
    Podcast Summary

    • Mitzy Shore and the Rise and Resurgence of the Comedy StoreMitzy Shore's innovative approach at the Comedy Store paved the way for comedic legends, while the venue itself faced challenges in the '80s before making a comeback, only to be impacted by the pandemic.

      Mitzy Shore played a significant role in the comedy scene, particularly at the Comedy Store. She created a wild and creative environment where many famous comedians, such as Richard Pryor and Bill Hicks, started their careers. The Comedy Store was a cultural landmark and made money through the abundance of great comedy talent it showcased. However, there was a decline in the '80s before experiencing a recent resurgence prior to the pandemic. The conversation also touches on the pandemic and the varying opinions regarding its severity. Famous individuals initially seemed to be the only ones affected, leading to speculation and conspiracy theories.

    • Questioning COVID-19 measures and exploring unintended consequences.Prioritizing individual health and considering the unintended consequences of pandemic measures are important in managing COVID-19 and mitigating its impacts.

      There is a growing skepticism towards the information provided by authorities and the media regarding the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic. The speakers question the drastic measures taken, such as shutting down businesses and imposing lockdowns, based on the belief that the virus may not be as deadly as initially thought. They highlight the importance of individual health and well-being in preventing and combating the virus, emphasizing the need for proper nutrition, staying hydrated, and maintaining overall good health. Additionally, they discuss the unintended consequences of the pandemic, such as increased rates of domestic violence, child abuse, and suicides. The conversation raises concerns about the economic impact and the possible political motivations behind prolonged lockdown measures.

    • Cultural influences on dating and relationshipsUnderstanding cultural norms and limitations is important in forming relationships, and clear communication and consent are crucial in navigating intimate encounters.

      Dating and relationships can be influenced by cultural and societal factors. In discussing different dating scenarios, the speakers mention how certain cultural norms and limitations can affect the dating scene. They highlight how factors like religious practices, lack of socialization, and limited dating options can impact the way people form relationships. This conversation also touches on the importance of clear communication and consent in intimate encounters. The speakers discuss the need for consent forms and recordings, emphasizing the significance of documenting consent to avoid any future misunderstandings or distortions. Overall, the conversation sheds light on the ways in which different cultures and circumstances can shape dating practices and the importance of open communication in relationships.

    • The Importance of Skepticism and Critical ThinkingQuestioning information and exercising discernment is crucial in order to make informed judgments and avoid false beliefs.

      It is important to be skeptical and critical of blindly believing everything that is said, regardless of who says it. The conversation highlights that people can distort versions of events and manipulate narratives, leading to false beliefs. While it may be tempting to believe all women or trust certain professions, such as cops or doctors, it is essential to exercise discernment and examine evidence before forming conclusions. The discussion also serves as a reminder that not all stories have a clear resolution or definitive proof, leaving room for speculation and uncertainty. Ultimately, this conversation emphasizes the importance of questioning information and maintaining a healthy level of skepticism in order to make informed judgments.

    • Perceptions of beauty, crime, and desireSociety's perception of attractiveness can influence how we view and justify the actions of individuals, while gender differences play a role in how horniness is experienced and the risks involved in seeking casual encounters.

      There is a discussion about hot girls who have committed crimes and whether they could still be perceived as attractive despite their actions. The conversation raises questions about the connection between talent or beauty and the ability to get away with illegal activities. It also touches on the difference between how men and women experience and express their horniness. Furthermore, it discusses the idea of women seeking emotional escape through casual encounters, while men don't face the same level of danger in such situations. Overall, the conversation sheds light on societal perceptions and biases towards attractive individuals and the complexities of human behavior and desire.

    • The #MeToo Movement: Giving a Voice to Silent VictimsThe #MeToo movement was a platform for women to finally be heard, shedding light on the systemic problems and power dynamics that allowed harassment and misconduct to persist in the workplace.

      The #MeToo movement came about because women's voices were not being heard when they complained about harassment and misconduct in the workplace. Andrew Schulz initially had trouble understanding the anger behind the movement, as he had never mistreated women himself. However, he realized that these women were ignored and silenced for years, until their stories gained public attention. The floodgates opened, and the movement served as a platform for women to finally be heard. It is important to note that not all claims may be true, as there are people who manipulate and lie. However, the core issue remains that many women were victimized, and the movement aimed to bring their experiences to light. This realization sheds light on the systemic problems and power dynamics present in various industries.

    • Balancing Identity and Message in Political DiscourseEffective political discourse requires a balanced approach that values scientific facts, encourages questions, and avoids attacking identities before addressing messages.

      In today's political climate, the left tends to attack the identity of Republicans and conservatives before addressing their message. To counteract this, the right often puts forward individuals whose identities are difficult to criticize, allowing their conservative points to be heard without immediate dismissal. This tactic is also employed by the left, as seen in the case of Greta Thunberg and the gun kids from Florida, who are used to make political points that cannot be easily argued against. Furthermore, the conversation highlights the need for a more balanced approach to discussing controversial topics, where scientific facts are considered and questions are encouraged rather than automatically labeling someone as a heretic for questioning certain narratives.

    • Balancing Environmental Concerns with Social and Economic ImplicationsIt is important to find a balanced approach to combating global warming that considers not only the environment but also the impact on the economy and people's lives.

      There are potential negative consequences and challenges associated with efforts to combat global warming. While it is important to take action to stop global warming, it is also crucial to consider the impact on the economy and people's lives. The conversation highlights concerns about the shutdown during the pandemic and the potential loss of small businesses, jobs, and mental well-being. It emphasizes the need for a balanced approach that addresses environmental concerns while also considering the social and economic implications. Additionally, the conversation touches on the importance of personal compatibility and the potential risks of rushing into decisions without fully knowing someone. Overall, it highlights the complexity and potential consequences of various actions and decisions.

    • Workplace Harassment: Gendered Concerns and RisksWorkplace harassment affects both men and women, but women often face physical safety concerns while men may face the risk of false accusations. It is essential to address the unique challenges faced by women in this conversation.

      There are different concerns and risks associated with workplace harassment between men and women. While both men and women can experience unwanted advances and abuse of power, women often have to worry about physical safety and the potential for violence. Men, on the other hand, may face the risk of false accusations and damage to their reputations. It is important to recognize that any abuse of power for sexual purposes is gross and unacceptable, regardless of the perpetrator's gender. However, the conversation highlights the unique challenges and fears faced by women when it comes to workplace harassment.

    • Navigating Public Apologies and the Art-Artist DilemmaPublic apologies are subjective, as they address perceived actions rather than actual ones. Determining truth becomes harder, and the debate of separating art from an artist's misconduct arises.

      Public apologies can be a tricky situation. When someone apologizes publicly, they apologize for whatever someone thinks they did, not necessarily for the actual actions they took. This can lead to a situation where people's suspicions and beliefs are confirmed, even if they may not be accurate. It is difficult to determine who is telling the truth in these cases, making it challenging to know the real facts. Additionally, the conversation touches on the idea of separating art from the artist's actions. While some argue that good art should not be canceled due to the artist's misconduct, others believe that certain actions can overshadow the value of the art itself. Overall, navigating public apologies and separating art from the artist is a complex issue.

    • The Influence of Fundamentalist Religion and its Effects on Belief Systems and VulnerabilityGrowing up in a fundamentalist religion can lead to gullibility and a willingness to accept irrational beliefs, making individuals vulnerable to manipulation by cults or pseudoscience. People are complex, capable of both positive and negative traits.

      Growing up in a fundamentalist religion can make individuals vulnerable to believing in and following nonsensical ideas and ideologies. The discussion highlights how being raised in a religion like Mormonism can lead to gullibility and a willingness to accept irrational beliefs. This vulnerability can extend beyond religious contexts and make individuals susceptible to manipulation by cults or individuals promoting pseudoscience. The conversation also touches upon the example of Fritz Haber, who made tremendous contributions to agriculture but also played a role in the development of chemical weapons and committed war crimes. This example showcases how people can possess both positive and negative traits, emphasizing the complex nature of human beings.

    • The Changing Dynamics of Comedy and CorporationsSociety's increased awareness and stricter regulations have made it more challenging for comedy and corporations to collaborate, highlighting a shift in societal values and a more cautious approach in blending humor with corporate interests.

      Corporations and comedy had a different dynamic in the past compared to the present. Back then, comedy could work with corporations more easily because there were fewer regulations and societal pressure. They could create shows and jokes about sensitive topics like Nazi concentration camps without much policing. However, with the rise of social media and heightened awareness, it has become much more challenging for comedy and corporations to collaborate. People have a louder voice, and there are more rules and restrictions. This shift reflects a change in societal values and priorities. Luxury and comfort can bring about stricter regulations and expectations, leading to a more cautious and restrained approach in blending comedy with corporate interests.

    • Examining Inconsistent Rules and Confusion During the PandemicTransparency and fairness are crucial in creating rules during challenging times, as inconsistency and hypocrisy can undermine public trust and ethics.

      Rules and regulations during times of chaos, such as the pandemic, can be inconsistent and exposed as arbitrary. Andrew and Joe discuss how rules in New York and other places became looser during the shelter-in-place orders, allowing things like drinking alcohol in the streets and delivering alcohol. They point out the hypocrisy and confusion surrounding these rules, especially when it comes to protests being exempt from social distancing guidelines. They question the ethics of using a charitable cause as an excuse to have full audiences at live shows and how organizations can gain power by shaming those who don't contribute. Overall, this conversation highlights the need for transparency and fairness in rule-making during challenging times.

    • COVID-19: Perspectives, Precautions, and Impact on Higher-Risk IndividualsCOVID-19 affects individuals differently, emphasizing the need to take precautions like getting tested, eating healthily, and avoiding unnecessary travel. Factors like rest, stress levels, and vitamin deficiencies can influence the severity of the illness. Reminder to consider the impact on higher-risk individuals.

      COVID-19 has affected people differently, with some experiencing severe symptoms while others have mild or no symptoms at all. Andrew Schulz and Joe Rogan discuss their experiences and perspectives on the virus, highlighting the importance of taking proper precautions such as getting tested, eating healthily, and avoiding unnecessary travel to prevent transmission. They also mention the significance of factors like rest, stress levels, and vitamin deficiencies in influencing the severity of the illness. The conversation serves as a reminder that while some may recover easily, it is crucial to consider the potential impact on higher-risk individuals like elderly parents.

    • The widespread impact of COVID-19 on health and economy shines a light on preexisting conditions and emphasizes personal responsibility for both well-being and economic management.COVID-19 has revealed vulnerabilities in both health and economy, calling for personal responsibility in maintaining well-being and balancing measures to manage the impact effectively.

      The impact of COVID-19 extends beyond just the physical health aspect. It has also exposed preexisting conditions in both the physical and economic realms. While the disease poses a small risk to children, it has caused the shutdown of schools and other educational institutions. On the other hand, the economic consequences have been severe, especially for businesses that were already operating on narrow profit margins. Restaurants, for example, are struggling to survive with prolonged closures. The conversation emphasizes the need for individuals to take personal responsibility for their health by practicing good habits like getting enough sleep, eating well, and taking care of oneself. Additionally, it highlights the importance of making wise choices in managing the economy, ensuring that the impact of measures taken is proportionate to the severity of the disease.

    • Finding success through passion and authenticity.Pursue your passion, be true to yourself, and find common ground in your content to resonate with a wide audience.

      Pursuing what you genuinely love and enjoy can lead to success. Andrew Schulz and Joe Rogan discuss how investing in their passion and creating content they believe in has propelled their careers. They emphasize the importance of being authentic and true to oneself, even if it means going against the norms or restrictions imposed by institutions. Schulz highlights the power of speaking the truth in a funny and relatable way, causing people from different political backgrounds to agree and find humor in their content. They highlight that the majority of people fall in the middle of the political spectrum and are not polarized like the extremes. Ultimately, their key to success lies in finding common ground and speaking the truth that resonates with a wide audience.

    • Bernie Sanders' absence for a crucial vote raises doubts about his integrity, while social media influencers like Andrew Schulz hold significant sway over political opinions.Politicians should be held accountable for fulfilling their promises, while social media has the potential to shape public perception and influence voter choices.

      Bernie Sanders, despite his popular image as a candidate who genuinely wanted to help, failed to show up for an important vote regarding the surveillance of online activities. This shows a lack of commitment to the promises he made and raises questions about his integrity. Additionally, the conversation highlights the influence that individuals like Andrew Schulz, who have a large following and can sway opinions through comedy, can have on the political landscape. It acknowledges the power of social media and the potential impact it can have on voters' decisions, particularly in swing states. Lastly, it raises the issue of fairness in political comedy and the perception that some comedians may be biased in their coverage.

    • The Power of Comedy: Challenging Institutions, Encouraging Open Dialogue, and Bringing Laughter to Unexpected PlacesComedy has the ability to challenge societal norms, encourage open dialogue about sensitive topics, and bring laughter to unexpected places, making it a powerful tool for managing the ecosystem and challenging institutions.

      Comedy thrives on surprise and the ability to make fun of important subjects. Andrew Schulz and Joe Rogan discuss the importance of comedy in managing the ecosystem and challenging institutions. They highlight the role of comedy in bringing out the truth and encouraging open conversations about sensitive topics. They also discuss how some comedy institutions lean towards one political ideology and only mock the opposite institution. Andrew Schulz questions the comfortability of comedians making jokes about places or cultures they have no personal experience with. Joe Rogan adds that our politics are globally known and comedians in other countries also make fun of American politics. Additionally, they jokingly talk about the persuasive power of British accents in salesmanship. Overall, the key takeaway is that comedy has the power to challenge societal norms, encourage open dialogue, and bring laughter to unexpected places.

    • The allure of open dialogue and uncovering the truth, even in conspiracy theories, drives people to platforms that confirm their biases and indulge their love for solving puzzles.People are drawn to platforms that allow open dialogue and the search for truth, even if it means exploring conspiracy theories. It is crucial to critically analyze information and seek the truth to combat inherent media bias.

      People are drawn to platforms that allow for open dialogue and different points of view because they are addicted to the truth. The appeal lies in the confirmation of our own biases and the excitement of uncovering the truth, even if it means delving into conspiracy theories. People have a natural inclination to solve puzzles and find answers, which is why they enjoy games and solving mysteries. Additionally, the conversation touches on the fact that there is inherent bias in media coverage, with different treatment for allegations against politicians based on their political affiliations. The importance of critically analyzing information and seeking the truth is highlighted throughout the conversation.

    • Possible existence of Bigfoot-like creature and its potential predatory behaviors examined.Unknown creatures like Josh Gantopithecus may have existed and had complex diets and behaviors, raising questions about their interactions with humans.

      There is evidence suggesting the existence of a bipedal animal called Josh Gantopithecus, which may have been similar in appearance to Bigfoot. It is believed that this creature lived in Asia and at one point may have migrated to North America through the Bearings Strait. The conversation also discussed the hunting behavior of chimpanzees, who are known to eat monkeys and engage in brutal attacks. This raises the possibility that if such a large creature like Josh Gantopithecus existed and was omnivorous like chimpanzees, it may have also preyed on humans. While the accuracy of these claims remains uncertain, the conversation highlights the potential existence of unknown creatures and the complex nature of their diets and behaviors.

    • Unveiling the Enigmatic: Curiosity and Possibilities in the UnknownExploring mysteries like Bigfoot and pyramids sparks curiosity, questioning linear time, and uncovering forgotten advanced technologies, reinforcing the role of peace in fostering innovation and the creation of remarkable discoveries.

      Exploring the unknown can lead to a deep sense of wonder and a questioning of reality. The discussion about Bigfoot sightings and the pyramids in Egypt showcases how delving into these mysteries can spark curiosity and open up new possibilities. The idea that time and human progression may not be linear, as suggested by one of the speakers, presents an intriguing perspective. It highlights the potential for isolated societies to develop advanced technologies that eventually fade away, only to be discovered by future generations. This conversation also emphasizes the importance of peace and stability in fostering innovation and the creation of "cool shit".

    • Approaching controversial topics and conspiracy theories critically and avoiding attachment to unsubstantiated beliefs.While it's fine to explore conspiracy theories for entertainment, it is important to differentiate between what is plausible and what is baseless to maintain a healthy understanding of the world.

      While controversial topics and conspiracy theories can be intriguing, it's important to approach them critically and not get too attached to unsubstantiated beliefs. The conversation touches on the idea that people who strongly believe in absurd conspiracies often struggle in other aspects of life and are looking for something to validate their feelings of being deceived. While it can be entertaining to explore conspiracy theories, it's crucial to differentiate between what is plausible and what is baseless. Being skeptical and questioning information is healthy, but blindly accepting outlandish ideas can be detrimental to our understanding of the world.

    • Exploring the allure of conspiracy theories, virtual reality, and the Jeffrey Epstein case brings attention to the dangers of misinformation and the need for critical thinking.In a digital age filled with conspiracy theories and misinformation, it is crucial to question the validity of online rumors and allegations and approach information with critical thinking and skepticism.

      People often gravitate towards wild conspiracy theories when they have a lack of other interests, such as sports. Andrew Schulz admits to diving into conspiracies out of boredom and even discussing the unfounded idea that Tom Hanks is a pedophile. Joe Rogan expresses concern over Andrew's obsession with conspiracy theories, emphasizing the need to question the validity of online rumors and allegations. The conversation then transitions to the topic of virtual reality (VR) and the unsettling experiences it can create. They eventually discuss the Jeffrey Epstein case and the speculation surrounding it, highlighting the dangers of misinformation and the potential manipulation of influential individuals. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of critical thinking and skepticism in the digital age.

    • Unraveling the Complicated Story of Jeffrey Epstein and his ConnectionsThe Epstein case reveals the disturbing reality of powerful individuals involved in illicit activities and raises questions about the extent of Epstein's involvement and the motivations behind the documentary's focus on certain individuals.

      There are perplexing inconsistencies and peculiarities surrounding the story of Jeffrey Epstein and his connections. The documentary paints a picture of Epstein as a manipulative criminal mastermind who deceived powerful individuals into funding his questionable activities. However, when examining the picture painted by one of Epstein's associates, it becomes evident that Epstein himself is barely featured and is overshadowed by others. This raises questions about the true extent of Epstein's involvement and the motivations behind highlighting certain individuals in the picture. The conversation also delves into the notion that powerful figures have often engaged in illicit activities under the guise of righteousness and authority. The conversation overall highlights the unbelievable nature of the Epstein case and the complexities surrounding it.

    • The Dark Network of Power and CorruptionThe shocking truth behind powerful individuals involved in illegal activities, highlighting the importance of transparency, accountability, and justice to protect the vulnerable and expose those responsible.

      There is a disturbing network of powerful individuals involved in illegal activities, including Epstein's sex trafficking ring and potential cover-ups. The conversation highlights the possibility that these influential figures entice their victims through manipulation, luxury, and secrecy. It also brings attention to the hypocrisy of society's acceptance and normalcy of certain behaviors in the past, such as sexual relationships with underage individuals. This conversation raises important questions about the level of control held by these individuals, as they potentially controlled the press and silenced any opposition. It serves as a reminder of the need for transparency, accountability, and justice in order to protect vulnerable individuals and expose those responsible for such heinous crimes.

    • The Potential Consequences of Compromising Individuals in Positions of PowerCompromising influential figures through blackmail or threats can prevent them from revealing damaging information, showcasing the dark side of politics and the power dynamics at play.

      Compromising people in positions of power can potentially save their lives and protect their secrets. There is a suggestion that influential figures may have engaged in illegal activities and that these activities were used to control and manipulate them. The conversation touches on the idea that those in power may possess incriminating knowledge about others, making them susceptible to coercion. It is mentioned that compromising individuals, often through blackmail or threats, could be a strategic technique used to prevent them from revealing damaging information. The example of Anthony Weiner, who was involved in a scandal, is given to emphasize the potential consequences of compromising someone and how it could tie into larger political situations. Overall, the conversation highlights the power dynamics and machinations that can occur behind the scenes, showcasing the potential dark side of politics.

    • Addressing and Preventing the Exploitation of Vulnerable Individuals: A Discussion on Inappropriate Behavior and Breaking the Cycle of Abuse.It is essential to address and prevent the exploitation of vulnerable individuals, especially minors, and break the damaging cycle of abuse through awareness and accountability.

      There is a discussion about the disturbing issue of individuals with power who engage in inappropriate behavior towards underage individuals. Andrew Schulz and Joe Rogan contemplate the possibility that certain environments, such as politics or the Catholic Church, may attract people with controversial tendencies, but they emphasize that these institutions do not directly cause such behaviors. They also discuss the fact that those who have been victimized themselves often perpetuate similar acts of violence, highlighting the damaging cycle of abuse. The conversation touches on conspiracy theories and the difficulty in discerning the truth amidst conflicting information. Ultimately, the key takeaway is the recognition of the importance of addressing and preventing the exploitation of vulnerable individuals, particularly minors, and the need to break the cycle of abuse.

    • Uncovering Hidden Powers: The Influence of Secret Societies and Banking Families on Policy and EconomyQuestioning authority and thinking critically are crucial in uncovering hidden truths and ensuring transparency and accountability in policy decisions and historical events.

      There are suspicions and theories about hidden powers, such as the deep state and banking families, manipulating policy decisions and controlling the economy. The conversation delves into topics like Seth Rich's murder and his alleged involvement with WikiLeaks, as well as the influence of banking institutions on historical events and currency. It also mentions how presidents who challenge the control of banks often face consequences, like Abraham Lincoln being assassinated. The conversation highlights the fascination with uncovering hidden truths and questioning official narratives. While some of these theories may be speculative, they underscore the importance of critical thinking and questioning authority to ensure transparency and accountability.

    • Unethical Government Experiments for Mind Control and PowerGovernments have conducted secret experiments, like Operation Midnight Climax and MK Ultra, involving drugs and manipulation tactics, highlighting the need for transparency and respect for individual rights.

      There have been instances in history where the government, specifically the CIA, has conducted experiments on individuals using drugs like LSD for mind control and manipulation purposes. These experiments, such as Operation Midnight Climax and MK Ultra, were aimed at developing effective weapons of manipulation to maintain a country's status and power. It is alarming to discover that not only were these experiments conducted, but they were also done without the knowledge or consent of the victims involved. This conversation raises ethical questions about the extent to which governments are willing to go to protect their interests. While it may be tempting to justify such actions in the context of national security, it is essential to prioritize transparency and respect for individual rights.

    • The Intersection of Power: Government, Corporations, and TechnologyThe need to balance wealth and power with surveillance and regulation prompts discussions on the delicate equilibrium between freedom and control in the United States.

      The notion of power and control extends beyond governmental borders and infiltrates the realm of big business and technology. China's model of merging corporations, the military, and the government into one cohesive entity has allowed them to exercise control and cut corners. Consequently, there are arguments being made for the United States to adopt a similar system in order to compete. The conversation also raises concerns about the extent of influence billionaires and tech giants possess, and whether they are subjected to surveillance and regulation by the government. It highlights the idea that as individuals accumulate wealth and power, there may come a point where certain conversations and activities are closely monitored, prompting discussions about the balance between freedom and control.

    • The Complexities of UFC Fighter Pay and the Need for Fair Compensation and Quality FightsUFC fighter pay is influenced by various factors, including the lack of live gates during quarantine. More competition among organizations can lead to better pay and options for fighters, but the focus should be on fair compensation and quality fights.

      The UFC's fighter pay is a complex issue influenced by various factors. The lack of live gates during the quarantine has resulted in less money available for fighters. Additionally, some fighters agree to deals early in their careers and seek to renegotiate as they become more popular, but the UFC, being focused on staying open, is hesitant to renegotiate. More competition among organizations would benefit fighters by offering better pay and more options. However, the UFC's dominance is due to their ability to put on live events during the quarantine, which has helped the struggling WME company. Despite financial challenges, Joe Rogan believes that fighters should be generously compensated for risking their lives in the cage. The UFC's matchmaking system, which considers fighting styles, contributes to the overall entertainment and enjoyment of the sport. Therefore, while some regulation and organization may be beneficial, the key is to prioritize fair compensation and quality fights.

    • Challenges and considerations in organizing fighter matchups and managing financial incentivesNegotiating fighter contracts and addressing financial concerns can be challenging, especially during uncertain times like the COVID-19 pandemic. Consideration must be given to the health risks involved and the impact on agencies and the entertainment industry.

      Organizing fighters in one organization and making them fight each other can lead to more exciting matchups for fans. However, the issue of fighter contracts and financial incentives can complicate these arrangements. For example, if a fighter like John Jones wants to fight someone like Francis Ngannou, negotiations around money can be a significant barrier. The conversation also highlights the financial challenges faced by organizations like the UFC during the COVID-19 pandemic, with no live audiences and uncertain revenue streams. It emphasizes the importance of considering the risks involved, such as the potential for spreading the virus or jeopardizing the health of individuals, including older coaches and family members. Additionally, the discussion touches on the impact of the pandemic on agencies and the entertainment industry as a whole.

    • Personal freedom versus government intervention in the pandemicThe debate revolves around striking a balance between individual freedom and government intervention, with concerns about the economy, accountability, and conspiracy theories playing a role in the discussion.

      There is a debate on whether to prioritize personal freedom and risk or government intervention and safety in response to the pandemic. Joe Rogan argues for allowing individuals to decide for themselves and accept the risks, highlighting the negative consequences of a prolonged lockdown on the economy and unemployment rates. On the other hand, Andrew Schulz expresses concern about the possibility of opening up too early and the accountability of politicians for potential deaths. They discuss the politicization of the pandemic and the loss of faith in public health institutions. Both parties contemplate the intentions behind government measures and propose conspiracy theories related to economic control and political strategies.

    • Unaddressed Issues: Crime, Violence, and Racism in Neglected CommunitiesGenuine efforts are needed to improve conditions and address inequalities faced by marginalized communities, highlighting the importance of government and authorities investing in these areas.

      There are deep-rooted issues within certain communities that are often overlooked and left unaddressed. The conversation highlights the systemic crime, violence, and racism faced by inner cities, such as Baltimore, which have been neglected for years. It is emphasized that the government and authorities fail to invest in these communities or provide solutions to uplift them. The discussion also tackles the different perspectives on protests, looting, and the destruction of property. While looting is seen as taking advantage of tragedy for personal gain, the conversation empathizes with the frustration and anger that leads to people resorting to such actions. Overall, the key takeaway is the need for genuine efforts to address and improve the conditions and inequalities faced by marginalized communities.

    • Frustration, Looting, and the Urgent Need for Change in PolicingThe broken social contract between law enforcement and citizens has led to frustration and destructive protests. To restore trust, accountability and cultural change within policing are crucial.

      There is a clear frustration with the broken social contract between law enforcement and citizens. Peaceful protests have been met with deaf ears for decades, leaving people feeling like they have no other choice but to turn to destruction of public property. However, it is important to note that looting is seen as unacceptable and different from peaceful protests. The conversation also highlights the need for better funding, higher pay, and increased training for law enforcement officers. Instances of police brutality and a lack of accountability emphasize the urgent need for change within the culture of policing in America. Removing "bad apples" from the police force is crucial, but if accountability is not upheld, trust in law enforcement will continue to deteriorate.

    • A Call for Systemic Change and Training in Law EnforcementLaw enforcement must implement rigorous selection processes, hold officers accountable for violations, prioritize training to identify potentially harmful individuals, and address issues of low pay to create a safer and more trustworthy system.

      Systemic change and training are needed in law enforcement to ensure that only those suited to the job become police officers. Andrew Schulz suggests that cops should be held accountable for violating the law and that the selection process should be rigorous to weed out individuals with sociopathic tendencies. Joe Rogan agrees, emphasizing the importance of training officers to have the mindset of weeding out those who could potentially harm others. They also briefly touch on the issue of low pay for cops and teachers, highlighting the need for adequate compensation. Overall, the conversation highlights the need for change and improvement within law enforcement to create a safer and more trustworthy system.

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    Under The Weather

    Under The Weather
    Hey Blockheads, sorry for the delay on this episode I have not been feeling my best. I still wanted to get behind the mic and get this out. You will be getting your normal episode tomorrow as well. So it will be a banter week of content for you all. But, today we talk about the Coronavirus, yep... No, I don't have it, but I want you to be up on everything about it. SO sit back, grab your Lysol wipes and kleenex and join me as I go "Around the Net", and talk about a few things as well in my Weekend Update. Upcoming Events: March 28th- Duval Comics and Zine Festival March 28th- Champ7 Pro Wrestling TV Tapings April 3rd- Team Visions Dojo/iBelieve in Wrestling "BELIEVE 201" Today's Sponsor Living Heroes Kickstarter- https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/living-heroes/living-heroes This show is streamed on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeartRadio, and Deezer. Give us a REVIEW to help The Block grow. Follow me on all social media @Bobbofnn Subscribe to my Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/bobbo I have multiple tiers to support and you can always change your monthly donations. Subscribe to my Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_aVgzt6GSmEQEml99gT19g Don't forget to come back and kick it on the block.

    Unmasking The Mic - Episode 6 - Kristin Seltman

    Unmasking The Mic - Episode 6 - Kristin Seltman

    In this episode of Unmasking the Mic, Ralph Anthony sits down with NYC based comedian, Kristin Seltman. They talk about how she managed her mental health journey while living back home during the early days of the pandemic and how she had to find a therapist after her original therapist quit. They also discuss how a toxic relationship can be the wakeup call someone needs in order to take control of their mental health, being vulnerable and how therapy sessions can turn issues into comedy bits.

    OAP054: Investments/Finances/Economy, Appreciating Essential People in Society and COVID-19 Update

    OAP054: Investments/Finances/Economy, Appreciating Essential People in Society and COVID-19 Update

    Miguel and Sonja talk about finances, the conversation they had with their kids about the Coronavirus and COVID-19 updates.

    Intro: “Find a Way” by Lakey Inspired
    Outro: “Shoulder Closures” by Gunnar Olsen




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    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3BA4Z-uf0qlwqsWvBbAt2g
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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/oppositepod/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/oppositepod