
    #13 - Brett Kotlus, M.D.: How to look younger while you live longer

    enSeptember 03, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Prioritizing Small, Consistent Changes for Long-Lasting Effects in Health and Cosmetic Procedures.Making small improvements over time in our health and cosmetic procedures can lead to amazing long-term results and enhance our overall well-being.

      Making small and consistent changes can lead to amazing results in the long run. Just as Peter Attia believes in making small improvements over time for longevity and reducing the risk of disease, Brett Cotless approaches cosmetic and reconstructive surgery in a similar way. Through their collaboration, they focus on making subtle changes that have a lasting impact. Brett emphasizes the importance of picking the right practitioner for cosmetic procedures and offers insights into various treatments like Botox, lasers, peels, and more. Taking care of our skin and rejuvenating it with the right tools and procedures can greatly enhance our health and vitality. Overall, this conversation highlights the significance of prioritizing small, consistent changes for long-lasting effects in both health and cosmetic procedures.

    • The Effects of Aging on our SkinAs we age, our skin undergoes a variety of changes, including loss of bone density and facial fat, decreased collagen and elastin, and the development of small blood vessels and brown spots.

      The aging process affects our skin in various ways, both intrinsic and extrinsic. As we age, our genetics play a role in the changes our faces undergo. We lose bone density and facial fat, often in undesirable areas, while the sun exposure leads to solar elastosis, causing a decrease in collagen, elastin, and overall skin thickness. Additionally, we develop small blood vessels, brown spots, and experience degradation and thinning of the interplay between different layers of the face, including skin, fat, muscle, bone, and ligaments. From infancy to adulthood, our once chubby and round cheeks gradually lose support and start to show signs of aging.

    • Understanding How Different Parts of our Body AgeFactors such as tension, oil glands, and fat distribution contribute to the different aging processes of our body. The face is more prone to wrinkles and sagging, while the back may result in wider scars. Genetic factors also play a role in skin aging.

      The skin on different parts of our body ages differently due to various factors such as tension, oil glands, and fat distribution. The face, being a highly expressive area with more movement and areas of laxity, is more prone to wrinkles and sagging. The back, on the other hand, is stretched and taught, which affects the way it ages and may result in wider scars. Additionally, the face has a higher density of sebaceous glands and is affected by muscular expression, which contributes to its aging process. Furthermore, the loss of facial fat with age reveals the underlying structures and leads to changes in contours. Gravity and wear and tear also impact facial ligaments, similar to the effects on joints. While genetic factors play a significant role in longevity and skin aging, there is still ongoing research to determine the specific genes involved in these intrinsic changes.

    • The Role of Genetics and Lifestyle Choices in AgingOur genetics influence how we age, but lifestyle choices, such as protecting ourselves from the sun, can also have a significant impact on maintaining a youthful appearance.

      Our genetics play a role in the way we age, but lifestyle choices and external factors can also influence our appearance. Skin color, for example, can affect how our skin ages, with darker skin types tending to look better for longer due to denser connective tissue and built-in UV protection. UV radiation from sunlight may cause fat atrophy over time, leading to wrinkles and premature aging. However, protecting oneself from the sun can help maintain a youthful appearance. While some individuals may choose to undergo cosmetic procedures, it's important to approach these treatments with caution and ensure they are done well for a natural, unnoticed result. Ultimately, everyone has their own motivations for wanting to look their best, whether it's tied to genetic drive or societal pressures.

    • The Importance of Maintaining a Natural Appearance in Cosmetic ProceduresAvoid going for extreme enhancements and prioritize preserving expressions, contours, and dimensions for a natural-looking face during cosmetic procedures.

      Maintaining a natural appearance is crucial when considering cosmetic procedures. Brett Kotlus, a professional in the field, advises against trying to hold on to a younger version of oneself to avoid an unnatural and distorted look. He highlights the influence of social media and the "Instagram effect," where people are tempted to go beyond what is natural due to the exaggerated appearances they see online or among their peers. It is important to remember one's initial goals and not get carried away with pushing for more enhancements. Striving for a natural-looking face means preserving expressions, contours, and dimensions, rather than going to extremes that can result in an artificial appearance.

    • The importance of balance and harmony in cosmetic procedures like lip fillers.Consider the overall balance and harmony of the face, communicate desires with the physician, and be aware of the potential need for additional treatments or touch-ups.

      When it comes to cosmetic procedures like lip fillers, it's important for both the provider and the patient to consider the overall balance and harmony of the face. While it may be popular to focus on specific areas like the nasolabial lines or lips, a good physician will assess the neighboring areas as well. They may suggest additional treatments or enhancements that will enhance the natural look and maintain symmetry. It's also worth noting that the use of hyaluronic acid fillers is generally safe and reversible, providing a level of comfort for those considering these procedures. However, it's essential for patients to communicate their desires and for physicians to ensure they're properly setting expectations and discussing the potential need for touch-ups or repeat treatments in certain areas.

    • Effective Filler Injections Using a Cannula for Under Eyes and Tear Trough AreasFiller injections using a cannula offer a precise and safe solution to address tired-looking under eyes and tear trough areas, resulting in a refreshed and youthful appearance.

      Filler injections using a cannula can effectively address issues such as puffy under eyes and tear trough areas, making people look less tired and more refreshed. The use of a cannula, which has a blunt tip, allows for precise and accurate placement of the filler gel without the need for needles directly under the eye. By visualizing the internal structure of the eye during the procedure, the filler can replace lost fat or disguise bulging fat pads, resulting in a more youthful appearance. While there are risks involved, this procedure is not considered high risk. This method can greatly enhance a person's facial appearance and is particularly beneficial for those who have bags or appear tired.

    • Choosing the Right Provider for Cosmetic ProceduresThoroughly research and consider factors such as referrals, rapport, and aesthetic style to find a competent and skilled provider for cosmetic procedures.

      When seeking a provider for cosmetic procedures, it is crucial to do thorough research and consider various factors. While the field may have different types of specialists, such as plastic surgeons, facial plastic surgeons, and oculoplastic surgeons, the ultimate goal should be to find a competent and skilled practitioner. Referrals from trusted sources, such as nurses, anesthesiologists, or individuals with successful outcomes, can be valuable in the decision-making process. It is also important to have a good rapport and shared goals with the chosen provider. An initial consultation, even if it involves a fee, is worthwhile to assess the doctor's approach, attentiveness, and overall atmosphere of the office. Looking at before and after photos on the provider's website can also give insights into their aesthetic style and capabilities. Labels or specific training programs should not be the sole determining factors, as some doctors have gained expertise through experience and self-development. Ultimately, finding the right provider is a personal journey that requires careful consideration and judgment.

    • The Importance of Communication and Research in Cosmetic ProceduresAsking questions, researching your doctor's experience and success rate, understanding potential complications, and managing expectations are crucial for a successful and satisfying cosmetic procedure.

      When considering cosmetic procedures, it is essential to ask questions, seek information, and have open discussions with your doctor. Knowing how many procedures your doctor has done and asking about previous patients' experiences can give you a better understanding of their expertise and success rate. It is also important to inquire about potential complications, their likelihood, and the steps that will be taken if they occur. Consent forms should not be glossed over, and doctors should transparently communicate expected complications and next steps. Being well-informed about the procedure's risks and potential outcomes can help manage expectations and prevent any surprises or dissatisfaction later on.

    • Avoid Botox complications, target specific muscles for natural results.Use caution when getting Botox, focus on specific muscles for a more natural and youthful appearance.

      Botox injections can have unintended consequences if not done correctly. It is important to be cautious and informed when considering cosmetic procedures. Injecting Botox too heavily in the forehead can cause the inability to lift the brows, resulting in a smooth but unnatural appearance. Instead, it is recommended to target specific muscles, such as the corrugator pusserus muscles near the top of the nose, to weaken muscle contractions and soften lines over time. Taking a preventive approach and starting with small and targeted injections can help maintain a more natural and youthful appearance for a longer period. Ultimately, the decision to pursue cosmetic procedures should be based on personal preferences and goals.

    • The Impact of Cosmetic Procedures on Confidence and Self-ImageApproaching cosmetic procedures with a healthy mindset, focusing on enhancing well-being rather than just appearance, while medical professionals should provide ethical care and understand patients' goals.

      Cosmetic procedures can have a significant impact on a person's confidence and self-image. While some may view these procedures as unnecessary, they can provide individuals with a boost in self-esteem and help them feel better about themselves. It is crucial to approach cosmetic procedures with a healthy attitude, doing it for oneself rather than to impress or fit in with others. The goal should be to enhance one's well-being and overall wellness, not just appearance. However, it is important for medical professionals to be mindful of patients who may have unrealistic expectations or underlying emotional issues. Being a supportive listener and understanding the patient's goals are integral to providing ethical care in cosmetic procedures.

    • The importance of wearing sunscreen for protection against UV radiation and skin cancer.Wearing sunscreen with at least SPF 30 is crucial for adequate protection against harmful UV radiation and reducing the risk of developing skin conditions like cancer.

      Wearing sunscreen is crucial for protecting our skin from the harmful effects of UV radiation. There is a strong correlation between UV exposure and skin cancer, and wearing sunscreen can significantly reduce the risk of developing such conditions. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends protecting children from the sun and provides guidelines for sunscreen use. When it comes to choosing sunscreen, it is important to look for a Broad Spectrum product that offers protection against both UVA and UVB rays. The SPF number indicates how much longer it will take for the skin to turn red compared to not using sunscreen. While higher SPF provides more protection, the difference between SPF 30 and 50 is minimal. Therefore, using at least SPF 30 is recommended for adequate protection.

    • Choosing the Right Sunscreen for Optimal ProtectionLook for broad spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30, containing reflective agents like zinc or titanium. Reapply every 2 hours for maximum effectiveness and be cautious of waterproof claims.

      When choosing sunscreen, it's important to look for a broad spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30. SPF does not apply to UVA rays, so the SPF number on a broad spectrum sunscreen refers to UVB protection. UVA and UVB rays both contribute to skin cancer, with UVA rays being linked to melanoma. Physical sunscreens, which contain zinc or titanium as reflective agents, are recommended as they reflect the sun's rays. However, newer chemical sunscreens are also considered safe, but may worsen conditions like melasma and have hormonal disruptive effects. It's important to reapply sunscreen every 2 hours, as most people do not apply enough and waterproof claims should be taken with caution.

    • Essential Steps for Skin Care and Sun ProtectionProtecting your skin from the sun and incorporating retinol products can help prevent wrinkles and improve skin texture.

      Taking care of your skin is essential to maintaining a youthful appearance and preventing wrinkles and damage caused by the sun. It is important to protect not only your face but also your hands and chest from sun exposure by using sunscreen and wearing protective clothing. While finding the right sunscreen can be challenging, exploring different brands and consulting with a dermatologist can help you discover a product that suits your needs. Additionally, incorporating products with retinol or retinomic acid into your skincare regimen can promote collagen synthesis, reduce wrinkles, and improve skin texture. Starting with over-the-counter retinol products and adjusting frequency based on skin sensitivity can help prevent dryness.

    • The benefits of incorporating retinoic acid and vitamin C into your skincare routine.Retinoic acid promotes skin turnover and reduces signs of aging, while vitamin C protects against UV damage and supports collagen synthesis. Combined with sunscreen, they create a comprehensive skincare plan.

      Incorporating retinoic acid and vitamin C into your skincare routine can be beneficial for maintaining healthy skin. Retinoic acid, commonly known as retinol, is recommended for nighttime use and can help promote skin turnover and reduce the signs of aging. Contrary to popular belief, retinol does not necessarily make your skin more sun-sensitive, but it can become less effective when exposed to sunlight. On the other hand, topical vitamin C acts as a powerful antioxidant, protecting the skin from UV damage and supporting collagen synthesis. However, it is important to choose a stabilized form of vitamin C that is less prone to oxidation. By combining these ingredients with sunscreen, you can create a comprehensive maintenance plan for your skin's health.

    • The Importance of a Skincare RoutineA skincare routine, including sunscreen, vitamin C, and retinol, can improve skin health and reduce the signs of aging, with remarkable results achievable without surgery. Injectable treatments like Botox should be approached with caution.

      Having a skincare routine that includes sunscreen, vitamin C, and retinol can greatly benefit your skin. Applying vitamin C topically can help reverse sun damage, but it may not be as effective if your serum levels of vitamin C are already high. It's important to wait a few minutes for the serum to dry before applying sunscreen. Following this simple regimen, along with other skincare measures like wearing a hat, can have a significant impact on anti-aging. In some cases, patients have seen remarkable changes in their skin without the need for surgery, just with skincare recommendations and a directed routine. Botox has evolved to have many more applications beyond just cosmetic purposes, but it's crucial for injectors to have a nuanced approach to avoid undesired results.

    • Personalized care for Botox and laser treatmentsUnderstanding the face's anatomy and tailoring treatment to individuals is important. Choosing an experienced provider for laser treatments ensures effectiveness.

      Personalized care is crucial when it comes to procedures like Botox and laser treatments. It's not simply about injecting the wrinkle or using a specific device, but rather understanding the anatomy of the face and tailoring the treatment to each individual. This requires knowledge of the underlying musculature, connective tissue, and fat, as well as the ability to assess any variations in muscle placement or patient concerns. A cookie-cutter approach won't yield the best results. Additionally, when it comes to laser treatments, selecting the right provider is essential as they play a significant role in determining the effectiveness of the treatment. Patients should be cautious and ensure that the provider is experienced and knowledgeable in using the specific device.

    • Non-surgical fat reduction and skin treatments: finding the right procedure and provider.Non-surgical fat reduction procedures can effectively reduce subcutaneous fat, while selecting the right chemical peel requires considering individual skin type and discussing risks with a reputable provider.

      Non-surgical fat reduction procedures, such as CoolSculpting, can be effective in reducing subcutaneous fat in various areas of the body. Both heat-based and cold-based procedures have been deemed equally effective in achieving around a 20 percent reduction in subcutaneous fat. It's important to ensure that the procedure is performed using FDA-approved devices and by a reputable provider. When it comes to skin treatments like chemical peels, it is crucial to rely on the expertise of the provider. Different types of peels have varying risks and benefits, and selection should be based on individual skin type and needs. Asking the provider about their experience, seeing examples, and discussing the safety and risks are essential steps in finding the right person for the procedure.

    • Options for Skin Rejuvenation: Chemical Peels, Laser Treatments, and MoreConsult with a knowledgeable provider to determine the best treatment option based on desired outcomes, individual skin type, and the provider's experience and training.

      There are various options for skin rejuvenation, such as chemical peels and laser treatments. The choice of treatment depends on the desired outcomes and the individual's skin type. Chemical peels, like TCA peels, can improve texture, reduce wrinkles, and treat brown spots. Laser treatments have a similar effect but use energy to burn the surface, with fractional lasers leaving some normal skin in between treated areas. It's important to consult with a knowledgeable provider to determine the best treatment option based on experience and training. Pain levels during these procedures vary and may require anesthesia. Additionally, while energy devices like radio frequency and ultrasound can stimulate collagen synthesis and tightening, their effectiveness may vary, so it's crucial to carefully assess before and after photos. PRP, platelet-rich plasma, is another option for facial rejuvenation, typically performed with the patient's own blood.

    • Managing expectations and skepticism surrounding PRP treatmentsPRP treatments may have potential benefits for hair loss and skin rejuvenation, but more research is needed to fully understand their effectiveness and long-term benefits. It is important to have realistic expectations and approach these treatments with caution.

      PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) treatments may not live up to the hype as a cure-all solution. While PRP injections have been used for various purposes, such as joint pain relief, smoother skin, and hair growth, there is skepticism surrounding their effectiveness. PRP works by utilizing the platelets in your blood to promote healing through clotting, signaling, angiogenesis, and neocollagenesis. For hair loss, PRP injections may stimulate existing stem cells within hair follicles and improve blood flow, potentially leading to thicker and longer hair. However, the presence of hormones like 5HT and the lack of strong supporting evidence raise questions about the long-term benefits and frequency of treatment. It is important to approach PRP treatments, whether for hair loss or facial rejuvenation, with caution and realistic expectations.

    • Importance of Finding a Skilled Practitioner for PRP TreatmentA skilled practitioner with a proven method of concentrating platelets is crucial for effective PRP treatment, ensuring consistency in platelet concentration and proper activation for optimal results.

      When considering PRP treatment, it is important to find a practitioner who has a proven method of concentrating platelets. While counting platelets may not be necessary, the practitioner should know exactly what they are doing and be able to separate the platelet rich plasma from the red blood cells. This is crucial because there are different methods of creating PRP, leading to inconsistency and uncertainty in the concentration of platelets. Additionally, activating the platelets requires the use of calcium, and the platelets should be injected in a concentrated form. The conversation also mentions the use of a microneedling pen for a vampire facial, which involves driving small needles into the skin. However, this procedure is said to be relatively painless and can be adjusted to different depths.

    • Evaluating the Effectiveness of Facial Rejuvenation ProceduresFDA approval does not guarantee the effectiveness of facial rejuvenation procedures, so individuals should carefully evaluate claims and results before spending money on these treatments.

      The effectiveness of the PRP vampire facial and other facial rejuvenation procedures is not well-proven. While these procedures may have some benefits in terms of building collagen and improving certain skin conditions, the before and after results can often be misleading due to variations in lighting and other factors. Moreover, there is a strong financial motivation for companies to introduce new devices and treatments in the beauty industry. Although FDA approval ensures safety, it does not guarantee effectiveness. Therefore, it is important for individuals to carefully evaluate the claims and results of these procedures before investing significant amounts of money. Ultimately, patients should focus on letting the results speak for themselves and consider whether these treatments truly serve their needs.

    • The Importance of Choosing a Trusted Healthcare ProviderWhen seeking medical treatment, it is crucial to find a trustworthy healthcare provider who considers individual suitability for procedures, values ethical practices, and remains open-minded and up-to-date in their field.

      It is crucial to find a trusted healthcare provider rather than solely relying on the device or treatment being offered. While most physicians and providers have good motivations, it is not universal, and one must be cautious. This is especially important when seeking cosmetic procedures, as the effectiveness of certain treatments varies among individuals. In fact, ethical providers often turn away patients who are not suitable candidates for certain procedures. Reputation as a surgeon is not just based on successful surgeries, but also on the patients one chooses not to operate on. Patients should ask doctors about the procedures they don't perform and if they refer out when necessary. Additionally, it is important for doctors to consider and discuss other potential solutions beyond their own expertise. Looking towards the future, healthcare providers should always remain open-minded and stay updated about new advancements in their field.

    • Understanding the Potential of Stem Cells in Medicine and CosmeticsThe use of stem cells derived from fat shows promise for regenerative treatments, but more research is needed to fully understand their mechanisms and effectiveness. Personalized medicine and individual genetic factors will play a role in future treatment options.

      There is still much to learn when it comes to stem cells and their application in medical and cosmetic procedures. While there is evidence of their effectiveness, the exact mechanisms of how they work and why they work are not fully understood. The conversation highlights the potential of fat grafting and the use of stem cells derived from fat as a rich source of regenerative cells. It also raises questions about the use of other growth factors, such as fibroblast growth factor, in facial volumization. The availability and approval of these treatments vary across different regions, with limited studies and information available. The future holds promise for personalized medicine and a deeper understanding of individual genetic factors that can guide treatment options.

    • The Future of Customization and BioprintingCustomization and bioprinting using 3D printing technology will revolutionize cosmetic procedures and medical advancements, allowing for personalized treatments and the creation of complex objects.

      Customization and bioprinting are the future of cosmetic procedures and medical advancements. With genetic screening and 3D printing technology, it will be possible to customize treatments and procedures according to individual needs and preferences. The conversation highlights how 3D printing has already revolutionized the creation of surgical instruments and how it can be applied to various fields, including bioprinting organs and tissues. The ability to design and print personalized implants, such as silicone breast implants or muscle implants, that perfectly fit an individual's body shape and structure is already within reach. The potential for printing complex and heterogeneous objects like phones further demonstrates the possibilities of this technology. Ultimately, customization and bioprinting will pave the way for more precise and effective treatments in the future.

    • Exploring the Potential of 3D Printing in Medicine3D printing in medicine has the ability to revolutionize surgical procedures and personalized medicine, but it requires time, money, and interested parties to invest in its development and materials.

      3D printing in the medical field has enormous potential. The ability to print living cells and create biodegradable scaffolds opens up possibilities for groundbreaking procedures and implants. While there are regulatory obstacles and challenges in gaining approval for different indications, the FDA is recognizing the future of medical 3D printing. Examples such as 3D printed implants for infants with tracheomalacia showcase the transformative power of this technology. It is not limited to cosmetic surgery but has the potential to revolutionize surgical procedures and personalized medicine. However, the development and investment in 3D printed materials require time, money, and interested parties. Social media, like Instagram, has become a platform to connect and share ideas, ultimately pushing the boundaries of medical innovation.

    • Discovering the Stories Behind TransformationsUnderstanding the motivations and personal journeys behind physical transformations can foster a deeper appreciation for the holistic approach to cosmetic procedures and encourage self-care aligned with individual goals.

      People are not just looking for physical transformations, but also seeking insight into the stories and philosophies behind them. It's not about the before and after pictures, but rather the journey and the reasons why individuals decide to make changes in their lives. Sharing personal stories can be a powerful tool in helping others understand their own desires and motivations. By understanding the stories behind transformations, we can better appreciate the holistic approach to cosmetic procedures. Whether someone decides to undergo procedures or not, the important thing is to prioritize self-care and make choices that align with individual goals.

    Recent Episodes from The Peter Attia Drive

    #307 ‒ Exercise for aging people: where to begin, and how to minimize risk while maximizing potential | Peter Attia, M.D.

    #307 ‒ Exercise for aging people: where to begin, and how to minimize risk while maximizing potential | Peter Attia, M.D.

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    In this special episode, Peter addresses the common questions about starting or returning to an exercise routine over the age of 50. Individuals in this age group have frequently reached out with questions about whether it's too late to start exercising and often express concern over a lack of prior training, a fear of injury, or uncertainty about where to begin. Peter delves into the importance of fitness for older adults, examining all four pillars of exercise, and provides practical advice on how to start exercising safely, minimize injury risk, and maximize potential benefits. Although this conversation focuses on people in the “older” age category, it also applies to anyone of any age who is deconditioned and looking to ease into regular exercise.

    We discuss:

    • Key points about starting exercise as an older adult [2:45];
    • Why it’s never too late to begin exercising and incorporating the four pillars of exercise [5:45];
    • The gradual, then sharp, decline in muscle mass and activity level that occur with age [10:00];
    • The decline of VO2 max that occurs with age [15:30];
    • Starting a training program: exercise variability, movement quality, realistic goals, and more [18:30];
    • Improving aerobic capacity: the malleability of the system, the importance of consistency, and setting long-term fitness goals [25:15];
    • Starting cardio training: base building, starting with low volume, and zone 2 training [30:45];
    • The critical role of VO2 max in longevity [36:45];
    • How to introduce VO2 max training to older or deconditioned individuals [46:15];
    • Options for performing zone 2 and VO2 max training [53:45];
    • The ability to make gains in strength and muscle mass as we age [57:00];
    • How to implement strength training for older individuals [1:01:00];
    • Advice for avoiding injury when strength training [1:07:30];
    • Risk of falls: the devastating consequences and the factors that increase fall risk [1:12:15];
    • Mitigating fall risk: the importance of foot and lower leg strength, ankle mobility, and balance [1:19:45];
    • Improving bone mineral density through resistance training [1:24:30];
    • The importance of protein in stimulating muscle protein synthesis, especially in older adults [1:31:00];
    • Parting advice from Peter [1:34:00]; and
    • More.

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    The Peter Attia Drive
    enJune 24, 2024

    #306 - AMA #60: preventing cognitive decline, nutrition myths, lowering blood glucose, apoB, and blood pressure, and more

    #306 - AMA #60: preventing cognitive decline, nutrition myths, lowering blood glucose, apoB, and blood pressure, and more

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    In this “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) episode, Peter provides insights on a broad range of important topics. He delves into the prevention of cognitive decline, the link between cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer's disease, and methods to lower blood glucose, insulin, and apoB. He also addresses nutrition-related queries, exploring the impact of dietary habits on weight loss and longevity, how a person can identify the best diet for themselves, and common nutrition myths. Additional discussions include optimal blood pressure, daily step goals, the benefits of standing versus sitting desks, and much more.

    If you’re not a subscriber and are listening on a podcast player, you’ll only be able to hear a preview of the AMA. If you’re a subscriber, you can now listen to this full episode on your private RSS feed or our website at the AMA #60 show notes page. If you are not a subscriber, you can learn more about the subscriber benefits here.

    We discuss:

    • Overview of topics and episode format [1:40];
    • Preventing cognitive decline [5:00];
    • How to lower blood glucose and insulin [13:30];
    • The relationship between lipids, CVD, and Alzheimer’s disease, and whether statins can increase the risk of neurodegenerative disorders and AD [23:15];
    • Reducing apoB levels through exercise and diet [31:45];
    • Pharmacological options for lowering apoB [38:00];
    • How nutrition impacts longevity via metabolic health, muscle mass, BMD and more [40:15];
    • How can someone determine the best diet for themselves? [43:45];
    • Nutrition myth: All weight loss is good [46:45];
    • Nutrition myth: Metabolic rates are dramatically different among individuals based on genetics [49:00];
    • Nutrition myth: Losing weight after a brief period of overeating is impossible [53:45];
    • Nutrition myth: GLP-1 agonists are a replacement for a healthy lifestyle [57:45];
    • Nutrition myth: There is a single best diet for weight loss [1:03:00];
    • Nutrition oversimplification: All calories are created equal [1:05:45];
    • Daily step goals [1:06:45];
    • The benefits of standing versus sitting throughout the day [1:10:45];
    • How to identify the most impactful and easiest-to-implement ways to improve your health [1:12:30];
    • The critical importance of emotional health [1:14:30];
    • Why supplements should be considered as supportive aids rather than primary solutions in one’s strategy to improve longevity [1:18:00];
    • Strategies for reducing high blood pressure [1:20:45];
    • Peter’s biggest frustrations with "mainstream health advice" [1:28:00];
    • Peter’s chaotic, yet cherished, morning routine [1:31:00]; and
    • More.

    Connect With Peter on TwitterInstagramFacebook and YouTube

    The Peter Attia Drive
    enJune 17, 2024

    #305 ‒ Heart rate variability: how to measure, interpret, and utilize HRV for training and health optimization | Joel Jamieson

    #305 ‒ Heart rate variability: how to measure, interpret, and utilize HRV for training and health optimization | Joel Jamieson

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    Joel Jamieson is a conditioning expert who developed Morpheus to give people a smarter way to build their conditioning regimen and improve their recovery. In this episode, Joel dives deep into the world of heart rate variability (HRV), explaining its scientific foundation, how it measures the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, the various methods of measurement, and how it can guide healthier lifestyle choices and improved training performance. He explores the nuances of HRV calculation, the impact of aging on HRV, and the roles of genetics, exercise, and other lifestyle factors in this process. He also covers Morpheus, the innovative training tool that won Peter over after his initial skepticism, highlighting its practicality and effectiveness in guiding training and optimizing fitness outcomes.

    We discuss:

    • Heart rate variability (HRV): evolution, science, and practical applications of HRV in athletic training [4:00];
    • Methods of measuring HRV: EKG, wrist-based sensors, and more [11:30];
    • How HRV is calculated from the data [22:30];
    • The role of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) in regulating HRV [25:45];
    • The decline in HRV with age, and the mitigating effects of fitness and other lifestyle factors [33:30];
    • The role of genetics in HRV, the modifiability of HRV, and a comparison of VO2 max and HRV as predictors of mortality [37:00];
    • How aging affects HRV and sympathetic drive, and the importance of spontaneous movement and exercise in maintaining the body's adaptability [43:30];
    • How Morpheus measures HRV using RMSSD and normalizes it to a 100-point scale for easier interpretation [49:45];
    • The Morpheus system: development, integration with various metrics, and personalized daily training recommendations to optimize fitness and recovery [51:30];
    • The benefits of morning HRV readings for assessing daily readiness compared to overnight HRV measurements [1:03:00];
    • Why Morpheus recommends using a chest strap rather than an arm band [1:10:00];
    • The impact of consistent exercise, stress, alcohol, and other lifestyle factors on HRV [1:11:15];
    • Optimizing zone 2 training with Morpheus [1:18:15];
    • Using heart rate recovery (HRR) as an indicator of athletic conditioning and the balance between aerobic and anaerobic systems [1:22:45];
    • The importance of tracking HRV trends over time rather than focusing on data from a given day [1:29:00];
    • Effect of GLP-1 agonists on heart rate and HRV [1:34:45];
    • Where HRV belongs in the hierarchy of health metrics [1:42:00];
    • Parting thoughts [1:46:30]; and
    • More.

    Connect With Peter on TwitterInstagramFacebook and YouTube

    The Peter Attia Drive
    enJune 10, 2024

    #304 – NEW: Introducing quarterly podcast summaries - Peter shares his biggest takeaways on muscle protein synthesis, VO2 max, toe strength, gut health, and more

    #304 – NEW: Introducing quarterly podcast summaries - Peter shares his biggest takeaways on muscle protein synthesis, VO2 max, toe strength, gut health, and more

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    In this quarterly podcast summary (QPS) episode, Peter introduces a new format aimed at summarizing his biggest takeaways from the last three months of guest interviews on the podcast. Peter shares key insights from each episode, covering diverse topics such as protein and muscle building with Luc van Loon, toe strength with Courtney Conley, VO2 max with Olav Aleksander Bu, liquid biopsies for cancer with Alex Aravanis, gut health and probiotics with Colleen Cutcliffe, and road safety with Mark Rosekind. Additionally, Peter shares any personal behavioral adjustments or modifications to his patient care practices that have arisen from these engaging discussions.

    If you’re not a subscriber and are listening on a podcast player, you’ll only be able to hear a preview of the AMA. If you’re a subscriber, you can now listen to this full episode on your private RSS feed or our website at the episode #304 show notes page. If you are not a subscriber, you can learn more about the subscriber benefits here.

    We discuss:

    • How Peter keeps track of his takeaways from each podcast episode [5:15];
    • Luc van Loon episode: fat utilization, muscle protein synthesis, dietary protein, aging and inactivity, and more [8:45];
    • Behavioral changes that have come about from the conversation with Luc van Loon [23:45];
    • Courtney Conley episode: importance of toe strength and the impact of dedicated foot training [26:45];
    • Olav Aleksander Bu episode: the importance of VO2 max for lifespan, and the practicalities of measuring and improving VO2 max [36:45];
    • Behavioral changes that have come about from the conversation with Olav [56:00];
    • Alex Aravanis episode: liquid biopsies for cancer detection [1:01:30];
    • Colleen Cutcliffe episode: the importance of gut bacteria balance, and the potential therapeutic uses of probiotics, particularly Akkermansia [1:16:45];
    • Mark Rosekind: the significant issue of road fatalities and injuries, their causes, and practical safety measures to reduce risks [1:27:00]; and
    • More.

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    The Peter Attia Drive
    enJune 03, 2024

    #303 - A breakthrough in Alzheimer’s disease: the promising potential of klotho for brain health, cognitive decline, and as a therapeutic tool for Alzheimer's disease | Dena Dubal, M.D., Ph.D.

    #303 - A breakthrough in Alzheimer’s disease: the promising potential of klotho for brain health, cognitive decline, and as a therapeutic tool for Alzheimer's disease | Dena Dubal, M.D., Ph.D.

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    Dena Dubal is a physician-scientist and professor of neurology at UCSF whose work focuses on mechanisms of longevity and brain resilience. In this episode, Dena delves into the intricacies of the longevity factor klotho: its formation and distribution in the body, the factors such as stress and exercise that impact its levels, and its profound impact on cognitive function and overall brain health. Dena shares insights from exciting research in animal models showing the potential of klotho in treating neurodegenerative diseases as well as its broader implications for organ health and disease prevention. She concludes with an optimistic outlook for future research in humans and the potential of klotho for the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.

    Disclosure: Peter is an investor in Jocasta Neuroscience, a company working to develop klotho as a therapy for people with Alzheimer’s disease.

    We discuss:

    • Dena’s fascination with aging and how she came to study klotho [3:30];
    • Biological properties of klotho: production, regulation, decline with age, and factors influencing its levels [11:45];
    • Potential benefits of klotho on brain health [22:00];
    • The relationship between soluble klotho protein, platelet factors, and cognitive enhancement [33:45];
    • The role of platelet factor 4 (PF4) and it’s interaction with GluN2B in mediating cognitive enhancement [46:45];
    • Benefits of klotho observed in a mouse model of Parkinson’s disease [55:45];
    • Benefits of klotho observed in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease [1:03:00];
    • Promising results of klotho in primate models, and the importance of finding an appropriate therapeutic dose before moving to human trials [1:08:00];
    • Speculating why a single klotho injection has such long-lasting effects [1:25:30];
    • Potential cognitive benefits of klotho in humans, the impact of the KL-VS genetic variant on klotho levels, and the need for human trials to confirm these effects [1:27:45];
    • The interaction between the KL-VS genetic variant and APOE4 and how it impacts risk of Alzheimer’s disease [1:34:45];
    • The significance of klotho levels: studies linking lower levels to increased mortality and the broader implications for organ health and disease prevention [1:47:15];
    • Measuring klotho levels and determining an individual’s KL-VS status [1:52:15];
    • The promising potential of klotho for Alzheimer’s disease treatment, and the importance of philanthropy for funding research [1:58:00]; and
    • More.

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    The Peter Attia Drive
    enMay 27, 2024

    #302 - Confronting a metabolic epidemic: understanding liver health and how to prevent, diagnose, and manage liver disease | Julia Wattacheril, M.D., M.P.H.

    #302 - Confronting a metabolic epidemic: understanding liver health and how to prevent, diagnose, and manage liver disease | Julia Wattacheril, M.D., M.P.H.

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    Julia Wattacheril is a physician scientist and director of the Metabolic Dysfunction Associated Steatotic Liver Disease (MASLD) program at Columbia University Irving Medical Center. In this episode, Julia delves deep into the complex world of liver health, beginning with a foundational overview of liver physiology. She provides an in-depth look at how alcohol impacts liver function, breaking down the metabolism of ethanol and its detrimental effects. Julia then shifts the focus to understanding liver function tests and optimal enzyme levels, providing a detailed explanation of AST and ALT and elucidating why fluctuations in these levels may or may not be concerning. She provides a primer on the four major stages of liver disease, discussing risk and emphasizing the importance of early diagnosis. Julia highlights the role of liver disease in increasing the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease and covers in detail the various strategies for diagnosing, treating, and preventing the progression of liver disease.

    We discuss:

    • Julia’s training, the importance of liver health, and the challenges and innovations of hepatology [3:15];
    • The complex and crucial functionality of the liver, its four most essential functions, and more [8:45];
    • Liver injuries: historical and evolving understanding of causal factors, and the progression to liver diseases and cancer [13:15];
    • How the liver metabolizes nutrients and what happens in the presence of excess calories or alcohol [24:45];
    • Methods of diagnosing liver disease and how insights guide treatment and management strategies [33:30];
    • The poisonous nature of ethanol to the liver [40:30];
    • Varied responses to alcohol, damaging effects of alcohol beyond the liver, and the process of advising patients on their alcohol consumption [47:15];
    • Understanding liver enzymes AST and ALT—interpreting levels, lifestyle factors that affect them, and diagnostic approaches [58:30];
    • Interpreting liver function tests for fatty liver disease, and the challenges of diagnosing liver pathologies, particularly in children versus adults [1:13:15];
    • Comprehensive liver health assessments via imaging and various diagnostic tools to prevent overlooking potential liver pathologies [1:18:45];
    • Potential impact of recreational drugs, statins, and other medications on liver function test results [1:26:45];
    • Shifting nomenclature from NAFLD to MASLD to reflect accuracy in the underlying pathophysiology and understanding of liver diseases [1:30:30];
    • Pathophysiology of MASLD, the need for proactive screening, and the significance of liver fat percentage as an indicator of metabolic health [1:36:30];
    • The importance of screening for rare conditions alongside common metabolic diseases associated with fatty liver accumulation [1:42:45];
    • Practical strategies for managing MAFLD [1:45:30];
    • The impact of fructose consumption on liver health and the challenges of disentangling its effects from other factors like obesity and insulin resistance [1:52:45];
    • The potential of GLP-1 agonists for the treatment of MASLD [1:57:45];
    • How the four stages of liver disease have evolved [2:00:30];
    • Increased cancer and heart disease risk associated with early-stage MAFLD [2:05:15];
    • Emerging drugs and therapies for addressing fat accumulation and fibrosis related to MAFLD [2:12:15];
    • Peter’s major takeaways [2:18:45]; and
    • More.

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    The Peter Attia Drive
    enMay 20, 2024

    #301 - AMA #59: Inflammation: its impact on aging and disease risk, and how to identify, prevent, and reduce it

    #301 - AMA #59: Inflammation: its impact on aging and disease risk, and how to identify, prevent, and reduce it

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    In this “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) episode, Peter delves into the often misunderstood concept of inflammation. He first defines inflammation and differentiates between acute inflammation and chronic inflammation, the latter of which is linked to aging and a plethora of age-related diseases. Peter breaks down the intricate relationship between chronic inflammation, obesity, and metabolic health, and highlights the signs that might suggest someone may be suffering from chronic inflammation. From there, the conversation centers on actionable advice and practical steps one can take to manage and minimize chronic inflammation. He explores how diet plays a crucial role, including the potential benefits of elimination diets, and he examines the impact of lifestyle factors such as exercise, sleep, and stress management. Additionally, he discusses the relevance of food inflammatory tests and concludes by examining the potential benefits and drawbacks of drugs and supplements in managing inflammation.

    If you’re not a subscriber and are listening on a podcast player, you’ll only be able to hear a preview of the AMA. If you’re a subscriber, you can now listen to this full episode on your private RSS feed or our website at the AMA #59 show notes page. If you are not a subscriber, you can learn more about the subscriber benefits here.

    We discuss:

    • Defining inflammation (and the cultural impact of Napoleon Dynamite) [1:45];
    • Acute vs chronic inflammation [8:00];
    • The connection between chronic inflammation, aging, and age-related diseases [11:00];
    • The impact of inflammation on metabolic health [18:30];
    • Understanding and diagnosing chronic inflammation: blood tests and other approaches, and challenges with measurement [20:00];
    • Factors that contribute to low-level chronic inflammation [28:00];
    • Minimizing inflammation through diet [29:45];
    • The important role of fiber for gut health and inflammation [33:45];
    • A closer look at the impact of trans fats and saturated fats on overall health [34:45];
    • Why Peter prefers dietary fiber from food sources over supplements [38:30];
    • Debunking “superfoods”: emphasizing proven methods over marketing claims for reducing inflammation [39:00];
    • Is there any value in over-the-counter food inflammatory tests? [42:30];
    • Food elimination diets: how they work, symptoms and markers to watch, challenges and limitations [45:15];
    • Identifying dietary triggers for gut-related symptoms through low-FODMAP diets like the “carnivore diet” [51:15];
    • Dairy: the complex role of dairy on inflammation and individual responses [55:00];
    • Wheat: the complexities and conflicting evidence around wheat's inflammatory effects [57:45];
    • How exercise influences inflammation [1:02:00];
    • How sleep quality and duration impacts inflammation [1:07:00];
    • The potential impact of chronic psychological stressors on inflammation [1:13:00];
    • The impact of oral health on inflammation and overall well-being [1:15:00];
    • The role of medications in managing chronic inflammation [1:18:15];
    • Supplements: evaluating the efficacy of various anti-inflammatory supplements [1:22:15];
    • Parting thoughts and takeaways [1:27:00]; and
    • More.

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    The Peter Attia Drive
    enMay 13, 2024

    #300 - Special episode: Peter on exercise, fasting, nutrition, stem cells, geroprotective drugs, and more — promising interventions or just noise?

    #300 - Special episode: Peter on exercise, fasting, nutrition, stem cells, geroprotective drugs, and more — promising interventions or just noise?

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    In this special edition celebrating 300 episodes of The Drive, Peter discusses a variety of popular topics and health interventions and classifies them based on their level of evidence and relevance using the following categories: proven, promising, fuzzy, noise, and nonsense. Peter first delves into the topic of geroprotective molecules, covering rapamycin, metformin, NAD and its precursors, and resveratrol. Next, he explores the significance of metrics like VO2 max and muscle mass, as well as emerging concepts like blood flow restriction and stem cells. The conversation extends to nutrition, addressing questions surrounding long-term fasting, sugar consumption, sugar substitutes, and the contentious role of red meat in cancer. Peter not only provides his current stance on each topic—most of which have been covered in great detail in the previous 300 episodes—but also reflects on how his opinion may have evolved over the years.

    We discuss:

    • Defining the categories of “proven, promising, fuzzy, noise, and nonsense” [3:15];
    • Rapamycin [9:30];
    • Metformin [17:00];
    • NAD and its precursors [24:30];
    • Resveratrol [32:45];
    • The importance of VO2 max, muscle mass, and muscular strength for lifespan [38:15];
    • Blood flow restriction (BFR) training [44:00];
    • Using stem cells to treat osteoarthritis or injury [51:30];
    • Fasting as a tool for longevity (and why Peter stopped his fasting protocol) [55:45];
    • The energy balance theory [1:06:30];
    • The idea that sugar is poison [1:12:00];
    • The idea that sugar substitutes are dangerous [1:22:15];
    • The debate on red meat and cancer [1:28:45]; and
    • More.

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    Special episode with Dax Shepard: F1 and the 30th anniversary of Ayrton Senna’s death

    Special episode with Dax Shepard: F1 and the 30th anniversary of Ayrton Senna’s death

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    This is a special episode of The Drive with Peter’s friend and fellow car enthusiast Dax Shepard. In this podcast, which commemorates the 30th anniversary of the death of Brazilian Formula One legend Ayrton Senna, Dax sits down with Peter to better understand what made Senna so special and why Peter remains an enormous fan. This conversation focuses on Senna’s life, the circumstances of his death, and his lasting impact and legacy on the sport of F1.

    We discuss:

    • Peter’s interest in motorsports began as a child [2:30];
    • The drama and dangers of F1 [6:00];
    • What made Senna special [13:00];
    • What Senna meant to Brazilians [24:00];
    • The cause of the fatal crash [28:15];
    • Why Peter is obsessed with Senna [40:30];
    • Being the best versus having the best record [43:30];
    • Senna’s unique driving style and incredible intuition about automotive engineering [46:30];
    • Back to the day of the dreadful race [53:00];
    • What Peter believes caused the crash [1:02:45];
    • Views on dying young, in the prime of life [1:13:00];
    • Senna lives on in his foundation and in safety changes adopted by F1 [1:21:00];
    • Statistics aren’t enough for fandom, and why people like who they do [1:24:15];
    • The biggest difference between F1 today and F1 in the 80s [1:28:30];
    • Senna’s driving superpower [1:30:30];
    • The fastest drivers currently in F1 [1:38:30];
    • Current F1 obsessions [1:45:00];
    • How hard it is to do what the top F1 drivers do [1:50:15];
    • Dax’s love of motorcycles and his AMG E63 station wagon [1:52:15];
    • Awesome Senna mementos from Etsy [2:01:15];
    • What makes specialists interesting, and Max’s devotion to F1 [2:10:15];
    • What Senna might have done if he had not died that day [2:14:00];
    • Michael Schumacher and Max Verstappen are also top F1 drivers [2:17:30];
    • Interlagos in Sao Paulo Brazil is always an incredible experience [2:18:45]; and
    • More.

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    #299 ‒ Optimizing muscle protein synthesis: the crucial impact of protein quality and quantity, and the key role of resistance training | Luc van Loon, Ph.D.

    #299 ‒ Optimizing muscle protein synthesis: the crucial impact of protein quality and quantity, and the key role of resistance training | Luc van Loon, Ph.D.

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    Luc van Loon is an internationally renowned expert in skeletal muscle metabolism. In this episode, Luc starts with an exploration of the roles of insulin and triglycerides in endurance exercise, highlighting their impact on skeletal muscle metabolism, and he offers profound insights into the significance of protein in this context. He elucidates how different protein types and forms influence muscle protein synthesis rates, exploring the nuances of protein absorption, digestibility, amino acid quality, and their implications for performance and recovery. Delving deeper, he differentiates between animal and plant protein sources, unraveling the distinctive properties of various protein types, from the differences between whey and casein to the emerging trends in collagen protein supplementation. Moreover, Luc dissects the intricate connections among physical activity, lean muscle mass, muscle protein synthesis induced by resistance training, and dietary protein.

    We discuss:

    • Luc’s background and insights about fuel selection during exercise [3:30];
    • Fuel utilization during endurance exercise [9:30];
    • Fat metabolism, intramuscular lipids, and the nutritional dynamics of endurance sports [17:15];
    • The optimal window for replenishing intramuscular fat stores and glycogen post-exercise [25:15];
    • Luc’s interest in protein metabolism and exploration of amino acids' dual role as building blocks and signaling molecules in driving muscle protein synthesis [32:15];
    • How protein metabolism differs between sedentary individuals and those engaged in predominantly strength training or endurance training [38:45];
    • The basics of how proteins are digested and absorbed, and how muscle protein synthesis is measured [50:30];
    • How factors like food texture, cooking methods, and protein composition impact muscle protein synthesis, and the importance of protein distribution throughout the day [59:45];
    • Differences in whey and casein proteins, and the ability of ingested protein to stimulate muscle protein synthesis [1:03:30];
    • Dietary protein distribution and quantity for the maximization of muscle protein synthesis [1:09:00];
    • Muscle loss with age and inactivity and the importance of resistance exercise to maintain type II muscle fibers [1:17:15];
    • Differences between whey and casein proteins, and the importance of both quantity and quality of protein sources [1:28:30];
    • Optimizing muscle protein synthesis: exercise, timing of protein intake, protein quality, and more [1:37:00];
    • How to preserve muscle while trying to lose weight [1:46:00];
    • Anabolic resistance and overcoming it with physical activity [1:55:45];
    • Importance of protein intake and physical activity in hospitalized patients [2:06:30];
    • Reviewing the efficacy of collagen supplements [2:13:30];
    • Plant-based diets: how to ensure a balance of amino acids, and other considerations [2:20:30];
    • Future research: understanding protein metabolism in the brain [2:23:45]; and
    • More.

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    487: Probiotic Pulverizes Pathogen Persisters

    487: Probiotic Pulverizes Pathogen Persisters

    This episode: A probiotic strain of E. coli can target and destroy pathogens that survive a treatment of antibiotics!

    Download Episode (8.2 MB, 12 minutes)

    Show notes:
    Microbe of the episode: Streptomyces griseoruber

    Antibiotic resistance is becoming more and more of a problem as bacterial pathogens develop resistance to more and more drugs. For some people who develop an infection that is resistant to everything, it's as if they were living back in the days before antibiotics were discovered, when all they could do was pray for survival. New antibiotics are needed, but even more needed are new ways of approaching treatment of infections, using innovative approaches and combinations of therapeutics.

    In this study, a probiotic strain of Escherichia coli was used to target potentially pathogenic E. coli bacteria that can survive treatment with a particularly effective type of antibiotic, fluoroquinolones. This probiotic strain, called Nissle, delivers toxins directly to the survivors, preventing resistant pathogens from proliferating.


    Journal Paper:
    Hare PJ, Englander HE, Mok WWK. 2022. Probiotic Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 inhibits bacterial persisters that survive fluoroquinolone treatment. J Appl Microbiol 132:4020–4032.


    Email questions or comments to bacteriofiles at gmail dot com. Thanks for listening!

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Android, or RSS. Support the show at Patreon, or check out the show at Twitter or Facebook.

    395: Many Microbiome Mindsets

    395: Many Microbiome Mindsets

    This episode: Five different ways of thinking about our relationship with our microbes!

    Download Episode (20.4 MB, 29.8 minutes)

    Show notes:
    Microbe of the episode: Tuhoko rubulavirus 3

    News item

    The microbiome by itself is an amazingly complicated community of many different species, with different lifestyles and metabolisms, all living together in competition and cooperation. On top of that, interactions between the microbiome and our body and our lifestyle multiply the complexity even more.

    This article explores five different views of the microbiome and how it fits into our body (or how the body fits in with the microbiome). From the organ view to the ecosystem view, each is a different way of looking at the different functions, dynamic patterns, and integration of the microbiome in its host, and each provides guidance for how to approach treatment of disease and maintenance of health.

    Journal Paper:
    Morar N, Bohannan BJM. 2019. The Conceptual Ecology of the Human Microbiome. The Quarterly Review of Biology 94:149–175.

    Other interesting stories:


    Email questions or comments to bacteriofiles at gmail dot com. Thanks for listening!

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts, RSS, Google Play. Support the show at Patreon, or check out the show at Twitter or Facebook