
    134 - God Tier Trolling In The Military ft. Evan Hafer

    enDecember 03, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Finding inspiration and joy in unexpected placesUnexpected circumstances don't hinder the formation of connections or enjoyment of everyday experiences. Shared interests and affordable food options can bring people together.

      Despite unexpected circumstances, such as Nick's absence due to an accident, people can still find inspiration and enjoyment in everyday experiences, like shopping at Kroger for affordable and diverse food options. Additionally, friendships and connections can be formed through shared interests and experiences, even if they may start as jokes or trolls. The podcast discussion also touched upon the impact of donations and the importance of historical knowledge. However, the conversation was light-hearted and included some humor, such as the debate over who was the founder of Black Rifle Coffee Company. Overall, the group found joy in learning new things and engaging with each other, demonstrating the power of community and connection.

    • Unexpected conversation about aging and pranksFriends bonded over shared fears of aging and playful pranks, exchanging stories of hair loss and mischievous antics.

      The speaker and his friend had an unexpected interaction with a high man who complimented the speaker's appearance, comparing him to a lion. The speaker was unsure how to respond and found himself in a situation where they discussed aging and hair loss. The friend shared his fears of going bald and the speaker, who was also concerned, joked about their shared genetic predisposition. The conversation then shifted to the friend's mischievous pranks, specifically his habit of stealing water bottles from others. The speaker shared his own experience of trolling his wife through elaborate plans, such as planting pumpkins in her garden the previous year, and his intention to continue this tradition for years to come. Overall, the conversation showcased the friends' playful banter and their shared experiences of aging and mischief.

    • Using humor as a means to challenge in relationshipsHumor can be used to provoke and challenge in relationships, but it's important to ensure open communication and mutual respect to avoid emotional manipulation and disrespect.

      The speaker uses trolling and humor as a means to challenge and provoke his partner in their relationship, creating a dynamic of reintegration problems. He shares anecdotes about trolling her over a lemon tree's rapid growth and instigating arguments in public places, such as grocery stores. The goal was to get his kids to mimic his behavior, creating a family dynamic where he was no longer the only one causing embarrassment. While some may find this behavior entertaining, others may view it as a form of emotional manipulation and disrespect. This dynamic highlights the importance of open communication and understanding in relationships, as well as the potential consequences of using humor as a weapon.

    • Using apps and supportive parents for socializing on the autism spectrumInnovative technology and understanding parents can help adults with autism navigate socializing through apps like Tinder, and humor and competence can coexist in unexpected ways.

      Supportive parents and innovative technology can help adults on the autism spectrum navigate socializing through apps like Tinder, which could be similar to Bumble's BFF feature. Humor and competence can also coexist, as shown in the speaker's experience with a retired command sergeant major. The speaker also shared an unconventional yet effective method of breaking the ice and having fun in serious situations, such as the military, by getting naked at the end of a point during land navigation exercises. This unexpected action would leave others puzzled and provide a moment of levity.

    • Finding humor in challenging situationsHumor and connection can help alleviate stress and maintain morale during difficult experiences. Moments of levity, like sharing a laugh or playing pranks, can provide valuable relief and build resilience.

      Even during the most challenging and surreal experiences, such as military selection or survival training, finding moments of humor and connection with others can help alleviate stress and maintain morale. The speaker recounts several instances where he used humor to lighten the mood and bring levity to difficult situations. From sharing a laugh over a misplaced horse to smuggling food and playing pranks, these moments of connection helped the speaker and his fellow trainees cope with the hardships they faced. Ultimately, the ability to find humor in unexpected places can be a valuable tool for enduring adversity and building resilience.

    • Unexpected encounters and practical jokesUnexpected situations and practical jokes can lead to unexpected connections and friendships. Being resourceful, adaptable, and open to unexpected opportunities can lead to memorable experiences and strong relationships.

      Unexpected situations and practical jokes can lead to unexpected connections and friendships. The speaker shares a story about his father, who was initially serious and hard-to-reach, but their bond deepened through humorous encounters. Another story involves the speaker's experience in Iraq, where he had to quickly adapt and think on his feet to pick up important VIPs, leading to a memorable and successful interaction. These experiences highlight the importance of being resourceful, adaptable, and open to unexpected opportunities. Additionally, the use of humor and practical jokes can help break down barriers and build strong relationships.

    • Adding humor in serious situationsAdding humor can improve morale and build stronger relationships among team members, but effective communication and understanding cultural nuances are essential to avoid misunderstandings.

      Having a light-hearted approach to serious situations, even in high-pressure environments like war, can help bring relief and create bonds among team members. The speaker shared an experience where he pranked his Delta Force team members by wearing a life jacket with a fake gay meter attached during their pick-up, which initially left them confused and suspicious. However, after realizing it was a harmless prank, they laughed it off and appreciated his attempt to add some fun to their otherwise serious situation. This experience shows that adding a little humor and levity to serious situations can help improve morale and build stronger relationships among team members. Additionally, the importance of effective communication and understanding cultural nuances was highlighted in the story, as the Delta Force team initially misunderstood the speaker's intentions due to their lack of knowledge about his background and cultural references. Overall, the takeaway is that finding ways to connect with team members and create a positive atmosphere, even in challenging situations, can lead to better outcomes and stronger relationships.

    • Workplace humor: Past and presentConsider workplace culture before sharing humor to ensure it's appropriate and respectful.

      Workplace humor can vary greatly depending on the company culture and the length of employment. In a more relaxed and familiar work environment, jokes about potential job loss may be seen as harmless banter. However, in today's workplace climate, such behavior could be considered harassment. The speaker recalls fond memories of a wild office environment filled with pranks and jokes, some of which may not be acceptable in modern workplaces. For instance, a joke involving a gun in a movie theater line would not fly today. The speaker also mentions a video concept where an ATF agent comes out to his parents, which evolved into a more successful concept where the agent reveals he drives electric cars. The takeaway is that humor in the workplace should be considerate and appropriate for the current workplace culture.

    • Early days of social media: Creative freedom and larger reachCreative freedom and larger reach were hallmarks of early social media, but content creators now face stress and potential consequences from algorithm changes and monetization pressures.

      Creating content during the early days of social media, specifically on platforms like Facebook, allowed for more creative freedom and larger reach without the constant pressure of monetization and algorithm changes. The speakers in this conversation reminisced about their experiences from this era, sharing stories of high viewership and fewer restrictions. They also discussed the evolution of content creation, mentioning the stress and potential consequences of not adhering to current platform guidelines. Despite these challenges, they found success in their unique approaches and appreciated the endearing quirks that emerged from their content. Additionally, they shared stories of their experiences in Iraq, including discovering hidden treasures in palaces and driving Formula 1 cars. Overall, their conversation highlighted the importance of embracing creative freedom and adapting to the ever-changing landscape of content creation.

    • Discovering the palaces of power and wealthThe discovery of opulent palaces revealed the immense power and resources of those in control, leaving the speaker in awe despite ethical complexities.

      The speaker and his team discovered a palace filled with chaos and looters, expecting to find vast wealth, but instead found little of value. However, they were in awe of the opulence and the vast amount of wealth consolidated in these palaces, which gave them a sense of the immense power and resources they were dealing with. The experience was surreal and terrifying due to the sheer scale of the American military force they were a part of, which allowed them to invade and conquer in a matter of days. The speaker reflects on the experience with a sense of wonder and excitement, despite the ethical complexities involved.

    • Long-term Pranks and Trolls: The Gift That Keeps on GivingConsider the potential consequences before engaging in long-term pranks or trolls, as they may leave unfinished business and potential regret.

      Planning a long-term troll or prank can be an intriguing and engaging experience. This approach allows for a more thoughtful and deliberate approach, where one can lay the seeds of doubt or confusion over an extended period. However, it's crucial to consider the potential consequences, especially if the relationship ends before the planned duration. The long-term game can be a "gift that keeps on giving," but it may also leave unfinished business and potential regret. It's essential to weigh the pros and cons and decide whether the potential payoff is worth the risk. The speaker shares his experiences of successful and unsuccessful long-term pranks, emphasizing the importance of thinking ahead and considering the long-term implications.

    • Using humor to build relationships, even in challenging situationsClear communication and understanding are essential for creating positive work environments. Using humor and adaptability can help build relationships, but it's crucial to know when to be serious and respectful.

      Effective communication and understanding are crucial in any situation, even when dealing with misunderstandings or pranks. The speaker in this conversation shared an experience where he pretended to be the chief of base to a new team member, leading to the new member's confusion and anger. However, the speaker's intention was to help the new member fit in and learn the ropes. The incident also highlighted the importance of adaptability and finding common ground with people, even in challenging situations. The speaker's approach of using humor and playfulness to build relationships proved effective, but it's essential to know when to be serious and respectful. Overall, this experience underscores the importance of clear communication and understanding in creating positive work environments.

    • Military service: Excitement and hardshipsMilitary service offers unique experiences, camaraderie, and adrenaline, but also includes responsibilities like cleaning up after missions and dealing with injuries. Humor helps soldiers cope with the challenges.

      Military service involves both excitement and hardships. While there are moments of adrenaline and camaraderie, there are also responsibilities that come with the job, such as cleaning up after missions and dealing with injuries. The speakers in this conversation shared stories of their experiences, including picking up "glad bags" and dealing with the aftermath of explosions. They also joked about the unexpected attention and recognition they received after one episode featured a prank involving a Purple Heart. Despite the challenges, they expressed appreciation for the unique experiences and the sense of humor that helped them cope.

    • Joe Rogan's thought-provoking podcast conversationRenowned comedian and podcast host Joe Rogan engages in insightful discussions with diverse guests, despite criticism, and touches upon societal implications of low IQ individuals and ethical considerations.

      Joe Rogan, a renowned comedian and podcast host, had an interesting conversation about various topics including his recent promotion, humor, politics, and the impact of low IQ individuals on society. Rogan's podcast, known for its wide range of guests and topics, is motivating due to the drive and curiosity of its host. Despite facing criticism, Rogan continues to interview diverse individuals and provide insights into their perspectives. The conversation also touched upon the societal implications of having a large population with low IQs and the ethical considerations surrounding military service for such individuals. Overall, the conversation showcased Rogan's ability to engage in thought-provoking discussions and his genuine curiosity towards learning.

    • The appeal of long-form, ad-free podcastsPodcasts offer in-depth discussions, varied perspectives, and uninterrupted conversations, making them a refreshing alternative to ad-driven media and short clip-based content.

      Podcasts are a valuable and authentic form of long-form content in today's media landscape. With the rise of ad-driven mainstream media and the popularity of short, clip-based content, podcasts offer a refreshing alternative. They allow for in-depth discussions, varied perspectives, and uninterrupted, meaningful conversations. The speaker specifically mentioned the example of Sam Zulek, who gained a large following through his long-form content on YouTube. The speaker also admired Charlie's uncut, extended discussions and appreciated the high-quality production of channels like Corridor Digital and Papa Me. The speaker's enthusiasm for these creators highlights the growing appeal of long-form, ad-free content.

    • A Talented Storyteller with a Large FollowingChris Harder, also known as Wendigoon, adds deeper meanings to books and creates engaging content, gaining millions of views and a large following. He values feedback and remains humble, continuing to improve his craft.

      Chris Harder, also known as Wendigoon, is a talented storyteller who summarizes and adds deeper meanings to books, resulting in engaging content that has gained him a large following. His podcast or videos are so good that they have amassed millions of views in a short time. Despite his discomfort with watching himself, he continues to produce content and values feedback from his audience. Harder's ability to add the human element to historical stories makes his content unique and enjoyable. His channel is a must-watch for many, including those who discovered him through other platforms like Rogan's podcast. Despite his success, Harder remains humble and continues to improve his craft.

    • VR training prepares individuals for handling real firearmsVR training can effectively improve firearm proficiency, even for beginners, and has caught the attention of the military for its potential benefits.

      Virtual reality (VR) training can effectively prepare individuals for handling real firearms with impressive accuracy, even for those with no prior experience. This was evident when a group of VR enthusiasts, who had only used VR guns for training, demonstrated their skills at a gun range, impressing the experienced shooters. The military has taken note of this phenomenon, recognizing the potential benefits of VR training for firearm proficiency. The group's motivational speaker, Evan, emphasized the importance of their work being geared towards benefiting the audience, providing opportunities for laughter and motivation. Despite his background in the CIA, Evan acknowledged the significance of the VR training and its potential to revolutionize firearm training.

    • Striving for excellence and making the most of opportunitiesPush yourself to accomplish difficult things, build confidence, and create meaningful experiences to find happiness and fulfillment.

      Finding happiness and fulfillment comes from pushing yourself to accomplish difficult things, building confidence in the process, and making the most of the opportunities given to us in life. This individual's passion for coffee, which started as a hobby and grew into a business, serves as an example of this principle. By striving for excellence and not settling for average, we can create meaningful experiences and leave a lasting impact. As the speaker wisely put it, "we're all headed to the same place," so it's essential to make the most of our time and avoid wasting it. This mindset, rooted in ancient Greek philosophy, has been proven effective for thousands of years and can inspire us to live purposeful and fulfilling lives.

    • Embrace discomfort and persevere through trialsFacing challenges and pushing through fear can lead to personal growth and long-term success.

      Everyone has the potential to achieve greatness, but it requires facing discomfort, understanding risks, and maintaining the drive to push through trials and tribulations. The journey towards a goal is often more invigorating than the achievement itself, and having the next goal or mission in sight is crucial for continued growth and fulfillment. Fear and ego can hinder progress, but embracing failure as an opportunity to learn and persevere can lead to long-term success. Additionally, recognizing the importance of your purpose and defining your next mission can help provide direction and meaning in life.

    • Cherishing moments and finding passion for personal growthFind a passion to lift you up during tough times and cherish every moment for personal growth and overcoming adversity.

      Finding positive fuel and staying driven and focused in life is essential for personal growth and overcoming adversity. The speaker emphasizes the importance of cherishing every moment and finding something you're passionate about that can help lift you out of negative emotions when times get tough. He also shares his personal experiences and the impact of lost friends on his perspective, encouraging everyone to find their purpose and mission in life. The speaker, Evan Hafer, is the founder of Black Rifle Coffee and hosts the Black Rifle Coffee Biocast podcast, where he discusses philosophy and shares stories of interesting individuals.

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    160 - The Fat Electrician Vs Communism ft. Administrative Results | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 160

    160 - The Fat Electrician Vs Communism ft. Administrative Results | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 160
    ADMIN IS BACK!! This time the boys talk bows, zombie apocalypses and how to get away with murder. Plus Admin discovers it's really fun to trigger Nic. Watch this episode ad-free and uncensored on Pepperbox! https://www.pepperbox.tv/ WATCH THE AFTERSHOW ON PATREON! https://www.patreon.com/UnsubscribePodcast FREE TO USE MEDIA: (please tag us when you post!) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uppmQHMGf8uI2OuOatp932e3S2VGy0PE Featuring  @AdministrativeResults   @the_fat_electrician   @DonutOperator   @EliDoubletap  ------------------------------ THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! GHOSTBED Right now GhostBed is offering 50% off everything if you use the code –UNSUBSCRIBE at checkout or https://www.GhostBed.com/Unsubscribe ADAM AND EVE Go to https://www.adamandeve.com and use code UNSUB for 50% off + Free shipping + Rush Processing! MANSCAPED Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with code UNSUB at https://manscaped.com ------------------------------ FOLLOW ADMIN https://www.youtube.com/@AdministrativeResults https://www.youtube.com/@Managerialoutcomes https://www.instagram.com/administrativeresults FOLLOW TROUT https://www.instagram.com/king_trout https://www.tiktok.com/@king_trout https://x.com/The_King_Trout https://www.youtube.com/@king_trout BUY US A DRINK! https://paypal.me/UnsubscribePodcast ------------------------------ UNSUB MERCH: https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/unsubscribe-podcast COMMUNITY SUBREDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/UNSUBSCRIBEpodcast/ CHECK OUT: https://outofregz.com/ CODE: UNSUB ------------------------------ WHERE TO LISTEN Spotify https://spoti.fi/2Ye8YOU Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/3cbqY4k Amazon https://amzn.to/2YbzQia Google Play https://bit.ly/2YcWmaD Stitcher https://bit.ly/3cbnY8o ------------------------------ FOLLOW THE HOSTS: Eli_Doubletap https://www.instagram.com/eli_doubletap/ https://www.twitch.tv/Eli_Doubletap https://x.com/Eli_Doubletap https://www.youtube.com/c/EliDoubletap Brandon Herrera https://www.youtube.com/@BrandonHerrera https://x.com/TheAKGuy https://www.instagram.com/realbrandonherrera Donut Operator https://www.youtube.com/@DonutOperator https://x.com/DonutOperator https://www.instagram.com/donutoperator The Fat Electrician https://www.youtube.com/@the_fat_electrician https://thefatelectrician.com/ https://www.instagram.com/the_fat_electrician https://www.tiktok.com/@the_fat_electrician ------------------------------ unsubscribe pod podcast episode ep unsub funny comedy military army comedian texas podcasts #podcast #comedy #funnypodcast #military history Chapters: 0:00 Welcome to Unsub! 05:31 Tiny Guns 3 14:23 AD 15:28 The Old Bastards & Audie Murphy 27:18 Admin’s Character Breakdowns 32:35 World War Z & Zombies 44:44 AD 46:07 Admin’s Character Breakdowns 47:09 Weight Lifters vs Gym Bros 49:55 Bow Tism Time 58:22 The Comanches 1:01:39 Genghis Khan 1:09:22 Nic Pitches Pepperbox Shows 1:11:14 Admin’s Ancient Rome Theory 1:12:48 AD 1:14:01 Morals & Right Vs Wrong 1:20:29 China’s Hidden Secrets & Ancient Civilizations 1:29:23 The Heart Attack Gun 1:31:53 Getting Away With M*rder & Police Stories 1:48:13 Admin Triggers Nic For Fun 1:50:29 Karate vs Jiu Jitsu Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Unsubscribe Podcast
    enMay 27, 2024

    159 - The AK-50, Tiny Guns 3 & VFW War ft. The Fat Electrician & King Trout | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 159

    159 - The AK-50, Tiny Guns 3 & VFW War ft. The Fat Electrician & King Trout | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 159
    THE BOYS ARE BACK IN TOWN!! Nic gets kidnapped by Delta, King Trout returns & Brandon finally makes the AK-50! Watch this episode ad-free and uncensored on Pepperbox! https://www.pepperbox.tv/ WATCH THE AFTERSHOW ON PATREON! https://www.patreon.com/UnsubscribePodcast FREE TO USE MEDIA: (please tag us when you post!) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uppmQHMGf8uI2OuOatp932e3S2VGy0PE ------------------------------ THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! EXPRESSVPN Take back your online privacy today and use our code to get 3 extra months free. Go to https://ExpressVPN.com/unsub FUM Head to https://www.tryfum.com/UNSUB and use code UNSUB to save an additional 10% off your order today. MANSCAPED Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with code UNSUB at https://manscaped.com ------------------------------ FOLLOW TROUT https://www.instagram.com/king_trout https://www.tiktok.com/@king_trout https://x.com/The_King_Trout https://www.youtube.com/@King_Trout BUY US A DRINK! https://cash.app/$unsubscribepodcast https://venmo.com/u/unsubscribepodcast https://paypal.me/UnsubscribePodcast ------------------------------ UNSUB MERCH: https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/unsubscribe-podcast COMMUNITY SUBREDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/UNSUBSCRIBEpodcast/ CHECK OUT: https://outofregz.com/ CODE: UNSUB ------------------------------ WHERE TO LISTEN Spotify https://spoti.fi/2Ye8YOU Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/3cbqY4k Amazon https://amzn.to/2YbzQia Google Play https://bit.ly/2YcWmaD Stitcher https://bit.ly/3cbnY8o ------------------------------ FOLLOW THE HOSTS: Eli_Doubletap https://www.instagram.com/eli_doubletap/ https://www.twitch.tv/Eli_Doubletap https://x.com/Eli_Doubletap https://www.youtube.com/c/EliDoubletap Brandon Herrera https://www.youtube.com/@BrandonHerrera https://x.com/TheAKGuy https://www.instagram.com/realbrandonherrera Donut Operator https://www.youtube.com/@DonutOperator https://x.com/DonutOperator https://www.instagram.com/donutoperator The Fat Electrician https://www.youtube.com/@the_fat_electrician https://thefatelectrician.com/ https://www.instagram.com/the_fat_electrician https://www.tiktok.com/@the_fat_electrician ------------------------------ Edited by GVAN https://www.twitch.tv/gvan11b https://www.instagram.com/gvan11b/ https://twitter.com/GVAN_CC unsubscribe pod podcast episode ep unsub funny comedy military army comedian texas podcasts #podcast #comedy #funnypodcast #military history Chapters: 0:00 Welcome to Unsub! 6:47 AD 7:55 Autism Charity Month 12:13 The AK-50 21:29 AD 22:42 Pepperbox Launch 27:24 VFW Drama 37:33 AD 38:38 Cody Bought A House + Police Do A Stupid Again 42:12 World War 2 Rants With Nic 1:03:08 Police Do A Dumb 1:05:45 Jiu JitsuTalk 1:15:22 Nic’s Drunk Star Wars Theory 1:16:35 Trout’s Unsub Ads 1:19:19 Garage Beers 1:20:19 Nic’s Getting A Hilux 1:24:08 Trout’s Trip To LA 1:35:43 Would You Rather 1:40:43 Vegas Stories 1:44:41 Demetrious Johnson & Fighting Talk Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Unsubscribe Podcast
    enMay 20, 2024

    158 - Donut Gets Swatted & Ethan Gets Robbed ft. Sniping Soup & Ethan | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 158

    158 - Donut Gets Swatted & Ethan Gets Robbed ft. Sniping Soup & Ethan | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 158
    Soup & Ethan are here to talk gaming, swatting and getting robbed by crackheads. WATCH THE UNSUB LIVE SHOW SPECIAL NOW ON PEPPERBOX! https://www.pepperbox.tv/ WATCH THE AFTERSHOW ON PATREON! https://www.patreon.com/UnsubscribePodcast FREE TO USE MEDIA: (please tag us when you post!) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uppmQHMGf8uI2OuOatp932e3S2VGy0PE ------------------------------ THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! RAYCON Go to https://BUYRAYCON.com/unsub TODAY to get 20% off your Raycon order, plus free shipping! GHOSTBED Right now GhostBed is offering 50% off everything if you use the code –UNSUBSCRIBE at checkout or https://www.GhostBed.com/Unsubscribe MANSCAPED Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with code UNSUB at https://manscaped.com ------------------------------ FOLLOW SOUP https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCifRgVk-GEo1_vvf8x53t6A https://www.twitch.tv/snipingsoup https://twitter.com/Sniping_Soup https://www.instagram.com/dallas_soup FOLLOW ETHAN https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMk1p0CKn-9kM_epaEAYXWQ https://www.twitch.tv/ethantwitching https://www.instagram.com/ethernet_yt/ https://twitter.com/ethantweetin BUY US A DRINK! https://cash.app/$unsubscribepodcast https://venmo.com/u/unsubscribepodcast https://paypal.me/UnsubscribePodcast ------------------------------ UNSUB MERCH: https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/unsubscribe-podcast COMMUNITY SUBREDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/UNSUBSCRIBEpodcast/ CHECK OUT: https://outofregz.com/ CODE: UNSUB ------------------------------ WHERE TO LISTEN Spotify https://spoti.fi/2Ye8YOU Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/3cbqY4k Amazon https://amzn.to/2YbzQia Google Play https://bit.ly/2YcWmaD Stitcher https://bit.ly/3cbnY8o MORE LINKS! https://linktr.ee/UnsubscribePodCast ------------------------------ FOLLOW THE HOSTS: Eli_Doubletap https://www.instagram.com/eli_doubletap/ https://www.twitch.tv/Eli_Doubletap https://x.com/Eli_Doubletap https://www.youtube.com/c/EliDoubletap Brandon Herrera https://www.youtube.com/@BrandonHerrera https://x.com/TheAKGuy https://www.instagram.com/realbrandonherrera Donut Operator https://www.youtube.com/@DonutOperator https://x.com/DonutOperator https://www.instagram.com/donutoperator The Fat Electrician https://www.youtube.com/@the_fat_electrician https://thefatelectrician.com/ https://www.instagram.com/the_fat_electrician https://www.tiktok.com/@the_fat_electrician ------------------------------ Edited by GVAN https://www.twitch.tv/gvan11b https://www.instagram.com/gvan11b/ https://twitter.com/GVAN_CC unsubscribe pod podcast episode ep unsub funny comedy military army comedian texas podcasts #podcast #comedy #funnypodcast #military history Chapters: 0:00 Autism Charity Update! 3:30 Welcome To Unsub 5:40 Meet Our Guests 14:47 AD 16:01 Ethan Got Robbed By Crackheads 17:58 Donut Got Swatted On Christmas 21:50 Soup’s FBI Story 28:56 Acorn Cop 36:26 AD 37:31 The Boys Talk Gaming 38:57 Soup Got Scammed On Xbox 43:34 Donut’s Old Gamer Name 44:45 NERD TIME 55:31 Our Favourite YouTubers 1:12:00 AD 1:13:04 Our Favourite YouTubers 1:17:02 Eli Trolled Cody At Unsub Live 1:23:01 Soup’s Band 1:25:22 BACK TO VIDEO GAMES 1:37:11 Soup’s Stop Motion Videos 1:40:32 Our Parents Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Unsubscribe Podcast
    enMay 13, 2024

    157 - Obi Wan Nairobi, SAS Operator & The Accident - Christian Craighead | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 157

    157 - Obi Wan Nairobi, SAS Operator & The Accident - Christian Craighead | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 157
    Obi Wan Nairobi himself, Christian Craighead is here to talk military experiences, joining the SAS & the aftermath of the Nairobi terror attack. WATCH THE UNSUB LIVE SHOW SPECIAL NOW ON PEPPERBOX! https://www.pepperbox.tv/ WATCH THE AFTERSHOW ON PATREON! https://www.patreon.com/UnsubscribePodcast All Pepperbox Memberships begin with a 14-Day Free Trail and are $7.99/month after that. No Ads. No Censorship. No BS. FREE TO USE MEDIA: (please tag us when you post!) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uppmQHMGf8uI2OuOatp932e3S2VGy0PE ------------------------------ THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! MYBOOKIE Signup to claim a 50% sign up bonus up to $1000 for new customers. Use code UNSUB to start playing with house money, today. TUSHY Stop wiping until you bleed. Join the 2 million butts who have already made the switch to TUSHY! For a limited time get 10% off your entire order when you use code UNSUB at checkout. That’s 10% off your order at https://hellotushy.com with promo code UNSUB. MANSCAPED Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with code UNSUB at https://manscaped.com ------------------------------ FOLLOW CHRISTIAN https://www.instagram.com/christian_craighead https://twitter.com/one_man_in https://store.bookbaby.com/book/the-wrong-wolf https://theministryofdefence.com BUY US A DRINK! https://cash.app/$unsubscribepodcast https://venmo.com/u/unsubscribepodcast https://paypal.me/UnsubscribePodcast ------------------------------ UNSUB MERCH: https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/unsubscribe-podcast COMMUNITY SUBREDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/UNSUBSCRIBEpodcast/ CHECK OUT: https://outofregz.com/ CODE: UNSUB ------------------------------ WHERE TO LISTEN Spotify https://spoti.fi/2Ye8YOU Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/3cbqY4k Amazon https://amzn.to/2YbzQia Google Play https://bit.ly/2YcWmaD Stitcher https://bit.ly/3cbnY8o MORE LINKS! https://linktr.ee/UnsubscribePodCast ------------------------------ FOLLOW THE HOSTS: Eli_Doubletap https://www.instagram.com/eli_doubletap/ https://www.twitch.tv/Eli_Doubletap https://x.com/Eli_Doubletap https://www.youtube.com/c/EliDoubletap Brandon Herrera https://www.youtube.com/@BrandonHerrera https://x.com/TheAKGuy https://www.instagram.com/realbrandonherrera Donut Operator https://www.youtube.com/@DonutOperator https://x.com/DonutOperator https://www.instagram.com/donutoperator The Fat Electrician https://www.youtube.com/@the_fat_electrician https://thefatelectrician.com/ https://www.instagram.com/the_fat_electrician https://www.tiktok.com/@the_fat_electrician ------------------------------ Edited by GVAN https://www.twitch.tv/gvan11b https://www.instagram.com/gvan11b/ https://twitter.com/GVAN_CC unsubscribe pod podcast episode ep unsub funny comedy military army comedian texas podcasts #podcast #comedy #funnypodcast #military history Chapters: 0:00 HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT! 2:16 Welcome To Unsub 10:33 Meet Our Guest 11:11 Christian Is A Texan Now 13:34 AD 14:26 Mike Tyson 18:13 The New Roadhouse Movie 20:58 Congressman Herrera 22:32 How Christian Joined The Military 37:58 AD 39:06 Christian’s Military Experiences & Joining The SAS 56:09 Christian’s Bible 59:25 Christian’s Driving 1:12:46 The Well Dressed Hitchhiker 1:18:01 The Nairobi Terrorist Attack 1:31:55 Christian’s Hobbies 1:38:35 AD 1:39:40 Responses To The Nairobi Incident 1:47:40 Christian’s Children’s Book Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    156 - Habitually Fat & Angry ft. The Fat Electrician AngryCops & Habitual Linecrosser | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 156

    156 - Habitually Fat & Angry ft. The Fat Electrician AngryCops & Habitual Linecrosser | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 156
    You guys have been requesting this one - Fat & Angry has now been upgraded to HABITUALLY FAT & ANGRY!!! Featuring the legendary trio  @the_fat_electrician   @AngryCops  &  @habitual_linecrosser . Grab the limited edition Autism Awareness Month shirts and support Autism charities! https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/unsubscribe-podcast JOIN THE PATREON! (NO AFTERSHOW THIS WEEK) https://www.patreon.com/UnsubscribePodcast FREE TO USE MEDIA: (please tag us when you post!) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uppmQHMGf8uI2OuOatp932e3S2VGy0PE ------------------------------ THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! ADAM & EVE Go to https://www.adamandeve.com and use code UNSUB for 50% off + Free shipping + Rush Processing! PURIDY DEBT Get a free debt analysis right now at https://PDSDebt.com/unsub MANSCAPED Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with code UNSUB at https://manscaped.com ------------------------------ FOLLOW ANGRYCOPS https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN3rhkHmloHwqgat8LHk2yg https://angry-cops.com/ https://twitter.com/AngryCops https://www.instagram.com/angrycops FOLLOW HABITUAL LINECROSSER https://www.youtube.com/@habitual_linecrosser https://www.tiktok.com/@habitual_linecrosser https://www.instagram.com/habitual_line_crosser BUY US A DRINK! https://cash.app/$unsubscribepodcast https://venmo.com/u/unsubscribepodcast https://paypal.me/UnsubscribePodcast ------------------------------ UNSUB MERCH: https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/unsubscribe-podcast COMMUNITY SUBREDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/UNSUBSCRIBEpodcast/ CHECK OUT: https://outofregz.com/ CODE: UNSUB ------------------------------ WHERE TO LISTEN Spotify https://spoti.fi/2Ye8YOU Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/3cbqY4k Amazon https://amzn.to/2YbzQia Google Play https://bit.ly/2YcWmaD Stitcher https://bit.ly/3cbnY8o MORE LINKS! https://linktr.ee/UnsubscribePodCast ------------------------------ FOLLOW THE HOSTS: Eli_Doubletap https://www.instagram.com/eli_doubletap/ https://www.twitch.tv/Eli_Doubletap https://x.com/Eli_Doubletap https://www.youtube.com/c/EliDoubletap Brandon Herrera https://www.youtube.com/@BrandonHerrera https://x.com/TheAKGuy https://www.instagram.com/realbrandonherrera Donut Operator https://www.youtube.com/@DonutOperator https://x.com/DonutOperator https://www.instagram.com/donutoperator The Fat Electrician https://www.youtube.com/@the_fat_electrician https://thefatelectrician.com/ https://www.instagram.com/the_fat_electrician https://www.tiktok.com/@the_fat_electrician ------------------------------ Edited by GVAN https://www.twitch.tv/gvan11b https://www.instagram.com/gvan11b/ https://twitter.com/GVAN_CC unsubscribe pod podcast episode ep unsub funny comedy military army comedian texas podcasts #podcast #comedy #funnypodcast #military history Chapters: 0:00 A Message From Eli 1:02 Welcome To Unsub 3:44 Rich Failed SWAT Tryouts 7:22 Range Day Aftermath 9:31 Dune 2 & Boomers 12:04 20th Group Controversy 16:18 Vasectomies 17:34 Rich’s Jewish Accent 21:38 German Vasectomies 24:16 AD 25:15 Unsub Live Shows 35:08 Rich’s New Superpower 37:00 AD 38:05 Our Favorite Aircrafts 45:34 Neil Degrasse Tyson 49:08 AD 50:22 The Hellfire Missile 53:54 The Japanese Bombs & World War 2 1:00:39 How America Won Vietnam 1:05:51 Afghanistan & Iraq 1:12:35 Elon Musk 1:15:27 Tyler Grey 1:16:35 Plane Nerds 1:20:56 Our Military Deployments 1:22:44 Russia 1:23:55 The Lone Japanese Soldier 1:26:42 Leon Is Here! 1:28:32 Habitual’s Upcoming Content 1:29:11 The Fake Basic Training Controversy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    155 - Veteran Sniper & Navy Diver - The History of GrndpaGaming - Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 155

    155 - Veteran Sniper & Navy Diver - The History of GrndpaGaming - Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 155
    The LEGENDARY  @grndpagaming  is here to talk sniping in real life, diving school and how he met Grandma! Grab the limited edition Autism Awareness Month shirts and support Autism charities! https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/unsubscribe-podcast JOIN THE PATREON! (NO AFTERSHOW THIS WEEK) https://www.patreon.com/UnsubscribePodcast FREE TO USE MEDIA: (please tag us when you post!) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uppmQHMGf8uI2OuOatp932e3S2VGy0PE ------------------------------ THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! GHOSTBED Try Ghostbed today and save 50% using code UNSUBSCRIBE! https://ghostbed.com FUM Head to https://www.tryfum.com/UNSUB and use code UNSUB to save an additional 10% off your order today. EXPRESSVPN Take back your online privacy today and use my code to get 3 extra months free. Go to https://ExpressVPN.com/unsub MANSCAPED Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with code UNSUB at https://manscaped.com ------------------------------ FOLLOW GRANDPA! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQWVmYZE-JtI7BimgasRzTg https://www.instagram.com/grndpagaming https://www.tiktok.com/@grndpagaming https://www.grndpagaming.gg BUY US A DRINK! https://cash.app/$unsubscribepodcast https://venmo.com/u/unsubscribepodcast https://paypal.me/UnsubscribePodcast ------------------------------ UNSUB MERCH: https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/unsubscribe-podcast COMMUNITY SUBREDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/UNSUBSCRIBEpodcast/ CHECK OUT: https://outofregz.com/ CODE: UNSUB ------------------------------ WHERE TO LISTEN Spotify https://spoti.fi/2Ye8YOU Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/3cbqY4k Amazon https://amzn.to/2YbzQia Google Play https://bit.ly/2YcWmaD Stitcher https://bit.ly/3cbnY8o MORE LINKS! https://linktr.ee/UnsubscribePodCast ------------------------------ FOLLOW THE HOSTS: Eli_Doubletap https://www.instagram.com/eli_doubletap/ https://www.twitch.tv/Eli_Doubletap https://x.com/Eli_Doubletap https://www.youtube.com/c/EliDoubletap Brandon Herrera https://www.youtube.com/@BrandonHerrera https://x.com/TheAKGuy https://www.instagram.com/realbrandonherrera Donut Operator https://www.youtube.com/@DonutOperator https://x.com/DonutOperator https://www.instagram.com/donutoperator The Fat Electrician https://www.youtube.com/@the_fat_electrician https://thefatelectrician.com/ https://www.instagram.com/the_fat_electrician https://www.tiktok.com/@the_fat_electrician ------------------------------ Edited by GVAN https://www.twitch.tv/gvan11b https://www.instagram.com/gvan11b/ https://twitter.com/GVAN_CC unsubscribe pod podcast episode ep unsub funny comedy military army comedian texas podcasts #podcast #comedy #funnypodcast #military Chapters: 0:00 Welcome to Unsub 11:40 Grandpa’s Family History 16:19 AD 17:31 Grandpa’s Family History 18:40 The Offenders 27:06 Grandpa's Napoleonics 30:25 Grandpa's Video Game History 32:51 AD 33:55 Grandpa's Video Game History 35:56 Grandpa's Military Background 38:09 Grandpa's Diving Training 51:09 AD 52:23 Grandpa's Injuries 57:07 Clint Trial 1:00:15 Clint Romesha 1:03:22 AD 1:04:29 Grandpa's Gaming Experiences 1:12:47 Grandpa's Streaming Journey 1:16:41 Grandpa’s Miniatures 1:18:27 Nic’s Battleship History Lesson 1:23:18 Grandpa's First Range Day 1:27:45 Gramps Is A Survivor 1:28:44 How Grandpa Met Grandma Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    BECOMING A RAPPER! - You Should Know Podcast-

    BECOMING A RAPPER! - You Should Know Podcast-
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    Friendship as Extreme Sport: An Interview with Kim Coutts

    Friendship as Extreme Sport: An Interview with Kim Coutts

    Friendship as extreme sport? If you're Kim Coutts, yes. After life threw her some curveballs, Coutts decided she needed to get brave about new relationships. And she's leaned into the challenge the way some of us would train for a triathalon or climb Mt. Whitney. In other words, all in and pushing to the limit. Hear her practical advice and what happens when you click yes to every Meetup out there.



    Debra Hotaling (00:04):

    Hello and welcome to the Dareful Project. I'm Debra Hotaling. Some people climb big mountains and some surf big waves. But my friend Kim Coutts, she makes new friends. She makes friends like a ninja warrior. She makes friends like you would prepare for a triathlon or you would climb Mount Whitney. In other words, she is all in. And she did this as a challenge to herself and her stories are amazing. So she's here with us today to talk about why she took on the challenge, how she started to make new friends, and what we can learn from this sort of extreme sport of friendship making. Kim, welcome.

    Kim Coutts (00:48):

    Thank you for having me. So fun.

    Debra (00:50):

    So all of us as we get older, I mean we used to have our kid friends. We would just hang out and play together. And then as young people and parents, we would be friends of college friends or we would be friends of our kids', friends, their parents. And now it's harder. It just feels harder. How do you find new friends? How did you get this way? How did you get started?

    Kim (01:18):

    I think I got divorced, and I think it's really easy to be complacent when you're living with another person. You never really hit that loneliness spot where you're like, oh my gosh, I have to do something huge to change this. But when I got divorced, I decided I would move out. I ended up all the way up in Portland sort of accidentally, and I was going through something and completely by myself, so I decided I needed to do something about it. And I dove. In my typical fashion, I have a tendency to overshoot things. I either don't do anything at all or I do too much. So I probably did more than I needed to, but I learned a lot and have kind of kept doing it. And I will say I listen to a lot of podcasts like yours, which are amazing. But I was listening to one the other day on goal setting and how we achieve goals and they really recommend that you can only achieve one goal at a time and you really need to focus on one thing and write down all the verbs of the things that are required to do it.

    Kim (02:16):

    So I definitely go through phases where I focus on other things, but I am back in a friend making mode right now. So it's definitely one of my top goals I'm focused on again at this time.

    Debra (02:27):

    And listeners are go, yeah. Yeah, we're all about friendships. I like making friends too. But I got to tell you guys, we are not even in the league of Kim. We were talking on the phone last week and this is how I got so excited about sharing this with y'all because she just started going down the meetup list. And keep me honest on this, Kim, but it sounded like you were just bringing up Meetup and just checking all the boxes. I mean all those weird things, all of those, I don't know if that's super sketchy things you were in, right?

    Kim (03:00):

    I am in Meetup is odd. It's a really amazing tool, but I also view it kind of online dating and it's a numbers game or a sales funnel as a lot of people might look at it. So I figure I have to join probably 20 meetup groups. I'll go to 10 or 11, I'll like five or six, and then I'll maybe make two or three friends from one of those because a lot of it you want it to result in five great new friendships when you show up. But it's not that easy. And when I was thinking about it before coming today, I realized that I actually haven't made a lot of long-term friends from my meetup groups that I've been in. But I do think that it spurs an energy and a focus and an intention that sort of puts that energy out in the world and then makes other things happen. Friendship is kind of that magic that you get to meet somebody and you connect and you like the same things. And I love that energy. And it doesn't always happen because of my meetup groups, but I do think that it puts that energy out there and then that magic happens where I just happen to sit down next to the right person in a bar or meet someone at work or public transit, whatever it is. I think it sort of sets that intention and helps you find them, even if it is in other ways.

    Debra (04:18):

    I like this because some of my guy friends would say that it was a numbers game with dating, you just kind of ask a lot of women out and then somebody says yes. And a lot of people say no, and it's okay. This kind of feels a little bit like the same thing.

    Kim (04:33):

    I actually feel like it is the same thing. I mean that magic, that connection with another person really is the same thing. But I think as humans we think that dating is, yeah, for sure you should be out there looking for your person, but how often do you run into somebody that tells you their main goal in life is making new friends? People just don't really prioritize it or they want it, but they don't really plan and go out to do it. And I do think there's still a little bit of a stigma to it that if you say you don't have enough friends, there's something wrong with you and you're a loser or that you're supposed to just collect them in life and they stick around forever. And then my case, that hasn't really happened. I have some great friends that moved away and we're certainly still friends, but I don't get to go and hang out with them. And then particularly when you have big life changes, I think you need to replace some of those friends. And I found out there was a lot of couple friends that were uncomfortable for some reason or another, and I still haven't quite figured that out. But being friends with someone that wasn't in a couple and I just didn't get invited to things for six, seven and my friends just immediately quit inviting me to stuff. So I had to figure out a way to replace that.

    Debra (05:43):

    It does feel weird though. I mean, I've met folks that I'm like, you're really cool. I would like to go have lunch with you. And I feel incredibly awkward saying, hi, will you be my friend and go out to lunch with me. Did you feel that way or are you just so brave?

    Kim (06:00):

    I do feel that way, but I a hundred percent make myself do it. I met one of my closest friends right now. She was interviewing for a job at my company. I had her resume. I saw that she lived in my neighborhood, which is kind of odd. I live about 40 minutes away from our office, so it's not that normal to have someone in my neighborhood. The job wasn't right. She didn't want it, it just wasn't a good fit. But she mentioned on our interview call that she was new to the area and didn't know a lot of people. I emailed her after the interview and just said, Hey, I know that this isn't going to work out as a job, but I thought we really connected and do you want to go grab happy hour? And that was hard. You are, it's just asking someone for a date. I think you put yourself out there, but then if someone did that to you and wanted to be your friend, would you ever be bummed about it? It's so flattering.

    Debra (06:50):

    No, and it's so rare as you're saying that, I can see in my mind the handful of men and women who were brave enough to say, let's go have lunch together. I think you'd be cool as a friend. That is so rare. But wait, but I have to ask, do people turn you down?

    Kim (07:08):

    No one has ever turned me down, but what people do is just disappear. And that's the other thing I've had to learn is that friendship. People say it comes in seasons, and I've always been that person then if I really like you, I want to hold onto you and spend time with you. And I've definitely had friendships that were around for five or six months and then they just sort of disappear. And I've realized that that has to be okay. But I always think that, oh gosh, what did I say? Or what did I do? And you kind of put it on your own self more than thinking that, oh, they're busy or there's so many reasons, but people do disappear sometimes, and that's tough. But I figured for a reason.

    Debra (07:49):

    And then there's also the second date question, I guess, because it's one thing to go, oh, would you like to go grab a glass of wine and we'll go and hang out together? But then you have to decide, do I like you well enough to ask you out again as a friend, right?

    Kim (08:04):

    Yep, a hundred percent. And I feel like once you get past that, once you've done something together three times, then you're friends and then it becomes normal and you don't have to feel weird about it. But I feel like those first three times are a little bit, you just never know. And I've actually really relied on Groupon. That's another thing that people sort of forget about and make fun of, but there's so many fun things to do on Groupon that I've had a couple, three or four friendships that started that way with Let's just both go pick something interesting on Groupon and go do that. And it gives you sort of a shared adventure. One of the same person who I met through the interview, we went on a sidecar tour, so we both gotten this motorcycle sidecar and went on a tour and some kind of a wine tasting tour. So it was an adventure that kind of bonds you in a way that maybe just going out to dinner or happy hour doesn't do.

    Debra (08:56):

    Have there ever been moments that didn't go right or you turned weird?

    Kim (09:05):

    No, I mean there's definitely mishaps. I think the last time we were talking, I told you that I was out on a date or showed up for a date and ended up getting stood up. And I looked horribly sad because not only was I all dressed up on a Tuesday, but it was around Christmas time and I just went to a cookie exchange with a friend. So I had this beautiful box of cookies with a big bow on top, and I had sat it next to me on the bar so you could just completely tell that I was getting stood up and it wasn't my best night. But this woman ended up sitting down next to me and we hit it off and she actually asked for my phone number. She asked first, which was lovely, which I gave to her on a receipt. And then I didn't hear from her for probably six months. And I just thought, well, no big deal. I had a nice conversation with someone. It helped me get over the fact that I was getting stood up for the first time in my life. But then she actually remembered my last name, my first and last name from that conversation, found me online and sent me a Facebook messenger request, and we got together and have been friends ever since. So you never know.

    Debra (10:12):

    Aw, and good for her. That's brave to give someone your phone number.

    Kim (10:17):

    Yeah. Or to ask for it, right? Yep. And I also, I thought about one of the other things, I've met some friends, but I have an Airbnb that I room I rent in my house, and that is a very immediate intimacy to immediately be living with a stranger. So there's definitely some times where people wanted to be friends with me in that case, and I did not necessarily, and that's a tough thing to navigate when they're living in your house.

    Debra (10:48):


    Kim (10:49):

    She asked if she could borrow my bathing suit once for my jacuzzi.

    Debra (10:54):

    Wait, what?

    Kim (10:55):

    So there’s definitely some boundary stuff there. I had to really, and I'm such a people pleaser, my first reaction is, well, of course. And then I was thinking, I'll just let her have it. I'll throw it away. But I had to get my courage together and tell her that that's two things. I don't share bathing suits and toothbrushes.

    Debra (11:12):

    But wait, we just have to double click on this for a sec. I just want all of our viewers and listeners just to check in on the fact that Kim rents a room in her house because she can meet new people again to that extreme ninja warrior spirit for friendship because if things don't go well…

    Kim (11:33):

    I'll be honest though. I mean I do it for money. I'm not entirely crazy. I'm not that all in. That was also part of my divorce and making sure that I could cover my expenses. And when I moved out, when I got divorced, I lived in 17 Airbnbs in a year. So I saw the other side of it and then I thought, well, this isn't too bad. So I did start doing it when I got home. So I do it primarily for the money, but also it is a great place to make friends. I've had one woman that stayed for a year and a half and was only going to stay for a month, and she definitely became a friend and then another person that ended up staying for five or six months.

    Debra (12:13):

    I need to know so much more about this. Do you interview people in a different way than if you know that you're going to be opening up your home in this way to them?

    Kim (12:21):

    For the most part, people will book short term and then end up wanting to stay. So by then I already know them and I know that it's good because I would mean if you were thinking about the old ways that people used to choose roommates and that type of stuff, you would get together and talk to each other. So for the most part, people, the woman that stayed for a year and a half had booked a month and then just asked if she could stay. And the other one was a friend who's a soccer player that had made the team here, moved into team housing and then just hated it. He was living in the living room, they were shoving as many soccer players as they could get in this house, and he couldn't really focus or he'd be the best athlete he thought he could be so moved back into here so he could have some quiet and space.

    Debra (13:09):

    That actually sounds lovely, like a grownup. All the best of living in a dorm without the crazy.

    Kim (13:14):

    Right. That was amazing. He would bring the full team over here at lunch and they would use the pool and rest during tryouts. And I did not hate having a soccer team in my backyard.

    Debra (13:27):

    Well done. Well done.

    Kim (13:29):

    Yeah, not bad.

    Debra (13:32):

    So do you get mad skills doing it this way? Are you able to suss out a situation and go, this is maybe this is a maybe or this is a no. How does it work for you inside your head?

    Kim (13:46):

    I think most people just, well, I mean when I meet someone, there's that definite connection and I think, and in the meantime, it's really just about forcing yourself out there to keep trying. I went to a new meetup group brunch last weekend and I woke up an hour and a half before and all I wanted to do was go back to sleep and not go. So it's a lot of energy to put yourself out there, but I got up and I did it. So I think just a matter of the thing that really works is just keep trying, getting yourself out there.

    Debra (14:20):

    When researchers do work on friendships, they have something that they call, what is it called? Fast friends. And it's a protocol that they use to connect strangers so that they can watch interactions. And it's this method of asking each other, sharing little things that become more personal and more personal over time, but not oversharing or undersharing or making someone else share a lot and not sharing. It's kind of that even sharing of back and forth. Have you found that that's kind of the way that you approach a series of new friends or how

    Kim (14:58):

    I don't think about it that much. For instance, at that brunch last weekend, there were 12 people there and me and one other person, we just had things in common. She was going through something that I had been through and we just naturally, I tried to talk to everybody, but we naturally just started talking to each other and we exchanged numbers, but then we haven't crossed that second date platform yet where we've crossed over. But I'm watching the meetup group now to see, okay, I'm going to see if the next time she does something, I'm probably going to want to show up. That type of thing, I guess I don't really think about it quite as much, but I mean it definitely works. And it reminds me of those, they have those 36 questions to ask, make anybody fall in love with you.

    Debra (15:44):

    I went through those. I have to say, this says more about me than it does about the questions that some of those were so intimate that I don't know that anyone has ever asked me those questions. And I would have a hard time sharing them.

    Kim (15:56):


    Debra (15:57):

    You're a sharer though.

    Kim (15:58):

    I am. I'm probably an oversharer. Yeah, I will just put it out there.

    Debra (16:04):

    Kim and I have been friends for a while. I remember you always being very open, but have you learned to be even more open as a result of this adventure?

    Kim (16:14):

    Shockingly, I used to be very shy. So when I was up through even my first year of college, I was painfully shy, but I wanted to be a reporter. I had gotten a job at a newspaper. I was dating my husband at the time, and he used to call me the shy Reporter, and I made up quotes for people for the first four or five months I worked for that newspaper. It was a small paper and no one really cared as long as you've made them sound good, he had a really big family. And I remember the exact moment we were in Vegas at a wedding and he had left me for about an hour and a half and I was bored. I was sitting there alone and they told people, go find the person you love most in the room for this next dance. And he was coming towards me and I finally wasn't going to be alone. And the last minute he grabbed his aunt and pulled her on the dance floor and we got in a giant fight and he said, if you would talk to anybody, you wouldn't be so bored. And I thought, you know what? You're right. And the next day I just made myself start and now you can't shut me up.

    Debra (17:18):

    Oh my God, I am laughing so hard inside my heart about your first job. My first job was in corporate communications and I remember being terrified to call people on the phone. And so I would write down everything I was going to say, hello Kim. Good morning. I would write it down because otherwise I would just be too terrified to call.

    Kim (17:45):

    And our jobs were similar back in the day where sometimes you'd be given a list for earned media outreach where you'd have to call three or 400 people and it was just horrible. I hated doing it, but you get used to it over time. And yeah, now it's just kind of part of who I am. And I realized that people really respond to those personalities more. My first husband was a little bit of a clown. He worked at a hula hands Irish restaurant for even a couple years after graduation. And he told me a story. The people who worked there, the waiters would be there for a long time, but the managers would turn over a lot and every night when they would get there, they would order nachos for their first meal and he would carry it out, wait till the last minute and then pretend to trip and put his face in the guacamole in the sour cream. And my shy self was just like, that's dumb. I can't believe you do that. I was almost embarrassed that he did that. And then in watching him and how he interact with people, people just love that. They love you to be goofy. And I noticed that people liked him better than they like me. So even though we're divorced, he taught me some really important skills and I definitely changed. I realized that people just react to people that are a little bit more open.

    Debra (19:06):

    A little bit of face on the guacamole never hurts.

    Kim (19:09):

    Exactly. Nobody ever minded people thought it was funny.

    Debra (19:14):

    Can you list for me some of your top 10 meetups?

    Kim (19:22):

    When I was in Portland, they were more interesting, a little bit stranger in great Portland fashion, and I loved Portland, but I joined the Strange and Unusual Women of Portland and we went on tour or to a devil museum. I went to sex yoga--talking about oversharing--and that was held at a midwifery and we did 10 minutes of interpretive dancing at the beginning.  I joined a cold plunge group that does breath work and goes into the ocean dragon boat racing, whatever it is. I like the stranger the better. I am one of those people that has my hobby is trying to find a hobby. So I try things and I do it for six weeks and then I realize I don't love it and I move on to something else. So I'll try anything for a little while. So I did dragon boat racing actually in Portland, and I'm trying to start that up again here. I joined the meetup group was all excited, and then a week later they said it was shutting down, the organizer had disappeared.

    Debra (20:28):

    Oh my god,

    Kim (20:30):

    God love anybody that organizes a meetup group because so far that's sort of been beyond what I've been willing to do, but I am thinking about starting my own group now.

    Debra (20:40):

    Wait, so what would your group be?

    Kim (20:42):

    So I just read an article about loneliness and fact that it is as dangerous to your health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day or drinking six drinks. And that blew my mind. And evidently in the UK they have a minister of loneliness. They've actually appointed a government position to try and fix that. You would imagine it's going to cost a lot in healthcare costs. And they do these things called glamour parties. So once a month they invite the entire community and you dress up in your best outfit and just show up to a pub.

    Debra (21:17):

    So you get to wear fancy clothes and have food.

    Kim (21:20):

    No one gets to wear fancy clothes anymore now that we don't go out and have been bring food and just talk to new people. And they are trying to start one in every village in the UK. And I thought maybe we need a glamour club in San Diego.

    Debra (21:34):

    I love that. Alright, if you do that, we're going to make sure that we post it up on the site here so that people can join if they want to.

    Kim (21:45):

    That would be amazing.

    Debra (21:46):

    So we're not all as brave as you, Kim. We're not all as brave. So how does one get started? If you're shy, what would be the one thing to begin?

    Kim (21:58):

    I mean, I think the first thing to begin is admitting that it's a goal and making it a goal for yourself instead of just saying, I wish I had actually saying that this is my goal, I think is a huge thing. And sort of just getting past that stigma that there's not something wrong with you. This happens, we get older and we all need people. And maybe one of the easiest things to do would be what led you and I to this podcast is just reach out to people you care about that you haven't talked to in a while.

    Kim (22:27):

    You know that you already know them, it's going to be a great conversation and it feeds you in a way that then I think can get you a little bit more brave to maybe do other things. Then I would look at do three things, whatever it is, host a party and ask everybody that you invite that you already know and love to invite one person that you don't already know. I do that every year. I host a Gallant Times's party and invite all my girlfriends and ask everybody to bring somebody. I don't know. So that's one way you can do it with a core group of people that you already know or get one of your friends that has the same goal to show up to the meetups with you. That makes it a lot easier. So there's club sports, there's a lot of things that you can do short of opening up an Airbnb in your house, which is probably the furthest you can go or start something from work. Those people, you kind of have a sense for who you, like. Our job had had a movie club. Some people go out and see horror movies together, focusing on those core interests. So you know, have something in common generally makes it a little bit easier. And seeing a movie, you don't really have to carry on a conversation that whole time. That's

    Debra (23:43):

    True. I have some very, very outgoing friends and they have so many friends. And so sometimes what I'll do is just ask to be part of her friend group and then I automatically have all of her friends too.

    Kim (23:57):

    Yes, I do hate it when you invite your friends into your friend group and open up your friend group and then they don't do the same thing. I definitely have friends that still do that and they're like, no, sorry, I'm going out with my other friends. And

    Debra (24:11):

    Just, you bring up a good point though. Let's talk about sort of the rules of the road. What's reciprocity what? What's good manners when you're finding new friends?

    Kim (24:23):

    I have tried not to think about that because for a long time I was kind of like the scorekeeper that would think that people didn't like me as much if they weren't asking me to do things. I have some very busy friends with really big jobs that I will be lucky if I see them once every five or six months. And for a while that bothered me a little bit. And then I had to realize that everybody has different schedules and different needs for human interaction and I love to plan. And so I've decided that I'm not going to keep score anymore and I'm just going to go for it. But I do think just as being a nice person, showing up, that's the other thing that happens a lot in meetup groups, I would say you usually get about 30% of the people at RSVP actually showing up. And that's a huge thing for the organizers especially. So if you're going to commit to it, commit to it and go for it and then try to, if someone really goes out on a limb and tries to be friends with you, maybe it's your job to ask for the second date.

    Debra (25:27):

    That's really smart. And as you're saying that during Covid, I was part of a Zoom salon group, a group of women coming together and just talking about current events. And I was ashamed to learn that many of these women, most of these women, in fact, it was a hard rule that if their friend didn't reach out to them every few days that they were not true friends. And I'm like, wow, I can really let a long time go before I reach out to folks. So that was a really helpful thing to learn that people have different expectations of staying in touch, what that means. And so I've learned to listen harder to what other people's needs are on that

    Kim (26:10):

    Or even just asking. I had one friend that I literally will, she lives in Nashville, I will talk to her once every six months and at one point I'm like, Hey, it just doesn't feel like we're friends anymore. And she said, why? And I said, we just never speak to each other. And she said, well, you never told me that was a requirement psychiatrist. I got to hand it to her. But I'm like, alright, that's fair. I did never tell you that was a requirement. So now I would like to speak to you once a quarter in order to maintain our friendship. And she really tries and she doesn't make it happen, but she's got little kids at home and she's in a very different place in her life than I am.

    Debra (26:49):

    I love that though, that you were brave enough to have that conversation.

    Kim (26:53):

    I did not want to. But yeah, she definitely forced. It was, I was just a little Ben out of shape and just trying to exit and she's like, hold on a second, you never told me that's important.

    Debra (27:05):

    Oh my gosh. What do you know now that you wish you would've known a few years ago about the nature of friendships?

    Kim (27:13):

    I think all of that sort of give and take and it's really hard and intimate relationships not to make it about you. And I finally figured out it's not about me and people don't wake up thinking about how they don't want to be friends with me. They just are busy. Or the fact that some things come and go in your life and I've had friends for a couple years and then they just disappear. And that used to really hurt me. And now I realize that there's a reason for those things and just much more mellow than I used to be.

    Debra (27:47):

    Well, in fact folks that the reason that we're talking today is that Kim out of the blue pinged me on LinkedIn and said, what are you doing? And it was so nice to see your name come up in my LinkedIn messaging. So thank you for doing that.

    Kim (28:04):

    Of course, I actually went to a networking class and she challenged us to reach out to five people that we cared about every day for, well one day, one person a day for a week. And that was probably the best thing I ever learned in a network. I'm not a big networker. I don't like a group of a room full of people that I don't know is my worst nightmare. I'm not that brave or outgoing, but it's a good reminder that there's a lot of people you cross over in your life that maybe you lose touch with. But I always sort of like to talk to.

    Debra (28:39):

    And if folks want to talk to Kim, I'm going to Kim, if it's okay with you, put your LinkedIn profile on the site so that folks can know about you and reach out to you if they're interested.

    Kim (28:51):

    Absolutely. I'm always looking for new friends or a job as the loneliness minister. If the US wants to get on it and start saving ourselves some healthcare dollars,

    Debra (29:03):

    Can I nominate you? I'm going to vote for you.

    Kim (29:06):

    Thank you. I think that would be amazing. Or maybe we can start in California. I actually work in mental health and nobody is talking about that and I don't understand why it's really interesting that this is an issue that we know how to cure it, but we can't figure out how to make ourselves do it.

    Debra (29:23):

    And I think we're so used to it. I was struck visiting Greece that people would ask me, we hear that Americans are lonely, how does that work? They really wanted to know how you could be lonely.

    Kim (29:35):

    Yeah, they're so connected and spend so much more time together. And our wealth as a country just really breeds isolation. And covid certainly did not help. We all retreated into our houses and I think it's still sort of hard to come back out.

    Debra (29:50):

    Talk about one more thing, You made a really provocative statement to me when we chatted last week about you get to a certain point in your life where you have a home and it's lovely and you have enough money that you can just sort of wall yourself off in that home and that's your life. That same day, I was listening to Warren Buffett being interviewed and he said the exact same thing. So what's in the air here, Kim?

    Kim (30:24):

    I hope, I mean, it's happened with a lot of my friends and I do think that you have a choice later on in life when you can make these decisions to have your life continue to get bigger or to just sort of get smaller. And I think we all need to spend time around people who aren't us. And that is the thing that the Airbnb does for me and most of my family and my friends think I'm nuts. You're letting a stranger in your house. I'm a single woman and I'm here alone. And I have never been a big rah rah. I love all people person, but I will say that after doing this for four or five years, it has been an amazing experience and that 97% of people are amazing. But I think it is good for you to, people talk about getting out of your comfort zone and that's where the growth happens. And it's absolutely true when you have to get along with someone that grew up in a completely different way and a different place and a different culture and live that close with them, it does teach you a lot. And I definitely think that we need to be mindful about making sure our lives keep getting bigger instead of smaller.

    Debra (31:34):

    Well, you, Kim Coutts are amazing. Thank you for joining us today.

    Kim (31:38):

    Thank you so much. It was so great to

    Debra (31:40):

    Thanks for listening to The Dareful Project. Please follow like and leave a review. It really helps. We're on all your favorite platforms, Spotify, apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, iHeartRadio, audible, tune in Amazon Music, Stitcher, SoundCloud, and YouTube. And to connect, you can email me at debra@darefulone.com. That's Debra, D-E-B-R-A at Dareful one. That's what the number one.com. Thanks for listening.

    Bobby’s Stinky Little Secret

    Bobby’s Stinky Little Secret
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