
    Podcast Summary

    • Acceptance in Strongman and Comedy CommunitiesBoth the Strongman and Comedy communities welcome individuals regardless of their sexual orientation. Coming out was a liberating experience for the speaker in the gay community, and initial difficulties were met with acceptance and indifference in his other communities.

      Both the Strongman community and the comedy community have a welcoming and accepting attitude towards individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation. The speaker, who is the first Mohawk-wearing guest on the podcast and also the world's strongest gay, shared his experience of coming out in both communities and how it was met with acceptance and indifference towards his sexuality as long as he continued to excel in his respective fields. He also mentioned that in the gay community, porn is viewed differently, and coming out was a liberating experience for him. Despite some initial difficulties, he did not stay in contact with the ex-girlfriend who reacted negatively to his coming out. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of acceptance and the freedom to be oneself in various communities.

    • Sharing experiences of coming to terms with sexuality and dealing with homophobiaDespite unexpected challenges, being true to oneself and finding love and acceptance are possible.

      Everyone's journey to self-discovery and acceptance is unique and can come with unexpected challenges. The speaker shared her experience of coming to terms with her sexuality and dealing with homophobia, which included a false accusation of giving someone a sexually transmitted infection. She also shared how she met her husband on a dating app while still in the closet and the challenges that came with it. Despite the difficulties, she found love and support, and now openly shares her experiences to promote acceptance and challenge homophobia. The speaker also poked fun at the concept of a "gay agenda," highlighting the absurdity of people trying to convert others or impose their beliefs on others. Overall, her story is a reminder of the importance of being true to oneself and finding love and acceptance in the face of adversity.

    • Growing up with diversity shapes perspectiveExposure to diverse communities at a young age fosters acceptance and authenticity, while discrimination and homophobia can challenge one's confidence. Authenticity and self-acceptance are crucial for personal happiness.

      Growing up surrounded by diverse communities and experiences can shape one's perspective and understanding of the world. The speaker's upbringing in San Francisco during the 1970s, where he was exposed to gay people from a young age, allowed him to view their lifestyles as normal. However, moving to areas with less acceptance led him to experience discrimination and homophobia. Despite this, he remained confident and unapologetic about his identity. His experience of coming out in a committed relationship and the relief and happiness it brought him underscores the importance of authenticity and self-acceptance. The changing societal attitudes towards acceptance and the speaker's positive reception at the World's Strongest Man competition highlight the progress being made towards greater inclusivity and acceptance for all.

    • The Struggle of Living a Hidden IdentityDiscovering and embracing one's authentic self is crucial for personal growth and happiness. Engaging in activities that don't align with who we truly are can lead to exhaustion and strain. Finding passions and pursuits that align with our unique abilities and interests can bring joy and fulfillment.

      The speaker's journey to self-discovery and acceptance involved hiding his true identity and engaging in activities that didn't align with his authentic self. He recalls feeling out of place in middle school, particularly in relation to gender norms and stereotypes. However, when he came out, people were not surprised. He also shared his experience with cheerleading, which required physical strength and power, and how he discovered powerlifting and strongman competitions by chance. The speaker's story highlights the exhaustion and strain of living a life that doesn't align with one's true identity, and the importance of finding and embracing one's authentic self. It also underscores the value of discovering passions and pursuits that align with one's unique abilities and interests.

    • Persistence and adaptability in StrongmanDespite limited equipment exposure and initial setbacks, the speaker's persistence and adaptability led him to success in Strongman, even after a serious injury.

      Persistence and adaptability are key in the world of Strongman. The speaker, who started powerlifting in Massachusetts and discovered Strongman, had minimal equipment exposure at first but made up for it by competing frequently. Despite taking last place in his first several contests, he eventually became successful, competing in amateur nationals and earning his pro card. However, even with a background in athletic training, he still experienced a serious injury when a stone fell on his chest during a contest. Despite the setback, he took time to recover and returned to competition. Strongman events are different every time, and the speaker's ability to learn and adapt, as well as his persistence, allowed him to succeed in the sport.

    • Strategic Approach to Strongman TrainingConsistently train with proper technique using equipment similar to competition for strongman success.

      Effective training for strongman competitions involves a strategic approach to workout scheduling and the use of various equipment. The athlete in this conversation trains four days a week, with each day focusing on specific lifts and accessory work. He also uses a heavy-duty belt during heavy lifts to help build intra-abdominal pressure and prevent injury. In preparation for competitions, he trains with equipment similar to what will be used, such as trucks for the pull events. Building friendships with local fire departments can also provide opportunities to train with actual competition vehicles. Overall, the key to success in strongman training is consistency, proper technique, and the use of appropriate equipment.

    • Experience of participating in extreme sports like StrongmanStrongman athletes face immense challenges requiring strength, endurance, and mental toughness, with risks of injuries and rewards of pushing personal limits.

      Participating in extreme sports like Strongman, which involves pulling heavy weights and fire trucks, requires immense strength, endurance, and mental toughness. The athlete in the conversation shared his experience of pulling a fire truck, which weighed differently depending on whether it had water in it, and the challenges it posed to his body. He also discussed the risks involved, such as injuries to the Achilles tendon or even head trauma from falling barrels. Despite the risks, the athlete and his peers are drawn to the sport because of the thrill of overcoming challenges that are difficult for most people. Strongman athletes are often in their prime in their early to mid-thirties, but there are exceptions like Mark Felix, who is 53 and still breaking records. The sport requires a high level of dedication and commitment, but the rewards of pushing one's limits and achieving feats of strength make it worthwhile for many.

    • Impact of grip type on injury risk in strongmanUsing double overhand grip and straps during deadlift training can reduce bicep injury risk. In strongman competitions, hook grip or mix grip can be used, with hook grip providing better grip and potential injury reduction.

      The use of mixed grip versus double overhand grip in deadlifting can significantly impact injury risk. A torn bicep is a common injury in strongmen competitions, often occurring during lifts like the atlas stone tire flip or during deadlifting with a mixed grip. To reduce the risk of injury, it's recommended to use double overhand grip and straps in training, especially when the focus is on powerlifting. However, in strongmen competitions, athletes must deadlift without straps, leaving them with the option of using a hook grip or a mix grip. While hook grip can be painful, it can provide a better grip and reduce the risk of bicep injury. Conversely, farmers' walks primarily rely on a straight-up grip event due to the size of the handles. Training with thick grips can help improve grip strength and prevent injuries. Ultimately, the decision to continue competing at a high level in strongman, like the 53-year-old athlete discussed, requires a significant commitment to injury prevention and rehabilitation.

    • A well-rounded recovery approachCombine muscle stimulation devices, deep tissue massage, cupping, dry needling, and self-care tools for effective pain relief, training recovery, and muscle activation.

      Effective recovery involves a combination of tools and techniques. The use of compact, pre-programmed muscle stimulation devices can provide foolproof pain relief, training recovery, and muscle activation. Regular deep tissue massage, cupping, and dry needling sessions from a skilled therapist can help break up tight spots and injuries, leading to improved pliability and overall well-being. Dry needling, in particular, offers the benefits of acupuncture with the added science behind it. Additionally, self-care tools like mobility balls and bands can be used to target specific areas and provide relief for beaten-up joints. Overall, a well-rounded approach to recovery incorporates a mix of these methods to optimize performance and promote quicker healing.

    • Elite Strongman Competitors' Demanding SeasonElite strongman competitors face a grueling season with numerous contests, minimal rest, and a focus on appearance over pure strength.

      Elite strongman competitors, like the speaker, train relentlessly with minimal rest between contests due to the high demand and competition in the sport. The speaker mentioned having almost 13 contests planned in a season that lasts 10 months, with only brief breaks in between. Additionally, the industry's focus on appearance rather than pure strength and power can make it challenging for some athletes to secure sponsorships. Despite being a smaller competitor, the speaker attributes his success to a deep understanding and dedication to the sport, gained through years of study and perseverance. The presence of giants like Thor Bjornsson, who defy expectations with their size and strength, further highlights the unique demands and challenges of the strongman competition scene.

    • Adapting Techniques for Individual StrengthsStrongman athlete Brian Shaw's split jerking of heavy logs, a technique honed from CrossFit background, highlights the importance of adapting techniques to suit individual strengths and fueling the body for intense training.

      Strongman athlete, Brian Shaw, and his unique technique of split jerking heavy logs, showcases the importance of adapting techniques to suit individual strengths and backgrounds. Shaw's background in CrossFit allowed him to master the split jerk, which shortens the range of motion and requires quick athleticism. Despite the risks involved, this move has helped him progress to elite levels in Strongman competition, defying expectations based on his size. Additionally, Shaw's eating habits, which consist of a high calorie intake but not an excessive one, highlight the importance of fueling the body for intense training. Overall, Shaw's story demonstrates the value of perseverance, adaptability, and finding what works best for each individual in their respective fields.

    • A Strongman Competitor's Nutrition PrioritiesStrongman competitors prioritize flavor and nutrition, using air fried chicken fingers with Panko breadcrumbs for taste and high protein intake, and consuming large amounts of calories during intense workouts with protein shakes and preferred protein sources like bison or ground beef.

      The speaker, who is a strongman competitor, prioritizes both taste and nutrition in his diet. He uses air fried chicken fingers with Panko breadcrumbs for flavor and texture, while also ensuring he gets a high intake of protein and carbohydrates. His workouts are intense and long, requiring him to consume large amounts of calories to fuel his training. He uses a shake with Gatorade, carb powder, and protein during his workouts, which totals around 1000 calories. The speaker's preferred protein source is bison, but he also consumes ground beef when budget is a concern. He makes most of his income from sponsorships with supplement, equipment, and clothing companies, as well as online coaching for strength athletes.

    • Challenging societal norms in strongman competitionsRob Kearney, a strongman competitor, uses his platform to promote LGBTQ visibility in professional sports by embracing his identity as 'World's Strongest Gay' on social media and planning to secure a domain name to strengthen his online presence.

      Rob Kearney, a strongman competitor, uses his platform to promote LGBTQ visibility in professional sports. His Instagram handle, "World's Strongest Gay," reflects his commitment to challenging societal norms and showcasing that gay men can be strong and athletic. He also utilizes various social media channels, including YouTube and a recently launched website, to share content and engage with fans. Despite the challenges of finding available domain names, he plans to secure "worldstrongestgay.com" to further strengthen his online presence. Kearney's openness about his sexuality in a traditionally masculine sport is important in breaking down barriers and encouraging acceptance within the LGBTQ community and beyond.

    • Openly gay strongman athlete uses hate as fuelJosh Bridges, an openly gay strongman athlete, turns hate into motivation, inspiring others and breaking barriers in his sport, while working on a documentary about his life.

      Despite facing hate and discrimination, openly gay strongman athlete, Josh Bridges, uses the negativity as fuel to excel in his sport and inspire others. During a conversation, he shared an experience where a man in the audience threatened him, but instead of being intimidated, Josh saw it as a sign of his strength. He also discussed the lack of sponsors in the manly sport of strongman, despite his openness and the potential positive impact on the LGBTQ community. Josh also shared how he's working on a documentary about his life as the only openly gay man in the sport. Despite the challenges, Josh remains focused on spreading positivity and love, and inspiring those who are struggling with their sexuality. He sees his role as a public figure as an opportunity to make a difference in the world.

    • Strongman's Growing Popularity in the UK and USStrongman competitions, with their unique blend of strength, athleticism, and agility, are gaining popularity in the UK and US through social media and YouTube channels, making the sport more accessible and relatable to a broader audience.

      Strongman competitions, which involve lifting heavy objects and completing various challenges, have gained significant popularity in the UK due to the lack of direct competition with major sports like soccer, rugby, and cricket. The respect for strength in the UK is evident through the household name status of Eddie Hall, who holds the deadlift world record and won the World's Strongest Man contest in 2017. The sport requires not only strength but also athleticism and agility. Although Strongman competitions are not widely televised in the US, the growing popularity of YouTube and social media platforms is providing a new avenue for exposure. Competitors like Brian Shaw, with over 1.3 million subscribers on YouTube, are using these platforms to showcase their training and daily life, making the sport more relatable and accessible to a broader audience. The unique camaraderie among competitors and fans, where everyone cheers for each other, adds to the appeal of Strongman competitions.

    • Optimizing Performance with Right Gear and PartnershipsAthletes prioritize using branded equipment and shoes for comfort, stability, and improved posture during strength training and fitness events.

      In the world of competitive strength training and fitness, athletes prioritize having the right equipment and sponsors to optimize their performance. This includes wearing branded spandex with patches or sequences for visibility and comfort, and using various types of shoes for different events, such as lifting shoes with raised heels for better stability and hiking shoes for traction during pulling events. Additionally, the use of plates or elevated heels in some cases helps improve posture and form by reducing ankle mobility restrictions, making the lift easier and more comfortable. Overall, the importance of having the right gear and partnerships cannot be overstated in the pursuit of athletic excellence.

    • Challenging Events at Arnold Strongman Classic: Wheel of PainStrongman athletes face demanding challenges like the Wheel of Pain, testing their strength, endurance, and focus, in an international community.

      The Arnold Strongman Classic features unique and challenging events, such as the "Wheel of Pain," where participants must push a heavy, sand-filled implement in a circular motion for as long as possible. This event requires significant strength, endurance, and focus, and is just one example of the demanding challenges these athletes face. Additionally, the strongman community is diverse and international, with athletes from various backgrounds and training methods, adding to the intrigue and competition. It's clear that these events, and the athletes who participate in them, embody the essence of strength and determination.

    • Risks and costs of participating in Strongman competitionsStrongman athletes face significant risks, high costs, and limited earnings, but their passion drives them to compete frequently and strive for the title of World's Strongest Man.

      Participating in professional Strongman competitions, such as World's Strongest Man, comes with significant risks and costs. My friend, who got into a fight while under the influence of PCP, had a toe amputated and curved for boxing, highlighting the potential dangers involved. Athletes are required to undergo extensive medical testing and pay for all related fees, including travel and competition entry, as they are not insured. The prize money is also relatively low, with the strongest man in the world only earning $50,000. To increase earnings, athletes must compete frequently in various shows, like the Arnold Circuit, where prize money and qualification opportunities are more lucrative. Despite these challenges, many continue to pursue their passion for Strongman, driven by the desire to be the best in the world.

    • Finding the right balance between training and restTo perform at one's best during competition, it's important to find the right balance between intense training and rest. Overtraining is not beneficial and can lead to discomfort and poor performance. Taking time to recover and earn a deload can help improve strength and prepare for the big show.

      Preparing for a high-level competition involves a careful balance between training and rest. The athlete in this conversation shared that they had held back during a recent event due to already qualifying for the big show, and focused on their goal of deadlifting 1000 pounds. They also discussed the importance of taking time to recover leading up to the competition, and how the body needs rest to get stronger. They emphasized that overtraining is not beneficial, and that it's important to earn a deload through intense training before taking a break. The athlete also shared their personal experience of gaining too much weight and feeling uncomfortable, and how they have found their "sweet spot" at 285 pounds. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of finding the right balance between training and rest, and the value of taking time to recover in order to perform at one's best during competition.

    • The rewards of pushing through intense trainingDedication, sacrifice, and perseverance lead to significant rewards in competitive sports, even when training feels overwhelming and exhausting.

      Pushing oneself to the limit, even when it feels overwhelming and exhausting, can lead to significant rewards, especially for those striving for excellence in competitive sports. The speaker shares her experience of feeling burnt out and needing a break from intense training, but ultimately understanding that she needed to push through to reach her goals. She also highlights the inspiring stories of older individuals who continue to train and compete, demonstrating the importance of mental and physical resilience. The speaker's coach plays a crucial role in encouraging her to keep going, even when it's tough. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of dedication, sacrifice, and perseverance in achieving one's goals.

    • A Gym with a Legendary Reputation for Size and DedicationMembers at Lightning Fitness push through injuries to train and compete, with stories of dedication including bench pressing with a torn bicep or returning to lifting with a ruptured patellar tendon.

      At Lightning Fitness in South Windsor, Connecticut, size and dedication go hand in hand. The gym, which boasts over 250 members and a 15,000 square foot facility, houses both strong man and powerlifting equipment. The gym's reputation is legendary, with stories of its members pushing through injuries to train and compete. One such story involves Louie, a gym regular since the 60s, who tore his bicep and, instead of waiting for it to heal, bench pressed with it in a sling. Another example is Greg Panora, who ruptured his patellar tendon and returned to bench pressing the next day with his leg fully extended in a normalizer. The gym's dedication to training and competition is unmatched, with members like Larry, who has a tattoo covering his entire body and has been training since the 60s. For those who find themselves in the area, a visit to Lightning Fitness is a must. The gym is divided into two sides: the strong man side, which features every piece of strong man equipment imaginable, and the powerlifting side, which houses mono lifts, squat racks, and bodybuilding machines. Despite the challenges of New England's weather, the gym's commitment to training remains unwavering.

    • Dispersed Strongman CommunityStrongman athletes lack a centralized training location and face unique challenges, but they continue to excel through focus on specific events and sharing knowledge via travel and seminars.

      Strongman training and competition is unique in that there isn't one specific location where the top athletes concentrate. Instead, they are spread out across the world, with only a handful of elite competitors in the US. These athletes often travel to teach seminars and share their knowledge, but there isn't the same level of training culture or centralized facility as in other sports. Strongman athletes, who carry heavy weights and hold their breath during events, face physical challenges similar to those experienced in high-altitude flying. Despite these challenges, they push themselves to perform at their best, with a focus on excelling in specific events like the log press and yolk walk. While training with other top athletes could provide benefits, the lack of a centralized location and the demands of family and career make it a less viable option for most Strongman competitors.

    • Training Beyond Limits: The Risks and Rewards of StrongmanStrongman training pushes athletes to new limits, improving performance but posing health risks. Despite potential dangers, the allure of competition drives participants.

      Strongman training pushes the boundaries of human capabilities, with athletes constantly striving for new records and heavier weights. The availability of Strongman equipment has made training more accessible and frequent, leading to improvements in performance. However, the physical demands of the sport can pose risks, such as heart attacks and sleep apnea, particularly for larger athletes. For instance, the case of Jesse Merunde, who died at a young age due to a heart attack during training, highlights the potential dangers. Despite these risks, the allure of pushing one's limits continues to draw athletes to Strongman competitions.

    • World's Strongest Man: Balancing Difficulty and Visual AppealCompetitors train years to master grip strength and mental focus for World's Strongest Man events, which balance difficulty and visual appeal for TV audiences.

      The World's Strongest Man competition has evolved from a hobby to a standardized sport, with events chosen to balance difficulty and visual appeal for TV audiences. Mark Felix, a strongman competitor, holds the Hercules Hold world record at 1 minute and 122 seconds, requiring immense grip strength and mental focus. Preparation for such events involves grip training using pulley systems or dead hangs, and can take years to master. Competitors, like Felix, focus on improving their weakest lifts and studying techniques to minimize injury and maximize performance.

    • The Power of Positivity and InspirationThrough social media, the guest shared messages of love, positivity, and inspiration, which resonated with the interviewer and left a lasting impact.

      The interviewer was deeply impressed by the guest's positive and inspirational presence on social media. The guest's message of love, positivity, and inspiration resonated with the interviewer, and he expressed his admiration and appreciation for the guest's efforts. The interview ended on a high note, with the interviewer wishing the guest success in achieving his goal of lifting 1000 pounds and expressing gratitude for the opportunity to meet him. Overall, the conversation highlighted the power of positivity and inspiration in connecting with others and making a meaningful impact.

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    Rise From the Ashes After Life Kicks You Down Ep. 9 Embracing Resilience and Getting Back Up    Visit our website for more positivity! Visit Earth Kids Radio on Spotify or where ever you get your podcasts:   Life's journey is not always smooth sailing. Along the way, we may encounter storms that knock us off our feet and leave us feeling broken and defeated. However, the true measure of our strength lies not in avoiding hardships but in our ability to rise from the ashes and embrace resilience. In this blog, we explore the art of getting back up after life kicks you down and the transformative power it holds to lead us to a stronger, wiser, and more resilient version of ourselves.   1. Acknowledging the Pain: When life knocks us down, it's essential to give ourselves permission to feel the pain. It's okay to grieve and process our emotions. Instead of suppressing our feelings, we must acknowledge them and treat ourselves with compassion and kindness. By embracing our vulnerability, we lay the foundation for healing and growth.   2. Cultivating a Growth Mindset: A growth mindset is the belief that challenges are opportunities for learning and personal development. Instead of viewing setbacks as failures, see them as stepping stones on the path to success. Embrace a mindset that sees adversity as a chance to grow and evolve into a stronger and more resilient individual.   3. Finding Support: We don't have to go through tough times alone. Reach out to friends, family, or support groups for a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on. Surrounding ourselves with a supportive network can provide encouragement, perspective, and the strength to face challenges head-on.   4. Reframing Perspectives: Shift your perspective from "Why me?" to "What can I learn from this?" Adversity often brings valuable life lessons. By reframing our experiences, we can find silver linings even in the darkest moments. Look for opportunities to grow and find meaning in the face of adversity.   5. Taking Small Steps: Getting back up may seem daunting, but progress is made one step at a time. Take small, manageable steps toward rebuilding your life. Celebrate each accomplishment, no matter how small, as it brings you closer to regaining your strength and confidence.   6. Cultivating Resilience: Resilience is the ability to bounce back stronger after facing adversity. Cultivate resilience by practicing self-care, setting boundaries, and nurturing a positive mindset. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and see yourself becoming more resilient with each obstacle overcome.   7. Embracing Self-Compassion: Treat yourself with the same compassion you would extend to a dear friend facing tough times. Be gentle with yourself and understand that setbacks are a part of life's journey. Embracing self-compassion helps us forgive ourselves, let go of regrets, and move forward with renewed determination.   8. Focusing on What You Can Control: In challenging times, focus on what you can control rather than dwelling on what you can't. Shift your energy toward positive actions that empower you to move forward. Accept that some things are beyond your control and let go of unnecessary burdens.   Life may knock us down, but it is our resilience and determination that empower us to rise from the ashes. Embrace the power of getting back up after life kicks you down. Acknowledge your pain, cultivate a growth mindset, seek support, reframe perspectives, and take small steps toward rebuilding your life. Cultivate resilience, embrace self-compassion, and focus on what you can control. As you rise from the ashes, you'll discover newfound strength, wisdom, and a deeper appreciation for the journey of life. Remember, you are capable of transforming adversity into opportunities for growth and empowerment. Keep rising!

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    You can share your thoughts with me at scott@visirity.com

    My books are available as e books and paperbacks on Amazon.com.  Links to the books appear on my web site, visirity.com