
    140. “He put our $1M into one risky investment. Will we lose it all?” (Part 2)

    enJanuary 23, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Listening in on real couples' financial journeys at upcoming podcast eventsAttend Ramit Sethi's podcast events for insights into real couples' financial stories, or read his comprehensive book 'I Will Teach You TO Be Rich' for practical advice on managing finances, including paying off debt, automating savings, and investing.

      The speaker, Ramit Sethi, is hosting two upcoming events in Philadelphia and Boston for his podcast, where he brings real couples on stage for a mini podcast session. He encourages listeners to get tickets at iwt.com/philly and iwt.com/boston before May 3rd using the presale code "rich life." Sethi also expressed his frustration about people coming on his podcast with financial questions that could be answered by reading his book, "I Will Teach You TO Be Rich," which covers topics like paying off student loans, automating finances, and investing. He emphasized that the book, with over 18,000 reviews on Amazon, is a comprehensive 6-week program for improving finances. Additionally, Brad and Sandra, a couple who have been married for over 25 years and have struggled with money, were discussed. They recently invested their life savings of about $1,000,000 into an oil operation due to their concerns about their finances, but Sandra is worried about their financial future. The speaker didn't express an opinion on the couple's decision to invest in oil, but he did mention that they had previously attempted real estate investing based on the advice in "Rich Dad Poor Dad," but it didn't go well.

    • Money and Financial Security in Sandra and Brad's RelationshipSandra's desire for financial security drives Brad to take risks, but these risks sometimes lead to losses and added stress. Brad feels pressure to make enough money for Sandra, leading to a complex financial dynamic in their relationship. The couple considers seeking help from a therapist to find balance.

      Money and the security it provides plays a significant role in the relationship between Sandra and Brad. Sandra's desire for financial security has driven her husband to take on risky ventures, such as investing in rental properties, commission-based jobs, and oil rigs, in an attempt to provide that sense of safety and stability. However, these risks have sometimes led to financial losses and added stress to their lives. Brad, on the other hand, feels the pressure to make enough money to satisfy Sandra's financial needs and create a sense of security for their family. Sandra recognizes Brad's intentions and appreciates his efforts, but also acknowledges the challenges and potential risks that come with his ventures. The couple has considered seeking the help of a therapist to better understand their financial dynamics and find a balance between risk and security.

    • Anxiety and stress from having all investments in one placeFeeling uneasy about having all investments in one place can lead to anxiety, stress, and difficulty using income for necessary expenses. It's important to find financial comfort and alignment with personal values and needs.

      Having all of one's investments in one place can be a source of significant anxiety and stress, even if the returns are consistent. The speaker shares her experience of putting a large sum of money into a private deal and feeling nervous about it, to the point where she didn't want to touch any dividends until the initial investment was returned. This mindset left her feeling like she was betraying herself by using the money for living expenses, even though they were necessary. The conversation also touched on the difficulty of agreeing on income numbers during a Couples' Session, which can be a major stumbling block in financial discussions. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of being comfortable with one's financial decisions and finding a way to use income in a way that aligns with personal values and needs.

    • Misunderstandings in Couples' Financial DiscussionsEffective communication and understanding are essential in managing personal finances as a couple. Approach discussions with empathy, respect, and openness to each other's viewpoints to avoid conflict and find solutions that fit both partners' needs and values.

      Effective communication and understanding are crucial in managing personal finances as a couple. In the discussed conversation between Sandra and Brad, it became clear that there was a significant disconnect in their perspectives regarding their financial situation. Sandra felt that Brad was underemployed and should get a higher-paying job to meet their expenses, while Brad seemed resistant to this idea. The conversation escalated into a frustrating exchange filled with sarcasm, disdain, and insults. From this situation, it's essential to recognize that both parties need to be on the same page when it comes to financial goals and expectations. Using judgmental language and making assumptions without fully understanding the other person's situation only leads to conflict. Instead, couples should approach money discussions with empathy, respect, and openness to each other's viewpoints. Moreover, it's essential to remember that everyone's financial circumstances and priorities are unique. What works for one couple might not work for another. The key is to collaborate and find a solution that fits both partners' needs and values. By focusing on the end goal – financial security and stability – couples can navigate financial challenges together and build a strong foundation for their future.

    • Staying Hydrated and Trying New ThingsStay Element's tasty electrolyte drink mix can help maintain health and prevent electrolyte deficiency symptoms. Babbel's language learning platform can make everyday experiences more enjoyable and memorable. Accurately account for all income sources when calculating net worth. Consider career changes or additional income streams to achieve financial goals.

      Staying hydrated is essential for maintaining good health and preventing common symptoms of electrolyte deficiency, such as headaches, muscle cramps, and fatigue. Element, a tasty electrolyte drink mix, can help with this, and they have recently launched new chocolate medley flavors for the colder weather. Element offers a risk-free trial, so you can try it out and get your money back if you don't like it. Another takeaway is the importance of making everyday experiences, like dining out or learning a new language, more enjoyable and memorable. Babbel, a language learning platform, can help you learn conversational tools quickly and effectively, allowing you to use them in everyday situations. Brad and Sandra's net worth is $1,310,000, with Brad making approximately $113,000 per year from his job and side gig as a professional announcer. It's essential to accurately account for all sources of income when calculating net worth. Lastly, considering a career change or additional income streams can be beneficial in achieving financial goals. Sandra suggested that Brad look into becoming a school teacher after the mortgage industry dried up.

    • Brad's unexpected challenges as a teacherBrad faced numerous challenges becoming a teacher, including obtaining licenses and securing a full-time position. His part-time income didn't meet their financial needs, and focusing solely on Sandra's satisfaction overlooked a solid financial plan.

      Becoming a teacher, as Brad initially planned, turned out to be a more complicated and less financially rewarding path than expected. Despite Sandra's encouragement, Brad faced numerous challenges, including obtaining teaching licenses and securing a full-time position. The part-time community college teaching job he landed provided some income but didn't meet their financial needs. Brad's primary focus became ensuring Sandra's satisfaction to alleviate her concerns, but this narrow perspective overlooked the need for a more substantial financial plan. The couple's high fixed costs and misunderstanding of variable income further complicated their financial situation. To move forward, they needed to address these issues and create a solid financial plan, which would involve more substantial efforts and potentially difficult decisions.

    • Managing unexpected income for financial stabilityAcknowledge and account for all sources of income, focus on necessary expenses to reduce perceived financial stress and improve overall financial situation.

      Acknowledging and properly managing income, no matter the source, is crucial for financial stability and reducing stress. In this discussion, Sandra and Brad were struggling with the inflow of $20,000 a month from an oil investment, which felt like spending their hard-earned savings on unnecessary items. By separating the income from the investment itself and addressing their spending habits, they were able to significantly reduce their perceived financial stress and improve their overall financial situation. It's essential to acknowledge and account for all sources of income and focus on necessary expenses to make the most of the financial resources available.

    • Examining limiting beliefs about moneyQuestioning old stories and habits around money can lead to improved financial well-being. Let go of control and recognize income, consider new ways to approach money.

      Our identities around money can be limiting and inaccurate reflections of our financial reality. In the discussion, two individuals shared their identities as frugal and careful, but upon further exploration, it was revealed that they were holding onto old stories and habits that were no longer serving them. These individuals were paying high expenses for cars and insurance, and their fear of not having enough money was leading them to worry excessively. The speaker encouraged them to question their identities and consider new ways of approaching money, such as letting go of control and recognizing that they have more income than they once thought. The conversation also touched on the importance of understanding the role of dividends as income and the potential risks of investing a significant portion of savings into a single investment. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of examining our beliefs and habits around money and considering new perspectives to improve our financial well-being.

    • Effective communication and planning are crucial for managing finances and making informed decisionsFind reliable healthcare solutions, invest wisely, maximize retirement contributions, communicate openly with partners, and take action to improve various aspects of life

      Effective communication and planning are key to managing finances and making informed decisions. In the discussion, the speakers highlighted the importance of finding reliable healthcare solutions, such as Zocdoc, and investing wisely, while considering individual needs and limitations. The speakers agreed on the importance of maximizing retirement contributions, but disagreed on the approach, with one suggesting reinvesting returns and the other focusing on long-term investments. The conversation underscores the importance of open dialogue and collaboration between partners when it comes to managing finances. Additionally, the discussion touched on the importance of finding solutions to common problems, such as difficulty finding a doctor or staying cool, with the introduction of Zocdoc and 8 Sleep as potential solutions. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of taking action to improve various aspects of life, from health to financial planning.

    • Finding a compromise on investment strategiesThey agreed to split remaining funds, invest half in long-term savings, and leave the other half open for opportunities or uses.

      Brad and Sandra discussed finding a compromise on their investment strategies by splitting the remaining funds after covering expenses, with each deciding how to invest their respective portions. Sandra acknowledged her past negative experiences with investments and financial advisors, but saw potential in index funds and maxing out their 401ks. They agreed on investing half of their monthly income in long-term savings or investments, leaving the other half open for potential business opportunities or other uses. The conversation ended with a sense of compromise and optimism. However, they still needed to discuss the remaining funds for guilt-free spending and savings. Brad expressed confidence in Sandra's ability to manage her guilt-free spending, but acknowledged the need for balance between investing and enjoying life.

    • Investing in risky private projects isn't wiseAvoid putting all savings into one risky investment. Diversify into index funds instead for financial security.

      Investing a large portion of one's savings into a single private investment, especially one as risky as an oil project, is not advisable. This was a concern expressed during a conversation between two individuals, Brad and Sandra, who have a long history of disagreements about money. The risks associated with such investments were described as "dumb money," a term used to refer to investments made by unsophisticated investors who are often taken advantage of by Wall Street. The speakers acknowledged that the average investment into this project was significant, but they recommended diversifying investments into index funds instead. They also suggested alternative ways to earn additional income if one wanted to explore alternative investments beyond a diversified portfolio. The importance of being aware of the risks associated with private investments and the benefits of diversification cannot be overstated.

    • Maximize productivity and enhance life experiencesUse tools like Superhuman for efficient email management and platforms like Viator for unique travel experiences. Prioritize saving and investing for future financial security.

      Using productivity tools like Superhuman and booking experiences through platforms like Viator can significantly save time and enhance quality of life. Superhuman, an email software, helps manage emails efficiently with features like keyboard shortcuts, streamlined inbox, and AI summarization. Viator offers access to over 300,000 travel experiences in 190 countries, providing unique and memorable activities for travelers. Regarding finances, investing and saving wisely is crucial to secure future financial stability. The speaker emphasizes the importance of having funds readily available for retirement and avoiding the risk of financial burden for future generations. By investing in index funds and other retirement accounts, individuals can take advantage of compound interest and build wealth over time.

    • Balancing Net Worth and Cash Flow for Effective Financial PlanningEffective financial planning requires considering both net worth and cash flow, as focusing too heavily on one over the other can lead to potential risks and consequences.

      Having a clear understanding of both net worth and cash flow is crucial for effective financial planning. In this discussion, two individuals had different perspectives - one focusing on net worth and the other on cash flow. While the former saw their substantial income and net worth as sufficient, the latter was concerned about their monthly losses and the lack of savings. The conversation highlighted the importance of balancing both aspects, as well as the potential risks and consequences of relying too heavily on one over the other. It's essential to consider both net worth and cash flow when making financial decisions to ensure long-term financial security.

    • Exploring ways to increase income and reduce expensesConsidering a decrease in income, Brad and Sandra discussed increasing their income through part-time jobs or side businesses and reducing expenses by 75% to ensure financial stability.

      Controlling income and expenses is crucial for financial stability. In the discussion, Brad and Sandra explored different scenarios to increase their income and reduce expenses. The worst-case scenario was considered when assuming a significant decrease in income. To mitigate this risk, they could increase their income through various means, such as a part-time job for Brad or growing a side business for Sandra. They also agreed that making decisions together about their family's income needs and finding something they're both comfortable and happy doing is essential. The total gross income for both of them was adjusted to be the same, at $6,450 per month, with a combined gross monthly income of $12,950. Their fixed costs were also reduced to 75%. It's important to remember that relying on hope is not a strategy, and actively seeking ways to increase income and decrease expenses can lead to a more secure financial future.

    • Securing Retirement Funds: Importance of Saving and Investing EarlySecure financial stability by saving and investing wisely, starting early and contributing substantially. Consider alternative income sources if necessary.

      , despite current investment success, it's crucial for individuals, especially those nearing retirement age, to consider increasing their savings and investments due to the uncertainty of future returns and income. The speaker emphasized that starting early and contributing substantially can lead to substantial retirement funds. However, if one's current income is not enough, exploring other options like full-time employment could be an alternative. The speaker acknowledged the current investment's impressive performance but also acknowledged the risks involved. Overall, the key takeaway is to secure financial stability by saving and investing wisely and considering alternative income sources if necessary.

    • Prepare for best and worst financial scenariosAdjust savings plan with unexpected income, double percentages, revisit financial education, seek coaching, prioritize important expenses, and communicate effectively with partner.

      Having a financial plan for both best and worst case scenarios is crucial for financial security and peace of mind. If unexpected income comes in, such as a large dividend, it's important to adjust the plan accordingly without altering the percentages. This principle of doubling the percentage can help ensure that savings goals are met. Additionally, addressing feelings of inadequacy or unease about money can involve revisiting financial education, seeking coaching, and prioritizing important expenses, such as therapy, in the budget. Effective communication and understanding of each other's financial needs and desires can lead to more positive and unified conversations, fostering a stronger partnership.

    • Open communication about financial fears and agreementsThrough open communication, Brad and Sandra discovered a clearer vision for their finances and strengthened their relationship.

      Open and honest communication about financial fears and agreements can lead to a better understanding and alignment between partners. During a conversation between Brad and Sandra, they discussed their fears about their financial situation, particularly regarding their investments in oil. Brad shared that he would get a job if the oil money stopped, and Sandra expressed her desire to be more involved in managing their finances. The hosts suggested getting rid of their budget and having a symbolic "burning ceremony" to signify a fresh start. Both partners felt a sense of relief and certainty after the conversation, and they realized they were more aligned than they thought. Sandra's biggest takeaway was the importance of both partners being actively involved in managing their finances and having a clear vision for their future. By having an open and honest conversation, Brad and Sandra were able to make progress in resolving their financial issues and strengthening their relationship.

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    161. “He hid $77k in CC debt from me—but can’t tell me what he bought”

    161. “He hid $77k in CC debt from me—but can’t tell me what he bought”
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    160. “My entire paycheck goes to daycare. Should I stay home?”

    160. “My entire paycheck goes to daycare. Should I stay home?”
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    159. “How can we raise 3 kids if she only makes $15k?”

    159. “How can we raise 3 kids if she only makes $15k?”
    Caleb and Alex are both 27. They have one young child and foster two sisters, both of whom they intend to adopt soon. As children themselves, Caleb and Alex were immersed in missionary work in South America—an influence that colors how they see, feel, and act with money. This episode is brought to you by: Viator | Download the Viator app and use code VIATOR10 for 10% off your first travel experience with Viator. Netsuite | Get visibility to everything in your business one one place. Sign up and defer payments, with no interest, for six months at https://iwt.com/netsuite. LMNT | Right now, LMNT is offering 8 single serving packets FREE with any LMNT order. This is a great way to try all 8 flavors. Get yours at https://drinklmnt.com/RAMIT. Masterclass | For unlimited access to every class and 15% off an annual membership, go to https://masterclass.com/ramit. Fabric by Gerber Life | Protect your family today with Fabric by Gerber Life. Apply today in just 10 minutes at https://meetfabric.com/ramit. Connect with Ramit • Get the Podcast Newsletter and exclusive Q&A about the show • Get Money Coaching with Ramit  • Download the Conscious Spending Plan • Listen to my book—now on Audible • Get my New York Times best-selling book • Get my no-numbers journal • Other episodes • Instagram • Twitter • YouTube • Submit a question for the newsletter iwt.com/askramit  If you and your partner have a money issue and you want my help, I occasionally select a couple to work with, free of charge. Apply for my help here. Produced by Crate Media.

    158. “We have $2M, why can’t we retire?” (Part 2)

    158. “We have $2M, why can’t we retire?” (Part 2)
    Rob and Adrienne are nearing retirement but worried about having enough. In Part 2, we dig into their Conscious Spending Plan to reveal a massively successful investment strategy that remains shrouded by deep lingering fears, $3 questions, and hard-to-break bad habits with money. This episode is brought to you by: Rocket Money | Stop throwing your money away. Cancel unwanted subscriptions – and manage your expenses the easy way – by going to https://rocketmoney.com/ramit. DeleteMe | If you want to get your personal information removed from the web, go to https://joindeleteme.com/ramit for 20% off. Hatch | A million things don’t want you to sleep, Hatch does. Get $20 off a Hatch Restore at https://hatch.co/ramit. Facet | Get affordable, accessible financial planning with a flat fee membership. For a limited time, the $250 enrollment fee will be waived when you sign up at https://facet.com/ramit. Superhuman | Get a free month of lightning fast email at https://try.sprh.mn/ramitsethi. Links mentioned in this episode • “We spent $80,000 more than we made last year” (Part 1) Connect with Ramit • Get the Podcast Newsletter and exclusive Q&A about the show • Get Money Coaching with Ramit  • Download the Conscious Spending Plan • Listen to my book—now on Audible • Get my New York Times best-selling book • Get my no-numbers journal • Other episodes • Instagram • Twitter • YouTube Submit a question for the newsletter iwt.com/askramit  If you and your partner have a money issue and you want my help, I occasionally select a couple to work with, free of charge. Apply for my help here. Produced by Crate Media.

    157. “We spent $80,000 more than we made last year” (Part 1)

    157. “We spent $80,000 more than we made last year” (Part 1)
    Adrienne and Rob are 59 and 62, and they are overcome with worry over whether or not they’ve amassed enough wealth to live comfortably, and apply Rich Life principles, in their retirement years. Adrienne’s head is in the clouds—dreamy and full of color. Rob lives in his (physical!) spreadsheets.  This episode is brought to you by: Masterclass | For unlimited access to every class and 15% off an annual membership, go to https://masterclass.com/ramit. LMNT | Right now, LMNT is offering 8 single serving packets FREE with any LMNT order. This is a great way to try all 8 flavors. Get yours at https://drinklmnt.com/RAMIT. Claritin | Visit https://claritin.com right now for a discount so you can get allergy relief and live Claritin Clear. Babbel | For our listeners only, get 60% off your Babbel subscription at https://Babbel.com/ramit. Mint Mobile | To get your new wireless plan for just $15 a month, go to https://mintmobile.com/ramit. Connect with Ramit • Get the Podcast Newsletter and exclusive Q&A about the show • Get Money Coaching with Ramit  • Download the Conscious Spending Plan • Listen to my book—now on Audible • Get my New York Times best-selling book • Get my no-numbers journal • Other episodes • Instagram • Twitter • YouTube • Submit a question for the newsletter iwt.com/askramit  If you and your partner have a money issue and you want my help, I occasionally select a couple to work with, free of charge. Apply for my help here. Produced by Crate Media.

    156. "We have 2 kids, 3 cars...but only 1 month of savings" (Part 2)

    156. "We have 2 kids, 3 cars...but only 1 month of savings" (Part 2)
    In the second half of this live-recorded conversation with Paul and Morgan, 37 and 33, we dig deeper into their Conscious Spending Plan to uncover three cars (for two adults), sporadic debt management, high pet care costs, hidden student loans, and what seems like no way out from under it all.  This episode is brought to you by: Hatch | A million things don’t want you to sleep, Hatch does. Get $20 off a Hatch Restore at https://hatch.co/ramit. Rocket Money | Stop throwing your money away. Cancel unwanted subscriptions – and manage your expenses the easy way – by going to https://rocketmoney.com/ramit. ZocDoc | Download the ZocDoc app for FREE at https://zocdoc.com/ramit then find and book a top-rated doctor today. Masterclass | For unlimited access to every class and 15% off an annual membership, go to https://masterclass.com/ramit. Fabric by Gerber Life | Protect your family today with Fabric by Gerber Life. Apply today in just 10 minutes at https://meetfabric.com/ramit. Links mentioned in this episode • “We have $22k in cc debt—but I want to renovate the house” (Part 1) Connect with Ramit • Get the Podcast Newsletter and exclusive Q&A about the show • Get Money Coaching with Ramit  • Download the Conscious Spending Plan • Listen to my book—now on Audible • Get my New York Times best-selling book • Get my no-numbers journal • Other episodes • Instagram • Twitter • YouTube • Submit a question for the newsletter iwt.com/askramit  If you and your partner have a money issue and you want my help, I occasionally select a couple to work with, free of charge. Apply for my help here. Produced by Crate Media.

    155. “We have $22k in cc debt—but I want to renovate the house” (Part 1)

    155. “We have $22k in cc debt—but I want to renovate the house” (Part 1)
    Paul and Morgan, 37 and 33, find themselves in a painful loop of arguments and unchecked spending, putting the future of their young family at risk. We hear about destination concerts, ongoing renovations, and charged vacations—but it’s their fixed cost percentage that is most worrisome. This episode is brought to you by: LMNT | Right now, LMNT is offering 8 single serving packets FREE with any LMNT order. This is a great way to try all 8 flavors. Get yours at https://drinklmnt.com/RAMIT. Viator | Download the Viator app and use code VIATOR10 for 10% off your first travel experience with Viator. Trade | Right now, Trade is offering our audience a free bag of coffee with any subscription at https://drinktrade.com/ramit. Netsuite | Get visibility to everything in your business one one place. Sign up and defer payments, with no interest, for six months at https://iwt.com/netsuite. Claritin | Visit https://claritin.com right now for a discount so you can get allergy relief and live Claritin Clear. Connect with Ramit • Get the Podcast Newsletter and exclusive Q&A about the show • Get Money Coaching with Ramit  • Download the Conscious Spending Plan • Listen to my book—now on Audible • Get my New York Times best-selling book • Get my no-numbers journal • Other episodes • Instagram • Twitter • YouTube Submit a question for the newsletter iwt.com/askramit  If you and your partner have a money issue and you want my help, I occasionally select a couple to work with, free of charge. Apply for my help here. Produced by Crate Media.

    154. “We’re drowning in debt, but I drive a BMW”

    154. “We’re drowning in debt, but I drive a BMW”
    Kevin and Michelle, 32 and 30, joined me live in New York City earlier this year for our very first in-person interview. They have one young child and another on the way, but they can’t stop spending. With low savings, their debt mounts while they both lease luxury vehicles. This episode is brought to you by: Sidebar | Join thousands of leaders from companies like Microsoft, Amazon, and Meta who have taken the first step towards accelerating their career https://sidebar.com/ramit LMNT | Right now, LMNT is offering 8 single serving packets FREE with any LMNT order. This is a great way to try all 8 flavors. Get yours at https://drinklmnt.com/RAMIT. Masterclass | For unlimited access to every class and 15% off an annual membership, go to https://masterclass.com/ramit. Facet | Get affordable, accessible financial planning with a flat fee membership. For a limited time, the $250 enrollment fee will be waived when you sign up at https://facet.com/ramit. Rocket Money | Stop throwing your money away. Cancel unwanted subscriptions – and manage your expenses the easy way – by going to https://rocketmoney.com/ramit. Links mentioned in this episode • "My husband doesn’t trust me to run our business" #1 Connect with Ramit • Get the Podcast Newsletter and exclusive Q&A about the show • Get Money Coaching with Ramit  • Download the Conscious Spending Plan • Listen to my book—now on Audible • Get my New York Times best-selling book • Get my no-numbers journal • Other episodes • Instagram • Twitter • YouTube • Submit a question for the newsletter iwt.com/askramit  If you and your partner have a money issue and you want my help, I occasionally select a couple to work with, free of charge. Apply for my help here. Produced by Crate Media.

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    205. Money Matters: Understanding the Nature and Flow of Money for Financial Success with Russ Morgan

    205. Money Matters: Understanding the Nature and Flow of Money for Financial Success with Russ Morgan

    Money plays a crucial role in our lives, yet many of us lack a deep understanding of how it truly works. We often view it as a simple tool for earning and spending, without recognizing its complexities and potential for long-term wealth creation. This is where the importance of reeducation comes in, particularly for business owners and families who seek to maximize their financial potential.

    In this episode, Russ Morgan, founder and partner of Wealth Without Wall Street, provides insights into understanding how money truly works and common misconceptions associated with it. He sheds light on the nature of money, its creation, and its flow through the economy. Russ explains that becoming a better investor involves enhancing one's ability to identify and evaluate investment opportunities, manage risks, and generate returns. He also highlights that infinite banking is a financial strategy that involves using a whole life insurance policy to create a source of tax-free income and generate long-term wealth.

    Furthermore, Russ Morgan shares his personal experience and journey, leading up to his involvement in a wealth-building group. He also discusses various ways to earn money, emphasizing the importance of diversifying income streams for financial security.

    If you're a business owner or individual seeking to improve your financial literacy and gain insights into wealth-building strategies, tune in to this episode with Russ Morgan.


    Key Points From This Episode:  

    • Understanding how money truly works, and common misconceptions

    • Defining what it means to become a better investor

    • Exploring different ways to earn money

    • His personal experience and journey leading to current involvement in a group or discussion. 

    • What is infinite banking? 

    • Using life insurance policy with cash value for tax advantages and accessing cash through loans/withdrawals.

    • Cash flow strategy

    • Using financial strategy for monthly business growth


    About Russ Morgan

    Wealth Without Wall Street’s Founder and Partner, Russ Morgan, is known as “The Idea Guy.” Russ began his professional career as an investment advisor in 2004 after graduating from Auburn University — a slight foray from 10-year-old Russ’ dream of becoming a professional baseball pitcher. Russ started IBC in 2009, and eventually went on to found Wealth Without Wall Street in 2015. Russ' mother was an enormous inspiration for him growing up. As a single mother with two young children, she took a rigorous, accelerated track through college while working multiple jobs, all with the goal of bettering her children’s lives. When he’s not working, you can wave to Russ on a boat at the lake pulling his kids around on a tube. And on Sunday mornings, he’s probably rushing to church with his family … only 10 minutes late.

    Russ’ creativity, fresh ideas, and knack for problem solving are indispensable assets to his role at Wealth Without Wall Street. Russ would describe himself as competitive, creative, and passionate; his colleagues would likely add that he is helpful and abundant. Russ hopes to be remembered as an innovator who loved to teach others, and he has a goal to one day serve in the mission field. Finishing the book is another more near-term goal. Aside from Wealth Without Wall Street, Russ learns from the Business School podcast with Sharran Srivatsaa and Donald Miller’s Building A StoryBrand book and podcast. Aspire Movement, Campus Outreach, and Young Business Leaders are three causes near to Russ’ heart. Russ in one motto? “Just try!”


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