
    Podcast Summary

    • Impact of daily habits and environment on healthExploring unconventional ways to optimize health through daily habits and environment, like nutrient timing, specific foods, and limiting cell phone use in pockets, as shared in 'The Four-Hour Body' by Tim Ferriss.

      Our daily habits and environment can significantly impact our health in ways we may not be aware of. For instance, keeping a cell phone in your pocket may lead to decreased sperm count due to the phone's signals. This is just one example from the book "The Four-Hour Body" by Tim Ferriss, who shares his personal experiments to optimize his body's performance. Other factors, like nutrient timing and specific foods, can also make a difference. It's essential to be curious about our bodies and the potential influences on our health, even if the information may seem unconventional or counterintuitive.

    • Health concerns over wireless technologyWireless technology like cell phones and internet raise health concerns, particularly regarding exposure to electromagnetic frequencies, with some reporting symptoms and the UN acknowledging the issue, but no definitive link has been made.

      The increasing use of wireless technology, including cell phones and wireless internet, raises valid concerns about potential health effects, particularly regarding exposure to electromagnetic frequencies. While there is ongoing debate about the extent of these effects, some individuals report experiencing symptoms such as rashes or sickness when in cell phone areas. The UN has acknowledged the existence of this health issue but has not definitively linked it to wireless technology. The proliferation of wireless technology is a relatively recent development, with the internet and wireless signals becoming more prevalent since the 1980s. The information transmitted through the air at high speeds may impact human health in ways that are not yet fully understood. Some believe that the inventor Nikola Tesla foreshadowed the concept of wireless internet in his work. Ultimately, the potential risks and benefits of wireless technology require ongoing investigation and consideration.

    • Why do we follow societal norms without questioning them?Historical reasons and societal norms shape our daily lives, but questioning them could lead to groundbreaking innovations and energy independence

      Our daily lives are like a game, and we often follow societal norms without questioning them. However, if we were to realize that this is a make-believe game, we might start questioning and challenging these norms. For instance, the reason why people in England drive on the left side of the road is because of their historical use of horses and swords. Nikola Tesla, a brilliant inventor, is often overlooked in history, despite his significant contributions to technology. Tesla believed that energy was all around us and could be harnessed wirelessly, which could have revolutionized the way we generate and use electricity. Unfortunately, Tesla died broke due to a fire in his laboratory and the financial struggles that followed. If we could tap into this infinite energy, we could potentially eliminate the need for traditional energy sources and reduce our reliance on laws and regulations to force us to adopt new technologies.

    • Exploring the Possibility of New Energy SourcesNew energy sources could revolutionize our world, leaving a trace of evolution rather than ashes, as seen in open-source platforms where collective input leads to the best content.

      There's a possibility of discovering new energy sources with immense potential, just as electricity was once considered a lunatic idea. The speaker shares his fascination with the idea of an energy source that not only provides power but also contributes to evolution and advancement. He references the Frankenstein story and the idea that this energy could leave a trace in the form of evolved things rather than ashes. The speaker also mentions the example of open-source software and platforms like Reddit and YouTube, where the collective input of many leads to the best content rising to the top, as a manifestation of this evolutionary energy. Overall, the speaker's musings encourage exploring new ideas and the possibility of discovering groundbreaking energy sources.

    • The Power of User Engagement and EvolutionUser engagement drives popular ideas, similar to natural selection in evolution. Technology amplifies this process, leading to intriguing possibilities.

      In the digital age, popular comments or ideas rise to the top through the power of user engagement. This process can be compared to the natural selection in evolution, with technology acting as the catalyst. Going even further, the speaker ponders if it's possible to harness the energy of evolution itself. The conversation then shifts to Fantasy Island and Star Trek, with the speaker sharing memories and observations about these shows, including the role of Ricardo Montalban and the potential for darker themes. Ultimately, the speaker reflects on the power of human imagination and the impact of media on shaping our perceptions and desires.

    • Strange Stories of Public Figures in the PastIn the past, public figures could get away with unconventional behaviors due to less public scrutiny. Today, with social media and constant news updates, it's harder to avoid celebrity scandals, making it important to find a sense of freedom from them.

      The past held many strange and intriguing stories about public figures, some of whom were politicians and entertainers. These individuals, such as Fred Grandy and Bob Crane, could get away with unconventional behaviors because there was less public scrutiny and fewer ways for information to spread. The discussion touched upon the movie "Autofocus" about Bob Crane, who was known for filming his sexual encounters on 16mm film. The speaker also mentioned the release of private photos of a famous actress and the public's fascination with such scandals. In today's world, with social media and constant news updates, people are more connected to celebrity stories and scandals, making it harder to avoid them. The speaker found a sense of freedom in not knowing these celebrities and their dramas, as it allowed them to not be drawn into the tractor beam of clickbait headlines.

    • The Power of Attention-Grabbing EntitiesUnderstanding the 'attention gravity' of events, experiences, or creations can help us become more aware of how our focus is being directed and make intentional choices about where we invest our time and energy.

      Certain events, experiences, or even artificial creations, possess an "attention gravity" that can draw us in deeply and completely absorb our focus. This can be compared to the natural gravitational forces that attract objects towards each other. Whether it's a Tiger Woods scandal, a captivating video game, or a mesmerizing cat toy, these attention-grabbing entities can have a significant impact on our awareness and behavior. They can even be seen as a hijacking of our natural reward system, as our brains may not be able to fully differentiate between reality and imagination. Ultimately, understanding this "attention gravity" can help us become more aware of how our focus is being directed and make more intentional choices about where we invest our time and energy.

    • Guided towards understanding complex conceptsWe can learn and grow like reconditioned laptops, adapting to new ideas and complex concepts, even if we initially lack understanding.

      Our existence might be similar to being trapped in a cave with limited knowledge, and the advanced beings on the other side are trying to guide us towards understanding more complex concepts. Another key point is that people, like reconditioned laptops, have the ability to be reprogrammed and learn new ideas. Regarding podcasting, there are different perspectives. Some creators focus on monetizing their content, while others prioritize providing free entertainment. Chris Hardwick's stance on monetizing podcasts through iTunes rankings is valid for those who rely on it for income, but for creators like us, podcasting started as a fun project and we believe in providing free content to our audience.

    • Monetizing Art: Charging for Content is Not WrongArtists can monetize their work while still offering free content, building a sustainable income, and maintaining audience support.

      Artists have the freedom to monetize their work, even if they offer some content for free. The speaker in this discussion disagrees with the notion that charging for content is wrong, as long as there's still free content available. He uses his own podcast as an example, where he offers an extra paid episode a week in addition to the free content. This approach, he believes, can help artists build a sustainable income while maintaining their audience's support. The controversy around charging for content often stems from people's conditioning to receive things for free, and the speaker encourages artists to be open about their monetization methods instead of hiding them. He also acknowledges that not everyone may have the means to pay, but getting angry at artists for charging is unnecessary. Instead, he suggests that people who can't afford to pay should simply not consume the paid content. Overall, the speaker advocates for a more open and honest conversation around artists' compensation and the value of their work.

    • Encounter with a Suspected Cop and the Importance of Personal PrivacyBelieving in the goodness of most cops, but wary of a few who may abuse power, the speaker discusses a suspicious encounter and emphasizes the importance of personal privacy in a society where nothing is traceable. He also criticizes the Tea Party's stance on healthcare and advocates for smaller communities to foster responsibility and care.

      The speaker had an encounter with a man who he believed was a cop, trying to pressure him into giving him DMT. The speaker was suspicious of the man's intentions and believed he was trying to make an arrest rather than seeking the psychedelic drug. The speaker also discussed his belief that most cops are good, but a few bad apples can ruin it for everyone. He also touched upon the topic of privacy and the idea of a society where nothing is traceable. The speaker also criticized the Tea Party for their stance on healthcare and insurance, believing they only care about personal responsibility once a person is born. He argued that communities should be smaller to encourage a sense of responsibility and care for one another.

    • Challenges of Modern Society: Disconnection and Wealth InequalityModern society's large, abstract communities present challenges like disconnection and wealth inequality, requiring solutions for a more equitable and sustainable future.

      Humans are biologically wired for community living, but modern society has grown beyond the capacity of our ancient DNA. Living in large, abstract communities presents unique challenges, such as feeling disconnected from others and struggling to adapt. Additionally, wealth inequality is a significant issue, with a small percentage of people holding most of the wealth, which can lead to social and economic instability. Ultimately, understanding these challenges and finding ways to address them is crucial for creating a more equitable and sustainable future.

    • Understanding the Roots of Human Obsession with Wealth and PowerExamining societal structures and underlying mechanisms, rather than individual instances, can help address the root causes of human obsession with wealth and power, leading to ethical education and societal improvements.

      The intense focus on wealth and privilege in human society may be driven by a deep-rooted need for power and competition, much like natural leaders in animal colonies. The education system needs improvement to ensure that all children receive basic information, and the obsession with wealth and power can lead to harmful consequences. Instead of focusing on individual instances of greed and aggression, it's essential to examine the underlying mechanisms and societal structures that perpetuate these issues. For instance, the space race between countries is a prime example of competition and innovation, but it also raises questions about the resources and energy being invested in it when other pressing issues exist. Ultimately, it's crucial to consider the systemic causes and consequences of human behavior and strive for ethical education and societal structures that promote the greater good.

    • The truth can be distorted or fabricatedKeep an open mind and explore all possibilities instead of dismissing alternative theories

      The truth can be distorted or even fabricated, as seen in the Pat Tillman case where the circumstances of his death were initially misrepresented as him dying in a gunfight while he was actually killed by friendly fire. Similarly, the Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories persist due to unanswered questions and inconsistencies in the official story. The bullet supposedly found at the scene, which was said to have gone through Kennedy and Connally, is questionable due to its apparent lack of damage and the scientific implausibility of it passing through two people unharmed. Instead of dismissing alternative theories, it's essential to keep an open mind and explore all possibilities.

    • The Intensity of Conditioning and Changing NormsBeing aware of our beliefs and questioning their origins can lead to empathy, understanding, and progress, rather than clinging to outdated norms.

      Societal norms and beliefs change over time, but there may still be things we consider normal today that future generations will find absurd. The discussion also touched upon the power of conditioning and leadership, suggesting that people can be influenced to believe certain things as truths. The example of a man cutting down a Mexican flag because it was flying above an American flag illustrates the intensity of this conditioning. It's important to be aware of our own beliefs and question whether they are truly our own or if they have been conditioned into us. The ultimate goal is to strive for understanding, empathy, and progress, rather than clinging to outdated norms.

    • Questioning the validity of blind loyaltyTrue evolution comes from a representative government of an educated population, where individuals treat each other based on shared ideals rather than labels.

      The speaker expresses frustration with the idea of being forced to associate love for one's country with symbols or idols, and questions the validity of blindly following a government that has a history of making mistakes. They believe that true evolution lies in a representative government of an educated population, where individuals treat each other better based on shared ideals rather than labels. The speaker acknowledges the existence of good things associated with being a Christian or a patriot, but criticizes the tendency to use these labels as a means to justify harmful actions. Ultimately, they advocate for a focus on personal behavior and character, rather than external symbols or labels, as a means to bring people together and create positive energy.

    • Appreciating the Good Aspects of the Government and One's CountryLove and protect your country, family, and guns. Appreciate the good aspects of the government and the natural wonders it preserves.

      Despite the criticisms of the government, it's important to acknowledge the good things they've done as well. Using the example of the Grand Canyon, it was not created by the government but by natural forces. The speaker then shared his love for a country song by Aaron Lewis, which he finds patriotic and a great representation of the country attitude. He emphasized the importance of loving one's country, family, and guns, and being protective of it. The speaker also shared his appreciation for Aaron Lewis's voice and his transformation from a rock star to a country singer. The song's lyrics express a strong attachment to the country and a willingness to defend it. The speaker's overall message is to appreciate the good aspects of the government and one's country, while being protective of it.

    • Human Tendency to Cling to the FamiliarPeople often resist change and hold onto possessions and experiences, even if they're disturbing or outdated, due to their emotional attachment and familiarity.

      Throughout history, there have been individuals who fiercely resist change and hold onto their ways, even if it means fighting against the tide of progress. This was exemplified in the discussion about the love for certain possessions, such as guns or scrolls, and the resistance to giving them up. The speaker also shared anecdotes about controversial media, such as a graphic video of a man being killed by a horse, and the impact it had on their memory. Despite the disturbing nature of the content, the speaker acknowledged its significance in shaping their experiences. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the human tendency to cling to what we know and value, even in the face of new and potentially challenging ideas.

    • Encounter with Sandra Dee: A Low-Budget Horror StarA podcast host accidentally revealed the name and Twitter handle of a low-budget horror actress, causing a flood of attention. He felt terrible about the mix-up and apologized, but was still impressed by her captivating presence and impressive physique.

      The speaker had an encounter with an adult actress named Sandra Dee, who starred in a low-budget horror movie. He was so impressed by her performance that he unintentionally revealed her real name and Twitter handle on the podcast, causing a massive influx of attention to her account. The speaker also made a mistake and accidentally mentioned a different Sandra, a regular girl named Sandy Butler, instead. The speaker felt terrible about the mix-up and apologized. He described Sandra Dee as having a British accent, a large following on Twitter, and a captivating presence on set. The speaker was also intrigued by her impressive physique and couldn't help but share his admiration during the podcast. Despite the error, the speaker expressed excitement about the experience and looked forward to talking more about it once the movie was released.

    • Complexities and limitations of monogamyDespite societal norms, monogamy has limitations and complexities, as evidenced by celebrity relationships and ancient societal norms, leading to ongoing debates and misunderstandings.

      The concept of monogamy and its limitations, particularly in the context of celebrity relationships and ancient societal norms, was a topic of discussion. The speaker shared an anecdote about a woman he knew who was married to a porn star, but they were only allowed to have sexual relationships on camera. He mused about the potential loopholes in such arrangements and the societal pressures around monogamy. The conversation also touched upon historical references, including Conan the Barbarian and the Mongols, and the idea that humans are trapped in primitive monogamy patterns. The speaker expressed frustration with the societal norms and the use of the word "lamentations," which led to a misunderstanding and a discussion about its meaning in the context of sorrow. Overall, the conversation revolved around the complexities and limitations of relationships and societal norms.

    • Too many cooks spoil the movie productionInterference from multiple people with different visions and agendas can negatively impact creative projects, especially those with significant investments. A clear vision and a dedicated writer can lead to a successful adaptation.

      Creative projects, especially those with significant investments, can be negatively impacted when too many people with different visions and agendas become involved. The speaker shares an experience of watching a movie production, where an executive's interference led to the erosion of the original vision and the result was a subpar product. This issue was further compounded by the unknown leading man, Jason Momoa, trying to carry a gigantic franchise. The speaker also touches upon the topic of free entertainment and how viewers often overlook the fact that they are paying with their attention to advertisements and sometimes receiving diluted content. Ultimately, having a singular vision and a brilliant writer dedicated to the project can lead to a successful adaptation of a beloved character like Conan.

    • Balancing artistic vision and commercial interestsStay true to artistic vision despite external pressures, or risk compromising the integrity of your work.

      Creative projects can be heavily influenced and sometimes compromised by external forces, such as network executives or bosses, who may prioritize commercial interests over artistic vision. This can lead to the dilution or even ruination of the original concept. The speaker shares personal experiences of dealing with such situations, including a failed Comedy Central show and a low-budget project for Fuel TV. He also touches upon the emotional toll of contentious divorces and the comparison of dealing with difficult network executives to dealing with difficult ex-spouses. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of staying true to one's vision and not letting external pressures compromise the integrity of one's work.

    • Ego and Creative ProcessesSuccessful people should focus on their expertise and let creatives do their job to avoid slowing down the process.

      Creative processes should be left to the creative people, while executives should focus on their areas of expertise. The speaker shares an experience of working with network executives who gave ambiguous and unhelpful notes, slowing down the creative process. This issue is not unique, and the speaker compares it to a kid in a reading class who slows down the entire class. The problem lies in the ego of successful people who believe they are good at everything, leading them to insert themselves into creative power positions despite lacking the necessary skills. The speaker respects those who focus on one thing and become experts in it, and encourages everyone to be a professional in their chosen field. The speaker's own experience includes being a comic, a UFC commentator, and a podcast host, each requiring a different professional version of himself. The speaker also touches on the evolution of Fear Factor from 2002 to 2011 and the role of the internet in it. However, due to confidentiality, the speaker cannot discuss certain aspects of the topic further.

    • From hip hop to the internet: drastic transformationsThe internet's transformation brings discomfort and potential disasters, but also joy and responsibility for pet owners

      The internet has brought about significant changes, much like how hip hop evolved into gangster rap. This transformation is more extreme, leaving some feeling uncomfortable. The speaker even associates the experience with unpleasant bodily reactions, such as gagging. The speaker also shares their personal experiences with cats, including their frequent vomiting and the responsibility of owning them. The conversation shifts to the topic of toxoplasmosis, a parasitic infection that can affect judgment, and the speakers express concern about their potential exposure. They also discuss the importance of responsible pet ownership and the need for adequate exercise for dogs. Despite the challenges, the speakers remain committed to their pets and the joys they bring.

    • Creating a stimulating environment for dogsAllowing dogs freedom, attention, and outdoor time can lead to happier, more engaged companions.

      Providing a stimulating and loving environment for dogs can transform them into happier, more engaged companions. The speaker shares his experience of allowing his dogs to roam free in a large area and how they quickly adapted to their new surroundings. He emphasizes the importance of giving dogs attention, stimulation, and outdoor time. The discussion then shifts to the possibility of life existing beyond carbon-based organisms, drawing parallels to outdated beliefs and the potential for discovering life on other planets or even being made of star matter. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of questioning and exploring the unknown, whether it's the behavior of dogs or the existence of life beyond our planet.

    • Exploring the Universe with Music and PodcastsThe hosts discussed their shared love for music, particularly Johnny Cash's 'Highwayman' album, and their involvement in a podcast network. They also looked forward to upcoming guests and innovations in podcasting technology.

      The conversation between the podcast hosts revolved around their shared love for music and entertainment, with references to various artists and songs. They discussed their admiration for Johnny Cash and his album "Highwayman," which inspired them to imagine traveling through the universe as highway men. They also mentioned their involvement in a podcast network called Death Squad, which features several popular comedians. Additionally, they expressed their enthusiasm for upcoming podcast guests, including Judah Friedlander and Max Kellerman, and their shared passion for boxing. Another topic of discussion was the innovation of a mobile podcast kit by their sound engineer, which could potentially make recording on the go easier. Overall, the conversation showcased the hosts' lively and eclectic interests, as well as their camaraderie and excitement for their podcast endeavors.

    • Discovering ancient civilizations and challenging conventional beliefsThe discovery of a massive pyramid in Guatemala and other evidence challenge current beliefs about the existence and advancedness of ancient civilizations.

      Graham Hancock, a renowned author and historian, has challenged conventional beliefs about human history with his theories suggesting that civilization may have existed far longer and in more advanced states than commonly believed. The discovery of a massive, ancient pyramid in Guatemala, hidden in the jungle, adds to the intrigue. This finding, along with other evidence, challenges current timelines and raises questions about the origins of various civilizations. The exploration of these ideas is documented in the PBS series "The Secrets of the Dead: Lost City of Z," which delves into the search for a lost city in the Amazon believed to be home to an advanced civilization.

    • Documentaries exploring ancient discoveries and unexplained phenomenaResearch and check reviews before watching documentaries to ensure a valuable learning experience. Some documentaries, like 'Lost in the Amazon' and 'Secrets of the Dead,' provide insight into fascinating discoveries, while others, like 'She Stole My Voice,' may not meet expectations.

      There are numerous intriguing documentaries available, some of which explore ancient discoveries and unexplained phenomena. For instance, a documentary called "Lost in the Amazon" revolves around the disappearance of a famous explorer who believed in the existence of an advanced civilization in the Amazon jungle. Another series called "Secrets of the Dead" features various discoveries, such as the Terracotta Warriors and the Dead Sea Scrolls. However, not all documentaries receive positive reviews, like one titled "She Stole My Voice" which is criticized for its poor quality and explicit content. It's important to research and check reviews before watching to ensure a worthwhile viewing experience. Additionally, time and societal norms can impact how we perceive movies, like the 1990s film "Grand Canyon," which may seem less believable today due to its unrealistic plot.

    • Balancing ambition and enjoying the presentCherish the present while planning for the future, be nice to others, and use protection to avoid unintended consequences.

      Life is unpredictable and it's important to balance ambition and enjoying the present. Dr. Ken, a comedian and zookeeper, shared his experience of losing his father just a few weeks before a fight. Jake Shields, a UFC fighter, was particularly close to his father who managed his career and passed away unexpectedly. This tragic event highlights the importance of cherishing the present moment while also planning for the future. Another key takeaway is the importance of being nice to others. Joe Rogan emphasized that people are often more likely to be nice to us if we are nice to them first. Lastly, while discussing sex, Rogan shared an unexpected story about a waitress getting pregnant after a one-night stand, emphasizing the importance of using protection to avoid unintended consequences.

    • Appreciating life's pleasures when they're abundantDon't take life's pleasures for granted. Embrace the absurdity of life and find joy in everyday experiences.

      Life's pleasures, be it water, pussy, or other sources of joy, can be easily taken for granted when they are scarce. However, when they are abundant, we should appreciate them fully and not lose sight of the bigger picture. This was conveyed through the analogy of living in a desert and the importance of water or through the discussion of sexual encounters and their instinctual nature. The speaker emphasized the importance of being an enthusiast and enjoying life's pleasures, but also acknowledged the absurdity and meaninglessness behind them. It's important to find joy in everyday experiences, whether it's through food, music, or other sources of pleasure. Ultimately, the speaker encouraged embracing the absurdity of life and finding humor in unexpected situations.

    • The Jaw's Vulnerability to Powerful PunchesThe jaw's connection to a cluster of nerves makes it a weak point, and some individuals are more susceptible to being knocked out when struck there due to factors like determination, anger, adrenaline level, focus, and physiological design.

      There are some individuals who possess an exceptional ability to deliver powerful punches, and the impact on the jaw can lead to a significant electrical short circuit in the nerves, causing varying degrees of incapacitation depending on factors like determination, anger, adrenaline level, focus, and physiological design. The jaw's connection to a cluster of nerves makes it a vulnerable area, and some people may have a "glass jaw," meaning they are easily knocked out when struck there. Despite efforts to strengthen the jaw, there is a fundamental design flaw that makes it a weak point.

    • Focus on spreading positivity and contributing to a clear understanding of our place in the worldInstead of seeking temporary distractions, focus on making a difference by spreading positivity and contributing to a clear understanding of our place in the world.

      While it's natural to seek distractions and enjoy experiences like fighting, drinking, or hobbies, it's important to remember that these activities are temporary and won't ultimately fulfill us in the long run. Instead, focusing on spreading positivity and contributing to a clear understanding of our place in the world can bring greater meaning and satisfaction. Our instinctual drive should be to make the most of the opportunities we have to spread positive energy and make a difference. Ultimately, we have a unique chance to reach a large audience and share ideas that can resonate with others, particularly younger generations.

    • The impact of our interactions on ourselves and othersEmbrace the profound impact of our interactions on happiness and growth, find joy in unconventional passions and connections, and cherish the bonds we share with others.

      Our interactions, whether with each other or with ideas, can have a profound impact on ourselves and others. This impact is important and should be embraced rather than avoided. The enjoyment we find in our passions and connections, even if they seem unconventional or artificial, can lead to happiness and growth. The bond we share with others, whether through personal relationships or through a shared experience like a podcast, allows us to explore deep questions about consciousness, reality, and the human experience. Ultimately, it's the connections we make and the impact we have on each other that make life worth living.

    • Memorable experience at Ice House comedy clubSmall comedy clubs offer intimacy and unique energy, affecting performances. Podcasting from venue doors with fans could be an engaging experience.

      Duncan Trussell and his podcasting partner Brian Redban had a memorable experience performing at the intimate Ice House comedy club in Pasadena. They discussed the unique energy of small comedy clubs and how they could potentially record a podcast from right in front of the venue's door with fans in the background. They appreciated the closeness and intimacy of the small crowd and how it affected their performance. They also mentioned their upcoming shows at various venues, ranging from small (Ice House) to large (Horizon Wireless Theater in Houston). Overall, their conversation highlighted the significance of the size and atmosphere of comedy clubs and the potential for engaging with audiences in different settings.

    • Exploring diverse topics with Joe Rogan and Duncan TrussellThe Joe Rogan Experience offers unique and engaging conversations on various topics, with a focus on open-mindedness, self-discovery, and knowledge sharing.

      The podcast "The Joe Rogan Experience" is a dynamic and unpredictable show, featuring various guests and topics, with an emphasis on open-minded discussions and personal stories. The hosts, Joe Rogan and Duncan Trussell, have a chemistry that results in engaging and often humorous conversations. They cover a wide range of topics, from stand-up comedy and brain pills to UFOs and spirituality. They also promote each other's work and upcoming shows, encouraging their audience to support and engage with their content. The podcast's format allows for spontaneous and raw conversations, making each episode unique and worth listening to. Additionally, they use various platforms like Ustream and Vimeo to make their content accessible to a wider audience. Overall, "The Joe Rogan Experience" offers a refreshing and entertaining take on podcasting, with a focus on exploration, self-discovery, and the sharing of knowledge and experiences.

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    #677 - Zack Telander - Is Watching Porn Considered Cheating?

    #677 - Zack Telander - Is Watching Porn Considered Cheating?
    Zack Telander is a weightlifter, coach & YouTuber. I haven't seen my housemate in months because we've both been travelling. So here is 90 minutes of us discussing some of the biggest stories that have happened recently in our lives and within the insanity of the internet. Expect to learn Zack’s thoughts on Billy MacFarland coming back with Fyre Festival 2.0, the massive change to trans athletes in sports, whether watching porn is considered cheating, why Oppenheimer might be a threat to your relationship, what it's like to visit Japan and Korea were and what impressed him the most about each country, and much more... Sponsors: Get 10% discount on Marek Health’s comprehensive blood panels at https://marekhealth.com/modernwisdom (use code: MODERNWISDOM) Get $150/£150 discount on the Eight Sleep Pod Cover at https://eightsleep.com/modernwisdom (discount automatically applied) Get a Free Sample Pack of all LMNT Flavours with your first box at https://www.drinklmnt.com/modernwisdom (automatically applied at checkout) Extra Stuff: Get my free Reading List of 100 books to read before you die → https://chriswillx.com/books/ To support me on Patreon (thank you): https://www.patreon.com/modernwisdom - Get in touch. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/modernwisdompodcast Email: https://chriswillx.com/contact/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Patricia Lockwood's big, beautiful internet brain

    Patricia Lockwood's big, beautiful internet brain
    Writer and Vox contributor Anne Helen Petersen talks with poet and novelist Patricia Lockwood about the experience of being extremely online. They discuss Lockwood's book No One Is Talking About This, writing and religious upbringing, the parts of life perfectly suited to the internet, and the human experiences that glitch the system. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices