
    Podcast Summary

    • Living Through New York City's Challenging Times: Then and NowNew York City's current lockdown is a stark contrast to the past, with unique challenges and a sense of uncertainty. Living through such changes is different from looking back with rose-tinted glasses, and competent leadership is crucial.

      The current lockdown situation in New York City is a drastic change from just six months ago, and it's unlike any other era in the city's history. Colin Quinn shared his experiences of living in New York during the 70s, which was also a challenging time, but different in many ways. The city is now largely deserted, with boarded-up stores, closed bodegas, and few people on the streets. The collapse of the city has brought about a unique sense of weirdness and uncertainty. Quinn emphasized that living through these changes is vastly different from looking back on them with rose-colored glasses. He also highlighted the importance of living under a competent mayor, as seen during Rudy Giuliani's tenure in the 90s when he transformed New York City into a safer and more vibrant place.

    • Michael Bloomberg's Leadership ReassessmentLeaders' performances can be reassessed over time, and public perception can shift. Past actions may resurface, potentially leading to speculation about a return to politics.

      Leaders' performances can be reassessed over time. Michael Bloomberg, New York City's former mayor, was once criticized for seeking a third term but is now missed by some due to the perceived inadequacy of his successor, Bill de Blasio. Bloomberg's past actions, such as asking James Altucher to perform at an event, have resurfaced, leading some to speculate about his potential return to politics. However, New York City's future remains uncertain, with ongoing debates about its current state and the role of gritty experiences in shaping its identity. Ultimately, the discussion highlights the complexities of political leadership and the evolving perspectives of the public.

    • Perception of law enforcement skewed by viral negative interactionsUnderstanding of police interactions is often based on viral videos, not the vast majority of positive encounters. Recognize complexities and work towards improving community-police relations.

      The perception of law enforcement, particularly in the context of social media, can be skewed by the virality of negative interactions. The speaker shared personal experiences of gritty urban environments and the respect for police during the 80s and 90s, contrasting it with the current nationwide resentment and disrespect towards the police force. He emphasized that the public's understanding of police interactions is often based on viral videos, which do not represent the vast majority of positive encounters. The speaker also touched upon the historical context of racial tensions and the complexities of addressing these issues. It's essential to recognize the complexities of the situation and acknowledge the challenges faced by law enforcement while working towards improving community-police relations.

    • Presidential debate: Failure to denounce white supremacy and chaos ensueBoth candidates missed opportunities to condemn white supremacy during the debate. Many felt the moderator could have taken a more assertive role, and the conversation shifted to unrelated topics, leading to chaos and unproductivity.

      During the presidential debate, both candidates failed to clearly denounce white supremacy when asked. Chris Wallace, the moderator, attempted to enforce order but was criticized for not taking a more assertive role. Many felt that a more authoritative figure, like a UFC referee or a seasoned law enforcement officer, was needed to maintain control. The conversation then shifted to discussing the appropriateness of wearing blackface and the origins of redheads. The Vikings were brought up, and it was hypothesized that they may have used psychoactive mushrooms during battles, leading to the term "berserkers." Overall, the debate was seen as chaotic and unproductive, with many wishing for a more decisive and focused approach.

    • Effects of psychedelics on aggression vary greatlyPersonal experiences and environment impact the relationship between psychedelics and aggression, and further research is needed to understand the complexities.

      While some scholars suggest that certain substances like mushrooms could induce berserker rage, personal experiences and anecdotal evidence suggest that the effects of such substances can vary greatly depending on the individual and their environment. For instance, eating mushrooms in a peaceful setting may not lead to violence, but in a violent world or during a fight, they could potentially enhance aggression. Additionally, some fighters reportedly use psychedelics to enhance their performance, but the effects of such substances under such high-stress conditions are not fully understood and may be different from their recreational use. Ultimately, the relationship between psychedelics and aggression is complex and requires further research.

    • Unexpected challenges in comedy performancesLearning from unexpected disruptions and honing material in less glamorous venues can lead to comedic success.

      Performing comedy can be unpredictable and challenging, even in unexpected settings. The speaker shared a story about a chaotic event at a family gathering that disrupted his act, leading to a brawl and the intervention of young mobsters. Despite the negative experience, the speaker learned valuable lessons from performing in smaller, less glamorous venues where he could hone his material and receive honest feedback from audiences. These experiences helped him refine his act and become a successful comedian. The incident at the family gathering also served as a reminder that hecklers and disruptions are a part of the job, and that staying calm and professional is essential. Overall, the speaker emphasized the importance of perseverance and adaptability in the face of adversity, and the value of learning from every performance experience, good or bad.

    • The importance of performing for various audiences in comedyComedians need diverse crowds to hone their craft and connect with fans, even in unusual settings like drive-in comedy shows during the pandemic.

      Comedy, like a well-rounded workout routine, requires a combination of different experiences and audiences to truly develop and resonate with people. Comedians need to perform for large crowds to hone their craft and test their material, but also for smaller, less impressed audiences to see if their jokes can still connect. The beauty of comedy is its ability to surprise and challenge us, no matter how long we've been doing it. As for the current state of comedy clubs, due to the pandemic, many have moved outdoors to parks and parking lots, where comedians perform for paying audiences in their cars. This has led to unique and creative shows, such as Bert Kreischer's drive-in comedy specials, which have reached large audiences in a safe and socially distanced way. Despite the challenges, comedians continue to adapt and find new ways to connect with their fans.

    • Challenges in the comedy industry during the pandemicComedians adapt to virtual shows and safety measures while grappling with financial impacts and longing for live audiences

      The comedy industry, like many others, is facing significant challenges due to the pandemic. Some comedians, like Bert, thrive in unconventional settings and enjoy performing despite the challenges, while others miss the energy and connection of live audiences. The industry is also grappling with the financial impact of the pandemic and the shift to virtual shows. There's a desire to return to in-person shows, but safety measures like testing and mask-wearing are necessary. The comedy club experience, from testing to hosting, may change to accommodate these new realities. Ultimately, the industry is adapting, and comedians are finding creative ways to connect with audiences, even in the most challenging of circumstances.

    • The Comedy Store in the late 80s and early 90s: A chaotic and rough place for comedyDuring the late 80s and early 90s, the Comedy Store in Los Angeles was a chaotic and rough place, with gang activity and a lack of respect from agents and industry professionals, making it difficult for good comedy to thrive.

      The Comedy Store in Los Angeles during the late 80s and early 90s was a chaotic and rough place, with gang activity and a lack of respect from agents and industry professionals. The atmosphere was not conducive to good comedy, with agents talking loudly during shows and disregarding the performers. The Comedy Store's owner, Mitzi Shore, tried to maintain a focus on the comedy and keep the atmosphere respectful, but it was a difficult task. The Comedy Store had once been a hub for comedy greats like Jay Leno and David Letterman, but by the time the speaker arrived in the mid-90s, many of those performers had moved on, leaving behind a shadow of its former self. However, despite the challenges, there were still moments of great comedy and camaraderie among the performers.

    • The double-edged sword of sudden fame for comediansSudden fame can bring large audiences and recognition, but it also makes it challenging for comedians to develop new material and connect with fans in the same way they did when starting out.

      The sudden fame experienced by comedians like Sam Kinison could be both a blessing and a curse. While it brought them large audiences and recognition, it also made it difficult for them to develop new material and connect with their fans in the same way they did when they were starting out. Sam Kinison's experience of performing his older material to crowds who knew it by heart and demanded new content led to a struggle to adapt to the new demands of his career. The scene in Texas, where both Kinison and Bill Hicks started their careers, was a breeding ground for alternative comedy and helped shape the careers of many comedians during the 80s. Despite the challenges, these comedians continued to push boundaries and leave a lasting impact on the comedy world.

    • Unconventional comedy club owners shaped the comedy scenePassionate club owners fostered vibrant comedy communities, paid well, and valued hard work, but unsustainable business models led to excessive partying and substance use, ultimately hindering comedians' growth.

      The comedy scene in the past was fueled by passionate, unconventional individuals who created vibrant communities where comedians honed their craft and pushed boundaries. These club owners, such as Mark Babbitt and Mike Lenny Clark, paid comedians well and fostered an environment that valued hard work and authenticity. However, this unsustainable business model often led to excessive partying and substance use, which hindered the comedians' growth and ultimately led to their downfall. Despite the challenges, these wild and unconventional figures played a crucial role in shaping the comedy landscape and paving the way for future generations.

    • Boston comedy scene's local pride led to intentional sabotageThe Boston comedy scene's strong local pride led to intentional sabotage of out-of-town headliners, creating a challenging environment for comedians trying to establish a career beyond their local scene.

      During his early comedy career, the comedy scene in Boston had a unique culture where local comedians would intentionally sabotage out-of-town headliners to protect their own turf. This was evident in a particular incident where the speaker was subjected to a hostile crowd and had to be rescued by a local comedian. The speaker also noted that this was common in other places, but the intensity was greater in Boston due to the strong local pride. This created a challenging environment for comedians trying to make a name for themselves outside of their local scene.

    • Surviving the Gauntlet of the Comedy SceneThe past comedy scene was incredibly competitive and unforgiving, requiring comedians to endure heckling, sabotage, and bombing to prove themselves. Some, like Dom Irrera, thrived under pressure, while others, like Bill Hicks, turned disastrous performances into opportunities. The experience forged iconic comedians but was not for the faint of heart.

      The comedy scene in the past was incredibly competitive and unforgiving, with comedians often facing hostile audiences and sabotage from their peers. This was particularly true at the Comedy Store in Los Angeles, where newcomers had to endure a gauntlet of heckling and bombing to prove themselves. Dom Irrera was one comedian who managed to survive this grueling experience, thanks to his cool confidence and solid material. However, not all comedians were as fortunate, and some, like Bill Hicks, were able to turn even the most disastrous performances into opportunities to showcase their unique comedic voices. Ultimately, the comedy scene of the past was a crucible that forged some of the most iconic and influential comedians of all time, but it was not for the faint of heart.

    • Comedians in the 80s relied on wit and humor in morning radio showsComedians in the 80s succeeded by relying on wit and humor in morning radio shows, but they needed to write new material to avoid becoming stale and irrelevant.

      The comedy scene in the 80s was vastly different from what it is today. Comedians back then would often perform their acts on morning radio shows without scripts, relying on their wit and humor to attract audiences to their live shows. This approach worked as people would hear the same jokes at the clubs and find it entertaining. Comedians in the 80s also stayed in their cities, perfecting their craft and becoming local legends. However, the lack of new material and constant crowd work led some comedians to become overly reliant on these techniques, making their acts feel stale over time. While some comedians became great at crowd work, it was essential for comedians to discipline themselves and write new material to maintain their relevance and avoid becoming a cheat code for audiences.

    • Exploring new comedy styles and staying freshComedians need to innovate and try new things to keep audiences engaged. Inspired by performers like Eric Bogosian and Lily Tomlin, one comedian experimented with one-man shows but ultimately returned to stand-up for its unique challenges. Comedy is a collaborative art form that thrives on the interaction between performer and audience.

      Comedy, especially in modern times, requires constant innovation and new material. Comedians need to keep pushing boundaries and trying new things to keep their audiences engaged. This was a theme that emerged during the conversation, with the comedian discussing his experiences with one-man shows and the importance of staying fresh. He mentioned being inspired by performers like Eric Bogosian and Lily Tomlin, and how they influenced his decision to try that style of comedy. However, he ultimately returned to stand-up because of the unique challenge it presents - the need to make the audience laugh in real-time. As he put it, "Once you're on stage with a project, you're surviving." The beauty of comedy is that the crowd acts as a wave, giving performers a few minutes to win them over before moving on to the next act. And without that audience, comedy loses its essence. As the comedian noted, "You still have to make them laugh or it's not comedy. That's the importance also of showcase clubs where there's a bunch of comics going up and they're not just there to see you." Ultimately, comedy is a collaborative art form that requires the performer and the audience to work together to create a memorable experience.

    • Power dynamics in celebrity interactionsThe power dynamics and risks of celebrity interactions have evolved, making raw, uncensored commentary on celebrities unlikely in today's entertainment industry.

      The dynamics of celebrity interactions and the entertainment industry have evolved significantly over the years. During the early 2000s, shows like Tough Crowd provided a platform for raw, uncensored commentary on celebrities and their behavior. However, the risks and consequences of such commentary are much greater today, making it unlikely for such a show to exist in its original form. The speaker shared anecdotes about interactions with Bill Cosby, highlighting the stark contrast between Cosby's perceived demeanor towards him and his girlfriend during a benefit show and his chastisement of Wanda Sykes during an interview. These experiences underscored the power dynamics and complexities inherent in celebrity encounters. While there have been discussions about reviving Tough Crowd, the speaker expressed doubts about its feasibility in today's climate, as many careers could be negatively impacted by the unfiltered commentary.

    • Changes in LA comedy scene and raw, uncensored podcast formatAmidst the challenges of COVID-19 and Hollywood, a podcast featuring candid comedians could thrive, offering raw, uncensored comedy and attracting a large audience.

      The comedy scene in Los Angeles has undergone significant changes, with many comedians leaving for other regions due to the impact of COVID-19 and the challenges of working in the Hollywood system. Patrice O'Neal, a beloved figure in the comedy world, hosted a groundbreaking comedy show in the late 1990s and early 2000s, and his style and influence continue to be celebrated. If produced as a podcast, a show featuring established comedians like Joey Diaz could attract a large audience, as they would be free to speak candidly and without the constraints of the Hollywood system. The original name of the podcast, "Tough Room," captures the essence of the raw, unfiltered comedy that could emerge from such a format. The comedy scene may be moving towards an outdoor or virtual model, or a return to live performances with COVID-19 treatments, but the importance of creating a space for authentic, uncensored comedy remains.

    • Navigating Challenges for Women in ComedyIn comedy, success depends on merit, but booking opportunities can be challenging for women due to biases. Women must be strong, dominant personalities to succeed and disprove stereotypes.

      Comedy is a meritocracy where everyone gets the respect they deserve based on their performance. However, being a booker in the comedy industry is a challenging role as everyone believes they should be given opportunities regardless of their readiness or skill level. For women in comedy, it can be an even harder path as some audiences and comedians may hold biases. To succeed, women need to be undeniable and dominant personalities in the industry. The idea that women aren't funny is a misconception, and the industry has come a long way in recognizing the talents of women comedians. Ultimately, the comedy scene values killers, regardless of gender, and those who aren't delivering will face challenges.

    • Comedy from adversity and vulnerabilitySuccessful comedians use personal experiences, including adversity and vulnerability, to shock and entertain audiences. They require detachment, fearlessness, and a willingness to confront the uncomfortable.

      Comedy, much like life, often stems from adversity and vulnerability. Comedians like Sarah Silverman, Sam Kinison, and Roseanne, who have experienced significant life-altering events, have used their experiences to shock and entertain audiences. Brain injuries, for instance, can lead to impulsive and wild behavior, which can be harnessed for comedic effect. However, to be successful in comedy, one must develop a certain level of detachment and fearlessness, refusing to be uncomfortable or ashamed, even in the face of potential failure. Audiences connect with comedians who speak their truth and confront hecklers, allowing them to live vicariously through the comedian's experiences. Ultimately, comedy is an alchemical art form that requires a unique blend of vulnerability, fearlessness, and a willingness to confront the uncomfortable.

    • Dealing with hecklers and chaotic crowds in comedyComedians have learned to handle interruptions and negative feedback, honed in chaotic comedy clubs, and use hecklers to their advantage. Audience participation is crucial for the comedy experience, creating a unique state of mind.

      Handling hecklers and chaotic crowds is a crucial part of the comedy experience. Comedians have learned to deal with interruptions and negative feedback as a normal part of their performances. This skill was honed in chaotic comedy clubs where there was no crowd control, and hecklers were allowed to yell and interrupt. This experience made comedians better at their craft, as they learned to stay calm and focused under pressure. Comedians like Bill Hicks and Lenny Bruce used hecklers to their advantage, turning their heckles into part of the act. The audience's participation in the comedy experience is essential, and the connection between the comedian and the audience creates a unique state of mind that is not available in other forms of entertainment. The current COVID situation has made live comedy shows challenging, but the appreciation for this art form will only grow stronger once we return to normalcy.

    • Returning to Stand-Up Comedy After a Long BreakDedication, preparation, and respect for the audience are crucial when performing stand-up comedy after a long break. Each performance is an opportunity to connect with new audiences and maintain a sense of urgency and professionalism.

      Performing stand-up comedy, especially after a long break due to circumstances like the COVID-19 pandemic, requires dedication, preparation, and respect for the audience. The speaker shares his experience of returning to the stage after a prolonged absence and the importance of giving it one's best, even if it's not perfect. He emphasizes the significance of treating each performance as an opportunity to connect with new audiences and the importance of maintaining a sense of urgency and respect for those who have paid to see you. Additionally, the speaker touches on the benefits of outdoor performances, particularly in relation to circulation and potential exposure to UV light and sun, which may help reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of approaching stand-up comedy as a professional endeavor and the value of continuous improvement and growth in the craft.

    • Discussions on conspiracy theories surrounding famous deathsConversations explored theories about Marilyn Monroe and Jeff Epstein's deaths, highlighting public fascination with conspiracy theories and power dynamics.

      The discussion revolved around various theories and speculations regarding the deaths of notable public figures, including Marilyn Monroe and Jeff Epstein. Some participants believed that these individuals were killed by powerful people or organizations, while others expressed skepticism or doubt. The conversation also touched on the ease with which some people might be willing to commit murder for money or to protect their reputations. It's important to note that these are unproven theories and speculations, and there is no concrete evidence to support them. Ultimately, the conversation underscores the enduring public fascination with conspiracy theories and the complexities of power and celebrity.

    • Allegations of CIA connection to Manson family and criminal activitiesDuring the 1960s, the CIA reportedly used the Manson family for discrediting the hippie movement and possibly orchestrating events like the assassinations of Jack Ruby and Lee Harvey Oswald through their MK Ultra program. An operative, Jolly West, was linked to these activities.

      During the 1960s, there were allegations of a connection between the CIA, the Manson family, and various criminal activities. The CIA's MK Ultra program, which involved experimentation with LSD and mind control, reportedly used the Manson family to discredit the hippie movement and possibly orchestrate events like the assassinations of Jack Ruby and Lee Harvey Oswald. One operative, Jolly West, was linked to these activities and reportedly visited Jack Ruby in jail, where he may have administered LSD. The CIA's involvement in these incidents was an attempt to suppress the anti-war movement and maintain control during a time of political upheaval. The book "Chaos" by Tom O'Neill provides detailed documentation of these allegations. The Kennedy assassination video, which was made public years later by comedian Dick Gregory, adds another layer to this complex web of intrigue.

    • JFK Assassination: Controversy and Suspicions of Cover-upsDespite the Warren Commission's conclusion of Lee Harvey Oswald acting alone in JFK's assassination, many believe powerful organizations and multiple shooters were involved, fueled by inconsistencies, witness deaths, and unanswered questions.

      The Kennedy assassination is a topic shrouded in controversy and inconsistencies, with many believing that it involved more than one shooter and that powerful organizations like the mob and CIA played a role in covering up the truth. Dick Gregory, a comedian and social activist, was one of many who expressed skepticism about the official narrative. The Warren Commission report, which concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone, was criticized for being a rushed and biased investigation. Numerous witnesses and key figures involved in the case were later found dead, fueling suspicions of a cover-up. Some conspiracy theories even suggest that figures like the mob, CIA, and even extraterrestrial life were involved. While some may dismiss these theories as outlandish, others continue to investigate and seek answers to the many unanswered questions surrounding JFK's assassination.

    • Importance of Proper Handling and Maintenance of Rifle ScopesProper handling and maintenance of rifle scopes are essential for accuracy and effectiveness in marksmanship. Neglecting these aspects can lead to inaccuracies and impact the outcome of deadly situations.

      The scope of a rifle and its accuracy are crucial elements in marksmanship. During a discussion about various assassinations, it was mentioned that some people doubted the effectiveness of the scopes used in these incidents. However, the speaker explained that if a rifle is dropped after being fired, the scope can be affected and cause inaccuracies in shooting. This was a significant point in the conversation, as it highlighted the importance of proper handling and maintenance of weapons. Additionally, the conversation touched on the military training that some assassins received, and how it may have contributed to their deadly skills. Overall, the discussion emphasized the significance of precision and preparation in deadly situations.

    • Norm's admiration for the intelligently incomprehensibleNorm Macdonald appreciates deep knowledge and intelligence, even if he doesn't fully understand it, and is a master of impulsive actions.

      Norm Macdonald, a renowned comedian, is known for his intelligence, quick wit, and impulsive behavior. He has a unique ability to say things that leave people questioning and intrigued. During a conversation, Norm spoke about his encounters with other intelligent individuals who spoke in codes he couldn't understand. Despite not fully comprehending their conversations, Norm acknowledged their intelligence and admired their depth of knowledge. Norm himself is a master of the double troll and has a penchant for impulsive actions, such as quitting smoking mid-conversation only to light up as he leaves. The conversation also touched on Norm's love for gambling and his fascination with conspiracy theories. The discussion of JFK's assassination and the country's subconscious acceptance of the event highlighted the enduring allure of unsolved mysteries. Overall, the conversation showcased Norm's intelligence, quick thinking, and the captivating nature of his conversations.

    • Giuliani's Crusade Against Organized Crime in NYCRudy Giuliani's enforcement of the law led to the prosecution of numerous mob members using the RICO Act, marking a turning point in reducing organized crime's influence in NYC.

      Rudy Giuliani played a significant role in cleaning up organized crime in New York City during the 1980s. He took on various industries, including sanitation and restaurant unions, which were heavily influenced by the mob. Giuliani's efforts to enforce the law led to the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act being used to prosecute numerous mob members. Some high-profile figures, such as Sammy the Bull Gravano, have since become media personalities, showcasing the passage of time and the changing nature of organized crime. Despite their criminal pasts, these individuals have found new ways to make a living and adapt to the modern world. Giuliani's determination and the implementation of the RICO Act marked a turning point in New York City's history, significantly reducing the influence of organized crime in the city.

    • Former mobster turned motivational speaker and author, French Hazy, discusses his past in the gasoline bootleg racket and potential podcast guest appearanceFormer mobster French Hazy, now a motivational speaker and author, shares insights from his criminal past in the gasoline bootleg racket and is considered for a podcast appearance, despite skepticism due to his criminal history and potential danger.

      The subject of this discussion, French Hazy, is a former mobster who amassed a fortune worth billions during the gasoline bootleg racket in the 1980s. Despite being indicted and sentenced to prison, he is now a motivational speaker and author. The conversation also touches upon the possibility of having Hazy as a podcast guest, with some expressing skepticism due to his criminal past and the potential danger it may pose. Hazy's charisma and street intelligence were noted, as well as his involvement with the Russian mob and the Colombo loan sharks. The discussion also reveals that Hazy was involved in fixing baseball games for betting purposes. Despite his criminal history, Hazy has since been released from prison and is now a public figure, having been interviewed by various media outlets.

    • John Leguizamo shares stories of NYC's past charm and dark sidesOld-school comedy clubs like Dangerfield's remain unchanged, offering a glimpse into NYC's past despite the disappearance of authentic local businesses and rise of tourist traps

      New York City in the past, particularly in the gritty and infamous areas like Times Square, held a certain charm and allure, but it also had its darker sides. John Leguizamo shares stories of visiting a social club where infamous mob figures like John Gotti once hung out, highlighting the contrast between the romanticized notions of those days and the reality. The cleanup of Times Square led to the disappearance of authentic local businesses and the rise of tourist traps. The comedy club, Caroline's, serves as an example. Bobby, the doorman of the Dangerfield Comedy Club, was a formidable presence, employing old-school bouncer techniques. Despite the changes, iconic comedy clubs like Dangerfield's remain unchanged, offering a glimpse into the past.

    • Wild and Unpredictable Dummy Performances at Prom ShowsDummy performers at prom shows in the past were known for their bizarre and captivating acts, pushing boundaries with intense relationships and coming to life, sometimes leading to dummies being stolen.

      Prom shows in the past were wild and unpredictable events where high school students, often intoxicated, would attend after their prom night. These shows could last into the early hours of the morning, and performers like Otto and George would push the boundaries with acts involving dummies. One notable act involved George's dummy, whose head would flip back to reveal its "brain," and the performer's intense relationship with the dummy was a significant part of the act. Another act, Duncan Trussell's with his grandfather's dummy named Little Hobo, involved the dummy coming to life and singing along to Pink Floyd songs. These acts, while bizarre and captivating, sometimes led to the dummies being stolen, leaving the performers to replace them with new ones. The unique and often surreal nature of these performances left lasting impressions on audiences.

    • Encountering Complexity in People and BeliefsPeople and beliefs, including those labeled extreme or controversial, are multifaceted and require understanding beyond surface-level perceptions.

      People and beliefs, even those considered extreme or controversial, are complex and multifaceted. In the discussion, the speaker describes an encounter with individuals who identified as Satanists, challenging common stereotypes about Satanism as devil worship. Instead, they saw it as a form of hedonism, living for the moment and giving into carnal instincts. The speaker also shares anecdotes about meeting famous figures like Jacob Dylan and Willem Dafoe, highlighting the importance of understanding the evolution and diversity within individuals and their careers. Lastly, the speaker expresses his fascination with shows like Narcos, appreciating the complexity and nuance of figures like Pablo Escobar, despite their involvement in illegal activities. Overall, this conversation underscores the importance of looking beyond surface-level perceptions and recognizing the depth and complexity of people and their beliefs.

    • A chat about public figures, White House proximity, and archeryThe speaker shared stories about contrasting public images, enjoyed archery, pondered White House proximity, and considered opening a comedy club in D.C. with COVID-19 testing

      The discussion revolved around various topics including a large mugshot of a public figure, the proximity of the White House to the street, the potential of moving to Washington D.C., and the enjoyment of archery. The speaker expressed amusement about the contrasting images of the public figure, sharing anecdotes about his own experiences and preferences. They also mused about the proximity of the White House to the public and the historical use of weapons in warfare. The conversation then shifted to the idea of opening a comedy club in Washington D.C. and the feasibility of implementing rapid COVID-19 testing for audiences. The speaker expressed enthusiasm about the prospect of having Joe Rogan visit and perform at the potential club.

    • Returning to Live Comedy ShowsSpeakers share excitement for live comedy shows post-pandemic, appreciate safety measures, and discuss potential for podcast-style comedy shows with tough crowds and notable comedians.

      The speakers in this conversation express their excitement about returning to live comedy shows post-pandemic. They appreciate the safety measures in place and look forward to the experience of performing and attending shows without masks. The speakers also discuss the potential for creating a podcast-style comedy show with tough crowds and notable comedians, which they believe could be successful. Additionally, one speaker promotes his new book, "Overstated: A Roast of the 50 States," and shares stories from his travels around the US. Overall, the conversation reflects a shared enthusiasm for the return of live comedy and the potential for new and exciting experiences in the industry.

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    By the time Susan Messing was hired for the Chicago Main stage, she was already a legend in the world of improvisation, an icon in Chicago theater and one of, if not THE MOST sought after instructor in the artform. 

    But despite being a genuine trailblazer, Susan was still a woman. And sadly, even in 1999 the second city was still lagging behind when it came to equality.  She faced restrictions that weren’t imposed on any other actor for reasons that can only be linked to her gender and the expectations that Second city had for women at the time. 

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