
    Podcast Summary

    • The untold story of the Manson murdersTom's 20-year investigation uncovered perjury, sabotaged defense teams, and other hidden truths in the Manson murders case

      The true story behind the Manson murders, as presented in Tom's book "Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the 60s," goes far beyond what most people believe. Tom initially began investigating the story out of obligation for a magazine assignment, but his research uncovered numerous holes in the official narrative and revelations of malfeasance by key figures in the trial. This discovery led Tom to pursue the story for 20 years, ultimately resulting in a book that exposed perjury, sabotaged defense teams, and other hidden truths. Despite the challenges and lengthy process, Tom's unwavering dedication to the story led to the publication of his book in 2005.

    • CIA Program Allowed Manson to Evade Law EnforcementA CIA program may have granted Charles Manson immunity to commit crimes during his parole, allowing him to evade prosecution and commit the 1969 murders, with his parole officer knowingly facilitating his travel.

      Charles Manson was involved in a CIA program that allowed him to commit crimes, including perjury, without facing consequences. During his parole, his parole officer, Roger Smith, gave him false permissions to travel and live in different places, including Mexico, despite Manson's violations of parole. Smith was acting under instructions from higher authorities, but the full extent of their involvement and motives remain unclear due to redacted information in Smith's parole file. This program may have contributed to Manson's ability to evade prosecution and commit the murders in 1969.

    • The Haidashbury Free Medical Clinic's Role in the Formation of the Manson FamilyThe Haidashbury Free Medical Clinic inadvertently provided a space for Manson to recruit and groom his followers, potentially contributing to the creation of the Manson Family and the subsequent brutal murders.

      The Haidashbury Free Medical Clinic in San Francisco during the summer of love in 1967 played a significant role in the formation of the Manson Family. Manson, who was getting leniency from the federal government through his parole officer Roger Smith, who was also conducting drug research at the clinic, brought his followers there for free treatment. It was during this time that Manson transformed into the charismatic leader who would later lead his followers in a series of brutal murders. The clinic, unwittingly or not, provided a space for Manson to recruit and groom his followers, and Roger Smith may have inadvertently contributed to the creation of one of America's most infamous killer cults. Additionally, it was later revealed that the MKUltra program, a government mind control program, was active during this time, and it's possible that Manson and his followers were exposed to its techniques.

    • Dr. Jolly West's Role in MKUltra RevealedDr. Jolly West, a UCLA professor, played a significant role in the creation of MKUltra, a controversial CIA project, as revealed by discovered correspondence with MKUltra's head, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, dating back to 1953.

      The late Dr. Jolly West, whom many believed was involved in the Manson Family murders due to his association with the MKUltra program, was indeed a key figure in the development of this controversial CIA project. His files, which were discovered at UCLA, contained correspondence with MKUltra's head, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, dating back to 1953. These documents revealed that West was not only involved but also played a significant role in creating the blueprint for the program, which aimed to induce amnesia in subjects. The convergence of West's research and Manson's actions at the Atascadero State Hospital was a significant discovery, as Manson and his followers were known to have exhibited behaviors consistent with MKUltra experiments. The destruction of most MKUltra records in 1973 made it challenging to determine the extent of their involvement, but the discovery of these documents provided crucial insights into the objectives and methods of the program.

    • Hippie Commune Covert LSD Experiments: Deceit and ManipulationDuring the 1950s and 1960s, Dr. Jolly West disguised his LSD experiments as a hippie commune and manipulated subjects without consent, raising significant ethical concerns. His experiments at Lackland Air Force Base led to a tragic outcome and the full extent of his treatments is unknown.

      During the 1950s and 1960s, Dr. Jolly West, a psychiatrist, ran a covert operation disguised as a hippie commune in San Francisco, luring people in and administering LSD to them under the guise of research. His graduate students were instructed to bring people in and manipulate them without their knowledge or consent. The ethical implications of this are significant, as it set up their careers on a foundation of deceit and manipulation. West's experiments extended to Lackland Air Force Base in the early 1950s, where he conducted experiments on human subjects, eventually leading to a tragic outcome. In 1954, a three-year-old girl went missing and was later found raped and murdered by an airman, Jimmy Shaver. West became Shaver's psychiatrist during the trial, using sodium pentathol to extract his confession. The full extent of West's experimental treatments at Lackland Air Force Base remains unknown, but the ethical concerns raised by these events are profound.

    • Possibility of Government Mind Control Experiments on Charlie MansonCharlie Manson's unusual behavior and lack of criminal history raise speculations of secret government mind control experiments during the 1950s under the MKUltra program using LSD. However, these are unproven claims as there is no definitive evidence.

      The discussion suggests the possibility that the infamous criminal Charlie Manson may have been a subject of secret government mind control experiments during the 1950s. These experiments, conducted by Dr. Robert J. L. West under the MKUltra program, reportedly involved the use of LSD and attempts to implant false memories and alter behavior without the subject's knowledge. Manson's sudden violent behavior, lack of a criminal history, and missing medical records add to the speculation. However, it is important to note that these are speculations and circumstantial evidence, as there is no definitive proof to confirm these claims. Additionally, Manson's background of being raised by a prostitute and a history of petty theft as a child further highlights his troubled upbringing and potential vulnerability to manipulation.

    • Manson's Prison Experiments and the Role of His Parole OfficerCharles Manson's criminal behavior may have been influenced by his exposure to LSD experiments during his time in federal prison. His parole officer also played a role in introducing him to the hippie community, potentially contributing to his recruitment of followers and crimes.

      The federal government's prison experiments, specifically those involving LSD under the MKUltra program, may have had an impact on Charles Manson's criminal behavior. Manson was in federal prison during the late 1950s and early 1960s, a time when such experiments were being conducted. While there is circumstantial evidence suggesting this connection, it is not definitively proven, and the exact nature of the experiments and Manson's involvement remain unclear. Additionally, Manson's parole officer, Roger Smith, may have played a role in introducing him to the hippie community in the late 1960s, which could have contributed to Manson's recruitment of followers and the subsequent crimes he committed. Despite the intriguing possibilities, many details remain uncertain and require further investigation.

    • Former Parole Officer's Conflicting Role in Manson's LifeRoger Smith, a former criminology student, advocated for leniency towards Manson's followers despite their involvement in criminal activities, which raised questions about their relationship and his motivations during the Manson Family era.

      Roger Smith, a former criminology student turned federal parole officer, may have had a significant and conflicting role in the life of Charles Manson during the late 1960s. Smith, who was studying gangs and violence, was assigned to the San Francisco Project with a small caseload. He became Manson's parole officer, but the official records show they weren't present at the same time during Manson's incarceration, which raises questions about their relationship. Smith advocated for leniency towards Manson's followers Mary Brunner and Susan Atkins during their trials, even though he knew they were involved in Manson's criminal activities. Despite this, the judge released them based on Smith's recommendations. After leaving his position as Manson's parole officer, Smith and his wife fostered Manson's son. The complex and irregular nature of their interactions highlights the intricate web of relationships and motivations surrounding the Manson Family during this period.

    • Manson's Shady Arrests and Possible Connection to Government ProgramsRetired judge speculates Manson may have been an informant for local law enforcement or feds, potentially tied to COINTELPRO or MKUltra programs, which aimed to neutralize perceived revolutionary groups, including Manson's arrests and releases possibly part of strategy.

      During the investigation into Charles Manson and his family, there were multiple instances where they were arrested but released due to what appeared to be shoddy police work or higher intervention. Retired judge and district attorney, Lewis Walknack, speculated that Manson may have been an informant for local law enforcement or the federal government, potentially as part of programs like COINTELPRO or MKUltra. These programs aimed to neutralize perceived revolutionary groups, including the anti-war movement and hippies, and Manson's arrests and releases could have been part of this strategy. The FBI's COINTELPRO program began in San Francisco in 1967, the same time Manson arrived there, and had similar objectives to the CIA's MKUltra program, which involved violating human rights through drug experimentation.

    • Federal Agencies Instigated Violence Between Left-wing Groups and African Americans in the 1960s and 1970sFederal agencies engaged in undercover operations to create chaos and instigate a race war between left-wing groups and African Americans, resulting in numerous deaths and social unrest.

      During the 1960s and 1970s in the United States, federal agencies like COINTELPRO and Chaos engaged in undercover operations to incite violence between left-wing groups and African American organizations, such as the Panthers. The ultimate goal was to create chaos and instigate a race war. The motive behind these operations was to discredit and neutralize these groups. The most infamous example of this is the Helter Skelter theory, which was presented at the trial of Charles Manson, suggesting that he believed in an impending race war and wanted to ignite it by committing murders and then emerging as the savior. However, it's debatable whether Manson truly believed in this ideology or if he was manipulated by law enforcement to commit the crimes. These operations resulted in numerous deaths and fueled the social unrest of the time. The extent and impact of these covert operations remain a topic of ongoing investigation and debate.

    • Interview with a Manson Family Key Figure Reveals Off-the-Record DiscrepanciesOff-the-record conversations can provide new insights, but may be subject to legal constraints and could alter public perception. Thorough research and fact-checking are crucial in journalism.

      During an interview with a key figure in the Manson Family murders case, the interviewee shared off-the-record information that significantly differed from the official narrative. This information, if true, would have changed the public's perception of certain events. However, due to legal disputes, the journalist was unable to reveal this information publicly. The experience taught the journalist the importance of thorough research and the potential risks of off-the-record conversations. The interview also highlighted the complexities of the case and the need for continued investigation and exploration of different perspectives. Ultimately, the journalist's reporting process and the interviewee's revelations underscore the importance of fact-checking and the potential impact of off-the-record conversations on the accuracy and completeness of journalistic reporting.

    • The relationship between Terry Melcher and Charlie Manson was more complex than previously thoughtNew evidence challenges the official narrative of the Manson Family murders, suggesting potential lies and inconsistencies may have gone unnoticed during the chaotic trial.

      The official narrative of the Manson Family murders may not be entirely accurate. The relationship between Terry Melcher and Charlie Manson was more complex than previously thought, with Melcher testifying to having only fleeting encounters with Manson, but later documents showing he visited the Spahn Ranch after the murders. This discrepancy raises questions about the motivations behind the murders at the Tate house and the role Melcher played in the case. The chaos and spectacle of the Manson trial distracted people from critically examining the evidence, allowing potential lies and inconsistencies to go unnoticed. However, when these discrepancies were uncovered, it became clear that a more nuanced understanding of the case was necessary.

    • Interviewee Stands Firm Against IntimidationReporting truthful information, even in the face of intimidation and legal threats, is essential for uncovering the full story and holding individuals accountable.

      During an interview, Vince Bool attempted to suppress information by using threats, intimidation, and denial. The interviewee, despite facing these challenges, persisted in questioning Vince about his tactics and choices at a trial. The situation escalated, with Vince threatening to sue and demanding a blurb for his book. The interviewee, who had lost the magazine deal but gained a book deal, reported the information to the publisher, leading to a lengthy legal battle. This experience highlights the importance of standing firm against intimidation and the power of reporting truthful information. Despite the potential risks and consequences, the interviewee's determination to uncover the truth ultimately prevailed.

    • Navigating Challenges in Publishing: A Speaker's ExperienceDealing with unpredictable challenges in publishing requires resilience and perseverance. Long and contradictory letters, legal battles, and collaborations with filmmakers can delay projects but with determination, these obstacles can be overcome.

      The publishing industry can be unpredictable and fraught with challenges, as evidenced by the experience of the speaker in dealing with Vince's controversial letters and the subsequent legal battles that ensued. The letters, which were long and contradictory, raised questions about Vince's mental health and threatened to derail the speaker's book deal. Despite these obstacles, the speaker persevered and eventually resolved the legal issues, but the delay held up the publication of the book for several years. Additionally, the speaker's collaboration with Errol Morris on a film adaptation of the book added another layer of complexity to the project. Overall, this experience underscores the importance of resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity in the publishing industry.

    • Overcoming Creative Differences and Staying True to Your VisionPersevering through setbacks and maintaining creative integrity can lead to success, while networking and building relationships open new opportunities.

      Perseverance and determination can lead to success, even in the face of setbacks and challenges. The speaker shares a story of how they collaborated with Errol Morris on a documentary project, only to part ways due to creative differences. Despite walking away from potential financial gain, the speaker continued to report and work on the project until they could regain control and find a new collaborator. Through this process, they learned the importance of trusting their vision and not compromising their creative integrity. The speaker's experience also highlights the importance of networking and building relationships, as these connections led to new opportunities and collaborations. Overall, the story demonstrates the resilience and persistence required to bring a project to fruition.

    • Perseverance pays off20-year investigation led to success through collaboration and documentation, unexpected sale added to accomplishment

      Perseverance and refusing to give up, even when faced with numerous setbacks and obstacles, can lead to significant achievements. The speaker, who spent 20 years investigating a case and writing a book about it, shares how they finally found success when they decided to collaborate with someone and put all their discoveries out there, despite feeling like they had wasted their efforts. The importance of the end notes and documentation in the book also allowed the speaker to feel a sense of freedom and completion. Additionally, the unexpected sale of the book and film rights to Amazon before its publication added to the speaker's sense of accomplishment. Despite initial concerns about the adaptation of the story into a film, the speaker remains hopeful and continues to promote the project.

    • Government's Secretive MKUltra Program and Unwitting Human ExperimentsThe MKUltra program, a clandestine government initiative, involved drug-induced mind control experiments on psychiatric patients without their consent, as seen in Jack Ruby's case.

      The MKUltra program, a government initiative involving mind control and human experimentation, remained hidden from the public for decades due to the secrecy surrounding it and the oaths taken by those involved. Agents and subcontracted researchers conducted experiments on psychiatric patients, using powerful drugs and hypnosis without their knowledge or consent. One notable case is Jolly West, who examined Jack Ruby before his testimony to the Warren Commission, declaring him insane based on his hallucinations. This revelation was significant as Ruby's mental health had not been questioned prior to this examination. The extent of West's involvement in Ruby's case and the potential implications are still subjects of ongoing research and debate.

    • CIA Roles in JFK Assassination InvestigationThe Warren Commission, led by former CIA heads Allen Dulles and Richard Helms, withheld information about their contacts with primary suspect Lee Harvey Oswald and possible conspirators. Later investigations suggested a probable conspiracy to kill JFK, involving Ruby and a CIA-contracted agent.

      The investigation into the assassination of President John F. Kennedy raised questions about the involvement of the CIA in the death of Lee Harvey Oswald, the primary suspect. Allen Dulles, a former head of the CIA, and Richard Helms, who was part of the MKUltra program, had significant roles in the Warren Commission, which concluded that Oswald acted alone. However, later investigations revealed that Dulles and Helms had withheld information about their contacts with Oswald and possible conspirators. Ruby, a suspect in the assassination, was considered an important witness, and his connections to organized crime and the CIA became a focus of the investigation. The House Select Committee on Assassinations later concluded that there was a probable conspiracy to kill Kennedy, and Ruby may have played a role in silencing Oswald on behalf of the conspiracy. The involvement of a CIA contracted agent in the investigation and his subsequent strange behavior raises further questions about the truth of the official narrative.

    • Difficult Decisions for the TruthChoosing the truth over convenience can lead to tough choices and potential scrutiny, but it's essential to protect the integrity of evidence in high-stakes situations.

      Sometimes, in pursuit of the truth, difficult decisions must be made. The speaker, in this case, had crucial evidence that could potentially impact a high-profile political figure's career. However, meeting with the figure meant risking the integrity of the evidence and potentially facing scrutiny. Ultimately, the speaker chose to cancel the meeting and deceive the figure's press secretary to protect the evidence. The decision was a difficult one, but it highlights the importance of considering the potential consequences of one's actions and the value of the truth itself. Additionally, this story underscores the challenges and complexities that can arise when attempting to uncover the truth in sensitive and high-stakes situations.

    • Exploring the Depths of Conspiracy Theories: From Skepticism to AlarmInitially dismissing conspiracy theories, the speaker delved deeper and uncovered inconsistencies in official narratives, raising concerns over government experiments like MKUltra and Operation Midnight Climax. This journey highlights the allure and potential dangers of conspiracy theories.

      The speaker acknowledges the complexity and depth of various conspiracy theories, particularly those surrounding the Kennedy assassination. He shares his personal experience of initially dismissing conspiracy theories but then becoming intrigued and alarmed by the evidence. He highlights inconsistencies in the official narrative, such as the bullet fragments and conflicting descriptions of Kennedy's injuries. The speaker also mentions his own efforts to compartmentalize his investigation and focus on specific areas of interest. Additionally, he discusses the existence of government experiments, like MKUltra and Operation Midnight Climax, which add to the intrigue and complexity of conspiracy theories. Overall, the speaker's account underscores the allure and the potential dangers of delving too deep into conspiracy theories.

    • Hidden Government Operations and False InformationTrust but verify: not all information from government sources is accurate, and obtaining truthful information about certain activities can be challenging.

      There exist classified information and operations that are kept hidden from the public, even from reputable news organizations. The speaker shares an experience where a researcher at the Washington Post was given false information by the CIA regarding a person's involvement in a government program. The CIA presented themselves as trustworthy sources, but their information was proven to be inaccurate. This highlights the importance of verifying information and the challenges of obtaining truthful information about certain government activities. Additionally, there were individuals, like Reeve Woodson, who lived secretively and were involved in undercover work, making it difficult to uncover their true identities and roles in events.

    • Unexpected Connections Between the Manson Family and Topanga Canyon ClinicThe Manson Family's attraction to the clinic's ideologies and experiences, rooted in LSD and altered states, may have influenced their manipulative tactics. The Smiths, conducting government-funded LSD research, inadvertently recruited vulnerable individuals to the Manson Family.

      The Manson Family and the researchers at the Clinic in Topanga Canyon during the late 1960s were interconnected in unexpected ways. The Manson Family, including Charles Manson, were attracted to the ideologies and experiences promoted at the clinic, which were rooted in personality change and the exploration of altered states of consciousness through LSD and other substances. Manson himself may have learned some of his manipulative tactics from these experiences, as well as from the charismatic figures like David and Roger Smith who ran the clinic. The Smiths, who were conducting research on the effects of LSD on personality, inadvertently contributed to the recruitment of vulnerable individuals to the Manson Family. The clinic, which was officially a nonprofit health care facility for runaways and hippies, was actually a cover for federal government research. This complex web of connections raises intriguing questions about the role of government-funded research in shaping the counterculture movement and the emergence of destructive groups like the Manson Family.

    • Disappointed by the lack of attention to his corruption findingsExposing serious corruption didn't get the desired action, despite good reviews, careful fact-checking, and personal involvement. The current news cycle and public interest may have played a role.

      Despite uncovering what he believed to be significant evidence of corruption and cover-ups, the speaker was disappointed that his book did not receive the level of attention and action he had hoped for. He had exposed serious allegations of corruption in the DA's office in 1969 and believed that the trial of Charles Manson and the subsequent coverage of it overshadowed his own findings. He was also surprised that none of the principal people involved in his book had threatened lawsuits or contacted him or the publisher. The speaker believes that the current news cycle and public interest may have contributed to the lack of sustained attention to his work. Additionally, he mentioned that he was careful not to put speculation or unsubstantiated claims in his book and that all the facts he presented were documented. Despite receiving good reviews and response, the book did not make the change he had intended. He was introduced to the book by a friend who was passionate about it, and this enthusiasm convinced him to investigate further. The neighbor, who was identified in the book but not named, was upset about this.

    • The author's publishing journey and Vincent Bugliosi's obsessionThe publishing process can be challenging and unpredictable, but ultimately rewarding. Human behavior can also be complex and surprising, as shown by Vincent Bugliosi's relentless pursuit of paternity.

      The author's experience of publishing her book was a challenging journey, filled with unexpected twists and turns. Despite not receiving the level of publicity she had hoped for, she was ultimately grateful for its release and the impact it could have on readers. Another intriguing revelation was the story of Vincent Bugliosi's obsession with proving that he was the father of his wife's child, even going so far as to stalk the milkman for over a year. This behavior, which was detailed in Bugliosi's own depositions, shed new light on his character and the lengths he would go to in pursuit of the truth. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities of both the publishing process and human behavior.

    • Influence of Past Discretions on Ethical StandardsIndividuals with questionable pasts may be pressured to act unethically, leading to cover-ups and deceit, which can have severe personal and professional consequences.

      Compromised individuals, like DA Vincent Bugliosi, who had a questionable past, may be influenced to act against ethical standards when under pressure or given orders from those in power. This was evident in Bugliosi's handling of the milkman stalking incident, which was covered up and not disclosed during his campaigns for higher office. The milkman's public revelations led to lawsuits and investigations, ultimately revealing more ethical lapses on Bugliosi's part. This pattern of deceit and manipulation had significant consequences for Bugliosi's personal and professional life.

    • Prominent Prosecutor's Alleged Lies and Hostage SituationVince Bugliosi, a former prosecutor and author, was accused of battery and lying to the police. He responded by holding a woman hostage and having her sign a false document. When she admitted the false report, she was charged instead. His pattern of lying continued during his run for Attorney General, leading to public scrutiny and credibility concerns.

      Vince Bugliosi, a prominent prosecutor and author, was accused of battery and lying to the police in the 1970s. After denying the allegations and lying to the police about the incident, he held the woman hostage and had her sign a backdated bill for the money she owed him. When the woman went to the police to admit the false report, she was charged instead. This pattern of lying continued when Bugliosi ran for Attorney General of California, and he was eventually caught and paid substantial sums to settle the cases. Despite the non-disclosures, the details of these incidents became public, raising questions about Bugliosi's credibility and integrity.

    • Bugliosi's collaborator's impact on 'Helter Skelter' and Bugliosi's vulnerabilitiesBugliosi's book 'Helter Skelter' may have had biased details due to his personal issues and collaborator's involvement. Research on LSD's impact on personality could have influenced the case.

      Manson family member Vincent Bugliosi, the prosecutor in the Tate-LaBianca trials, had a collaborator, Kurt Gentry, who helped him write his book "Helter Skelter." Bugliosi was vulnerable due to his personal issues, including a secret family and mental instability, which may have contributed to the events portrayed in the book. The motive behind the Manson family's killing of Sharon Tate and others is still debated, with theories including a drug deal gone wrong and personality change through drugs and hypnosis. Research on the effects of LSD on personality began in the 1960s and could have played a role in the Manson case. Bugliosi left out certain details from his book, such as the existence of a mistress and a potential LSD researcher connection, which were only revealed after his death.

    • Alleged COINTELPRO Connection to Tate-LaBianca MurdersThe Tate-LaBianca murders may have been used in a government operation to fuel fear against hippies, left-wing movements, and the Black Panthers. The FBI's COINTELPRO memo suggested targeting white, elite communities to spread fear and chaos.

      The Tate-LaBianca murders in 1969 may have been used as part of a government operation to turn public opinion against hippies, left-wing movements, and the Black Panthers. The house where the murders occurred was a high-profile location in Hollywood, known for its parties attended by prominent figures in movies and music. The FBI's COINTELPRO memo from 1968 suggests that they aimed to make whites fear for their lives during a revolution and targeted white, elite communities to spread fear and chaos. Tex Watson, one of the main suspects in the murders, was part of a community that had access to LSD early on, and his personality change before joining Charles Manson's group remains a topic of interest. The outcome of the murders, with images of hippie women accused on the front pages of newspapers, reinforced the narrative of drug-crazed, violent hippies, damaging the youth movement. Although it is speculation, the possibility of a COINTELPRO connection adds complexity to the historical context of these tragic events.

    • La Bianca Killings: A Cultural Watershed Moment and a Neighborhood's Dark SecretThe random and shocking La Bianca killings, similar to the Tate murders, were initially believed to be unrelated but likely committed by the same individuals, adding to the infamy of the area.

      The La Bianca killings, which occurred shortly after the Tate murders in 1969, were seen as a cultural watershed moment due to their randomness and the fact that the victims were an upper-middle-class couple. The house where the La Biancas were killed was recently up for sale, adding to the eerie feeling surrounding the area. The investigation into the La Bianca murders was initially separate from the Tate investigation, but evidence suggests that the same individuals were responsible for both crimes. The La Bianca's were reportedly targeted due to Manson's familiarity with the layout of the neighboring house, where he had previously visited. Despite the similarities between the two crime scenes, the police initially believed that the La Bianca murders were a copycat crime. However, evidence suggests that they knew the true perpetrators right away. The area where the La Bianca and Tate murders took place is now infamous and continues to be a source of fascination and controversy.

    • Connections between victims and suspects revealedThe Tate-LaBianca investigation uncovered hidden links between the victims and suspects, including a shared hairdresser, a dinner invitation, and a faulty electrician, providing insight into the killers' motivations.

      The investigation into the Tate-LaBianca murders revealed several important connections between the victims and the suspected killers that were initially hidden or overlooked. For instance, Lino Villa, who was in debt to his family and had a meeting scheduled to leave the family business on August 9th, was also linked to the Hollywood set victims through their shared hairdresser, Jay Sebring. Additionally, Jay Sebring had hosted a dinner for the victims at his house the night before they were killed, and a power surge caused by faulty wiring that night disrupted their cable TV, leading them to call an electrician named Paul Greenwall, who was also connected to the suspected killers. These connections, though not explicitly mentioned in the official accounts, were crucial in understanding the scope and motivations behind the murders.

    • New Evidence Suggests Tate-LaBianca Murders Were PlannedRecent discoveries, including cut wires at the crime scene and recorded confessions, indicate the Tate-LaBianca murders may have been premeditated, challenging the previously held belief that they were random acts of violence.

      That the events surrounding the Tate-LaBianca murders may not have been as random as previously believed. Wires at the Tate residence were cut the night before the murders, which suggests the victims were targeted. Furthermore, Tex Watson, a key suspect, confessed to the crimes and discussed other unconnected murders with his attorney, who recorded their conversations. These recordings could provide valuable insights into the motives and methods of the Manson family. The discovery of these tapes could potentially reopen the investigation and challenge the official narrative of the case. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of reexamining evidence and questioning accepted narratives in order to gain a more complete understanding of complex historical events.

    • Overcoming Obstacles to Obtain Confidential InformationCareful planning, persistence, and respect for legal and ethical boundaries are crucial when pursuing confidential information, as the process can be complex and lengthy with potential challenges.

      Obtaining confidential information can be a complex and lengthy process, with potential legal and ethical challenges. The speaker in this discussion went to great lengths to obtain tapes that could provide crucial information, but faced numerous obstacles along the way, including attorney-client privilege, trustee cooperation, and court battles. Ultimately, the information was released, but only after a significant delay, and the speaker lost control over how it would be used. This experience underscores the importance of careful planning, persistence, and respect for legal and ethical boundaries when pursuing confidential information.

    • Journalist Tom O'Neill calls for media to fact-check his reporting on Manson family's CIA connectionJournalist Tom O'Neill urges reputable news outlets to verify his extensive findings on the Manson family's alleged connection to the CIA, emphasizing the importance of transparency and verification in journalism.

      Journalist Tom O'Neill is calling for reputable news outlets to fact-check and verify his extensive reporting on the Manson family and their connection to the CIA and the 60s. He believes there are still alive witnesses to interview and documents to be uncovered, and he has made some of these documents available on his Instagram and Facebook pages for public viewing. O'Neill expressed his hope that the media will pick up his story and do additional reporting, ensuring the accuracy and validity of his findings. He also emphasized the importance of transparency and verification in journalism. Additionally, O'Neill and his interviewer, Joey, shared a positive interaction and expressed their appreciation for each other's work.

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    MK Ultra

    MK Ultra

    It does seem that no matter how much you dabble in the historical spider web of CIA lies and deceit, there's always something new and exciting to explore.  Let's dive into a small piece of the rabbit hole that was MK Ultra...

    Works Cited:           


    Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control Posted on September 11, 2019 by Stephen Kinzer https://www.thehistoryreader.com/us-history/sidney-gottlieb-and-the-cia-search-for-mind-control/

    American History: The Assassination of JFK: Sidney Gottlieb https://spartacus-educational.com/JFKgottlieb.htm

    British History  >Spies and Spymasters  >Richard Bissell https://spartacus-educational.com/JFKbissell.htm

    British History  >Spies and Spymasters  >Richard Helms https://spartacus-educational.com/JFKhelms.htm

    American History  >Cold War  >Allen Dulles https://spartacus-educational.com/USAdullesA.htm

    Home Library Center for the Study of Intelligence Studies Archive Indexes Volume 44: An Interview with Richard Helms

    Memoirs 1950-1963, Volume 2, George F. Kerman, Little, Brown and Company, Boston, 1972, pp 145-167.  https://www.cia.gov/library/center-for-the-study-of-intelligence/kent-csi/vol44no4/html/v44i4a07p_0021.htm

    1953: MK-ULTRA was hatched by Allen Dulles and Richard Helms January 18, 2015 ALLIANCE FOR HUMAN RESEARCH PROTECTION: Advancing Voluntary, Informed Consent to Medical Intervention https://ahrp.org/1953-mk-ultra-was-hatched-by-allen-dulles-and-richard-helms/

    1941: The term, “psychological warfare” was a Nazi concept adapted and “Americanized” January 18, 2015 ALLIANCE FOR HUMAN RESEARCH PROTECTION Advancing Voluntary, Informed Consent to Medical Intervention https://ahrp.org/1941-the-term-psychological-warfare-was-a-nazi-concept-adapted-and-americanized/

    The Secret Surrender, Harpers Magazine, By Allen Dulles, July 1966 https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP70-00058R000300010059-3.pdf


    MK-Ultra: HISTORY.COM UPDATED:AUG 21, 2018 ORIGINAL:JUN 16, 2017 EDITORS https://www.history.com/topics/us-government/history-of-mk-ultra

    INSIDE THE ARCHIVE OF AN LSD RESEARCHER WITH TIES TO THE CIA’S MKULTRA MIND CONTROL PROJECT: Tom O’Neill, Dan Piepenbring November 24 2019 https://theintercept.com/2019/11/24/cia-mkultra-louis-jolyon-west/

    The true story behind a CIA scientist’s mysterious death By Lauren Sarner December 14, 2017 https://nypost.com/2017/12/14/the-true-story-behind-a-cia-scientists-mysterious-death/

    THE SAD TALE OF FRANK OLSON, THE U.S. GOVERNMENT'S HALLUCINOGEN FALL MAN by JARED KELLERMAY 14, 2019 https://psmag.com/news/the-sad-tale-of-frank-olson-the-u-s-governments-hallucinogen-fall-man

    Did the CIA’s Dr. Frank Olson Jump to His Death or Was He Pushed? Paul Vidich Published Feb. 17, 2020 https://www.thedailybeast.com/did-the-cias-dr-frank-olson-jump-to-his-death-or-was-he-pushed

    The Man Who Knew Too Much BY MARY A. FISCHER Gentleman’s Quarterly – January, 2000 https://frankolsonproject.org/the-story/

    CIA Papers Link Harvard To Mind-Control Project By Joseph L. Contreras September 28, 1977 https://www.thecrimson.com/article/1977/9/28/cia-papers-link-harvard-to-mind-control/

    Madness, Part 3: Subproject 68 May 08, 2020 by Josh Swartz https://www.wbur.org/endlessthread/2020/05/08/madness-part-three-subproject

    After learning of Whitey Bulger LSD tests, juror has regrets: Nation Feb 18, 2020 3:10 PM EDT https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/after-learning-of-whitey-bulger-lsd-tests-juror-has-regrets

    The conspiracy theorists convinced celebrities are under mind control By THOMAS HOBBS Thursday 9 May 2019 https://www.wired.co.uk/article/mkultra-conspiracy-theory-meme

    E42 • Experimentos: MK Ultra • Cosas Muy Importantes • Culturizando

    E42 • Experimentos: MK Ultra • Cosas Muy Importantes • Culturizando
    ¿Sabías que existió un programa secreto diseñado y ejecutado por la CIA para la experimentación en seres humanos? Estos experimentos duraron 20 años y tenían como objetivo identificar y desarrollar nuevas sustancias y procedimientos para utilizarlos en interrogatorios y torturas, con el fin de controlar la mente, debilitar al individuo y forzarlo a confesar... todo esto a partir de técnicas terribles capaces de destruir la psique del más fuerte. ¡Te contamos todo lo que debes conocer sobre este aterrador programa.

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    Daniela Ormazábal y Federico Capocci

    Diana Fernándes

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    Federico Capocci

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    MK-Ultra was a top-secret CIA project in which the agency conducted hundreds of clandestine experiments—sometimes on unwitting U.S. citizens—to assess the potential use of LSD and other drugs for mind control, information gathering and psychological torture. Although Project MK-Ultra lasted from 1953 until about 1973, details of the illicit program didn’t become public until 1975, during a congressional investigation into widespread illegal CIA activities within the United States and around the world.



