
    132: Sam the Vendor

    en-usApril 04, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The Dark Side of Darknet Marketplaces and the Story of Sam BentTechnology can be used for both good and bad, but it's important to always follow ethical practices, not get emotionally invested, and consider the potential consequences of our actions.

      The Darknet Diaries episode is about darknet marketplaces and the story of Sam Bent who spent time in federal prison for exploiting vulnerabilities of an auction website to earn Bitcoin. The use of technology was to protect buyers and sellers, making it difficult for the police to track the users. Sam's exposure to cryptocurrencies and the darknet led him to focus on the potential of the system instead of illegal activities of Silk Road. As a logician, he struggled to understand why his girlfriend would cheat on him, leading to their breakup. It is essential to follow ethical practices when working with technology and not get emotionally invested in arguments.

    • From Jail to the Dark Web: Sam's Journey to RedemptionWith determination and hard work, one can turn their life around. However, one must also be wary of the dangers of the dark web and not fall into illegal activities to earn money.

      Sam's past involved being in jail for assault and battery and selling drugs, but he moved to Vermont for a better life. He educated himself about computers and technology by spending 10 years learning. When Silk Road, a leading darknet marketplace, was shut down, four other markets emerged, and Sam was fascinated by them. He spent long nights on the Hansa marketplace, helping people and calling out scammers. His breakup in 2017 made him want to earn more money, and he found an opportunity in buying and selling on the darknet marketplaces. Sam's story highlights how anyone can turn their life around if they are willing to learn and work hard and how easily one can get trapped in the world of buying and selling illegal products on the dark web.

    • Navigating the Darknet: From Buyer to VendorTo enter the darknet market, read posts, make friends, and assume everyone is a criminal or federal agent. Learning from observed methods can inform practices, from buying to selling.

      The darknet market culture is tough to penetrate, but by spending time reading posts, making friends, and being cautious, one can embed oneself into it. On the darknet, nobody uses real names and everyone is trying to hide from their real identity. Assume everyone is a criminal or a federal agent. The feds are actively looking to take down the criminals, and observing their methods can inform one's practices. Sam started as neither a buyer nor seller, but by buying a stolen credit card, he became a buyer and could talk on the forums. He later became a vendor by growing and selling cannabis he had cultivated with his botany skills.

    • Maximizing Profit and Safety as a Dark Web VendorTo succeed as a dark web vendor, it's crucial to cut costs and remain cautious by protecting identity, avoiding overhead costs, and ensuring safety through measures such as using different internet connections and Tails Linux operating systems.

      Sam learned that to maximize profits as a vendor, he could manufacture and sell his own products. He found ways to cut costs by using free shipping supplies from USPS, tearing out catalogs for packing instead of buying packing peanuts, and making sure to have no overhead costs. In addition to protecting his identity on the dark web, he made sure to hide his tracks by using a different internet connection and Tails Linux operating system. He stored his private keys on a USB flash drive and did regular perimeter checks to ensure his safety. Sam's success on the dark web as a vendor demonstrates the importance of cost-cutting measures and caution in illegal online activities.

    • Tips for Safe and Anonymized Shipping of Illegal PackagesWhen shipping illegal packages, choose USPS and be mindful of suspicious package indicators. Use public mailboxes for anonymity but vary locations. Consider thermal labels and printer trackers.

      When shipping packages for illegal activities, it is important to use USPS as they require a warrant to open packages while private companies do not. Suspicious packages can be identified by factors such as too much tape, fake return address, handwritten address, and unofficial USPS boxes. Public mailboxes can be used for anonymity, but it is important not to always use the same one. Sam hired his cousin to ship packages for him in exchange for a fee and a percentage of profits, and used thermal labels to avoid having his IP address on them. Printers may put almost invisible dots on pages to track them back to the printer they came from.

    • Hiding illegal activities through thermal printers and visual barrier packagingDrug trafficking can be hidden from law enforcement by using thermal printers and visual barrier packaging, but the risks and illegality of such activities outweigh the benefits. Detailed precautions may not ensure complete evasion.

      The use of a thermal printer and visual barrier packaging can be effective in hiding illegal activities, such as drug trafficking, from law enforcement and postal workers. The package is sealed in multiple layers and labeled as a harmless item to avoid suspicion and detection. Using gloves and cleaning the area with rubbing alcohol can also prevent traces of DNA and microscopic residue. The packaging is designed to resist permeation to avoid drug-sniffing dogs and chemical detection methods. However, law enforcement can still find fingerprints and DNA inside the package, so it is not foolproof. The speaker emphasizes the intricate details involved in the packaging process to avoid detection, but the illegality and risks of such activities are not worth it.

    • Moral Compass and Rules of a CriminalSam, a criminal, had a moral compass and set rules to stay safe. Having a sense of morality and taking precautions can make one feel proud of themselves, even in unconventional circumstances.

      Despite being a criminal, Sam had moral lines that he followed. He only used registered Level 3 sex offenders as his return addresses as he didn't want to put good citizens down. He also didn't want to sell drugs like heroin, meth, and fentanyl, which he thought took away people's souls. He tried to sell what he considered party drugs. Additionally, he had rules to stay safe and secure, like shipping only three packages per post office at a maximum, which ensured that he didn't visit the same post office for at least six months. His moral lines and rules set him apart from others who don't follow any and helped him feel proud of himself.

    • The dangers of tainted drugs on the dark web and the importance of cautious navigation.Testing drugs and researching vendors with clear ethical codes can prevent deadly consequences when navigating the dark web.

      The dark web provides access to illegal items, including drugs that can be laced with deadly ingredients. It is crucial to test drugs to ensure they are not tainted with dangerous substances such as fentanyl. Vendors must have a clear moral code and goals when selling on darknet marketplaces. Ross Ulbricht, founder of Silk Road, was a libertarian who believed in maximal autonomy but ultimately prohibited items designed to harm or defraud. It is important to note that some dark web vendors do not care about their customers' safety and may knowingly sell lethal substances, leading to multiple deaths and long prison sentences. Therefore, one must exercise caution and have a clear purpose when exploring the darknet.

    • Sam's darknet business journey and tips for success.Starting a successful darknet business requires caution, patience, and reinvestment. Use private currency and avoid complacency to avoid revealing personal information. Building trust and expertise can lead to opportunities for growth.

      Sam's goal was to make $200,000 by selling cannabis on the darknet to buy a house, but he reinvested in his business. He warned against drinking and typing on the darknet because complacency could reveal personal information. Sam only accepted Bitcoin but easily cashed out by buying weed at a low price and selling it to people he trusted for a profit. He also exchanged Bitcoin for Monero, a more private currency. Sam became well-known on the darknet and even worked for a market as a dispute resolver.

    • The Significance of Reputation in Darknet MarketsBuilding and maintaining a positive reputation is critical in darknet markets, as it impacts the resolution of disputes between buyers and sellers. Keeping up with changing rules and regulations is crucial for success.

      Building and maintaining a reputation is crucial for success in darknet markets. Account age, reputation, and past actions on other markets are taken into consideration when resolving disputes between buyers and sellers. Sam, through his PR job, became involved with the creation of the Dread forum, which became a popular fallback option after Reddit shut down the r/darknetmarkets forum due to illegal activity. Sam served as the first admin on Dread, which was a platform for discussing darknet markets but did not allow buying or selling of illegal items. The story highlights the importance of adaptability in the ever-changing world of darknet markets and the potential consequences of not keeping up with the evolving rules and regulations.

    • The Importance of Contingency Plans and Operational Security for BusinessesHaving an incident response policy and agreements with stakeholders can help manage worst-case scenarios effectively. Being proactive and prepared can minimize risks and potential consequences.

      Having contingency plans and good operational security is important for any business. By having an incident response policy in place and agreements with stakeholders, potential worst-case scenarios can be managed effectively. In this case, the defendant had previously agreed with his cousin that if they were ever raided, he would take the blame. This allowed for a smoother process during the raid and subsequent arraignment. It is also important to note that law enforcement may not always be well-prepared and knowledgeable, as evidenced by the Department of Homeland Security's lack of information about the defendant's whereabouts. Overall, being proactive and prepared can help minimize risks and potential consequences.

    • The Importance of Building Genuine RelationshipsSam's story exemplifies the power of perseverance and sacrifice in building authentic connections. By contributing positively to his community, he was able to establish meaningful relationships and personal growth, even in unexpected circumstances.

      Sam became an indispensable part of the community by contributing in meaningful ways and learning about the culture. He was able to establish significant connections with people and cartels but refused to share information or risk his family's safety. Sam fell in love with a woman he had never met in person, and they bonded intellectually. Despite being at risk of serving twenty years in prison, they decided they wanted to marry each other. Through Sam's story, we understand the importance of building genuine relationships and contributing positively to the community. We see how a person's perseverance and sacrifice can lead to meaningful relationships and personal growth. Sometimes, true connections can come from unexpected places and circumstances.

    • Importance of Vigilance and Proactivity in All Aspects of LifeIt's important to be proactive and vigilant in all areas of life, especially in matters that could have serious consequences. Additionally, staying informed about the legal implications of financial transactions, especially in the realm of cryptocurrency, can prevent misunderstandings or criminal activity.

      Despite taking several precautions, Sam's downfall was due to his cousin's complacency in not following the security policy. Sam's realization that he was ultimately in charge and responsible for supervising his cousin highlights the importance of being vigilant and proactive in all aspects of life, especially in matters that could have serious consequences. Additionally, Sam's case sheds light on the legal complexities surrounding Bitcoin transactions and how they can be misconstrued as criminal activity. It is crucial to remain informed about the legal implications of all financial transactions, especially in the rapidly evolving landscape of cryptocurrency.

    • Sam's Opsec Helped, But Illegal Evidence Led to Nine-Year SentenceEven with careful opsec, illegitimate methods can be used against you. It's important to understand the risks and potential consequences of illegal actions and stand true to your values under pressure.

      Sam's tight opsec helped him stay out of the hundreds of drug dealer arrests made by the feds through Operation Bayonet. However, they found evidence against him through illegal means and he had a Franks Hearing scheduled. When the U.S. Attorney didn't want to go to the Franks Hearing, Sam's lawyer struck a deal where he would plead guilty to get a maximum of nine years in prison. Sam was willing to accept responsibility for his actions and refused to snitch on his fellow vendors, which could have put his family in danger.

    • From Guilty To Paralegal: My Journey Of Self-Education And InspirationSometimes admitting your guilt and facing the consequences can lead to opportunities for growth and self-improvement. With determination and support, obstacles can be overcome and new paths can be forged.

      Planning to prove his innocence against evidence that the police broke the law to get evidence against him, Sam's big plan backfired when his cousin provided ample information in a proffer agreement, thereby escalating his charges. He faced a new decision whether to continue with his original plan or plead guilty. Choosing the latter, he admitted to his guilt and got sentenced to five years in prison. Through the support of his wife during his prison term, he was encouraged to educate himself in the law and applied for compassionate release, which was granted, and he was released in 18 months. He went back to school and graduated, becoming a paralegal, and his experiences inspired him to write a book, make YouTube videos, blog posts, and talks to help others fight the law.

    Recent Episodes from Darknet Diaries

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    146: ANOM

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    This story comes from part of Joseph’s book “Dark Wire” which you should definitely read. Get yours here https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/joseph-cox/dark-wire/9781541702691.

    Darknet Diaries
    en-usJune 04, 2024

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    145: Shannen
    Shannen Rossmiller wanted to fight terrorism. So she went online and did. Read more about her from her book “The Unexpected Patriot: How an Ordinary American Mother Is Bringing Terrorists to Justice”. An affiliate link to the book on Amazon is here: https://amzn.to/3yaf5sI. Thanks to Spycast for allowing usage of the audio interview with Shannen. Sponsors Support for this show comes from Varonis. Do you wonder what your company’s ransomware blast radius is? Varonis does a free cyber resilience assessment that tells you how many important files a compromised user could steal, whether anything would beep if they did, and a whole lot more. They actually do all the work – show you where your data is too open, if anyone is using it, and what you can lock down before attackers get inside. They also can detect behavior that looks like ransomware and stop it automatically. To learn more visit www.varonis.com/darknet. Support for this show comes from Axonius. The Axonius solution correlates asset data from your existing IT and security solutions to provide an always up-to-date inventory of all devices, users, cloud instances, and SaaS apps, so you can easily identify coverage gaps and automate response actions. Axonius gives IT and security teams the confidence to control complexity by mitigating threats, navigating risk, decreasing incidents, and informing business-level strategy — all while eliminating manual, repetitive tasks. Visit axonius.com/darknet to learn more and try it free. Support for this show comes from ThreatLocker®. ThreatLocker® is a Zero Trust Endpoint Protection Platform that strengthens your infrastructure from the ground up. With ThreatLocker® Allowlisting and Ringfencing™, you gain a more secure approach to blocking exploits of known and unknown vulnerabilities. ThreatLocker® provides Zero Trust control at the kernel level that enables you to allow everything you need and block everything else, including ransomware! Learn more at www.threatlocker.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    144: Rachel

    144: Rachel
    Rachel Tobac is a social engineer. In this episode we hear how she got started doing this and a few stories of how she hacked people and places using her voice and charm. Learn more about Rachel by following her on Twitter https://twitter.com/RachelTobac or by visiting https://www.socialproofsecurity.com/ Daniel Miessler also chimes in to talk about AI. Find out more about him at https://danielmiessler.com/. Sponsors Support for this show comes from Varonis. Do you wonder what your company’s ransomware blast radius is? Varonis does a free cyber resilience assessment that tells you how many important files a compromised user could steal, whether anything would beep if they did, and a whole lot more. They actually do all the work – show you where your data is too open, if anyone is using it, and what you can lock down before attackers get inside. They also can detect behavior that looks like ransomware and stop it automatically. To learn more visit www.varonis.com/darknet. Support for this show comes from Axonius. The Axonius solution correlates asset data from your existing IT and security solutions to provide an always up-to-date inventory of all devices, users, cloud instances, and SaaS apps, so you can easily identify coverage gaps and automate response actions. Axonius gives IT and security teams the confidence to control complexity by mitigating threats, navigating risk, decreasing incidents, and informing business-level strategy — all while eliminating manual, repetitive tasks. Visit axonius.com/darknet to learn more and try it free. Support for this show comes from ThreatLocker®. ThreatLocker® is a Zero Trust Endpoint Protection Platform that strengthens your infrastructure from the ground up. With ThreatLocker® Allowlisting and Ringfencing™, you gain a more secure approach to blocking exploits of known and unknown vulnerabilities. ThreatLocker® provides Zero Trust control at the kernel level that enables you to allow everything you need and block everything else, including ransomware! Learn more at www.threatlocker.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    143: Jim Hates Scams

    143: Jim Hates Scams
    Jim Browning has dedicated himself to combatting scammers, taking a proactive stance by infiltrating their computer systems. Through his efforts, he not only disrupts these fraudulent operations but also shares his findings publicly on YouTube, shedding light on the intricacies of scam networks. His work uncovers a myriad of intriguing insights into the digital underworld, which he articulately discusses, offering viewers a behind-the-scenes look at his methods for fighting back against scammers. Jim’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/JimBrowning Sponsors Support for this episode comes from NetSuite. NetSuite gives you visibility and control of your financials, planning, budgeting, and of course - inventory - so you can manage risk, get reliable forecasts, and improve margins. NetSuite helps you identify rising costs, automate your manual business processes, and see where to save money. KNOW your numbers. KNOW your business. And get to KNOW how NetSuite can be the source of truth for your entire company. Visit www.netsuite.com/darknet to learn more. This episode is sponsored by Intruder. Growing attack surfaces, dynamic cloud environments, and the constant stream of new vulnerabilities stressing you out? Intruder is here to help you cut through the chaos of vulnerability management with ease. Join the thousands of companies who are using Intruder to find and fix what matters most. Sign up to Intruder today and get 20% off your first 3 months. Visit intruder.io/darknet. This show is sponsored by Shopify. Shopify is the best place to go to start or grow your online retail business. And running a growing business means getting the insights you need wherever you are. With Shopify’s single dashboard, you can manage orders, shipping, and payments from anywhere. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at https://shopify.com/darknet. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    142: Axact

    142: Axact
    Axact sells fake diplomas and degrees. What could go wrong with this business plan? Sponsors Support for this episode comes from NetSuite. NetSuite gives you visibility and control of your financials, planning, budgeting, and of course - inventory - so you can manage risk, get reliable forecasts, and improve margins. NetSuite helps you identify rising costs, automate your manual business processes, and see where to save money. KNOW your numbers. KNOW your business. And get to KNOW how NetSuite can be the source of truth for your entire company. Visit www.netsuite.com/darknet to learn more. Support for this show comes from ThreatLocker®. ThreatLocker® is a Zero Trust Endpoint Protection Platform that strengthens your infrastructure from the ground up. With ThreatLocker® Allowlisting and Ringfencing™, you gain a more secure approach to blocking exploits of known and unknown vulnerabilities. ThreatLocker® provides Zero Trust control at the kernel level that enables you to allow everything you need and block everything else, including ransomware! Learn more at www.threatlocker.com. This show is sponsored by Shopify. Shopify is the best place to go to start or grow your online retail business. And running a growing business means getting the insights you need wherever you are. With Shopify’s single dashboard, you can manage orders, shipping, and payments from anywhere. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at https://shopify.com/darknet. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    141: The Pig Butcher

    141: The Pig Butcher
    The #1 crime which results in the biggest financial loss is BEC fraud. The #2 crime is pig butchering. Ronnie Tokazowski https://twitter.com/iHeartMalware walks us through this wild world. Sponsors Support for this episode comes from NetSuite. NetSuite gives you visibility and control of your financials, planning, budgeting, and of course - inventory - so you can manage risk, get reliable forecasts, and improve margins. NetSuite helps you identify rising costs, automate your manual business processes, and see where to save money. KNOW your numbers. KNOW your business. And get to KNOW how NetSuite can be the source of truth for your entire company. Visit www.netsuite.com/darknet to learn more. Support for this show comes from Drata. Drata streamlines your SOC 2, ISO 27001, PCI DSS, HIPAA, GDPR & many other compliance frameworks, and provides 24-hour continuous control monitoring so you focus on scaling securely. Listeners of Darknet Diaries can get 10% off Drata and waived implementation fees at drata.com/darknetdiaries. This show is sponsored by Shopify. Shopify is the best place to go to start or grow your online retail business. And running a growing business means getting the insights you need wherever you are. With Shopify’s single dashboard, you can manage orders, shipping, and payments from anywhere. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at https://shopify.com/darknet. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    139: D3f4ult

    139: D3f4ult
    This is the story of D3f4ult (twitter.com/_d3f4ult) from CWA. He was a hacktivist, upset with the state of the way things were, and wanted to make some changes. Changes were made. Sponsors Support for this show comes from Axonius. The Axonius solution correlates asset data from your existing IT and security solutions to provide an always up-to-date inventory of all devices, users, cloud instances, and SaaS apps, so you can easily identify coverage gaps and automate response actions. Axonius gives IT and security teams the confidence to control complexity by mitigating threats, navigating risk, decreasing incidents, and informing business-level strategy — all while eliminating manual, repetitive tasks. Visit axonius.com/darknet to learn more and try it free. Support for this show comes from Thinkst Canary. Their canaries attract malicious actors in your network and then send you an alert if someone tries to access them. Great early warning system for knowing when someone is snooping around where they shouldn’t be. Check them out at https://canary.tools. Support for this show comes from Quorum Cyber. Their mantra is: “We help good people win.” If you’re looking for a partner to help you reduce risk and defend against the threats that are targeting your business — and especially if you are interested in Microsoft Security — reach out to Quorum Cyber at www.quorumcyber.com/darknet-diaries. Sources https://www.vice.com/en/article/z3ekk5/kane-gamble-cracka-back-online-after-a-two-year-internet-ban https://www.wired.com/2015/10/hacker-who-broke-into-cia-director-john-brennan-email-tells-how-he-did-it/ https://www.hackread.com/fbi-server-hacked-miami-police-data-leaked/ https://archive.ph/Si79V#selection-66795.5-66795.6 https://wikileaks.org/cia-emails/John-Brennan-Draft-SF86/page-7.html Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    138: The Mimics of Punjab

    138: The Mimics of Punjab
    This episode is about scammers in the Punjab region. Tarun (twitter.com/taruns21) comes on the show to tell us a story of what happened to him. Naomi Brockwell (twitter.com/naomibrockwell) makes an appearance to speak about digital privacy. To learn more about protecting your digital privacy, watch Naomi’s YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@NaomiBrockwellTV. And check out the books Extreme Privacy (https://amzn.to/3L3ffp9) and Beginner’s Introduction to Privacy (https://amzn.to/3EjuSoY). Sponsors Support for this show comes from Axonius. The Axonius solution correlates asset data from your existing IT and security solutions to provide an always up-to-date inventory of all devices, users, cloud instances, and SaaS apps, so you can easily identify coverage gaps and automate response actions. Axonius gives IT and security teams the confidence to control complexity by mitigating threats, navigating risk, decreasing incidents, and informing business-level strategy — all while eliminating manual, repetitive tasks. Visit axonius.com/darknet to learn more and try it free. Support for this show comes from SpyCloud. It’s good practice to see what data is getting passed around out there regarding you, your employees, your customers, and your business. The dark web is a place where this data is traded and shared. SpyCloud will help you find what out there about you and give you a report so you can be aware. Then they’ll continuously monitor the dark web for any new exposures you should be aware of. To learn more visit spycloud.com/darknetdiaries. Support for this show comes from ThreatLocker. ThreatLocker has built-in endpoint security solutions that strengthen your infrastructure from the ground up with a zero trust posture. ThreatLocker’s Allowlisting gives you a more secure approach to blocking exploits of known and unknown vulnerabilities. ThreatLocker provides zero trust control at the kernel level. Learn more at www.threatlocker.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    137: Predator

    137: Predator
    A new type of mercenary spyware came on the radar called Predator. It’ll infect a mobile phone, and then suck up all the data from it. Contacts, text messages, location, and more. This malware is being sold to intelligence agencies around the world. In this episode we hear from Crofton Black at Lighthouse Reports who spent 6 months with a team of journalists researching this story which was published here: https://www.lighthousereports.com/investigation/flight-of-the-predator/. We also hear from Bill Marczak and John Scott-Railton from Citizen Lab. If you want to hear about other mercenary spyware, check out episodes 99 and 100, about NSO group and Pegasus. To hear another episode about Greece check out episode 64 called Athens Shadow Games. Sponsors Support for this show comes from Axonius. The Axonius solution correlates asset data from your existing IT and security solutions to provide an always up-to-date inventory of all devices, users, cloud instances, and SaaS apps, so you can easily identify coverage gaps and automate response actions. Axonius gives IT and security teams the confidence to control complexity by mitigating threats, navigating risk, decreasing incidents, and informing business-level strategy — all while eliminating manual, repetitive tasks. Visit axonius.com/darknet to learn more and try it free. Support for this show comes from Varonis. Do you wonder what your company’s ransomware blast radius is? Varonis does a free cyber resilience assessment that tells you how many important files a compromised user could steal, whether anything would beep if they did, and a whole lot more. They actually do all the work – show you where your data is too open, if anyone is using it, and what you can lock down before attackers get inside. They also can detect behavior that looks like ransomware and stop it automatically. To learn more visit www.varonis.com/darknet. Support for this show comes from Akamai Connected Cloud (formerly Linode). Akamai Connected Cloud supplies you with virtual servers. Visit linode.com/darknet and get a special offer. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    The Art of Thought Leadership | Geoffrey Colon | 389

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    Our guest on this episode is Geoffrey Colon, Head of Brand Studio at Microsoft Advertising and the author of Marketing: What Growth Hackers, Data Punks, and Other Hybrid Thinkers Can Teach Us About Navigating the New Normal. Geoffrey is well qualified to discuss how individual creators and organizations are being challenged to think about accountability, and how their message and actions affect their reputation.

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    If you want a better picture of how to bet on the future of your company's public relations and reputation you’ll want to listen to this episode!

    Three Key Takeaways:

    • Thought Leadership should stay true to the actions of the company. Don’t tell others about customer service practices if your company is known for having bad customer service.
    • Brands can reach new audiences by teaming up with content creators to spread the thought leadership message of their company.
    • It is important for thought leaders to understand not only the financial standing of the company they are working for but the ethical standing as well.

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