
    #1435 - Suzanne Santo & Gary Clark Jr.

    en-usMarch 03, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • A powerful collaboration between Gary Clark Jr. and Ben HarperTheir unique sounds and shared passion created a memorable musical experience, with themes of perseverance, self-discovery, and the power of music to lift us up.

      The collaboration between the two musicians, Gary Clark Jr. and Ben Harper, resulted in a powerful and meaningful performance. The song "Bad Beast" showcased their unique sounds and the special connection they have with their music. Despite having only performed together a few times, their shared passion for music and their individual talents created a memorable experience for the audience. The song's lyrics resonated with the audience, reflecting themes of perseverance, self-discovery, and the power of music to lift us up even in difficult times. The musicians' openness to experimentation and their willingness to push each other creatively resulted in a performance that was both innovative and timeless. The chemistry between them was undeniable, and their ability to bring their audience on a musical journey was a testament to their artistry and dedication to their craft.

    • Performing at a Jameson-sponsored after-party in LA's gritty downtown areaUnexpected performances can lead to memorable experiences, even amidst contrasting environments and societal issues.

      The unexpected experience of performing at a Jameson-sponsored after-party in downtown LA opened up a unique and memorable experience for Honey Honey. The gritty, contrasting environment of the area, filled with both beauty and chaos, added to the excitement of the night. The performance took place amidst the backdrop of gentrification and the coexistence of poverty and luxury. Despite the challenges and the shocking violence depicted in Quentin Tarantino's movies, there is a continued appreciation for his unique storytelling and the ability to create entertaining, violent narratives that resonate with audiences. Tarantino's formula for delivering justice to the bad guys continues to captivate audiences, even as there is growing resistance to certain depictions of violence in entertainment.

    • Appreciation for Creativity and Human SpiritEmbrace the power of creativity and human spirit, stay curious, practice, and push boundaries despite challenges and uncertainty.

      Appreciation for art and the human spirit's ability to create it, despite the challenges and struggles, is a powerful force. The speaker expresses admiration for an individual they met who embodies this creativity and passion, drawing parallels between music and film. They also reflect on the historical context of artistic innovation and the challenges faced by those who dared to push boundaries. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of staying curious, practicing, and embracing the unknown, even in the face of frustration and uncertainty.

    • Nicotine's Impact on Brain FunctionNicotine, a stimulant in cigarettes, may temporarily enhance brain function and memory, but smoking carries significant health risks. The addictive nature of gambling can also negatively impact behavior.

      Nicotine, found in cigarettes, can enhance brain function and potentially improve memory and verbal skills. This is due to the fact that nicotine is a stimulant that constricts blood vessels, which can help increase blood flow to the brain. A notable example of this is a story about a woman who survived a brain aneurysm after smoking a cigarette before going to the hospital. However, it's important to note that smoking cigarettes comes with numerous health risks and is not a recommended way to consume nicotine. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the addictive nature of gambling and how it can negatively impact individuals. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complex relationship between substances and their effects on the brain and behavior.

    • Encountering Addictions in New Jersey: Stories of Gambling and EscapesNew Jersey pool halls and comedy clubs introduced the speaker to individuals dealing with addictions, revealing their struggles as escapes. The speaker learned about the mental game of gambling and the importance of reading body language and reactions.

      The speaker shares stories of meeting intriguing characters in New Jersey, particularly at pool halls and comedy clubs, where they encountered individuals dealing with addictions, including gambling. At first, the speaker didn't understand the depth of these addictions but came to realize they served as an escape. The speaker also shared their own experiences with gambling and the mental game aspect of it. They found that getting angry after losing a game could reveal true character and that some individuals took losses very personally. The speaker also discussed the psychological aspect of poker, involving both craft and skill, as well as the importance of reading body language and reactions. They also touched on the idea of wearing sunglasses as a shield to protect one's emotions and privacy. Overall, the speaker's experiences highlighted the complexities and intricacies of human behavior and the various ways people cope with challenges and addictions.

    • The speaker prefers mentally stimulating and physically engaging hobbies over time-consuming onesThe speaker values hobbies that challenge his mind and body, but isn't interested in activities requiring major investment.

      The speaker expresses a lack of interest in activities that require significant investment of time, money, or focus, such as golf or poker, due to his preference for more physically engaging and mentally stimulating pursuits like martial arts and comedy. He also appreciates the skill and dedication required for these activities but finds them less appealing to him personally. The speaker also makes a connection between martial arts and poker, suggesting that his mind game skills as a martial artist could potentially make him successful in poker. However, he is skeptical about his own abilities and prefers to observe from the sidelines. The speaker also reflects on the origins of music and entertainment, imagining the first human attempts to create sounds and comparing it to modern-day hobbies like turkey calling contests.

    • From elk calls to musical instruments, humans have been creating sounds for centuriesThroughout history, humans have been making and innovating sounds, setting us apart from other animals with our ability to create music, understand humor, and communicate complex ideas

      The origins of various sounds, including animal calls and music, have intriging histories. From elk calls made with mouthpieces and tubes, to the invention of musical instruments like the guitar, humans have been creating and mimicking sounds for centuries. The Egyptians, for instance, are believed to have been among the first to create musical instruments, with depictions of harps dating back to around 2500 BC. However, the exact origins of these inventions remain a mystery, leading some to ponder if ideas come from otherworldly sources. Regardless of their origins, humans continue to create and innovate, setting us apart from other creatures on Earth. Our ability to make music, understand humor, and communicate complex ideas is a testament to our uniqueness.

    • The Creative Process: A Divine Gift and Personal EffortDedicate yourself to your art form, let ideas flow, and overcome internal resistance for a successful creative process

      Ideas are like a life form trying to propagate and manifest into reality. They come from an unknown source and can be seen as a gift or a muse. However, it's essential to put in the effort to focus on and develop your creative skills. This process can be compared to a divine being bestowing gifts upon you if you dedicate yourself to your art form. The creative process involves both putting in the work and allowing the ideas to come to you. Dan Harmon's "gingerbread man theory" illustrates this idea, where creativity is like a constant flow of ideas, and the artist's role is to let the best ideas "dust the rim" of their mind. To be successful, it's crucial to overcome the internal resistance or procrastination that can hinder the creative process. The War of Art by Stephen Pressfield is an excellent resource for understanding and overcoming this resistance. Ultimately, the creative process requires dedication, focus, and the willingness to let ideas flow while also putting in the necessary effort to bring them to life.

    • Find the balance between head and heart in musicSuccess in music comes from combining intelligence and emotion, being present, open to inspiration, and trusting the creative process

      Being a successful musician or artist requires a balance between intelligence and emotion. While education and technical skills are important, they must be accompanied by the ability to feel and connect with others. This means being present in the moment and open to inspiration, rather than being consumed by self-doubt or the need to constantly prove oneself. As Gary put it, being a musician is like tuning in a radio - you need to clear away the noise and focus on receiving the clearest signal. This requires a willingness to listen and learn from others, and to trust in the creative process. So, whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, remember that true success comes from finding the balance between your head and your heart.

    • Relaxed recording session with Gary Clark Jr.Embrace the unexpected and stay true to oneself for memorable and enjoyable musical experiences. The raw energy of a live recording session can inspire and evoke strong emotions.

      Creating music in a relaxed and authentic environment, without putting too much pressure on oneself, can lead to some of the most memorable and enjoyable experiences. This was evident during a spontaneous recording session with Gary Clark Jr., where the lack of rehearsal and the hot studio conditions led to a raw and electrifying performance. The power of the electric guitar as an instrument was also emphasized, with its ability to inspire and evoke strong emotions. The session was a reminder of the importance of staying true to oneself and embracing the unexpected, resulting in a musical moment that was cherished by all involved.

    • The impact of physical activity on mental and emotional well-beingRegular physical activity, including group workouts, can boost mental and emotional health by acting as a motivator, providing community support, and improving overall outlook on life. However, it's essential to listen to our bodies and avoid overexertion.

      Physical activity, especially working out, plays a crucial role in mental and emotional well-being. It can serve as a powerful motivator, helping individuals push through challenges and improve their overall outlook on life. The community aspect of group workouts, such as CrossFit, can also provide additional benefits by offering support and encouragement. However, it's important to listen to our bodies and give them the rest they need, as overexertion can lead to negative consequences. Overall, incorporating regular physical activity into our lives can lead to significant improvements in both our physical and mental health.

    • Positive reinforcement vs negative criticism in group settingsPositive reinforcement is more effective than negative criticism during group activities, fostering a sense of community and enjoyment.

      Positive reinforcement is more effective than negative criticism, especially during vulnerable and exhausting social experiences like group fitness classes. The speaker shared an experience of feeling belittled by an instructor during a spin class, which left her feeling angry and unwelcome. In contrast, she enjoys yoga classes more when practiced in a group setting, as the shared energy and camaraderie make the experience more enjoyable. Additionally, the speaker expressed admiration for unique and interesting individuals, such as comedian Duncan Trussell, who brings joy and intrigue to their conversations. The historical background of the company they were discussing, which has operated through various eras including prohibition, highlights the enduring nature of human connections and the importance of finding positivity and community in shared experiences.

    • Exploring Forbidden Territories: Rabbis and Psychedelics during the Prohibition EraDuring the Prohibition Era, some turned to religion for access to alcohol, while others went to great lengths to explore psychedelics, challenging societal norms and inspiring curiosity.

      The prohibition era saw creative ways to circumvent laws, such as using religious exemptions to produce and distribute alcohol. For instance, during this time, rabbis were able to dispense alcohol without limitations, leading to a high number of rabbis. Meanwhile, Terrence McKenna, a prominent figure in psychedelic studies, posed as a student to learn about a cultish area of shamanism involving psychedelics, which was frowned upon in that religious community. He had a theory that humans became human due to the consumption of psychedelic mushrooms, which he believed were alien life forms. McKenna's theory, although controversial, highlights the lengths people went to in the past to explore forbidden territories and challenge societal norms. The dedication to these studies, despite the risks and challenges, remains inspiring.

    • Terrence McKenna's profound mushroom experience and the potential benefits of microdosingTerrence McKenna's high-dose mushroom experience led to disorientation, while microdosing reports therapeutic effects for depression and anxiety. Decriminalization efforts aim to make research and access easier.

      The use of psychedelic mushrooms, particularly in high doses, can lead to profound experiences that alter one's perception of reality and understanding of the self. Terrence McKenna's experience of consuming a large amount of mushrooms is described as a "supernova inside his brain," leaving him disoriented and lost for an extended period. Microdosing, or consuming small amounts of psychedelics, is reported to have therapeutic effects, helping to alleviate depression and anxiety. Despite the potential benefits, the legal status of psychedelics, including mushrooms, makes access and research difficult. Organizations like MAPS are working to change this, advocating for the decriminalization and therapeutic use of psychedelics, particularly for those suffering from PTSD.

    • A person with long-term insomnia finds relief with Saraset therapySaraset therapy, involving a headband with sensors and tailored sound waves, significantly improved a person's sleep quality after decades of insomnia, potentially due to regenerating damaged brain tissue.

      Saraset, a sleep therapy program, helped a person with long-term insomnia significantly improve their sleep quality. The therapy involves wearing a headband with sensors and listening to tailored sound waves to even out brainwave activity. The individual shared their personal struggle with insomnia for over a decade and how it negatively impacted their life. They also revealed they had a head injury from a jet ski accident, which may have contributed to their sleep issues. The program, designed for people with PTSD, head injuries, or high stress levels, has shown promising results in regenerating damaged brain tissue. The individual's friend introduced them to the therapy, and they dedicated five weeks to it, eventually experiencing a dramatic difference in their sleep and overall well-being. To learn more, one can visit the website CereseT.com.

    • Exploring the implications of advanced technology on reality and consciousnessAdvanced technology may enhance abilities but raises concerns about loss of human connection and blurred lines between virtual and real life. Ethical considerations and staying present are crucial.

      Our rapid advancements in technology may lead us to become more machine-like, raising questions about the nature of reality and consciousness. The speaker expresses concerns about the potential loss of human connection and the blurring lines between virtual and real life. They also discuss the potential for advanced technology to enhance our abilities, but warn of the potential dangers and ethical considerations. Ultimately, the conversation ends on a hopeful note, with the speakers acknowledging the importance of staying positive and appreciating the present moment. They also share personal stories and experiences, highlighting the importance of human connection and the value of shared memories.

    • Phil's Encounter with Jimi Hendrix and Steve Ray Vaughan's HomageJimi Hendrix's unconventional playing style inspired awe and self-doubt in musicians like Phil, while his influence extended to future artists like Steve Ray Vaughan. Texas' intense heat didn't hinder the production of groundbreaking music from these legendary guitarists.

      Phil, who met Jimi Hendrix when he was just a kid, was in awe of the legendary guitarist's performance. Hendrix's impact was so profound that it left Phil and other musicians questioning their own abilities. Before his fame, Hendrix played in clubs and was criticized for his unconventional playing style. Steve Ray Vaughan, another influential guitarist, paid homage to Hendrix through his music. The unique sounds of both musicians showcase the significant influence Hendrix had on the music industry. Despite the challenges of living in Texas' intense heat, the state produced some of the greatest musicians, including Hendrix and Vaughan. Their music continues to inspire and push boundaries, leaving a lasting impact on the world of music.

    • Austin: A City of Authentic GrowthAustin's focus on authenticity and independent spirit drives its growth, making it an attractive destination for creatives and independent thinkers, despite challenges.

      Austin, Texas is a unique and artistic city known for its authenticity and independent spirit. Despite the challenges of growth and increased popularity, many residents embrace the change and view it as an opportunity to improve themselves and their community. The city's focus on authenticity extends to its food, music, and arts scene, making it a desirable destination for creatives and independent thinkers. The speaker, who grew up in Austin and has experienced its transformation firsthand, shares a positive attitude towards the city's growth and encourages others to view change as an opportunity rather than a threat.

    • The contrast between modern health struggles and basic necessities in other parts of the worldNavigating health and wellness in modern life can be a mental struggle, while people in other parts of the world fight for basic necessities. Artists face unique challenges in the music industry, but the internet provides a platform for independence and fanbase building.

      While we strive for a conscious approach to health and wellness in our modern lives, there are parts of the world where people are still fighting for basic necessities like food. This contrast highlights the mental struggle of not consuming too much, which can be just as challenging as physical struggles. Additionally, the artist's experience of navigating the music industry, particularly as a woman in her 30s, highlights the ongoing struggle for independence and self-sufficiency in creative pursuits. The industry's shift away from record sales to merchandise, live shows, and other revenue streams has created new challenges, but the internet provides a platform for artists to reach audiences directly and build a fanbase. Ultimately, it's a reminder that progress and success come with hard work and perseverance.

    • Record labels as crucial partners for artistsRecord labels offer marketing, promotion, and financial support, but artists now have more power to build their own success through digital platforms

      A record label serves as a crucial partner for artists, providing marketing, promotion, and financial support for tours. However, the relationship comes with significant pressure and potential loss of creative control. Record labels own the copyright to artists' music and can earn significantly more from streaming revenues than artists. While this arrangement used to give labels exclusive access to opportunities like arena shows and major distribution networks, artists can now reach vast audiences organically through social media and digital platforms. In essence, while record labels still hold some keys to the music industry, artists have more power than ever to build their own success.

    • Benefits of self-reliance in musicSelf-reliance allows artists to fully believe in themselves and their work without external influence, but they may miss out on support, resources, and a larger platform from labels.

      Self-reliance and independence can be beneficial when releasing music, as opposed to working with a label. This approach allows artists to fully believe in themselves and their work, without the influence or pressure from others. However, there are advantages to working with a label, such as support, resources, and a larger platform. But the risk of being dropped if the label doesn't believe in the artist is a significant downside. Prince, as an example, defied societal norms and expectations with his androgynous image and music, and his talent overshadowed any criticism or backlash. Ultimately, the decision between self-reliance and working with a label depends on the artist's goals, resources, and beliefs. And, sometimes, even the most talented artists can still encounter unexpected challenges, like illness or injury, even during their most successful moments.

    • Sharing stories of performing while sickPerforming despite illness requires mental and physical strength, and audience support can make a big difference.

      Performing despite being sick can be a challenging and intense experience. The speaker shared stories of vomiting during shows, food poisoning, and the emotional support from the crowd. These experiences highlighted the physical and mental demands of performing, as well as the importance of connection with the audience. Despite the discomfort and illness, the speaker was able to give their best performance with the help and encouragement of the crowd. However, it's also important to note that food poisoning can be contagious and spread from person to person, making it crucial to take precautions to avoid it.

    • The impact of loneliness, love, and music on our healthMusic's power to evoke emotions and inspire us makes it essential for mental and emotional health. Loneliness can lead to sadness and illness, while love and connection provide fuel and inspiration.

      Both loneliness and love, as well as music, significantly impact our overall health and well-being. Loneliness can lead to sadness and illness, while love and connection can provide a sense of fuel and inspiration. Music, in particular, can change our mood, empower us, and even save our lives. It's a powerful tool that can get us through tough times and make even the most mundane tasks more enjoyable. Music's ability to evoke emotions and inspire us is a testament to its power and importance in our lives. Whether it's a great song that gets us through a breakup or a powerful speech that inspires us, music and human connection are essential for our mental and emotional health.

    • The Future of Politics: Authenticity and CollaborationThe future of politics may be defined by genuine figures who challenge the status quo, despite potential chaos. A potential solution could be a Democratic alliance, where candidates leverage their unique strengths.

      The future of politics may be characterized by unfiltered, authentic figures who challenge the status quo, despite potential chaos or madness. The speaker criticizes the scripted and fake nature of politics, comparing it to a slew of comedians imitating a particular cadence. They argue that attempting to run the world while performing a character is unacceptable, and express frustration with the terrifying state of politics. The speaker also suggests that a potential solution could be a Democratic alliance, where each candidate leverages their unique strengths. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexity and uncertainty of the political landscape, with a call for authenticity and collaboration.

    • New experiences lead to growthEmbrace new experiences despite fear, seek support, and maintain a positive mindset for unexpected challenges and personal growth.

      Embracing new experiences, even if they push us out of our comfort zones, can lead to unexpected challenges and growth. The speaker shared a story about a sensory deprivation tank experience that initially caused him fear and panic, but ultimately led him to try cryotherapy with positive results. He also reflected on the importance of having supportive friends and a positive mindset in navigating these experiences. The conversation also touched on the topic of language and its potential to offend, and the importance of understanding context and intent. Overall, the conversation emphasized the value of trying new things, even if they're intimidating, and the importance of maintaining a sense of humor and perspective in the face of challenges.

    • The Impact of Money on Our LivesMoney can limit or enable, prioritize it wisely for balance between needs, wants, and passions.

      Money and the desire for it can significantly impact our lives, often leading us to prioritize it over our happiness and passions. The speaker shares their personal experiences with the power of money, from their struggles with financial insecurity as an artist to the influence of games like Rich Dad Poor Dad and a financial board game in helping them reevaluate their relationship with money. They reflect on how money can limit us based on our circumstances and responsibilities, but also offer opportunities for growth and financial freedom. Ultimately, the speaker encourages finding balance between what we can do, what we want to do, and what's humanly possible for us, and not letting the pursuit of money overshadow our passions and well-being.

    • Financial security brings freedom and relaxationFinancial security allows us to enjoy life without worry, attract better opportunities, and appreciate present moments

      Financial security can provide a sense of freedom and relaxation, allowing us to enjoy experiences without constant worry. Money troubles can lead to anxiety and negativity, but once we reach a point of financial stability, we can attract better opportunities and people into our lives. Additionally, finding joy in simple experiences, like playing cards or trying new technologies, can bring happiness and help us appreciate the present moment. The future may bring more advanced technologies, but it's important to remember that real-life experiences and connections cannot be replicated.

    • Exploring the Future of Virtual RealityVirtual reality technology offers immersive and engaging simulations, but lacks physical sensations and connection to the real world. Future advancements promise more realistic experiences, but live events remain irreplaceable.

      Virtual reality technology has come a long way since its inception, and users can now experience immersive and entertaining simulations that can sometimes feel more engaging than real life. However, there are limitations, such as the lack of physical sensations and the potential loss of connection with the real world. The future of VR holds great promise, with advancements likely to bring even more realistic and immersive experiences. Despite this, some argue that nothing can fully replace the raw emotion and energy of live events, such as concerts and comedy shows. Ultimately, VR offers a unique and exciting alternative to traditional forms of entertainment, but it may never completely replace the human experience.

    • Virtual Reality Cannot Replace Human ConnectionVirtual Reality offers immersive experiences but cannot fully replicate the energy, intimacy, and human connection of live performances or events. Finding a balance between technology and human connection is essential.

      While virtual reality (VR) technology may offer immersive sensory experiences, it cannot fully replicate the energy and intimacy of a live performance or human connection. The speaker expresses skepticism about the ability of VR to replace the feeling of being part of a crowd, connecting with others, and experiencing live music or art. They also acknowledge that while VR may offer some sense of community for those who cannot physically attend events, it cannot fully recreate the depth of human connection and intimacy. The speaker suggests that there is a need to find a balance between the benefits of technology and the importance of human connection. They also touch upon the potential negative consequences of technology and the importance of addressing these issues. Ultimately, they view the future as a puzzle to be solved, requiring a healthy balance of evolution and integration with technology, while also preserving the importance of human connection and intimacy.

    • Finding Inspiration for Personal GrowthInspiration can be found through daily effort and engagement with books, documentaries, community, and the world around us. Figures like Zig Ziglar and Bertrand Russell can also inspire personal growth. Documentarians like Werner Herzog explore fascinating aspects of human life, and connection and community are important in combating feelings of isolation.

      Inspiration and personal growth are essential for mental well-being and can be achieved through various means such as reading, watching movies, or engaging in new experiences. The speaker emphasizes the importance of daily inspiration and shares his personal experiences with overcoming depression and finding inspiration in books, documentaries, and community. He also mentions the influence of figures like Zig Ziglar and Bertrand Russell. The speaker expresses admiration for documentarians like Werner Herzog, who explore fascinating and often simple aspects of human life, and the importance of connection and community in combating feelings of isolation and loneliness. The speaker also references the documentary "Happy People: Siberia's Chosen Few" and the 40,000-year-old cave paintings in France as sources of inspiration and wonder. Overall, the speaker's message is that inspiration and personal growth are attainable through daily effort and engagement with the world around us.

    • The importance of community and connections for personal well-beingBuilding connections and a sense of community is crucial for happiness and good health. Lack of connections can lead to feelings of loss and isolation.

      Building connections and having a sense of community is essential for personal well-being and happiness. Recognition and interaction with others can lead to a strong feeling of belonging, which is an indication of good health. Lack of such connections can lead to a sense of loss and isolation. People are often driven by the desire for love and connection, even if it means joining negative groups or holding extreme ideologies. The LAFC soccer team, built on a strong sense of community in Los Angeles, is an example of how a shared experience can bring people together and foster a deep sense of pride and connection.

    • Football's Rich History and EvolutionFrom Native American teams to protective gear, football's origins and development showcase cultural influences and organic growth, emphasizing the game's enduring appeal and authenticity.

      The origins of football involve various cultural influences and evolutions in the game's equipment and rules. The speaker expresses his humor and passionately shares stories about the game's history, including its connection to Native American teams and the development of protective gear. Despite the game's potential risks, the speaker emphasizes the organic growth and authenticity of football's popularity and success. The speaker also acknowledges the importance of editing and audience engagement in the podcast medium. Overall, the discussion highlights the rich history and enduring appeal of football, as well as the importance of staying true to one's creative vision.

    • Reminiscing about encounters with admired musiciansMusic connects us deeply, inspires growth, and brings people together. Embrace diversity and appreciate the uniqueness of artists and their genres.

      Music connects people in profound ways. During a conversation, the speakers reminisced about their encounters with musicians they admire, including Sturgill Simpson and Tyler Childers. They shared stories of meeting these artists, their appreciation for their music, and even a mishap involving an album cover reveal. The speakers also touched upon the complexity and uniqueness of artists and their music, emphasizing the importance of embracing diversity and different genres. Additionally, the conversation highlighted the impact of music on personal growth, as Sturgill Simpson's weight loss and successful career were mentioned. Overall, the conversation showcased the power of music to bring people together, inspire, and evoke emotions.

    • The End of the World as We Know It: A 2012 Podcast ReunionTerrence McKenna's time wave zero theory predicted the end of the world on December 21, 2012, leading to a memorable podcast event at the Wiltern in Los Angeles, emphasizing the human fascination with predicting the future and cherishing meaningful connections.

      Terrence McKenna, a renowned thinker, believed he had discovered a mathematical algorithm based on the ancient Chinese divination system, the I Ching, which could predict patterns of novelty and creativity in human history. He named this system "time wave zero." McKenna believed that this wave would reach its peak and end on December 21, 2012. In 2012, Doug Stanhope, Joey Diaz, and the speaker organized a live podcast event at the Wiltern in Los Angeles, California, expecting the end of the world. Despite the event's title, they all survived, and the experience became one of their favorite memories. The group plans to reunite for another end-of-the-world podcast during the 2020 presidential elections. The discussion highlights the human fascination with predicting the future and the importance of cherishing meaningful connections with loved ones.

    • Leadership requires human connection and vulnerabilityAuthenticity and vulnerability can lead to stronger relationships and better outcomes, even for those in power. Remembering the human side of leaders and communicating effectively can foster collaboration and understanding.

      Effective leadership requires human connection and the ability to admit mistakes. The people in power should remember they are human and strive to exhibit empathy and understanding. The fear of error and potential backlash can be overwhelming, but authenticity and vulnerability can lead to stronger relationships and better outcomes. Additionally, the importance of communication and collaboration was emphasized, as well as the value of remembering the human side of those we admire or look up to. The podcast conversation showcased the power of shared experiences and the importance of staying true to ourselves, even in the face of uncertainty.

    • Exploring Personal Growth through PsychedelicsBelief in potential benefits of psychedelics for personal growth, calls for more research and acceptance, advocates for use in certain professions, emphasizes importance of body chemistry, and criticizes drug stigma

      The speaker expresses a belief in the potential benefits of certain psychedelic substances, such as DMT and mushrooms, for personal growth and understanding. He shares personal experiences with these substances and expresses a desire for more research and acceptance of their use. The speaker also suggests that incorporating these substances into certain professions, like law enforcement, could lead to better outcomes and increased empathy. He emphasizes the importance of adjusting chemicals in the body for overall well-being and encourages embracing various methods, including psychedelics, for achieving a better state of mind. The speaker also criticizes the stigma surrounding drug use and suggests that more open-mindedness and understanding are needed.

    • Music's power to evoke emotions and transport usJames Brown's authenticity and individuality shaped music and culture, inspiring authenticity and individuality in music today.

      Music, like a random drug, has the power to evoke strong emotions and transport us to different moments in time. We all have our unique musical experiences and connections, making us a little "weird" in our own way. James Brown, a human original and icon, embodied this concept with his unforgettable performances and authenticity. His influence on music and culture was so significant that he stood alone in his dimension, much like Elvis Presley before him. Authenticity and individuality, fueled by love and talent, continue to shape the music industry and resonate with audiences.

    • Two music legends and a rockstar's journey through scrutiny and innovationElvis Presley, Michael Jackson, and Lenny Kravitz faced immense pressure and scrutiny but continued to push boundaries and inspire generations with their unique talents and dedication to their craft.

      Both Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson, two iconic figures in music history, faced immense pressure and scrutiny, with Presley's unconventional stage presence and Jackson's shocking Super Bowl performance contributing to their legendary status. Despite their challenges, they continued to push boundaries and inspire generations. Lenny Kravitz, another talented artist, also faced his own obstacles but continued to excel and innovate. Mick Jagger, a fitness enthusiast and legendary performer, continues to hustle and entertain audiences to this day. Ultimately, these artists' resilience and dedication to their craft have left lasting impacts on music and pop culture.

    • Dancing: A Spiritual and Community ExperienceDancing brings joy and freedom, fosters community, challenges ignorant perceptions, and inspires positive actions for a stronger, more inclusive world.

      Dancing is not just a physical exercise, but a spiritual one that brings joy and freedom without boundaries. Another key takeaway is the importance of community and looking out for one another, especially for those who are struggling. It's essential to challenge ignorant perceptions and treat everyone with compassion and understanding. We are all connected, and our actions have consequences, whether positive or negative. Let's focus on decisions that benefit the downtrodden and work towards building a stronger, more inclusive community. By adopting a mindset of empathy and unity, we can make a difference in the world, one step at a time.

    • Community Building and Social Support SystemsEffective community building requires trust, transparency, and a focus on intentions and actions for the betterment of individuals and society.

      Effective community building and social support systems are essential for individuals and society as a whole. The idea of relying solely on oneself or rejecting help for others is not a viable solution for the complexities and variability of human life. Trust and transparency are crucial elements in ensuring that resources are used effectively and equitably. The use of labels and ideologies can create unnecessary divisions and hinder progress towards creating a better community for everyone. Ultimately, the focus should be on intentions and actions that contribute to the betterment of individuals and the community as a whole. The absence of clear leadership and direction from traditional institutions like government emphasizes the importance of individuals taking responsibility for their communities and working together towards common goals.

    • The Power of Love and ConnectionLove is essential for navigating the complexities of life, comes in various forms, fosters understanding, requires humility, accountability, and apologies, and builds hope and understanding in a confusing world.

      Love and connection are essential in navigating the complexities and challenges of the world. We all need and deserve love, and it comes in various forms. The power of love can help bring people together and create understanding, even in the face of fear and disagreements. It's crucial to recognize the importance of humility, accountability, and apologizing when we make mistakes. By embracing these qualities, we can foster stronger relationships and learn valuable lessons. Ultimately, the world can be a scary and confusing place, but the love and connections we build with others can provide a beacon of hope and understanding.

    • Embrace failures as opportunities for growthFailures and negatives experiences are valuable for learning and improvement, essential to remember everyone experiences them, and society should prioritize people's well-being over outdated systems.

      Failures and negative experiences are valuable fuel for personal growth and improvement. They should not be avoided or suppressed, but embraced as opportunities to learn and move forward. Societal pressures and ancient instincts may make it difficult to accept vulnerability and accountability, but it's essential to remember that everyone experiences struggles and setbacks. The ultimate goal should be to create a society where the most desperate people are always taken care of, allowing them to focus on pursuing their passions and dreams, rather than being consumed by the need to survive. Money and resources should be distributed in a way that prioritizes people's well-being and potential, rather than relying on outdated systems and structures.

    • Understanding and connecting with each other's humanityRecognize shared humanity, strive for love, empathy, and understanding towards all, regardless of differences.

      Despite our differences in backgrounds, beliefs, and experiences, we are all fundamentally human beings deserving of love and respect. The conversation revealed various instances of societal issues, such as the displacement of homeless individuals, but emphasized the importance of understanding and connecting with each other on a deeper level. As Joe mentioned, "We're all the same going through this weird, strange existence." It's crucial to recognize our shared humanity and strive for love, empathy, and understanding towards one another. The conversation also touched upon the idea that even if life is not a simulation, we are still made of stardust and should cherish our existence. Ultimately, it's essential to remember that everyone, regardless of their differences, is deserving of kindness and compassion.

    • Discussing upcoming release and plans to meet BertThe group is excited about their new song release and looks forward to meeting Bert, showcasing their camaraderie and dedication to their creative projects.

      The group is wrapping up their podcast recording session, which has already surpassed the four-hour mark, and they are discussing various topics, including their admiration for Bert, plans to meet him, and the upcoming release of a new song titled "Fall For That" featuring Gary, which is expected to come out on Spotify in April. They express their excitement and eagerness to meet each other and share their experiences, showcasing their camaraderie and enthusiasm for their creative projects. The group's dedication and passion for their work are evident, as they continue to push boundaries and create content that resonates with their audience.

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