
    #138 - James Altucher - Treat Your Life As An Experiment

    enJanuary 30, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Experimenting with life for personal growthTry new things, overcome inertia, and trust the process of discovery for personal growth and discovering new passions

      Conducting experiments in your life is crucial for personal growth and discovering new passions. James Altucher, a guest on Modern Wisdom, emphasizes the importance of trying new things and overcoming inertia. He shares his experiences of practicing stand-up comedy on the subway and helping Robert Greene write books. Traveling and experiencing new things is another way to discover what you like and what you're passionate about. This is different from learning classroom skills in school, as real-world skills can only be acquired in real life. A top-down approach to experimenting with your life, where you pivot your goals only during specific review periods, may not be effective for emergent passions. Instead, be open to new experiences and trust the process of discovery.

    • Discovering new passions and opportunitiesBalancing consideration with action and staying open-minded can lead to unexpected discoveries and successful outcomes in exploring new passions and ideas.

      Exploring new passions and ideas can lead to unexpected discoveries and opportunities. However, the fear of barriers and the need for extensive planning can sometimes hinder us from taking the leap. It's essential to balance consideration with action and experiment with different platforms and formats to find what resonates with us. Some projects may require more time, resources, and effort than others, but the key is to stay open-minded and willing to try new things. Ultimately, the most successful outcomes often come from a combination of planning and spontaneity, and the joy of the process can be just as important as the end result.

    • Follow your instincts and explore new thingsExploring new interests and taking risks can lead to unexpected rewards. Trust your instincts and be open to short-term and long-term experiments.

      Following your heart and experimenting with new things can lead to unexpected and rewarding outcomes. The speaker shares his personal experience of giving up on writing a novel to focus on stand-up comedy, which turned out to be a successful and fulfilling decision. He emphasizes that you don't always need to have a clear idea of where your interests and abilities will intersect before you start exploring. Instead, you can gain valuable insights and experiences by trying new things and trusting your instincts. The speaker also encourages experimenting with both short-term and long-term projects, as the intersection of your interests and skills may lead to the most significant financial rewards in the future. Overall, the message is to be open to new experiences, trust your intuition, and be willing to take risks.

    • Exploring different interests can lead to unexpected opportunitiesFind and focus on what you're good at, experiment, learn, and stay true to your core values to create unique offerings and achieve success.

      Exploring different interests and experiences can lead to unexpected opportunities, especially when aligned with your core values. The speaker shares his personal example of combining his writing and investing skills, which he developed over decades, to create a successful investment newsletter. He emphasizes the importance of finding and focusing on what you're good at, even if it means dedicating more time and energy to it than others. The speaker also highlights the value of following experts in their fields, even if they don't excel in every area. By experimenting, learning, and staying true to your core values, you can create unique offerings and achieve success in unexpected ways.

    • Stand out by being unique, not just betterIdentify a unique angle, involve experts, and set clear goals to succeed in a new endeavor or career, regardless of age or past experiences.

      To succeed in any endeavor, including starting a podcast, it's essential to be different and not just better. The example given is of a podcast creator who identified a unique angle for his show by focusing on a specific crime investigation and involving legal experts. This approach helped him stand out from the crowd and build a large audience. Similarly, when considering making a change in life, such as pursuing a new interest or career, it's crucial to define realistic metrics for success and determine where you want to fit in the hierarchy. It's also important to remember that age or past experiences should not be limiting factors. By setting clear goals and putting in the necessary effort, one can make progress and potentially reach the top of their chosen field.

    • Skipping the Line: Experimentation, Creativity, and PlatformsThrough experimentation, creativity, and building a platform, individuals can differentiate themselves and achieve success more quickly than relying solely on the 10,000 hour rule.

      While the 10,000 hour rule can be effective for learning repetitive tasks, experimentation and differentiating oneself can help individuals "skip the line" and achieve success in their chosen fields more quickly. Chris Turner, a British comedian, is an example of someone who combined his interests in stand-up comedy and freestyle rapping to create a unique voice in the comedy world. Another foundational element to skipping the line is having a platform or notoriety to reach people and gain opportunities. Additionally, exercising creativity and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help individuals come up with experiments and improve various aspects of their knowledge and life.

    • Experimenting with new thingsStepping out of comfort zone can lead to improvements and unexpected opportunities. Experiment with new formats and measure results to learn and grow.

      Stepping out of your comfort zone and experimenting with new things can lead to significant improvements and unexpected opportunities. The speaker shares an example of how he struggled with creating one-liners for comedy and decided to try performing stand-up comedy in the subway to improve. Although it was uncomfortable and didn't lead to a successful show, it helped him hone his skills and provided a unique story to tell. The speaker also mentions his experimentation with a shorter-format podcast episode, which turned out to be his most popular in recent months. By trying new things and measuring the results, we can learn, grow, and potentially discover new successes.

    • Take a step back to move forwardRecognize the hierarchy and consider taking a lower position to gain opportunities and quickly rise through the ranks, even if it means taking a detour from your ultimate goal.

      Sometimes, to move forward in your goals, you may need to take a step back. Naval Ravikant's experiment with short podcasts is an example of how seemingly insignificant steps can lead to greater understanding and success in the long run. When trying to succeed, it's important to recognize the hierarchy and consider taking a lower position to become the best in a smaller pond. This can lead to opportunities to skip ahead. A friend of the speaker's, for instance, became the only intern at the CIA with top secret clearance and a law degree by taking an internship role, which allowed him to quickly rise through the ranks. The key is to keep your ego in check and be open to taking detours if it means getting closer to your ultimate goal. This technique, as the speaker has seen, can be effective for those who are willing to be flexible and adaptable.

    • Stepping back for progressUnconventional career paths and gaining experience through various means can lead to greater opportunities and achievements

      Taking steps back in your career or learning new skills through unconventional means can lead to greater opportunities and achievements in the future. Ryan Holiday, for instance, started as a research assistant for Robert Greene, then became a marketing head, an intern for another writer, and eventually wrote his own bestselling books. Similarly, the speaker in this conversation started working as a software programmer at HBO to get a foot in the door and eventually pitched and produced a pilot for them. Even if these steps don't lead to immediate success, they provide valuable experience and knowledge that can be used in the future. Another strategy suggested is offering free consultations or advice to companies to gain experience and build relationships, which could potentially lead to further opportunities.

    • Offering specific ideas to help others can lead to meaningful connections and opportunitiesProviding unique ideas and connections freely can create exponential growth in your network and open doors to new opportunities

      Providing value without asking for anything in return can lead to meaningful connections and opportunities. Instead of offering to help with vague tasks or assignments, it's more effective to propose specific ideas that can benefit the other person. This approach not only differentiates you but also utilizes the unique power of your network. By giving your ideas and connections freely, you can create exponential growth in your network and potentially open doors to new opportunities. A simple example of this is when I offered 10 article ideas to a writer I admired, leading to my first paid writing gig. This concept can be applied to various aspects of life, including networking and business, to outcompete others and build valuable relationships.

    • Expanding Your Network: A Win-Win SituationMaking introductions and expanding your network creates new opportunities for growth and collaboration, benefiting individuals and the larger community.

      Building and expanding your network is a valuable skill in today's society. It's important not to feel scarce about your connections, but rather to be open to linking people together. This not only benefits the individuals involved, but also contributes to the larger community and scene. By making introductions and facilitating connections, you're not losing anything, but rather creating new opportunities for growth and collaboration. It's a world of abundance, not scarcity. A great example of this is the connection between Kamal and Michael Khaju, who were linked together through a mutual friend, leading to new podcast collaborations and opportunities. So, don't be afraid to make introductions and expand your network – it's a win-win situation for everyone involved. To learn more about Michael and his work, check out his podcast, Brute Strength, and his book "Choose Yourself." And for more insights and resources, be sure to tune in to The James Altucher Show.

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    Modern Wisdom
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    Modern Wisdom
    enJune 15, 2024

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    Modern Wisdom
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    34: Hannah Berner Reveals Secrets Behind Summer House, Giggly Squad, and more

    34: Hannah Berner Reveals Secrets Behind Summer House, Giggly Squad, and more

    In this episode, Bravo's 'Summer House' star, Comedian, Podcast Host, and Entrepreneur Hannah Berner talks to Jason about everything from her tennis career that made her very little money, to making six figures right out of college working in sales, to monetizing her (multiple!) podcasts, capitalizing on quarantine, what she made from her time on Summer House, and how to manifest $$$, she shares it all. It's another episode you can't afford to miss.

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    Host: Jason Tartick

    Voice of Viewer: David Arduin

    Executive Producer: Evan Sahr

    Produced by Dear Media.

    Hala Taha: How I Overcame My Limiting Beliefs and Built a Mindset of Abundance (Thoughts That Rock)

    Hala Taha: How I Overcame My Limiting Beliefs and Built a Mindset of Abundance (Thoughts That Rock)
    Throughout her professional career, Hala Taha has faced several instances of rejection: getting fired from HOT97, being turned down for a promotion at HP, and losing her opportunity to become a reality TV star. Yet now, Hala is the host of Young and Profiting Podcast, a Top 50 podcast with over 1.5 million downloads.  Hala is the CEO of YAP Media, a full-service podcast production and marketing agency for top podcasters, celebrities and CEOs projected to generate over $1M in revenue in its first year. Hala is also known for her engaged following and influence on Linkedin and she landed the January 2021 cover of Podcast Magazine. Topics Include:  - Life is limitless  - Why Hala grew up feeling average  - How Hala reframed her mindset using the Law of Attraction  - The power of embracing your femininity AND masculinity  - The first steps to developing an abundance mindset  - Why Hala left her ex-boyfriend for not supporting her dreams  - How a person can hold you back from reaching your potential - Just because somebody loves you doesn’t mean they’re giving you the best advice  - Confidence is competence  - The value of teaching others  - Energy management  - Letting go of something good for something greater - Positivity is key  - Connecting with people more successful than you  - And other topics… Resources Mentioned: Brant’s Website: https://www.brantmenswar.com/  Brant’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brantmenswar  Brant’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brantmenswar/?hl=en  Brant’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BrantMenswar/  Brant’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/brantmenswar  Jim’s Website: https://www.knightspeaker.com/  Jim’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jim-knight-0550823b  Jim’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jimknightspeaker/?hl=en  Sponsored By:  Omaha Steaks - Visit OmahaSteaks.com use promo code YAP at checkout to get that EXTRA $30 OFF your order Shopify - Sign up for a free trial at shopify.com/profiting The Jordan Harbinger Show - Check out jordanharbinger.com/start for some episode recommendations Delta Air Lines - Visit delta.com/travelwell to learn more More About Young and Profiting Download Transcripts - youngandprofiting.com   Get Sponsorship Deals - youngandprofiting.com/sponsorships Leave a Review - ratethispodcast.com/yap Watch Videos - youtube.com/c/YoungandProfiting Follow Hala Taha LinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/htaha/ Instagram - instagram.com/yapwithhala/ TikTok - tiktok.com/@yapwithhala Twitter - twitter.com/yapwithhala Learn more about YAP Media Agency Services - yapmedia.io/ Join Hala's LinkedIn Masterclass - yapmedia.io/course