
    136. “We have $500k in debt. Can I retire early?” (Part 1)

    enDecember 26, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Addressing financial fears and unique money habitsFinancial education and addressing fears and misconceptions are crucial for financial success.

      Understanding people's unique money habits and addressing their financial fears is crucial to improving their financial situation. The speaker shared his experience of conducting live events and encountering attendees who had not read his book but still had questions about money management. He emphasized that many of the answers to common financial questions can be found in his book, "I Will Teach You TO Be Rich." The speaker also shared a personal story of overcoming financial hardships and encouraged listeners to spend money meaningfully to create a rich life, rather than hoarding it. He also discussed the importance of addressing financial anxiety and learning about investments to build wealth. The speaker also shared a conversation with a couple, David and Halima, who had significant financial misconceptions and fears, and the speaker aimed to help listeners understand their behavior and provide guidance. Overall, the key takeaway is that financial education and addressing fears and misconceptions are essential to achieving financial success.

    • Fear and misunderstanding can hinder financial decisionsLack of understanding and experience with investing can lead to missed opportunities and a precarious financial situation. Education and a long-term view are essential to reap potential benefits.

      Fear and misunderstanding can prevent individuals from making informed financial decisions, such as investing. Halima's belief that investing is gambling stems from her lack of understanding and experience with the concept. This belief can lead to missed opportunities and a precarious financial situation. It's essential to educate oneself about investing and take a long-term view to reap the potential benefits. The fear of losing money can be more costly than the actual loss itself. People who hold this belief often lack financial literacy and have not explored the potential of investing. It's crucial to acknowledge upbringing and societal influences but also recognize the importance of personal responsibility and financial education.

    • Understanding individual perceptions of moneyPeople's past experiences and perceptions can greatly influence their financial priorities and interpretations of affordability

      Our past experiences significantly influence how we perceive and value money. David's story illustrates this concept profoundly. Having faced homelessness, anything that provides a sense of security and comfort feels like a great financial achievement to him. Even having tens of thousands of dollars in credit card debt feels rich, as it allows him to go on vacations with his family. It's essential to recognize that people's financial situations and interpretations of affordability can vary greatly, even among individuals with similar financial circumstances. David's experiences serve as a reminder of the importance of understanding and respecting these differences.

    • Understanding Past Experiences and Emotions Shape Our Financial DecisionsRecognizing past experiences and emotions influences financial decisions, optimizing time and resources can improve efficiency, and understanding past involvement in get-rich-quick schemes provides context.

      Our past experiences and emotions significantly influence how we handle money today. This was exemplified in a previous episode about COVID nurses, where one nurse's past financial decisions led him to buy a luxury car despite having no investments. Similarly, people's actions with money may surprise us, and it's essential to consider their unique backgrounds and perspectives. Another crucial lesson is the importance of optimizing time and resources. Ramit shared his experience using Superhuman for email management, saving him over two hours a day. Meanwhile, Rocket Money helps users save money by identifying and canceling unwanted subscriptions and negotiating lower bills. These tools can significantly improve efficiency and financial well-being. Lastly, some individuals have a history of getting involved in get-rich-quick schemes, like MLMs. Ramit himself joined Amway, WorldVentures, and Primerica. These experiences may not define someone's entire financial journey, but understanding their past can provide valuable context. In essence, recognizing the impact of our past on our financial decisions and taking advantage of time-saving tools and resources can lead to better financial management and overall well-being.

    • The allure of get-rich-quick schemesMany individuals continue to chase after get-rich-quick schemes despite the high probability of disappointment and financial loss. Long-term patience and a focus on achievable goals are essential for building serious wealth.

      The pursuit of getting rich quick schemes, such as MLMs, cryptocurrency, real estate licenses, and others, often leads to disappointment and financial loss for the majority of people. Despite knowing this, many individuals, like David in the discussion, continue to chase after these schemes due to the allure of the big promise. This psychology is exploited by companies who offer one large prize instead of smaller, more achievable ones. Patience and a long-term perspective are essential for building serious wealth. Halima, for instance, learned this lesson the hard way when she lost everything except for her children in her first marriage due to financial mismanagement. It's crucial to learn from past mistakes and be cautious when considering get-rich-quick opportunities.

    • Trust and communication in financial relationshipsBlind trust in financial responsibilities can lead to devastating consequences. Seek help, reflect, and find a partner who aligns with your values to build a strong financial relationship.

      Trust and communication are essential in any relationship, especially when it comes to managing finances. The speaker, a former high school teacher, shared her experience of trusting her ex-husband with their family's finances, only to discover that they had lost their home due to foreclosure. She learned the hard way that assuming responsibilities and trusting someone blindly can lead to devastating consequences. The experience was a turning point for her, leading her to seek help, reflect on herself, and eventually find a new partner who aligned with her values and desires. The shared stories of David and Halima, both having gone through difficult experiences, brought them together and served as a reminder of the importance of resilience and the potential for growth after hardships.

    • Focus on growth and moving forward from past strugglesAcknowledge past struggles but don't define yourself by them. Seek resources for wealth-related challenges, prioritize important financial tasks, and invest in education and planning.

      While it's important to acknowledge and learn from past struggles, it's equally important not to define ourselves solely by them. Instead, we should focus on growth and moving forward. Additionally, for those who have achieved financial success, there are resources available to help navigate the unique challenges that come with wealth, such as the Long Angle community. Lastly, taking care of important financial tasks, like rebalancing investments and securing term life insurance, can provide peace of mind and set us up for a successful year ahead. David's belief in the inevitability of house price increases, leading him to buy a house as a form of investment, highlights the importance of financial education and planning.

    • Redefining the American DreamThe American Dream doesn't have to be about buying a house or having a traditional family. People should define and pursue their unique version of a 'rich life'.

      The American Dream, as it's often portrayed, may not be the same for everyone. Buying a house, getting married, having children, and having a white picket fence may not be the only path to a successful and fulfilling life. Instead, people should define and design their own unique version of the "rich life," whether that includes traveling, building a ranch, or going child-free. Buying a house can provide security and safety, but there are other ways to achieve these things, such as investments. The decisions our parents made may not be the same ones that are right for us and our children. The speaker encourages everyone to reconsider the idea that buying a house in the suburbs is the only way to measure a successful life. Additionally, the cost of renovating a house can often be much higher than initially anticipated.

    • Unrealistic views towards money by David and HalimaDespite having a combined net worth over half a million dollars and a high monthly income, David and Halima feel unsatisfied and desire more, focusing on unrealistic goals instead of being a team and setting attainable financial objectives.

      Both David and Halima have unrealistic views towards money. David frequently chases after quick ways to get rich, often confusing wants with needs, while Halima tends to ignore money altogether. Upon examining their financial situation, they have a combined net worth of $80,956, with assets, investments, savings, and debt totaling $525,607. Despite this number being more than they've ever had before, they both feel unsatisfied and desire more. They make a combined monthly income of $16,044, which is nearly $200,000 annually, yet they're unaware of this fact and engage in a competition over who makes more money. Instead of competing, they should focus on being a team and using their combined resources to set ambitious financial goals. The unrealistic expectation of wanting to earn 7 or 8 figures is a cultural influence for both of them, but it's essential to remember that such goals may not be achievable for everyone, and it's crucial to understand one's current financial situation and work towards realistic, attainable goals.

    • Unrealistic Relationships with MoneyDeep-rooted beliefs can lead to unrealistic income goals and involvement in unprofitable ventures. Seek therapy to address these issues and focus on realistic savings and fixed cost percentages.

      Having an unrealistic relationship with money can manifest in various ways, such as getting involved in unprofitable ventures like MLMs or aiming for unrealistic income goals. This issue often stems from deep-rooted beliefs and can be addressed through therapy, which should not be stigmatized. A listener's experience with LMNT electrolyte drink mix and Viator travel experiences were shared, highlighting the importance of staying hydrated and exploring new places. In the financial discussion, having a high fixed cost percentage (72%) and a low savings rate (21%) were identified as issues. The importance of understanding and trusting your team, even when they're uncertain, was emphasized.

    • Consider the long-term costs of financial commitmentsApproach financial decisions with care and understanding to avoid potential consequences. Do the work and be respectful of the process.

      While everyone's financial situation and decisions are unique, it's important to approach financial commitments with careful consideration and understanding of the long-term costs. Halima's dismissive attitude towards the Couples' Money Club process and her purchase of a timeshare without fully understanding the costs is a reminder of the potential consequences of not taking financial matters seriously. David, on the other hand, took his time to evaluate the numbers and negotiate the terms, ultimately finding value in the investment. The podcast host emphasizes the importance of doing the work and being respectful of the process, as financial decisions can have significant impacts on one's future.

    • Trust and Financial DecisionsBoth parties in a financial decision should understand costs, benefits, and risks to maintain trust and avoid costly mistakes.

      Trust and understanding are crucial in financial decisions. The discussion highlights a couple where the husband, David, made a questionable decision to purchase a time share without fully explaining the financial implications to his wife, Halima. Halima had previously agreed not to buy a time share and expressed skepticism about the deal, but David, who had a history of getting involved in get-rich-quick schemes, delegated the decision to him and convinced his wife with ambiguous numbers. However, upon further examination, the actual cost of the time share over ten years was significantly more than they anticipated, potentially costing over $100,000. The lesson here is that both parties in a financial decision should have a clear understanding of the costs, benefits, and potential risks involved. Trust is essential, but it should not come at the expense of knowledge and critical thinking. Additionally, being aware of common sales tactics and recognizing patterns in past financial mistakes can help prevent costly decisions.

    • Living Beyond Your Means Can Lead to Financial StrugglesEven with a high income, overspending and neglecting savings can result in significant debt and financial instability.

      Despite having a high income, spending more than you earn each month can lead to significant financial issues, even if your checking account appears to be growing. This was discovered during a discussion about a person's budget, which revealed large credit card debts that were not being paid off and a time share expense that was considered unnecessary but difficult to give up. The person was spending over 85% of their net pay on fixed costs and saving only 8%, while also having debt totaling over $550,000. The conversation highlighted the importance of actively contributing to savings and investments, and the danger of relying too heavily on a growing checking account balance as a measure of financial success.

    • Feeling wealthy despite high debtHigh earnings don't always mean financial security. Hidden expenses and debt can lead to financial ruin if not carefully managed.

      Hidden expenses and debt can make people feel rich in the moment, but the long-term consequences can be financially devastating. In the podcast episode of "I Will Teach You TO BE Rich," Ramit Sethi discusses a conversation he had with a couple, David and Halima, who were deeply in debt despite feeling wealthy due to their high earnings. They had accumulated credit card debt, car loans, and a large mortgage, and had been making large purchases and renovations. David expressed a desire to provide a better life for his family, but their current financial situation was far from ideal. Ramit urged David to reflect on his thought process and consider the long-term implications of his spending habits. The couple was in a combined $500,000 of debt and were currently renovating their house with no end in sight, as well as planning extravagant purchases and travels. The episode serves as a reminder that it's essential to be aware of all expenses and debts, and to consider the future implications of current financial decisions.

    Recent Episodes from I Will Teach You To Be Rich

    162. “We panic over money—but spend $84K/year on travel and shopping”

    162. “We panic over money—but spend $84K/year on travel and shopping”
    Paul, 33, and Maddie, 29, joined us in New York City for a live-recorded episode. She is a high earner, but worries about lifestyle creep. He recently left his job, and they’re treading water on one income. This episode is brought to you by: Fabric by Gerber Life | Protect your family today with Fabric by Gerber Life. Apply today in just 10 minutes at https://meetfabric.com/ramit. Facet | Get affordable, accessible financial planning with a flat fee membership. For a limited time, the $250 enrollment fee will be waived when you sign up at https://facet.com/ramit. Masterclass | For unlimited access to every class and 15% off an annual membership, go to https://masterclass.com/ramit. Rocket Money | Stop throwing your money away. Cancel unwanted subscriptions – and manage your expenses the easy way – by going to https://rocketmoney.com/ramit. LMNT | Right now, LMNT is offering 8 single serving packets FREE with any LMNT order. This is a great way to try all 8 flavors. Get yours at https://drinklmnt.com/RAMIT. Connect with Ramit • Get the Podcast Newsletter and exclusive Q&A about the show • Get Money Coaching with Ramit  • Download the Conscious Spending Plan • Listen to my book—now on Audible • Get my New York Times best-selling book • Get my no-numbers journal • Other episodes • Instagram • Twitter • YouTube • Submit a question for the newsletter iwt.com/askramit  If you and your partner have a money issue and you want my help, I occasionally select a couple to work with, free of charge. Apply for my help here. Produced by Crate Media.

    161. “He hid $77k in CC debt from me—but can’t tell me what he bought”

    161. “He hid $77k in CC debt from me—but can’t tell me what he bought”
    Jim and Dana are 58, five years into their second marriages, and coping with changes in their new lifestyle in different ways. Jim is set on providing as he follows patterns from his past, hiding tens of thousands in debt. Dana daydreams of her past in California—and the lifetime of alimony she passed up.  This episode is brought to you by: Superhuman | Get a free month of lightning fast email at https://try.sprh.mn/ramitsethi. Mint Mobile | To get your new wireless plan for just $15 a month, go to https://mintmobile.com/ramit. Claritin | Visit https://claritin.com right now for a discount so you can get allergy relief and live Claritin Clear. Babbel | For our listeners only, get 60% off your Babbel subscription at https://Babbel.com/ramit. DeleteMe | If you want to get your personal information removed from the web, go to https://joindeleteme.com/ramit for 20% off. Links mentioned in this episode • Socioeconomic mobility in the United States (Wikipedia) Connect with Ramit • Get the Podcast Newsletter and exclusive Q&A about the show • Get Money Coaching with Ramit  • Download the Conscious Spending Plan • Listen to my book—now on Audible • Get my New York Times best-selling book • Get my no-numbers journal • Other episodes • Instagram • Twitter • YouTube • Submit a question for the newsletter iwt.com/askramit  If you and your partner have a money issue and you want my help, I occasionally select a couple to work with, free of charge. Apply for my help here. Produced by Crate Media.

    160. “My entire paycheck goes to daycare. Should I stay home?”

    160. “My entire paycheck goes to daycare. Should I stay home?”
    Live in NYC, Carlos and Amanda, 36 and 28, join the show to talk through a recurring issue in their relationship—her earning ability vs. the possibility of staying home with their kids. They recently moved out on their own and Carlos is in school to put himself in position for a higher income. This episode is brought to you by: ZocDoc | Download the ZocDoc app for FREE at https://zocdoc.com/ramit then find and book a top-rated doctor today. Trade | Right now, Trade is offering our audience a free bag of coffee with any subscription at https://drinktrade.com/ramit. Masterclass | For unlimited access to every class and 15% off an annual membership, go to https://masterclass.com/ramit. Rocket Money | Stop throwing your money away. Cancel unwanted subscriptions – and manage your expenses the easy way – by going to https://rocketmoney.com/ramit. Facet | Get affordable, accessible financial planning with a flat fee membership. For a limited time, the $250 enrollment fee will be waived when you sign up at https://facet.com/ramit. Links mentioned in this episode • Can combining finances lead to long-lasting love? (Cornell Research) Connect with Ramit • Get the Podcast Newsletter and exclusive Q&A about the show • Get Money Coaching with Ramit  • Download the Conscious Spending Plan • Listen to my book—now on Audible • Get my New York Times best-selling book • Get my no-numbers journal • Other episodes • Instagram • Twitter • YouTube • Submit a question for the newsletter iwt.com/askramit  If you and your partner have a money issue and you want my help, I occasionally select a couple to work with, free of charge. Apply for my help here. Produced by Crate Media.

    159. “How can we raise 3 kids if she only makes $15k?”

    159. “How can we raise 3 kids if she only makes $15k?”
    Caleb and Alex are both 27. They have one young child and foster two sisters, both of whom they intend to adopt soon. As children themselves, Caleb and Alex were immersed in missionary work in South America—an influence that colors how they see, feel, and act with money. This episode is brought to you by: Viator | Download the Viator app and use code VIATOR10 for 10% off your first travel experience with Viator. Netsuite | Get visibility to everything in your business one one place. Sign up and defer payments, with no interest, for six months at https://iwt.com/netsuite. LMNT | Right now, LMNT is offering 8 single serving packets FREE with any LMNT order. This is a great way to try all 8 flavors. Get yours at https://drinklmnt.com/RAMIT. Masterclass | For unlimited access to every class and 15% off an annual membership, go to https://masterclass.com/ramit. Fabric by Gerber Life | Protect your family today with Fabric by Gerber Life. Apply today in just 10 minutes at https://meetfabric.com/ramit. Connect with Ramit • Get the Podcast Newsletter and exclusive Q&A about the show • Get Money Coaching with Ramit  • Download the Conscious Spending Plan • Listen to my book—now on Audible • Get my New York Times best-selling book • Get my no-numbers journal • Other episodes • Instagram • Twitter • YouTube • Submit a question for the newsletter iwt.com/askramit  If you and your partner have a money issue and you want my help, I occasionally select a couple to work with, free of charge. Apply for my help here. Produced by Crate Media.

    158. “We have $2M, why can’t we retire?” (Part 2)

    158. “We have $2M, why can’t we retire?” (Part 2)
    Rob and Adrienne are nearing retirement but worried about having enough. In Part 2, we dig into their Conscious Spending Plan to reveal a massively successful investment strategy that remains shrouded by deep lingering fears, $3 questions, and hard-to-break bad habits with money. This episode is brought to you by: Rocket Money | Stop throwing your money away. Cancel unwanted subscriptions – and manage your expenses the easy way – by going to https://rocketmoney.com/ramit. DeleteMe | If you want to get your personal information removed from the web, go to https://joindeleteme.com/ramit for 20% off. Hatch | A million things don’t want you to sleep, Hatch does. Get $20 off a Hatch Restore at https://hatch.co/ramit. Facet | Get affordable, accessible financial planning with a flat fee membership. For a limited time, the $250 enrollment fee will be waived when you sign up at https://facet.com/ramit. Superhuman | Get a free month of lightning fast email at https://try.sprh.mn/ramitsethi. Links mentioned in this episode • “We spent $80,000 more than we made last year” (Part 1) Connect with Ramit • Get the Podcast Newsletter and exclusive Q&A about the show • Get Money Coaching with Ramit  • Download the Conscious Spending Plan • Listen to my book—now on Audible • Get my New York Times best-selling book • Get my no-numbers journal • Other episodes • Instagram • Twitter • YouTube Submit a question for the newsletter iwt.com/askramit  If you and your partner have a money issue and you want my help, I occasionally select a couple to work with, free of charge. Apply for my help here. Produced by Crate Media.

    157. “We spent $80,000 more than we made last year” (Part 1)

    157. “We spent $80,000 more than we made last year” (Part 1)
    Adrienne and Rob are 59 and 62, and they are overcome with worry over whether or not they’ve amassed enough wealth to live comfortably, and apply Rich Life principles, in their retirement years. Adrienne’s head is in the clouds—dreamy and full of color. Rob lives in his (physical!) spreadsheets.  This episode is brought to you by: Masterclass | For unlimited access to every class and 15% off an annual membership, go to https://masterclass.com/ramit. LMNT | Right now, LMNT is offering 8 single serving packets FREE with any LMNT order. This is a great way to try all 8 flavors. Get yours at https://drinklmnt.com/RAMIT. Claritin | Visit https://claritin.com right now for a discount so you can get allergy relief and live Claritin Clear. Babbel | For our listeners only, get 60% off your Babbel subscription at https://Babbel.com/ramit. Mint Mobile | To get your new wireless plan for just $15 a month, go to https://mintmobile.com/ramit. Connect with Ramit • Get the Podcast Newsletter and exclusive Q&A about the show • Get Money Coaching with Ramit  • Download the Conscious Spending Plan • Listen to my book—now on Audible • Get my New York Times best-selling book • Get my no-numbers journal • Other episodes • Instagram • Twitter • YouTube • Submit a question for the newsletter iwt.com/askramit  If you and your partner have a money issue and you want my help, I occasionally select a couple to work with, free of charge. Apply for my help here. Produced by Crate Media.

    156. "We have 2 kids, 3 cars...but only 1 month of savings" (Part 2)

    156. "We have 2 kids, 3 cars...but only 1 month of savings" (Part 2)
    In the second half of this live-recorded conversation with Paul and Morgan, 37 and 33, we dig deeper into their Conscious Spending Plan to uncover three cars (for two adults), sporadic debt management, high pet care costs, hidden student loans, and what seems like no way out from under it all.  This episode is brought to you by: Hatch | A million things don’t want you to sleep, Hatch does. Get $20 off a Hatch Restore at https://hatch.co/ramit. Rocket Money | Stop throwing your money away. Cancel unwanted subscriptions – and manage your expenses the easy way – by going to https://rocketmoney.com/ramit. ZocDoc | Download the ZocDoc app for FREE at https://zocdoc.com/ramit then find and book a top-rated doctor today. Masterclass | For unlimited access to every class and 15% off an annual membership, go to https://masterclass.com/ramit. Fabric by Gerber Life | Protect your family today with Fabric by Gerber Life. Apply today in just 10 minutes at https://meetfabric.com/ramit. Links mentioned in this episode • “We have $22k in cc debt—but I want to renovate the house” (Part 1) Connect with Ramit • Get the Podcast Newsletter and exclusive Q&A about the show • Get Money Coaching with Ramit  • Download the Conscious Spending Plan • Listen to my book—now on Audible • Get my New York Times best-selling book • Get my no-numbers journal • Other episodes • Instagram • Twitter • YouTube • Submit a question for the newsletter iwt.com/askramit  If you and your partner have a money issue and you want my help, I occasionally select a couple to work with, free of charge. Apply for my help here. Produced by Crate Media.

    155. “We have $22k in cc debt—but I want to renovate the house” (Part 1)

    155. “We have $22k in cc debt—but I want to renovate the house” (Part 1)
    Paul and Morgan, 37 and 33, find themselves in a painful loop of arguments and unchecked spending, putting the future of their young family at risk. We hear about destination concerts, ongoing renovations, and charged vacations—but it’s their fixed cost percentage that is most worrisome. This episode is brought to you by: LMNT | Right now, LMNT is offering 8 single serving packets FREE with any LMNT order. This is a great way to try all 8 flavors. Get yours at https://drinklmnt.com/RAMIT. Viator | Download the Viator app and use code VIATOR10 for 10% off your first travel experience with Viator. Trade | Right now, Trade is offering our audience a free bag of coffee with any subscription at https://drinktrade.com/ramit. Netsuite | Get visibility to everything in your business one one place. Sign up and defer payments, with no interest, for six months at https://iwt.com/netsuite. Claritin | Visit https://claritin.com right now for a discount so you can get allergy relief and live Claritin Clear. Connect with Ramit • Get the Podcast Newsletter and exclusive Q&A about the show • Get Money Coaching with Ramit  • Download the Conscious Spending Plan • Listen to my book—now on Audible • Get my New York Times best-selling book • Get my no-numbers journal • Other episodes • Instagram • Twitter • YouTube Submit a question for the newsletter iwt.com/askramit  If you and your partner have a money issue and you want my help, I occasionally select a couple to work with, free of charge. Apply for my help here. Produced by Crate Media.

    154. “We’re drowning in debt, but I drive a BMW”

    154. “We’re drowning in debt, but I drive a BMW”
    Kevin and Michelle, 32 and 30, joined me live in New York City earlier this year for our very first in-person interview. They have one young child and another on the way, but they can’t stop spending. With low savings, their debt mounts while they both lease luxury vehicles. This episode is brought to you by: Sidebar | Join thousands of leaders from companies like Microsoft, Amazon, and Meta who have taken the first step towards accelerating their career https://sidebar.com/ramit LMNT | Right now, LMNT is offering 8 single serving packets FREE with any LMNT order. This is a great way to try all 8 flavors. Get yours at https://drinklmnt.com/RAMIT. Masterclass | For unlimited access to every class and 15% off an annual membership, go to https://masterclass.com/ramit. Facet | Get affordable, accessible financial planning with a flat fee membership. For a limited time, the $250 enrollment fee will be waived when you sign up at https://facet.com/ramit. Rocket Money | Stop throwing your money away. Cancel unwanted subscriptions – and manage your expenses the easy way – by going to https://rocketmoney.com/ramit. Links mentioned in this episode • "My husband doesn’t trust me to run our business" #1 Connect with Ramit • Get the Podcast Newsletter and exclusive Q&A about the show • Get Money Coaching with Ramit  • Download the Conscious Spending Plan • Listen to my book—now on Audible • Get my New York Times best-selling book • Get my no-numbers journal • Other episodes • Instagram • Twitter • YouTube • Submit a question for the newsletter iwt.com/askramit  If you and your partner have a money issue and you want my help, I occasionally select a couple to work with, free of charge. Apply for my help here. Produced by Crate Media.

    153. “We’re married. Why do I have to ask him for money?”

    153. “We’re married. Why do I have to ask him for money?”
    Allison is 36 and Dan, 37. They’re married with two kids living in a HCOL mountain town—a market variable that’s influenced them to sell her condo and supercharge their retirement investments with the profits. The condo is listed for sale, but Dan doesn’t trust her enough to combine their finances. This episode is brought to you by: Fabric by Gerber Life | Protect your family today with Fabric by Gerber Life. Apply today in just 10 minutes at https://meetfabric.com/ramit. Mint Mobile | To get your new wireless plan for just $15 a month, go to https://mintmobile.com/ramit. Tim Ferriss | Check out The Tim Ferriss Show on all podcast platforms and sign up for his FREE 5-Bullet Friday Newsletter at https://tim.blog. Masterclass | For unlimited access to every class and 15% off an annual membership, go to https://masterclass.com/ramit. Babbel | For our listeners only, get 60% off your Babbel subscription at https://Babbel.com/ramit. Links mentioned in this episode • Ramit Sethi on The Tim Ferriss Show Connect with Ramit • Get the Podcast Newsletter and exclusive Q&A about the show • Get Money Coaching with Ramit  • Download the Conscious Spending Plan • Listen to my book—now on Audible • Get my New York Times best-selling book • Get my no-numbers journal • Other episodes • Instagram • Twitter • YouTube • Submit a question for the newsletter iwt.com/askramit  If you and your partner have a money issue and you want my help, I occasionally select a couple to work with, free of charge. Apply for my help here. Produced by Crate Media.

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    • The looming pension crisis
    • How to challenge common and traditional financial advice


    "This is God's money. God put it here. This here is to be flushed down the toilet."

    "Your job as a capitalist is to turn a liability, a house, into an asset."

    "The rich don't work for money. The rich work to acquire assets."

    "Business is a team sport, except in school, because in school if you practice as a team, it's called cheating."

    "The biggest payoff there is when young men or women come up and say thank you, your book changed my life."







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “The Disruptive Entrepreneur”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”



    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/ 

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

    How much do you need to Actually Feel Wealthy? (This will Shock You!)

    How much do you need to Actually Feel Wealthy? (This will Shock You!)
    In this episode of the Personal Finance Podcast, how much do you actually need to feel wealthy? And the answer might shock you. How Andrew Can Help You:  Join The Master Money Newsletter where you will become smarter with your money in 5 minutes or less per week Here! Learn to invest by joining  Index Fund Pro! This is Andrew’s course teaching you how to invest!  Watch The Master Money Youtube Channel!  Ask Andrew a question on Instagram or TikTok.  Learn how to get out of Debt by joining our Free Course  Leave Feedback or Episode Requests here.  Thanks to Our Amazing Sponsors for supporting The Personal Finance Podcast. Chime: Start your credit journey with Chime. Sign-up takes only two minutes and doesn’t affect your credit score. Get started at chime.com/ Shopify: Shopify makes it so easy to sell. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at  shopify.com/pfp Policygenius: This is where I got my term life insurance. Policygenius is made so easy.  +To get your term policy go to policygenius.com and make sure your loved ones are safe. Factor 75: Head to factormeals.com/pfp50 and use code pfp50 to get 50% off your first box. These are amazingly easy and nutritious meals.  Links Mentioned in This Episode:  Schwab Modern Wealth Survey, June 2023 Connect With Andrew on Social Media:  Instagram  TikTok Twitter  Master Money Website  Master Money Youtube Channel   Free Guides:   The Stairway to Wealth: The Order of Operations for your Money  How to Negotiate Your Salary  The 75 Day Money Challenge  Get out Of Debt Fast  Take the Money Personality Quiz Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    A Winter Walk And Talk About Macro, Economics & Health

    A Winter Walk And Talk About Macro, Economics & Health

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    “Hold It” Until You're Purple to be a Better Investor - 210

    “Hold It” Until You're Purple to be a Better Investor - 210

    Behavioral finance expert Dr. Daniel Crosby talks about his latest book, The Behavioral Investor and cracks us up with stories of how "having to go" and other physiological, sociological, and psychological factors influence our investing choices. Plus, Joe and Big Al answer money questions about ACA subsidies and Roth conversions, strategies for reducing the tax burden on 1099 income to zero, and donating a required minimum distribution to multiple charities. Transcript and show notes: http://bit.ly/YMYW-210