
    Podcast Summary

    • Last Comic Standing's Impact on John Heffron and John Reap's CareersParticipating in Last Comic Standing forced comedians John Heffron and John Reap to write new material and adapt their styles, leading to career growth and opportunities. Their shared experience led to the creation of the popular podcast, 'The Last Podcast on the Left'.

      The experience of participating in Last Comic Standing had a significant impact on the careers of comedians John Heffron and John Reap. The competition, which required them to perform short, standalone sets, presented unique challenges for these comics who were used to crafting longer, more intricately linked bits. The experience pushed them to write new material and adapt their styles, ultimately leading to professional growth and opportunities. Additionally, the podcast they later started together, "The Last Podcast on the Left," is a testament to their shared history and success on the show.

    • Observing successful individuals pushes us to improve ourselvesExpose yourself to experienced performers, learn from their techniques, focus on performance, and embrace the journey of self-improvement.

      Being around successful and inspiring individuals can significantly push us out of our comfort zones and motivate us to improve ourselves. Observing someone's progress firsthand can raise the bar and make us strive for greater heights, even in our own creative pursuits like stand-up comedy. It's essential to expose ourselves to experienced performers and learn from their techniques to grow and refine our craft. Additionally, it's crucial to focus on the performance and not think about trying to be funny while on stage, allowing ourselves to be fully immersed in the experience. Inspiration and motivation can come from unexpected places, and embracing the journey of self-improvement is an essential aspect of personal and professional growth.

    • Discomfort with graphic gay scenes and Jim Carrey's appearance in a movieSpeakers found a movie's focus on explicit gay scenes and Jim Carrey's peculiar appearance distracting, preferring more traditional forms of entertainment.

      The discussion revolved around the uncomfortable experience of watching a movie with explicit gay scenes and the actor Jim Carrey's peculiar appearance in it. The speakers found the movie to be inappropriately focused on graphic sex and found the sight of men kissing distasteful. They also commented on Jim Carrey's strange appearance in the movie, questioning if he was wearing a wig or if his hair was naturally that way. Despite the discomfort, some acknowledged Jim Carrey's acting skills and his ability to make audiences laugh. Overall, the conversation revealed a strong dislike for the graphic nature of the movie and a preference for more traditional forms of entertainment.

    • Exploring Movie Preferences and Streaming ServicesWhile relying on external sources for movie recommendations can be helpful, individual preferences and experiences vary greatly. Streaming services offer convenience but may not cater to every taste. Keep an open mind and explore new films and genres.

      While relying on external sources like Rotten Tomatoes for movie recommendations can be helpful, it's important to remember that individual preferences and experiences can differ greatly. The speakers in this conversation discovered that while they agreed on some movies, they had vastly different opinions on others. They also discussed the convenience of streaming services like Apple TV, which offer a vast library of movies and documentaries at the click of a button. However, they acknowledged that these platforms may not always cater to every individual's unique tastes and preferences. Ultimately, the most important thing is to keep an open mind and be willing to explore new films and genres, even if they don't align with the consensus of critics or popular opinion.

    • Switching from YouTube to Vimeo for better video quality and ethical concernsThe speaker chose Vimeo for superior video quality, longer video limits, and ethical considerations, specifically animal welfare.

      The speaker has had issues with YouTube, leading him to switch to Vimeo for his video content due to better video quality, longer video limits, and a more user-friendly default setting for HD playback. He also expressed ethical concerns about animal experimentation, as illustrated by a recent YouTube video featuring chimpanzees who had been kept in laboratories for decades and were then released into the wild for the first time, resulting in heartwarming displays of emotion and social bonding. The speaker's preference for Vimeo and ethical stance towards animal welfare reflects his values and priorities in content creation and consumption.

    • Intelligent Animals in Research: Ethical DilemmasIntelligent animals used in research, like chimpanzees, deserve better treatment due to their advanced cognitive abilities and human-like traits. Alternatives to animal testing, such as using convicted criminals, should be considered.

      The use of intelligent animals in captivity for research, such as chimpanzees, raises ethical concerns that are akin to slavery. The speaker argues that these animals, who are close relatives to humans and possess advanced cognitive abilities, deserve better treatment than being held captive and subjected to experiments. The speaker also questions the necessity of such research and suggests that there are other alternatives, such as using convicted criminals instead. The speaker's perspective highlights the complex ethical dilemmas surrounding animal rights and research, and the need for ongoing dialogue and consideration of these issues.

    • Impact of dangerous encounters with men on women's livesWomen's fear of harm from men can significantly impact their lives, and men's attraction to vulnerable women can lead to dangerous situations, shaping future behavior and decisions. Awareness and responsible choices are crucial.

      Women face the risk of harm from men, although it's a rare occurrence. This fear can significantly impact their lives, especially during their formative years. Men, on the other hand, may be attracted to drunk or vulnerable women, sometimes leading to dangerous situations. These encounters can potentially shape a woman's future behavior and decisions. An example of this is a man picking up a drunk woman at a gas station, where he could have taken advantage of the situation but chose not to. This illustrates the importance of being aware of potential dangers and making responsible choices. Additionally, societal norms and expectations can contribute to the objectification and victimization of women, further emphasizing the need for education and empowerment.

    • The power of forgiveness and understandingForgiveness and understanding can lead to unexpected positive outcomes. People make mistakes, and instead of taking advantage, kindness and respect can create a positive impact.

      People make mistakes, and sometimes the nicest response is forgiveness and understanding. This was demonstrated in a conversation about a man who accidentally hit a girl with his motorcycle and later brought her a rose as an apology. Instead of appreciating the gesture, another person tried to take advantage of the situation. The importance of kindness and respecting others' experiences was emphasized. Additionally, the conversation touched on the topic of entertainment, specifically the cartoon "Adventure Time." It was described as a unique and trippy animation that appeals to both children and adults. The show's enduring popularity was attributed to its imaginative storytelling and the fact that it resonates with viewers on multiple levels. Furthermore, the discussion mentioned Pee-wee's Playhouse and the impact of a controversial incident involving its star. Despite the backlash, the speaker believed that the incident led to an increase in public support for Pee-wee Herman. This illustrates how people can respond positively to unexpected situations and that sometimes, being open and accepting can lead to unexpected positive outcomes.

    • A trip down memory lane to simpler reality TVOlder reality shows focused on ordinary people and their quirks, while modern ones can be repetitive and fake, but still entertaining for their unpredictability

      The world of reality TV has come a long way from its humble beginnings, but sometimes the simpler concepts can still be the most entertaining. The speaker reminisced about old shows like "Kids Are People 2" and "Real People," which featured ordinary people and their quirky lives. They also discussed the popularity of whammies from a game show, which led to a new show using the same concept. The speaker criticized some modern reality shows, particularly pawn shops ones, for being repetitive and fake. However, they also acknowledged the appeal of these shows, as viewers are often invested in finding out the outcome of each transaction. The speaker longed for the days of more raw and authentic reality TV, but admitted that even the most mundane shows can still hold some appeal.

    • Check-cashing and pawn shops serve different purposesCheck-cashing helps those without banking access, while pawn shops allow selling belongings for cash. Drug testing in workplaces remains a topic of debate.

      Despite the common belief that check-cashing and pawn shops cater to the same clientele, they serve distinctly different purposes. While check-cashing places help individuals without access to traditional banking services, pawn shops provide a means for people to sell their belongings for cash. The discussion also touched upon the topic of drug testing in the workplace, with conflicting opinions on the prevalence of such practices. The speaker shared an anecdote about their father and weed soda, but later clarified that it was not a regular occurrence. The conversation then shifted to the topic of drug testing in various workplaces, with the speaker expressing surprise that Starbucks does not require drug testing for its employees. However, it was later clarified that this was not the case for all companies. The conversation ended with the news that the percentage of American workers testing positive for illegal drugs has reached an all-time low.

    • Waterbed and stuff stores: Helping people pass drug testsWaterbed and stuff stores offer products to help individuals pass drug tests, popular due to high employment drug testing rates, selling various methods like shampoos to cleanse drug-tested hair, and addressing the controversial issue of drug testing for substances like marijuana.

      In certain areas like Ohio and the Midwest, there are stores called "waterbed and stuff" that sell products to help pass drug tests. These stores have gained popularity due to the high percentage of employers requiring drug tests, with 84% of new hires and 39% of randomly employed individuals being tested. The store sells various methods to pass drug tests, including shampoos to cleanse drug-tested hair. The discussion also touched upon the discriminatory nature of drug testing, particularly for substances like marijuana that stay in the system longer but may not impair job performance. The conversation also included a humorous anecdote about a waterbed and the challenges of dealing with a leak.

    • Joey's unexpected comedic appearance on a doom and gloom radio showJoey's ability to bring joy and lightness to serious situations is a unique talent, emphasized during his appearance on a doom and gloom radio show.

      Joey from Mad Flavors, known for his eccentric and unpredictable YouTube videos, once appeared on a doom and gloom radio show hosted by Alex Jones. During the appearance, Joey brought an unexpected comedic element to the serious show, leaving both the audience and Alex Jones in fits of laughter. This experience highlights Joey's unique ability to bring joy and lightness to even the most somber situations. Additionally, the conversation touched upon Joey's uncensored online content and the importance of prioritizing loved ones during emergencies.

    • The power of art to provide comfort and connection during adversityThe speaker's encounter with a terrifying wildfire and discovery of Tyler the Creator's music showed how art can offer comfort, escape, and connection during challenging times.

      Both the speaker's experience of a terrifying wildfire and his discovery of Tyler the Creator's music left a lasting impression on him. The fire was a dangerous and terrifying event that put the speaker's life in danger and caused him to lose a colleague. Meanwhile, Tyler the Creator's music, which the speaker discovered during this time, was a source of enjoyment and escape. The speaker's admiration for Tyler's talent and unique style led him to recommend the artist to others, despite feeling apprehensive about potentially encountering rough crowds due to his own sensitivity. The speaker's experiences highlight the power of art to provide comfort and connection in the face of adversity.

    • Bushwick Bill's Shocking MotivationsDuring a nostalgic conversation, it was revealed that musician Bushwick Bill got shot for insurance money and potential fame from a sex tape.

      The discussion touched on various topics, including a bizarre incident involving a musician named Bushwick Bill, Coca-Cola jerseys from the 80s, and a hurricane devastating parts of the East Coast. The conversation was filled with anecdotes and reminiscence, and it seemed that the participants were having a lively and engaging exchange. However, the most significant point that emerged was the surprising revelation about Bushwick Bill's motivations for getting shot, which appeared to be for insurance money and potential fame from a sex tape. The discussion also highlighted the participants' shared nostalgia for the past and their ability to find humor and fascination in seemingly unrelated topics.

    • Personal Experiences with Natural DisastersBe aware of natural disasters and hazards, take necessary precautions, and know how to respond in emergency situations to stay safe.

      Natural disasters and the forces of nature can be unpredictable and devastating, and it's important to be aware of the risks and take necessary precautions. The speaker shares personal experiences of encountering hurricanes, tornados, and riptides, emphasizing the importance of knowing how to respond in such situations. He also mentions the dangers of mosquitoes and other insects near standing water. The speaker expresses awe and respect for the power of nature, but also a sense of unease and fear. He encourages caution and preparation when living in areas prone to natural disasters or hazards.

    • Mosquito control methods becoming less effectiveConsider sustainable solutions like creating a balanced ecosystem for mosquito control, as traditional methods may have negative consequences on health and environment.

      Mosquito control methods that were once effective, such as using mosquito repellent products, may no longer be as effective against modern mosquito populations. Additionally, the indiscriminate use of pesticides and poison for mosquito control can have negative consequences on the environment and ecosystem. A more sustainable approach, such as creating a balanced ecosystem with natural predators of mosquitoes, may be a better long-term solution. The speaker also expressed concerns about the potential health risks of using these chemicals on the skin, which is the body's largest organ. The conversation also touched upon the history of mosquito control methods and the evolution of mosquito populations. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of considering the potential unintended consequences of our actions and seeking out more sustainable solutions for mosquito control.

    • Observing Predators and Prey in Life's Complex EcosystemAdapt to your environment and make the most of what's available, like predators and prey in nature do.

      Life is a complex web of interconnected relationships, much like an ecosystem where every organism has a role to play. The speaker shares his fascination with observing predators and their prey, drawing parallels to human experiences. He reminisces about his childhood memories of catching goldfish from the Hudson River and the contrast between their living conditions. The speaker also reflects on the resilience of Puerto Rican communities, who made the best of their circumstances despite the challenges they faced. Ultimately, the conversation underscores the importance of adapting to one's environment and making the most of what is available.

    • Personal experiences with rat infestationsRats are durable creatures capable of compressing their bodies to fit through small spaces, leading to unsanitary conditions and health concerns.

      Rats are a common issue in certain areas, leading to unsanitary conditions and health concerns. The speaker shares personal experiences of encountering large rat infestations in various places, including New York City and India. He describes the rats as being extremely durable and able to compress their bodies to fit through small holes. The speaker also mentions historical methods of using rats to start fires for insurance scams. Despite the challenges posed by rats, the speaker acknowledges that people in the past may not have been as fearful of them as we are today.

    • Alcohol's Extreme ConsequencesAlcohol can lead to impulsive and dangerous behaviors, causing financial gain or legal consequences.

      Alcohol, especially Everclear, can lead to impulsive and dangerous behaviors. The story of Bushwick Bill illustrates the extreme lengths some people have gone to for financial gain, while the speaker's experience with Everclear and getting pulled over highlights the consequences of drinking and driving. Additionally, certain establishments have unique ways of enforcing limits on alcohol consumption, such as the cop offering to let the speaker stay in a gas station or the restaurant Elle Coyote limiting the number of margaritas one can order. Overall, these stories serve as a reminder of the power and potential risks associated with alcohol.

    • Different types of alcohol affect behavior and experiences differentlyUnderstanding how various alcohol types impact behavior and experiences can help promote responsible drinking and reduce potential negative consequences.

      The type of alcohol consumed can significantly impact one's behavior and experiences while intoxicated. Tequila, for instance, can lead to unpredictable and even bizarre behaviors, such as feeling aggressive or creepy. Conversely, whiskey might result in a more subdued and happy drunkenness. It's important to remember that individual reactions to alcohol can vary greatly, and factors such as personal temperament, diet, and overall health can influence the experience. Additionally, the potential for embarrassing or unpleasant situations, such as losing inhibitions or experiencing a loss of sexual function, can be increased when drinking to excess. Ultimately, it's essential to drink responsibly and be aware of the potential consequences of different types of alcohol.

    • From embarrassing car cleaning to modern convenienceCar cleaning struggles in the past contrast sharply with the modern convenience of effective solutions

      Car cleaning experiences have significantly evolved over the years. The speaker shares anecdotes from the past where cleaning a car after a messy incident was a challenging and often embarrassing experience. He recalls having to deal with car washes that didn't have effective cleaning solutions and even resorted to washing his car and relieving himself at the same time to avoid being caught. However, he also mentions the existence of services like poop butlers that make life easier by handling pet waste. The speaker's stories illustrate the contrast between the struggles of car cleaning in the past and the convenience of modern solutions.

    • Workplace discomfort and media representationA workplace conversation touched on discomfort with a colleague's behavior, historical racial representation in media, and individual comfort levels with interracial pornography.

      The conversation touched on various topics including workplace dynamics, security concerns, and racial representation in media. A woman expressed her discomfort with a male colleague's alleged habit of staring at her wife. The man dismissed it as harmless, but the woman felt uneasy and suggested setting up a camera to gather evidence. The conversation then shifted to the man's experience of encountering a black Santa Claus and the historical context of black men being portrayed in certain ways in media. The group discussed their observations and interpretations of these phenomena. The conversation ended with the man expressing his discomfort with watching porn featuring interracial sex. The group acknowledged the complexities and nuances of these issues, but did not reach a definitive conclusion.

    • Interracial porn preferences and authenticitySpeaker prefers interracial porn for authenticity, not rooted in prejudice, admires Kim Kardashian's fame from sex tape, values unexpected and genuine experiences in pornography.

      The speaker expresses a preference for watching interracial porn, specifically black women dominating white women, due to the perceived authenticity of the experience. He emphasizes that this preference is not rooted in any prejudice towards black men or their bodies, but rather in the desire to see genuine passion and dominance. The speaker also admires Kim Kardashian's fame, which he attributes to her accidentally released sex tape. He emphasizes the importance of authenticity and the allure of the unexpected in pornography. However, it's important to note that the speaker's perspective is not representative of all individuals and their preferences, and it's crucial to respect everyone's individual choices and consensual sexual experiences.

    • A Man's Appreciation for Hardcore PornographyDespite desensitization, some men have strong preferences for specific performers and types of pornography, and they may express their opinions with friends.

      The speaker in this conversation expresses a strong interest in and appreciation for hardcore pornography, specifically male porn stars and their performances. He uses graphic language to describe his preferences and experiences, and he expresses frustration with the misrepresentation of performers and their ethnicities in certain pornography websites. Despite his desensitization to pornography, he still expresses a preference for certain performers and types of performances, and he shares his opinions with his friends. The conversation also touches on the topic of watching pornography online and the accessibility of different types of content.

    • A fighter's past injuries and challenges can impact his health and performanceDespite successful surgery, a fighter's past injuries and nerve damage from head trauma can continue to affect his health and performance. Mental and physical toughness are crucial in the sport, but less established fighters face significant challenges in making a living.

      Despite undergoing surgery for diverticulitis, a fighter's past injuries and challenges can still impact his health and performance. The fighter discussed, who had surgery to remove the problematic area, still experiences symptoms due to nerve damage from previous head trauma. Despite his impressive career in mixed martial arts, starting from pro wrestling with no striking experience, and taking on notable opponents like Randy Couture and Fedor, he faced numerous challenges both in and out of the ring. His determination to fight through injuries, such as a torn knee, showcases the mental and physical toughness required in the sport. However, the risks and difficulties faced by less established fighters in making a living in the industry can be significant. Ultimately, the fighter's story highlights the complexities and challenges that come with a career in mixed martial arts.

    • Fighting style impacts a fighter's career lengthA fighter's career length depends on their fighting style, with less damaging styles allowing for longer careers. Adaptation and self-care also contribute to longevity.

      The longevity of a fighter's career depends on their fighting style. A fighter like Machida, who takes minimal damage, can have a longer career than a fighter like Vanderlei, who has a wild attacking style and has faced more damage over the years. However, even with a wild style, Vanderlei is still an awesome fighter. Another key point is that fighters, like Bernard Hopkins, can have their best performances later in their careers when they adapt their fighting style to their age and opponents. GSP is an example of a fighter who is honest about the risks involved and takes care of himself, leading to a long and successful career.

    • The importance of mental preparation and discipline in high-level combat sportsMental fortitude and technical skill are crucial for success in combat sports. Calmness under pressure and relentless determination can outwork opponents.

      Mental preparation and discipline play a crucial role in high-level combat sports. George St. Pierre, a pound-for-pound great, uses his nerves and determination to outwork opponents, often fueled by trash talk. Witnessing a professional Muay Thai fight in person showcased the importance of mental fortitude and technical skill. Buwakao, a Thai fighter with an impressive record, demonstrated calmness under pressure and the ability to wear down opponents through relentless leg kicks. The contrast between Buwakao and Koshchek in a past fight highlighted the significance of both mental and physical preparation in achieving victory.

    • Discussing George's versatility in fighting and comedyVersatility and openness to new experiences are crucial in both fighting and comedy. Timing and adapting to new techniques are essential, as is having a strong support system.

      George is an exceptional striker with unmatched speed and power, but his opponents often struggle to land hits against him when grappling. His open-mindedness and willingness to learn from others make him an excellent fighter and comedian. The importance of timing and adapting to new techniques was emphasized, as was the significance of having a strong support system, such as friends and mentors, in improving and refining one's craft. Ultimately, the discussion highlighted the importance of versatility and being open to new experiences in both fighting and comedy.

    • Appreciating the value of different angles and approaches in comedyRecognizing and appreciating the value of different perspectives and approaches in comedy can lead to unique and enhanced comedic outcomes.

      Even though comedians may share similar perspectives or topics, their unique takes and angles can lead to vastly different comedic outcomes. A simple observation like penguins being monogamous may lead two comedians to the same premise, but their approaches and angles will differ. Receiving a successful bit or tag from another comic can feel like a valuable gift, but it's essential to trust the source and respect the originality of the material. Chris Rock's collaborative approach with Jenny and DiPala showcased how different perspectives and styles could enhance a comedy special. However, not all comics are open to such collaboration due to their egos. Ultimately, the ability to recognize and appreciate the value of different angles and approaches is crucial in the world of comedy.

    • The Authenticity of Stand-Up Comedy with WritersCollaboration with writers doesn't diminish a comedian's authenticity or quality. Strong voices allow effective collaboration while maintaining ownership and control.

      The use of writers or collaborators in stand-up comedy does not diminish the authenticity or quality of the performance. Louie C.K.'s approach of hiring writers is not inherently better or worse than that of a comedian who writes their material entirely on their own. Chris Rock, for instance, is considered one of the greatest comedians of all time despite having writers. The stronger a comedian's voice is, the more they can effectively collaborate with others while still maintaining ownership and control over the material. The key is to ensure that the material comes from a singular voice and fits the comedian's sensibilities. Collaboration is an essential aspect of comedy, and even in podcasts, where rants are shared, the end result is a singular voice. Additionally, comedians may experience nerves before performances, and some use rituals to help them focus and get in the right mood. Wearable technology like heart rate monitors can provide insight into the physical demands of performing stand-up comedy.

    • The Connection Between Performer and AudienceVisualize a successful performance, engage audience for energy, and focus on essential info for a great show

      Performers, like comedians, feed off the energy of their audience. The connection between performer and audience can make or break a performance. Joe Rogan shares his experience of feeling disconnected during mundane shows, but getting energized when the audience is engaged and excited. He also mentions the importance of visualization and creating a mental image of a successful performance to help get into the right mindset before going on stage. Additionally, Rogan discusses the concept of narrowing down focus to only the most important information, and using physical cues like squeezing his thumb to trigger a sense of readiness.

    • Using mental anchors to tap into positive emotionsAnchoring, a simple mental technique, can improve mood and confidence by tapping into positive emotions and feelings during challenging times. Belief and suggestion also play a role in performance, as shown in studies using placebos.

      Our mindset and beliefs play a significant role in our performance and overall success. The speaker shares an example of using a simple action like squeezing one's thumb as a way to tap into positive emotions and feelings, which can be used as a mental anchor during challenging times. This concept, called anchoring, can help improve mood and confidence. Additionally, the speaker mentions the power of suggestion and belief, as shown in studies where people experienced improved athletic performance even when using a placebo like a balance bracelet. Lastly, the speaker emphasizes the importance of having a strong mindset and resilience in the face of criticism or failure. Brian's experience of performing stand-up comedy after a long hiatus demonstrates the power of having confidence in oneself and not taking oneself too seriously.

    • Perseverance in Stand-Up ComedyPush through fears and doubts, give it your all every performance, and never let excuses hold you back. Find support from others and keep pushing forward towards your dreams.

      Perseverance and determination are key to success in stand-up comedy. The speaker admires those who push through their fears and doubts to get on stage, despite the challenges they face. He shares his own experiences of being criticized and feeling burnt out, but ultimately realizing that he needed to give it his all every time he performed. He encourages others to keep going, even when it's difficult, and not let excuses hold them back. The speaker also touches on the importance of support from others, as he expresses gratitude for those who encouraged him along the way. Overall, the message is to never give up on your dreams and to keep pushing forward, no matter what obstacles come your way.

    • New device called M-E-D-A-Stick lets users consume cannabis discreetlyThe M-E-D-A-Stick is a new device that uses water vapor to deliver cannabis, allowing users to bypass airport security checks and avoid the smell of smoke. It's reusable, discreet, and convenient, but using it on an airplane may still be illegal.

      A new device called an M-E-D-A-Stick is being used to consume cannabis without the need for smoking or the associated smell. This device uses water vapor to deliver the cannabis, allowing users to bypass airport security checks without raising suspicion. The device is gaining popularity due to increased security measures at airports and the legalization of cannabis in various places. The M-E-D-A-Stick is reusable and doesn't require any live or blue chemicals, making it a discreet and convenient alternative to traditional methods of consuming cannabis. However, it's important to note that using such a device on an airplane may still be considered illegal and could result in consequences.

    • Nostalgic Discussion on Starting a New Comedy ClubSpeakers reminisce about the Comedy Store's success, plan a cozy club with 150-300 capacity, and express concerns about competition and industry changes.

      The speakers are considering opening a small comedy club with a close-knit group of comedians, reminiscing about the success of the Comedy Store. They aim for a cozy space with a capacity of around 150-300 people, and are cautious about competition. The speakers express concern about recent industry developments, including a potential lawsuit against Bud Friedman and the opening of new comedy clubs. They also mention upcoming shows and personal engagements. The conversation reflects their shared passion for comedy and the desire to recreate the creative environment of the Comedy Store.

    • Joe Rogan and friends promote their projects and merchandiseJoe Rogan and his comedy club friends turned a free show into a ticketed event, using the opportunity to promote upcoming shows, merchandise, and sponsors.

      Joe Rogan and his comedy club friends had an impromptu idea to do a free show, but the venue was charging them, so they decided to sell tickets instead. Rogan mentioned upcoming shows and guests on his podcast, including Tim Ferriss and Anthony Bourdain. He also plugged his new podcast, Last Podcast on the Left, and promoted various merchandise and sponsors. The conversation was lively and included references to past experiences and inside jokes. Overall, the conversation showcased the camaraderie and humor of Rogan and his friends, as well as their excitement for their creative projects.

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    226: Sarah's Acting Job, Mythbusting, & Mommy & Me Fashion

    226: Sarah's Acting Job, Mythbusting, & Mommy & Me Fashion
    Sarah busts out a food fun fact that blows our mind. We learn about a company that will rent a family to you if you've lost a loved one or are estranged from your family. Sarah talks about how an airline keeps a dead body closet in case somebody dies mid-flight. Susie shares the history of Mommy & Me fashion. We debate the Yanny/Laurel phenomenon. Plus, we interview Mythbusters star, Kari Byron about her career, being a woman in a male-dominated field, & being pregnant on TV. See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    305: Sarah's Outrage, American Meme, & Intersex Animals

    305: Sarah's Outrage, American Meme, & Intersex Animals
    Today we find out why someone yelled at Sarah, & how it ended up benefitting Susie. We talk about a female cyclist who was stopped so the men could get ahead. Susie talks about American Meme, & how influencer culture can be destructive. We find out why American sex education is a joke, why birds can teach us about our bodies, & why Sarah is feeling conflicted about eating meat and fish. See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.