
    Podcast Summary

    • 2024 Republican Presidential Primary: Serious Contenders OnlyOnly candidates with significant polling and donor support will qualify for the first Republican primary debate, potentially incentivizing media appearances over grassroots campaigning

      The 2024 Republican presidential primary race is heating up, with the field expanding to a dozen candidates, including Mike Pence, Chris Christie, and Doug Burgum. The Republican National Committee has set new criteria for the first debate, requiring candidates to poll above 1% in a combination of state and national polls, have at least 40,000 donors across 20 states, and pledge to support the eventual nominee. This means that only serious contenders are likely to make it to the debate stage, but the focus on polling and donors may incentivize candidates to prioritize media appearances over grassroots campaigning. Additionally, Vote Save America is raising funds to support organizations fighting for trans youth rights, and the Crooked podcast "Strict Scrutiny" will be recording live at Howard University.

    • 2024 Republican Primary: Unclear Eligibility Rules and CandidatesThe 2024 Republican primary is uncertain with varying eligibility requirements, some candidates officially in, others on the fence, and newcomers joining the race.

      The 2024 Republican primary race is shaping up to be an imperfect process with various candidates meeting different criteria for eligibility. While some, like Trump, DeSantis, Haley, and Ramaswamy, have already announced their bids and meet the polling and donor requirements, others, such as Pence and Christie, are on the fence due to their past criticisms of Trump and uncertain fundraising abilities. The rules for participation are not clear-cut, with some candidates taking a more aggressive stance on issues like supporting the nominee and participating in non-RNC debates. Additionally, newcomers like Burgum and Elder are also in the mix, bringing their unique backgrounds and policy positions to the table. Overall, the primary process is expected to be full of twists and turns as the field continues to take shape.

    • Uncertainty Surrounds 2024 Republican PrimaryFormer President Trump's absence and legal issues add complexity to the 2024 Republican Primary, with some candidates facing criticism for past actions and others using vague terms to gain support.

      The 2024 Republican primary race could face unexpected challenges, particularly for candidates like Chris Christie who have publicly criticized former President Trump. Christie's strategy to attack Trump during debates may not be effective if Trump decides to skip them again. Mike Pence, on the other hand, is trying to appeal to white Christian evangelical nationalists in Iowa but faces criticism for standing by Trump during his presidency. Trump's absence from the Republican events and his ongoing legal issues are adding to the uncertainty of the race. Despite this, some candidates, like Trump, continue to use the term "woke" without defining it, adding to the confusion and chaos in the political landscape. The grand jury investigating the classified documents case is set to reconvene this week, adding another layer of complexity to the unfolding political drama.

    • Impact of Ongoing Trump InvestigationsNew evidence and potential trials could change public perception, impacting Trump's nomination chances and raising doubts about his trustworthiness and suitability for the presidency.

      The ongoing investigations against Donald Trump, particularly those related to the alleged hoarding and dissemination of classified information and obstruction of justice, could potentially have a greater impact on his political future compared to the hush money case. The latest developments suggest that there might be substantial evidence against Trump, including possible tapes and security camera footage, which could lead to trials and courtroom appearances. These events could change public perception and potentially impact his nomination chances. Additionally, recent polls indicate that a significant number of Americans, including independents and Republicans, have doubts about Trump's trustworthiness and suitability for the presidency due to these allegations. The complexity and gravity of these investigations make them easier for the public to understand as crimes, setting them apart from previous controversies.

    • Former Ambassador Haley spreads misinformation at town hall, Trump's foreign ties under scrutinyDespite former Ambassador Haley's hateful rhetoric and misinformation, there was no pushback from the audience or media. Trump's foreign ties and unusual friendships with dictators were discussed, but lacked substance in Republican criticisms.

      During a recent town hall event, former US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley spread misinformation and hate-filled rhetoric against trans people, immigrants, and lied about crime, but received no pushback from the audience or media. Another major concern discussed was the potential foreign influence on Trump and his associates, particularly Jared Kushner and his business dealings with the Saudis. Trump's unusual friendship with North Korea's dictator, Kim Jong Un, also came under scrutiny, but received limited media coverage. Republican candidates criticized Trump for this, but their arguments lacked substance. Trump's use of the term "woke" against other Republicans was also discussed, with a theory that he may have been influenced by negative coverage of DeSantis and Elon Musk's viral debate moment. Overall, the conversation highlighted the need for more critical analysis and accountability from both the media and political figures.

    • Public spat between DeSantis and Trump over cultural issuesThe exchange between DeSantis and Trump showcased differing views on cultural issues, with DeSantis emphasizing the importance of opposing 'woke' ideologies and Trump dismissing the term. The debate also highlighted the tension between traditional conservative values and the changing cultural landscape.

      During a recent event, Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump engaged in a public spat over cultural issues, with DeSantis positioning himself as a strong opponent of "woke" ideologies and Trump dismissing the term. DeSantis also suggested that a two-term president is necessary to effectively address these issues, while Trump claimed he could fix everything in half the time. The exchange drew mixed reactions, with some seeing DeSantis' attacks as potentially effective and others dismissing them as cerebral and not resonating with the average voter. The use of the term "woke" and discussions of cultural Marxism were criticized for being too abstract and not providing a clear solution for voters' concerns. Ultimately, the debate highlights the ongoing tension between traditional conservative values and the changing cultural landscape, with both candidates attempting to appeal to their respective bases.

    • Polarized Politics: Identity Issues and Culture WarsThe focus on divisive identity politics and culture war issues may alienate moderates and independents, with real-life consequences for affected individuals.

      The political landscape is becoming increasingly polarized, with identity politics and culture war issues taking center stage. Some voters are drawn to figures like Trump and DeSantis due to their perceived authenticity and opposition to perceived threats to traditional values. However, the focus on these issues may be alienating moderates and independent voters. The debate over issues like abortion and gender affirming care highlights the onerous restrictions being proposed under the guise of protecting certain values, with Florida currently leading the way with the most extreme trans ban in the country. These issues are not only politically divisive but also have real-life consequences for affected individuals. The Republican primary candidates seem to be catering to the most partisan voices online, potentially losing sight of the needs and concerns of the broader electorate.

    • Raising Concerns Among Republican Voter GroupsDeSantis' extreme policies and big government overreach in education and reproductive health could impact his ability to build a broad-based coalition necessary to win the Republican primary, as concerns from electability-focused and anti-Trump Republicans grow.

      Ron DeSantis' extreme policies and big government overreach in areas like education and reproductive health are raising concerns among various Republican voter groups, including those concerned about electability and anti-Trump Republicans. These concerns could potentially impact DeSantis' ability to build a broad-based coalition necessary to win the Republican primary. The trend of DeSantis' increasingly restrictive laws and actions, such as the "Don't Say Gay" law and book bans, are painting a picture of an extreme governor, which could be a challenge for him in trying to appeal to a larger voter base. Additionally, his grassroots enthusiasm, while strong, does not match that of candidates like Bernie Sanders, which could be a potential concern for his campaign. Ultimately, DeSantis will need to address these concerns and appeal to a diverse range of Republican voters, including evangelical Christians and college-educated voters, to successfully challenge Trump for the nomination.

    • The Importance of Grassroots Support and Clear Positions for a Successful Presidential CampaignDespite substantial funds, a presidential campaign's success depends on grassroots support and clear positions on issues.

      While DeSantis has raised a significant amount of funds for his presidential campaign, the enthusiasm and grassroots support behind his bid remain questionable. Despite having $8.2 million in donations, the large chunk of it is for both the primary and general elections, and he may have to return it if he doesn't secure the nomination. The importance of grassroots energy was highlighted in past elections, such as Obama versus Hillary and Sanders versus Clinton, where most challengers failed to win despite substantial funds. Nikki Haley, another GOP contender, faced criticism during a town hall for her inconsistent stance on issues and lack of clear answers. Her attempt to combine pre-2016 conservatism with a MAGA impression was deemed pathetic and nonsensical by some, particularly regarding her stance on transgender issues and mental health. Overall, the discussion emphasized the significance of grassroots support and clear positions on issues for a successful presidential campaign.

    • Nikki Haley's Pro-Life Branding Effort Alienates VotersNikki Haley's attempt to establish a pro-life brand without taking a clear stance on the issue left voters confused and alienated, particularly on abortion, entitlements, and transgender rights. Her criticisms of other Republican candidates may not have been electorally beneficial.

      During a recent speech, Nikki Haley attempted to establish a pro-life brand without taking a clear stance on the issue, and in doing so, she alienated voters with her views on abortion, entitlements, and transgender rights. Her approach was criticized as misleading and misinformation, particularly on Social Security and Medicare. Despite this, Haley did connect with the audience by sharing her personal experiences as a military wife and mentioning her husband's upcoming deployment. However, her harsh criticisms of other Republican candidates, such as DeSantis and Trump, may not have been electorally beneficial. Overall, Haley's speech showcased her political savvy but left some questioning her authenticity and ability to appeal to a broad base of voters.

    • Biden takes victory lap after bipartisan budget dealPresident Biden signed a bipartisan budget deal, preventing U.S. default, emphasizing unity and fairness, and committed to closing tax loopholes for the wealthy.

      President Joe Biden took a victory lap after signing the bipartisan budget deal, emphasizing the importance of bipartisan work and his refusal to believe that Democrats and Republicans can't work together. The speech affirmed the White House's reelection strategy of marginalizing MAGA Republicans while cutting deals with non-MAGA Republicans. Biden highlighted the critical nature of the agreement, which prevented the first-ever U.S. default, and emphasized that no one got everything they wanted but the American people got what they needed. The speech also served to showcase Biden's theory of politics, his personal pride in the deal, and his intention to make sure the wealthy pay their fair share by closing special interest tax loopholes. The use of the presidential bully pulpit was seen as a way to ensure McCarthy didn't get all the credit. Despite criticisms, the speech was effective in highlighting Biden's accomplishments and his commitment to unity and fairness.

    • Biden vs. GOP: Protecting Policies and Fighting ExtremismBiden's team distinguishes between moderate Republicans and MAGA Republicans, aiming to protect American values and policies from the MAGA agenda while maintaining bipartisanship.

      The ongoing political battle between the Biden administration and the Republican Party centers around protecting key policies, such as Medicare, and closing loopholes. While Biden's team is distinguishing between "regular" Republicans and "MAGA Republicans," the larger narrative is about fighting Republican extremism. This strategy aims to give moderate Republicans and independent voters a place to go, while also highlighting the dangers and extremism of the MAGA wing of the party. The fine line Biden walks is maintaining bipartisanship and collaboration while also opposing the most extreme elements within the GOP. Ultimately, Biden's goal is to protect American values and policies from the MAGA agenda.

    • Robert F. Kennedy Jr's Controversial CandidacyDespite controversial views and conspiracy theories, RFK Jr's name recognition and potential third-party run pose a significant threat to major parties. His false claims about pandemics, vaccines, and history are dangerous and divisive, making it crucial to educate the public on facts and consequences.

      Robert F. Kennedy Jr's candidacy for the Democratic nomination, despite his controversial views and conspiracy theories, poses a significant threat due to his name recognition and potential to run as a third-party candidate. His endorsement by figures like Elon Musk and Jack Dorsey, along with his polling numbers, indicate a substantial following. While some of his criticisms of Washington and its lobbyists resonate with certain voter demographics, his false claims about pandemics, vaccines, and history are dangerous and divisive. The potential for him to siphon votes from both major parties, particularly in crucial swing states, is a cause for concern. It's essential to educate the public about the facts behind his claims and the potential consequences of supporting such a candidacy.

    • Potential Kennedy entry causes disruptions for Dems in NH primaryRobert F. Kennedy Jr.'s potential 2024 presidential run could disrupt the Democratic Party, particularly in New Hampshire, due to his family history, state tradition, and potential support from influential figures.

      The potential entry of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. into the 2024 presidential race could cause significant disruptions for the Democratic Party, particularly in key swing states like New Hampshire. Kennedy's family history and the state's tradition of holding the first primary, despite the DNC's decision to move it to South Carolina, could lead to headlines and attention that could potentially embarrass the current frontrunner, Joe Biden. Additionally, the conspiratorial worldview and anti-establishment sentiment held by some influential figures, such as Jack Dorsey and Elon Musk, could give Kennedy a platform to gain a large audience. The Democratic National Committee's decision not to hold primary debates for non-serious candidates could also lead to criticism and backlash. The potential entrance of Kennedy and other longshot candidates could add an element of unpredictability and chaos to the race.

    • Controversial Reps Boebert and Greene in the NewsBoebert made headlines for her 'no protest vote' during the budget bill, while Greene faces potential primary challenges from Bannon. The interview featured Ben Terrace and his book 'The Big Break' about intriguing Washington politics characters, including Robert Strick, a successful lobbyist.

      Republican representatives Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene, both known for their controversial actions and statements, recently made headlines for different reasons. While Boebert gained attention for her "no protest vote" during the budget bill vote, Greene is facing potential primary challenges from Steve Bannon. The discussion also touched upon their past relationship and alleged arguments. Meanwhile, the interview segment introduced The Washington Post reporter Ben Terrace and his new book, "The Big Break," which explores intriguing characters in Washington politics. One of these characters is Robert Strick, a successful lobbyist who found his footing during the Trump administration.

    • A man leverages chaos of Trump's presidency to become a powerful lobbyistSome individuals seized opportunities in the politically chaotic climate of Trump's presidency to make significant gains, manipulating the system to their advantage

      The book "The Big Break" by Alexis Grenell explores the story of a man named Nathaniel Rothschild who leveraged the chaos of Donald Trump's presidency to become a powerful lobbyist in Washington. Despite his lack of connections within the Trump orbit, Rothschild bluffed his way into securing massive lobbying contracts with foreign countries, including $5 million from Saudi Arabia. His success story is a fascinating example of someone who took advantage of the political climate and seized an opportunity to make it big. Another notable figure in the book is Matt Schlapp, a lobbyist and chairman of the American Conservative Union, who went from being a Bush administration insider to a leader in the MAGA movement. The book provides insight into how Washington became broken and how individuals like Rothschild and Schlapp manipulated the system to their advantage.

    • The Evolution of a Republican Loyalist: A Case Study of Matt SchlappThe Republican Party's shift towards loyalty to Donald Trump is exemplified by individuals like Matt Schlapp, who have transformed from compassionate conservatives to unwavering supporters.

      The Republican Party's transformation into a party primarily focused on loyalty to Donald Trump can be understood through the lens of individuals like Matt Schlapp. Schlapp's shift from being a compassionate conservative to a loyalist for Trump is a compelling example of this evolution. The author's approach as a profile writer allowed her to gain insight into Schlapp's motivations and the way he justifies his actions. While the reasons for why people talk to her remain unclear, she maintains fairness and accuracy in her reporting. Despite her cynical view of Washington, she acknowledges the presence of hope and the importance of underrepresented voices in the city. The book offers a complex portrayal of Washington, D.C., showcasing both its darkness and potential for positive change.

    • People in Washington D.C. strive for good work despite negative perceptionAmidst cynicism and corruption, many in Washington D.C. remain focused on making a positive impact, with new media outlets amplifying underrepresented voices and holding power accountable.

      Despite the negative perception of Washington D.C. as a city filled with cynics and power-hungry individuals, there are still many people who come to the area with the intention of doing good work. The Trump era may have brought more attention to those looking to make a name for themselves or make money, but the majority of people in Washington remain earnest and focused on making a positive impact. The media landscape has also shifted, with social media and new outlets playing a larger role in reporting on underrepresented communities and holding those in power accountable. While there is certainly cynicism and corruption in Washington, there are also countless individuals working towards positive change.

    • The Media and Politics in the Post-Trump EraThe media industry continues to face challenges in the post-Trump era, with some thriving and others struggling. Power dynamics in Washington remain complex, with those in power seeking all the credit or blame for policies.

      The media industry, like Washington D.C., is still grappling with the aftermath of the Trump era. Some outlets are thriving, while others are struggling financially and making the same mistakes they made before. One example of this is the case of Morgan Murphy, a former food critic who became a key adviser to Senator Tommy Tuberville, helping him block Pentagon nominations due to a disagreement over a Defense Department abortion policy. However, when Murphy took credit for the policy, he was pushed out. This episode highlights how Washington has changed since Trump, but remains the same in that those in power often want all the credit or blame for policies coming from their office. It's a reminder that the media and politics continue to be complex and nuanced arenas.

    • A fresh perspective on daily news with Midas Touch podcastIn the fight for democracy, unapologetically pro-democracy media sources like Midas Touch podcast are crucial. Subscribe for daily news and commentary with a unique perspective.

      In the current media landscape, it's essential to seek out unapologetically pro-democracy sources, moving beyond the "both sides" approach. The Midas Touch podcast, endorsed by Dan Pfeiffer, offers daily news and commentary with a unique perspective. The trio of hosts, with diverse backgrounds, provides a fresh and hopeful approach to covering the news. Subscribe to the Midas Touch podcast on YouTube or wherever you get your podcasts for new episodes daily. In the ongoing battle between authoritarianism and democracy, it's crucial to have media that defends democracy and doesn't shy away from taking a stand. The Midas Touch podcast is a valuable resource for those seeking the truth without the bias of "both sides" media.

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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