
    152: Might Be Their First Rodeo.. Ft. Hannah Berner

    enFebruary 08, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Clear Communication and Setting BoundariesEffective communication and setting clear boundaries are crucial to avoid misunderstandings and feelings of being taken advantage of. Prioritize mental health and consider taking breaks or retreats to prioritize rest and reflection.

      Communication is key, especially when it comes to expectations and boundaries. In the first part of the discussion, the hosts mentioned their upcoming live shows and encouraged audience participation. They also shared a form for audience members to submit stories. The hosts then shared a funny anecdote about a misunderstanding regarding a recording session. Later in the episode, they discussed the theme of the day, which was potential assholes. One story presented was about a woman who creates digital portraits as a hobby and has been volunteered by her boyfriend to create portraits as gifts for their friends. While she views it as a thoughtful gesture, she hasn't communicated her boundaries and feels taken advantage of. This situation highlights the importance of clear communication and setting boundaries to avoid misunderstandings and potential feelings of being taken advantage of. Additionally, the hosts discussed their own experiences with burnout and mental health, emphasizing the importance of taking care of oneself and prioritizing mental health. They joked about the idea of mental health retreats and the need for spaces to prioritize rest and reflection. Overall, the episode emphasized the importance of communication, setting boundaries, and prioritizing mental health.

    • Setting Boundaries and Clear Communication in RelationshipsEffective communication and setting boundaries are vital for respect and trust in relationships. Undervaluing someone's time and creativity can lead to feelings of disrespect and resentment.

      Clear communication and setting boundaries are essential in any relationship. The discussion revolves around a woman who felt disrespected when her boyfriend promised to have her create a portrait as a wedding gift for his friend, whom she had never met, without consulting her first. The situation escalated when the boyfriend tried to use an AI image generator instead of paying the woman for her work. The woman felt undervalued and disrespected, leading to a heated argument. This incident highlights the importance of setting boundaries and communicating effectively. The boyfriend's actions could have been avoided if he had simply discussed the situation with his girlfriend before making promises. Similarly, the woman could have communicated her discomfort and boundaries regarding creating art for people she doesn't know. Furthermore, the incident underscores the value of a person's time and creativity. The boyfriend's assumption that the woman would create the portrait for free, despite the inconvenience and short turnaround, demonstrates a lack of understanding of the value of her work. This lack of respect led to the woman feeling undervalued and disrespected. In conclusion, clear communication and setting boundaries are crucial in any relationship. Understanding the value of a person's time and creativity is essential for building trust and respect in a partnership.

    • Communication in Relationships: Preventing MisunderstandingsClear communication is vital for healthy relationships, preventing misunderstandings, and avoiding feelings of disrespect or being taken advantage of.

      Effective communication is crucial in relationships. The discussion revolves around a woman's experience with her boyfriend asking her to create a portrait for someone they don't know, which left her feeling disrespected and undervalued. The conversation also touched on topics like periods, money management, and the challenges of dating. It was emphasized that people cannot read minds, and better communication would have prevented misunderstandings. Additionally, the importance of being responsible with money and not overspending was highlighted. The conversation also showed the frustration of feeling taken advantage of financially in a relationship and the importance of setting boundaries. In essence, clear and open communication is essential for maintaining healthy relationships and avoiding misunderstandings and feelings of being undervalued or taken advantage of.

    • Woman's Concerns About Bringing Boyfriend's Dog on VacationWoman advocates for proper training and responsible pet ownership, but feels unruly husky would disrupt vacation experience.

      The woman in the discussion feels that bringing her boyfriend's unruly husky on vacation would ruin the relaxing experience for her. She has expressed her dislike for the dog and its destructive behaviors, which have made it impossible for her to allow it in their shared living space. Despite her boyfriend's desire to bring the pet along, she believes that proper training and responsible pet ownership are essential for ensuring a enjoyable vacation for everyone involved. Ultimately, she feels that the dog's disruptive nature and her boyfriend's reluctance to address its issues make it inappropriate for a getaway.

    • Neglecting a pet's needs can strain relationshipsFailing to meet a pet's needs can lead to destructive behaviors, stress, and potential relationship issues. Proper training, exercise, mental stimulation, and socialization are crucial for pet health and happiness, as well as for maintaining a strong bond between partners.

      Neglecting a pet's needs can lead to problems not only for the pet but also for the relationship between partners. A lack of proper training and care for a dog, specifically a Siberian Husky, can result in destructive behaviors and stress for both the owner and their significant other. It's crucial for pet owners to understand their breed's needs and provide them with adequate exercise, mental stimulation, and socialization. Failing to do so can lead to unhappiness for all parties involved and potentially even the end of a relationship. Additionally, exploring alternative solutions, such as hiring a dog sitter, using pet-sitting services, or even taking a vacation without the pet, can help alleviate the stress and allow for a healthy balance between pet ownership and personal life. Ultimately, being informed and proactive in pet care can lead to a happier, healthier pet and a stronger, more fulfilling relationship.

    • Husky ownership requires responsibility and trainingProper care and training for huskies is crucial for their safety and well-being, and the relationship between the owner and dog. Neglecting these responsibilities can lead to dangerous situations and may be detrimental for both parties.

      Owning a husky or any breed requires responsibility, training, and consideration for the safety and well-being of the animal. If a partner fails to meet these expectations, it may be detrimental for both the relationship and the dog. The speaker expressed concerns about the husky's safety and the potential danger it could pose to others, especially when off-leash in public areas. She also suggested that the dog might be better off with a more experienced and dedicated owner. Additionally, she emphasized the importance of proper training and the effort required to care for a dog, likening it to having a child rather than a toy. The speaker shared her personal experiences with various dog owners and her preference for partners who are caring, firm, and able to handle challenging situations. She also highlighted Babbel as an effective tool for learning a new language, emphasizing its research-backed methods and convenience.

    • Discussing sexual terms in prenups can cause discomfortFocus on respect, communication, and shared goals for a healthier partnership, rather than including specific sexual clauses in prenups.

      Attempting to include specific sexual terms in a prenuptial agreement can lead to unnecessary conflict and discomfort in a relationship. The discussion revolves around a man insisting on such a clause in the prenup, which left his partner feeling objectified and uncomfortable. This demand, rooted in his past experiences, disregards the complexities and fluctuations of sexual relationships and intimacy within a marriage. Instead, focusing on mutual respect, open communication, and shared goals can foster a healthier and more sustainable partnership.

    • Regulating Intimacy through a Prenup: Effective or Harmful?Attempting to regulate intimacy through a prenup may not be effective or enforceable, and could potentially harm the relationship. Authenticity and open communication are key to a strong partnership.

      Attempting to regulate intimate aspects of a relationship through a prenup may not be effective or enforceable, and could potentially harm the relationship. The discussion also touched upon the potential for online appearances to not accurately reflect reality, and the importance of authenticity in relationships. The idea of a prenup stipulating a certain number of sexual encounters was brought up, with doubts raised about its enforceability and potential negative consequences. It was suggested that such an arrangement could lead to insecurity and pressure rather than fostering a healthy and loving relationship. The conversation also highlighted the importance of open communication and mutual respect in maintaining a strong partnership.

    • Maintaining a Healthy Relationship: Communication and UnderstandingEffective communication and understanding are essential in maintaining a strong and fulfilling relationship. Every couple is unique, and fostering open dialogue, respect, and compromise can help navigate the ups and downs and build a lasting partnership.

      Communication and understanding are key components in maintaining a healthy and fulfilling relationship. The discussion touched upon various aspects of relationships, including prenups, sex, and the importance of open dialogue. It was highlighted that a prenup can include various stipulations, and while some may seem unconventional, they reflect the unique dynamics of each couple. However, it's essential to remember that a prenup should not dictate every aspect of a relationship, and both parties should prioritize mutual respect, understanding, and compromise. Furthermore, the conversation emphasized the significance of sex in a relationship and how it can serve as an indicator of the overall health and connection between partners. It's important to remember that every relationship is unique, and it's crucial to have open and honest conversations about expectations, desires, and boundaries. In conclusion, the key takeaway is that effective communication and understanding are essential in maintaining a strong and fulfilling relationship. It's important to remember that every couple is unique, and their relationship dynamics will evolve over time. By fostering open dialogue, respect, and compromise, couples can navigate the ups and downs of their relationship and build a strong foundation for a lasting partnership.

    • Documentary Recommendation and Personal PassionsThe speaker recommends the HBO documentary 'Love Has Won' and is passionate about documentaries, affordable fashion brand Quince, and being fairly compensated for her actions.

      The speaker is passionate about documentaries, particularly those that delve into unusual or controversial topics like cults. She highly recommends the HBO documentary "Love Has Won," which is about a woman who believes she is led by the spirit of Robin Williams and is part of a cult. She was impressed by the amount of footage in the documentary, which she feels makes the viewer feel like they are witnessing the events firsthand. Additionally, the speaker is a fan of the affordable clothing brand Quince, which she believes offers high-quality, long-lasting pieces at reasonable prices. She shared her positive experiences with specific items she has purchased, such as a washable silk skirt and a linen dress. The speaker also expressed frustration over having to save her nephew from a swimming pool and expecting her brother to pay for a new phone that was damaged during the rescue. She believes her brother should be grateful for her actions and feels that asking for compensation is reasonable. Overall, the speaker's enthusiasm for documentaries and affordable fashion, as well as her belief in being fairly compensated for her actions, are key takeaways from the conversation.

    • Respecting Each Other's Belongings in RelationshipsClear communication and respect for each other's possessions are vital for maintaining healthy relationships and preventing conflicts.

      Communication and respect for each other's belongings are crucial in maintaining a healthy relationship. The discussion revolves around a situation where the husband feels frustrated with his wife's habit of giving away or lending out things that don't belong to her, which often results in the husband being unable to use or sell those items. In this particular instance, the wife gave away a tent that the husband had won and was planning to sell. The husband demanded compensation for the lost opportunity to sell the tent, leading to a heated argument and eventual payment from the wife. However, the situation sparked a larger debate among commenters regarding the ethics of the husband's actions. Some sided with the husband, arguing that he had every right to be compensated for the loss of an item he could have sold. Others criticized the husband for "extorting" his wife for money and emphasized that since he didn't technically buy the tent, he didn't lose any money. Ultimately, the takeaway is that clear communication and respect for each other's possessions are essential for avoiding misunderstandings and conflicts in relationships. It's important to discuss boundaries and expectations around the use and disposal of shared belongings to prevent unnecessary friction.

    • Respecting boundaries in relationshipsOpen communication and understanding are crucial for maintaining healthy relationships. Addressing recurring issues before they escalate is important to prevent extreme measures.

      Communication and respecting boundaries are key in maintaining a healthy relationship. The discussion revolves around a situation where a woman's husband demanded payment for an item she had given away without his consent. While some may view her actions as careless or even a mental health issue, others saw it as a pattern of disregard for her husband's belongings. The husband, in turn, felt the need to assert his authority and set boundaries. The involvement of the family and law enforcement added complexity to the situation, but ultimately, it highlights the importance of open dialogue and understanding between partners. It's essential to recognize and address recurring issues before they escalate, rather than resorting to extreme measures.

    • Expressing feelings and setting boundaries in relationshipsEffective communication involves expressing feelings, standing up for oneself, understanding different perspectives, and setting boundaries for self-care and wellbeing.

      Communication and setting boundaries are crucial in maintaining healthy relationships. In the first part of the discussion, the importance of standing up for oneself and expressing feelings was emphasized, using an example of dealing with a roommate's disregard for personal belongings. The second part introduced the concept of empathy and understanding different perspectives, as shown in a story about a misunderstanding between two individuals. The third part focused on stress management and the benefits of CBD products, as shared by a partner, Nextiva. Lastly, a personal anecdote about dealing with fears and allergies was shared, highlighting the importance of self-care and setting boundaries for one's wellbeing. Overall, the conversation touched on various aspects of relationships, communication, and self-care, emphasizing the importance of understanding, empathy, and setting boundaries.

    • Family Tensions Over Hobby Differences and FearEffective communication, understanding, and compromise are crucial in managing family tensions caused by hobby differences and personal fears. It's important to find solutions that respect everyone's needs and concerns.

      Family dynamics and personal preferences can lead to disagreements and misunderstandings. In this case, a sister and her husband's hobby differences, along with a housing crisis, caused tension between them and their sibling. The sister and her family were temporarily displaced due to construction issues with their new home, and they asked to move in with the sibling and their wife temporarily. However, the wife had a severe fear of spiders, and the husband refused to leave them behind. This led to an argument, with the sibling being labeled an "asshole" for not accommodating the spiders. Despite the label, the sibling was not being unreasonable. They were protecting their wife and unborn child from potential harm. The husband's love for his insects was admirable, but it was causing unnecessary conflict. The family could have found a solution by finding alternative housing for the insects or finding a different temporary living arrangement. This situation highlights the importance of communication, understanding, and compromise in family relationships. It also shows that everyone has different passions and preferences, and it's essential to respect them while also considering the needs and concerns of others.

    • Family tensions due to unusual pet attachmentsRespect each other's attachments and priorities, even if they seem unusual or extreme, to avoid family conflicts and potential homelessness.

      People's attachments to their pets, even if they seem unusual or extreme to others, can cause significant conflicts and challenges in their lives. The discussion revolves around a family situation where a man's love for spiders is causing tension, leading to potential homelessness for his sister and her family. The fear and severity of spiders for his wife, who had a family member die from a spider bite, add to the complexity of the situation. The comments suggesting therapy for the wife or simply avoiding spiders in her home can be seen as insensitive and blaming the victim. The family could explore alternative solutions, such as seeking legal advice, finding temporary housing, or compromising with their brother-in-law. Ultimately, it's essential to understand and respect each other's attachments and priorities, even if they don't align perfectly.

    • Communication and respect during laborBoth partners should listen, understand, and respect each other's roles and decisions during labor to maintain a healthy relationship.

      Communication and respect are key in any relationship, especially during important decisions such as childbirth. The wife in the discussed scenario expressed her desire for a more relaxed and homey birth experience, but her husband kept interrupting and trying to impose his opinions, leading to conflict. It's important for both partners to listen to each other, understand each other's perspectives, and respect each other's roles and decisions. The husband's job during labor should be to support and advocate for his wife, not to dictate the process. Misunderstandings and disagreements can arise when communication breaks down, leading to feelings of disrespect and resentment. It's essential to prioritize open and honest dialogue to avoid misunderstandings and maintain a healthy and strong relationship.

    • Effective Communication and Mutual Respect in RelationshipsPrioritize open dialogue, trust, and a shared understanding in relationships to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts during challenging times like pregnancy and childbirth. Mutual respect and effective communication are essential for a healthy and strong relationship.

      Communication and mutual respect are crucial in relationships, especially during challenging times like pregnancy and childbirth. Misunderstandings and lack of knowledge can lead to unnecessary conflicts and even dangerous situations. It's important to prioritize open dialogue, trust, and a shared understanding of each other's feelings and concerns. Ignoring or dismissing a partner's perspective is not acceptable behavior and can have long-term consequences. Additionally, it's essential to remember that everyone's experiences and knowledge vary, and it's important to approach disagreements with a willingness to learn and grow together. Overall, the foundation of a healthy and strong relationship lies in mutual respect, trust, and effective communication.

    • Experience the excitement of live showsImmerse yourself in unpredictable events, make new friends, and create lasting memories at live shows

      Attending these shows is an immersive experience that allows you to forget your own problems and be part of something wild and unpredictable. You never know what's going to happen, but the excitement and energy are guaranteed to leave a lasting impression. So, if you ever get the chance to hit up one of these shows, don't hesitate. It's an opportunity to step out of your comfort zone and be a part of something truly memorable. And who knows, you might just make some new friends along the way. So, thank you for joining me on this journey, and until next time, keep an open mind and an adventurous spirit. Bye!

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    166: Trying to Have a Good Time.. Ft. Zane and Heath Unfiltered

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    164: Cheating the System.. Ft. Charlotte Dobre

    164: Cheating the System.. Ft. Charlotte Dobre
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    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Charlotte Dobre!! CHEATING, AFFAIRS, OH MY. This episode is all about cheating the system or straying from the norms you may have agreed to. Whether that's being a good partner, or just answering your phone if a family member calls 30 times.. There are some tough ones this week that we could use your takes on too!

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    163: Anything but Perfect..

    163: Anything but Perfect..
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    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Richa!! I am so excited to introduce a new friend to the THT family! Show Richa some love for being brave enough to come on and address these stories that were anything but perfect.. From your SIL trying to borrow a symbolic family heirloom to finding out you have a brain tumor these OPs were going through it. And we're left with a lot of questions.. the biggest.. DO YOU TELL THEM?!

    Checkout Richa! https://www.instagram.com/richaanand/?hl=en

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    My Husband Has Pictures of Naked Women
    On this episode, we hear about: -       A wife unsettled by what she found on her husband’s phone -       A husband struggling with his wife’s hoarding -       A woman wondering how to stop people pleasing Next Steps 📞 Ask John a question! Leave a voicemail at 844.693.3291 or click here: https://www.ramseysolutions.com/shows/the-dr-john-delony-show/ask-a-question 📚 Building a Non-Anxious Life: https://ter.li/TDJDSBNAL 📝 Anxiety Test: https://bit.ly/460QXUp 📚 Own Your Past, Change Your Future: https://ter.li/TDJDSOYP ❓ Questions for Humans Conversation Cards:https://ter.li/TDJDSQFH 💭 John's Free Guided Meditation: https://bit.ly/3MAGpEV ❤️ Money & Marriage Event: https://ramseysolutions.com/getaway   Offers From Today's Sponsors   -       10% off your first month of therapy at BetterHelp: https://bit.ly/3seoBCe  -       3 free months of Hallow:  https://www.hallow.com/delony  -       25% off Thorne orders: https://www.thorne.com/u/delony -       Save up to $250 on the Eight Sleep Pod: https://eightsleep.com/delony  -       15% off your Apollo Neuro order: https://apolloneuro.com/pages/delony-lp?utm_source=delony&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=lander -       Save 20% on Organifi orders: https://www.organifishop.com/pages/delony   Listen to More From Ramsey Network   🎙️ The Ramsey Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership   These platforms contain content, including information provided by guests, that is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. The content is not intended to replace or substitute for any professional medical, counseling, therapeutic, financial, legal, or other advice. The Lampo Group, LLC d/b/a Ramsey Solutions as well as its affiliates and subsidiaries (including their respective employees, agents and representatives) make no representations or warranties concerning the content and expressly disclaim any and all liability concerning the content including any treatment or action taken by any person following the information offered or provided within or through this show. If you have specific concerns or a situation in which you require professional advice, you should consult with an appropriately trained and qualified professional expert and specialist. If you are having a health or mental health emergency, please call 9-1-1 immediately.    Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy https://www.ramseysolutions.com/company/policies/privacy-policy   X (@johndelony) Instagram (@johndelony) Facebook (facebook.com/johndelony/)

    Episode 19: Brooke's Beef with Logan Paul

    Episode 19: Brooke's Beef with Logan Paul
    In this episode Brooke and Tana discuss their hectic December, New Year's Eve in Vegas, and Brooke's Beef with Logan Paul. This episode is sponsored by Cerebral (http://www.cerebral.com/tana), Noom (http://www.noom.com/tana), and Adam & Eve (http://www.adamandeve.com offer code Tana). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    153: The Case For TRYING EASIER

    153: The Case For TRYING EASIER

    We usually equate the phrase “trying hard” to trying, PERIOD. If you didn’t “try hard,” did you even really try at all?

    In this episode we talk about:

    • Is it possible to try easier, without trying LESS?
    • The habits we work ourselves into around "trying," especially during times when we do need to give our all
    • How to, logistically, shift your relationship with how you"try"
    • ...and more!


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    Why Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce Won't Work Out... Dropouts #171

    Why Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce Won't Work Out... Dropouts #171

    If you're feeling lost in anyway you should give therapy a try and let BetterHelp be your map. Right now when you go to https://www.betterhelp.com/dropouts you can get 10% off your first month! Get 20% off on KIND - click https://rmbrnd.com/kind and enter BIGGIVE at checkout, while supplies last. Virtual product placement by Rembrand https://www.rembrand.com Here we go Swifties, we jump into the deep end of conspiracy theories surrounding the budding relationship between Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift and why it may or may not be the fairytale we're all hoping for... We also talk about some of Jared's favorite "trash tv" gossip from Love Is Blind, fawn over our biggest celebrity crush, Alyssa talks about how she went bankrupt, a little bit of Dropouts advice, and a whole lot of laughs We hope you enjoy! SUB TO OUR PATREON FOR BONUS AND BEHIND THE SCENES CONTENT! https://www.patreon.com/dropoutspod BUY OR SICK FREAKING MERCH! https://www.shopdropouts.com Keep up with us! Zach: https://www.instagram.com/zachjustice/ Jared: https://www.instagram.com/jarebearmusic/ DM us with your questions, ideas, and videos! https://www.instagram.com/dropoutspod/ or Email us! dropoutsadvice@gmail.com