
    Podcast Summary

    • Conditioned to believe modern world is real and satisfying but it's notThe modern world is not in harmony with natural law, favoring a select few using the 80/20 rule, and we can live in harmony with nature for abundance

      The world we live in today is not in harmony with natural law and has been skewed by economics, leading to scarcity and struggle for many. The authors of "The Red Pill Food Revolution" argue that we have been conditioned to believe that the modern world is real and satisfying, but it is not. They suggest that we are all miracles of success as we are the products of a long line of survivors. However, the system is set up to favor a select few, using the Pareto distribution or the 80/20 rule. The authors of the book aim to gently guide those who feel something is wrong with their modern lives towards understanding the natural world and its abundance, and how to live in harmony with it.

    • Living in Harmony with Nature vs. Modern DisconnectionThe speaker encourages us to learn from traditional societies and prioritize living in the flow of abundance, practicing gratitude, and reconnecting with nature to improve our health and overall well-being.

      Our modern way of living, with long work hours and disconnection from nature, has led to a system where the value of our labor is taken away from us, leaving us chronically sick and disconnected from the abundance of nature. In contrast, traditional hunter-gatherer societies lived in harmony with nature, spending only a few hours each week in physical exertion and reaping the benefits of a diet rich in whole foods. The speaker argues that we can learn from these societies and prioritize living in the flow of abundance and practicing gratitude. The industrial revolution and the concept of land ownership have led us to a disconnected and unhealthy way of life, filled with processed foods and sedentary activities. By reconnecting with nature and practicing gratitude, we can improve our health and overall well-being.

    • Cultivating a Healthy Relationship with FoodPrioritize mindful eating, appreciate meals, give thanks, make digestion a priority for a healthier and more intentional relationship with food.

      Our relationship with food and the way we approach it has drastically changed from the primal necessity for survival to a more convenient and often mindless consumption. The speaker emphasizes the importance of changing our mindset and prioritizing food and health in our modern lives. He suggests that we should aim to eat mindfully, appreciate our meals, and give thanks for the nourishment we receive. This can be challenging in today's fast-paced world, but the fundamental shift begins within ourselves. Additionally, the speaker encourages us to make digestion a priority, meaning taking the time to allow our food to be fully absorbed, rather than eating on the go or multitasking while we eat. By doing so, we can foster a healthier and more intentional relationship with food.

    • Understanding the impact of society on our food choicesEating slowly and respecting food releases satiety hormone leptin, reducing addiction to processed foods and enhancing overall joy and satisfaction.

      Our relationship with food has been skewed by society, leading us to seek instant gratification through unhealthy eating habits. Eating slowly and respecting our food is key to releasing the satiety hormone leptin, which signals to our brain that we're full. Conversely, the hunger hormone ghrelin is released when we're hungry. The constant pursuit of dopamine hits from processed foods can lead to addiction and a reduced ability to experience deep joy and satisfaction. This is similar to the effects of other addictive behaviors like porn, gaming, or gambling. The food industry has identified the "bliss point" of food, making it cheap and easily accessible, leading us to crave more and more. This constant pursuit can result in a refractory period, where we feel dulled and unable to experience pleasure from food or other sources. To break this cycle, focus on eating slowly, respecting your food, and consuming nutritious meals at appropriate times.

    • Modern diet goes against natural eating patternsOur modern diet, high in both fat and carbs, contradicts our natural evolutionary eating habits, leading to overconsumption due to economic and corporate influences.

      Our modern diet, with its excessive consumption of foods high in both fat and carbohydrates, goes against our natural evolutionary eating patterns. According to Zoe, in nature, foods are typically either protein and carbs or protein and fat, with exceptions being nuts, seeds, avocados, and milk. These foods are all linked to reproduction and survival. However, in today's society, we're constantly bombarded with foods that combine fat and carbs, bypassing our natural satiation mechanisms and leading to overconsumption. This is due in part to the economic system's design to encourage impulsive consumption and corporate profits. Health, which is a natural right in the natural world, has been turned into a commodity to be bought and sold. The pharmaceutical industry, instead of focusing on cures, aims to keep us as customers for life.

    • Profit-driven healthcare industry manipulates information and targetsThe healthcare system may prioritize profits over our true health, limiting access to information and promoting unnecessary treatments.

      The healthcare system as we know it may not prioritize our true health and wellbeing. The speaker shared examples of laws limiting access to information about potential cures and the normalization of conditions like obesity and high cholesterol. The profit-driven healthcare industry may manipulate information and targets to sell more drugs, rather than promoting overall health and wellness. The speaker emphasized the importance of taking responsibility for our own health and seeking out knowledge and wisdom from various sources. The "War on Health" conference aims to spread this message and provide a platform for sharing alternative health perspectives. The speaker also mentioned the manipulation of clothing sizes and the lowering of acceptable cholesterol levels to sell more statins as concerning examples of this profit-driven approach.

    • Healthcare prioritizes profits over peopleExplore individual solutions for better health, questioning the system's profit-driven approach to healthcare.

      The current healthcare system prioritizes corporate profits over individual health. Pharmaceutical companies, bound by fiduciary duty, may withhold cures to maintain profits. Ancient practices, like Chinese physicians being paid only when their patients were healthy, promote health and wellbeing. The War on Health conference acknowledges this issue and invites speakers, like myself and my partner Phil Escott, to discuss alternative approaches to healthcare. Phil, a psoriatic arthritis survivor, reversed his condition and now helps others. The notion of autoimmune diseases as the body attacking itself doesn't fully explain their causes and fails the "smell test." Instead, we should question the system and explore individual solutions for better health.

    • Redefining Our Understanding of HealthWe're more complex and interconnected than a machine with malfunctioning parts. Cholesterol is produced in our bodies, LDL particles play a crucial role, and healing goes beyond hospitals.

      Our understanding of health and the human body has been oversimplified, leading us to view ourselves as machines that malfunction and require replacement parts. However, the truth is that we are far more complex and interconnected with our environment and community than that. For instance, around 70-80% of the cholesterol in our bodies is produced by our livers, and LDL particles, which have been demonized, play a crucial role in carrying cholesterol and other nutrients throughout our bodies. Moreover, people like Phil Escott and Andrew Scarborough, who have faced significant health challenges, have shown that overcoming adversity is possible and inspiring. Additionally, speakers like Dr. Sarah Pugh challenge the notion that hospitals are the best places for healing and advocate for a more nuanced and holistic approach to health. Ultimately, we need to recognize and embrace our inherent complexity and power as human beings.

    • Celebrating the Heroism of Trailblazers in Health and ScienceDespite facing resistance, remarkable individuals and scientists, like Sofia Smallstorm and Richard Smith, continue to share their knowledge about reversing chronic diseases and inspire others.

      There are remarkable individuals and scientists, like Sofia Smallstorm and Richard Smith, who have successfully reversed various metabolic chronic diseases, including some of the most severe ones. However, their approaches to restoring health and sharing their knowledge face significant resistance from the mainstream academic and media institutions. This resistance stems from the powerful entities' desire to protect their orthodoxy and maintain their status quo. The system targets these trailblazers with various accusations, trying to silence them. Despite facing numerous challenges, these heroes continue to fight for sharing their knowledge and inspiring others. The conference aims to bring together such individuals and celebrate their heroism, as well as shed light on the important information often overlooked by mainstream sources.

    • Understanding the complexities of the healthcare systemEducate yourself about potential risks and errors in healthcare to make informed decisions and prevent iatrogenic harm.

      The healthcare system can be challenging to navigate and may not always have your best interests at heart. It's important to educate yourself about potential risks and errors, as iatrogenic harm is a leading cause of death. Historical context shows that medicine has made significant advancements but also had its share of questionable practices. Modern medicine may focus on blocking normal physiological processes with drugs, but it's crucial to question why these processes exist in the first place. Empower yourself with knowledge to make informed decisions about your health.

    • Overreliance on medication can lead to side effects and long-term health issuesOverreliance on medication can lead to complications and long-term health issues. Regularly reevaluate the need for continued use and consider natural alternatives.

      Our overreliance on medication can lead to a multitude of side effects and long-term health issues. These side effects occur when drugs interfere with normal physiological processes. For instance, blocking the production of stomach acid with proton pump inhibitors can lead to reflux and other complications. The problem lies in the fact that once someone is prescribed a drug, it's often continued indefinitely without reevaluation. This leads to polypharmacy and a reliance on multiple medications. It's essential to remember that our bodies are incredibly good at maintaining homeostasis and restoring natural balance. Before the widespread use of medication, our ancestors managed to live without the need for many of these drugs. It's crucial to consider the potential long-term consequences of medication use and to regularly reevaluate the need for continued use. Additionally, working with healthcare professionals, such as pharmacists, to safely manage and reduce medication use can be beneficial.

    • Manipulation of Systems by Those in PowerRecognize manipulation tactics, take action, and regain control of our lives and world. Reflect, rest, and practice gratitude.

      Those in power manipulate systems to maintain control and profit, often at the expense of the majority. This manipulation can be seen in various aspects of society, including healthcare and economics. The speaker believes that people are being screwed over, and they should be outraged, as life is unnecessarily hard for most. However, those in power only hold power through our consent. The problem-reaction-solution (PRS) paradigm is often used to control the narrative and keep people in a state of complacency. To fight back, we must be aware of these tactics and take action to regain control of our lives and our world. The speaker encourages reflection, rest, and gratitude, and emphasizes the importance of recognizing that we have the power to change things.

    • Manufactured crises by those in powerBe skeptical of crises presented as insurmountable problems, question their origins, and consider alternative solutions

      Throughout history, those in power have used "bullshit" or manufactured crises to maintain their perceived authority. These issues, which are often global, intangible, and invisible, are presented as insurmountable problems that only they can solve. However, if we turn off the news and critically examine these issues, we may find that they disappear or lose their urgency. The solutions, which often involve more government and technology, are then presented as the only rational response. It's important to remember that those in power create both the problems and the solutions, and we must be cautious not to let fear and panic cloud our judgment. Instead, we should question the origins of these issues and consider if there are alternative solutions that don't involve further consolidation of power.

    • Media manipulation through propagandaBe aware of media manipulation and propaganda, focusing on values like beauty, joy, cooperation, good food, and good family life to counteract their influence.

      The media, specifically the BBC in this context, can manipulate public perception through selective reporting and propaganda. The audience's reaction is crucial for these narratives to persist. If we refuse to engage or buy into these narratives, they may lose their power. This manipulation is not new, as evidenced by historical figures like Machiavelli, who wrote about maintaining power through immoral means. The concept of the "dark triad" in psychology further explains how some individuals lack empathy, manipulate others, and have an inflated sense of self-importance, making them particularly adept at wielding power and control through deceit. It's essential to be aware of these tactics and not let ourselves be swayed by propaganda, focusing instead on values like beauty, joy, cooperation, good food, and good family life.

    • Impact of societal and dietary factors on consciousness and mental healthStudy suggests vegetarian and vegan diets may lead to smaller brains and faster brain volume loss, potentially due to lack of essential fatty acids.

      The concern raised about the potential impact of societal and dietary factors on individual consciousness and mental health. The speakers expressed frustration over the perceived lack of outrage against various government actions that have negatively affected people's lives, such as school closures, mental health issues, and economic destruction. They also questioned whether food choices, specifically the avoidance of meat, could contribute to a more passive and less engaged population. A study mentioned in the conversation found that older adults who refrained from eating animal products had smaller brains at the start of the study and lost brain volume over time compared to those who consumed animal products. The speakers suggested that this could be due to the lack of essential fatty acids in vegetarian and vegan diets. Overall, the conversation touched on the interconnectedness of various aspects of modern life and their potential impact on individual and collective consciousness.

    • Ancestral Diets vs Modern FoodsFocus on whole foods, reduce stress, and understand historical nutritional context for optimal brain health and mental performance.

      Eggs and dairy come close to being complete foods, but they lack certain essential nutrients like DHA and EPA, which are primarily found in marine algae. Our ancestors did not have access to these sources, making it challenging for us to maintain optimal brain health and mental performance. A ketogenic or carnivore diet, which includes large amounts of meat and fat, can be effective in treating various health issues, including mental health problems. However, the widespread consumption of ultra-processed foods, which make up around 70% of the average American's diet, may contribute to societal issues and health problems. These foods, designed to be addictive, can impair cognitive function and overall well-being. The top three health tips are: eat like a human (focus on whole, nutrient-dense foods), relax and don't worry (reduce stress to improve overall health), and understand the importance of proper nutrition throughout human history.

    • Follow the Ten Commandments for better health and well-beingFocusing on self-love and following the Ten Commandments can help eliminate many problems and create a better world for everyone.

      Taking control of your health and well-being requires waking up to the fact that you have the power to make your own decisions, rather than blindly following external advice. The speaker emphasized the importance of self-love and following the fundamental principles of love and respect for others as outlined in the Ten Commandments. He argued that by focusing on these principles, we can eliminate many of the problems in the world. The Ten Commandments cover not having other gods before yours, not creating graven images, honoring the Sabbath, respecting your parents, not killing, not committing adultery, not stealing, not bearing false witness, and not coveting. By following these principles, we can avoid harming ourselves and others, and create a better world for everyone. To learn more about this approach to health and well-being, check out the Big Fat Challenge conference at thebigfatchallenge.com/events.

    • An enriching experience with more speakers, talks, and opportunities for Q&AAttend the event in person for unique value, human connection, and access to expert speakers and programs on health and healing

      The upcoming event promises to be an enriching experience with more speakers, talks, opportunities for Q&A, and a bonus session for attendees to share their learnings on health and healing. The organizers expressed their gratitude to their supporters and encouraged them to attend the event in person, as it won't be recorded or streamed online. The event will also feature The Red Pill Food Revolution and a lifestyle coaching program called The Big Fat Challenge. The speakers, including Tobias, Chrissy Smith, Mark Hayden, Jane Jackson, and Steph Stevens, were acknowledged for their contributions to the community. The organizers emphasized the importance of human connection and the unique value of being present at the event.

    Recent Episodes from Doc Malik

    #194 - A Conversation With An Ex Ambulance Driver

    #194 - A Conversation With An Ex Ambulance Driver

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    ABOUT THIS CONVERSATION: Please be warned this podcast contains almost 3 hrs of non-stop swearing. Avoid this episode if you will be offended by this. Matt Taylor is a former UK ambulance driver, paramedic and host of the NHS 100K podcast. NHS 100K was set up to represent the over 100 thousand healthcare workers who refused to take the jab and as a consequence risked losing their careers and livelihoods. NHS 100K was one of the most if not THE most instrumental organisations in fighting against the mandates and tyranny. Make no mistake about that. Matt invited me to his show last year but for whatever reason it didn't happen. Life brought our lives back into the same orbit this year in quite a dramatic fashion as you will find out in this episode. I want to thank Sai for helping make this podcast possible. I love Matt and Sai so much and they are brothers for life. I hope you enjoy the episode. Much love Ahmad x Links



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    Doc Malik
    enJune 26, 2024

    #193 - "The Angry Grandmother" And Forest Of The Fallen

    #193 - "The Angry Grandmother" And Forest Of The Fallen

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    ABOUT THIS CONVERSATION: Rosemary describes herself as "the angry grandmother" and wants to make it clear that she is "not an activist, but simply a grandmother who wants to stop vaccinations for humans and animals alike, and protect our children". Rosie is visiting the UK but resides in Australia. It was an absolute pleasure to sit down and talk to her about The Forest of The Fallen and much more. I hope you enjoy the episode. Much love Ahmad x Links



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    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    Doc Malik
    enJune 24, 2024

    #191 - Dr William Makis Part 1 - The Erosion Of The Medical Profession

    #191 - Dr William Makis Part 1 - The Erosion Of The Medical Profession

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    ABOUT THIS CONVERSATION: Dr William Makis MD is a Canadian physician, who was born in Czechoslovakia and fled Communism with his family via a United Nations refugee camp in 1988, where he lived for a year and learned to speak English. William grew up in Toronto, won the Governor General's Academic Medal and obtained a four-year undergraduate degree in Immunology at the University of Toronto on scholarship. He obtained his medical degree at McGill University in Montreal, Canada and did a 5-year specialisation training in Nuclear Medicine Radiology and Oncology. William diagnosed over 20,000 cancer patients and treated hundreds with cutting-edge Targeted Radionuclide Therapy. After his Cancer Treatment Program was sabotaged by Healthcare bureaucrats in 2016, he became a whistleblower and most recently a medical author on Substack.  In this podcast, we talk about the collapse of medical ethics, the influence of Big Pharma, and the erosion of the medical profession I hope you enjoy the episode. Much love Ahmad x Links



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    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    Doc Malik
    enJune 23, 2024

    #190 - Controlled Opposition

    #190 - Controlled Opposition

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    ABOUT THIS CONVERSATION: Michael is the founder and editor of Actionable Truth. Michael describes his process of awakening here - https://open.substack.com/pub/actionabletruth/p/my-personal-journey-to-awakening. I don’t know how I stumbled across his substack, but I was drawn to an article he wrote titled The Truth about Controlled Opposition - https://open.substack.com/pub/actionabletruth/p/the-truth-about-controlled-opposition. Imagine my surprise, when trying to find Michael’s contact details I discovered that he and Ursula (a supporter, former guest and now friend) knew each other, and are both on the team of Actionable Truth. https://www.actionabletruth.media/about. Michael has since become a good friend and I love our regular chats.

    Michael describes himself as an experienced technologist and digital marketer with background in Information Systems Engineering, Information Technology and Cyber Security. He is passionate about doing research and deep-diving into complex topics including Open-Source Intelligence, Geopolitics, Cybersecurity and Data analysis. Michael was born in what was then the USSR and moved to Israel at the age of 4. He has been living in Australia since 2002. In this conversation, we mainly talk about controlled opposition but cover some other topics as well. For further details visit my website www.docmalik.com or my substack www.docmalik.substack.com I hope you enjoy the episode. Much love Ahmad x Links



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    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    Doc Malik
    enJune 20, 2024

    #189 - From Peak Prosperity To Peak Insanity

    #189 - From Peak Prosperity To Peak Insanity

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    ABOUT THIS CONVERSATION: Chris Martenson, PhD (Duke), MBA (Cornell) is an economic researcher specialising in energy and resource depletion, and founder of PeakProsperity.com. Chris is also host of the Peak Prosperity podcast. In this podcast, we talk about a wide range of topics, including the economy, COVID-19, and the interconnectedness of various issues. We both believe that everything is linked, whether it's health, wealth, or politics. We also touch on the events of 9/11 and how it awoke us to the realities of the world. We talk about evil and its intention to keep people scared, small, sick, injured, or dead. I disagree with Chris over the theories of Dennis Meadows and the belief that humans are overusing resources and causing harm to the planet. Dennis was a key figure in the Club of Rome and believed in human overpopulation. Something I DO NOT subscribe to. For further details visit my website www.docmalik.com or my substack www.docmalik.substack.com I hope you enjoy the episode. Much love Ahmad x Links



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    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    Doc Malik
    enJune 19, 2024

    #187 - Mistakes Were Not Made

    #187 - Mistakes Were Not Made

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    ABOUT THIS CONVERSATION: After reading Margaret Anna Alice’s work, one can see why the saying “The pen is mightier than the sword” exists. Margaret’s writing has a unique style. It is beautifully lyrical, yet cuts through the bullshit of our time sharper than any Katana. It is incredibly well-researched and distils the truth, removing all impurities of propaganda. I must thank Mike Yeadon for the introduction a couple of months ago. In that short time frame, I have had the pleasure of having several conversations and thinking of her as a sister. There is only a 6-month difference in our age, we are both 80s kids and have so much in common. While Margaret’s prose is a delight to read, so is her poetry. Hearing Margaret recite two of her poems gave me so much pleasure. In this conversation, Margaret shares her journey and discusses how she has become such an incredible Substack writer, what motivates and drives her and her take on the events in recent years. Check out her substack for all her writings. I hope you enjoy this episode. Much love as always Ahmad Links



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    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    Doc Malik
    enJune 14, 2024

    #186 - Law & Freedom

    #186 - Law & Freedom

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    ABOUT THIS CONVERSATION: Anna de Buisserat is a lawyer, activist and freedom fighter. Anna is a senior employment lawyer specialising in discrimination law, disability discrimination, mental health discrimination, and human rights. Anna has devoted the past four years of her life to the people for the people, as many others have too. A veteran, senior lawyer, and most of all a woman of heart, courage, moral integrity, grit, and determination, she has defended people's rights and stood up for freedom. In this conversation, we discuss the Magna Carta, Common Law, Natural Law, Informed Consent, the Nuremberg Code and much more. Please support her cancer treatment by donating to her Give send go - link below. I hope you enjoy this episode. Much love as always Ahmad Links



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    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    Doc Malik
    enJune 12, 2024

    #184 - Playing God

    #184 - Playing God

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    ABOUT THIS CONVERSATION: Jacqui Deevoy is a writer, producer and presenter known most notably for her documentary "A Good Death?" co-produced with Ickonic Media which exposed the use of midazolam and morphine during the first 2 years of the Covid "pandemic", and accelerated or in many instances caused the death of thousands of innocent people, and not just the elderly. In this podcast episode, Jacqui talks about her latest documentary "Playing God", directed by award-winning directors Naeem & Ash Mahmood and produced by Jacqui. "Playing God" exposes the medical democide in the UK over the last 50 years. Is it about time that doctors and the medical establishment were taken down from their pedestal? I hope you enjoy this episode. Much love Ahmad Links



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    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    Doc Malik
    enJune 05, 2024

    #004 - Supporter Stories

    #004 - Supporter Stories

    FREEDOM - LIBERTY - HAPPINESS SUPPORT DOC MALIK To make sure you don't miss any episodes please subscribe to either:

    ABOUT THIS CONVERSATION: For too long, the Covid Plandemic has been a faceless monolith, represented by the media mainly through charts, graphs and confusing numbers. Science was corrupted, people were manipulated on a global scale and statistical jugglery was used to confuse, guide, and misinform. I have been moved by the messages from my paid supporters, who come from all walks of life and from across the globe. I have read some incredible emails, listened over the phone to amazing minds and beautiful souls, and most importantly I have learnt so much from them. I want to give a voice to these people. Everyone has a story worth telling, and I want to highlight this through this series of podcasts. In this episode, we have Alex from Germany and Yurek from Canada. Both have been some of my earliest supporters and listeners. I thank them both for their messages of support and recommendations. Alex was the one who put me in touch with Dr Sabine Stebel who did the amazing podcast on Spike Protein. If you are one of my supporters and would like to feature in the supporter series, please get in touch. If I have failed to get back to you it's because I'm inundated with correspondence and am struggling to keep up. You have my permission to badger me. I hope you enjoy the episode. Much love as always, Ahmad.



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    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    Doc Malik
    enJune 04, 2024

    #183 - Who Is The Real Barbara O'Neill?

    #183 - Who Is The Real Barbara O'Neill?

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    ABOUT THIS CONVERSATION: Barbara O’Neill is a huge figure in the natural alternative health movement. Barbara states "I am not a healer, I am a teacher. Your body is the healer, and I love to teach whoever is interested, the conditions that allow and encourage this amazing body we live in to do what it has been designed to do .....heal itself!" Barbara has a massive following across the world. Clips of her videos where she advocates natural remedies are shared and viewed by millions across social media. However, Barbara has her detractors who claim she is unqualified, a dangerous misinformation spreader “known for advertising dangerous and unsupported health practices and ideas”. In 2019, the Health Care Complaints Commission in New South Wales ruled that she is prohibited from providing any health-related services following several complaints from the public and health professionals. A subsequent investigation found that she provided dangerous advice to vulnerable patients, such as telling those with cancer to forego prescribed chemotherapy for bicarbonate of soda and to give infants unpasteurised goat's milk. The investigation found that she also had no qualifications in a health-related field and failed to meet the expected standards of unregistered health professionals. But what is the truth? The last few years and my own experience have taught me not to trust the authorities at face value and to question everything. I am also aware that there are always two sides to any story. So I asked Barbara directly about all the allegations and claims against her. I invite you to judge for yourself after hearing her side of the story, not just what is written in Wikipedia or mainstream news. I also asked Barbara about her top tips for staying healthy. See my substack post for further details. I hope you enjoy this episode. Much love Ahmad Links



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    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    Doc Malik
    enJune 03, 2024

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