
    #1487 - Janet Zuccarini & Evan Funke

    en-usJune 08, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Navigating Challenges in the Restaurant IndustryThe restaurant industry is facing unprecedented challenges, including protests, looting, and pandemic regulations, requiring creativity and flexibility to adapt and survive.

      The current situation is unprecedented and chaotic, with businesses, including restaurants, being affected by various factors such as protests, looting, and the pandemic. Some have been fortunate enough to avoid destruction, but many are struggling with new regulations and staffing issues. Young people may be eager to return to normalcy and dine out, but those with health risks or older individuals may prefer to stay home. The restaurant industry, which operates on thin profit margins, is facing unique challenges and must adapt quickly to survive. Despite the fear mongering and uncertainty, there is a strong demand for dining out, and creativity and flexibility will be key to navigating these complex times.

    • Business owners face challenges in navigating reopening process during pandemicBusinesses struggle with ambiguous health department guidelines, desire for normalcy conflicts with public discomfort, and food industry faces unique challenges, but owners remain committed to providing high-quality offerings

      Navigating the reopening process for businesses during the pandemic is a complex and uncertain endeavor. Communication and clarity from authorities are lacking, leading to confusion and uncertainty for business owners. For instance, the Comedy Store and restaurants are struggling to determine when they can reopen and what safety measures they need to implement. The health department guidelines are extensive and ambiguous, adding to the confusion. Despite the challenges, there is a strong desire from the public to return to normalcy and dine out. However, a significant portion of the population expresses discomfort with the idea of indoor dining, even with safety measures in place. The food industry, in particular, faces unique challenges due to the nature of the work and the need for stringent safety protocols. Despite these challenges, the dedication and passion of business owners and their commitment to providing high-quality offerings continue to shine through.

    • Exploring the artisanal process of making pastaThe artisanal process of making pasta connects consumers to tradition and craft, offering a unique experience with each bite.

      The artisanal process of making pasta goes beyond just a bowl of food; it's a connection between the pasta maker and the consumer, a representation of tradition and craft passed down through generations. Each bite offers a unique experience, with authenticity being a personal preference. The diversity in Italian cuisine, with its regional and even town-specific differences, is vast and worth exploring. Starting a restaurant like Felix's involves a long and sometimes unpredictable journey, as Janet Eats' founder Janet Zuccarini discovered when she opened her first restaurant outside Toronto in LA, ultimately finding Evan Funke to be her chef.

    • Meeting Chef Evan and Discovering the Art of Handmade PastaThe speaker was inspired by Chef Evan's authentic, artisanal approach to cooking, particularly handmade pasta, leading to a partnership to open a restaurant. The speaker's background and experience in Italy influenced his appreciation for Evan's 'casa linga' style, and the opportunity to run a restaurant together was a rare chance at the time.

      The speaker's encounter with Chef Evan, a pasta master, led to a partnership to open a restaurant. The speaker was deeply impressed by Evan's authentic and artisanal approach to cooking, particularly handmade pasta. The speaker's background and experience in Italy influenced his appreciation for Evan's "casa linga" style. The offer to run a restaurant together was a rare opportunity at the time, but now the speaker receives offers frequently. The speaker's perspective on food was transformed by watching Anthony Bourdain's "No Reservations," and he came to view food as an art form. Evan's mastery of handmade pasta and commitment to preserving this dying art impressed the speaker, who also prioritizes using high-quality, less processed ingredients. Despite the potential health risks of working with raw flour every day, the speaker has developed a tolerance. While the speaker does not wear a mask, it could be a good precaution to prevent "baker's lung."

    • The art of making pasta: more complex than it seemsAuthentic pasta requires expertise, dedication, and a deep understanding of the craft, reflected in its value to customers.

      The process of making high-quality pasta is far more complex than it seems. From wearing protective masks due to inhaling raw flour, to the labor-intensive process of hand-rolling each piece, the depth of knowledge and skill required to create authentic pasta is significant. This is reflected in the price and value that customers place on the experience of dining at a restaurant where pasta is made in-house with care and dedication. The journey of learning this craft involves immersing oneself in the culture and apprenticeship, often in Italy, and committing to the time and effort required to master the art. Ultimately, the value of a well-crafted pasta dish goes beyond just the ingredients, encompassing the expertise and passion of the person making it.

    • Running a business during a pandemicThe pandemic has magnified business challenges, but some owners adapt and innovate to survive, while others close permanently, especially in the restaurant industry with low profit margins.

      Running a business, especially a restaurant, is incredibly challenging, even under normal circumstances. The COVID-19 pandemic has magnified these challenges, with many businesses struggling to survive due to economic pressures and public health concerns. Despite the difficulties, some business owners remain optimistic and are finding ways to adapt and make money, while others are closing permanently. The restaurant industry, in particular, has been hit hard, with a national average profit margin of only 4%. The pandemic has exposed the fragility of businesses and the importance of being able to adapt and innovate in order to survive.

    • Challenges in the Restaurant Industry: Declining Profits and Large WorkforceThe restaurant industry, the second largest employer in the US, faces economic challenges from declining profit margins and large workforce, worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to food waste and unemployment. Chefs must wear multiple hats to succeed, and the industry's struggles could have far-reaching economic consequences.

      The restaurant industry is facing significant challenges with declining profit margins and the need to employ a large workforce, making it the second largest employer in the United States after the Pentagon. The industry's economic impact extends beyond restaurants to include farmers, winemakers, and other suppliers. The COVID-19 pandemic has added to the industry's woes, with millions of people in the industry filing for unemployment and food waste becoming a major issue due to the closure of restaurants. The restaurant business requires more than just culinary skills; chefs must also be businesspeople, marketers, diplomats, and sometimes even parents to their staff. Despite the difficulties, there is a sense of community and family within the industry that keeps many passionate about it. The economic consequences of the industry's struggles could be significant, affecting not only restaurants but also their suppliers and the larger economy.

    • Learning to be adaptable in uncertain timesDespite a solid business foundation and careful planning, unforeseen circumstances can cause significant financial losses. Adaptability and flexibility are crucial in facing adversity.

      Even with a strong foundation and careful planning, unforeseen circumstances like the pandemic can still cause significant financial losses and hardships. The restaurant industry, in particular, has been hit hard, with many businesses closing their doors permanently. Despite feeling invincible and having a successful business model, the interviewee learned the hard way that nothing is guaranteed and that it's essential to be adaptable and flexible in the face of adversity. The fish metaphor used throughout the conversation highlights the idea that issues can start at the top and spread downwards, affecting every aspect of the business. In the end, the interviewee's conservative approach to finance and growth did help mitigate some of the damage, but it still resulted in a significant setback.

    • Living with COVID-19 for the next several yearsPrioritize safety measures like masks, social distancing, and hand washing to protect against COVID-19. Stay informed and vigilant for potential second and third waves, and prioritize mental and physical health during these challenging times.

      The world is currently navigating the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and we must learn to live with it in a safe way until a vaccine becomes widely available. The virus is likely to continue spreading in waves, and we can expect to live with it for the next several years. Italy may have already passed the peak of the virus, but the situation in the US remains uncertain, with potential second and third waves on the horizon. The stress of the pandemic is taking a toll on people's immune systems and overall well-being, making it essential to prioritize safety measures such as wearing masks, social distancing, and washing hands frequently. The vaccine development process is ongoing, with multiple trials underway, but it will take time to inoculate a significant portion of the global population. The recent protests and civil unrest have added to the stress and uncertainty, with potential for organized looting and other dangerous activities. It's crucial to remain informed and vigilant, while also taking care of our mental and physical health during these challenging times.

    • A call for change and inclusivityThe speaker believes that society can learn from current events and become more tolerant and inclusive, emphasizing the need for better training, hiring practices, mental health support, and a reevaluation of societal structures to create a more equitable world.

      We are living in a challenging time, but it presents an opportunity for significant change. The speaker expresses optimism that society will learn from current events and become more tolerant and inclusive. The speaker believes that the younger generation's attitude is a step in the right direction, but more needs to be done to address systemic issues, particularly in law enforcement. The speaker emphasizes the need for better training and hiring practices, as well as addressing the mental health needs of officers. They also suggest that the job requirements for becoming a police officer should be more rigorous and that the pay should reflect the demands of the role. Ultimately, the speaker calls for a reevaluation of our societal structures and a commitment to creating a more equitable world.

    • Navigating Uncertainty in the Restaurant IndustryAdaptability, understanding customers, exceptional experiences, high-quality ingredients, and focus are crucial for success in the restaurant industry amidst pandemic-related challenges.

      The restaurant industry, and work in general, has become more unpredictable and risky due to the ongoing pandemic. Long-term planning is challenging, and businesses must adapt quickly to changing regulations and customer behavior. Success in the industry requires a deep understanding of one's clientele and the ability to provide exceptional experiences. Cooking, too, demands a focus on high-quality ingredients and restraint, allowing the food to speak for itself. The pandemic has highlighted the importance of connection and consistency in an industry that thrives on providing memorable experiences.

    • Cooking is a deeply personal experienceCooking is an art form requiring dedication, emotion, and a thick skin. Chefs develop skill over time, learn to identify textures, and respect the art and artist behind it.

      Cooking is a skill that requires repetition and feel, rather than just following instructions from scales or timers. Chefs develop this skill over time and learn to identify different textures and don't take criticism personally as it's all part of the hospitality industry. Cooking is a deeply personal experience for both the chef and the diner, and authenticity is key. Chefs put their heart and soul into their dishes, and negative feedback can be crushing. However, it's essential to understand that not everyone will appreciate the same food, and it's important to respect the art of cooking and the artist behind it. Cooking is an art form that requires dedication, emotion, and a thick skin.

    • From kitchen to stage: The journey of dedication and hard workBoth culinary arts and comedy require dedication, hard work, and years of practice to excel. Romanticized perceptions of these fields mask the reality of long hours and low pay. Authenticity and regionality are essential, and collaboration is key to success.

      Both the culinary world and the world of comedy require dedication, hard work, and a strong foundation. The speaker shared his experience of starting out as a chef and the stark contrast between the romanticized perception of the job and the reality of long hours and low pay. He drew parallels to stand-up comedy, where aspiring comedians may believe they're ready for the big stage after creating a YouTube channel, but the real work lies in honing their craft through years of practice and performing in small venues. The importance of tradition and regionality in both food and comedy was also emphasized, as well as the necessity of collaboration and finding the right fit between dishes and wines. Ultimately, the difference between good, bad, and great restaurants and performances comes down to the ability to authentically evoke the essence of a place or a joke, and the willingness to put in the time and effort to get there.

    • Catering to returning customers is crucial for restaurant survivalBuilding strong relationships with repeat customers and providing personalized recommendations can lead to increased loyalty and repeat business. Adapting and innovating during challenging times, like utilizing outdoor spaces and negotiating with landlords, can help restaurants navigate through economic downturns.

      In the restaurant industry, particularly during challenging times, understanding and catering to returning customers is crucial for survival. This is because a significant portion of a restaurant's business comes from repeat patrons. Building strong relationships with these customers and providing personalized recommendations based on their preferences can lead to increased loyalty and repeat business. Additionally, having a strong team and the ability to adapt and innovate during difficult times is essential for weathering the storm and finding new revenue streams. For instance, utilizing outdoor spaces and negotiating with landlords to put projects on pause can help restaurants navigate through economic downturns. Despite the high failure rate in the restaurant industry, a successful track record can give leverage in negotiations with landlords.

    • Making tough decisions during challenging timesBeing willing to walk away from non-negotiable situations is crucial for survival and future success. The pandemic led to tough lease negotiations for restaurant owner Evan Kleiman, but her assertiveness resulted in favorable terms. Affordable commercial real estate also presents an opportunity for new restaurateurs.

      During challenging times, being willing to walk away from non-negotiable situations is crucial for survival and future success. This was evident during the pandemic when restaurant owner Evan Kleiman had to make tough decisions about her leases, even if it meant abandoning significant investments. The reluctance of some landlords to negotiate led Evan to assert her strongest position, ultimately resulting in more favorable terms. Furthermore, the pandemic has created an opportunity for a new generation of restaurateurs to enter the industry due to affordable commercial real estate. The unique dining scene in LA, with its celebrity hotspots, continues to attract a diverse clientele, and the city's culinary landscape is now gaining the recognition it deserves. Despite the challenges, LA remains an exceptional place for cooking and innovation in the restaurant industry.

    • Michelin stars and their relevance to exclusive restaurantsThe Michelin star system, while respected, faces criticism for its effectiveness in evaluating exclusive restaurants like Felix in Venice, LA. Word of mouth and positive reviews often hold more weight for these establishments.

      The Michelin star system, a respected yet controversial method of restaurant evaluation, raises questions about its relevance and effectiveness, especially in the context of highly sought-after and exclusive restaurants like Felix in Venice, LA. The Michelin inspectors' anonymous dining experiences and specific requirements create a sense of intrigue, but some argue that the system is archaic and that word of mouth from satisfied customers holds more weight. Felix's chef, Evan, values the experiences of his team and customers above accolades and believes that the restaurant's success is due to its exclusivity and the power of word of mouth. Despite being left off the Michelin list, Felix has thrived and attracted customers through positive reviews and recommendations. The debate continues on the merits and limitations of various restaurant evaluation methods, but for Felix, the focus remains on delivering exceptional dining experiences within its intimate and exclusive setting.

    • Learning from the Source: Chef Felix's Italian InspirationChef Felix values authenticity and tradition, learning from the source, and creating dishes that evoke memories and bring joy to customers through natural ingredients and minimal manipulation.

      For Chef Felix, authenticity and tradition are the keys to creating memorable and delicious dishes. He values learning from the source, whether it's from a grandmother in Italy or directly from the land, rather than relying on techniques he sees online. Italian cuisine resonates with him more than other culinary traditions because of its reverence for natural ingredients and minimal manipulation. His goal as a chef is to create dishes that evoke memories and bring joy to his customers, using the unique pleasures and chemicals that food provides. Despite the challenges of the pandemic, he remains committed to his craft and looks forward to reopening Felix with as much of his original team as possible. Food, for Chef Felix, is a source of passion, pleasure, and connection.

    • Navigating the Challenges of the Current Economic SituationIndividuals and businesses must adapt proactively to survive and thrive in the current economic situation. This can include strengthening immune systems, pivoting to new services, and creating innovative solutions.

      The current economic situation, particularly the unemployment situation, is making it a difficult decision for some people to return to work due to the financial safety net provided by unemployment benefits. At the same time, there is a lack of emphasis on individual efforts to strengthen immune systems, which could help mitigate the risk of contracting COVID-19. The situation is further complicated by the closure of businesses, particularly restaurants, which require proactive measures to adapt and survive. Felix, a restaurant mentioned in the conversation, was able to do so by quickly pivoting to takeout and delivery services and creating pasta kits for customers. The success of this approach has inspired other restaurants to follow suit. Overall, the key takeaway is that individuals and businesses must be proactive in adapting to the current situation and finding new ways to survive and thrive.

    • The way you cook a T-bone steak mattersUsing the bone for even heat distribution and selecting the right wood for smoking enhances the taste and texture of a T-bone steak.

      The way you cook a T-bone steak can significantly impact its final outcome. Starting the steak on the bone allows the heat to gently radiate through the meat, resulting in a more evenly cooked dish. The use of different woods in wood fire cooking also plays a crucial role, with almond providing quick smoke and oak contributing to long and slow cooking. Cooking techniques and methods are constantly evolving, and chefs continue to upgrade their skills throughout their careers. The attention to detail in the cooking process, though surprising, is necessary to create satisfying dishes. Ultimately, the goal is to create simple yet delicious meals, even if it requires a deep understanding of the techniques and processes behind them. The best chefs, like Evan, source the highest quality ingredients and build relationships with farmers to ensure the best possible products.

    • Authentic Italian cooking relies on local, fresh ingredients and relationships with farmersTo create authentic Italian dishes, source local, fresh ingredients directly from farmers and appreciate the unique characteristics of each region's produce and livestock.

      The key to creating authentic Italian dishes lies in sourcing local, fresh ingredients directly from farmers. These longstanding relationships allow chefs to discuss growing conditions, soil content, and future plans, ensuring the best possible produce. The unique characteristics of each microclimate result in distinct flavors, which are then combined to create enhanced dishes. This approach, known as terroir, is not limited to wine but also applies to fruits, vegetables, and meats. The origin and farming methods significantly impact the taste and texture of these products. For instance, grass-fed cattle raised in different regions produce distinct flavors based on their diet and environment. Understanding these nuances and utilizing them in cooking results in truly authentic and exceptional dishes.

    • Costs Beyond Ingredients in the Restaurant IndustryRestaurants face high costs for meat, especially less common cuts, and must charge accordingly. The industry's resilience and innovation will help it weather the pandemic, with potential tech advancements shaping the future of dining.

      The restaurant industry is a complex business with many costs beyond just the ingredients. Restaurants provide more than just a meal, they offer an experience and employ a team. Wild game meats, like boar and venison, can be hard sells, and the menu should cater to the clientele. The cost of meat, especially less common cuts, is high, and restaurants must charge accordingly to cover their expenses. The pandemic has hit the industry hard, but the community and industry's creativity and stubbornness will help it overcome the challenges. The future of dining may involve new technologies to ensure safety and social distancing.

    • The power of individual passion and enthusiasmIndividual dedication and enthusiasm can inspire and motivate teams during challenging times, providing immediate rewards and camaraderie through making people happy.

      The passion and enthusiasm of dedicated individuals, like the team behind the restaurant mentioned in the discussion, can be a powerful source of motivation and inspiration, even during challenging times. The lack of leadership at the top can be disheartening, but the contagious enthusiasm of those who take pride in their work and make a positive impact on others can help keep us going. The immediate reward of making people happy through our work is a driving force for many, and the camaraderie of working together to provide that happiness is an essential part of the process. Despite the difficulties, the commitment to continuing and making it through to the other side is a testament to the resilience and determination of those who believe in their vision.

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