
    About this Episode

     "If we can stop for a little bit and start to see how much power we're giving away from not being in a place of peace, surrender, and trust, that we're making this game we're playing nearly impossible."

    In this inspiring episode, Adam delves into the ever-changing landscape of entrepreneurship, shedding light on the challenges and opportunities faced by course creators, consultants, and coaches. As the world evolves, so do our businesses, and Adam invites us to pause and reflect on the power we hold when we embrace peace, surrender, and trust. Through heartfelt stories and personal experiences, he shares how compassion and understanding can transform our results and foster genuine connections with our audience. If you've been feeling the pressures of the entrepreneurial journey, this episode offers valuable insights to navigate change with grace and emerge stronger in your pursuit of success. Tune in now to rediscover the essence of entrepreneurship and reconnect with your authentic superhero strength – compassion.

    Key takeaways of this episode,

    - Stay rooted in peace and surrender. Focus on the feeling you want to give others rather than strategies and tactics.
    - Let go of the need to be successful and take things personally. Focus on caring for people from the heart.
    - People are looking for an experience and feeling, not just information. Provide value in a unique and different way.
    - Keep your head up and stay in the game. Many people will fall off but you can outlast them if you persist.
    - Get your ego out of the way. Remember people are the heroes of their own journeys, you're just the guide.
    - Enjoy what you do and share your excitement and enjoyment with others.

     Are you ready to show up with your heart to step into your aligned, authentic self? Join the waitlist for Heart Centered Selling 3 part training series. Don't miss out on this life-changing opportunity - sign up now!  

    Recent Episodes from The Adam Kiddoo Podcast

    Replay : Letting Go Into Millions with Brandon Lucero

    Replay : Letting Go Into Millions with Brandon Lucero

    “When I think of Brandon Lucero, I think of speed of implementation, leadership, and messaging.” Brandon is a New Generation Entrepreneur and the Founder of Sold With Video and creator of the Video 4x Effect. He talks about his entrepreneurial journey: how he’s ditched his money-centered mindset and harnessed spiritual practices to find success in his business and personal life.

    They dive into...

    • Why Brandon started out with a money focus and has now shifted to a service focus
    • How delegating tasks can make or break your business (high vs low value activities)
    • Why holding onto perfectionism is toxic and how letting go of it will increase your productivity
    • How to shift your energy and intentions to consciously manifest revenue
    • Brandon's personal story of business success and spiritual transformation
    • How gratitude for his debt and failures along the way has helped him develop perseverance

    Tame Your Dragon - Part 1

    Tame Your Dragon - Part 1

    In this episode, Adam delves into the art of taming personal dragons through self-awareness and preparation. Adam invites you to confront your biggest challenges head-on, identifying deep-rooted issues hindering personal growth.
    Adam shares insights on overcoming obstacles, particularly in achieving fitness goals, by focusing on consistent action and shifting limiting beliefs.

    Key takeaways,

    •  Self-awareness and preparation are keys to conquering personal challenges, as Adam advises you to understand and tame their biggest "dragons."
    •  Addressing deep-rooted issues and habits is vital for personal growth, as Adam shares his journey of confronting discomfort to achieve positive change.
    • Adam emphasizes the importance of physical activity for progress by overcoming obstacles in fitness goals requires identifying and taking action on key habits.
    • Consistent gym attendance can lead to positive changes in various life areas, such as diet and sleep, as Adam experienced in his journey.

    Gaining MASSIVE Strength Through Your Circumstances

    Gaining MASSIVE Strength Through Your Circumstances

    In this episode, Adam explores the concept of personal power and resilience, highlighting how challenges can be opportunities for growth and character development. He emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and encourages listeners to tap into their inner strength to navigate life's obstacles positively. Adam also advocates for surrounding oneself with high-level peers in mastermind groups to accelerate learning and growth.

     Key takeaways,  

    •  Personal power and its significance in various aspects of life.
    •  Embracing life's challenges is crucial for building character and fostering personal growth.
    • Self-awareness and inner strength play pivotal roles in navigating life's obstacles.
    • Surrounding oneself with high-level peers accelerates learning and development.
    • Aligning with supportive environments and helping others fosters personal fulfillment and growth.

    If you are interested in the Business Ascension Mastermind, visit AdamKiddoo.com/mastermind

    Gaining Personal Power Through DEEP Connections

    Gaining Personal Power Through DEEP Connections

    In this enlightening episode, Adam delves into the transformative power of group collaboration for personal growth and success. He shares insights into the significance of teamwork and community support, drawing from examples in nature and music. Adam reflects on his journey in the personal branding industry and his quest to establish a new standard of environment for growth and authenticity.

    Key takeaway points

    •  Adam highlights the power of working together for personal and business growth.
    • Emphasizing the significance of working within supportive communities, Adam stresses its role in sustaining success over time.
    • Drawing from nature and music, Adam illustrates the significance of teamwork and community support.
    • Through stories of resilience, like Laurie Harder's, Adam illustrates the power of support systems in overcoming obstacles and achieving success in entrepreneurship.
    • Adam shares his personal struggles with finding the right support network and underscores the importance of persistently seeking out environments conducive to growth and development.

    If you are interested in the Business Ascension Mastermind, visit AdamKiddoo.com/mastermind

    Shattering Your Self Sabotage

    Shattering Your Self Sabotage

    In this episode, Adam uncovers the deep-rooted issues of self-sabotage, procrastination, and perfectionism that hinder personal and business growth.

    Gain valuable insights as Adam shares his journey battling self-doubt and fear of failure while striving to make an impact online. Join Adam in his mission to create a transformative mastermind group for entrepreneurs, where deep connections and mutual support foster unparalleled growth and success.

    Key takeaways of this episode,

    - Adam discusses self-sabotage, procrastination, and perfectionism, common barriers to personal and business growth.

    - Despite facing self-doubt and fear of failure, Adam shares insights on conquering these emotions to achieve goals and make a meaningful impact.

    - How to seize new opportunities with integrity and dedication, stressing the importance of surrounding oneself with supportive individuals for growth.

    - Why you need to question your hesitations and second guesses and recognize that resistance is not always fear.

    - How to emphasize the significance of being in the right environment to foster business growth and achieve desired results.

    The One Perspective Shift To Change It All

    The One Perspective Shift To Change It All

    In this episode, Adam discovers a powerful mindset shift, as he shares the key perspective that fueled lasting impacts on his life. Explore the negative impact of self-doubt on personal and professional life, Adam addresses self-judgment, opting for upliftment over criticism. Adam encourages you to lead with love, sparking a ripple effect of kindness that has the potential to change lives.

    Key takeaways of this episode,

    - Learn the transformative impact of adopting a new perspective for personal growth.

    - Explore self-doubt and interconnectedness through the wisdom of Wayne Dyer's book.

    - The negative impact of self-doubt on personal and interpersonal relationships.

    - Acknowledge the impact of self-judgment on oneself and others.

    - Adam encourages listeners to lead with love, change one person's life, and help others to create a ripple effect of kindness in the world.

    Stop The World with Powerful Language

    Stop The World with Powerful Language

     In this episode, Adam unveils language patterns that cut through mental filters, persuading and connecting with audiences effortlessly. Discover the art of using language patterns in sales conversations, where Adam employs the "apply or return to self" technique, redirecting negative thoughts towards self-awareness.

     Gain insights into navigating resistance and shifting perspectives in sales. Adam uses the "return or apply to self" pattern to clear beliefs and introduce new ideas. Learn how strategic questions lead to effective enrollment conversations.

     Key takeaways of this episode,

     - Adam introduces powerful language patterns right from the start, demonstrating their effectiveness in bypassing mental filters and persuading audiences.

     - The skillful use of the "apply or return to self" pattern to redirect negativity and focus on self-awareness.

     - Exploration of language patterns, highlights their ability to shift perspectives, using the "return or apply to self" technique to clear beliefs and introduce innovative ideas.

     - Overcoming objections by understanding and tailoring language to audience preferences, emphasizing the importance of deep listening.

     - Significance of customizing language for webinars, creating opportunities for deeper connections and empowered decision-making.

    Bending Spoons & Breaking Rules

    Bending Spoons & Breaking Rules

    In this insightful episode, Adam shares his spiritual breakthroughs and personal growth journey. From bending spoons with mindfulness to profound energetic experiences, Adam invites you to trust intuition, let go of fear, and embrace opportunities for magic in your lives. Join the journey of self-discovery and the transformative power of the human mind in this captivating episode.

    Key takeaways of this episode,

    - Revealing the key to aligning personal power and life through spiritual growth.

    - The importance of shedding past baggage, and showing up in the present moment with an open heart and mind for successful outcomes.

    - Power of being present, connecting with atoms, and experiencing personal growth through mindfulness and music.

    - Adam recounts a profound spiritual experience, becoming one with a spoon, highlighting the power of energetic spirituality amid analytical mind challenges.

    - Adam invites you to explore their potential by letting go of analytical thinking, trusting inner knowing, and embracing opportunities for growth and self-discovery.

    Your Biggest Missing Factor For Success

    Your Biggest Missing Factor For Success

     In this insightful episode, Adam shares his reflections on the excitement and challenges of maintaining resolutions beyond February. Recognizing the pivotal role of the environment in fostering success, he emphasizes the need for strategic action, going beyond mere resolutions. Join him on his quest to revolutionize the traditional mastermind group, seeking a more effective and dynamic approach for personal and business growth.

    Key takeaways of this episode,

    -Acknowledge the excitement of a new year but recognize the common challenge of maintaining resolutions beyond February.

     -Adam  Emphasizes the importance of taking practical steps beyond setting resolutions, addressing the struggle of reverting to old habits and advocating for continuous effort.
     - Addressing the common struggle with old habits, Adam offers practical strategies to overcome tendencies and stay on the path to success.

     - Adam shares his journey of overcoming self-doubt in entrepreneurship, highlighting resilience as a transformative force for success.

    If you are interested in the Business Ascension Mastermind, visit AdamKiddoo.com/mastermind to register for the Q&A + info Webinar.

    Get Your Power Back From 2023

    Get Your Power Back From 2023

    In this insightful episode, Adam guides you through the process of reclaiming lost energy and vitality in 2024. From overcoming moments of frustration to tackling productivity challenges, Adam shares personal exercises and experiences that resonate with authenticity.

    Join Adam as he reflects on work-life balance, finding alignment with purpose, and committing to a year of integrity. Tune in to gain valuable insights and practical strategies that will empower you to navigate the new year with renewed strength and focus.

    Key takeaways of this episode,

    -Discover how reclaiming lost energy from the past can empower your present and future self.

    -Explore a personal exercise shared by Adam that can resonate with you, offering a practical method to reclaim power after moments of frustration.

    -Learn the art of recognizing triggers and regaining control, as Adam shares personal experiences and insights into managing emotional energy.

    -Embrace spontaneity as a key to improved productivity and focus, as Adam shifts away from perfectionism in his planning approach.

    -Navigate the challenges of work-life balance by adopting intentional practices, allowing you to align your work goals with personal values for a more fulfilling life.