
    148 - War Stories & Communism ft. Veteran With A Sign & The Fat Electrician

    enMarch 04, 2024
    What is the primary theme of the speakers' conversation?
    How did Michael achieve success despite his poor eyesight?
    What critique does the speaker make about communism?
    Who are the two individuals discussed for overcoming limitations?
    What new business are the speakers promoting in their conversation?

    Podcast Summary

    • Seizing Opportunities and Sharing StoriesEmbrace opportunities, learn from personal experiences, and connect with others through shared stories and events.

      The speakers in this conversation are promoting their upcoming events and new business, while sharing personal stories and jokes. A major theme is the importance of seizing opportunities, whether it's enlisting in the military during economic downturns or starting a local advertising business. They also express their appreciation for their audience and encourage them to attend their events and check out their new business, adexconnect.com. Additionally, they share their experiences and make light of various topics, including education, podcasts, and life in general. The conversation is filled with humor and camaraderie, showcasing the unique dynamic of their group.

    • The Importance of Customer Loyalty and Its TestBusinesses need loyal customers, but treating them poorly can lead to negative consequences. Social media can amplify both positive and negative actions.

      Businesses rely heavily on repeat customers and cannot sustain themselves without them. However, the importance of customer loyalty was put to the test when the group discovered that a popular establishment seemed to be skipping out on a bill. The situation escalated into a potential villain arc, with the business owner's behavior raising suspicions and concerns among the group. Additionally, the power of social media was highlighted when a Twitter user attempted to slander a well-known figure, only to be met with a massive backlash and eventual deletion of their account. Overall, the discussion underscores the importance of treating customers well and the potential consequences of negative online behavior.

    • Misinterpreted Stimuli and Extreme ReactionsIndividuals with past traumas may react disproportionately to seemingly harmless events, potentially causing harm to themselves and others. Empathy and understanding are crucial in these situations.

      The human response to stressors, even seemingly insignificant ones, can lead to extreme reactions, particularly for individuals with prior traumatic experiences. The discussion revolved around an incident where a man, mistakenly believing he was under attack, reacted violently to an acorn falling on a police car. This overreaction led to a chaotic situation, causing harm to innocent bystanders and leaving the man with significant consequences. The conversation also touched upon the concept of PTSD and how it can be triggered by unexpected stimuli, leading to disproportionate responses. It's essential to recognize the potential impact of seemingly harmless events on individuals with past traumas and to approach situations with empathy and understanding.

    • Marine's Critique of Military Camouflage in AfghanistanA marine shares his experience of using digital and woodland camouflage in Afghanistan, expressing preference for the latter and discussing the history and effectiveness of various patterns.

      The discussion revolved around the experiences of a marine in Afghanistan and the issue of camouflage uniforms used by the military. The marine shared his deployment to Afghanistan in 2008, specifically in the towns of Garmser and Marja. He criticized the use of black boots and digital camouflage, expressing his preference for the woodland pattern. The conversation also touched on the history of camouflage studies and the selection of the multicam pattern, which the marine believed was the best. Despite some misconceptions about navy blue camouflage and its effectiveness in water, the discussion showcased the importance of effective camouflage for military personnel in various environments.

    • Fondness for Multicam Hats and BidetsDespite criticism, the speaker cherishes his attachments to certain items and experiences, such as wearing multicam hats and using bidets, and finds joy in promoting them.

      The speaker has strong attachments to certain items and experiences, despite criticism or perceived embarrassment. He shares his fondness for wearing multicam hats, despite Grand Thumb's teasing, and his longing for bidets, which led him to discover and promote Tushy. Additionally, the speaker reflects on the cultural differences between growing up in Ireland and living in America, highlighting the contrast between strict knife laws and the availability of pocket knives and guns. The speaker also shares his amusement at the loopholes in UK knife laws and the absurdity of the term "zombie knives." Overall, the conversation showcases the speaker's unique perspective and his ability to find joy and humor in everyday experiences.

    • Discussions on knife regulations for chefs and experiences shared by speakers including Christian CraigheadUK police have stringent knife regulations for chefs, speakers shared their military experiences and encounters with figures like Christian Craighead, and there's a shift in military roles towards more adaptable methods

      The UK police have strict regulations regarding knife ownership, even for professional chefs. Meanwhile, the speakers shared their experiences, from military service to encounters with notable figures, including Christian Craighead. Craighead, a renowned figure in the knife industry, was described as a "gentleman" and a "good dude." The discussion also touched on the changing role of the marines, with a focus on their shift away from traditional tank warfare towards more adaptable methods. Despite some controversy, the speakers saw this as a logical adjustment for the evolving nature of military conflicts.

    • Navigating on foot during military operations in AfghanistanSoldiers developed a sense of respect for the environment and history during challenging foot navigations in Afghanistan, with differences in army vs marine corps experiences and physical size of equipment contributing to the military experience.

      During military operations in Afghanistan, soldiers often had to dismount their vehicles and navigate on foot due to the terrain and enemy encounters. This required them to lead routes, sometimes under heavy pressure and with the constant fear of being the first to encounter the enemy. The speaker shared personal experiences of encountering locals and discovering abandoned military equipment. Despite the challenges, soldiers developed a sense of respect for the environment and the history it held. The size and scale of the army, compared to the Marine Corps, made a difference in their experiences, with the Marine Corps being seen as a pioneering force and the army providing support. The speaker also noted the physical size of army tankers and their crew members, adding to the overall sense of awe and respect for the military experience.

    • Military veterans discuss Iron Man suit and unexpected movie locationThey shared their amusement at watching Iron Man in Afghanistan and discussed the impracticality of the suit in real life. They also talked about their military experiences and the introduction of a cooling product, GhostBed.

      The speakers in the conversation expressed their frustration with the impracticality of the Iron Man suit in real-life situations and their amusement at watching the movie in an unexpected location, Afghanistan. They also shared their experiences of enduring hardships during their military service and their ability to adapt to challenging situations. Another key point was the introduction of the GhostBed product with its cooling technology and the offer of a 50% discount using the code "unsubscribe." However, the conversation frequently digressed into personal anecdotes and humor, making it challenging to focus on a single topic for an extended period. Overall, the conversation showcased the camaraderie and shared experiences of the speakers.

    • A friend's encounter with danger and cultural disorientation during military service in AfghanistanMilitary experiences can be unpredictable and traumatic, leaving a lasting impact on soldiers.

      Military experiences can be unpredictable and traumatic, as illustrated by a friend's encounter with captivity and cultural disorientation during their service in Afghanistan. During his 21st birthday on post, Matthew Gorskevich and his comrades warned locals to avoid a dangerous road. Despite their vigilance, two men and a donkey appeared, leading to a tense situation. Though they were likely just civilians, the soldiers' heightened senses and the unpredictability of the war zone left Matthew feeling on edge and fearing the worst. This experience left a lasting impact on him, demonstrating the intense and unpredictable nature of military life.

    • Men have sex with donkey in IraqSoldiers in Iraq encountered an unusual and disturbing scene of men having sex with a donkey, highlighting the surreal and often disturbing circumstances they faced in the region.

      The speaker described an unusual and disturbing experience in Iraq involving two men and a donkey. The temperature was extreme, with the rooftops reaching 142 degrees Fahrenheit and the ground 148 degrees. The men were standing in the middle of the road, and when the speaker's superior suspected they might be a threat, they were ordered to stand down with their weapons ready. Instead, the men proceeded to have sex with a donkey in front of them. The speaker and his comrades were shocked and disgusted, unsure of what to do. Eventually, they reported the incident to their superior officer, who was equally surprised and had to report it up the chain of command. The speaker expressed his disbelief and disappointment that such an incident occurred in their presence and felt powerless to stop it. The experience left a lasting impression on him and was a stark reminder of the surreal and often disturbing circumstances they faced in Iraq.

    • An Unusual Story of Soldiers and a DonkeyDespite initial rejections due to poor eyesight, several war heroes made significant contributions to military history

      The speaker shared a bizarre and disturbing story from his past involving a disagreement between soldiers over who would sodomize a donkey in Afghanistan. The conversation then shifted to discussing various unrelated topics, including a lawnmower advertisement and the Fury movie. An intriguing aspect of the story was how several war heroes, including the one mentioned in the Fury movie, were initially rejected from the military due to poor eyesight. The speaker expressed his intention to create a video series about this theme. Despite the odd transition between topics, the conversation showcased the speaker's storytelling abilities and his passion for sharing interesting historical facts.

    • Overcoming Perceived LimitationsIndividuals with seemingly disadvantageous traits can still achieve greatness through determination and perseverance.

      Having a seemingly disadvantageous trait, such as poor eyesight, doesn't limit one's potential for greatness. The discussion revolves around two individuals, Michael and Ramage, who overcame their perceived limitations and achieved remarkable successes. Michael, despite having poor eyesight, became an Olympic sharpshooting champion and later a renowned battleship commander. Ramage, with his impaired vision, started as a radio and sonar technician at Pearl Harbor, but went on to become a submarine commander, sinking multiple enemy ships. Despite facing challenges and setbacks, both individuals persevered and made significant contributions to their respective fields.

    • The Power of Perseverance: Two Inspiring StoriesDetermination and adaptability can lead to remarkable achievements, as shown by Dwight D. Ramage's success in the navy and Lafayette Pool's courage in boxing.

      Determination and adaptability can lead to remarkable achievements, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges. The story of Dwight D. Ramage, a submarine commander during World War II, exemplifies this. Despite failing the eyesight exam, he memorized the chart and managed to join the navy, becoming one of the best submarine commanders in history. Ramage's ability to reload torpedoes mid-combat and sink five Japanese ships without taking any damage earned him the Medal of Honor. Another inspiring figure is Lafayette Pool, a boxer who turned down a chance to compete at the national level to stay with his unit, only to later face and lose to the world heavyweight champion, Joe Louis. Despite the loss, Pool's courage and resilience were celebrated. These stories demonstrate the power of perseverance and the importance of staying focused on goals, even when faced with setbacks.

    • A soldier's extraordinary journey from boxing ring to battlefieldLafayette Pool, a WW2 tank commander, showed courage and resilience, taking out over a thousand Germans in 81 days, but was severely injured during a battle and spent 22 months in the hospital. His unit faced numerous challenges like hedgerow warfare, losing 18 tanks in minutes.

      Lafayette Pool, a tank commander in World War 2, demonstrated extraordinary courage and resilience, going from getting knocked out by Joe Louis in a boxing match to facing intense combat in Europe just two months later. In 81 days, he was credited with taking out over a thousand German infantry soldiers, 12 tanks, and 200 armored vehicles. However, during a battle at the Siegfried line, his tank was ambushed, and he was severely injured, spending 22 months in the hospital. Despite the loss of over 25% of his battalion in an early ambush, Pool's unit faced challenges like hedgerow warfare, which required them to cut through hedgerows separating French crop fields, and they lost 18 M4 Sherman tanks in just 8 minutes. Pool's story illustrates the intense and dangerous nature of combat during that era.

    • Serving in Afghanistan: Challenges and ComplexitiesServing in Afghanistan during war times was a dangerous and challenging experience, with the opium harvest leading to rough conditions, loss of comrades, and constant patrols. Female engagement teams added complexity, and soldiers faced the risk of injury or death, but continued to serve despite multiple injuries.

      Serving in Afghanistan during war times was a challenging and dangerous experience. The country, often referred to as the graveyard of empires, is a significant source of the world's opium. The opium harvest and subsequent cash inflow during the spring offensive led to rough conditions, with the value of money being almost worthless. Soldiers faced numerous challenges, including the loss of comrades, which had a profound impact. The constant patrols increased the risk of injury or death. Additionally, the presence of female engagement teams, or "lionesses," added another layer of complexity to the mission. Despite the difficulties, soldiers continued to serve, and many sustained injuries, with some resulting in multiple purple hearts. The war was a numbers game, and the more patrols conducted, the higher the chance of encountering danger.

    • Misunderstanding Language Skills in Military OperationsAccurate language skills are vital for military success, and misunderstandings can lead to confusion and inefficiency. The importance of having skilled linguists and female engagement teams cannot be overstated.

      Communication and language understanding are crucial in military operations. In the discussed situation, a language specialist, who was supposed to be fluent in Pashto, revealed that she only knew the language from the movie "Avatar." This misunderstanding led to confusion and inefficiency during a mission, highlighting the importance of accurate language skills and the potential consequences of miscommunication. Additionally, the story underscores the challenges and risks faced by military personnel, especially those in checkpoint security, and the importance of having female engagement teams to interact with local communities. Despite the frustrations and unexpected challenges, the importance of perseverance and adaptability in the military context shines through.

    • EOD work during war times: Dangerous and unrefinedEOD teams followed strict procedures, abandoned rules, and faced constant danger, including targeted attacks off the battlefield.

      Military Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) work during war times, especially in the early 2000s, was a dangerous and unrefined science. A friend of the speaker, who was a marine EOD in 2003, shared stories of their experiences, which included disregarding rules, handling large explosives, and discovering bombs with minimal equipment. The speaker emphasized that abandoning vehicles was unheard of and that teams had to follow strict procedures to ensure safety. The friend also shared his experience of being targeted by bomb makers while on leave, highlighting the constant threat of danger even outside the battlefield. The Hurt Locker movie, while renowned for its realism, was criticized by the friend for not accurately depicting the EOD experience. Despite the risks, the friend expressed a sense of camaraderie and adrenaline among the ROD techs.

    • Unexpected encounters in war zonesMeeting an IED builder in a seemingly safe city led the speaker to reflect on the harsh realities of war and its impact on everyday life. Economic crises often precede major wars, and experiences can be both traumatic and motivating.

      War zones can be unpredictable and dangerous, leading to unexpected encounters and conversations. The speaker shares an experience of meeting an engineer turned IED builder in a seemingly safe city. The conversation was surreal and led the speaker to reflect on the harsh realities of war and its impact on everyday life. The speaker also mentions the economic crises that often precede major wars, referencing the housing crisis before their deployment and the Great Depression before World War 2. The conversation also touched on the intensity of their experiences, with daily firefights during their deployment. Despite the trauma, the speaker also shared how the experiences motivated them to enlist. The conversation ended with a reflection on how technology, such as LiveLeak, has changed the way we consume and process information about war.

    • Exposure to disturbing content onlineBe cautious of extreme and graphic content online, while some may find it entertaining or educational, others may find it distressing or harmful. Use discretion and be mindful of the content you consume.

      The internet, particularly social media platforms, can expose users to a wide range of content, including disturbing and violent material. While some people may find this content entertaining or educational, others may find it distressing or harmful. The individual's experience with a subreddit called "r how it feels to chew 5 gum" serves as an example of the extreme and graphic content that can be found online. However, it's important to note that not all content on the internet is harmful or disturbing. Some platforms, like Funker 5:30, offer educational and entertaining content related to military tactics and combat. Ultimately, it's up to each individual to use discretion and be mindful of the content they consume online. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the historical significance of the Soviet Union's role in World War 2 and the ongoing debate about the merits of communism versus capitalism.

    • Communism and capitalism's interdependenceCommunism's theoretical advantages fail in practice due to human nature's complexities, and capitalism's support is crucial for communist progress.

      Communism and capitalism cannot exist independently, as they each rely on the other for survival and progress. The speaker argues that while communism may have its theoretical advantages, it fails when applied to the complexities of human nature. The speaker also criticizes the idea that communist countries, such as the USSR, single-handedly won significant historical battles, and emphasizes the role of external support, particularly from capitalist countries. The speaker expresses a strong dislike for communism but acknowledges its potential efficiency, and attributes its failures to the imperfect application to the imperfect canvas of human nature. The speaker also shares his perspective on the importance of understanding human nature and its impact on societal structures.

    • Innovative solutions to everyday problems lead to successful businessesFinding unique solutions and effectively executing them can lead to the creation of successful businesses, as demonstrated by Aldi and Trader Joe's with their cart deposit system and Crocs with effective marketing.

      Successful businesses often come from innovative solutions to everyday problems. The discussion highlighted the example of the Aldi and Trader Joe's grocery stores, which were founded by two brothers in post-World War II Germany. They implemented a system where customers returned shopping carts in exchange for a small deposit, incentivizing the return of carts and reducing litter. This concept was so effective that Aldi became the most successful grocery store chain in the world. Similarly, an individual turned Crocs, a product initially popular among fishermen, into a multibillion-dollar company through effective marketing. Both stories demonstrate the importance of finding unique solutions and executing them effectively to create successful businesses. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the role of marketing in turning ordinary products into popular items.

    • Starbucks Stanley Cup collaboration cups: The lengths people go to for their loved onesPeople will go to great lengths, including fighting crowds, traveling long distances, and buying from the secondary market, to obtain limited-edition items for their loved ones.

      The desire for desirable and limited-edition items can lead people to go to great lengths to obtain them for their loved ones. This was evident in a discussion about the highly sought-after Starbucks Stanley Cup collaboration cups. Some individuals were willing to fight through crowds, travel long distances, and even stiff arm other shoppers to secure these cups for their wives and families. The demand for these cups was so high that they were selling for exorbitant prices on the secondary market. The story also showcased the innovative marketing strategies that can create such demand, as well as the disappointment and frustration that can come when efforts to secure these items fail. Ultimately, the discussion underscores the lengths people will go to for the ones they care about and the importance of being aware of trends and desirable items.

    • Cultural Appropriation and the Loss of AuthenticityGrowing up in a working-class background, the speaker cherished unique experiences. Now, those symbols are commodified, leaving a sense of disconnection and a longing to reclaim authenticity.

      Cultural appropriation and the commercialization of working-class symbols have left some feeling disconnected and resentful. The speaker shares memories of growing up in a trailer park and the pride they took in their unique experiences, which have since been commodified and glamorized. The conversation between the speaker and a friend revolves around their contrasting dreams of owning luxury cars, highlighting the stark divide between their past realities and current aspirations. The speaker expresses frustration over the loss of authenticity and the desire to reclaim their culture. The conversation also touches upon the history of CAFE standards and how they led to the production of larger vehicles to maintain the same level of emissions.

    • Size and transportation challenges hinder American trucks in EuropeEurope's smaller size and advanced public transportation limit the appeal of American trucks due to their massive size and impracticality for European roads and lifestyles.

      The size of American trucks and the lack of extensive public transportation are major reasons why they are less popular in Europe. The European countries, being smaller in size, cannot accommodate the massive trucks and have well-developed public transportation systems. The discussion also touched upon historical events like the chicken tax, which significantly impacted the American chicken market and led to tensions between the US and Europe. The size and transportation challenges make American trucks less practical for European roads and lifestyles, contributing to their limited appeal.

    • International trade disputes impact consumer choicesTrade disputes can result in high tariffs on goods, making it difficult for consumers to access desired items and limiting their choices

      International trade disputes can have significant impacts on consumer goods and industries. In the discussed example, a tariff war between America and Germany led to the extinction of the love bus and made it difficult for the speaker to import a Hilux due to the high tax on imported cargo vehicles. This situation arose due to a disagreement over chicken imports, which resulted in retaliatory tariffs on various goods. The speaker's desire for a Hilux was driven by his need for a work truck and his dislike of asking favors from friends. The Hilux's reputation for durability was emphasized through various examples of its ability to withstand extreme conditions. Ultimately, the trade dispute resulted in the speaker's inability to purchase the desired vehicle, highlighting the far-reaching consequences of international trade disputes on consumer choices.

    • Military capabilities compared to consumer productsPerception of Chinese military superiority doesn't change the seriousness of war and its consequences.

      Military technology and the power dynamics between nations can be compared to consumer products, with the Chinese military being seen as potentially superior to the American military, much like how certain car brands are perceived. However, it's important to remember that war is not a game or a competition, and the potential consequences are far more serious than a difference in vehicle quality. The speaker also shared some personal experiences and reflections, including regrets about not being able to save certain animals in Afghanistan. Overall, the conversation touched on various topics, including military capabilities, animal welfare, and podcasting. If you're interested in more content from the speakers, be sure to check out their respective projects, such as the "after action podcast" on YouTube and other platforms.

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    173 - Deadpool & Wolverine, Greatest Fighter Pilot Ever & WWII History | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 173

    173 - Deadpool & Wolverine, Greatest Fighter Pilot Ever & WWII History | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 173
    THE BOYS ARE BACK!! Watch this episode ad-free and uncensored on Pepperbox! https://www.pepperbox.tv/ WATCH THE AFTERSHOW & BTS ON PATREON! https://www.patreon.com/UnsubscribePodcast ------------------------------ THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! PURIDY DEBT Get a free debt analysis right now at https://PDSDebt.com/unsub SHOPIFY https://shopify.com/unsubpod ------------------------------ FREE TO USE MEDIA: (please tag/credit us when you post!) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uppmQHMGf8uI2OuOatp932e3S2VGy0PE BUY US A DRINK! https://paypal.me/UnsubscribePodcast UNSUB MERCH: https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/unsubscribe-podcast ------------------------------ FOLLOW THE HOSTS: Eli_Doubletap https://www.instagram.com/eli_doubletap/ https://www.twitch.tv/Eli_Doubletap https://x.com/Eli_Doubletap https://www.youtube.com/c/EliDoubletap Brandon Herrera https://www.youtube.com/@BrandonHerrera https://x.com/TheAKGuy https://www.instagram.com/realbrandonherrera Donut Operator https://www.youtube.com/@DonutOperator https://x.com/DonutOperator https://www.instagram.com/donutoperator The Fat Electrician https://www.youtube.com/@the_fat_electrician https://thefatelectrician.com/ https://www.instagram.com/the_fat_electrician https://www.tiktok.com/@the_fat_electrician ------------------------------ unsubscribe pod podcast episode ep unsub funny comedy military army comedian texas podcasts #podcast #comedy #funnypodcast #military history Chapters: 0:00 Welcome To Unsub!
 0:59 Sho Brought Us Gifts From Ireland
 7:21 The Boys Went To Florida
 9:07 Eli Went To Disneyland
 18:06 AD
 19:41 Chuck E Cheese 26:48 Toy Story 5
 27:57 Deadpool & Wolverine 36:14 Eli & Sav Went To Tampa
 40:43 UK Police
 45:25 AD
 46:40 Brandon Got A Cybertruck
 50:34 SDI, Degrees & The Real Recipe To Success
 1:16:45 The Olympics 1:24:20 Why Nic Doesn’t Like MacCarthur
 1:35:32 Nic Rants
 1:37:22 The Molotov Cocktail
 1:42:09 Carlos Hathcock
 1:46:10 Muhammad Ali
 1:50:38 Big George Foreman & Movie Talk
 2:06:00 The CIA Heart Attack Gun 2:09:06 Nic’s Richard Bong Video
 2:26:06 Eli Discusses PTSD
 2:27:11 Rob O Neill Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Unsubscribe Podcast
    enAugust 19, 2024

    172 - USA Vs New Zealand & Americans Try Vegemite ft. Your New Zealand Family | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 172

    172 - USA Vs New Zealand & Americans Try Vegemite ft. Your New Zealand Family | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 172
    THE KIWIS ARE HERE!! (They made us try Vegemite) Watch this episode ad-free and uncensored on Pepperbox! https://www.pepperbox.tv/ WATCH THE AFTERSHOW & BTS ON PATREON! https://www.patreon.com/UnsubscribePodcast FOLLOW OUR GUESTS! https://www.youtube.com/c/YourNewZealandFamily https://www.instagram.com/yournewzealandfamily https://www.patreon.com/yournewzealandfamily ------------------------------ THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! MANSCAPED Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code UNSUB at https://manscaped.com GHOSTBED Right now GhostBed is offering 50% off everything if you use the code –UNSUBSCRIBE at checkout or go to https://www.GhostBed.com/Unsubscribe FUM For a limited time, use code UNSUB to get a free gift with your Journey Pack! Head to https://tryfum.com and use code UNSUB ------------------------------ FREE TO USE MEDIA: (please tag/credit us when you post!) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uppmQHMGf8uI2OuOatp932e3S2VGy0PE BUY US A DRINK! https://paypal.me/UnsubscribePodcast UNSUB MERCH: https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/unsubscribe-podcast ------------------------------ FOLLOW THE HOSTS: Eli_Doubletap https://www.instagram.com/eli_doubletap/ https://www.twitch.tv/Eli_Doubletap https://x.com/Eli_Doubletap https://www.youtube.com/c/EliDoubletap Brandon Herrera https://www.youtube.com/@BrandonHerrera https://x.com/TheAKGuy https://www.instagram.com/realbrandonherrera Donut Operator https://www.youtube.com/@DonutOperator https://x.com/DonutOperator https://www.instagram.com/donutoperator The Fat Electrician https://www.youtube.com/@the_fat_electrician https://thefatelectrician.com/ https://www.instagram.com/the_fat_electrician https://www.tiktok.com/@the_fat_electrician ------------------------------ unsubscribe pod podcast episode ep unsub funny comedy military army comedian texas podcasts #podcast #comedy #funnypodcast #military history Chapters: 0:00 Welcome To Unsub! 2:33 Driving In America 4:21 NZ Fam’s US Trip 9:57 Eli Wants To Be A Hobbit 12:17 Seeing A Bear For The First Time 16:37 Jump School 20:03 AD 21:12 Cody Tells A Joke 21:53 New Zealand Raptors 27:44 New Zealanders Explain Vegemite 36:34 The Pacific War Museum 40:08 AD 41:21 The Gang Tries Vegemite 48:06 New Zealand Vs US Food 52:02 Gun Laws In NZ 1:02:08 AD 1:03:14 Nadine’s Trump Oopsie 1:06:07 Mr Inbetween 1:07:11 The Pacific War Museum Reenactment 1:10:07 Censoring Laws In NZ 1:11:55 Covid In NZ 1:18:30 The Offenders 1:25:27 US People Vs NZ People 1:27:08 The New Zealanders Love America 1:32:16 What New Zealand Does Better 1:34:28 Accents 1:37:25 Military Culture In NZ 1:42:14 New Zealand & The UK Monarchy 1:47:40 The Price Of Living In NZ Vs America 1:54:43 Australia/NZ Military History 1:56:24 Trout’s Weird Tradition 1:58:09 US Fanmail & Kentucky Colonels Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Unsubscribe Podcast
    enAugust 12, 2024

    171 - WW2 Veterans On The Battle Of Iwo Jima ft. Don Graves & Al Chatwin | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 171

    171 - WW2 Veterans On The Battle Of Iwo Jima ft. Don Graves & Al Chatwin | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 171
    It is a huge honor for us to be able to bring you all this episode. Listening to these stories from these heroes is truly a privilege. Huge thanks to Don & Al for coming on! Watch this episode ad-free and uncensored on Pepperbox! https://www.pepperbox.tv/ WATCH THE AFTERSHOW & BTS ON PATREON! https://www.patreon.com/UnsubscribePodcast ------------------------------ THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! MANSCAPED Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code UNSUB at https://manscaped.com ADAM AND EVE Go to https://www.adamandeve.com and use code UNSUB for 50% off + Free shipping + Rush Processing! FUM For a limited time, use code UNSUB to get a free gift with your Journey Pack! Head to https://tryfum.com and use code UNSUB. ------------------------------ FREE TO USE MEDIA: (please tag/credit us when you post!) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uppmQHMGf8uI2OuOatp932e3S2VGy0PE BUY US A DRINK! https://paypal.me/UnsubscribePodcast UNSUB MERCH: https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/unsubscribe-podcast ------------------------------ FOLLOW THE HOSTS: Eli_Doubletap https://www.instagram.com/eli_doubletap/ https://www.twitch.tv/Eli_Doubletap https://x.com/Eli_Doubletap https://www.youtube.com/c/EliDoubletap Brandon Herrera https://www.youtube.com/@BrandonHerrera https://x.com/TheAKGuy https://www.instagram.com/realbrandonherrera Donut Operator https://www.youtube.com/@DonutOperator https://x.com/DonutOperator https://www.instagram.com/donutoperator The Fat Electrician https://www.youtube.com/@the_fat_electrician https://thefatelectrician.com/ https://www.instagram.com/the_fat_electrician https://www.tiktok.com/@the_fat_electrician ------------------------------ unsubscribe pod podcast episode ep unsub funny comedy military army comedian texas podcasts #podcast #comedy #funnypodcast #military history Chapters: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Unsubscribe Podcast
    enAugust 05, 2024

    170 - Father Of The Year Gary Plauche's Son Speaks Out ft. Jody Plauche | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 170

    170 - Father Of The Year Gary Plauche's Son Speaks Out ft. Jody Plauche | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 170
    We have a very special guest this week! After Brandon's Father's Day video on Father Of The Year Gary Plauche, his son Jody reached out and wanted to come on and tell his story. We are so thankful to Jody for coming on and we admire his ability to be able to make light of a very dark topic! Trigger warning for s*xual content in this one. We appreciate y'all! Watch this episode ad-free and uncensored on Pepperbox! https://www.pepperbox.tv/ WATCH THE AFTERSHOW ON PATREON! https://www.patreon.com/UnsubscribePodcast Donate to Jody's chosen charities: https://www.victimservicescenter.org/ https://www.lafasa.org/ BUY JODY'S BOOK: https://www.amazon.com/Why-Gary-Jody-Plauch%C3%A9-Story/dp/B0BL1ZY35X/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=6HDALZT2CT16&keywords=why+gary+why+jody+plauche&qid=1675889377&sprefix=why+gary%2Caps%2C183&sr=8-1 SHOP JODY'S SHIRTS: https://linktr.ee/imaginationink2024 FOLLOW JODY https://www.instagram.com/jodyplauche/?hl=en https://twitter.com/jplauche ------------------------------ THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! MANSCAPED Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code UNSUB at https://manscaped.com RAYCON Go to https://BUYRAYCON.com/unsub TODAY to get 15% off your Raycon order, plus free shipping! SHOPIFY Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at https://shopify.com/unsubpod TUSHY Stop wiping until you bleed. Join the 2 million butts who have already made the switch to TUSHY! For a limited time, Unsub viewers get 10% off your entire order when you use code UNSUB at checkout. That’s 10% off your order at https://hellotushy.com with promo code UNSUB ------------------------------ FREE TO USE MEDIA: (please tag/credit us when you post!) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uppmQHMGf8uI2OuOatp932e3S2VGy0PE BUY US A DRINK! https://paypal.me/UnsubscribePodcast UNSUB MERCH: https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/unsubscribe-podcast ------------------------------ FOLLOW THE HOSTS: Eli_Doubletap https://www.instagram.com/eli_doubletap/ https://www.twitch.tv/Eli_Doubletap https://x.com/Eli_Doubletap https://www.youtube.com/c/EliDoubletap Brandon Herrera https://www.youtube.com/@BrandonHerrera https://x.com/TheAKGuy https://www.instagram.com/realbrandonherrera Donut Operator https://www.youtube.com/@DonutOperator https://x.com/DonutOperator https://www.instagram.com/donutoperator The Fat Electrician https://www.youtube.com/@the_fat_electrician https://thefatelectrician.com/ https://www.instagram.com/the_fat_electrician https://www.tiktok.com/@the_fat_electrician ------------------------------ unsubscribe pod podcast episode ep unsub funny comedy military army comedian texas podcasts #podcast #comedy #funnypodcast #military history Chapters: 0:00 Trigger Warning 1:07 Welcome To Unsub! 4:27 Jody’s Story 8:25 Jody’s Sense Of Humor 10:02 The Jim Norton Story 12:19 Gallows Humor 13:50 Jody’s Kidnapping 15:10 Cody’s Sister 16:48 Jody’s Work With Victims 20:53 AD 22:09 Jody’s Sister & Stormy Daniels 24:42 Jody’s Book & Brandon’s Video 29:00 The Shooting 34:15 A Dirty Jody 37:51 Grooming 39:15 Helping Other Victims 46:32 Jody’s Not Gay 49:07 AD 50:41 Kick Predator Hunters 54:16 The Shooting Video 55:01 Jody’s Feelings After The Shooting 56:50 Jeff Was Gary’s Friend 58:11 Jeff’s Childhood 1:01:31 HI EVERYONE & Unsub Live 1:05:36 The Offenders 1:10:21 AD 1:11:28 Coercive Control 1:13:54 Jody’s Book 1:17:34 Warning Signs 1:20:08 Getting Over Trauma 1:21:27 Dark Humor 1:26:50 Cody’s New Knife 1:32:09 AD 1:33:15 Cody’s Truck 1:39:42 Pew Pews 1:40:42 Brandon’s Father’s Day Video & Gun Safety 1:44:59 Details In The Book 1:49:54 WHY, GARY WHY?! 1:51:41 Gary Plauche As A Dad 1:56:20 9/11 1:59:52 The 27 Club Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Unsubscribe Podcast
    enJuly 29, 2024

    169 - Tiny Guns 3 & The War On The VFW ft. Garand Thumb & Micah Mayfield | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 169

    169 - Tiny Guns 3 & The War On The VFW ft. Garand Thumb & Micah Mayfield | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 169
    THE BOYS ARE BACK!! Welcome to the chaotic Tiny Guns 3 episode! The boys sit down after a long day of filming with their fellow Tiny Guns 3 actors Garand Thumb & Micah Mayfield. Oh and Zach's here too to sh*t on the VFW. Watch this episode ad-free and uncensored on Pepperbox! https://www.pepperbox.tv/ JOIN THE PATREON! (no aftershow this week) https://www.patreon.com/UnsubscribePodcast FREE TO USE MEDIA: (please tag/credit us when you post!) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uppmQHMGf8uI2OuOatp932e3S2VGy0PE ------------------------------ THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! GHOSTBED Right now GhostBed is offering 50% off everything if you use the code UNSUBSCRIBE at checkout or go to https://www.GhostBed.com/Unsubscribe PURIDY DEBT Get a free debt analysis right now at https://PDSDebt.com/unsub MANSCAPED Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code UNSUB at https://manscaped.com ------------------------------ FOLLOW THE BOYS! Garand Thumb: https://www.youtube.com/@GarandThumb https://www.instagram.com/garand_thumb https://x.com/garandthumb1 Micah: https://www.youtube.com/@micahmayfield https://www.instagram.com/micahmayfield https://x.com/mayfield_micah Zach: https://www.youtube.com/@VeteranWithASign https://www.instagram.com/veteranwithasign BUY US A DRINK! https://paypal.me/UnsubscribePodcast UNSUB MERCH: https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/unsubscribe-podcast CHECK OUT: https://outofregz.com/ CODE: UNSUB ------------------------------ FOLLOW THE HOSTS: Eli_Doubletap https://www.instagram.com/eli_doubletap/ https://www.twitch.tv/Eli_Doubletap https://x.com/Eli_Doubletap https://www.youtube.com/c/EliDoubletap Brandon Herrera https://www.youtube.com/@BrandonHerrera https://x.com/TheAKGuy https://www.instagram.com/realbrandonherrera Donut Operator https://www.youtube.com/@DonutOperator https://x.com/DonutOperator https://www.instagram.com/donutoperator The Fat Electrician https://www.youtube.com/@the_fat_electrician https://thefatelectrician.com/ https://www.instagram.com/the_fat_electrician https://www.tiktok.com/@the_fat_electrician ------------------------------ unsubscribe pod podcast episode ep unsub funny comedy military army comedian texas podcasts #podcast #comedy #funnypodcast #military history Chapters: 0:00 Welcome To Unsub! 2:03 Nic’s Ankle 2:53 Mike Hates Gophers 5:18 TINY GUNS 9:59 Mike Is Autistic? 12:00 The Halo & Fallout Shows 17:04 AD 18:17 Twitter/X & Moany Tony 19:51 Mike Loves What? 25:00 Micah’s Car Story 29:33 Poop Stories 33:20 Chuck Liddell 41:48 AD 43:02 Bullying Cody 44:19 Cody’s Locket 46:11 Mike’s Neighbor 49:10 Tiny Guns Filming 52:24 Mike’s Content 53:59 AD 55:04 Mike’s Content & Pew Pews 1:02:44 VFW War 1:25:08 Charlie’s Stolen Valor 1:28:56 Reddit & Getting Cancelled 1:30:32 Brandon Herrera - Veteran 1:36:00 Chaos Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Unsubscribe Podcast
    enJuly 23, 2024

    168 - History Of President Assassination Attempts ft. Jack Mandaville (BONUS EP) | Unsubscribe Podcast 168

    168 - History Of President Assassination Attempts ft. Jack Mandaville (BONUS EP) | Unsubscribe Podcast 168
    SURPRISE BONUS UNSUB EPISODE!!! Jack is back to talk US president assassination attempts after the Trump incident last weekend, and Marty Skovlund Jr tells us about his new book! Watch this episode ad-free and uncensored on Pepperbox! https://www.pepperbox.tv/ JOIN THE PATREON! (no aftershow this week) https://www.patreon.com/UnsubscribePodcast FREE TO USE MEDIA: (please tag/credit us when you post!) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uppmQHMGf8uI2OuOatp932e3S2VGy0PE ------------------------------ NO SPONSORS THIS EPISODE SO THANK YOU TO OUR WONDERFUL PATREON & PEPPERBOX MEMBERS!! BUY MARTY'S BOOK! https://a.co/d/cT7vkau FOLLOW JACK & MARTY https://www.instagram.com/jackmandaville https://twitter.com/jackmandaville https://www.instagram.com/martyskovlundjr https://twitter.com/martyskovlundjr BUY US A DRINK! https://paypal.me/UnsubscribePodcast UNSUB MERCH: https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/unsubscribe-podcast CHECK OUT: https://outofregz.com/ CODE: UNSUB ------------------------------ FOLLOW THE HOSTS: Eli_Doubletap https://www.instagram.com/eli_doubletap/ https://www.twitch.tv/Eli_Doubletap https://x.com/Eli_Doubletap https://www.youtube.com/c/EliDoubletap Brandon Herrera https://www.youtube.com/@BrandonHerrera https://x.com/TheAKGuy https://www.instagram.com/realbrandonherrera Donut Operator https://www.youtube.com/@DonutOperator https://x.com/DonutOperator https://www.instagram.com/donutoperator The Fat Electrician https://www.youtube.com/@the_fat_electrician https://thefatelectrician.com/ https://www.instagram.com/the_fat_electrician https://www.tiktok.com/@the_fat_electrician ------------------------------ unsubscribe pod podcast episode ep unsub funny comedy military army comedian texas podcasts #podcast #comedy #funnypodcast #military history Chapters: 0:00 Welcome To Unsub! 6:54 Trump Assassination Attempt 11:47 Tiny Guns 3 19:45 Demolition Ranch 30:07 YouTubers Running For Office 37:40 Attempted Assassinations Throughout US History 48:13 RIP Taco 50:10 Attempted Assassinations Throughout US History 54:38 Donut’s Thoughts On The Trump Shooting 1:04:35 Attempted Assassinations Throughout US History 1:19:22 Meet Marty 1:19:50 Marty’s Military Experiences 1:41:29 Skydiving & Normandy 1:53:13 Marty’s New Book Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Unsubscribe Podcast
    enJuly 22, 2024

    167 - Superman Vs Homelander ft. Dean Cain | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 167

    167 - Superman Vs Homelander ft. Dean Cain | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 167
    The legendary Dean Cain is here to talk playing Superman, acting with Denzel and fatherhood! Watch this episode ad-free and uncensored on Pepperbox! https://www.pepperbox.tv/ WATCH THE AFTERSHOW ON PATREON! https://www.patreon.com/UnsubscribePodcast FREE TO USE MEDIA: (please tag/credit us when you post!) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uppmQHMGf8uI2OuOatp932e3S2VGy0PE ------------------------------ THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! RAYCON Go to https://BUYRAYCON.COM/unsub TODAY to get 15% off your Raycon order, plus free shipping! FUM For a limited time, use code UNSUB to get a free gift with your Journey Pack! Head to https://tryfum.com and use code UNSUB. MANSCAPED Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with code UNSUB at https://manscaped.com SHOPIFY Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at https://shopify.com/unsubpod ------------------------------ FOLLOW DEAN! https://twitter.com/RealDeanCain https://www.instagram.com/deuces1966 BUY US A DRINK! https://paypal.me/UnsubscribePodcast UNSUB MERCH: https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/unsubscribe-podcast CHECK OUT: https://outofregz.com/ CODE: UNSUB ------------------------------ FOLLOW THE HOSTS: Eli_Doubletap https://www.instagram.com/eli_doubletap/ https://www.twitch.tv/Eli_Doubletap https://x.com/Eli_Doubletap https://www.youtube.com/c/EliDoubletap Brandon Herrera https://www.youtube.com/@BrandonHerrera https://x.com/TheAKGuy https://www.instagram.com/realbrandonherrera Donut Operator https://www.youtube.com/@DonutOperator https://x.com/DonutOperator https://www.instagram.com/donutoperator The Fat Electrician https://www.youtube.com/@the_fat_electrician https://thefatelectrician.com/ https://www.instagram.com/the_fat_electrician https://www.tiktok.com/@the_fat_electrician ------------------------------ unsubscribe pod podcast episode ep unsub funny comedy military army comedian texas podcasts #podcast #comedy #funnypodcast #military history Chapters: 0:00 Welcome To Unsub! 7:26 Meet Our Guest! 16:56 Dean’s Harvey Weinstein Story 19:22 Alex Jones 20:43 Dean Interviewed Fauci 21:37 AD 22:45 Lois & Clark 27:05 Cats Will Eat You 28:36 Dark Humor Is Important 31:18 Donald Trump 34:13 Politicians Are The Worst 39:44 Princeton 40:15 Billionaires 42:20 American Politics & Brandon’s Campaign 49:24 AD 50:29 The Offenders 52:36 Homelander Vs Superman 59:28 Christopher Walken 1:03:47 Trailer Parks 1:08:08 AD 1:09:42 North Korea 1:13:13 The Offenders 1:17:49 Mad Max & Furiosa 1:18:51 Tom Hardy & Jiu Jitsu 1:26:43 AD 1:27:58 Lois & Clark & Writing Scripts 1:33:24 John’s Book & Dean’s Son 1:38:03 ComicCon 1:42:20 Crazy Fans 1:43:34 Fatherhood 1:56:35 Denzel Washington Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Unsubscribe Podcast
    enJuly 15, 2024

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    Pre-Order Nick’s Book: https://www.abramsbooks.com/product/dont-text-your-ex-happy-birthday_9781419755491/

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