
    Podcast Summary

    • Miscommunication and mistrust in relationship financesEffective communication and trust are essential in managing finances in a relationship to prevent misunderstandings and build a stronger financial foundation.

      Effective communication and trust are crucial in managing finances in a relationship. The speaker shared an experience of a misunderstanding with his partner that led to mistrust and anxiety over money. This dynamic, known as the chaser-avoider dynamic, can be detrimental to a couple's financial stability and overall well-being. In the speaker's personal experience, a small miscommunication over depositing money led to a significant argument and feelings of disappointment and betrayal. Effective communication, understanding, and trust in managing finances can prevent such misunderstandings and help couples build a stronger financial foundation for their future. The speaker also announced upcoming events in Philadelphia and Boston, where attendees can learn more about financial communication and building a rich life together.

    • Michelle bears financial burden while Kevin avoids responsibilityCouples should communicate openly and share financial responsibilities for a healthy relationship

      Kevin and Michelle's financial relationship is unbalanced, with Michelle taking on the majority of the responsibility. Michelle has been handling their finances due to Kevin's avoidance and lack of engagement. He has given up all financial responsibility and praises Michelle's abilities, but in reality, it's a way for him to avoid dealing with their finances. This dynamic causes Michelle to feel burdened and frustrated, as she wants Kevin to be more engaged and ask questions. It's important for couples to communicate openly about finances and share responsibilities to ensure a healthy financial relationship.

    • Investing in supportive communities and proper hydration can boost career growth and productivityJoining a community like Sidebar can help individuals get unstuck and accelerate their careers. Staying hydrated and maintaining electrolyte balance can lead to increased energy and focus.

      Investing in a supportive community, like Sidebar, can significantly help individuals get unstuck in their careers and accelerate their growth. This was emphasized by the speaker's personal experience and the testimonials from other successful professionals. Additionally, staying hydrated and maintaining proper electrolyte levels, as offered by Element's electrolyte drink mix, can lead to improved energy and focus. Lastly, childhood experiences with money can shape our financial habits, and it's essential to understand the role of both parents in shaping our relationship with money. The speaker shared a poignant example of how his parents' financial habits influenced his own, highlighting the importance of both providing experiences and being financially responsible.

    • Creating Memories vs. PracticalityThough experiences and memories are valuable, effective communication and financial literacy are crucial to avoid financial struggles. Being proactive and involved in managing finances year-round can lead to better outcomes.

      Experiences and memories can be valuable, even if they come with financial strain. The speaker's mother took him to nice restaurants as a way to create shared memories, despite their financial difficulties. However, looking back, the speaker feels that those experiences could have been better used for more practical purposes, such as improving their financial situation. The mother's limited English skills and unfavorable mortgage practices contributed to their financial struggles. The speaker now recognizes the importance of communication and financial literacy in avoiding similar situations. Additionally, the speaker reflects on the current dynamic in his own family, where he finds himself in a similar role to his mother, handling bills and finances for his wife. He realizes the importance of being more involved and asking questions throughout the year, rather than waiting for a lump sum of money to appear and then trying to decide what to do with it.

    • Open communication and trust essential in managing finances as a coupleRegular, open conversations about finances and establishing boundaries and consequences can build trust and a strong financial foundation for couples

      Open communication and trust are essential in managing finances as a couple. The lack of these elements can lead to misunderstandings, frustration, and even larger financial issues. In the discussed scenario, Michelle and Kevin's dynamic had Michelle handling all the finances, leaving Kevin feeling like a child asking for handouts. This dynamic caused tension and frustration for Michelle, as she felt the need to constantly check on the mortgage payments. The couple's lack of open communication and trust led to arguments and mistrust. It's important for couples to have regular, open conversations about their finances and establish boundaries and consequences for not meeting financial obligations. By doing so, they can build trust, understanding, and a strong financial foundation for their relationship.

    • Trust and communication in managing finances as a coupleOpen communication and shared responsibility are key to building trust and managing finances as a couple. Past financial mistakes can lead to mistrust and resentment, but learning from them and working together can strengthen the partnership.

      Trust and communication are essential in managing finances as a couple. The discussion highlights how one partner's lack of involvement and accountability in managing finances can lead to feelings of mistrust and resentment. The consequences of past financial mistakes can also impact the relationship negatively. Sharing the burden and having open conversations about financial matters can help build trust and strengthen the partnership. The speaker's personal experience of facing financial difficulties and the resulting consequences underscores the importance of taking responsibility for one's actions and learning from past mistakes. Ultimately, the goal is to work together as a team to manage finances and overcome any challenges that may arise.

    • Effective approaches to money problemsShaming or yelling won't solve money problems. Instead, empathy, communication, and collaboration lead to positive change.

      Shaming or yelling at someone about their money problems does not lead to positive change. Instead, understanding the underlying dynamics and working together to find solutions is a more effective approach. The speaker shared his experience of attending classes at Disney and learning from their strategies, which can be applied to personal finance. He also mentioned his commitment to honesty and selectivity when working with sponsors, using Facet as an example. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of empathy, communication, and collaboration in managing financial situations.

    • Effective communication and responsiveness from companies boosts customer satisfactionCompanies that promptly address feedback and take appropriate actions to rectify issues build trust and loyalty among customers. Having a clear understanding of income and expenses, especially during major life events, is crucial for financial well-being.

      Effective communication and responsiveness from a company can make a significant difference in customer satisfaction. The example given is of Facet, a financial advisory firm, who promptly addressed feedback from the podcast host and took appropriate actions to rectify the issues raised. This not only shows the company's commitment to improving their services but also builds trust and loyalty among their customers. Furthermore, the importance of having a clear understanding of one's income and expenses, especially during major life events, was also emphasized. The story shared involved a couple who made several large purchases during a time of increased income but later regretted their decisions when their income decreased. This underscores the importance of having a conscious spending plan and regularly reviewing it to avoid financial missteps.

    • Leading a financial conversation in a relationshipInitiating a financial discussion and leading it with transparency and openness can build trust, deepen understanding, and encourage debt reduction.

      Taking the initiative and leading a conversation about finances can have a significant impact on a relationship. In this discussion, one person took the lead and presented their financial numbers to their partner, showing their capability to lead and explain complex financial information. This approach led to a deeper understanding of their financial situation and the realization that they needed to work on reducing their debt. The conversation also highlighted the importance of addressing financial issues, rather than avoiding them, and the potential consequences of overspending. By being transparent and taking a leadership role, trust and respect can be built in the relationship. However, it's important to remember that financial conversations can be sensitive, so it's essential to approach them with care and openness.

    • Luxury purchases can lead to financial trouble during major life changesLuxury purchases, like cars, can cause significant monthly payments and debt during major life transitions, such as having a baby or going back to school.

      Excessive spending on luxury items, such as cars, can lead to financial trouble, especially when combined with major life changes like having a baby or going back to school. In the discussion, a person shared how they went from owning a Lexus to a BMW and then a Mercedes, each time incurring more debt. They admitted that these cars took up a significant portion of their income and caused high monthly payments, including gas expenses. When they had a baby, they felt the need to buy a house and an SUV, leading to even more expenses and a lower income. As a result, they were trapped with large car payments totaling over $2,400 per month. The person realized their mistake when they tried to sell their car and found that only BMW dealerships would offer a fair price for their trade-in. They ended up rolling their negative equity into a new car payment, further increasing their debt. This story highlights the importance of considering the long-term financial implications of luxury purchases and being aware of the potential for unexpected expenses, especially during major life transitions.

    • Identifying industries that contribute to overspendingRecognize the impact of frequent car leasing, vacations, and large mortgages on long-term finances. Consider the true cost of vacations and other expenses by tripling the estimated cost.

      The speakers in this discussion have found themselves in a situation where they are overspending in various areas of their lives, leading to financial strain. They've identified several industries that seem to benefit from their spending habits, including car dealers, home renovators, and mortgage lenders. The speakers have a tendency to lease cars instead of buying them, take vacations frequently, and have a large mortgage. The speaker Kevin feels hesitant about vacations due to the cost and missing work, while his partner Michelle enjoys traveling and feels they can afford it. They've acknowledged that they need to be more mindful of their spending and consider the long-term financial implications of their decisions. Ramit's rule of thumb is to triple the estimated cost of vacations and other expenses to get a more accurate understanding of the true cost.

    • Struggling with financial instability despite a good incomeIdentify and cancel unwanted subscriptions using a personal finance app to save up to $740 a year and improve financial stability

      Despite having a good income, many people struggle with financial instability due to excessive spending on non-essential items and unwanted subscriptions. The conversation between Kevin and Michelle highlights their financial predicament, which includes a large amount of credit card debt, luxury expenses, and insufficient savings. They acknowledged their situation but are unsure of how to change their spending habits. The solution proposed is to identify and cancel unwanted subscriptions using a personal finance app like Rocket Money, which can help save up to $740 a year. By cutting back on unnecessary expenses, individuals can redirect their funds towards essential needs and debt repayment. This small change could significantly improve their financial stability and provide a better foundation for long-term financial goals.

    • Communication and involvement key to managing finances in a relationshipEffective communication and involvement are essential to managing finances in a relationship, as both partners need to take an active role and change their mindset to avoid financial disaster.

      Effective communication and involvement are crucial in addressing financial issues in a relationship. The discussion revealed that both partners in the relationship were not fully engaged in managing their finances and were enabling each other's unhealthy habits. The woman felt frustrated that her concerns were not being taken seriously and that her partner was not making an effort to change. The man, on the other hand, felt reassured by his partner's reassurances but recognized that they were not in a good financial situation. They both acknowledged that they needed to take a more active role in managing their finances and changing their mindset to avoid disaster. The woman's reaction to the financial numbers was a wake-up call, and she realized that she had been living in a fantasy and needed to face reality. They both needed to dig deep and reflect on their financial habits and consider the worst-case scenario if they continued in their current ways. Effective communication, involvement, and a change in mindset are essential to managing finances in a healthy and sustainable way in a relationship.

    • Setting boundaries and holding oneself accountableTeaching accountability and setting clear boundaries are crucial for personal growth and success in various aspects of life, including sports, relationships, and finances.

      Setting boundaries and holding oneself accountable are essential for personal growth and success, not just in sports but also in relationships and finances. The coach in the conversation emphasized the importance of teaching accountability and life lessons to young soccer players. Similarly, in personal relationships, setting clear boundaries and being disciplined can lead to positive changes. The conversation also highlighted the need to prioritize and make sacrifices when necessary. For instance, changing financial habits by splitting expenses or setting up a system where one person pays the bills can lead to better financial management. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of taking responsibility for one's actions and making intentional choices to improve one's situation.

    • Communicate openly about finances and make decisions togetherCouples should not let high fixed costs dictate spending, prioritize own financial well-being, and make decisions based on collective income and priorities.

      Both individuals in a relationship should not let their high fixed costs dictate their spending on experiences or necessities. They should not play smaller than their income suggests and should not prioritize pleasing others over their own financial well-being. Instead, they should communicate openly about finances, assess their expenses, and make decisions based on their collective income and priorities. By doing so, they can avoid unnecessary stress and focus on enjoying their experiences and building a strong financial foundation for their future.

    • Setting Boundaries in RelationshipsRecognizing the need for boundaries and being the hero by setting them can prevent deeper financial hardships.

      Setting boundaries in a relationship, even if it means being the one to say "no," can make you a hero rather than a villain. This discussion highlighted the importance of recognizing the complexity of financial dynamics and the need for both parties to actively participate in finding solutions. The idea that temporary hardships will eventually pass and that setting boundaries is the only way to change the situation was emphasized. By acknowledging the discomfort of examining your relationship with a new lens, the participants were able to recognize the need for a boundary to prevent them from digging themselves deeper into a financial hole. The hero in this scenario is not the one who sacrifices, but the one who sets a clear and necessary boundary.

    • Empowering financial decisions and setting boundariesRecognizing personal needs and setting boundaries can lead to significant savings over time. Being direct and open about financial situations can help make informed decisions and work towards a better future.

      Making difficult financial decisions, such as prioritizing personal needs over commitments, can be empowering and meaningful. In this conversation, both individuals were able to put themselves first and recognize the importance of setting boundaries. However, they also faced the challenge of reducing their fixed costs, specifically their car payments. Although selling the car or visiting dealerships seemed daunting, they realized that small adjustments could lead to significant savings over time. These savings could then be used for other expenses or debt repayment. The conversation also highlighted the importance of being direct and open about financial situations, rather than self-censoring or avoiding discussions. By acknowledging the potential consequences of continuing to accrue debt, they were able to make informed decisions and work towards a better financial future.

    • Effective communication and collaboration lead to financial improvements and stronger relationshipsOpen and honest conversations can help couples create a plan to save money and strengthen their relationship

      Effective communication and collaboration between partners can lead to a stronger financial situation and improved dynamic in a relationship. In the case of Michelle and Kevin, they recognized that their current dynamic, where Michelle was the spender and Kevin was the saver, was not serving them well. By having an open and honest conversation, they were able to create a plan to sell their vehicles and pay off their loans, ultimately saving them thousands of dollars and improving their financial outlook. This collaboration not only helped them financially, but also strengthened their relationship as they worked together towards a common goal. By trusting each other and holding each other accountable, they were able to shift from separate roles to a united team, focused on building a strong financial future for themselves and their family.

    • Intentional financial decisions lead to savingsSetting boundaries and automating payments saved a couple over $8,000 in 2 years, emphasizing the importance of financial education like 'I Will Teach You to be Rich'.

      Making intentional financial decisions and setting boundaries can lead to significant savings. The discussion highlights a couple who will save over $8,000 in two years by making changes to their phone bill and setting up automatic payments. This commitment to financial improvement also includes setting limits with friends and family regarding finances. The light at the end of the tunnel represents the excitement of untangling their financial situation and moving forward with their growing family. The importance of this financial education is emphasized, and the book "I Will Teach You to be Rich" by Ramit Sethi is recommended as a resource for implementing these tactics in personal finances.

    Recent Episodes from I Will Teach You To Be Rich

    162. “We panic over money—but spend $84K/year on travel and shopping”

    162. “We panic over money—but spend $84K/year on travel and shopping”
    Paul, 33, and Maddie, 29, joined us in New York City for a live-recorded episode. She is a high earner, but worries about lifestyle creep. He recently left his job, and they’re treading water on one income. This episode is brought to you by: Fabric by Gerber Life | Protect your family today with Fabric by Gerber Life. Apply today in just 10 minutes at https://meetfabric.com/ramit. Facet | Get affordable, accessible financial planning with a flat fee membership. For a limited time, the $250 enrollment fee will be waived when you sign up at https://facet.com/ramit. Masterclass | For unlimited access to every class and 15% off an annual membership, go to https://masterclass.com/ramit. Rocket Money | Stop throwing your money away. Cancel unwanted subscriptions – and manage your expenses the easy way – by going to https://rocketmoney.com/ramit. LMNT | Right now, LMNT is offering 8 single serving packets FREE with any LMNT order. This is a great way to try all 8 flavors. Get yours at https://drinklmnt.com/RAMIT. Connect with Ramit • Get the Podcast Newsletter and exclusive Q&A about the show • Get Money Coaching with Ramit  • Download the Conscious Spending Plan • Listen to my book—now on Audible • Get my New York Times best-selling book • Get my no-numbers journal • Other episodes • Instagram • Twitter • YouTube • Submit a question for the newsletter iwt.com/askramit  If you and your partner have a money issue and you want my help, I occasionally select a couple to work with, free of charge. Apply for my help here. Produced by Crate Media.

    161. “He hid $77k in CC debt from me—but can’t tell me what he bought”

    161. “He hid $77k in CC debt from me—but can’t tell me what he bought”
    Jim and Dana are 58, five years into their second marriages, and coping with changes in their new lifestyle in different ways. Jim is set on providing as he follows patterns from his past, hiding tens of thousands in debt. Dana daydreams of her past in California—and the lifetime of alimony she passed up.  This episode is brought to you by: Superhuman | Get a free month of lightning fast email at https://try.sprh.mn/ramitsethi. Mint Mobile | To get your new wireless plan for just $15 a month, go to https://mintmobile.com/ramit. Claritin | Visit https://claritin.com right now for a discount so you can get allergy relief and live Claritin Clear. Babbel | For our listeners only, get 60% off your Babbel subscription at https://Babbel.com/ramit. DeleteMe | If you want to get your personal information removed from the web, go to https://joindeleteme.com/ramit for 20% off. Links mentioned in this episode • Socioeconomic mobility in the United States (Wikipedia) Connect with Ramit • Get the Podcast Newsletter and exclusive Q&A about the show • Get Money Coaching with Ramit  • Download the Conscious Spending Plan • Listen to my book—now on Audible • Get my New York Times best-selling book • Get my no-numbers journal • Other episodes • Instagram • Twitter • YouTube • Submit a question for the newsletter iwt.com/askramit  If you and your partner have a money issue and you want my help, I occasionally select a couple to work with, free of charge. Apply for my help here. Produced by Crate Media.

    160. “My entire paycheck goes to daycare. Should I stay home?”

    160. “My entire paycheck goes to daycare. Should I stay home?”
    Live in NYC, Carlos and Amanda, 36 and 28, join the show to talk through a recurring issue in their relationship—her earning ability vs. the possibility of staying home with their kids. They recently moved out on their own and Carlos is in school to put himself in position for a higher income. This episode is brought to you by: ZocDoc | Download the ZocDoc app for FREE at https://zocdoc.com/ramit then find and book a top-rated doctor today. Trade | Right now, Trade is offering our audience a free bag of coffee with any subscription at https://drinktrade.com/ramit. Masterclass | For unlimited access to every class and 15% off an annual membership, go to https://masterclass.com/ramit. Rocket Money | Stop throwing your money away. Cancel unwanted subscriptions – and manage your expenses the easy way – by going to https://rocketmoney.com/ramit. Facet | Get affordable, accessible financial planning with a flat fee membership. For a limited time, the $250 enrollment fee will be waived when you sign up at https://facet.com/ramit. Links mentioned in this episode • Can combining finances lead to long-lasting love? (Cornell Research) Connect with Ramit • Get the Podcast Newsletter and exclusive Q&A about the show • Get Money Coaching with Ramit  • Download the Conscious Spending Plan • Listen to my book—now on Audible • Get my New York Times best-selling book • Get my no-numbers journal • Other episodes • Instagram • Twitter • YouTube • Submit a question for the newsletter iwt.com/askramit  If you and your partner have a money issue and you want my help, I occasionally select a couple to work with, free of charge. Apply for my help here. Produced by Crate Media.

    159. “How can we raise 3 kids if she only makes $15k?”

    159. “How can we raise 3 kids if she only makes $15k?”
    Caleb and Alex are both 27. They have one young child and foster two sisters, both of whom they intend to adopt soon. As children themselves, Caleb and Alex were immersed in missionary work in South America—an influence that colors how they see, feel, and act with money. This episode is brought to you by: Viator | Download the Viator app and use code VIATOR10 for 10% off your first travel experience with Viator. Netsuite | Get visibility to everything in your business one one place. Sign up and defer payments, with no interest, for six months at https://iwt.com/netsuite. LMNT | Right now, LMNT is offering 8 single serving packets FREE with any LMNT order. This is a great way to try all 8 flavors. Get yours at https://drinklmnt.com/RAMIT. Masterclass | For unlimited access to every class and 15% off an annual membership, go to https://masterclass.com/ramit. Fabric by Gerber Life | Protect your family today with Fabric by Gerber Life. Apply today in just 10 minutes at https://meetfabric.com/ramit. Connect with Ramit • Get the Podcast Newsletter and exclusive Q&A about the show • Get Money Coaching with Ramit  • Download the Conscious Spending Plan • Listen to my book—now on Audible • Get my New York Times best-selling book • Get my no-numbers journal • Other episodes • Instagram • Twitter • YouTube • Submit a question for the newsletter iwt.com/askramit  If you and your partner have a money issue and you want my help, I occasionally select a couple to work with, free of charge. Apply for my help here. Produced by Crate Media.

    158. “We have $2M, why can’t we retire?” (Part 2)

    158. “We have $2M, why can’t we retire?” (Part 2)
    Rob and Adrienne are nearing retirement but worried about having enough. In Part 2, we dig into their Conscious Spending Plan to reveal a massively successful investment strategy that remains shrouded by deep lingering fears, $3 questions, and hard-to-break bad habits with money. This episode is brought to you by: Rocket Money | Stop throwing your money away. Cancel unwanted subscriptions – and manage your expenses the easy way – by going to https://rocketmoney.com/ramit. DeleteMe | If you want to get your personal information removed from the web, go to https://joindeleteme.com/ramit for 20% off. Hatch | A million things don’t want you to sleep, Hatch does. Get $20 off a Hatch Restore at https://hatch.co/ramit. Facet | Get affordable, accessible financial planning with a flat fee membership. For a limited time, the $250 enrollment fee will be waived when you sign up at https://facet.com/ramit. Superhuman | Get a free month of lightning fast email at https://try.sprh.mn/ramitsethi. Links mentioned in this episode • “We spent $80,000 more than we made last year” (Part 1) Connect with Ramit • Get the Podcast Newsletter and exclusive Q&A about the show • Get Money Coaching with Ramit  • Download the Conscious Spending Plan • Listen to my book—now on Audible • Get my New York Times best-selling book • Get my no-numbers journal • Other episodes • Instagram • Twitter • YouTube Submit a question for the newsletter iwt.com/askramit  If you and your partner have a money issue and you want my help, I occasionally select a couple to work with, free of charge. Apply for my help here. Produced by Crate Media.

    157. “We spent $80,000 more than we made last year” (Part 1)

    157. “We spent $80,000 more than we made last year” (Part 1)
    Adrienne and Rob are 59 and 62, and they are overcome with worry over whether or not they’ve amassed enough wealth to live comfortably, and apply Rich Life principles, in their retirement years. Adrienne’s head is in the clouds—dreamy and full of color. Rob lives in his (physical!) spreadsheets.  This episode is brought to you by: Masterclass | For unlimited access to every class and 15% off an annual membership, go to https://masterclass.com/ramit. LMNT | Right now, LMNT is offering 8 single serving packets FREE with any LMNT order. This is a great way to try all 8 flavors. Get yours at https://drinklmnt.com/RAMIT. Claritin | Visit https://claritin.com right now for a discount so you can get allergy relief and live Claritin Clear. Babbel | For our listeners only, get 60% off your Babbel subscription at https://Babbel.com/ramit. Mint Mobile | To get your new wireless plan for just $15 a month, go to https://mintmobile.com/ramit. Connect with Ramit • Get the Podcast Newsletter and exclusive Q&A about the show • Get Money Coaching with Ramit  • Download the Conscious Spending Plan • Listen to my book—now on Audible • Get my New York Times best-selling book • Get my no-numbers journal • Other episodes • Instagram • Twitter • YouTube • Submit a question for the newsletter iwt.com/askramit  If you and your partner have a money issue and you want my help, I occasionally select a couple to work with, free of charge. Apply for my help here. Produced by Crate Media.

    156. "We have 2 kids, 3 cars...but only 1 month of savings" (Part 2)

    156. "We have 2 kids, 3 cars...but only 1 month of savings" (Part 2)
    In the second half of this live-recorded conversation with Paul and Morgan, 37 and 33, we dig deeper into their Conscious Spending Plan to uncover three cars (for two adults), sporadic debt management, high pet care costs, hidden student loans, and what seems like no way out from under it all.  This episode is brought to you by: Hatch | A million things don’t want you to sleep, Hatch does. Get $20 off a Hatch Restore at https://hatch.co/ramit. Rocket Money | Stop throwing your money away. Cancel unwanted subscriptions – and manage your expenses the easy way – by going to https://rocketmoney.com/ramit. ZocDoc | Download the ZocDoc app for FREE at https://zocdoc.com/ramit then find and book a top-rated doctor today. Masterclass | For unlimited access to every class and 15% off an annual membership, go to https://masterclass.com/ramit. Fabric by Gerber Life | Protect your family today with Fabric by Gerber Life. Apply today in just 10 minutes at https://meetfabric.com/ramit. Links mentioned in this episode • “We have $22k in cc debt—but I want to renovate the house” (Part 1) Connect with Ramit • Get the Podcast Newsletter and exclusive Q&A about the show • Get Money Coaching with Ramit  • Download the Conscious Spending Plan • Listen to my book—now on Audible • Get my New York Times best-selling book • Get my no-numbers journal • Other episodes • Instagram • Twitter • YouTube • Submit a question for the newsletter iwt.com/askramit  If you and your partner have a money issue and you want my help, I occasionally select a couple to work with, free of charge. Apply for my help here. Produced by Crate Media.

    155. “We have $22k in cc debt—but I want to renovate the house” (Part 1)

    155. “We have $22k in cc debt—but I want to renovate the house” (Part 1)
    Paul and Morgan, 37 and 33, find themselves in a painful loop of arguments and unchecked spending, putting the future of their young family at risk. We hear about destination concerts, ongoing renovations, and charged vacations—but it’s their fixed cost percentage that is most worrisome. This episode is brought to you by: LMNT | Right now, LMNT is offering 8 single serving packets FREE with any LMNT order. This is a great way to try all 8 flavors. Get yours at https://drinklmnt.com/RAMIT. Viator | Download the Viator app and use code VIATOR10 for 10% off your first travel experience with Viator. Trade | Right now, Trade is offering our audience a free bag of coffee with any subscription at https://drinktrade.com/ramit. Netsuite | Get visibility to everything in your business one one place. Sign up and defer payments, with no interest, for six months at https://iwt.com/netsuite. Claritin | Visit https://claritin.com right now for a discount so you can get allergy relief and live Claritin Clear. Connect with Ramit • Get the Podcast Newsletter and exclusive Q&A about the show • Get Money Coaching with Ramit  • Download the Conscious Spending Plan • Listen to my book—now on Audible • Get my New York Times best-selling book • Get my no-numbers journal • Other episodes • Instagram • Twitter • YouTube Submit a question for the newsletter iwt.com/askramit  If you and your partner have a money issue and you want my help, I occasionally select a couple to work with, free of charge. Apply for my help here. Produced by Crate Media.

    154. “We’re drowning in debt, but I drive a BMW”

    154. “We’re drowning in debt, but I drive a BMW”
    Kevin and Michelle, 32 and 30, joined me live in New York City earlier this year for our very first in-person interview. They have one young child and another on the way, but they can’t stop spending. With low savings, their debt mounts while they both lease luxury vehicles. This episode is brought to you by: Sidebar | Join thousands of leaders from companies like Microsoft, Amazon, and Meta who have taken the first step towards accelerating their career https://sidebar.com/ramit LMNT | Right now, LMNT is offering 8 single serving packets FREE with any LMNT order. This is a great way to try all 8 flavors. Get yours at https://drinklmnt.com/RAMIT. Masterclass | For unlimited access to every class and 15% off an annual membership, go to https://masterclass.com/ramit. Facet | Get affordable, accessible financial planning with a flat fee membership. For a limited time, the $250 enrollment fee will be waived when you sign up at https://facet.com/ramit. Rocket Money | Stop throwing your money away. Cancel unwanted subscriptions – and manage your expenses the easy way – by going to https://rocketmoney.com/ramit. Links mentioned in this episode • "My husband doesn’t trust me to run our business" #1 Connect with Ramit • Get the Podcast Newsletter and exclusive Q&A about the show • Get Money Coaching with Ramit  • Download the Conscious Spending Plan • Listen to my book—now on Audible • Get my New York Times best-selling book • Get my no-numbers journal • Other episodes • Instagram • Twitter • YouTube • Submit a question for the newsletter iwt.com/askramit  If you and your partner have a money issue and you want my help, I occasionally select a couple to work with, free of charge. Apply for my help here. Produced by Crate Media.

    153. “We’re married. Why do I have to ask him for money?”

    153. “We’re married. Why do I have to ask him for money?”
    Allison is 36 and Dan, 37. They’re married with two kids living in a HCOL mountain town—a market variable that’s influenced them to sell her condo and supercharge their retirement investments with the profits. The condo is listed for sale, but Dan doesn’t trust her enough to combine their finances. This episode is brought to you by: Fabric by Gerber Life | Protect your family today with Fabric by Gerber Life. Apply today in just 10 minutes at https://meetfabric.com/ramit. Mint Mobile | To get your new wireless plan for just $15 a month, go to https://mintmobile.com/ramit. Tim Ferriss | Check out The Tim Ferriss Show on all podcast platforms and sign up for his FREE 5-Bullet Friday Newsletter at https://tim.blog. Masterclass | For unlimited access to every class and 15% off an annual membership, go to https://masterclass.com/ramit. Babbel | For our listeners only, get 60% off your Babbel subscription at https://Babbel.com/ramit. Links mentioned in this episode • Ramit Sethi on The Tim Ferriss Show Connect with Ramit • Get the Podcast Newsletter and exclusive Q&A about the show • Get Money Coaching with Ramit  • Download the Conscious Spending Plan • Listen to my book—now on Audible • Get my New York Times best-selling book • Get my no-numbers journal • Other episodes • Instagram • Twitter • YouTube • Submit a question for the newsletter iwt.com/askramit  If you and your partner have a money issue and you want my help, I occasionally select a couple to work with, free of charge. Apply for my help here. Produced by Crate Media.

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    78. “I pretend things are fine, but we’re 2 months from going bankrupt”

    78. “I pretend things are fine, but we’re 2 months from going bankrupt”
    Alex and Courtney are in their 30s. They live in Southern California and come from completely different money backgrounds. Their numbers reveal a stark truth; fixed costs are sinking their finances. They're only months from going bankrupt. Can Courtney come to terms with their reality?  Links mentioned in this episode Join the Earnable program Download the Conscious Spending Plan Connect with Ramit Get Money Coaching with Ramit  Get my New York Times best-selling book Get my no-numbers journal Other episodes Instagram Twitter YouTube If you and your partner have a money issue and you want my help, I occasionally select a couple to work with, free of charge. Apply for my help here. Produced by Crate Media.

    Ramit Sethi on Spending, Renting, and Financial Misconceptions

    Ramit Sethi on Spending, Renting, and Financial Misconceptions
    Money is often thought of on a transactional or restrictive basis. But, what if it could be a source of joy? Ramit Sethi is a best-selling author and the host of the Netflix series “How to Get Rich.” Alex Friedman caught up with him to discuss: - The source of most financial conflicts in couples - Renting vs. Buying - Building the skill of spending money Host: Alex Friedman Guest: Ramit Sethi Producer: Ricky Mulvey Engineers: Dan Boyd, Kyle Carruthers Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    153. “We’re married. Why do I have to ask him for money?”

    153. “We’re married. Why do I have to ask him for money?”
    Allison is 36 and Dan, 37. They’re married with two kids living in a HCOL mountain town—a market variable that’s influenced them to sell her condo and supercharge their retirement investments with the profits. The condo is listed for sale, but Dan doesn’t trust her enough to combine their finances. This episode is brought to you by: Fabric by Gerber Life | Protect your family today with Fabric by Gerber Life. Apply today in just 10 minutes at https://meetfabric.com/ramit. Mint Mobile | To get your new wireless plan for just $15 a month, go to https://mintmobile.com/ramit. Tim Ferriss | Check out The Tim Ferriss Show on all podcast platforms and sign up for his FREE 5-Bullet Friday Newsletter at https://tim.blog. Masterclass | For unlimited access to every class and 15% off an annual membership, go to https://masterclass.com/ramit. Babbel | For our listeners only, get 60% off your Babbel subscription at https://Babbel.com/ramit. Links mentioned in this episode • Ramit Sethi on The Tim Ferriss Show Connect with Ramit • Get the Podcast Newsletter and exclusive Q&A about the show • Get Money Coaching with Ramit  • Download the Conscious Spending Plan • Listen to my book—now on Audible • Get my New York Times best-selling book • Get my no-numbers journal • Other episodes • Instagram • Twitter • YouTube • Submit a question for the newsletter iwt.com/askramit  If you and your partner have a money issue and you want my help, I occasionally select a couple to work with, free of charge. Apply for my help here. Produced by Crate Media.

    18. "He's the man & he should pay. We can't go on like this any more"

    18. "He's the man & he should pay. We can't go on like this any more"
    Monique expects Pablo to pay for her “as the man” in the relationship. Pablo wants “fairness” in a partner. Last week, I dug into their money psychology. Right at the end of last week’s conversation -- when both were feeling good -- they started discussing an upcoming trip to Mexico City. Suddenly, everything fell apart. All their positive feelings and new skills got thrown to the side, and they went right back to their old habits. That’s why I had to add a part two to our conversation. That’s today’s episode. When they’re discussing the trip, Monique already has her argument ready before Pablo finishes a sentence. Pablo’s fists are clenched. He wants to be the laid-back, confident guy Monique fell in love with, but his views on money have changed. You’ll hear him describe “Antonio,” his scarcity-minded alter ego. This conversation surprised me in so many ways. Listen in. Connect with Ramit Website Instagram Twitter Facebook YouTube Linkedin If you and your partner have a money issue and you want my help, I occasionally select a couple to work with, free of charge. Apply for my help here. Produced by Crate Media.

    46. “The ghost of FIRE still haunts our money mindset—we can’t enjoy money”

    46. “The ghost of FIRE still haunts our money mindset—we can’t enjoy money”
    Carolyn and Gavin have been married for ten years. They have three small children and bring in about $130k annually—with a healthy $500k in investments. So what’s the problem? Once we look closer, specifically at their obsession with money mechanics, we see a deeper issue. They learned these bad habits as members of the FIRE community, a lifestyle they’ve left behind but that continues to haunt their money mindsets to this day. To make matters worse, Carolyn has disassociated from the family’s money conversation completely. How do you work as a team when one member refuses to participate? And how can you reset your instincts related to saving and spending after so many years repeating bad habits? Listen in to find out. Connect with Ramit Website Instagram Twitter Facebook YouTube Linkedin If you and your partner have a money issue and you want my help, I occasionally select a couple to work with, free of charge. Apply for my help here. Produced by Crate Media.