
    Podcast Summary

    • Protecting Our Data: Understanding the Consequences and Taking ActionOur personal data is being exploited by tech giants, affecting our privacy and autonomy. Being aware and actively safeguarding our data is crucial in today's interconnected world.

      Our data has become an incredibly valuable commodity that is being sold without our full understanding or consent. Companies like Facebook, Google, and Plaid are making billions by collecting and exploiting our personal information. The business model of these companies has compromised our privacy and autonomy. Adam Curry emphasizes the importance of being aware of the consequences of surrendering our data and urges us to take measures to protect ourselves. He highlights the need to detach ourselves from our devices to live a more connected and independent life. It is crucial to be conscious of how our data is being used and take steps to safeguard our privacy in this increasingly connected world.

    • The Manipulative Tactics of Giant Corporations and Smartphone AddictionAwareness of manipulative practices by corporations and conscious resistance against smartphone addiction are crucial for maintaining personal freedom and autonomy.

      Giant corporations are profiting off our connection and using their influence to shape our behaviors. Credit Karma's business model, for example, involves changing user behavior to increase credit scores and offer loans based on their made-up score. Similarly, insurance apps like Progressive use GPS and tracking to incentivize responsible driving. These tactics are used to train individuals to fit certain molds for financial benefit. This conversation also highlights the concerning trend of smartphone addiction, where people are constantly seeking the comfort of their phones for anxiety or boredom relief. It's important for us to be aware of these manipulative practices and find ways to resist being enslaved by technology.

    • The Zombie-Like Addiction to Smartphones and Social MediaSilicon Valley has harnessed the brain's reward system to create addictive platforms, emphasizing the need to be mindful of the impact of technology on our behavior and lives.

      The widespread addiction to smartphones and social media has created a new kind of zombie-like behavior. People are constantly glued to their phones, oblivious to their surroundings, just like in a zombie movie. Silicon Valley has tapped into the brain's reward system by designing platforms that provide instant gratification through likes, retweets, and notifications. The technology behind podcasting was actually invented before the iPod even existed, with the concept of downloading media files and receiving notifications when they're available. This led to the creation of the first podcast, called "The Daily Source Code." The conversation highlights the power of technology to shape behavior and the importance of being mindful of its effects on our lives.

    • The Evolution of Podcasting: From Spontaneous Experiments to Mainstream RecognitionPodcasting started as an experimental process and quickly gained popularity, thanks to technological advancements and support from influential figures like Steve Jobs. It has now become a free and accessible platform similar to radio.

      Podcasting was born out of a spontaneous and experimental process. Adam Curry and his team were trying to download multiple episodes at once, leading to the creation of what they called "Saliloquies" and "bundles of joy." Danny Gregoire is credited with coming up with the term "podcast," although Ben Hammersley had used it in an article before. The popularity of podcasting grew rapidly, with Adam being called the "Podfather." A significant moment came when Steve Jobs expressed interest in including podcasts in iTunes, which accelerated the medium's recognition and legitimacy. This conversation shows the organic and exciting evolution of podcasting, ultimately becoming a free and accessible platform similar to radio, with advertising support potentially emerging in the future.

    • The transformative power of podcastingPodcasting has revolutionized the media landscape by solving bandwidth issues, offering a subscription model, promoting accessibility and independence, providing diverse applications, and giving comedians a platform for creative freedom.

      Podcasting has brought about significant changes in the media landscape. Adam Curry and Joe Rogan discuss how podcasting has solved the bandwidth problem for downloading and introduced the subscription model. They emphasize that podcasting is based on a free and open standard, making it accessible and independent from control by any single entity. They highlight the importance of the diversity and variety of podcasting applications available to users. Additionally, they discuss how podcasts have provided a platform for comedians to showcase their talent without the fear of their jokes being stolen. Ultimately, podcasting has created an organic network that is not controlled by executives and shareholders, offering a refreshing alternative to traditional media.

    • Shattering the Traditional Model: The Power of Collaboration in PodcastingCollaboration and support among podcasters are essential for success in the industry, as creating a thriving and inclusive environment helps everyone benefit and break free from the limitations of exclusivity and competition.

      Building a contained podcast network with a traditional advertising model is not a profitable approach. The advertising industry, especially for automotive, pharmaceutical, and telecom companies, wants control over what they advertise on, and they avoid platforms associated with cancel culture. However, the ad hoc network approach, where podcasters support and collaborate with each other, is proving to be successful. By sharing each other's shows and promoting fellow podcasters, everyone benefits. The rise of the internet and platforms like YouTube and podcasts have shattered the old model of exclusivity and competition between comedians. Now, it's about creating a fun and inclusive environment where everyone can thrive.

    • Embracing Challenges and Exploring Diverse Interests for Personal GrowthTrying new activities and stepping out of your comfort zone can lead to personal fulfillment and self-discovery, while also highlighting the importance of embracing challenges.

      Learning new skills and trying out different experiences can be rewarding and enriching. Both Adam Curry and Joe Rogan discuss their ventures into activities they initially struggled with, such as dancing and flying helicopters. They highlight the importance of embracing challenges and pushing oneself out of their comfort zone. Whether it's taking dance lessons or obtaining a ham radio license, acquiring new abilities can be personally fulfilling. Additionally, the conversation touches on the topic of hunting and how it may not be everyone's cup of tea, but it's a personal choice. The overarching message is that exploring diverse interests and learning new things can lead to personal growth and self-discovery.

    • Uncovering the Forgotten Origins of Christmas Traditions with Joe Rogan and Adam CurryExploring the historical and cultural symbolism behind traditions can unravel fascinating connections, revealing the hidden roots of modern practices.

      Joe Rogan and Adam Curry discuss their experiences with hunting and eating meat, which leads to a discussion about the connection between reindeer and the psychedelic Amanita Muscaria mushroom. They explore the strange relationship between Santa Claus, Christmas, and this mushroom, highlighting how old Christmas cards often depicted the mushroom and how it played a role in ancient shamanic rituals. This conversation underscores the lost connection between modern Christmas traditions and their ancient origins. It serves as a reminder to explore and understand the cultural and symbolic meanings behind traditions, as they often have intriguing and unexpected histories.

    • Exploring Nature's Oddities: Mushrooms, Reindeer, and Backyard WildlifeJoe Rogan and Adam Curry discuss the fascinating complexities of nature, from the dangers of unknown substances to the alleged addiction of Cariboo reindeer to a specific mushroom.

      Joe Rogan and Adam Curry discuss various topics ranging from mushrooms to deer and pets. They talk about the complexities of certain mushrooms and the potential dangers of consuming unknown substances. They also mention the behavior of Cariboo reindeer and their alleged addiction to a particular mushroom. Joe Rogan talks about his preference for smoking flowers rather than consuming drugs, while Adam Curry shares his experience with deer in his backyard. They also touch upon the challenges of living in an area with an abundance of wildlife and the need to be cautious while driving. Overall, the conversation highlights the diverse and sometimes unusual aspects of nature and personal experiences.

    • The ups and downs of entrepreneurship, investing, and finding happiness in Austin.Enjoy financial success, make wise decisions, and seize new opportunities in the unpredictable journey of entrepreneurship and life.

      Adam Curry's experience highlights the ups and downs of entrepreneurship and investing. He successfully took a company public before the dot com craze and raised a significant amount of money. However, he also learned about the challenges of dilution and the restrictions on selling shares as an insider. Despite experiencing financial success, Adam Curry emphasizes the importance of enjoying the money and making wise decisions with it. Additionally, his journey from San Francisco to London to Los Angeles and finally to Austin showcases the unpredictable nature of life and the importance of seizing new opportunities. Austin's positive energy and vibrant community ultimately drew him in, and he has been living there happily for the past 10 years.

    • The Dual Challenge of Scooters and Homelessness in AustinAustin must find a solution that shows both compassion and practicality in addressing the increase in scooter accidents and homelessness by addressing underlying causes and providing support for those in need.

      The city of Austin is facing a major issue with scooters and homelessness. The influx of tech companies opening offices in Austin has led to an increase in scooter use, with many people riding them recklessly and causing accidents. Additionally, the city has struggled with homelessness, with people camping on sidewalks and underpasses. The city initially lifted its camping ban, which resulted in downtown being filled with campers. Although the ban was later reinstated, the problem persists on the outskirts of the campus. The conversation highlights the need for a solution that balances compassion and practicality. It is crucial to address the underlying causes of homelessness and provide adequate resources and support for individuals in need.

    • A Successful Community Model: Community First VillageThe Community First Village offers housing, support, and a sense of community to homeless individuals. It raises awareness about the lack of affordable housing and explores alternative funding models for podcasts.

      There is a successful community model called Community First Village, which provides housing and support to people facing homelessness. This model, led by Alan Graham, operates without government funding and includes a religious ministry component. The village promotes a sense of community and tackles issues like mental illness and drug addiction. The conversation highlights the lack of affordable housing and the increase in homelessness in certain areas, such as Skid Row in Downtown LA. It also touches on the challenges of monetizing podcasts through traditional advertising and the need for alternative funding models, like the value for value system used by Adam Curry and Derek on their show.

    • The unique model of the Curry and Rogan podcast: letting listeners determine the value and actively contribute.Curry and Rogan's podcast thrives by engaging listeners, who determine the value through donations and actively contribute with information, creating a strong sense of community.

      Adam Curry and Joe Rogan have created a unique and interactive model for their podcast, where they let the listeners determine the value of the show through donations. They call their listeners "producers" and engage them in various ways, including giving special titles and rewards like knighthoods. The producers actively contribute to the show by sending in information and insights, which helps Curry in his role as a professional information manager. The show has also fostered a sense of community among its listeners, with meetups organized worldwide. By keeping production in-house and relying on the support and contributions of their dedicated producers, Curry and Rogan have been able to sustain their podcast's success for over 13 years.

    • The Challenges of Measuring Podcast Reach and ImpactWhile determining the true reach of podcasts is difficult, focusing on audience engagement, supporting creators, and fostering a safe environment for discussion are crucial in the absence of accurate data.

      Determining the true reach and impact of podcasts and online content is challenging. According to Adam Curry and Joe Rogan, there is no accurate way to know how many people are actually listening to a podcast. While there are some statistics available through platforms like the Apple iPhone app, they only provide limited information and may not account for all downloads. In addition, statistics can be manipulated or misrepresented. This lack of definitive data highlights the importance of focusing on other aspects, such as audience engagement, supporting creators, and creating a safe and open environment for discussion. Furthermore, the conversation touches upon the growing trend of targeted outrage and the challenges of online anonymity.

    • The paradox of online behavior: anonymity facilitates negative actions while removing accountability and empathy.Online interactions lack the usual inhibitions and consequences of face-to-face communication, calling for enhanced accountability and understanding in our digital interactions.

      Human nature often leads people to engage in negative behavior online that they would never do face-to-face. The absence of visual cues and human interaction removes the usual inhibitions and empathy that come with in-person communication. However, this lack of accountability can have serious consequences, such as Twitter deplatforming individuals based on ambiguous or misinterpreted comments. The conversation highlights how cancel culture and the fear of controversy can lead advertisers to distance themselves from platforms where negative behavior thrives. It also points out that companies may be forced to make changes or promote certain ideologies to avoid backlash, even if it does not align with their readers' preferences. Ultimately, this conversation emphasizes the need for greater accountability and understanding in online interactions.

    • Embracing Masculinity, Rejecting Toxicity, and Navigating Social InfluencesIt is important to embrace both masculinity and femininity, avoid generalizations, and navigate societal pressures to define one's own identity.

      Joe Rogan and Adam Curry discuss the importance of embracing masculinity and dismissing the notion of toxic masculinity. They highlight that there are good and bad people of both genders, and it is vital not to generalize or attack an entire group based on the actions of a few individuals. Joe emphasizes the stupidity of the attack on men, referring to it as throwing out the baby with the bathwater. They also discuss the influence of social media and the mob mentality on corporations' decision-making processes. Additionally, Adam shares his personal experience with Tourette's syndrome and how he has learned to manage it. Ultimately, this conversation encourages understanding, acceptance, and not letting societal pressures define one's identity.

    • Contrasting Drug Policies and PerceptionsDrug policies vary worldwide, and alternative solutions are needed to effectively address drug-related challenges.

      Drug policies and perceptions vary greatly across different countries and regions, leading to different outcomes and challenges. While marijuana remains illegal in Texas, it is seen as beneficial by both Adam Curry and Joe Rogan. They highlight the contrasting approach in California, where theft is tolerated up to a certain limit while marijuana is still illegal. The conversation also touches on the Netherlands, where marijuana was never formally legalized but tolerated in specific places. The discussion expands to the decriminalization and different regulations around drugs in Portugal, highlighting the need for alternative solutions to address drug-related issues. The conversation ultimately suggests that current approaches may not be effective and that a fresh perspective is needed to tackle drug-related challenges.

    • The money, misconceptions, and motivations behind the drug and tobacco industries and their impact on vaping.Understanding the financial incentives, misconceptions, and motivations surrounding the drug and tobacco industries helps shed light on the complexities behind the regulation and perception of vaping.

      The money involved in the drug industry is incredibly enormous, surpassing many other industries. This is exemplified by HSBC's involvement in laundering money from Mexican drug dealers, which eventually led to legal consequences. Moreover, the conversation highlights the misconceptions surrounding vaping and the tobacco industry. Vaping nicotine from reputable companies has shown no significant health consequences, contrary to the scare caused by THC cartridges containing vitamin e acetate, leading to lung issues. However, some entities within the tobacco industry attempted to undermine vaping due to financial incentives and bonds attached to tobacco sales. An understanding of these factors illuminates the complexity and various motivations behind the regulation and perception of vaping.

    • The Tobacco Industry's Manipulation of the Vaping Market and Media NarrativesQuestion media narratives and be aware of corporate interests influencing public perception, as seen in the tobacco industry's manipulation of the vaping market and portrayal of e-cigarettes as the problem.

      The tobacco industry strategically manipulated the vaping market to promote their own products and eliminate competition. By acquiring Juul and then pushing for flavor bans, they successfully diverted attention away from their own harmful tobacco products and portrayed e-cigarettes as the problem. They even got Trump and the First Lady involved in their campaign. Through press releases and advertising deals, they influenced news organizations to promote their agenda. This situation is reminiscent of the documentary "Who Killed the Electric Car?" where powerful industries suppressed clean energy solutions. It serves as a reminder to question the motives behind media narratives and recognize the influence of corporate interests in shaping public perception.

    • The Media's Silence on Over-Medication: Prioritizing Profit Over Public HealthThe influence of advertising in the media prevents open discussions on the over-medication of children, highlighting a disregard for public health and a prioritization of profit. Cultural values, such as Texas' gun culture, may have positive aspects but cannot create a perfect society.

      The over-medication of children is a controversial topic that is often ignored in television discussions. Despite the potential interest and ratings it could generate, the advertising influence in the industry prevents open discourse on this important issue. The United States is one of the few countries that allows pharmaceutical advertisements, and this has had a detrimental effect on the perception of medication and health. By prioritizing profit over public health, the media fails to address critical subjects that could greatly impact society. The conversation also highlights the contrast between different cultural values, such as Texas' gun culture, which can promote both politeness and protection. However, it is important to note that while these cultural aspects may have positive effects, they do not guarantee a utopian society.

    • Exploring Health, Relationships, and Well-being with Adam Curry and Joe RoganTaking care of your health is crucial, involving being informed about risks, protecting yourself, and engaging in exercises that promote well-being, camaraderie, and motivation.

      Adam Curry and Joe Rogan discuss various topics ranging from marketing and celebrity relationships to the dangers of vaping and the importance of maintaining good health. Throughout their conversation, they touch on the impact of smoking, the benefits of exercise, and Curry's personal experience with hearing loss. This highlights the significance of being aware of one's health, taking proactive measures to protect oneself, and staying informed about potential risks. It also emphasizes the importance of engaging in activities that promote physical well-being, such as indoor cycling classes, and the camaraderie and motivation that can come from exercising as part of a group.

    • Advancements in Modern Hearing AidsModern hearing aids offer a customizable sound experience with various settings for different situations, providing users with a virtual reality-like enhancement rather than a replacement for their hearing.

      Modern hearing aids have advanced significantly and provide users with a customizable sound experience. Adam Curry explains that his hearing aids, unlike the outdated ones, are sleek and offer various settings for different situations such as music, television, and social interactions. With 35 channels of compressor limiter, he has created his own sound reality. Additionally, the hearing aids have an eavesdropping setting that allows Curry to hear conversations from 50 feet away by turning his head. However, headphones are not compatible with the hearing aids. Despite being against transhumanism, Curry sees his hearing aids as an enhancement rather than a replacement, providing him with a virtual reality-like experience.

    • The Potential and Drawbacks of Technology in Enhancing AbilitiesTechnology has the potential to enhance our abilities, but it is crucial to make informed choices and consider potential drawbacks before adopting new technologies.

      Technology has the potential to enhance our abilities and compensate for certain limitations. The discussion starts with the idea of artificial carbon fiber legs that can be felt but may also cause discomfort. This leads to a broader conversation about hearing aids and how they can amplify sounds for those with hearing impairments. It is mentioned that when one sense is impaired, other senses may compensate and become more heightened. The conversation also touches on the use of noise-canceling headsets and how they can increase focus. Additionally, it highlights the importance of choosing the right technology and seeking professional advice, such as seeing an audiologist for proper hearing solutions. Overall, the conversation shows that technology can offer elegant solutions, but it is essential to make informed choices and consider the potential drawbacks.

    • Adam Curry's successful transition to Linux and his advocacy for teaching children to install it on old computers.Transitioning to Linux can be a valuable learning experience, and using Microsoft Word or LibreOffice's word processor is sufficient for basic word processing tasks.

      Transitioning to Linux has been successful for Adam Curry. He had previously attempted to install Linux without much success, but in the past year, he was able to successfully switch to Linux Mint 19. Adam Curry emphasizes the benefits of Linux, encouraging others to have their children learn how to install it on old computers as a valuable learning experience. When it comes to office suites, Adam and Joe Rogan discuss the use of Microsoft Office versus alternatives like LibreOffice. They agreed that for basic word processing, using Microsoft Word or LibreOffice's word processor is sufficient. Overall, this conversation showcases Adam Curry's experience with various computer technologies and his successful transition to Linux.

    • Reflecting on the golden age of MTV and the evolution of media consumption with Adam Curry and Joe Rogan.The MTV era was a unique and irreplaceable time in media history, marked by technological advancements and a sense of shared nostalgia amongst a generation.

      The MTV era was a magical and unique time that won't be replicated. Adam Curry and Joe Rogan reminisce about the early days of MTV, discussing the impact of technology and how it shaped the way people consumed media. They discuss the excitement and struggles of downloading images and videos, highlighting how things have changed with the advent of the internet. They also touch on the commoditization of MTV and the shift towards long-form programming. Despite the changes, they both share a sense of nostalgia for that era and recognize the shared experiences that only their generation had. Overall, this conversation emphasizes the significance of the MTV era and the lasting impact it had on media and entertainment.

    • The Power of Comedy: Comedians as Change MakersComedians, through their platforms and unique ability, play a crucial role in addressing social issues, challenging norms, and shaping public opinion.

      Comedians have a unique ability to change the world through their craft, especially when they care about the impact they make. The conversation highlights the power of comedy in addressing relevant social issues and challenging societal norms. When comedians have platforms like Joe Rogan's show, they can share their perspectives directly with audiences and initiate important discussions. Additionally, the conversation touches on the negative effects of media attention on individuals like Britney Spears, emphasizing the importance of empathy and privacy. Overall, the conversation underscores the influence of comedians and their role in shaping public opinion and pushing for change, making them a vital part of our cultural landscape.

    • The Power and Versatility of Breathwork TechniquesBreathwork can have profound effects on mental and physical states, leading to unique experiences and enhancing physical abilities. It played a significant role in the success of a legendary jujitsu fighter.

      Breathwork and breath control can have profound effects on our mental and physical states. Both Joe Rogan and Adam Curry share their experiences with different forms of breathwork, such as focusing on breathing to induce a trance-like state, participating in a breathwork clinic with tribal beats, and engaging in holographic breathing. They discuss how breathwork can lead to unique experiences, such as feeling like flying, and can even be used to enhance physical abilities like stomach suction. Moreover, they highlight how breath control played a significant role in the success of a legendary jujitsu fighter, demonstrating its potential impact in various domains. Overall, this conversation emphasizes the power and versatility of breathwork techniques.

    • The Untouchable Champion: Hickson Gracie's Legacy in JujitsuHickson Gracie's unbeatable record and dominance in jujitsu can be attributed to his sharp techniques, strong mindset, and well-conditioned body, making him an exceptional champion in his time.

      Hickson Gracie was an exceptional champion in the world of jujitsu. He was widely recognized as the best and dominated his opponents with his intense level of skill. Hickson's success can be attributed to his sharp jujitsu techniques, strong mindset from yoga and meditation, and his flexible and well-conditioned body. While there are other talented fighters today, Hickson's dominance was unparalleled in his time. He had no losses or draws, leaving everyone amazed by his abilities. Hickson's last fight in 2000 was a victorious exit, solidifying his unbeatable record. Despite different preferences, it is acceptable not to understand or enjoy fighting, as everyone should have their own interests and perspectives.

    • Empowering Individuals Through Martial Arts and Self-Defense.Learning martial arts and self-defense not only builds confidence and self-reliance but also prepares individuals to navigate and protect themselves in potentially dangerous situations.

      Learning martial arts or any form of self-defense can empower individuals to better themselves and gain confidence. Many people are drawn to martial arts to learn how to physically defend themselves against potential threats. By knowing how to fight, individuals can become the ones who decide how to protect themselves and not rely on others for mercy. While most people may never encounter a physical altercation, it is important to acknowledge that such situations occur worldwide. Learning self-defense can prepare individuals for unexpected confrontations and help them navigate potentially dangerous circumstances. Teaching martial arts and self-defense to young people can contribute to a safer and more peaceful society overall.

    • The Benefits of Martial Arts: Developing Humility and EmpowermentMartial arts training fosters humility, teaches individuals to overcome challenges, and boosts self-esteem. It also offers physical and psychological therapeutic benefits, making it a fulfilling and enriching experience.

      Engaging in martial arts can help individuals develop humility and a healthy ego. Martial arts training often humbles people and teaches them how to overcome challenges, which can have a positive impact on their overall mindset and self-esteem. By going through the learning process and experiencing the support of a good instructor, individuals can gain a sense of empowerment and a realization that they are not helpless. Additionally, martial arts can provide both physical exercise and psychological therapeutic benefits. Overall, engaging in martial arts can be a fulfilling and enriching experience, similar to the joy one can find in learning other activities like dancing.

    • Cultural and historical influences on dance, fashion, and societal expectations.Society's norms and stereotypes play a significant role in shaping dance, fashion, and personal expression, impacting the choices we make and how we perceive these aspects of our lives.

      Dance, fashion, and societal expectations can be influenced by cultural and historical factors. The discussion touched on the perception of dancing as a masculine pursuit, with mentions of Fred Astaire and the association of dance with homosexuality. It also delved into the reasoning behind women wearing high heels, highlighting the beauty standards and sexual attractiveness they are believed to enhance. The conversation further explored the idea of men conforming to certain dress codes, such as wearing suits, and the admiration or artistry that can be associated with them. Overall, the key takeaway is that societal norms and stereotypes can shape various aspects of our lives, including dance, fashion, and personal expression.

    • The Beauty of Handmade Items and the Evolution of Celebrities and TechnologyCraftsmanship, nostalgia, reinvention, and technology all hold value in different aspects of our lives.

      There is a special value in handmade items that are crafted with artistry and skill, such as a well-made handmade shoe or a carefully crafted watch. These items carry sentimentality and remind us of different times and places. The conversation also highlights the longevity and ingenuity of wristwatches, dating back to the 16th century. It touches on the evolution of celebrities like Mark Wahlberg and Will Smith, who have successfully reinvented themselves over the years. Additionally, the conversation acknowledges the exponential growth and impact of the internet on our lives. Ultimately, the key takeaway is that there is beauty and significance in craftsmanship, nostalgia, reinvention, and the ever-changing world of technology.

    • Evolution of Technology and its Impact on IndustriesEmbracing technological advancements and adapting to the digital world is crucial for success in today's rapidly changing business landscape.

      Technology has rapidly evolved over the years, leading to significant advancements and changes in various industries. Adam Curry highlights his experiences from the early days of computing, where bulletin boards and dial-up connections were the norm. He mentions the significant moment when he realized the power of the internet, the concept of hyperlinking, and the potential for broadcasting. Additionally, he discusses the downfall of traditional businesses like the Yellow Pages and newspapers due to the rise of the internet and classified ads platforms like Craigslist. This conversation emphasizes the importance of adapting to technological innovations and leveraging them for success in today's fast-paced digital world.

    • The importance of privacy and data control in an increasingly connected worldIt is crucial to be cautious and vigilant about the data we share and the extent to which we allow tech companies to access and utilize our personal information.

      Privacy and data control are significant concerns when it comes to technology. The discussion revolves around the lack of privacy in today's world due to the constant collection and tracking of personal data. The conversation highlights the inability to completely turn off tracking on devices, such as smartphones. It also touches upon how companies like Google, which started with the motto "Do No Evil," may have compromised privacy and data security over time. The conversation suggests that there may be intelligence agency involvement in certain tech companies and that the founders' backgrounds and experiences may influence their approach to privacy. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the importance of being cautious and vigilant about the data we share and the extent to which we allow companies to access and utilize our personal information.

    • Exploiting personal data: the need for legislation and trust-based relationshipsIndividuals must assert control over their data and remain wary of emerging technologies, while legislation recognizing data as a commodity and fostering trust-based relationships is crucial.

      The current business model of technology companies is exploiting humanity by taking advantage of personal data without providing individuals control or sharing the revenue. Both Adam Curry and Joe Rogan emphasize the need for legislation to recognize data as a commodity, and advocate for a trust-based relationship between users and companies. They discuss alternatives such as decentralized social networks like mastodon, where individuals can have more control over their community and block unwanted users. Additionally, they speculate on the future of augmented reality technology, expressing skepticism towards its potential benefits and raising concerns about conditioning and privacy. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of individuals having sovereignty over their data and remaining critical of emerging technologies.

    • The dangers of sensationalism and fear-mongering during pandemics.It is important to critically analyze information, not let fear influence decisions, and be aware of hidden agendas during times of crisis.

      There is a tendency for sensationalism and fear-mongering when it comes to discussing pandemics, such as the current coronavirus outbreak. The media often presents information in a way that triggers our fear responses, leading to a heightened sense of panic and vulnerability. This fear can then be manipulated for political or legislative purposes, as seen with the mention of the Patriot Act. It is important to critically analyze the information presented to us and not to let fear dictate our actions or decisions. Additionally, it is crucial to be aware of potential hidden agendas or ulterior motives behind certain legislation or policies that may be introduced during times of crisis.

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    Shane Gillis, Mark Normand, and Ari Shaffir are stand-up comics, writers, and podcasters. Shane is the co-host of "Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast" with Matt McCusker and one half of the sketch comedy duo "Gilly and Keeves" with John McKeever. Watch his new comedy series, "Tires," and special, "Beautiful Dogs" on Netflix. www.shanemgillis.com Mark is the co-host of the podcasts "Tuesdays with Stories" with Joe List and "We Might Be Drunk" with Sam Morril. Watch his latest stand-up special, "Soup to Nuts," on Netflix. www.marknormandcomedy.com Ari is the host of the "You Be Trippin'" podcast. His latest comedy special, "Ari Shaffir: Jew," is available now via YouTube. www.arishaffir.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2168 - Tyler Fischer

    #2168 - Tyler Fischer
    Tyler Fischer is a stand-up comic, actor, and filmmaker. His latest special, "The Election Special | LIVE at Comedy Mothership," is available now via YouTube. https://youtu.be/FmvJjMGX7hw?si=PyOsFVH4as8HMHBD www.tylerfischer.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Jack Carr is a bestselling author, retired Navy SEAL, and host of the “Danger Close” podcast. His newest book, "Red Sky Mourning,” is available now. www.officialjackcarr.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2164 - Action Bronson

    #2164 - Action Bronson
    Action Bronson is a musician, chef, painter, and author. Look out for his forthcoming album "Johann Sebastian Bachlava the Doctor'' and watch his series "F*ck, That's Delicious" on YouTube. www.actionbronson.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    #2163 - Freeway Rick Ross
    Freeway Rick Ross is a former eighties drug kingpin who is now an author, motivational speaker, and community advocate. www.freewayrickyross.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Empiezo contándote sobre esta inusual noticia, que encontré en el portal Unocero.com. Resulta que ante los constantes reportes referidos a que los parlantes inteligentes escuchan tus conversaciones y otras actividades que se realicen cerca de donde ellos estén, la web para adultos Cam Soda ha lanzado un interesante gadget: el bloqueador de asistente virtual o VAB.

    Se trata de una especie de tapa de silicona diseñado para calzar en la parte superior de los dispositivos Alexa y, de esa manera, evitar que el parlante se active al detectar los sonidos que los humanos emitimos al tener relaciones sexuales y que, según reportes a los que hace referencia esta página, activan los micrófonos del dispositivo.

    La particularidad de este VAB es que tiene una forma parecida a la de un condón y se vende en Estados Unidos a 9.99 dólares.

    *Pasan porno en el canal de Ninja en Twitch *

    Ninja es uno de los jugadores de Fortnite más famosos del mundo en la actualidad. Tiene 27 años y se calcula que gana unos 10 millones de dólares al año. Hace unos días volvió a ser noticia cuando anunció que dejaría la plataforma de transmisiones de videojuegos Twitch para pasarse a Mixer, una plataforma similar pero de propiedad de Microsoft.

    Este fin de semana hubo todo un lío porque el canal inactivo de Ninja en Twitch no solo se estaba usando para promover a otros streamers o usuarios que transmiten partidas de videojuegos, sino que hasta se empezó a transmitir porno. Así es. Según la web Engadget, el domingo 11 por la mañana se usó ese canal para transmitir contenido para adultos.

    Por supuesto, Ninja se enteró y salió a denunciar el hecho. Twitch ya desactivó por completo el canal y el mismo CEO de la empresa se disculpó y aseguró que están buscando a los responsables.

    *No te olvides de participar*

    Antes de irme te recuerdo que todavía puedes participar por el Moto G7 Power que estamos sorteando gracias a nuestros amigos de Motorola Perú. Para saber cómo hacerlo, escucha el Episodio 53 de Doble Check.


    Muchas gracias por escucharnos una vez más. Recuerda que si quieres comunicarte con nosotros puedes escribirnos a doblecheckpodcast@gmail.com; si quieres conversar con nosotros puedes buscarnos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @doblecheckpe; y en nuestra web http://doblecheck.blog. Hasta pronto.

    Live Episode! Clubhouse: Paul Davison and Rohan Seth

    Live Episode! Clubhouse: Paul Davison and Rohan Seth
    After selling both of their social app companies and rethinking their day jobs, Paul Davison and Rohan Seth knew they should not get into the volatile business of social media again. Despite exploring more practical ideas in other industries, they were found themselves drawn to the potential of live social audio, and decided they had to build another social app. What they didn't know was that, as they launched Clubhouse in March 2020, a global pandemic would create a new market of people looking for virtual spaces to connect. Today, despite issues with chat moderation, an invitation-only launch and increasing competition from established media companies, Clubhouse has continued to grow and now has over 10 million users. This interview was recorded live as part of a virtual event in April 2021.

    How I Built This Summit - information and tickets at:

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    The importance of values in regulating emerging technology to protect human rights with Ed Santow

    The importance of values in regulating emerging technology to protect human rights with Ed Santow

    In today’s episode no. 25, Edward Santow, Australia’s Human Rights Commissioner speaks to Reimagining Justice about one of many projects he is responsible for, namely the Commission’s Human Rights and Technology project.

    Whether you know a little or a lot about human rights or artificial intelligence, you will gain something from listening to our conversation about the most extensive consultation into AI and Human Rights anywhere in the world. Ed explains exactly what human rights are and why they should be protected, how technology is both enhancing and detracting from human rights and the best approach to take in regulating emerging technology in the future.

    We talked about protecting the rights of the most marginalized people, automated decision making and how to combat bias and something I found particularly fascinating, the tension between the universality of human rights, ubiquitous technology and how differing cultural contexts and historical experiences are shaping the principles that will guide both the development and application of technology.

    Ed Santow has been Human Rights Commissioner at the Australian Human Rights Commission since August 2016 and leads the Commission’s work on technology and human rights; refugees and migration; human rights issues affecting LGBTI people; counter-terrorism and national security; freedom of expression; freedom of religion; and implementing the Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture (OPCAT).

    Andrea Perry-Petersen – LinkedIn - Twitter @winkiepp – andreaperrypetersen.com.au

    Twitter - @ReimaginingJ

    Facebook – Reimagining Justice group

    How to Go Beyond Simple Execution and Go After a Huge Opportunity

    How to Go Beyond Simple Execution and Go After a Huge Opportunity
    Josh Long, designer, writer, and creator of many awesome products, talks with us about his balance between multiple projects and income streams, and his passion for learning through all his different projects. He also shares both his excitement and concerns about moving forward with a single focus on one product, and aiming much bigger than he ever has in the past.