctors, urging their retirement, can be considered violent and threatening. As the legal landscape surrounding reproductive rights continues to shift, the need for clinic escorts and their safety becomes increasingly crucial.

    • Growing Escalation in Anti-Abortion Protests with Intimidation TacticsAnti-abortion protests are escalating with intimidation tactics, false information, and rising involvement of younger men. It's crucial to respect personal choices and remember the majority of pregnancies are terminated.

      There is a growing escalation in anti-abortion protests, with some individuals engaging in intimidation tactics and spreading misinformation, even going as far as using false information on signs to shame women seeking services at clinics. These protests are not just limited to older individuals but are seeing a rise in younger, mostly white men. The use of inflammatory language and false information is part of the mind games used to make people feel ashamed and intimidated, even as the possibility of Roe v. Wade being overturned brings more people into the public discourse on the issue. Despite the undercurrent of violence and intimidation, it's important to remember that the majority of pregnancies in the US are terminated at some point, and it's a personal choice that should be respected, not stigmatized.

    • Ensuring safety and accessibility for women at clinicsClinic escorts provide support and ensure safety for women accessing healthcare services, bypassing debates with anti-choice demonstrators

      The role of clinic escorts is not about engaging in debates or changing the minds of anti-choice demonstrators. Instead, their primary goal is to ensure the safety and accessibility of women seeking healthcare services. This strategy can be effective as it bypasses the discourse and focuses on providing support to those in need. If you're interested in becoming a clinic escort, you can look up local organizations or contact healthcare providers in your area to get involved. While there may not be a national site, many individual clinics offer escort programs. Remember, the importance lies in being present and offering a friendly face to those who may need it most.

    • Supporting Abortion Access in Other WaysDonate to local abortion funds, support national organizations, and offer housing and transportation services to help those in need access abortion services.

      There are various ways to support the cause of abortion access and reproductive rights, even for those who cannot directly volunteer as clinic escorts. One option is to donate to local abortion funds, which help provide financial assistance to women seeking abortions, especially those who cannot afford the procedure. Another option is to support organizations at the national level, such as Planned Parenthood Federation or NARAL. During the COVID-19 pandemic, some organizations also offer housing and transportation services for those traveling long distances for later term abortions. So, for those who want to help but cannot escort, there are still meaningful ways to make a difference.

    • Exploring Anarchism: Self-Liberation and the Transition to AnarchyAnarchism emphasizes self-liberation and autonomy, but there's a transition period where existing infrastructure will be transformed through social experimentation and engagement with local conditions.

      Anarchism, as a societal structure, emphasizes self-liberation, autonomy, and the dismantling of power structures. Anarchists propose that people must take freedom into their own hands through direct action and the prefigurative process of building the new in the shell of the old. However, there's a common misconception that anarchism would mean an overnight switch to a society with no infrastructure or systems in place. In reality, there will be a transition period, and existing infrastructure will not disappear overnight. Instead, anarchist principles will be manifested through social experimentation and engaging with local conditions, allowing communities to determine what structures and systems are put in place. Revolution is both destructive and constructive, and the goal is to create a communistic and anarchistic society through communistic and anarchistic means. The discussion began with the principles of anarchism and the radicalizing effect of borders, leading to the importance of self-liberation and the ongoing process of moving towards anarchy.

    • Zones of possibility after revolutionsRobust organizational structures are crucial for turning revolutionary moments into lasting change, while weak networks can lead to disastrous outcomes.

      Revolutions are complex processes involving both disruptive moments and the preparatory work that comes before and after. Ruptural transformations, such as insurrections, capture our imagination with their dramatic upheaval, but the real work of societal change occurs in the interstitial spaces and shatter zones that follow. These areas, where state power collapses, are zones of possibility for positive transformation, but they can also lead to disastrous outcomes without strong organizational networks and structures in place. The strength of these networks ultimately determines whether a revolution leads to meaningful change or simply closes back up on itself. The 2020 protests in America serve as a recent example of a massive rupture, highlighting the importance of robust organizational structures to capitalize on such moments and create lasting change.

    • The risk of new bureaucracy forming under state controlTo prevent new bureaucracy under state control, ensure working class holds power and make decisions collectively.

      While peaceful protests and community organizing can bring about awareness and change, the state has the ability to adapt and recover, often leading to increased control and power. The risk of a new bureaucracy forming and limiting individual freedoms is a potential outcome. To prevent this, it's crucial to ensure that the working class collectively holds power and makes decisions. The state, as an exclusive and monopolistic entity, cannot exist without people under its control. As we engage in organizing and building infrastructure that can exist under capitalism but serves as prefigurations of our potential beyond it, we must remain vigilant against attempts to seize power and limit freedoms. The history of irrigation systems and urban decision making shows that complex systems can be organized without a centralized government or bureaucracy.

    • Challenges to alternative organizational structuresHistorically, people have organized for large-scale projects without relying on the state or capitalist models, but assumptions about growth and coordination can be obstacles.

      The assumption that societies must grow endlessly and that coordination is synonymous with the state or hierarchy is not accurate. People have the capability to make shifts and organize themselves for large-scale projects without relying on the state or capitalist models. Throughout history, people have moved goods across the world and run factories in various ways, often facing opposition from other political factions. The concept of the coordinator class and the assumption that people aren't capable of taking initiative are also challenges to consider in creating alternative organizational structures. Moreover, when costs are externalized in our current systems, communities are less incentivized to address issues like waste management, but when those costs are internalized, communities are more likely to notice problems and find solutions.

    • Decentralized societies' rich history of collective care and infrastructureDecentralized societies have shown the potential for effective and inclusive systems for addressing common needs through collective action and resource pooling, as seen in ancient irrigation systems and anarchist Spain's rapid implementation of universal healthcare during a civil war.

      Decentralized societies have a rich history of collective care and infrastructure, which can serve as a model for modern solutions to current social and environmental challenges. From ancient irrigation systems in Kenya to the medical syndicates of anarchist Spain during the Civil War, communities have come together to create and maintain shared resources for food, healthcare, housing, and more. These systems, while not perfect, offer valuable insights into how we can build more equitable and interconnected societies. In particular, the Spanish anarchists' rapid implementation of a universal healthcare program during a civil war is a testament to the potential of collective action and resource pooling. By studying these precedents and learning from their successes and failures, we can work towards establishing more effective and inclusive systems for addressing common needs.

    • Empowering Communities to Create ChangeWe don't need to rely on traditional institutions to create meaningful change in our communities. Initiatives like Neighbor to Neighbor empower individuals to build stronger bonds and unleash their creative potential to make a positive impact.

      We have the resources and capabilities to create meaningful change in our communities without relying on traditional institutions like the state or capitalism. The speaker emphasizes that we don't need to start from scratch, but rather build on what already exists. This can be seen in initiatives like Neighbor to Neighbor, which empowers individuals to build stronger community bonds. The discussion also touches on the potential for individuals to unleash their creative potential and make a positive impact. The speaker encourages listeners to focus on doing good instead of being held back by hierarchical systems. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of community, creativity, and taking action to make a difference.

    • Bias in News Headlines: Shaping Perception through MisrepresentationNews headlines can significantly influence public perception of global events through bias and misrepresentation, particularly in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. A study found consistent bias towards Israeli narratives and a decline in references to Palestinians' experiences and the occupation in major American publications.

      News headlines, particularly those about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, can significantly shape public perception through bias and misrepresentation. The New York Times, in particular, has faced criticism for misleading headlines during times of conflict. A study by 416 Labs analyzed 50 years of headlines from five major American publications and found a consistent bias towards Israeli narratives, with a significant decline in references to Palestinians' experiences and the occupation. This disproportionate coverage can impact public understanding of the issue and perpetuate misunderstandings. It's crucial to critically evaluate news headlines and recognize their potential impact on our understanding of global events.

    • Media bias against Palestinians in Israeli-Palestinian conflict coverageMedia often portrays Israelis as powerful actors and Palestinians as insignificant, delegitimizing Palestinian resistance. Coverage has declined since Oslo Peace Accords, and British media shows similar bias, minimizing Palestinian displacement and illegal settlements.

      The media coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict often portrays the Israeli military as an unstoppable force, while Palestinians are depicted as insignificant actors. This framing legitimizes Israeli actions and delegitimizes Palestinian resistance. Additionally, media coverage of the conflict has been declining since the Oslo Peace Accords, despite the ongoing violence and expansion of Israeli occupation. British media coverage also shows a similar bias against Palestinians, skewing international perception. A report by the Muslim Council of Britain's Centre For Media Marketing found that media coverage during the 2021 violence in Sheikh Jarrah and Al Aqsa Mosque was extremely unbalanced, with skewed language, misleading headlines, and problematic framing. These biases minimize the gravity of Palestinian displacement and illegal settlement plans, and present the situation as a legal dispute rather than a violation of international law.

    • Media bias in portraying Israeli-Palestinian conflictMedia often simplifies Israeli-Palestinian conflict, ignoring violent realities on ground due to systemic issues, lack of Palestinian voice, and biased journalism influenced by advertising

      The portrayal of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the media often fails to accurately represent the gravity and complexity of the situation. Instead, it can be reduced to legal disputes or exonerative cases, ignoring the violent realities on the ground. This bias is perpetuated by systemic issues within news agencies and the influence of advertising. Despite the presence of journalists who care and have firsthand knowledge, the coverage invariably tilts towards Israel due to the lack of visibility and voice for the Palestinian side. This is a broader issue in media, with heavy advertising support leading to biased journalism and problematic traffic-seeking behaviors, further exacerbating global issues.

    • Media language and reporting on Israel-Palestine conflictMedia language can skew perceptions, masking reality of illegal force and ethnic cleansing. Precise, accurate language is crucial for fair reporting.

      Media language and reporting on the Israel-Palestine conflict can be biased and misleading, masking the reality of illegal force and ethnic cleansing as rental disagreements or clashes. Terms like "clashes" and "intifada" can skew perceptions and create fear, while an overemphasis on religion can oversimplify the complex history of settler colonialism. It's important for journalists to use precise and accurate language to report on this conflict and avoid perpetuating biased narratives. Additionally, the Birthright program, which allows individuals to visit Israel without being from that land, can be a source of criticism due to the lack of critical thinking and understanding of the biased nature of the trip. The use of fear-inducing language around Arabic words and the desecration of sacred sites to both Muslims, Jewish people, and Christians adds to the complexity and urgency of the situation. Overall, media coverage of the Israel-Palestine conflict requires careful consideration and precise language to accurately reflect the reality of the situation.

    • Media misrepresentation of Israel-Palestine conflictMedia bias in language and facts can alter perceptions, downplaying Palestinian suffering and Israeli aggression, erasing historical context and legitimacy of Palestinian cause.

      The portrayal of the Israel-Palestine conflict as a complex religious war is a deliberate misrepresentation used to downplay the reality of settler colonialism, ethnic cleansing, and apartheid practices by Israel against Palestinians. The media plays a significant role in perpetuating this false narrative through biased language, passive voice, and misrepresentation of facts. The use of terms like "died" instead of "murdered" or "killed" can significantly alter the perception of events, minimizing the responsibility of Israeli aggressors and the suffering of Palestinians. Additionally, the labeling of Palestinian groups as militants or Islamists while referring to the Israeli military as just "the military" creates an unequal power dynamic and skews the legitimacy of each side's actions. These biases in media coverage erase the historical context and legitimacy of the Palestinian cause, further perpetuating the oppression and suffering of the Palestinian people.

    • Media bias in coverage of Israeli-Palestinian conflictRecognizing and addressing media bias is crucial for fair reporting on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Statements from controversial figures like Tzipi Hoteveli often go unchallenged, while Palestinians are frequently asked to justify Hamas' actions.

      Both Hamas and Israel have shown a willingness to accept civilian casualties in their pursuit of their goals, making it essential to separate the ethical evaluation of their causes from the acceptance of civilian harm. The discussion also highlighted the issue of media bias and the lack of challenge to certain views in broadcast interviews. For instance, the Israeli ambassador to the UK, Tzipi Hoteveli, has previously described the displacement of Palestinians as a "displacement" rather than ethnic cleansing, and has been accused of holding racist and Islamophobic views. However, her statements receive little pushback or challenge, while Palestinians are often asked to answer for Hamas' actions. Additionally, a study by MIT revealed that The New York Times' coverage during the first Palestinian Intifada was biased against Palestinians, with Israelis being referenced more frequently and in less violent language than Palestinians. These findings underscore the importance of recognizing and addressing media bias in coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

    • Media bias towards Israeli perspectivesDespite some progress, media coverage of Israel-Palestine conflict remains biased towards Israeli perspectives, with prejudiced reporters like Thomas L. Friedman continuing to shape public opinion. The BDS movement offers a means to pressure Israel to comply with international law.

      The media's coverage of the Israel-Palestine conflict has been biased towards Israeli perspectives, with known prejudiced reporters like Thomas L. Friedman being given platforms to express anti-Palestinian sentiment. This bias is not only present in traditional media but also in social media, where petty disputes between Palestinian groups and contradictions in their leadership are often highlighted to frame the situation incorrectly. However, there are signs of change in public sentiment and discourse in the US, with more even-handed coverage and public figures taking pro-Palestinian stances. The BDS movement, which advocates for boycotting Israeli goods and companies, has also gained significant traction as a means of pressuring Israel to comply with international law. Despite these changes, it's crucial to continue exposing biased journalists and news outlets to build public pressure and bring about meaningful change in the Israel-Palestine conflict.

    • Speak out against injustice, amplify Palestinian voicesUsing voices, platforms, and connections to stand up for justice and support those in need is crucial. Amplifying Palestinian voices silenced by conflict is essential.

      Speaking out against injustice, especially when it comes to the Palestinian issue, is crucial. Social media can be a powerful tool for change, as seen when the New York Times altered their headline due to public backlash. Palestinian voices are often silenced, making it essential for those outside the conflict to use their platforms to amplify their messages. Celebrities, such as Bella Hadid, Susan Sarandon, Natalie Portman, Selena Gomez, Dua Lipa, and The Weeknd, have used their influence to support Palestine and raise awareness. Using one's voice is a responsibility, and silence is a form of complicity. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, is another example of the power of community and connection. By empowering individuals to help their neighbors, they create stronger, more resilient communities. Overall, it's important to use our voices, platforms, and connections to stand up for justice and support those in need.

    • The killing of Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh deserves more attentionDespite wearing a press vest, Shireen Abu Akleh was intentionally killed by Israeli forces during an Israeli raid in Jenin refugee camp. Evidence suggests this, but no independent investigation has been launched yet.

      The killing of Shireen Abu Akleh, a veteran Palestinian journalist, by Israeli soldiers on May 11th, 2022, deserves more attention than it has received. Despite wearing a press vest and being surrounded by other journalists, she was targeted and assassinated in the Jenin refugee camp while covering an Israeli raid. The Israeli military initially claimed that she may have been hit by Palestinian gunfire or an Israeli sniper, but evidence from multiple sources, including two videos of the scene and testimonies from eyewitnesses, suggest that she was intentionally killed by Israeli forces. The constant state of trauma and violence against Palestinians, which includes the targeting of journalists, is a larger issue that deserves recognition and action. The international community, including the UN and US lawmakers, have called for an independent investigation into her death, but as of now, no such investigation has been launched.

    • Journalist Shireen Abu Akleh shot during Israeli raid, despite absence of clashes or gunfireWitnesses and evidence suggest Israeli soldiers intentionally killed journalist Shireen Abu Akleh during a raid in Jenin, despite absence of clashes or Palestinian gunfire.

      Shireen Abu Akleh, a renowned journalist covering Israel and Palestine, was killed by Israeli soldiers during a raid in Jenin, despite the absence of clashes or Palestinian gunfire in the area. Witnesses and videos show that the journalists were identifying themselves to the Israeli military when they were shot at. The Israeli military initially denied intentional targeting of Abu Akleh, but multiple witnesses and videos suggest otherwise. An expert analyzed the tree markings left by the bullets and concluded that the shots came from the direction of the Israeli troops, indicating a targeted attack. The incident underscores the ongoing tensions and violence in the region and raises concerns about the safety of journalists covering the conflict.

    • Media bias in reporting on the death of Shireen Abu AklehMedia outlets erased Shireen Abu Akleh's American identity and dehumanized her and the Palestinian people in their reporting, contributing to the tragedy of her death and the ongoing conflict.

      The killing of Shireen Abu Akleh was not a random event, but an intentional act, indicated by the close grouping of the bullet holes in her body. Her death was deeply mourned by Palestinians and the international community, yet the media response was significantly different from how they would have covered the death of an American journalist. Headlines from The New York Times and other outlets underscored this bias, with one describing her as a "Palestinian journalist dying at 51," while another reported "an American journalist killed in Ukraine." This erasure of her American identity and dehumanization of her and her people was evident in the coverage, adding to the tragedy of her death and the ongoing conflict. At her funeral in Jerusalem, Israeli forces attacked mourners, further highlighting the violence and injustice faced by Palestinians.

    • Israeli soldiers attack mourners carrying coffin of Palestinian journalistIsraeli soldiers attacked mourners carrying the coffin of Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, resulting in almost dropping it, while thousands of Israelis marched with impunity during Jerusalem Day, met with violence against Palestinians.

      Despite being captured on camera, Israeli soldiers continue to attack Palestinians with impunity. An incident involving the attempted mourning of Shireen Abu Akleh, a Palestinian-American journalist, resulted in her coffin almost being dropped due to Israeli military aggression. This assault occurred outside a hospital in East Jerusalem during her funeral procession, where mourners were waving Palestinian flags. The Israeli police claimed that the mourners had refused to put the coffin in a hearse, but the disproportionate use of force against unarmed mourners carrying a coffin is unjustifiable. Meanwhile, thousands of Israelis marched through the Old City of Jerusalem, waving Israeli flags during Jerusalem Day, which Palestinians view as a provocation. Palestinians were met with violence, including pepper spray, rubber bullets, and chants of hate speech. These incidents underscore the ongoing tension and violence between Israelis and Palestinians, with little accountability for the use of excessive force against Palestinians.

    • Annual march in Shufaat celebrates hateful sentiments towards PalestiniansThe Israeli government's increasing religious and right-wing stance fuels mainstream celebrations of hateful sentiments towards Palestinians, resulting in excessive use of force against them.

      The annual march in Shufaat, Jerusalem, celebrates violent and hateful sentiments towards Palestinians, with chants like "Shafa'at is on fire," referencing the murder of Muhammad Abu Khadir. This mentality is not a fringe element in Israeli society but rather a mainstream celebration, as described by Israeli political activist and journalist Orly Noy. The Israeli government's increasing religious and right-wing stance, bolstered by figures like former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and current Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, who was once the minister of the settlement council, contributes to this trend. The tragic killing of Palestinian journalist Lefran Hamid by the IDF, despite her not posing an imminent threat, highlights the excessive use of force and shoot-to-kill policy against Palestinians, encouraged by senior Israeli politicians.

    • Israeli forces using excessive force against PalestiniansThe UN reports Israeli violence against Palestinians, including at funerals, violates intl. standards. Seek info from Palestinian sources, speak up for change.

      The United Nations has reported that Israeli forces have been using excessive force against Palestinians, including at funerals, which violates international standards. This pattern of violence has continued without consequence. The speaker also recommends watching the documentary "Gaza Fries for Freedom" to learn more about the larger issues of genocide and ethnic cleansing in the region. The speaker encourages listeners to seek out information from Palestinian sources and speak up to raise awareness and bring about change. Despite the heavy subject matter, the speaker urges listeners to stay informed and engaged.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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