
    131. Ask Andy Part 4: Passion, Efficiency & Leadership

    enAugust 12, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Identifying your passion and monetizing itFind your passion by identifying deep interests, join conversations, monetize through skills, start a business, freelance, pursue a career, require courage and determination

      Finding one's purpose and passion is essential for happiness, but figuring out how to monetize it can be a challenge. To find your passion, identify the thing that you are deeply interested in and excited about. When you find yourself compelled to join conversations about a particular subject, that's a good indicator of what your passion might be. However, the real question for many people is how to turn that passion into a livelihood. To answer that, consider the skills and knowledge you have that relate to your passion, and look for ways to monetize them. This could involve starting a business, freelancing, or pursuing a career in a related field. Remember, courage and determination are key, and success may not come overnight, but it will be worth it.

    • Identifying your passions is key to building a brandFind what excites you and build a following by sharing your expertise, whether it's through social media, blogs, or other creative outlets. Believe in the potential of your passion to attract a following and potentially turn it into a profitable business.

      Identifying your passions is an essential step towards building a brand and potentially turning it into a profitable business. Passions can be identified by the things that excite us and make us care enough to engage with others, even if we're strangers. To build a brand around a passion, one can educate, impact, or entertain others through various platforms such as social media, blogs, or other creative outlets. The key is to attract a following by establishing oneself as an expert in that niche. It may seem challenging to monetize seemingly obscure interests, but there are countless examples of successful businesses built around seemingly niche topics, from butterflies to video games to skateboards. The key is to believe in the potential of your passion and to find creative ways to share it with others. Don't underestimate the power of your unique perspective and expertise.

    • Identifying and Utilizing Passions and Skills for SuccessRecognize and leverage strengths, prioritize tasks effectively, and utilize technology to create value and achieve success.

      Passion and skill can be transformed into a monetizable brand, thanks to modern technology. The speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing and leveraging one's strengths, using the example of a chef's ability to plate dishes and entertain. He also notes the distinction between being busy and being productive, suggesting the importance of having a system in place to prioritize tasks effectively. The speaker also acknowledges the potential benefits of technology, despite its drawbacks, for providing opportunities to build and grow in new ways. Essentially, the conversation highlights the power of identifying and utilizing one's passions and skills to create value and achieve success.

    • Focus on being effective, not just busySuccess is getting critical tasks done consistently, not getting a long list of tasks completed daily. Find what works best for your unique productivity patterns and stick to it.

      Being busy is not the goal, and it doesn't equate to success. Instead, focus on being effective and getting critical tasks done. Shift your identity and prioritize structures that work for you, rather than conforming to societal pressures or trends. Success is not about getting 50 things done in one day, but rather getting five things done every day for 50 years. Remember, everyone's body and productivity patterns are different, so find what works best for you and stick to it. Don't be fooled by the notion that early mornings or long hours are the only path to success. Instead, focus on being effective and productive within your unique framework.

    • Focus on 5 critical tasks daily for productivity and confidenceFocusing on 5 critical tasks daily instead of a long to-do list can lead to greater productivity and confidence.

      Focusing on critical tasks instead of overloading yourself with a long to-do list can lead to greater productivity and confidence. By identifying and completing five critical tasks every day, you can ensure progress towards your goals while also allowing yourself time to relax. Overcommitting and attempting to do too much can lead to burnout and decreased confidence. It's important to understand that working hard and being disciplined are crucial, but so is prioritizing and effectively managing your tasks. Don't let your ego get in the way by bragging about how busy you are; instead, focus on being effective and making the most of your time.

    • Embrace productivity instead of busynessShift your mindset to focus on productivity and getting things done to avoid falling into a weak or defeated mindset. Seek out experienced entrepreneurs for guidance and practical knowledge.

      Changing your mindset from "busy" to "effective" can significantly impact how you perceive and approach your daily life. Instead of focusing on being overwhelmed, embrace the idea of being productive and getting things done. This shift in identity can help you avoid falling into a weak or defeated mindset and create a more positive reality for yourself. For a 23-year-old preparing to take over a family business, it's essential to start building connections and learning from experienced entrepreneurs. Joining organizations like RTA and networking with individuals running successful businesses can provide valuable insights and guidance. Remember, the best mentors may not always be well-known figures, and those who coach may not have real-world business experience. By seeking out individuals who are actively running companies, you can gain practical knowledge and insights that will benefit you in your future role as a business leader.

    • Networking and continuous learning are keys to business successNetworking provides opportunities to learn and contribute, strong leadership enables effective team management, sales and business fundamentals form a solid foundation, mistakes lead to valuable experience, and creating a positive company culture is crucial

      Building a network of like-minded individuals and continuously learning about leadership and people skills are essential for business success. Networking provides opportunities to learn and contribute, while strong leadership and management abilities enable effective team management. These skills, along with sales and knowledge of business fundamentals, form a solid foundation for growth. Additionally, embracing the fact that mistakes will be made and documenting lessons learned can lead to valuable experience and improvement. Lastly, understanding how to create a positive company culture is crucial when joining an existing business to avoid potential challenges.

    • Maintaining a resilient mindset in entrepreneurshipEntrepreneurship involves facing setbacks and challenges, but staying focused on progress and maintaining emotional detachment can lead to success.

      Entrepreneurship requires resilience and the ability to bounce back from setbacks. The speaker shares his experience of observing individuals in the RTA community who have experienced significant growth but have also faced numerous challenges. He emphasizes the importance of maintaining a mindset that allows for emotional detachment and problem-solving, rather than getting bogged down by personal attacks or failures. The speaker also encourages individuals to focus on their own progress and not be distracted by what others are doing. He uses the analogy of climbing a mountain to illustrate that everyone faces obstacles, but the key is to keep moving forward, regardless of the challenges. Ultimately, the speaker suggests that entrepreneurship comes down to an ego problem, and those who can let go of their ego and remain committed to their goals will be the most successful.

    • Lack of self-awareness hinders personal growthStay determined to improve, surround yourself with like-minded individuals, seek feedback, and don't let the world's complacency hinder your progress.

      Many people lack self-awareness and make uninformed decisions about their personal growth. They create rules for their lives based on a false sense of qualification and fail to recognize their own shortcomings. This issue is particularly prevalent in today's society, where people are overly concerned with being soft and avoiding hardships. However, those who are determined to improve themselves and push past these challenges will ultimately come out on top. It's essential to surround oneself with like-minded individuals who understand the importance of personal growth and are not afraid to face adversity head-on. The discussion also touched on the idea of seeking feedback and engaging with the audience to better understand their perspectives and improve the content being produced. Overall, the key takeaway is to stay focused on personal growth, even in a world that may encourage complacency and softness.

    • Emphasizing the importance of mutual respect and value in relationships and exchangesStrive for mutual respect and value in all relationships and exchanges, share successes and good experiences, and withhold support when necessary, for a positive and growth-oriented mindset.

      In any relationship or exchange, be it business or personal, there should be a mutual understanding and respect for the value being exchanged. The speaker emphasizes the importance of sharing successes and good experiences, but also acknowledges that it's only fair to withhold support when things aren't going well. This idea of a value exchange was emphasized throughout the conversation, with the speaker encouraging listeners to check out Episode 16 for further insights on how to "win the day." Ultimately, the message is one of positivity, growth, and the importance of standing by those who contribute positively to our lives. So, remember, in any exchange, strive for mutual respect and value, and don't forget to listen to Episode 16 for more tips on how to make every day a winning one.

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    I hope you enjoy my episode on entrepreneurial gifts and encourage you to focus on entrepreneurship’s endless benefits when you go through rough patches in your business. Now let’s get to the straight talk!

    What You’ll Discover In This Episode:

    • The 12 Entrepreneurial Gifts You Should Thank Yourself For
    • How The Positives Of Running A Business Significantly Outweigh The Accompanying Stress
    • Why Becoming An Entrepreneur Was The Right Decision Even If It Is Hard To See Now
    • So Much More!

    Important Resources & Links From This Episode:

    Have Fun, Make Money with Mark Asquith

    Have Fun, Make Money with Mark Asquith

    Starting your own business is hard. Many try it, find they are miserable, and their business comes crashing down. Today's guest has cracked the code for making entrepreneurial ventures not only successful, but fun!

    Mark Asquith has successfully founded multiple profitable businesses.  He is a speaker, an author, and a podcaster. In our discussion, Mark details his secrets for keeping work fun and joyful, while simultaneously bringing in cash. Our talk includes the following:

    • being an entrepreneur vs holding a job
    • the importance of passion
    • making money vs providing value
    • the entrepreneur title as a badge of honor
    • handling tasks you dislike but that need to be done
    • productivity
    • willpower
    • time management

    We cover all of this and more. Give it a listen!


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    Keep Your Head Up

    Keep Your Head Up

     "If we can stop for a little bit and start to see how much power we're giving away from not being in a place of peace, surrender, and trust, that we're making this game we're playing nearly impossible."

    In this inspiring episode, Adam delves into the ever-changing landscape of entrepreneurship, shedding light on the challenges and opportunities faced by course creators, consultants, and coaches. As the world evolves, so do our businesses, and Adam invites us to pause and reflect on the power we hold when we embrace peace, surrender, and trust. Through heartfelt stories and personal experiences, he shares how compassion and understanding can transform our results and foster genuine connections with our audience. If you've been feeling the pressures of the entrepreneurial journey, this episode offers valuable insights to navigate change with grace and emerge stronger in your pursuit of success. Tune in now to rediscover the essence of entrepreneurship and reconnect with your authentic superhero strength – compassion.

    Key takeaways of this episode,

    - Stay rooted in peace and surrender. Focus on the feeling you want to give others rather than strategies and tactics.
    - Let go of the need to be successful and take things personally. Focus on caring for people from the heart.
    - People are looking for an experience and feeling, not just information. Provide value in a unique and different way.
    - Keep your head up and stay in the game. Many people will fall off but you can outlast them if you persist.
    - Get your ego out of the way. Remember people are the heroes of their own journeys, you're just the guide.
    - Enjoy what you do and share your excitement and enjoyment with others.

     Are you ready to show up with your heart to step into your aligned, authentic self? Join the waitlist for Heart Centered Selling 3 part training series. Don't miss out on this life-changing opportunity - sign up now!  

    #367 The Magic of the Invisible, Untapped Force That's Controlling Your Life (And How to Harness It)

    #367 The Magic of the Invisible, Untapped Force That's Controlling Your Life (And How to Harness It)

    Action Plan: https://jimharshawjr.com/ACTION
    ree Clarity Call: https://jimharshawjr.com/APPLY

    As you’re reading this, you are being controlled by an invisible force. 😮

    You don't even realize this half the time, but yes, your life is currently being controlled by a powerful force. When harnessed right, this can open doors to new opportunities, new ideas, new insights, and new things that you didn’t otherwise know.

    I always tell my clients that magic happens once they’ve learned how to leverage this power. In fact, I’ve witnessed careers, relationships, and overall personal wellness improve because of this.

    Tune in to this episode to find out the magic of the invisible, untapped force that is controlling your life (whether you know it or not) and the practical ways on how you can harness it. Don’t miss it!

    If you don’t have time to listen to the entire episode or if you hear something that you like but don’t have time to write it down, be sure to grab your free copy of the Action Plan from this episode— as well as get access to action plans from EVERY episode— at http://www.JimHarshawJr.com/Action.