
    #123 - Sobriety 101 - Why Sobriety?

    enDecember 02, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Benefits of SobrietySobriety can be a powerful tool for personal development, leading to improved focus, better health, and increased self-awareness. Consider trying sobriety, especially during Dry January, for potential life-changing benefits.

      Sobriety is a powerful tool for personal development. The speaker, Chris, shares his personal experience of going sober three years ago and how it has positively impacted his life. He emphasizes that sobriety is not an easy choice for everyone and that there can be defensive reactions to the topic. However, Chris believes that taking a break from alcohol to focus on upgrading oneself is the most effective lifestyle change one can make. He has even created an online course, "6 months sober," to guide people through the process and provide support and accountability. Chris invites listeners to consider trying sobriety for themselves, especially during Dry January, and encourages them to check out his course for more information. The discussion also includes Chris's co-hosts, Yousef and Johnny, who have also experimented with sobriety. Overall, the podcast episode highlights the potential benefits of sobriety and encourages listeners to reflect on their own relationship with alcohol and consider making a change if it aligns with their personal goals.

    • From Professional Party Boy to Sober SuccessQuitting alcohol led the speaker to save time, money, and improve health, allowing him to focus on personal growth and achieving goals.

      The speaker discovered the value of time and money by giving up alcohol. He realized that his weekly drinking habits were costing him productivity and health, as well as a significant financial burden. The speaker also shared that he grew tired of the repetitive experience of getting drunk and dealing with hangovers. He made the decision to quit drinking after recognizing the negative impact it had on his life. The speaker's experience in Vegas was a particular catalyst for this change, as he found himself in a constant cycle of drunkenness and regret. He encourages others to consider the benefits of sobriety, particularly in terms of increased time and resources for personal growth and pursuing goals. The speaker's personal journey as a "professional party boy" demonstrates the potential for a significant transformation through the decision to quit drinking.

    • Drinking as a Rite of Passage and Coping MechanismDrinking has been a significant part of the speaker's life, serving as a rite of passage and a way to cope with cultural boredom. Extreme drinking experiences are valued as badges of honor in the UK's drinking culture.

      Drinking has been a significant part of the speaker's experiences in various stages of his life, serving as a rite of passage and a way to cope with the lack of excitement in the UK's cultural context. He shares an anecdote of drinking every night for two weeks, starting with a bottle of white Grenache wine before going out, and how he felt he was getting less drunk each night. This period led him to hit a new personal best in Call of Duty, which he considered a proud achievement. However, his drinking habits became problematic during his accountancy training and tapered off when he got a degree and started a job. Later, during his freshers' experience, he indulged in more expensive alcohol and felt like a "big deal" when he could afford table service. The speaker also mentions his disdain for casual drinking in a pub but enjoyed getting drunk to the point of tactical puking. He now realizes the importance of drinking as a rite of passage and the significance of extreme events on nights out as badges of honor in the UK's drinking culture.

    • The glorification of excessive drinking can mask its hidden costsExcessive drinking, despite societal norms, can lead to wasted calories, lost time, and potential danger. People often overlook these long-term costs.

      Excess drinking, as glorified in media and popular culture, can lead to unexpected and potentially harmful consequences. This was illustrated through a personal story of two university students, where one's injury after a night of drinking was described as "amazing" due to the societal norm of seeing excess drinking as a sign of toughness or coolness. However, the reality of this lifestyle involves hidden costs such as wasted calories, lost time, and potential danger. The speaker shared an experience from his teenage years where he was warned against excessive drinking during a ski trip, but later found himself struggling with the consequences of regular drinking, despite not experiencing any immediate benefits or memorable experiences. The speaker concluded that people choose to drink for various reasons, but often ignore the long-term costs, making it a problematic behavior in modern society.

    • Exploring the Complexity of People's Relationships with AlcoholPeople have diverse experiences with alcohol, influenced by factors like personal history, preferred types, and drinking styles.

      People's experiences with alcohol can vary greatly. Some people, like Yousef, may have a significant first experience with alcohol later in life and find it to be a drug worth trying in a controlled manner. Others, like the speaker, may have a history of frequent but controlled drinking. The conversation also touched upon the idea that some people may find certain types or quantities of alcohol more appealing or tolerable than others. For instance, the speaker mentioned preferring a concentrated, botanical drink like gin, while the speaker in the conversation mentioned enjoying a pint of gin but finding it exhausting to be around heavy drinkers. Additionally, there seems to be different approaches to drinking, such as front-loading alcohol to minimize hangovers or spreading it out over the course of an evening. Overall, the discussion highlights the complexity and individuality of people's relationships with alcohol.

    • Alcohol as a way to cope with social situationsPeople drink for various reasons beyond enjoyment, including escaping discomfort or conforming to societal expectations. Going out sober can challenge these assumptions and lead to personal growth.

      Alcohol consumption may not be necessary for social situations or to boost confidence, as some people believe. Instead, it could be a way to escape or hide from uncomfortable social situations or to conform to societal expectations. The philosophical aspect of avoiding discomfort or sitting with the edge may also be a reason some people choose not to drink. Experimenting with going out sober can lead to the realization that no one really notices or cares if you're not drinking, and that people's assumptions and expectations of you being drunk may be rooted in their own discomfort with your sober presence. Ultimately, the decision to drink or not should be based on personal preferences and values, rather than societal pressures or beliefs.

    • Feeling Stagnated in Late Twenties: Fitness and Substance UseIn our late twenties, we may feel stagnated in our current ways of living, leading us to seek new experiences. Some experiences, like getting into a fight, can be more impactful when sober, allowing us to fully feel and process emotions.

      People often reach a point in their late twenties where they feel stagnated in their current ways of living, be it in fitness or substance use. This is because they've reached the limits of what they can learn from these experiences and feel that they're missing out on the full range of emotions and experiences. The speaker shares an example of this feeling in relation to his fitness routine and his experiences with alcohol. He also mentions how certain experiences, like getting into a fight, can be more impactful when sober, as the individual is fully present and feels the emotions without the influence of substances. The speaker also references Hamilton Morris and his ideas about designing a drug that doesn't numb or dull the edges of experiences, but rather allows individuals to fully feel and process them.

    • Alcohol's Negative EffectsAlcohol, though socially accepted, can lead to excessive intake, memory loss, aggression, sadness, anxiety rebound, poor sleep quality, liver damage, and decreased willpower. Consider moderation or alternative activities.

      Alcohol, despite being socially accepted and widely consumed, is an inefficient and potentially harmful drug. Unlike other substances where dosages are carefully measured, alcohol consumption often leads to excessive intake due to its social norms and easy availability. The effects of alcohol include memory loss, lowered inhibitions, aggressiveness, sadness, anxiety rebound, poor sleep quality, liver damage, and decreased willpower. These negative consequences can accumulate over time, leading to significant health issues. While some people may view alcohol as a necessary part of socializing or see it as less harmful due to societal norms, it's essential to recognize the potential risks and consider moderation or alternative activities. Additionally, understanding the dosages and effects of other drugs can help people make more informed decisions about their substance use.

    • The Impact of Our Twenties on Our LivesRecognize the power of daily choices in shaping our future success and address underlying reasons for negative habits to make meaningful progress towards goals and improve overall well-being.

      The habits and choices we make in our twenties have a significant impact on our lives as we age. If we continue to live recklessly without developing good habits, we may find ourselves struggling to make progress in areas like weight loss, confidence, and relationships by the time we hit 30. This can lead to wasted time, money, and energy, as well as negative social consequences. The cumulative effect of small daily choices can either compound our success or hinder our growth. It's essential to recognize the power of consistent, positive behaviors and to address the underlying reasons for any negative habits we may have. By facing our thoughts and feelings head-on, rather than trying to escape them through distractions like drinking or excessive screen time, we can make meaningful progress towards our goals and improve our overall well-being.

    • The Law of Attraction and SobrietyGiving up alcohol may make us more aware of its presence, increasing temptation, but with practice, we can learn to cultivate equanimity and make conscious choices

      Whatever we choose to renounce or push away from our lives, we may unintentionally bring it back in greater measure due to the law of attraction. This idea was expressed by Jesuit priest Anthony de Mello, who observed that people's true desires are often masked by what they seek to avoid. In the context of sobriety, this means that giving up alcohol may make us more aware of its presence and availability, making it seem like an even more tempting option. This can be particularly challenging in social situations where drinking is the norm, leading to potential backlash or pressure to conform. However, with time and practice, we can learn to cultivate equanimity and not fixate on either the desire for a good thing or the aversion to a bad one. Instead, we can make conscious choices and focus on enjoying the experience without the need for alcohol.

    • The power of true friends in maintaining sobrietySurround yourself with supportive friends who respect and understand your choices, helping you maintain sobriety and personal growth in social situations.

      Our innate human tendency to form groups and make value judgments based on arbitrary divisions can pose challenges when trying to maintain healthy habits, such as sobriety, in social situations. This tendency stems from our evolutionary past when group cohesion was crucial for survival. However, not all friends support our personal growth, and those who only want us around when we're engaging in destructive behaviors are not true friends. Instead, seek companionship from individuals who respect and understand your choices and are present and engaged regardless of whether you're drinking or not. These friends help us develop the pathway to participate in social events without relying on alcohol. Ultimately, identifying and focusing on these supportive relationships is essential for maintaining our well-being and personal growth.

    • Perception and Self-BehaviorOur actions, fueled by a desire for acceptance, can alter how others perceive us and how we see ourselves, even when not under the influence of alcohol. Focus on authenticity to improve experiences and reduce negative judgments.

      Our perception of ourselves and our behavior, whether under the influence of alcohol or not, can significantly impact how others perceive us and how we view ourselves. The speaker shares an observation about people who act a certain way before going out, using exaggerated and flirtatious language, only to behave nervously and complain once they're sober. He argues that this behavior is fueled by a desire for acceptance and a sense of security within a group. The speaker also discusses a study where people given non-alcoholic beer still felt drunk, demonstrating the power of perception and expectation. Ultimately, the speaker encourages individuals to focus on being interesting and authentic, regardless of whether they're drinking or not, as this will lead to better experiences and fewer negative judgments.

    • Expressing commitment to personal goals despite social pressureCommunicate reasons for abstention with conviction, reframe as addition, surround self with positivity, and seek supportive communities.

      When faced with social pressure to conform to behaviors that don't align with your personal goals, such as staying sober, it's essential to communicate your reasons with conviction. By reframing abstention as an addition to your life, rather than a subtraction, and expressing your commitment with confidence, you can inspire respect and understanding from those around you. However, it's important to remember that not everyone may be supportive, and some people may react negatively due to their own insecurities or discomfort with change. Ultimately, staying true to your values and priorities requires courage and resilience, but the rewards can be significant in terms of personal growth and improved relationships. Additionally, it's essential to surround yourself with positive influences and seek out supportive communities that encourage and celebrate your goals.

    • Reflecting on Habits: Taking a Break and Understanding Our RelationshipsConsidering extended breaks from negative habits can help us gain insight and make more conscious choices about their role in our lives.

      Our reliance on certain behaviors, such as caffeine consumption, phone use, and alcohol, can negatively impact our well-being. The speaker suggests that people often engage in practices like "dry January" as a way to take a break from these habits, but oftentimes, they return to them with even more intensity once the challenge is over. This pattern can lead to a cycle of rest and overcompensation, which can be detrimental to our health. The speaker encourages listeners to reflect on their own habits and consider when was the last time they went without these substances for an extended period. By doing so, we may gain a better understanding of our relationship with these behaviors and make more conscious choices about how we incorporate them into our lives. The speaker also draws a comparison between the visible consequences of overeating or substance abuse and the less visible, but equally damaging, effects of excessive caffeine or alcohol consumption.

    • Alcohol's Decreasing Pleasure and Increasing SufferingExcessive alcohol consumption can lead to diminishing pleasure and exponential suffering. It's a vicious cycle that can result in severe health issues.

      Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to a decrease in pleasure and an increase in suffering. Every drink makes it harder to resist having another, and alcohol gives diminishing returns in terms of enjoyment but exponential increases in suffering. The speaker also mentions the extreme case of individuals who consume large amounts of alcohol daily, leading to severe health issues and the need for vitamin injections. Additionally, the speaker shares an experience with a taser, mistakingly thinking it was related to alcohol withdrawal. In essence, while alcohol may bring pleasure in the moment, the negative consequences can far outweigh the positive.

    • Understanding Individual Pain Tolerance and Extreme ActivitiesRecognize personal pain thresholds and the potential risks of extreme activities like Tough Mudder's electroshock therapy. Minimize exposure time to reduce risks.

      People's tolerance for pain and discomfort varies greatly, and some individuals, like those from the TV show Dirty Sanchez, have an extraordinary ability to endure extreme situations. This ability to tolerate pain and find humor in it is a defining characteristic of their enviable attitude towards life. However, even in controlled environments like Tough Mudder, the use of electroshock therapy can be inhibiting and potentially dangerous, as the voltage and wattage levels can significantly impact the experience. The strategy to run through the electroshock wires as fast as possible is recommended to minimize the exposure time and the risk of being shocked multiple times. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of understanding individual pain thresholds and the potential risks associated with extreme activities.

    • Comparing personal growth to a snake's progress in a creekEvery small step forward counts in overcoming challenges, no matter how long it takes. Stay determined and persistent.

      The journey towards overcoming a challenge, such as giving up alcohol, can be compared to the slow and steady progress of a snake in a creek. It's not always an easy or quick process, but every small step forward counts. The speaker, Chris Wellx, shared his personal experience of rethinking his approach to completing a Tough Mudder race after witnessing a man's determination to keep moving despite health challenges. He encourages listeners to approach their goals, like sobriety, with the same determination and persistence, no matter how long it takes. If you're interested in learning more about Chris's journey to sobriety or need advice on how to start your own, you can find him on social media @chriswellx or visit 6monthssober.com/podcast.

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    #795 - Ryan Holiday - 11 Harsh Stoic Truths To Improve Your Life

    #795 - Ryan Holiday - 11 Harsh Stoic Truths To Improve Your Life
    Ryan Holiday is a podcaster, marketer and an author. Stoicism is like the hot new girl in school. A popular, perfect blend of ancient philosophy which is applicable to modern challenges. Given that Ryan is probably the world's most famous Stoicism expert, what are the most important insights he's learned about how to apply this wisdom to daily life? Expect to learn why Ryan doesn’t talk about the projects he’s working on before finishing them, why Ryan thinks that competition is for losers, how self belief is overrated, what Ryan’s morning routine and typical day looks like, why Broicism has found a new lease of life, the importance of taking responsibility for yourself instead of other people and much more... Sponsors: See discounts for all the products I use and recommend: https://chriswillx.com/deals Get a 20% discount on Nomatic’s amazing luggage at https://nomatic.com/modernwisdom (use code MW20) Get up to 20% discount on the best supplements from Momentous at https://livemomentous.com/modernwisdom (automatically applied at checkout) Get 5 Free Travel Packs, Free Liquid Vitamin D and more from AG1 at https://drinkag1.com/modernwisdom (discount automatically applied) Extra Stuff: Get my free reading list of 100 books to read before you die: https://chriswillx.com/books Try my productivity energy drink Neutonic: https://neutonic.com/modernwisdom Episodes You Might Enjoy: #577 - David Goggins - This Is How To Master Your Life: http://tinyurl.com/43hv6y59 #712 - Dr Jordan Peterson - How To Destroy Your Negative Beliefs: http://tinyurl.com/2rtz7avf #700 - Dr Andrew Huberman - The Secret Tools To Hack Your Brain: http://tinyurl.com/3ccn5vkp - Get In Touch: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/modernwisdompodcast Email: https://chriswillx.com/contact - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Modern Wisdom
    enJune 10, 2024

    #794 - Scott Galloway - The 4 Secrets To Get Rich In A Broken Economy

    #794 - Scott Galloway - The 4 Secrets To Get Rich In A Broken Economy
    Scott Galloway is a professor of marketing at the New York University Stern School of Business, a public speaker, entrepreneur and an author. The modern economy is a confusing mess. Inflation, interest rates, wage stagnation, property prices. It's all complex and may feel like you're swimming up stream. Thankfully Scott has broken down his entire wealth strategy into an algorithm of 4 steps which anyone can follow. Expect to learn why wealth is a whole-person project, what all financially successful people have in common, how to forgive yourself when you fall short, why following your passion is often a bad idea, the importance of physical fitness for financial wealth and much more... Sponsors: See discounts for all the products I use and recommend: https://chriswillx.com/deals Get a 35% discount on all Cozy Earth products at http://www.cozyearth.com/modernwisdom (discount automatically applied) Get a 20% discount on Nomatic’s amazing luggage at https://nomatic.com/modernwisdom (use code MW20) Get up to 20% discount on the best supplements from Momentous at https://livemomentous.com/modernwisdom (automatically applied at checkout) Extra Stuff: Get my free reading list of 100 books to read before you die: https://chriswillx.com/books Try my productivity energy drink Neutonic: https://neutonic.com/modernwisdom Episodes You Might Enjoy: #577 - David Goggins - This Is How To Master Your Life: http://tinyurl.com/43hv6y59 #712 - Dr Jordan Peterson - How To Destroy Your Negative Beliefs: http://tinyurl.com/2rtz7avf #700 - Dr Andrew Huberman - The Secret Tools To Hack Your Brain: http://tinyurl.com/3ccn5vkp - Get In Touch: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/modernwisdompodcast Email: https://chriswillx.com/contact - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Modern Wisdom
    enJune 08, 2024

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