
    Podcast Summary

    • The Significance of Free Speech on Social Media PlatformsDe-platforming individuals on social media can have significant consequences, impacting public discourse and marginalized figures.

      The conversation between Tim and his guest highlighted the significance of free speech on social media platforms like Twitter, and the potential consequences of de-platforming individuals. Tim acknowledged his lack of expertise on the topic and expressed regret for a previous podcast conversation with Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter, which did not yield the desired results. The conversation also touched upon the symbolic importance of figures like Jack Dorsey to those who feel marginalized, and the potential impact of their de-platforming. The discussion underscored the importance of understanding the magnitude of the issue and the potential ramifications for individuals and public discourse. Despite Dorsey's openness to criticism and self-reflection, Tim expressed skepticism towards him due to his role as a company executive. The conversation also touched upon the historical context of Dorsey's tenure at Twitter and his departure from the company.

    • The Blurred Line Between Factual Reporting and Opinionated ContentThe line between factual reporting and opinionated content is blurred, leading to debates over censorship and freedom of speech. Opinions can be subjective, and the use of labels to categorize political beliefs can contribute to division and misunderstanding. Promote open dialogue and respectful discourse, even when opinions differ.

      The line between factual reporting and opinionated content has become increasingly blurred, leading to debates over censorship and freedom of speech. Megan Murphy, a feminist writer, was banned from Twitter for stating her opinion that "men aren't women." Twitter's policy against misgendering individuals was cited as the reason for the ban. However, the definition of misgendering is subjective, leading to confusion and debate. This incident highlights the complexity of left-wing ideologies and the challenges of navigating the gray areas of online discourse. The use of labels to categorize political beliefs can also contribute to division and misunderstanding. Ultimately, it's essential to promote open dialogue and respectful discourse, even when opinions differ.

    • Freedom of speech vs. consequences of actionsThe inconsistent application of rules and lack of transparency in decision-making can fuel mistrust and perceptions of bias on social media platforms

      While the concept of "freedom of speech" is important, it does not absolve individuals or platforms from the consequences of their actions. However, the application of this concept can be subjective and inconsistent, leading to accusations of bias and censorship. For instance, some argue that certain individuals, particularly those with conservative views, have been unfairly banned from Twitter, while others have gotten away with provocative behavior. The ban on Milo Yiannopoulos, for example, was seen by some as unjustified, as his tweets were seen as harmless criticisms rather than calls to harass or attack individuals. Ultimately, the inconsistent application of rules and the lack of transparency in the decision-making process can fuel mistrust and fuel the perception of bias.

    • Social media verification badges: removal can lead to fraud and confusionThe removal of a verification badge on social media platforms can open the door to fraud and confusion, particularly for public figures, highlighting the need for clear guidelines and transparency in policy violations.

      The removal of a verification badge on social media platforms can open the door to fraud and confusion, as seen in the cases of Milo Yiannopoulos and Julian Assange. Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, was not verified despite the organization's verification, leading to the proliferation of fake accounts. The reasoning behind not verifying Assange is unclear. The discussion also touched on Laura Loomer's permanent ban from Twitter after criticizing a politician, raising questions about inconsistent application of policies on social media platforms. The need for transparency and clear guidelines for policy violations, particularly for public figures, was emphasized.

    • Perceived bias in social media platform rule enforcementSocial media platforms' inconsistent application of rules raises questions about potential political or ideological bias, highlighting the importance of understanding context and clear communication from platforms.

      There's a perceived bias in how social media platforms, like Twitter, enforce their rules, particularly when it comes to banning users. The discussion highlights instances where journalists were banned for tweeting "learn to code" to others, while more egregious content, such as death threats, went unchecked. This inconsistency raises questions about the motivations behind these decisions and the potential for a bias, whether it be political or ideological. The conversation also touches upon the importance of understanding the context and nuances of online interactions, as what may seem like a harmless meme to some could be perceived as harassment by others. Ultimately, it underscores the need for transparency and clear communication from social media platforms regarding their policies and enforcement actions.

    • Twitter's bias towards intersectional activismThe dominance of progressive views in Silicon Valley and news industry leads to a lack of diversity in perspectives, amplifying Twitter's bias towards intersectional activism, and inconsistent application of platform rules.

      Twitter's perceived bias towards intersectional activism and the journalism industry can be attributed to the dominance of progressive views in Silicon Valley and the news industry. The concentration of these industries in urban areas and the homogeneous nature of their workforce result in a lack of diversity in perspectives, leading to a self-reinforcing echo chamber. This bias is further amplified by the reliance of social media platforms like Twitter on these journalists for generating traffic and keeping conversations going. The inconsistent application of platform rules, such as the cases of Kathy Griffin and Alex Jones, highlights the need for more transparency and accountability in content moderation decisions.

    • Social media bans influenced by media pressure and public opinionThe inconsistent enforcement of social media rules raises questions about motivations and power dynamics behind bans, particularly when it comes to controversial figures like Alex Jones.

      The banning of controversial figures like Alex Jones from social media platforms is not always based on clear rules or consistent enforcement. Instead, it can be influenced by media pressure and public opinion. For instance, Jones was banned from Twitter not for any new rule-breaking, but due to previous media scrutiny. However, other rule-breakers, like porn stars with explicit content on their pages, are not banned. The lack of equal enforcement raises questions about the motivations behind these bans and the power dynamics at play. Additionally, the discussion highlighted the contrasting reactions to violence and intimidation from the left and right, with the left often labeled as "antifa" and the right as "racist mobs." The inconsistent application of rules and the unequal treatment of different groups underscores the need for more transparency and fairness in social media moderation.

    • Context is crucial in understanding people's words and actions, especially in free speech debates.Misunderstanding context can lead to misinterpreting intentions and promoting biased actions, impacting political landscapes.

      Context matters in understanding people's words and actions, especially in the context of free speech debates. The example of Count Dankula and his Nazi pug illustrates this, as his intentions were misunderstood due to quotes being taken out of context. Activist groups often use this tactic, but it's essential to recognize that not all controversial figures are promoting violence. The difficulty of interviewing individuals on the ideological left is also mentioned, with some being more cautious about engaging in conversations. The importance of these platforms like Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook in our social and political lives is also highlighted. When individuals are banned from these platforms, they are effectively exiled from the conversation, and the rules can be biased, leading to predictable outcomes. The Green New Deal proposal by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez serves as an example of this, with a fact sheet containing controversial statements that were later removed. The consequences of these actions can have significant impacts on the political landscape.

    • Social Media's Role in Ideological PolarizationSocial media algorithms can fuel ideological divisions by prioritizing their users' extreme viewpoints and suppressing opposing ideas, leading to political instability and violence.

      The current political climate in the United States is experiencing significant ideological polarization, driven in part by the way information is disseminated and consumed on social media platforms. The discussion highlighted the challenges Democrats face in putting forth cohesive policies due to internal ideological divisions, exacerbated by the influence of social media and the mass followings of specific individuals. The suppression of certain ideologies can lead to a hardening of lines and a sense of disenfranchisement among those whose views are not being represented. This, in turn, can contribute to political violence and instability. The algorithms used by social media companies to determine what content is prioritized can lead to the spread of misinformation and the amplification of extreme viewpoints, further fueling ideological divisions. It's essential to recognize the complex role social media plays in shaping our political discourse and to work towards creating a more inclusive and open political space where diverse viewpoints can be heard and respected.

    • Misinformation and Extremist Ideologies OnlineThe spread of misinformation and extremist ideologies online is a complex issue fueled by sensational journalism, clickbait headlines, and social media algorithms. Critical thinking and fact-checking are essential in the digital age, and responsible journalism and ethical social media practices are needed to combat the problem.

      The spread of misinformation and extremist ideologies online is a complex issue fueled by various factors, including sensational journalism, clickbait headlines, and social media algorithms. The speaker shared their experience of being falsely labeled as part of an extremist network and reaching out to journalists to correct the record, only to be ignored. They also discussed the downward spiral of sensational journalism, where journalists follow each other's lead and produce increasingly outrageous content to stay relevant. Additionally, the speaker highlighted the issue of censorship on social media platforms and the lack of support for marginalized voices, even from those on the political left. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of critical thinking and fact-checking in the digital age and the need for more responsible journalism and ethical social media practices.

    • Social media's impact on public discourse and free speechSocial media bans of influential figures like Milo Yiannopoulos spark debates about balancing free speech and redemption, with concerns over fairness, consequences, and impact on public discourse.

      The role of social media platforms like Twitter in shaping public discourse, particularly when influential figures use them, raises complex issues around free speech and private business decisions. The ban of certain individuals from these platforms, such as Milo Yiannopoulos, sparks debates about the balance between protecting human rights to communicate online and allowing for redemption and growth. The permanence of bans and the potential for individuals to change and evolve raises questions about the fairness and consequences of such actions. The impact of these bans on public discourse and the reach of individuals, like Milo, who are censored, is also significant. Ultimately, these issues require thoughtful consideration and ongoing dialogue.

    • Bias in Perception and Response to Controversial IssuesThe way we perceive and respond to controversial issues can be influenced by various factors, including identity and political spectrum. Clear guidelines and context are crucial in understanding complex issues, and the power of misinformation and conspiracy theories should not be underestimated.

      There exists a significant bias in how certain issues and actions are perceived and handled based on various factors, including the identity of those involved and the political spectrum. The discussion touched upon the representation of male victims in "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit," comedians using controversial symbols, and the controversy surrounding the use of the "OK" hand sign. It was noted that while some instances, such as comedians dressing in blackface or using controversial symbols, seem to be met with minimal backlash when committed by individuals on the left, similar actions by those on the right can spark significant outrage and controversy. The discussion also highlighted the importance of clear guidelines and context in understanding complex issues. The segment ended with a reflection on the power of misinformation and conspiracy theories in shaping public discourse.

    • Interpreting the Meaning of the 'OK' Hand GestureBe cautious when interpreting the meaning of the 'OK' hand gesture, as it can have different meanings depending on the context and individuals involved. Avoid jumping to conclusions based on misinformation or misunderstandings.

      The context and intentions behind the use of the "OK" hand gesture by individuals, especially in the context of public displays or social media, can be subject to various interpretations. While some may associate it with white power symbols, others may see it as a harmless inside joke or game. It's essential to consider the specific context and individuals involved before jumping to conclusions. Additionally, the spread of misinformation and misunderstandings can lead to incorrect assumptions and potentially harmful consequences. It's crucial to approach such situations with a critical and informed perspective.

    • Misunderstanding Symbols' MeaningsContext and intent matter when interpreting symbols' meanings to avoid misunderstandings and harmful consequences.

      The meaning of symbols, like the OK sign, can change based on context and cultural significance. In the case of the OK sign, it has been misconstrued as a white power symbol by some on the political left, but the majority of its users, particularly those in pro-Trump circles, use it as a symbol of opposition to the "tribal left." This misunderstanding can lead to harmful consequences, such as lawsuits or public shaming, despite the original intentions of the users. It's essential to consider the context and intent behind symbols before making assumptions about their meaning.

    • Assumptions based on limited information can be harmfulBe cautious about jumping to conclusions based on one action or gesture. Presume innocence and consider context before making judgments.

      Making assumptions about people based on limited information can be harmful and unfair. The discussion highlights the dangers of jumping to conclusions about individuals based on one action or gesture, without considering the context or their character. The speaker emphasizes the importance of presuming innocence and recognizing that not everyone has the same knowledge or exposure to certain topics. The recent association of an okay sign with white supremacy is used as an example, and the speaker argues that it's unjust to label people based on this symbol alone. He also mentions the potential for accidental use of offensive language and the need for understanding context before making judgments. The conversation also touches upon the importance of recognizing that people have diverse experiences and perspectives, and that not everyone consumes media or news in the same way.

    • Freudian slips and the power of intentBeing mindful of the words we use is crucial as they can have unintended consequences. Understanding the intent behind words is essential to avoid misunderstandings and potential harm.

      The power of words and the importance of intent were highlighted in a conversation about a Freudian slip. The speaker shared an experience of accidentally saying a forbidden word in a video and the consequences that followed. He also mentioned a similar incident involving another person and the significance of understanding the intent behind the words. The conversation touched upon the impact of comedians like George Carlin, who pushed boundaries with their use of controversial language, and the importance of recognizing the context and meaning behind words. The discussion underscored the potential danger of careless speech and the importance of being mindful of the words we use.

    • Realizing the importance of understanding different perspectivesRecognize that beliefs are shaped by experiences and assumptions, and it's essential to question and learn from different perspectives to avoid misunderstandings and promote equality and understanding.

      Our beliefs and ideologies can be shaped by our experiences and interactions with others. A formative moment in the speaker's life was when he realized that his disdain for religion was based on assumptions and lack of understanding. He learned that it's important to consider different perspectives and question the origins of our beliefs. The speaker also expressed concern about the current state of political discourse, noting how people are easily offended and pushing for policies based on immutable characteristics, rather than equal opportunity. He used the example of equity versus equality to illustrate the problem with this approach, as it's not always quantifiable. Ultimately, the speaker encourages open-mindedness and understanding, recognizing that our beliefs may evolve over time as we learn and grow.

    • Understanding Pay Equality vs. Pay EquityPay equality ensures the same wage for the same job, while pay equity suggests equal pay regardless of job or circumstances. Clarifying terms and considering individual choices and societal factors is essential in discussions about wage disparities.

      There's a crucial distinction between pay equality and pay equity, and it's essential to understand the nuances of these concepts. During a discussion, it became clear that some politicians, such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders, use these terms interchangeably, leading to confusion. Pay equality refers to ensuring the same wage for the same job, which is already a legal requirement. Pay equity, on the other hand, suggests equal pay regardless of the job or individual circumstances, which is a more contentious issue. Moreover, the speaker pointed out that some politicians, like Bernie Sanders, have been criticized for not acknowledging the role of individual choices and circumstances in wage disparities. For instance, men and women might choose different careers, and men often work longer hours, leading to wage differences. However, it's important to note that there are instances where women earn more than men, and there are cities where the median salary for women is higher than for men. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the importance of clarifying the terms used in political debates and recognizing the complexities of wage disparities. It's crucial to consider individual circumstances, choices, and societal factors when discussing pay equity and equality.

    • Balancing Wealth and PowerProgressive taxes help distribute resources equitably, but the threshold for highest tax bracket should be reconsidered. Balancing wealth growth and power distribution is essential.

      While some people may not be motivated by money to achieve success, others find passion and enjoyment in their work, leading to financial gains. However, excessive wealth accumulation can lead to power imbalance and potential societal instability. The idea of a progressive tax system is to prevent this concentration of power and ensure a more equitable distribution of resources. The speaker believes that while a progressive tax makes sense, the threshold for the highest tax bracket should be reconsidered. They also mention the importance of balancing the need for economic growth with the potential dangers of monopolized power. Ultimately, the goal should be to create a society where wealth and power are not monopolized by a few, but are distributed more evenly.

    • Redistributing Wealth through Progressive TaxesProgressive taxes can help mitigate corruption and the wealth gap by redistributing wealth and reducing poverty. Addressing root causes of poverty and crime, and investing in essential services, are also crucial to creating opportunities for all.

      The influence of money in politics and the growing wealth gap are significant issues that can lead to corruption and an imbalance of power. The speaker believes that a progressive tax system could help mitigate these issues by redistributing wealth and reducing poverty. They also emphasize the importance of addressing the root causes of poverty and crime in communities, and allocating resources to improve these areas. The speaker expresses support for certain socialist policies, such as funding for essential services like fire departments and schools. However, they also criticize the use of military force and regime change in foreign policy. Ultimately, the speaker advocates for a balanced approach to addressing both domestic and foreign issues, with a focus on creating opportunities for all people to succeed.

    • Navigating the Complexities of Political InformationStay informed but be cautious of manipulation and foreign interference in political information. It's essential to fact-check and verify sources to discern truth from manipulation.

      The current political landscape is filled with manipulation and interference from various sources, making it challenging for individuals to navigate and understand the truth. The speaker expresses surprise and concern over the hypocrisy of some on the left who now support multinational corporations, like Twitter, despite their historical opposition to such entities. The speaker also highlights the issue of foreign interference in elections, as seen in the New York Times report of democratic operatives falsely flagging Republicans as Russian-backed. The speaker emphasizes the need for awareness and caution in consuming information, as it can be difficult to discern fact from manipulation. Additionally, the speaker acknowledges the limitations of individual resources and knowledge in keeping up with the constant flow of information.

    • Platform monopolies and creators' vulnerabilityYouTube's monopolistic practices and inconsistent policies can negatively impact creators, leaving them vulnerable to sudden changes and lack of alternatives.

      While platforms like YouTube have the power to regulate content and monetization, the lack of competition and inconsistent application of policies can lead to concerns about censorship and the potential consequences for creators. An example given was the case of Mumky Jones, a comedian who was demonetized and effectively banned from YouTube without explanation or recourse. The absence of alternatives forces creators to rely on these platforms, making their careers vulnerable to sudden changes. However, it's important to note that this isn't an argument for creators being owed something if a platform fails, but rather a call for regulations to prevent monopolistic practices and ensure fair treatment for content creators. Additionally, it was mentioned that platforms like Gab, which face criticism for hate speech, actually have a lower percentage of such content compared to Twitter.

    • YouTube's approach to free speech compared to other platformsYouTube allows more free speech than some other companies, but inconsistent enforcement of rules remains a concern, and the consequences of censorship must be carefully considered.

      While YouTube may be criticized for removing certain content, such as Monkey's, the platform still allows for a significant amount of free speech compared to other companies. For instance, when creators are demonetized, they still earn revenue from YouTube Red. Additionally, YouTube has been less reactive to controversial content compared to platforms like Patreon, which banned Sargon of Akat for using a racial slur on YouTube years ago. However, the issue of bias and inconsistent enforcement of rules on social media platforms, like Twitter, remains a concern. The conversation around free speech online is complex, and while some argue for complete openness, others believe that platforms have a responsibility to create a more civil and polite online environment. Ultimately, the consequences of censorship and the power dynamics at play must be carefully considered to ensure a healthy and balanced online discourse.

    • Banning speech and content can lead to a cycle of censorshipInstead of banning speech and content, promote open dialogue and fact-checking to combat misinformation and harmful ideas.

      While it's important to address harmful speech and misinformation, banning individuals or content outright without room for redemption or error can lead to a never-ending cycle of censorship. As the speaker points out, even well-intentioned efforts to combat "fake news" can result in limiting free speech and treating people unfairly. Instead, open dialogue and fact-checking are more effective methods for combating misinformation and challenging harmful ideas. The speaker also shares personal experiences where they were falsely accused of spreading conspiracy theories, highlighting the importance of considering context and allowing for correction and growth. Ultimately, it's crucial to approach these issues with empathy and a commitment to fostering productive, respectful conversations.

    • Giving people a chance at redemptionOpen dialogue and understanding can help those seeking forgiveness, preventing them from turning to harmful groups or actions. Be aware of misinformation and trolling on all social media platforms.

      Everyone deserves a chance at redemption, even if they've made serious mistakes. This was the conclusion reached during a conversation about a person who had done something wrong and was seeking forgiveness. The speaker believed that if this person was ostracized and not given an opportunity to make amends, they might be driven towards harmful groups or actions. Instead, the speaker advocated for open dialogue and a willingness to listen and understand. The conversation also touched upon the idea of parallel economies and networks that can emerge when people are banned from certain platforms, leading to further division and anxiety. While the speaker acknowledged the existence of extreme views on platforms like GAB, they also pointed out that it's not substantially worse than other social media sites and that the media often exaggerates its negative aspects. The importance of clear communication and understanding was emphasized, as well as the need to be aware of misinformation and trolling.

    • Blurred lines between reality and fiction in online mediaThe lack of fact-checking and sensational content can lead to confusion and potential harm, and the power to spread false information lies in a few hands.

      The line between reality and fiction in online media can be blurred, leading to widespread misinformation. The example of a brother creating a fake news article about a new marijuana strain and it getting thousands of shares illustrates this issue. The lack of fact-checking and the sensational nature of online content can lead to confusion and potential harm. Additionally, the power to control the narrative and spread false information lies in the hands of a few, which can have significant consequences. Furthermore, the case of an NBC reporter calling for action against harassment campaigns and then writing biased articles, leading to Twitter's response, highlights the importance of ethical journalism and transparency. It's crucial for individuals and organizations to verify information before sharing it and for media outlets to uphold journalistic standards.

    • Discussion on inconsistent bans based on political ideologiesTransparency is crucial in platform decision-making, as inconsistent bans based on political ideologies can undermine trust and fairness.

      There's a complex issue surrounding the banning of individuals and organizations from various platforms based on their political ideologies. The discussion highlighted the cases of Alex Jones and Lauren Southern, with Oliver Darcy's role in the former's ban being a topic of contention. Darcy, a journalist, wrote articles about Jones and his ban, yet later claimed media pressure led to the ban. Southern was banned from Patreon after a protest action with a group called Generation Identity, and the inconsistency in how platforms handle such situations was raised. The conversation underscores the need for transparency in decision-making processes and the potential for biased application of rules.

    • Media biases blur lines between fact and opinionBe cautious of information sources, evaluate reliability, and consider multiple perspectives before accepting as fact.

      The distinction between different media outlets and their biases is becoming increasingly blurred, making it difficult to trust information presented as fact. The speaker shares personal experiences of misrepresentations on Wikipedia and the media's labeling of individuals as alt-right or conservative without their consent. The speed at which information spreads and is accepted as truth adds to the complexity of the issue. The speaker expresses frustration with the inconsistency of who is considered a reliable source and the potential consequences for those labeled unfairly. Ultimately, it's crucial to critically evaluate the sources of information and consider multiple perspectives before accepting anything as fact.

    • Blurred Lines: News, Opinion, and Sensationalism in Digital MediaBe mindful of biases and motivations behind digital content, striving for accuracy and fairness in reporting, and recognizing the potential blurring of lines between news and opinion.

      The line between news and opinion, comedy and fact, can become blurred in today's digital media landscape. The example of an article about disgusting recipes on GAB being covered as news highlights this issue. The senior editor's opinion piece, while potentially entertaining, raises questions about the value and accuracy of such content. Furthermore, the use of labels like "alt-right" to define groups or individuals can be problematic and manipulative. The speaker's criticism of news organizations for sensationalism and clickbait, as well as their potential lack of actual viewership, adds to the complexity of the issue. Ultimately, it's essential to be aware of the biases and motivations behind the content we consume and to strive for accuracy and fairness in reporting.

    • Digital media industry controversy over inflated traffic numbersCompanies buy traffic assignments from others to boost their own numbers, leading to ethical concerns and potential job losses if the investment runs out, but some argue it's not technically fraud

      There is a controversial practice in the digital media industry where companies buy traffic assignments from other sites to inflate their own numbers, leading to questions of fraud. This practice, known as clickbait or social engineering, involves one company attributing another's traffic to themselves, resulting in inflated Comscore numbers. The controversy arose when some companies saw their traffic numbers decrease significantly due to partners going through turmoil or being sold, leading to concerns about the legitimacy of the numbers. Some have compared this practice to the mortgage-backed securities crisis of 2008, where big investments were made based on false numbers. Companies engage in this practice to secure investments, but it can lead to job losses and a collapse of the business once the investment runs out. Despite the controversy, some argue that it's not technically fraud because the companies didn't lie to investors, but rather used a clever loophole to present false numbers as real. Overall, this practice raises ethical concerns and questions about transparency in the digital media industry.

    • Using deception to boost businessDeception can attract investment and boost morale, but it can lead to disappointment and job losses when the truth is revealed. Transparency and honesty are essential for building a sustainable business.

      Deception can be used to boost morale and attract investment in business, but it's important to consider the ethical implications. Shane Smith of Vice Media is an example of someone who was able to build an empire through clever investment strategies and inflating numbers, such as views and subscribers. However, this practice can lead to disappointment and job losses when the truth is revealed. While some may argue that this is just a game or a trick to "fake it till you make it," others see it as fraudulent behavior. It's crucial to understand the potential consequences and legal ramifications of such actions. In the end, transparency and honesty are essential for building a sustainable and successful business.

    • The Complexity of Fake Followers on Social MediaBe aware of potential fake followers on social media, use tools to remove them, and build a genuine community of engaged followers to mitigate their impact.

      The presence of fake followers on social media platforms like Twitter is a complex issue. Some accounts may have fake followers due to bots or individuals who only follow without engaging, while others may be purchased intentionally to damage reputations. It's challenging to distinguish between real and fake followers, and the consequences can range from harmless to damaging, especially for high-profile individuals or businesses. The media, including national tabloids, have used this issue to their advantage, sometimes making false claims to extort or damage reputations. Ultimately, it's essential to be aware of the potential for fake followers and take steps to mitigate their impact, such as using tools to remove them or building a genuine community of engaged followers. The issue highlights the power and influence of social media and the potential risks that come with it.

    • New forms of manipulation and information warfare in the digital ageThe digital age has led to new ways of manipulating information and creating chaos, with examples like the Jeff Bezos text scandal and Russian interference in US elections.

      The digital age has brought about new forms of manipulation and information warfare. The Jeff Bezos text scandal is just one example of how private information can be leaked and used to create chaos and division. The possibility of government involvement or interference adds another layer of complexity. Furthermore, the idea that someone's reporting doesn't necessarily reflect their advocacy is crucial to understand. The Russians have been found to have interfered in US elections by sowing seeds of dissent through social media, targeting different groups and ideologies to create conflict. This culture war was engineered to make people adopt extreme ideologies and refuse to cross divides. The effectiveness of these campaigns is evident in the escalation of tensions, culminating in incidents like Charlottesville. It's essential to recognize that these campaigns played a role in exacerbating the cultural divide in the US, even if their exact influence is unknown.

    • Digital Divide Fuels Ideological Conflicts and ViolenceSocial media spreads misinformation, leading to misunderstandings and conflict, while companies' responses can fuel division and create alternate economies and communication systems, potentially leading to dangerous levels of polarization and violence.

      The digital world provides ample opportunities for individuals and groups to be manipulated and divided, leading to extreme violence and the creation of separate, ideologically-driven communities. Social media platforms can be used to spread misinformation and false narratives, leading to misunderstandings and conflict. Companies' responses to controversial content can further fuel division, leading to the emergence of alternate economies and communication systems. The ease with which people can be misled and the unwillingness to accept contradictory evidence can exacerbate these issues, potentially leading to dangerous levels of polarization and even physical violence. The digital landscape is still new and uncharted, and it remains to be seen how these issues will be addressed and mitigated.

    • Concerns over rising intolerance and divisive policiesSpeaker advocates for judging individuals by character, not skin color, and expresses frustration with polarized politics and divisive race equity policies.

      The speaker expresses concern over the increasing prevalence of racist and intolerant ideologies, whether from the far-right or the left, and the impact they have on society. He believes that policies based on race equity are divisive and counterproductive, and he advocates for judging individuals based on their character rather than their skin color. The speaker also expresses frustration with the polarization of politics and feels politically homeless due to his beliefs. He believes in social programs and progressive ideas, but not at the expense of personal responsibility and individual rights. The speaker's experiences growing up in a mixed-race family have shaped his perspective on race and identity, and he fears the potential for further social unrest if these issues continue to be exploited for political gain.

    • Harvard Admissions, AI, and Universal Basic IncomeDisagreement over Harvard's affirmative action policies, concerns about AI's impact on employment, and debate over universal basic income as a potential solution were discussed, with personal experiences and philosophical implications shared.

      The conversation touched upon the controversial admissions practices at Harvard University, the potential impact of artificial intelligence and automation on employment, and the idea of universal basic income as a potential solution. The speaker expressed disagreement with Harvard's affirmative action policies and raised concerns about the feasibility of universal basic income. They also shared personal experiences and anecdotes, including the potential for people to pursue unfulfilling passions with the financial support of a universal income. The philosophical implications of technological advancements and their impact on employment were also discussed, with a reflection on the story of an old man who became homeless due to job displacement.

    • The complexities of addressing social issuesLack of stable housing and employment can lead to homelessness and substance abuse. Social policies offer solutions, but implementation challenges exist. Balancing individual rights and community needs is crucial.

      The lack of stable housing and employment can lead to dire consequences, including homelessness and substance abuse. The speaker believes in social policies as a solution, but acknowledges the challenges of implementing them on a large scale. He also expresses concerns about permanent bans on social media platforms, viewing them as a restriction on freedom of speech. The speaker believes that people should be allowed to engage in civil discourse after serving their time, if they have committed a crime. He also criticizes the inconsistent application of platform rules and the potential for harassment. The speaker's perspective highlights the complexities of addressing social issues and the importance of balancing individual rights with community needs.

    • Regulating Speech on Social Media: Balancing Freedom and Corporate PowerSocial media platforms, as monopolies, have the power to regulate speech, but inconsistent application of legal precedents and potential consequences of banning individuals warrant careful consideration. Protecting public discourse and regulating corporations are crucial to prevent political power from falling into the wrong hands.

      The power to regulate speech on social media platforms, particularly those considered monopolies, raises significant concerns for freedom of speech and public discourse. The discussion around the Covington kids' controversy and the potential lawsuits against those who defamed them highlighted the inconsistency in applying legal precedents. The speaker argues that if Twitter encourages public participation, it should not have the unrestricted power to ban users. The potential consequences of banning individuals include the creation of parallel worlds and backlash. The speaker emphasizes the importance of protecting public discourse and regulating corporations to prevent political power from falling into the hands of foreign interests, stockholders, and private individuals.

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    Christian Angermayer and Dr. Aron D’Souza are the co-founders of the Enhanced Games, an upcoming Olympic-style event that brings together the world’s top athletes to compete without arbitrary bans on performance-enhancing substances.  www.enhanced.org Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2165 - Jack Carr

    #2165 - Jack Carr
    Jack Carr is a bestselling author, retired Navy SEAL, and host of the “Danger Close” podcast. His newest book, "Red Sky Mourning,” is available now. www.officialjackcarr.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2164 - Action Bronson

    #2164 - Action Bronson
    Action Bronson is a musician, chef, painter, and author. Look out for his forthcoming album "Johann Sebastian Bachlava the Doctor'' and watch his series "F*ck, That's Delicious" on YouTube. www.actionbronson.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2163 - Freeway Rick Ross

    #2163 - Freeway Rick Ross
    Freeway Rick Ross is a former eighties drug kingpin who is now an author, motivational speaker, and community advocate. www.freewayrickyross.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2162 - Tim Dillon

    #2162 - Tim Dillon
    Tim Dillon is a stand-up comic, actor, and host of "The Tim Dillon Show" podcast. His latest comedy special, "Tim Dillon: A Real Hero," is available on Netflix. Look for his book "Death by Boomers: How the Worst Generation Destroyed the Planet, but First a Child" in 2024. www.timdilloncomedy.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    • Big Tech can impact politics in a big way, they can decide what is shown and what is censored giving them ultimate control on the narrative. This is scaring governments and should scare you too.
    • Free speech has to be for all otherwise it isn’t free speech.
    • It is the governments job to step in when monopolies and control becomes too big, this is what they are doing and it will serve us all if the bid goes through.


    “Many people think that was fundamentally really wrong and ultimately governments are now threatened”

    “If I want free speech then I want free speech for all”

    [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

    Kaelan Dorr, SVP of Marketing and Global Engagement at GETTR | CP36

    Kaelan Dorr, SVP of Marketing and Global Engagement at GETTR | CP36

    This is an episode of The Credder Podcast with host Chase Palmieri and special guest Kaelan Dorr, SVP of Marketing and Global Engagement at GETTR.

    In this conversation, we discuss social media content moderation, running a pro-free speech platform, Trump's 2020 presidential campaign, Hunter Biden's Laptop story being pulled from Facebook and Twitter, GETTR's future crypto-micro tipping revenue model, and so much more!


    Chase Palmieri is CEO and Founder of Credder, the world's leading news and content review platform. Restoring consumer, subscriber, and advertiser trust in the news industry.

    Follow Credder:
    Twitter | https://twitter.com/CredderApp
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