
    122 The Key to POWERFUL Sleep for Ultimate Human Performance with Shawn Stevenson

    enJanuary 07, 2015

    Podcast Summary

    • Optimizing Sleep Quality for Peak PerformancePrioritize deep sleep stages 3 and 4 for optimal functioning and productivity, focusing on sleep quality to enhance memory and overall well-being.

      Sleep is a crucial foundation for achieving greatness in all areas of life. Sean Stevenson, a sleep expert and best-selling author, emphasizes that sleep is not just about getting a certain number of hours but about improving the quality of sleep. He explains that deep stages three and four sleep are essential for optimal functioning during wakefulness. Our genes expect us to prioritize sleep, and neglecting it can significantly impact our ability to perform at high levels. The common understanding is that there are four stages of sleep, with REM sleep being the stage where short-term memories get converted into long-term memories. The focus should be on optimizing sleep quality to ensure more frequent deep sleep stages and maximize productivity and overall well-being.

    • Morning exercise boosts deep sleepExercising in the morning can enhance deep sleep by up to 75% and promote better sleep quality at night.

      Getting enough REM and deep sleep is crucial for learning and overall health. Deep sleep, also known as non-REM sleep, is the anabolic state where the body produces growth hormones and repairing hormones. A study from Appalachian State University found that exercising in the morning can increase deep sleep by up to 75%. This is because our bodies are designed to have a cortisol spike in the morning, which encourages physical activity and helps reset the cortisol rhythm for better sleep at night. So, incorporating some form of physical activity in the morning, even if it's just a few minutes, can help improve the quality of your sleep. This is just one of the strategies outlined in the book for optimizing sleep.

    • Start your day right with quality waterInvest in good water for a productive day, as it absorbs what it comes into contact with and tap water may contain harmful substances.

      Starting your day with a consistent morning ritual, including proper hydration with high-quality water, sets the foundation for a productive and restful day. The quality of water is crucial, as it absorbs what it comes into contact with, and tap water may contain harmful substances. Investing in a reverse osmosis system or drinking spring water can ensure you're getting the best possible hydration for your body. Remember, the simple acts of self-care, like maintaining a consistent morning routine and being mindful of what you put into your body, can have a significant impact on your overall health and well-being.

    • Impact of Plastic Water Bottles on Health and SleepRegularly consuming water from plastic bottles with BPA can lead to health issues, including hormonal imbalances and cancers for women, and sleep deprivation can hinder weight loss and fitness results, affecting overall health and youthfulness.

      Plastic water bottles containing Bispinol A (BPA) can release estrogen-like compounds when exposed to water. Consuming this water regularly can lead to health issues, including estrogen dominance and related cancers for women, and hormonal imbalances for men. Sleep is also crucial for optimal health and fitness results. A study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal showed that sleep-deprived individuals lost less weight and body fat compared to those who slept adequately, despite having the same diet and exercise routines. Sleep is essential for the body to recover, secrete anabolic hormones, and maintain youthfulness.

    • The Importance of Sleep for Effective Decision MakingSleep deprivation impairs brain function, leading to poor decision-making and increased cravings for sugary foods. Prioritize sleep for optimal health and productivity.

      Sleep is essential for optimal brain function and making effective decisions. Lack of sleep can lead to a decrease in glucose reaching the brain, resulting in poor decision-making and hindered information processing. This can increase cravings for sugary foods as the brain seeks a quick energy source. Biologically, our bodies need sleep for survival, but many adults neglect it in favor of productivity. Caffeine, such as from coffee, can help increase alertness in the short term, but excessive consumption or consumption later in the day can disrupt sleep and negate its benefits. Prioritizing sleep and creating conditions that support healthy habits can help stack the odds in favor of making and sticking to healthy choices.

    • Caffeine can disrupt deep sleepAvoid consuming caffeine hours before bedtime to improve sleep quality and overall well-being

      Consuming caffeine, even six hours before bedtime, can negatively impact the ability to enter deep stages of sleep. This is due to caffeine's long half-life, which keeps it active in the body for hours after consumption. To improve sleep quality, establish a caffeine curfew by cutting off consumption several hours before bedtime. This simple fix can help the body naturally produce energy and relax, leading to better sleep and overall well-being. Additionally, excessive caffeine consumption can lead to dependence and a false sense of energy, which can hinder the body's natural recovery process.

    • Aligning with nature's rhythms for optimal sleepWake up early, hydrate, meditate, and sync with nature's cycles for best sleep and overall well-being

      Optimizing sleep involves aligning ourselves with nature's rhythms. The perfect human being's sleep routine would start with waking up early around 6 a.m., depending on the season and location. Hydration and meditation are essential practices to incorporate after waking up. Understanding that we are part of nature and our bodies are synced with its cycles is crucial for optimal sleep health and overall success in life. Meditation, or brain training, is a valuable tool for decompression and processing in our busy society. While everyone is different, this ideal situation sets the foundation for the best sleep and overall well-being.

    • Improve mental and physical health with daily routineMeditation enhances sleep, sunlight boosts vitamin D, avoid screens before bed for optimal health

      Establishing a consistent daily routine can significantly improve both your mental and physical well-being. This includes practices such as morning meditation, getting sunlight exposure, maintaining a balanced diet, and avoiding screen time before bed. The science behind this comes from studies showing that meditation can enhance sleep quality, sunlight helps convert cholesterol into vitamin D, and blue light from screens can disrupt melatonin production, making it harder to fall asleep. By implementing simple hacks like wearing orange tint shades or using apps that filter out blue light, you can create a more conducive environment for a good night's rest. The key is to establish a routine and stick to it for optimal health benefits.

    • Maximizing anabolic hormone secretions during sleepSuccessful people prioritize early bedtimes and early wake-ups to optimize sleep patterns and enhance anabolic hormone secretions for long-term gains. Avoid late-night eating and caffeine consumption to improve sleep quality.

      Optimizing your sleep patterns can significantly enhance your success, particularly during the hours of 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. when anabolic hormone secretions are at their peak. To maximize these benefits, aim to get to bed early and wake up early to finish tasks instead of staying up late. Successful people, including Eric Thomas and Gary Vaynerchuk, prioritize their sleep for long-term gains. However, it's essential to find a balance and adjust your sleep schedule according to your personal needs and circumstances. Additionally, try to avoid eating or consuming caffeine late at night, as it can increase cortisol levels and negatively impact your sleep quality.

    • Impact of Timing and Type of Food on Sleep QualityConsuming food, especially for overweight/obese individuals, can disrupt sleep by increasing cortisol levels. Finish eating at least 2 hours before bedtime and opt for meals higher in fat to improve sleep quality.

      The timing and type of food we consume, especially before bedtime, can significantly impact our sleep quality. For individuals with a healthy BMI, eating a meal results in a normal 5% increase in cortisol. However, for those who are overweight or obese, consuming food leads to a problematic 51% increase in cortisol. This can result in a disrupted sleep cycle, causing low-quality sleep and leaving individuals feeling tired and craving more carbohydrates the next day. To improve sleep quality, it's recommended to establish a curfew for food consumption, aiming to finish eating at least two hours before bedtime. Additionally, opting for meals higher in fat instead of carbohydrates closer to bedtime can help maintain stable blood sugar levels and promote better sleep. If you're having trouble sleeping, consider implementing relaxation techniques, limiting caffeine intake, and creating a calming bedtime routine.

    • Strategies for Better Sleep When You Wake Up in the Middle of the NightUse magnesium for relaxation, practice meditation, establish a bedtime routine, let go of worries, and engage in relaxing activities to improve chances of falling back asleep.

      When you find yourself awake in the middle of the night and unable to fall back asleep, there are several strategies you can employ to improve your chances of returning to a restful state. First, consider using magnesium, such as through an Epsom salt bath or a magnesium spray, to help calm your mind and body. Second, practice meditation to shift your brain waves into states closer to sleep. These strategies, along with establishing a consistent bedtime routine, can help set yourself up for a good night's sleep. However, it's important to remember that it's normal to wake up occasionally during the night, and there's no need to be hard on yourself if this happens. Instead, try to let go of any worries and focus on relaxing your body. Additionally, engaging in activities that promote relaxation, such as sex, can also help you fall back asleep.

    • Sex and Sleep: The ConnectionRegular sex life can enhance sleep quality by releasing stress-reducing hormones and improving overall well-being. Initial improvement may come from short-term abstinence, but long-term benefits are greater.

      Having a healthy and active sex life can significantly improve sleep quality for both men and women. During orgasm, the release of hormones like oxytocin, serotonin, and prolactin can act as natural stress reducers and sedatives. Research suggests that not having sex for a short period can initially improve sleep quality, but the long-term benefits of a regular sex life outweigh the initial improvement. Additionally, having a television in the bedroom can be a distraction and negatively impact the frequency of sexual activity. Creating a bedroom environment conducive to sleep and intimacy can help stack the conditions in favor of a healthy sex life and better sleep.

    • Create a sleep sanctuary for better restLimiting activities to sleep & sex, creating a comfortable & calming environment, adding plants & blackout curtains, and keeping it dark can significantly improve sleep quality.

      Creating a sleep sanctuary in your bedroom can significantly improve the quality of your sleep. By limiting activities in your bedroom to only sleep and sex, you're creating a neural association that signals to your brain that it's time to rest. The environment of your sleep sanctuary should be comfortable, calming, and free from distractions. Consider adding elements like plants, which can improve air quality, and blackout curtains, which block out light that can disrupt your sleep. Your skin, in addition to your eyes, can detect light, so it's important to keep your bedroom as dark as possible to promote the production of nighttime hormones. Creating a sleep sanctuary is an investment in your overall health and well-being, and it's a simple change that can make a big difference in the quality of your sleep.

    • Improve sleep quality with small changesSmall adjustments to sleep environment and routine can lead to better health, success, and overall well-being.

      Making simple changes to your sleep environment and routine can significantly improve your sleep quality. This can include getting your bedroom dark, sleeping at consistent times, and avoiding electronic devices before bed. According to Sean Stevenson, these small adjustments can lead to better health, success, and overall well-being. Stevenson, who has dedicated over a decade to mastering sleep and sharing his knowledge through his book "Sleep Smarter" and podcast "The Model Health Show," emphasizes the importance of living a life without regrets and continuously growing every day as his definition of greatness.

    • Emphasizing good sleep hygiene for personal growthConsistently establish a bedtime routine, make adjustments, and implement strategies to improve sleep for better business, health, and relationships.

      Prioritizing good sleep hygiene is essential for personal growth and improvement in various aspects of life, including business, health, and relationships. Sean Douglas emphasized the importance of establishing a consistent bedtime routine and making necessary adjustments to support better sleep. It's not enough just to listen and learn; action is required. So, consider implementing one, two, or three strategies from the discussion that resonated with you to improve your sleep. Share your progress on Twitter using the hashtag #LewisHouse or connect with Sean directly. Don't forget to share this interview with someone who could benefit from better sleep. It's a simple yet powerful step towards making a positive impact on your life and the lives of others.

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Raise Your Energy Level (Part 2)

    Ephesians 4:28 says: "Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth."

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    Edwin Bliss writes:

    When it comes to boosting your energy level, programmed exercise is only part of the story. There is also the matter of getting the kind of physical activity during the working day that will prevent fatigue.

    People with sedentary jobs often get too little activity at their work and consequently become lethargic. We weren't designed to work at a desk or a machine or a computer screen for eight hours at a stretch. These prolonged periods of immobility cause the blood to stagnate in the large muscles and in the extremities. The result is a feeling of drowsiness or tiredness, so that when we are faced with an unpleasant, postponable task, the scales are tipped toward postponement rather than toward action.

    Most office tasks can be done at least part of the time standing up. Now, of course, if you are an office worker you will sit most of the time, but you should use every opportunity to alternate between sitting and standing to minimize fatigue. For example, you might form the habit of standing when on the telephone. An extra­-long telephone cord or a cordless phone can free you from being confined to one spot while phoning.

    If you do want to sit, it's often better to sit on the edge of a desk or table rather than sitting plopped in a chair, because you don't remain in the same position for long periods. Hold conferences standing rather than sitting, when possible ­­ they tend to be shorter and more productive that way anyhow. And a standup work area can reduce fatigue. A counter, a bookcase, a file cabinet, even a makeshift work platform about elbow height ­­ anything that provides an alternative to prolonged sitting ­­is worth considering.


    02 Full Pregnancy Weight - Birthing a Podcast and How to Get Back to Good with Nutritionist Matt Mahowald

    02 Full Pregnancy Weight - Birthing a Podcast and How to Get Back to Good with Nutritionist Matt Mahowald

    Get to know host, Sheila Melody and Producer Tim Edwards as they introduce the podcast and reveal the most woo-woo thing they’ve ever done. Plus, Sheila introduces her nutritionist, Matt Mahowald of New Performance Nutrition and they discuss what it will really take for her to get from “full pregnancy weight” back to a healthy, lean and vital body at the age of 56. https://www.newpfc.com/

    #51: Lessons From A Legends Life Lost

    #51:  Lessons From A Legends Life Lost

    David talks about a few lessons learned from the sudden death of Calvin Riley, a player he coached as a part of the 2016 Menlo Park Legends collegiate team. Click here https://www.gofundme.com/27ch3rek to support Cal Riley Funeral Fund. This go fund me account is to help Calvin's parents put him to rest with respect, dignity, and honor that he deserves. ———————————————— A Legends Life: To keep up on the latest guest and news, sign up for our newsletter: http://eepurl.com/bKfvHP Facebook: www.facebook.com/alegendslife Instagram: @legendslifeshow @mplegends Twitter: @legendslifeshow @mplegends Keywords: relationships, health, nutrition, exercise, mindfulness, meditate, meditation, mindfulness, productivity, success, happiness, bio-hacking, gratitude, leadership, love, greatness, community, baseball, coach, coaching, manage, managing, relax, relaxing, family, stress management, CEO, friend, athlete, lifestyle, sports, preparation, david klein, entrepreneur, slump, life

    08 Building Bridges with Music - Lisa P of No Small Children

    08 Building Bridges with Music - Lisa P of No Small Children

    In this episode, Sheila talks with her BFF Lisa Pimentel (Lisa P) of the band No Small Children. Lisa is an elementary school teacher by day, guitarist, and singer by night. Music is her life and love and in this interview she talks about her Boston roots with punk band Heidi, teaching music and being a band director, and taking it “one game at a time” with her latest band No Small Children while they are breaking out professionally in the music industry. At the end of the episode, Lisa treats us to a very special acoustic performance of her favorite song “Bridges”. www.nosmallchildren.com