
    127 Influence, Impact, and Legacy: Inside the Mind of Music Legend Scooter Braun

    enJanuary 18, 2015

    Podcast Summary

    • From club promoter to music manager: Scooter Braun's journey in the entertainment industryDetermination, adaptability, networking, family, team building, innovation, and charitable investments are key to achieving greatness in the entertainment industry.

      Scooter Braun, a renowned entertainment industry powerbroker, shares valuable insights on his journey from promoting clubs in Atlanta to managing some of the world's biggest artists. He discusses the importance of family, building powerful teams, focusing on innovation, and the significance of charitable investments. Scooter's experiences demonstrate the value of determination, adaptability, and the power of networking in achieving greatness. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur or just looking for inspiration, Scooter's story offers valuable lessons on pursuing your dreams and making a positive impact in the world.

    • From parties to politics: following instincts for successStay open to new opportunities and follow instincts for success, even with an unconventional start.

      Despite starting out promoting parties and even selling fake IDs in his youth, Adam eventually found his true passion and dreams, which included being a coach, a lawyer, and a politician. He ended up in Atlanta and turned his focus towards the entertainment industry, discovering his natural talent for sales and marketing. Though he had an unconventional start, Adam's determination and adaptability led him to success. His story highlights the importance of staying open to new opportunities and following one's instincts, even when the path may not be clear-cut.

    • From punk freshman to party promoterDetermination and a willingness to learn from others can lead to unexpected opportunities and success, even for a young, underestimated outsider.

      Determination and a willingness to learn from others can lead to unexpected opportunities and success. The speaker, a 19-year-old white punk and college freshman, was able to become a successful party promoter by following his instincts, creating a niche market, and learning the ropes from industry veterans. He started with a small party that drew around 800 people, and through hard work and networking, he became a major player in the industry. His journey took him from Atlanta to Miami, and eventually to working for major music labels like So So Def. Despite facing challenges and setbacks, such as breaking rules or being underestimated due to his height, the speaker remained focused and persistent, ultimately leading to his success.

    • Learning from failures in the music industrySuccess in music requires taking risks and learning from failures. Skills like marketing, artist development, and trusting your instincts can be gained through experience, even during setbacks.

      Success in the music industry often requires taking risks and learning from failures. The speaker, who started as a college party promoter and worked his way up to becoming a record label executive, shared his experiences of learning marketing and artist development under the guidance of Jermaine Dupri. He described how he made a name for himself by consistently delivering results and was given opportunities to work with notable artists like Usher. However, he also experienced failures, such as when the FBI shut down an artist's label due to illegal activities, and had to finance an artist's career from his own pocket. Despite these setbacks, he learned valuable skills like making records, radio promotion, and trusting his gut. Ultimately, his determination and resilience paid off when he discovered and signed Asher Roth, marking a new beginning for him in the industry.

    • Believing in Artists' PotentialInvesting in artists with different goals can lead to valuable experiences and unexpected outcomes. Respect journeys, value hard-earned money, honor handshakes, and stay true to your word.

      Having faith and believing in the potential of artists, even when they may not share the same goals or desires for their careers, can lead to valuable experiences and unexpected outcomes. The speaker invested heavily in two artists, Asher and Justin, and while Asher was content with a smaller scale of success, Justin was driven to be the biggest. The speaker learned important lessons about respecting the journey and valuing hard-earned money, as well as the power of a handshake and the importance of staying true to one's word. The experience of promoting events in Atlanta also taught the speaker about the importance of perseverance and adaptability in the music industry. Despite initial disagreements and the eventual departure from a previous business partnership, the speaker's belief in his artists and the lessons he learned along the way proved to be worthwhile.

    • The power of persistence and creativityBoldly bending the rules and being resourceful can lead to unexpected opportunities. Leverage existing connections and hustle to achieve your goals.

      Persistence and creativity can lead to unexpected opportunities. The speaker shares his experience of pitching Pontiac a deal for Ludacris, using deceitful means to get in contact with the agency. He lied about being a student journalist, but his boldness paid off when he managed to secure a meeting and ultimately, a deal. This story highlights the importance of being resourceful and determined, even if it means bending the rules a little. It also underscores the power of building relationships and leveraging existing connections to achieve your goals. The speaker's hustle and fake-it-till-you-make-it mindset ultimately led to a successful partnership between Ludacris and Pontiac.

    • The importance of family and charity in lifeWorking hard to provide for and build a family is worthwhile as it provides a sense of safety, happiness, and a meaningful legacy.

      Pretending to belong and impressing others, as Schindler did in the opening scene of his movie, and as the speaker did in Atlanta's hip hop scene, can lead to personal growth and opportunities. However, the true value lies in the steadfast love and support of family, which provides a sense of safety, happiness, and a meaningful legacy. The speaker emphasizes that family and charity are the only real legacies in life and that working hard to provide for and build a family is worthwhile. Ultimately, the speaker's perspective is that life is a journey with ups and downs, but having a strong family foundation makes the ride less scary and more fulfilling.

    • The importance of family over wealthWhile pursuing wealth in your twenties is important, don't neglect family and relationships. A shift in perspective often occurs when you become a parent, leading to prioritizing family over wealth.

      While pursuing wealth and success in one's twenties is important, it should not come at the expense of family and relationships. Money can provide freedom and release, but it can also trap and cause unhappiness if it becomes the sole focus. A shift in perspective often occurs when one becomes a parent, as the realization that one's life is no longer solely their own leads to a greater emphasis on putting family first. The speaker's personal experience with this is reflected in his tattoo of the word "family," which serves as a constant reminder of what truly matters in life.

    • Balancing fatherhood and business successEffective fathers can balance professional and personal lives, prioritize personal growth, and learn from mentors to positively influence their children's upbringing.

      Being a successful businessperson and a present father are not mutually exclusive. The speaker shares his respect for other fathers who manage to balance their professional and personal lives effectively. He acknowledges that he may not have achieved the same level of success earlier in life if he had become a father at a younger age. However, he now values the importance of being present for his children and believes that the relationships he has built over the years will positively influence his child's upbringing. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of mentors and learning from various sources, including his own father. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of prioritizing both personal and professional growth and finding a balance between the two.

    • Learning from diverse sources and giving backDraw inspiration, treat everyone with kindness, live with integrity, understand end goals, and give back to the community for personal growth and success.

      Drawing inspiration and guidance from diverse sources, including mentors, strangers, and personal experiences, is crucial for personal growth and success. Treating everyone with kindness and respect, and incorporating charitable work into personal and professional endeavors, are essential components of being a good man. The speaker's experiences with mentors like David Geffen and lessons from his family have shaped his values and approach to life. He emphasizes the importance of understanding one's end goal, living with integrity, and giving back to the community. The speaker's commitment to charitable work started at a young age and continues to be a priority in his personal and professional life.

    • Giving back brings joy and fulfillmentSuccessful individuals find happiness through serving their communities, regardless of age or resources. Celebrate and share these experiences, challenge societal norms, and encourage giving.

      Giving back and being of service are keys to greatness and personal fulfillment, regardless of age or resources. The speaker, who is proud of his friend Justin Bieber's charitable efforts, shares how he and other successful individuals have found joy and meaning through giving back to their communities. He encourages listeners to do the same, whether it's through volunteering time or resources, and emphasizes that it's important to celebrate and share these experiences. He also challenges societal norms that stigmatize those who make significant income in the nonprofit sector, encouraging a shift in perspective towards valuing and celebrating the positive impact of giving.

    • The power of small actions and connectionsSmall gestures and relationships can significantly impact people's lives, and empowering others to contribute can lead to greater success

      Small actions and connections can have a profound impact on people's lives. The speaker shared personal experiences of receiving a letter from Stephen Spielberg when he was young and how it changed his perspective, as well as the importance of reaching out to friends who may be struggling. He also emphasized the importance of service and building relationships, and how empowering others to contribute to a team or project can lead to greater success, even if it means relinquishing some control. The speaker's experiences highlight the importance of being present, giving, and recognizing the value of small moments and connections.

    • Empowering Teams for SuccessEffective leadership involves trusting team members, surrounding yourself with skilled individuals, creating a positive team environment, and delegating tasks to scale a business.

      Effective leadership involves delegating tasks, empowering team members, and giving them ownership to make decisions. Surrounding yourself with skilled individuals who share your vision is crucial for scaling a business. Empowerment means trusting team members to lead their projects and believing in their ideas, even if they initially seem uncertain. Giving people opportunities and taking risks on them can lead to successful collaborations. Additionally, having a positive team environment is essential, as negativity can project onto individuals and impact their confidence and decision-making abilities. Remember, winning the game requires everyone's contributions, and no one can do it alone.

    • Surround Yourself with Loyal, Caring People and InnovateSurround yourself with loyal, caring people. Read inspiring quotes daily to innovate and create something new from existing ideas.

      Building a strong team and maintaining positive energy are crucial for business success. According to the speaker, it's essential to surround yourself with loyal, caring people who are willing to go the extra mile because they care about you. He also emphasizes the importance of innovation and creating something new from existing ideas. The speaker's daily ritual includes reading Steve Jobs' famous quote about the importance of dreamers and unreasonable ideas above his toilet each morning to remind himself to go out and do great things. He believes that most great ideas have already been thought, and it's essential to innovate and create something new from what's already been laid out. Lastly, the speaker expressed his gratitude for his family, especially as he is starting a family of his own.

    • Finding joy in overcoming challengesMaintaining a positive attitude and striving for achievement, even in difficult situations, can lead to unexpected rewards and joy. Valuing the journey and experiences gained is essential.

      Even when faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges or situations beyond personal control, maintaining a positive attitude and striving for achievement can lead to unexpected rewards. The speaker shares his excitement for tackling difficult tasks and finding success, despite the low odds. He also emphasizes the importance of friends and family, and finds joy in the achievements of others. Confidential business deals and personal accomplishments bring him great satisfaction, even if they remain unknown to others. Ultimately, the speaker values the journey and the experiences gained along the way.

    • Two pivotal moments in life: validation from mother and record deal from mentorSeizing opportunities, taking care of oneself, and appreciating the impact we have on others' lives can significantly impact personal and professional growth.

      Opportunities and support from others can significantly impact our personal and professional growth. The speaker shared stories about two pivotal moments in his life: the first was attending a John Mayer concert with his mother, which gave him a sense of achievement and validation. The second was when Steve Rifkin gave him a record deal despite his lack of experience, which was a game changer in his career. These experiences underscore the importance of giving people chances and believing in their potential. The speaker also shared a heartfelt moment where Steve Rifkin expressed his gratitude for their professional relationship and how it had become one of the most significant accomplishments in his own career. Ultimately, these experiences highlight the importance of seizing opportunities, taking care of oneself, and appreciating the impact we have on others' lives.

    • The Power of Empathy and SelflessnessEmpathy and selflessness can leave a lasting impact on people's lives. Acknowledge and appreciate others' generosity, pursue dreams and take risks, and make a positive impact to define greatness.

      The power of empathy and selflessness can leave a lasting impact on people's lives. The story shared about a man named Steve Rifkin, who despite being in a hospital bed, was more concerned about the wellbeing of others. His kindness and belief in the speaker left a deep impression, inspiring him to be a better man. Additionally, acknowledging and appreciating the generosity and vision of others can lead to personal growth and success. Lastly, pursuing dreams and taking risks, even if they result in failure, is an essential part of living a fulfilling life. The definition of greatness, as shared by the speaker, is seeing the world through a positive lens and making a positive impact on others.

    • Emphasizing the importance of positivity and improvementScooter Braun, a successful entrepreneur, encourages pushing limits, adding positivity, and improving the world around us. He recommends 'School of Greatness' podcast for inspiration.

      Greatness lies in giving positivity and leaving a place better than where you found it, as exemplified by individuals like Brad Haugen and Scooter Braun. Scooter Braun, a successful entrepreneur and friend of the podcast, emphasized the importance of pushing limits, adding positivity, and improving the world around us. He recommended Lewis House's podcast, "School of Greatness," as an inspirational resource for anyone striving to do something great. By sharing wisdom and experiences, individuals like Scooter can inspire and motivate others to make a positive impact on the world. Listeners are encouraged to engage with Scooter on social media, share the episode, and continue to seek out inspiring content.

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    • Practical steps to achieve brain and heart coherence to construct your new reality full of abundance.
    • Daily techniques to shorten the distance between thoughts and desired outcomes.

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    • Holistic health involves addressing emotional traumas and adopting practices that enhance both mental and physical well-being.

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    • The significance of finding joy in simple things and building happiness from within.

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Buy her book for yourself and a friend! THE SOURCE - Open Your Mind, Change Your Life

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    • The importance of gratitude in shifting your brain's chemistry from stress to trust.
    • The impact of smell on emotional memory and cognitive function.
    • Techniques for olfactory enrichment to improve memory and cognition.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1629

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOG episodes we think you’ll love:

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    Achieve 70% MORE SUCCESS: 3 Visualization HACKS to Boost Your CONFIDENCE

    Achieve 70% MORE SUCCESS: 3 Visualization HACKS to Boost Your CONFIDENCE

    Have you ever wondered what truly makes someone confident, even in the face of insecurities and challenges? Welcome back to The School of Greatness, in today's masterclass episode, we're diving deep into the essence of true inner strength with some of the world's top experts.

    Ed Mylett shares his journey from insecurity to self-assuredness, emphasizing intention and purpose. Mel Robbins reveals how to harness the power of visualization and celebrate small wins. Matthew McConaughey explores shedding external identities to find true inner light. Get ready for an inspiring journey as we explore how faith, purpose, and the right mindset can transform your life and help you achieve greatness. Let's dive in!

    In this episode you will learn

    • How to build self-confidence through intention rather than achievements.
    • The importance of living with purpose and serving others to enhance confidence.
    • Techniques to overcome imposter syndrome and insecurities.
    • The impact of childhood experiences on adult self-perception.
    • The role of faith and intention in maintaining confidence and humility.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1628

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    Full episodes featured today:

    Mel Robbins – https://link.chtbl.com/1405-pod

    Ed Mylett – https://link.chtbl.com/1274-pod

    Matthew McConaughey – https://link.chtbl.com/1422-pod

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    31 - Charity & Triple A Games

    31 -  Charity & Triple A Games
    Does anyone still listen to us? Today we talk about Cu...VIDEO GAMES. DONUTS HOME!!! Today we yell about a lot of trash, including Charity and Triple A Games, How Salt Lake City is a stupid place and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!  If you didn't hear, we ran a charity event on the 20th and 21st of Nov, where a big ol group of Content Creators got together to raise money for The Boot Campaign, and AMAZING Veterans charity group. EVEN BETTER we got  @MBest11x  ,  @Eli Doubletap  ,  @Baddie Streams  ,  @Donut Operator  ,  @Klean  ,  @Brandon Herrera  and @Nikko Ortiz  all together in a giant garage streaming, yelling and making fools of ourselves for charity. Overall we raise $250,000 in two days (Baddies chat did $55k beating Mat Best, Baddie writes these so I can dunk on Matty B if I want). It was an amazing time for an amazing cause. ------------------------------ WHERE TO LISTEN Spotify https://spoti.fi/2Ye8YOU Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/3cbqY4k Amazon https://amzn.to/2YbzQia Google Play https://bit.ly/2YcWmaD Stitcher https://bit.ly/3cbnY8o ------------------------------ Follow the Cast of Unsubscribe -Baddie- @Baddie Streams https://www.twitch.tv/baddie https://twitter.com/BaddieStreams https://www.instagram.com/baddiestreams/ https://www.youtube.com/baddiestreams -DonutOperator- @Donut Operator https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwkm_Wcyh0pc7UUmZZfL-6w https://www.instagram.com/donutoperator/ https://www.twitch.tv/DonutOperator https://twitter.com/DonutOperator -Eli_Doubletap- @Eli Doubletap https://www.instagram.com/eli_doubletap/ https://www.twitch.tv/Eli_Doubletap https://twitter.com/Eli_Doubletap https://www.youtube.com/c/EliDoubletap ------------------------------ Edited by Fluck https://www.twitch.tv/fluck Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Roger Saul: Mulberry Founder Reveals How to Grow a Global Brand & Pivot Recessions [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]

    Roger Saul: Mulberry Founder Reveals How to Grow a Global Brand & Pivot Recessions [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]

    In this episode Rob brings the co-founder of Mulberry, and sustainability pioneer Roger Saul to the podcast. We previously heard from Roger at the young entrepreneurs summit and he had so much wisdom to share Rob wanted to go more in depth with him on all things entrepreneurship! An inspiring and educational conversation full of value for both the young and established entrepreneur alike.



    • Roger’s first job was as a boutique assistant when he was studying in London. He would go out and source accessories for the boutique to sell. He realised that there was a huge mark-up and he could be doing this himself and be making a lot more money. He started Mulberry with a singer sewing machine with his mother and girlfriend and he soon went global.

    • Pivoting is a key part to any successful business and entrepreneur and Roger has demonstrated this many times over, including riding the 1980s recession by creating collections based on what had previously worked and designing Mulberry home products when people started travelling less in the 80’s/90’s.

    • Key to Roger’s and Mulberry’s success was recognising that it wasn’t sustainable to be at the top of fashion season in, season out. What he did instead was create a brand and products that stayed with people. One of his biggest success stories was the Mulberry planner, as this meant people would see the Mulberry brand every day and would also come back to Mulberry each year for the new inserts.

    • Roger has had his own share of incredibly tough times, including be ousted from the brand he built and created.

    • You don’t have to ‘stay in your lane’ in business. Roger started in fashion, moved over to homewares, then hotels, onto food and more. Being able to adapt and do so with passion, energy and knowing your customers and audience is key.

    • Opportunities don’t often drop into your lap, you have to be creative and make them happen yourself. You can get through tough times by putting your ego aside and doing what it takes to come out the other side, keep adapting, keep improving and focus on the end goal.



    “The 70s are where everything changed and fashion became what we know today”


    “Belts were the handbags of today, every season they changed shape”


    “That was crippling none of us had experienced anything like it before”


    “How do I maintain control?”


    [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

    Back to the Roots: Nikhil Arora and Alejandro Velez

    Back to the Roots: Nikhil Arora and Alejandro Velez
    In 2009, Berkeley seniors Nikhil Arora and Alejandro Velez started to geek out over something they'd heard in a lecture: you can grow a healthy crop of mushrooms on used coffee grounds. Intrigued by the business potential, the pair set aside jobs in finance and consulting and became urban farmers: salvaging leaky bags of coffee grounds, planting mushroom spawn in an Oakland warehouse, and selling their crop to local grocers. Over time, the partners realized they could help others grow food for themselves, so they stopped farming fungus and took the leap into selling tabletop grow kits, seeds, and potting soil. Since launch, Back to the Roots has become the fastest-growing organic gardening brand in the U.S., with its products sold in 10,000 stores across the country. See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.